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July 22, 1944 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1944-07-22

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4 i-othYeganai
Fifty-Fourth Year


SATURDAY; RTL Y 22, 1944

^M ?,ik aKEEP MO% l.IV'VING:

Educating the Uneducated



JN Most bookstores we have at least scale, sound-principled way that it


x ors ry s.w.
Edited and managed by students of the University
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Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44

Editorials published in The Michigan Daily.
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and represent the views of the writers only.

Consumed by Their Own Fire

Contrast iiCandidat es


D URING THIS WEEK the attention of Ameri-
cans everywhere has been focused on Chi-
cago, scene of the Democratic National Con-
vention. Few Americans have minimized the
importance of the coming war-time election;
most have recognized that ballots cast with an
understanding of issues before us can be as
effective as bullets in the winning of the war
and peace.
The campaigns have not yet really begun. So
far all the prospective voter has on which to base
his opinion are the party platforms, the past
actions of the two candidates, and the accept-
ance speeches which they made. For the record,
it might be a good idea to compare the two
The first point to notice, of course, is that
both men uequivocally stated that our first
jab is to win the war. Dewey: "Everything
...today . . . must be devoted, to the single
purpose of victory." Roosevelt: "What is
the job before us in 1944? First, to win the
war-to win it fast, to win it overwhelmingly."
Both men, in this instance, must be given,
credit for putting first things first.
But what is the second point? In Gov.
Dewey's speech he emphasized that "when we
have won the war, we shall still have to win
the peace." No one who remembers the tragic
mistakes of the '20's, when America isolated
herself from the world and raised high tariff
walls preventing free world trade, could dis-
agree with this. Dewey stated: "We shall not
make secure the peace of the world by mere
words. We cannot do it simply by drawing
up a fine-sounding treaty. It cannot be the
work of one man or of a little group of rulers
who meet together in private conferences."
Gov. Dewey's meaning here is a little obscure.
Surely he does not want us to make a town-
meeting affair out of the peace conference with
the entire people of all the nations involved
meeting together. And if -not that, does Dewey
mean to imply that the chosen chiefs of the
United Nations, who hold the full confidence of
their peoples, are not worthy of the task?
Or does Gov. Dewey wish to scrap the Atlan-
tic Charter, the conferences at Casablanca, at
Cairo, at Moscow and at Teheran? Does he
wish to forget the International Food Confer-
ence, UNRRA, the International Labor Confer-
ence, the International Education Conference,
the International Monetary Conference? This
is the record which President Roosevelt cited in
his speech.
Nazi Split?
ADOLPH HITLER implied yesterday that the
attempt on his life was the result of a split
in the German military clique upon which the
strength of Nazidom rests today. This en-
couraging news has been immediately seized
upon by American "analysts" as an indication of
the beginning of German disintegration. While
an attempt on the Fuehrer's life by some of his
own key men is good news to the Allies, there
is great danger of overemphasis of this news.
We cannot assume that Hitler would wil-
lingly broadcast the news of a potential
crack-up. Rather we must assume that the
seriousness of the attempt has been played
up in the hope of causing a relaxation in the
Allied military and civilian war effort. Over-
confidence on our part will do infinitely more
A... nw a.,o. bth- naar nnnin o n#f .wa x.

