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Clark of CBS
Lectures on
Announcer Tells How
Radiomen Are Trained
"The announcer is the office boy
of radio, having opportunity to ob-
serve all aspects and departments
of the field: engineering, produc-
tion, casting, music," Harry Clark,
CBS announcer, in a lecture spon-
sored by the speech department, said
"Many announcers have learned
these various other aspects so thor-
oughly that they have been able to
turn from announcing to one of
them," Mr. Clark said.
Split Second Timing Needed
"Announcing is a split-second busi-
ness," he reported. "Commercial
and sustaining announcers and news
commentators broadcast on the same
program from different rooms, and
must time their comments exactly."
Newscasters today, in addition,
must be prepared for interruptions
through the circuit with Normandy
and other battlefronts set up by the
government and maintained by all
major networks, he explained.
"Radio networks get the same news
at the same time as the press
through AP, UP, and' INS teletype
machines. Newspapers, however,
have more space than radios have
time in which to elaborate on the
news. Radios can give the leads to
the public, which they follow up in
the newspapers. Radio has the ad-
vantage of being able to get the
news out to the public before the
Although spot news from Nor-
mandy beachheads may seem to be
ad lib, through the skill of announc-
ers, every bit of news must be writ-
ten out and go through rigid censor-
ship before it can be broadcast.
Important qualifications of an-
.nouncers, according to Mr. Clark,
are: natural inclination for self -ex-,
pression, as shown up in childhood
and through school years, pleasant,
friendly voice quality without dialect,
intelligence, and well-rounded edu-
Ballet Club To Hold First
Summer Meeting Today
Coeds interested in continuing the
University Ballet Club throughout
the summer session and term are
invited to a meeting at 2:30 p. m. to-
day in the Barbour Gymnasium
dance studio.
Anyone interested in the club who
is unable to attend the initial meet-
ing may call Miss Rae Larsen at
2-4896. A permanent time for club
meetings will be decided upon today.
Sel- _ .RIGA:~j~CTI
Lipaau a 4
_ R. Petrucanki
Memel \~ Daugavpils sa
Alytus Borisov.
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FST ==. ass Ldat
E. Prussio n -der'
Bialystoksvsloc Baranow cze
SRovbitski RUSI
rest Drogichin PINSK
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Rado r 0
Lublin Kowe l
Kielce Cel
POLAND : kRo so
- - - ---STATUTE Mk.ES
WHERE RED ARMY DRIVE$ AHEAD-Arrows locate Red Army
advances including: (1) capture of Drogichin; (2) a thrust near Brest
Litovsk capturing Vydomla and a drive toward Bialystok taking Svi-
sloch; (3) a push across the Nieman river and (4) an advance into
Latvia to capture Petrucenki. Heavy broken line, is approxicate battle
T' etransSeric Bsea
Lobanov Claims
Russia Will Not
Annex Poland
Reds Desire To Make
Port of Leningrad Free
Russia has no desire to annex Pol-
and or Finland, declared Prof. Andrei
Lobanov in lecturing on "Russia and
the War" yesterday in the Rackham
He did say that there were
territorial problems with these
and other countries in whose settle-
ment Russia will play a leading role.
"Russia wants to get back the con-
trol of the Gulf of Finland so that
the port of Leningrad is free," stated
Mr. Lobanov. He described the man-
ner in which the Finns had built the
Mannerheim Line, so that the guns
from the line could control traffic in
Leningrad, the only port that Rus-
sia has on the open sea. Germany
helped Finland finance the building
of this fortress line.
Concerning the Baltic states, Prof.
Lobanov described the ties that these
small nations have with Russia, and
showed that it would be healthier for
them "to be eaten" by Russia rather
than by Germany.
Mr. Lobanov then gave the inter-
ests that Stalin had in Poland. The
Curzon Line for many reasons is the
natural and logical frontier, he said.
As to the Russians' interest in re-
annexing Bessarabia, he suggested
that these reasons are more senti-
mental than vital to the welfare of
These are the only territorial ad-
vantages that will accrue to Russia
from the war. But there is one more
thing.As a safety zone against any
possible invasion in the future, Rus-
sia will capitalize on her dominant
position in most of the Slavic states,
and consider these countries under
her zone of influence with more or
less the same attitude that the Unit-
ed States had with the Central Amer-
ican countries a few years ago.
Mr. Lobanov concluded his lecture
by showing that for Russia coopera-
tion with the Allied powers was the
best move Russia could make in her
own interest.
Russia ...
(Continued from Page 1)
Aunt Ruth Asks for Dailies To
Send to 'U' Students in Service
Many more copies of the Michi-
gain Daily are requested by Mrs.
Ruth Buchanan to send to former
University students now in the army,
navy and marine corps.
Stuc'ents now on campushare ask-
ed to bring the copies of this seme-
ster's Daily to the information of-
fice in the Museums building or to
her office. During the year one per-
son from each dorm, league house or
sorority has been appointed to col-
lect the copies each week and take
them to the Museums building.
