Clear and Continued Cool
FDR for
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Officers Attempt
of Hitler
Leaders of
Army Plot
Fuehrer's Speech
Implies Nazi Split
By the Associated Press
LONDON, July 21, Friday-Adolf
Hitler, burned and bruised by a bomb
explosion, told the world today that
a -group of German army officers
attempted' to assassinate him Thurs-
day to prepare for surrender "as in
1918," but asserted the conspiracy
had been nipped by speedy, ruthless
Shortly afterward it was an-
nouced officially that "the ring-
leaders either have been shot or com-
mitted suicide." Among those exe-
cuted, it said, was the man accused
byHitler of planting the bomb-Col.
Count Von Stauffenberg.
Revolt To Be Crushed
Hitler called it the Ivork of "a
small clique of stupid officers," but
implied strongly that it was actually
a wide-open split in the German
army and he outlined a broad and
ruthless program to put down the
incipient revolt.
He appointed Heinrich Himmler,
chief of the dreaded Gestapo, to be
commander-in-chief on the home
front to exterminate all opposition
"ruthlessly," and declared:
"I orde that no military authority,
no leader of any unit, no soldier in
the field, is to obey any order ema-
nating from these usurpers.
"I also order that it is everyone's
duty to arrest--or, if they resist, to
kill on sight-anyone issuing or han-
ding on such orders."
Report Hitler in Holland
A German underground source in
London, which cannot be named,
suggested that a rift in the Nor-
mandy command over Marshal Erwin
Rommel's demand for more troops,
and Hitler's support of Marshal
Guenther Von Kluge's refusal, might
have touched off a fight at Rohmmel's
headquarters in Breda, Holland, sim-
ilar to a recent pistol-shooting quar-
rel among German generals in Ath-
ens. This source said Hitler was at
Breda on Wednesday. s
"The following members of his
entourage were severely injured: Lt.-
Gen. Schmundt, Col. Brandt and ad-
viser Berger.
Fuehrer Receives Mussolini
"The following suffered lighter in-
juries: Col.-Gen. Jodl, Gens. Horten,
Buhle, Bodenschatz, Heusinger and
Scherff, Admirals Voss and Von Putt-
kamer, Captain Assmann,. and Lt.-
Col. Borgmann.
"The Fuehrer himself suffered no
injuries except light burns and bruis-
es.rHe has immediately resumed his
work and, as scheduled, received the
Duce (Benito Mussolini) for a leng-
thy conversation. A short time after
the attempt, the Reichsmarshal
(Hermann Goering) arrived to see
the Fuehrer."
British Forces
Take Troarn
Five German Divisions
Smashed in Normandy
SHAEF, Friday, July 21-(AP)-
British tanks and infantry smashed
into the enemy stronghold of Troarn
and threatened to cut it off from
the south last night at the height of
vicious, fluid fighting that has badly
mauled fiveor 13 German divisions
blocking the road to Paris.
In the northern most of three
drives aimed at the 'heart of France,
the British First seized the railway
station of Troarn, eight miles east
of Caen, and an infantry column
struck out for St. Pair anduhigh
ground less than a mile south of
The British beat off a counter-at-
tack and relentlessly pressed the Ger-
-mans back against the tidal marshes
_r a1__ --1-_----m
Roosevelt Predicts
World Peace;
Cheers Foreign Plank
By The Associated Pfess
CHICAGO, July 20-The Democratic Convention tonight shouted rati-
fication of a 1944 platform pledging the party, if retained in power, to lead
America into an association of sovereign nations to maintain peace-by
the use of arms, if necessary.
From the Mississippi delegation, apparently reflecting the Southern
"revolt" on the race issue, came an attempt to get a roll call on the
platform, but the motion failed to the necessary one-fifth support for such
a poll of delegates.'
The platform pledged continuation and improvement of the Democratic
administration's domestic program, and was loud in its praises of Franklin
D. Roosevelt. It promised the "earliest possible release" of wartime
economic controls.
Ignored were Southern pleas for a
states rights declaration, although
the document made no specific men-
tion of a permanent Fair Employ-
ment Practices Commission or anti-
poll tax and anti-lynching laws, as
did the Republican platform adopted
here in June.r
Race Question Included
On the race question, the party
"We believe that racial and reli-
gious minorities have the right to
live, develop and vote equally with
all citizens and share the rights that >f'.
are guaranteed by our constitution.