Gov. Dewey believes that the task of mak-
ing the peace "is no task to be entrusted to
stubborn men, grown old and tired and quar-
relsome in office. We learned that in 1919."
A reminder is due here that the United States
did not make peace in 1919, but signed its
treaty with Germany in 1921. And that treaty
was not the product of President Wilson's Ad-
ministration, but of the "Young" Republicans
under Harding.
T HE SECOND main point in Gov. Dewey's
speech to the Republican convention con-
cerned the home front. Here Gov. Dewey
claimed: "In the vital matters of taxation, price
control, rationing, labor relations, manpower, we
have become familiar with the spectaele of
wrangling, bungling and confusion." But what
are the facts? President Roosevelt, during his
eleven years in office has introduced the first
fair labor laws which the country knew, and
since the, war, over his veto the Republicans
passed the anti-labor Smith-Connally Act. In
the midst of the tremendous peace-time depres-
sion of the '30's, Republicans called for a bal-
anced budget-an impossibility without either
raising taxes or cutting dovwn on essential
relief and recovery work. Today, during unpar-
alleled war prosperity, the President's 10 billion
dollar tax bill was shelved in favor of a weaker
bill, passed over his veto. Price control has not
been as effective as possible, nor rationing-and
the President has admitted that. But Gov.
Dewey fails to admit that it was the scuttling
of OPA appropriations by Reactionary Republi-
cans which'has made for inefficiency.
Again President Roosevelt presented his rec-
ord in answer to his critics. He said of the
American people: "They will not decide these
questions by reading glowing words or platform
pledges,. . . they will decide on the record."
DEWEY'S third major point was one which in
the past has been too often neglected by
the Republicans: "We Republicans are agreed
that full employment shall be a first objective
of national policy. By full employment I mean
a real chance for every man and woman to earn
a decent living at a decent .wage." Gov. Dewey
continued: "The present administration has nev-
er solved this fundamental problem of jobs and
opportunity. It never can solve this problem."
It is a good thing to see, for a change, the
Republican Party taking cognizance of the
seriousness of the employment problem. But
again, the President in his speech gave the
appropriate answer to Gov. Dewey: "The
American people will also decide this fall
whether they will entrust the task of post-
war reconversion to those who offered the
veterans of the last war breadlines and apple-
selling and who finally led the American people
down to the abyss of 1932; or whether they
will leave it to those who rescued American
business, agriculture, industry, finance and
labor in 1933, and who have already planned
and put through legislation to help our vet-
erans resume their normal occupations in a
well-ordered reconversion process."
Gov. Dewey, when mentioning the fact that
there were still men unemployed in 1940 after
seven years of a Roosevelt administration,
forgot to mention that after seven years of
Republican rule in the '20's came the crash of
'29. And he neglected to point out that when
FDR took office in 1933 after 12 years of GOP
administrations, there were htween 15 an9r1 0

Par tyS hindig*
CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. July 21-One comes
away from the two conventions with the
feeling that these are fine institutions. There
is nothing in Europe quite like our national
political conventions. Party meetings abroad
are relatively private and quiet affairs; they
are not truly national; they are chiefly of in-
terest to party members. Under the European
plan, any group of persons with a decided idea
of its own, forms, its own party. The method is
clubby, but dull.
Our own national political clambakes are
quite different. Each of the two parties sets
up store for everybody, and everybody comes.
The Other Fellow's Party
The liberal press of America becomes sort of
Republican for the Republican meeting. It piles
right in. It demands that the party pay more
attention to Mr. Willkie. It holds its head and
groans when the, party does not. It moans
heartbrokenly over the sad fate which has be-
fallen the G. O. P;; liberals behave for the
occasion like honorary members of the Union
League Club.
When the Democrats came to Chicago, por-
tions of the Republican press became sort of
Democratic; Colonel Robert R. McCormick's
Chicago "Tribune" carried on like fury about
how the Northern wing of the Democratic party
was mistreating the Southern wing of the Demo-
cratic ,party, all with a straight face, although
within a week, obviously, the "Tribune" will be
consigning both wings of the party to the bot-
tommost pit.
Clambake and Festival
The clambake and picnic, or festival, aspect of
these affairs, the elaborate national press cover-
age, even the somewhat idiotic interest in the
proceedings whioh is displayed by the blondes
in the Pump Room, all make up, I think, a
great and original American contribution to
the science of politics. For one thing, this
system prevents the rise of doctrinaire parties,
of special and limited appeal.
Any American party which cuts itself off
from any major section of American life is
done for. The American parties have to make'
sense to everybody, or try to, like department
stores. If the Republicans rather specialize
in old lockets and push their hand-made lace
department, while the Democrats concentrate
more on corn-cob pipes and hamburgers, it
still remains true that each is in a general
line of trade, and weach is fighting for the
other one's customers.
If the democratic way of life requires that
we find accomodations (even temporary and
unstable ones, which are better than none)
among all conflicting interest, then we may
regard these big national conventions as trial
accomodations, trial flights; trial balances of
the national ledger; projections of proposed
formulas under which, it is argued, the whole
country can get along together for. four
From this point of view, a dangerous tendency
has cropped up in recent Republican criticism of.
the role of the C. I. O. Political Action Com-
mittee at the Democratic convention. Some Re-
publican newspapers seem to be suggesting that
the C. I. O. should have been ignored, that the
Democrats should have nicked it un h exrnn