50 Names on Mailing List
Miss Buchanan, who has been of-
fering this service from the past two
years, now has about 50 names on
her mailing list. The naval and ma-
rine corps men who have just left
the campus have increased this list
and thus the request for more Dailies.
The men who have been on the
receiving end of this mail are "very
thankful to get the papers and can
hardly wait until they arrive. If
they are late or the mail plane does-
n't arrive, then the boys really know
what it is to miss the Dailies," Miss
Buchanan said.
Papers Passed Around
The papers are passed around the
ships and are read by everybody
regardless of different colleges at-
tended. Football season inevitable
brings up many discussions and bets
An average of 10 to 12 returning
veterans each week are being aided
by the University's Veterans Service
Bureau which coordinates the most
thorough and complete guidance ser-
vice available anywhere in Michigan.
In more than one-third of the
cases so far, this University service
has suggested to men who wanted to
enroll at Ann Arbor that their indi-
vidual case would be better served at
some other institution.
The Veterans Service Bureau has.
been guided by two basic ideas:
that each man is an individual and
as such has individual problems
and needs; that each man has
many interests besides the educat-
ive one and all must be taken into
account if a satisfactory educa-
tional program is to be worked out.
Problems brought by veterans vary
as widely as the men themselves.
Some who apply are well prepared
for University work, know what they
Next to State Theatre
"You Always Save at MARSHALL'S
want. Others need to make up defi-
ciencies in special classes given for
them. Some may have enough high
school credits but are unfitted in oth-
er ways for university work.
To find out what the particular
discharged serviceman's abilities are
and what he can do, 17 counseling
and testing agencies and services on
campus are ready to. help. Included
are academic, vocational and reli-
gious counseling; tests for ability,
aptitude, achievement, mental hy-
Because the primary object of
the University is to help the vet-
eran plan the best possible pro-
gram for himself and not just to
enroll another student, his rec-
ord, ambition, talent all are ap-
praised. . Everyone and particular-
ly- one who is not enrolled, has a
concrete and individual program
mapped out before he leaves Ann
An example of how the system
works is the case of a soldier from
a neighboring state who wanted to
prepare for a business career by en-
rolling in the business administra-
tion school. His high school record
was poor and tests showed he was
not inclined to carry through on a
long, difficult task. He wanted re-
sults right now instead of later. With
consideration of all these factors, the
University suggested that he enter a
business college instead of starting
out on a five year course here.
Mrs. Mendoza
Gives Lecture
Women's Post-War
Role Is Discussed
"If a progressive Latin-America is
to enjoy the four freedoms in a post-
war world, it must join the demo-
cratic forces in the United States,"
Mrs. Ofelia Mendoza of Honduras
said in a lecture yesterday.
Mrs. Mendoza added that there is
a group in Latin-America willing to
keep fascism and that this group is
opposed to the women's groups.
The lecturer, who is a consultant in
the Curriculum Workshop in Inter-
American Relations, stressed the part
of the Inter-American Commission
for Women will play in the post-war
Mrs. Mendoza summed up the aims
of the Inter-American Commission
for Women which is the center of
women's activity in Latin-America
by saying that through the continu-
ous exchange of ideas both among
the countries of Latin-America and
with the United States the women of
Latin-America are preparing to take
part in peace plans and in the future
will aid in the political, social and
economic betterment of women in
their countries.
tween controlled and free economies,
and question has been raised as to
whether Russia can be a cooperat-
ive partner in a world aiming at
freer trade. Russia does not have
free markets and she conducts her
foreign trade as a state monopoly
and in a manner which does not give
rise to market exchange rates be-
tween ruble and dollar, pound, etc.
Germany Does Fit In
"Although it did not prove possi-
ble to establish stable and equit-
able trade and financial relations
with Germany and her totalitarian
satellites, there are grounds for be-
lieving that, even though Russia
represents a controlled economy, her
aims and policies will prove compati-
ble with the objectives associated
with the international fund," Prof.
Watkins declared.
"In the prewar era Soviet Rus-
sia was largely self-sufficient and
she did not engage in the types of
economic discrimination and ex-
ploitation practiced by Germany
in connection with foreign trade
and foreign loans. Moreover, Rus-
sia has in the past managed her
trade on the basis of limited in-
ternationalcredits and she has a
record of prompt payment of such
"Though much larger credits will
be needed after this war to speed up
reconstruction, and Russian experts
(including gold) will have to be ex-
panded as means of repayment, it
seems likely that her economic pol-
icy will be directed primarily toward
internal development and self-suffi-
ciency rather than toward a drive for
foreign markets."
Financial Agreements Only Begin-
"Moreover, Russia has been mov-
ing in the direction of more liberal
policies internally and she may in
time modify her policies of foreign
trade in a similar direction.
"But it should be borne in mind
that the. financial agreements at
the conference are only a begin-
ning, for other 'hitches' may arise
before legislative approval is forth-
coming in the several countries.