Congress should exert its full con- ..
stitutional power to protect those-
To augment international associa-
tions for world peace, the platform
put the party on record for a "world
free press," to facilitate free and un-
trammeled interchange of news
among nations. The free press plank
Rights of Free Press Upheld
"We believe in the world right of all men to write, send and publish
news at uniform communication rates and without interference by gov-
ernmental or private monopoly and that right should be protected by
"To join with the other United Nations in the establishment of an
international organization based on the principles of the sovereign equality
of all peace-loving states, open to membership by all such states, large and
small, for the prevention of aggression and the maintenance of interna-
tional peace and security.
"To make all necessary and effective agreements and arrangements
through which the nations would maintain adequate forces to meet the
needs of preventing war and of making impo'ssible the preparation for war
and which would have such forces available for joint action when necessary.
Armed Force Termed Necessary
"Such organization must be endowed with power to employ armed
forces when necessary to prevent aggression and preserve peace.
i "We favor the maintenance of an international court of justice of
which the United States shall be a member and the employment of diplo-
macy, conciliation, arbitration and other like methods where appropriate
in the settlement of international disputes." See PLATFORM, Page 4
By The Associated Press
BASE, July 20-President Roosevelt tonight accepted a precedent-smash-
ing fourth-term nomination for president with the prediction that another
four years will find the world at permanent peace and declared:
"New hands will then have full opportunity to realize the ideals which
we seek."
No Mention of Dewey
Mr. Roosevelt made no personal mention of Gov. Thomas E. Dewey,
his Republican opponent, but he said the voters this fall have the choice
of turning the government over to "inexperienced and immature hands" or
continuing in office those who already are planning a permanent world
peace and security.
The President said his fourth term decision "is based solely on a
sense of obligation to serve if called upon to do so by the people of the
United States."
He said he was at the base "in the performance of my duties under
the constitution" and declared:
"The war waits for no elections, Decisions must be made-plans must
be laid-strategy must be carried out.
"They do not concern merely a party or group. They will affect the
daily lives of Americans for generations to come."
Mr. Roosevelt outlined the administration's post-war aims to join
the United States in an international organization, empowered to use
military might of participating nations to keen the future peace.
Also being planned, he said, are the blueprints for a domestic economy
to provide "employment and recent standards of living for all Ameri-
People To Decide
"The people of the United States will decide this fall whether they
wish to turn over this 1944 job-this world-wide job-to inexperienced
and immature hands," the president said, "to those who opposed lend lease
and international cooperation against the forces of aggression and tyranny
until they could read the polls of popular sentiment; or whether they wish
to leave it to those who saw the danger from abroad, who met it head on,
and who now have seized the offensive and carried the war to its present
stages of success, to those who by international conferences and united
actions have begun to build that kind of common understanding and
cooperative experience which will be so necessary in the world to come."
Cites GOP Record
"They will also decide this fall whether they will entrust' the task of
post-war reconversion to those who offered the veterans of the last war
breadlines and apple-selling and who finally led the American people
down to the abyss of 1932; or whether they will leave it to those who
rescued American business, agriculture, industry, finance and labor in
1933, and who have already planned and put through legislation to help
our veterans resume their normal occupations in a well-ordered reconver-
sion process.
"They will not decide these questions by reading flowing words of
platform pledges-the mouthings of those who are willing to promise
anything and everything-contradictions, inconsistencies, impossibilities
-anything which might snare a few votes here and a few votes there."
And into the record on the side of the administration he put our
military success,. war and food nroduction "unparalleled in all history,"
the Atlantic Charter and the Moscow declaration and "our accom-
plishments in recovery and reform since March 4, 1933."
Mr. Roosevelt reiterated his statement of last week, that he will not
run for office in the usual political sense.
Was Senator Byrd
Win War, Form World Organization,
Provide Employment Is FDR's Plan
By The Associated Press
CHICAGO STADIUM, July 20-From a Pacific Coast Naval base,
President Roosevelt accepted afourth .term nomination tonight and told
a wartime Democratic National Convention-arid America- to take a
look at the record and then determine whether to entrust a worldwide job
"to inexperienced and immature hands."
His familiar voice came by radio into a vast stadium where delegates,
embroiled in a stirring scrap over selection of his running mate, had given
him 1,086 out of 1,176 votes for renomination. Senator Harry F. Byrd
of Virginia chalked up 89. One went to Mr. Roosevelt's estranged, one-
time political ally, James A. Farley of New York.