a chance of walking out with
something left in our wallet, because
the books are either too expensive or
too much like texts or novels out of
the Saturday Evening Post. But in
the new bookstore across the street
from the Art Institute and the Rack-
ham Building in Detroit, there is no
hope at all.
It has pamphlets of all sizes and
shapes and prices. It has books you
have been meaning to buy for years,
and ones you have never seen before
on subjects which deeply concern
you. It has record albums of Burl
Ives singing "The Foggy, Foggy
Dew," the Almanac Singers in "Dear
Mr. President," and "The Old Chis-
olm Trail." It is a large, well-stock-
ed store, and is constantly full of
customers who come in "just to
browse" and who leave with heavy
packages under their arms. Service-
men and union members get a twen-
ty per cent discount on everything
they buy here.
This is the UAW-CIO Bookstore,
the most complete one in this part of
the country. The UAW went into
the book business in the same large-
VOL. LIV No. 14-S
All notices for The Daily Official Buli.-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
summer Session, in typewritten form
by 3:30 p. in. of the day preceding its
publication, except on satarday when
the notices should be submitted by
11:30 a.. ,
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts, Schools of Education, For-
estry, Music and Public Health: Stu-
dents who received marks of I or X
at the close of their last semester or
summer session of attendance will
receive a grade of E in the course or
courses unless this work is made up
by Aug. 3. Students wishing an ex-
tension of time beyond this date in
order to make up this work should
file a petition addressed to the appro-
priate official in their school with
Rm. 4, U.H., where it will be trans-
Robert L. Williams
Assistant Registrar
School of Education Students:
Courses dropped after today will be
recorded with the grade of E except
under extraordinary circumstances.
No course is considered officially
dropped unless it has been reported
in the Office of the Registrar, Rm.4,
University Hall.
Mr. Brady from the Eastman Ko-
dak Company, Rochester, N.Y., will
be in the office Tuesday, July 25, to
interview women with one or more
years of Chemistry or Physics; Me-
chanical Engineers, Chemical Engi-
neers. Make appointments at the
Bureau, 201 Mason Hall, or call
Extension 371.
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information
Students, College of Literature,
Science and the Arts: Election cards
filed after the end of the first week
of the semester may be accepted
by the Registrar's Office only if they
are approved by Assistant Dean E. A.
Walter. Students who fail to file
their election blanks by the close of
the third week, even though they
have registered and have attended
classes unofficially, will forfeit their
privilege of continuing in the Colloge.
Candidates for the Teacher's Cer-
tificate for August and October:
Please call at the office of the School
of Education, 1437 University Ele-

mentary School, on Wednesday or
Thursday, July 26 and 27, between
1:30 and 4:30 to take the Teacher's
Oath. This is a requirement for the
To all male students in the College
of Literature, Science, and the Arts:
By action of the Board of Regents,
all male students in residence in this
College must elect Physical Educa-
tion for Men. This action has been
effective since June, 1943, and will
continue for the duration of the war.
Students may be excused from
taking the course by (1) The Uni-
versity Health Service, (2) The Dean
of the College or by his representa-
tive, (3) The Director of Physical
Education and Athletics.
Petitions for exemption by stu-
re-examine their attitude toward
the C. 1. 0., and look into their
own hearts, and wonder about the
dangers of running too refined an
establishment, and about the
dangers, also, of becoming too nar-
row. The two-party system has
thrived only because the doors of