"In any case, liberal financial ar-
rangements are only part of the broad
problem of postwar trade and in-
vestment. Other conferences and
agreements to deal with tariffs and
other trade restrictions are a neces-
sary sequel for the final success of
the present conference."
Enrolhnent for
Session Rises
Registration for Full
Term Dips Sharply
Enrollment in the 1944 summer
session has increased approximately
20 per cent over that of last year,
final figures. show.
In comparison with the 1943 sum-
mer session enrollment of men has
decreased by 33 and that of women
has increased by 205.
Figures for the 1944 summer term
show a decrease of 774 men and 95
women as compared with the 1943
summer term. Total term and ses-
sion enrollment figures for this sum-
mer are 1,480 men and 2,632 women.
In both the term and session the
largest gains are expressed in the
School of Nursing, which includes
the cadet nurses and in the graduate
school and the School of Music. The
greatest decreases in civilian enroll-
ment are in the College of Engineer-
ing and the College of Literature,
Science and the Arts.
Sonata Recital
To Be Given
The second in the series of son-
ata recitals by School of Music fac-
ulty members, Mabel Ross Rhead,
pianist, and Gilbert Ross, violinist,
will be given at 8:30 p. m. today in
the lecture hall of the Rackham
The program series is devoted to
the music of Mozart and Beethoven.
Today's recital will open with Mo-
zart's "Sonata in F major" and will
continue with the "Sonata in G
major" by Beethoven. The final
selection will be Mozart's "Sonata
in E-flat major."
The third and last recital in the
series will be given Thursday, July
27. The public is invited to attend
all the programs.
Hillel Foundation To Hold
First Cost-Supper Sunday
A cost-supper, Hillel's first of the
summer season, will be held for a
maximum of 50 persons, at 5:30 p. m.,
Sunday, in the Hillel Foundation.
The supper will be served at cost
to students and servicemen are invit-
ed free. Reservations must be phon-
ed into the Foundation (3779) by
Friday evening. An informal record
concert to which everyone is invited
will follow the supper and will be
held in the Hillel lounge.
on the Conference teams and games,
she reports.
Formerstudents now in the army
can receive copies while they are
still in the country but those who
have gone over and have A. P. O.
addresses receive clippings of the
items which would interest them the
Miss Buchanan, "Aunt Ruth" to
the hundreds of men who have writ-
ten her, also sends birthday greet-
ings and Christmas cards to more
than 1,400 men as well as answer-
ing all their letters.
U.S. Post-War
Employment To
Be Discussed
National post-war employment
problems will be discussed at the an-
nual summer Guidance and Occupa-
tional Conference to be held at 7:30
p. m. Tuesday in the Rackham Build-
Sponsored by the University Bu-
reau of Appointments and Occupa-
tional Information, the conference
will include discussion on such prob-
lems as cooperation of labor in post-
war employment, adjustment and
placement of veterans and plans of
business and industry for veterans
and civilians.
Speakers will include Allen B.
Crow, president of the Economic Club
of Detroit, Col. Lewis B. Cuyler, Army
Air Forces Personnel Distribution
Command, Dr. Hugh B. Killough, U.
S. Department of Labor and Victor
B. Reuther, assistant director of the
War Policy division of the UAW-
CIO in Detroit.
"Conversion from wartime to
peacetime production, shifting em-
ployment, temporary unemployment
and the personal adjustment of our
returning soldiers are problems of
vital concern to all of us at this
time," Dr. T. Luther Purdom, direct-
or of the University Bureau of Ap-
pointments and Occupational Infor-
mation, said. "The speakers at the
Conference are recognized authorities
in the particular fields," Dr. Purdom
Law Review
Is Published
The June issue of the Michigan
Law Review, featuring articles by
Prof. Lewis Simes and Prof. Hobart
R. Coffey of the Michigan Law
School, was distributed yesterday.
Prof. Paul Bayse, research associ-
ate on leave from the University of
Kansas City Law School collaborated
with Prof. Simes on a feature arti-
cle entitled, "The Organization of
the Probate Court in America."
Other contributors to this issue,
which includes the Valedictory opin-
ions of Mr. Justice Holmes, are Hans
Julius Wolff, formerly of the Berlin
bar now instructing the A. S. T. P.
and ,C. A. T. P. at Michigan, Ben-
jamin Quigg, Jr. of the student edit-
orial board, Robert Barton, W. Theo-
dore Markwood and Mary Jane
Plumer, the last three students in
the law school.
Prof. Chu To Talk
On Far East Culture
Prof. Shih Chia Chu will speak on
"Cultural Relations between China,
Japan, and Korea" at 4:10 p. m. to-
day in the Rackham Amphitheater.
This is the second in a series of lec-
tures which Prof. Shih is giving on
Chinese Civilization.
He is to be a guest of honor at the
International Center's weekly tea
following the lecture. The tea to
which all friends of the foreign stu-
dents are invited is from 4:30 to 6
p.m. today at the International Cen-
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