<>Complete victory within the next
Fresh Air Camp P
Opens Drive onh
Campuis Today P
Campers Solicit Funds
For Summer Vacations a
Boy campers from nine to 13 years f
old will come to the campus and Ann
Arbor today to collect nickels, dimes n
and quarters for the University's r
Fresh Air Camp.s
The camp, which relies largely n
upon gifts for its support, has a
dual purpose. It gives underprivileg-
d boys from Michigan cities a montho
of vacation and sunshine, and it isA
a training ground for students inp
sociology, education and psychology.
200 Will Receive Benefitsf
Ninety-six boys are attending the
July session and approximately thata
same number will receive benefitss
of the camp in Augst.-
Means for recreation are plentiful
with swimming as the favorite sport,r
Boys also learn to row boats.x
Boys are encouraged to develops
their own particular talents in cabin
programs. Counselors do their partl
in entertaining and a homespun
drama is not unusual. Special tieat
of the July session was a visitinge
magician and weekly movies. L
Handicraft, such as metal work1
and wood work and nature study oc-
cupy part of the daytime hours.
Sundays Catholic boys are taken toI
Pinckney to church and Protestants
have their services in the afternoon
at the camp.
Picked by welfare agencies, the7
campers come mainly from south-
eastern Michigan and are, supervis-
ed by 23 full and part-time counsel-
Boys Carefully Studied
A careful study of each boy, hi
personality traits, character, habits,
reactions to other boys, is made by
camp counselors. Often helpful sug-
gestions can be made to parents or
other interested persons. ,
In one case, a boy sent out to
FAC was found to be maladjusted
and unable to get along with the
other campers. It was found, how-
ever, that the boy had great mech-
anical skill and arrangements were
made to have him transferred from
an unhappy home environment to a
farm where he had many opportuni-
ties to experiment with machinery
and became normal and well adjust-
In numerous other instances FAC
has helped boys to happier lives. It
is for this purpose that contributions
are needed.
Yanks Hit Germany
For Third Day
LONDON, July 20--(AP)-Nearly
3,000 American warplanes smashed
into Germany from Britain and Italy
for the third straight day today and
pounded at least ten important ob-
jectives rounding out the greatest
massed air assault ever mounted
against the enemy.
A great fleet of more than 1,200
Four years seems wholly likely, the
President said. Then, in what ap-
eared to be an. assurance that he
"ould not seek a fifth term, said that
te would "retire to a private life."
Apparently epitomizing his own
personal platform for the battle to
keep Governor Thomas E. Dewey of
New York out of the White House,
Ar. Roosevelt outlined a three-point
world-wide job for 1944:
Outlines 3-Point Program
"First, to win the war-to win it
fast, to win it overpoweringly.
"Second, to form world-wide inter-
national organizations, and to ar-
range to use the armed forces of the
sovereign nations of the world to
make another war impossible within
"Third, to build an economy for
he foreseeable future
our returning vetertns and for all
Americans-which will provide em-
ployment and decent standards of
Every eye, in the stadium seemed
focussed on the microphones which
stood on the speaker's stand. High
above them hung a batter of loud-
speakers from which the President's
voice came.
Afterwards the organ struck up the
national anthem, soon the words were
pouring from every throat and a
spotlight played on a tremendous
flag in the lofty stadium girders.
Delegates Wanted To Stay
But when Chairman Samuel Jack-
son banged his gavel, apparently to
entertain a motion for adjournment
until tomorrow, the delegates would
have none of it.
They acted as if they wanted to
vote on a vice-presidential choice
right then.
Up in the balconies came a cry:
"We want Wallace." It was picked
up on the floor by dozens of delegates.
Twenty minutes later Jackson ham-
mered through a motion to hold off
until tomorrow a decision on the
hotly-contested race in which Tru-
man was in a stretch drive to catch
hard-running Wallace.
Wallace was out in front with
316'/2 votes claimed and pledged to-
ward the 589 needed to renominate
But the 60-year-old Missouri chair-
man of the Senate war investigating
committee was picking up strength
from the south.
Bombers Raid
Bonin Islands
Naval Assault of Guam
Causes Heavy Damage
20-Land-based U. S. heavy bomb-
ers, presumably from Saipan, made
their first foray into the Bonin
Islands Tuesday, within 630 miles
of Tokyo, Adm. Chester W. Nimitz
announced today.