went into Detroit with the slogan,
"Organize the Unorganized" - and
made it a union town in seven years.
Union members have to read books
these days, in order to understand
the complexities of their jobs, seni-
ority, subsidies, post-war "full em-
ployment," the taxing program, cost-
plus contracts. Thirty years ago, if
you wanted to understand what was
going on all you needed to do was
read about ten good pamphlets and
hear a speech by Gene Debs, or a
plea to the jury by Clarence Darrow,
or be around when Big Bill Hay-
wood harangued.
But a great deal has happened
in these thirty years-the rise ind
fall of the Industrial Workers of
the World, the initiation of a
rmovement for industrial unionism
in the AFL during the twenties
(Trade Union Education League),
and in the thirties, the formation
of the CIO and the formulation of
a body of federal labor legislation.
If you're a member of a bargain-
ing committee or the grievance
board today, you have to under-
stand the workings of the NLRB,
War Labor Board, Supreme Court
interpretations. And you have to
know what John Maynard Keynes
is talking about, and Veblen. and
Hanson and Beveridge and White,
as well as the fundamentals of
trade union economics.
N this election year you have to
learn how the political system
works, and who really runs the two
traditional parties. You have to
know "The Economic Interpretation
of the Constitution" as Beard wrote
it, and "America's Sixty Families,"
by Gustavus Myers; the history of
the Populist movement in the '90's,
and Lincoln Steffens' discussion of
"reformers" in politics. You have
to know what happened in Spain and
China and Italy and Russia and
France in this generation-and what
is happening there now. You have
to dip into the book of Heywood
Broun's collected columns, and read
big chunks of "The Democratic
Spirit," Howard Smith's collection in-
cluding Roger Williams, Bartolomeo
Vanzetti, Alex Hamilton, Mike Gold,
Abe Lincoln, Andy Jackson, and a
great many etcetras. You have to
pick up the folders on Techniques of
Doorbell Ringing, illustrated by
Crockett Johnson in best Sen. O'Mal-
ley style.
Bt this bookstore isn't full just
of heavy factual material. One sec-
tion is filled with fiction and poetry
and art reproductions. For a while,
it was the only store in Detroit
selling Lillian Smith's "Strange
Fruit," sometimes as many as two
hundred copies a day. Workers
read fiction-"FOB Detroit," "Un-
derground Stream," "Bread and
Wine," "Citizens," , "Grapes of
Wrath," "Native Son." And they
read poetry-"The People, Yes,"
"Negro Caravan," Auden, Eliot,
Yeats. They read the literature
of the working class and they read
the current classics. And read-
ing it, they will learn to write. It
will become part of their lives like
paying their union dues . . . not
"art" with the "h" as across the
street in Detroit's "cultural cen-
tah"- (although in the long run
it will be exhibited there.) It
won't be as crude as Mr. Dooley
dents in this College should be ad-
dressed by freshmen to Professor
Arthur Van Duren, Chairman of the
Academic Counsellors (108 Mason
Hall); by all other students to Assis-
tant Dean E. A. Walter (1220 Angell
Except under very extraordinary
circumstances no petitions will be
considered after the en'd of the third
week of the Fall Term.
The Administrative Board of the
College of Literature, Science,
and the Arts

University of Michigan Men's Glee
Club: Important rehearsal Monday,
July 24, 7 to 9 p.m., 3rd Floor, Michi-
gan Union, in preparation for the
All-Campus Sing next week. All men
on campus including servicemen are
cordially invited to come to this
rehearsal and join the club in this'
event. David Mattern
Students, Summer Session, College
of Literature, Science and the Arts;
Except under extraordinary circum-
stances, courses dropped after today
will be recorded with a grade of E.
E. A. Walter
School of Education: Changes of
Elections in the Summer Term: No
course may be elected for credit after
Saturday, July 22. Students must
report all changes of elections at the
Registrar's Office, Rm. 4, University
Hall. Membership in a class does not
cease nor begin until all changes have
been thus officially registered. Ar-
rangements made with the instruc-
tors are not official changes.
Medical Students: The University
Automobile Regulations will be lifted

in the '90's in the Chicago papers,
but it will be as forceful. It will
be like the best of Odets-Stein-
beck-Wright-Malraux, and it
will be the important literature of
the twentieth century,
It will settle a lot of disputes about
whether there is or can be good pro-
letarian literature in the United
States: now that the workers have
started reading they'll start to write.
When the UAW sets out to do a job:
Organize the Unorganized, Register
the Unregistered, Educate the Un-
educated-they get resuls,


More on Cynicism .
AS MR. ROSENBERG has twice
written in answer to my letter
on his views of life and literature,
a reply is only due coutesy, but I
have waited a few days in the hope
that some specialist in English or
American literature, better equipped
than either of us, might join the dis-
cussion. Moreover, so many minor
poilts and side issues have been
raised that it would be difficult to
consider them all and still keep with-
in the inexorable limits of an edit-
or's available space. One might, for
example, go into the question of
whether Walter Lippman's list of
war aims is really exhaustive, or
only partial; whether Athenian and
Shakespearian tragedy does not exalt
and not merely depress; whether
Cronin (the author of the grim and
even ghastly Hatter's Castle) is
really a chirpy optimist, and many
other points. But I prefer to let
these minor matters go by default
and concentrate on a more important
matter: what is the most fruitful at-
titude towards life.
"This is no. time for happiness.
Happiness today is a snare and a
delusion . . . pessimism is obliga-
tory." All this at the moment
when the tyrannies which have
darkened the whole world for
eleven years are beginning to crack
at last. Oh, I know that noUtopia
will emerge from this war. There
will be petty nationalisms and pet-
ty factionalisms, intrigue and cor-
rupon. European imperialists;
American isolationists, sentimental
slush for the masses in the popular
magazines, morbid slush for the
few in the highbrow periodicals.
But it is improbable that the world
will again suffer from anything
quite as badas the Nazi despotism.
The most horrible nightmare in
history has been lifted by the sac-
rifice of millions of men and
women in a score of nations. This
is tragedy, but it is tragedy in the
sense of Shakespeare, not of
Strindberg; it is agony and heroic
effort, not futility and frustration.
But even if the actual political
skies were darker, would it be wise
to sink into the lethargy of dejection?
Is not despair closely akin to defeat-
ism? By a strange coincidence, on
the very page on which Mr. Rosen-
berg decried hope as a pernicious
delusion, Samuel Grafton wrote a
column in which he pointed out that
hope was identical with what a sol-
dier calls "morale." Mr. Rosenberg
says "I cannot subscribe to the theory
that cheerful indomitable souls win
.all the battles"; Grafton says "the
confident coward may sometimes
even be a more useful soldier than
the hopeless brave man". At least
it must be admitted that only a few
rare Stoical souls are capable of put-
ting up their best fight, if they think
they are fighting in vain. Historic-
ally, I have known of very few bat-
tles (either military or civic) won by
dejected persons, and many won by
those whose spirits (like Churchill's
in 1940) rose highest in the darkest
-Preston Slosson
Tuesday, July 25: Professor Preston
W. Slosson, Department of History,
will present his weekly lecture "In-
terpreting the News" at 4:10 p.m.,
Rackham Amphitheatre. The public
is cordially invited.
Speech Assembly: Wednesday, July
26 Professor Claribel Baird will give
a program of selected readings at the
assembly of the Department of
Speech at 3 p.m. in the Rackham

Amphitheatre. The program is open
to the public.
Wednesday, July 26: Dr. Jose Per-
domo of Colombia will lecture in
Spanish on "Colombia-Donde Em-
pieza Sur America" at 8 p.m., Kellog
Auditorium. Open to the general
public without charge.
Thursday, July 27: Professor Shih
Chia Chu will give his weekly lecture

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