A 15-day blasting of Japanese-held
Guam from the air and sea has
wrought "widespread and heavy
damage" on that American island,
lost at the war's outset, Nimitz added.
The campaign to'neutralize Guam's
defenses reached a peak on Monday
and Tuesday, when 801 tons of
bombs were poured on it and nearby
Rota Island. Nimitz revised the total
upward today but failed to report
Russian Forces
Gain 32 Miles
In Lublin Drive
LONDON, July 20-(AP)-RussianI
t'roops smashing 32 miles through
tottering German lines in the eighth
major offensive in 28 days reached
the Central Bug River tonight only
50 miles from the big rail city of
Lublin in the heart of Poland, and in
other places Soviet forces were only
a two-hour march from German East
Red Army troops for the first time
in the war appeared ready to burst
onto the soil of Germany proper in
East Prussia, where a Moscow dis-
patch said "A serious panic" had de-
South of the new front, which ex-
ploded west of Kowel, other flying
Russian columns broke into the
plains beyond by-passed Lwow and
captured the rail junction of Rawa
Ruska, only 200 miles from German
Anericans Advance
Across Arno Valley
ROME, July 20-(AP)-American
troops battered their way across the
Arno River Valley on a 25-mile front
between Pisa and Florence today as
German forces, bewildered by the
ayrrP A rP~ Ak-fhrrn~1i 'h_ rtrea~ted1
First Negro Worker Arrives
At South Lyon Defense Factory
special to The Daily
SOUTH LYON, July 20-In the
face of war production needs, prece-
dent was shattered here this week
when a Negro worker began his du-
ties at the Michigan Seamless Tube
Co., where race prejudice has held up
urgently needed war production for
more than a month.
William McHattie, president of
this vital war plant, reported every-
thing in "good shape" yesterday. The
race prejudice deadlock with the
local CIO union opposing the impor-
tation of Nisei Japanese and the
townspeople fearing Negro workers
appears to have been broken.'
Discontent Is Reported
Although calm was reported from
both the town and war plant, mur-
murs of discontent were heard in the
Federal Housing Project where the
Negroworker and his family are be-
ing housed, Elmer Swack, director,
revealed yesterday.
In a meeting immediately after
the arrival of the new resident, the
tenant council demanded; that the
Negro family and any future fami-
lies live in the "south end" of the
project-away from everybody else;
that separate laundry and washroom
fan1ities be rnnred and that. all
hibiting discrimination and segrega-
tion, and the additional expense in-
volved would be prohibitive at this
time," he added.
Swack made it clear that "we are
going to try to integrate these people
into the community on an equal basis
with all other tenants. We want them
1 I
Outside Dances
Will Be Held
Dancing under the stars to the
music of Billy Layton and his
orchestra from 9 p.m. to midnight
today and every Friday and Sat-
urday at Palmer Field is the new
entertainment novelty now offered
to University students.
"The Union and League are
offering their services to make this
series of dance features a suc-
cess," Layton said. The dances
will be open to everyone and ad-
mission will be charged.
The Bomber Scholarship Com-
mittee will operate refreshment
concession where soft drinks may
be purchased. This student or-
ganization was established to raise
Helen Bower
Will Address
Campus Women
Miss Helen Bower, well-known Mi-
chigan newspaperwoman, will speak
to campus women at a rally of all
undergraduate and graduate coeds
at 7:30 p. m. Monday in the Rack-
ham auditorium, it was announced
yesterday by Pat Coulter, '45,
Women's War Council president.
Every woman on campus is urged
to attend the meeting, which is be-
ing sponsored by the War Council
with the theme centering around
woman's place and potential posi-
tion in the present social system.
Miss Alice Lloyd, dean of women, will
introduce the speaker, and the War
Council will add a skit to the pro-
ceedings. The program will be ap-
proximately one-half hour in length.
Miss Bower, who is best-known
for her book-review column in the
Detroit Free Press, left the Univer-
sity in 1916 to join the staff of the
Free Press and travel around the
world for the newspaper. On Campus
she was a member of Kappa Kappa
Gamma and is at present editor of
the "Key," national magazine of the
In great demand as a speaker be-
cause of her humorous style and
authoritative evaluation of what
women are doing in the world today,
Miss Bower is well-known throughout