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Fifty-Fourth Year
British Promote Indian Disunity
Edited and managed by students of the University
of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
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Jane Farrant
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nk Mantho
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. Managing Editor
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The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
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Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
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Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staf
and represent the views of the writers only.
French Recognition
ALTHOUGH the "principal objective" of pro-
moting a better understanding and a work-
able agreement for the civil administration of
metropolitan France has been achieved at the
meeting of President Roosevelt and General
Charles De Gaulle, the vital question of recog-
nition of the French National Committee has
been again laid on the shelf.
Recently the President said that the Provi-
sional Government would be the working au-
thority for the civil administration of French
liberated territories and that the agreement ne-
gotiated by the British and the French Commit-
tee would form the basis for the new arrange-
Nevertheless, the non-recognition still sym-
bolizes Washington's blindness in the diplo-
matic sphere. The main thesis offered forthe'
failure of bestowing diplomatic status to the
Provisional Government at Algiers is that that
government is not "legitimate" and to impose
such an organ on the French people would be
a violation of their national sovereignty.
However, in construing this thesis, Washing-
ton appears to have ignored the fact that the
French Provisional Government is composed of
representatives of all grous in the Army of the
Interior in France as well as members from the
different parts of the empire.
At the same time the United States has
bestowed diplomatic status on the Czechoslo-
vakian government in exile, a government
which is admittedly not founded on any
"legitimate" grounds.
Interpreting "legitimacy" to signify one policy
for the Czechs and another for the French
defeats the very purpose of the term and may
well promote a botch in France similar to the
one which took place in North Africa.
- Neva Negrevski
Soviet Stork Derby
MISS KATHIE SHARFMAN tried in her edi-
torial yesterday to justify Russia's new "re-
vised family taxes to encourage births." The
plan will impose new taxes on those families
with less than three children and give bonuses
to families with two or more children.
If we approve the Russian plan as something
good and progressive, we are reducing parent-
hood to a mere "economical" state. We make
parents merely mass production machines that
are to bear and rear children in an automatic
fashion. Perhaps the Russians will set up a
"Family Production Board" to distribute Army-
Navy E's to those family factories which achieve
"excellence in production."
M ISS SHARFMAN has found a rational excuse
for the new Russian policy. But what would
her reasoning be if Russia were fighting on the
side of Germany? The callousness of the meas-
ure cannot be hidden merely by saying that
Russia "needs an expanding birth rate to streng-
then its economy."
Because Russia is our ally is not sufficient
reason to justify all of her political or eco-
nomic moves. Miss Sharfman has shown here
the same sort of thinking which says that for
the Allies to bomb Germany is a fine, noble act
of war, but for the Germans to bomb England
is a dirty, sneaking trick.
The usual motive for having children is that
parents want them and love them. The Russian
plan will serve to take away both those requisites
for an integral family life. It is-hard to picture a
IN "The Awakening of America" V. F. Calverton
writes, "During Elisabeth's time, when Euro-
pean nations were lacerated with religious con-
flicts, Akbar-the great Indian ruler-held court
and insisted that the peoples of all religions
should speak their message before. him and none
should have preference."
Read that passage with care. Repeat it to
the divisionists who would have- you believe
that India cannot go free because its two
major populational groups are not of the same
religious sect. The truth is India knew the'
meaning of tolerance long before we did. Not
Akbar alone, but scores of rulers treated their
subject minorities in a manner we might well
emulate here.
In antiquity the two great nations of the East,
and during the Middle Ages the two great na-
tions of the world, were Cathay and India. Their
culture was of the highest sort. In abstract
philosophy and poetry, and even in technological
developments they led the world. With the ad-
vent of a European industrial revolution both
countries went into decline. Indications suggest
that they are both on the emergent now.
The facts about contemporary China may be
obtained by anyone ingenious and energetic
enough to search for the speech Henry Wallace
made in Seattle last Sunday, the contents of
which our newspapers so effectively suppressed.
As to India, we should not forget the historical
fact that teeming millions of people lived in
relative amity on the same soil for thousands of
years. It is fashionable to say that if England
withdrew from India, civil war would break out.
But India was always a heterogeneous country
and strife was never common before the arrival
of English exploiters. The divisive bogey, whose
handmaiden is conquest, entered only in the
wake of British arms and colonialism.
ENGLAND feeds the flames of hostility by pit-
ting one group against the other in artificial
opposition so that it can remain "to keep order."
t This is the immemorial technique of the Foreign
Office and its Civil Service employes. Because
of it, Gandhi was once led to explain, "The his-
tory of British Imperialism is written in letters
of blood from Congo to Canton."
The divide and conquer principle has not
altered in the 250 years since the East India
Co. first arrived in Asia. It is true that the
two largest elements in that vast United Na-
tion, India, are Hindus and Moslems. But they
are of unequal numerical strength: seventy
per cent of the Indian population is Hindu.
This is an imposing majority represented by
the nationalistic All-India Congress, which
also speaks for Mohammedans, Sikhs and in,
numerable sub-sects.
The British have made a liaison with Ali
Jinnah who heads the Moslem League Of that
group, Chaman Lal-Indian author and lecturer
-said, "It represents but a small fraction of the
Moslem people. In recent months it has been
losing ground everywhere." What is more, on
Tuesday a dispatch from New Delhi carried the
news that Ali Jinnah was seriously considering.
a reconciliation with Gandhi. These leaders are
agreed in their desire to see English rule ended,
Only Jinnah has sometimes spoken of Pakistan,
an imaginary independent Moslem India. The
common denominator of all Indians except thosd
in cahoots with or paid by Englishmen is a wish
for independence.
Absolute unity will never be obtained on
that issue. Where is it ever attained on any
issue? How much articulate public opinion
can you expect from a people, 350 million of
whom are unable to read and write, this last
according to Henry Judd, author of "India in
John Dewey has said, "Only such complete
disturbance of the physical bases of life and
security as comes from plague and starvation
can throw society into disorder." These condi-'
tions prevail in India, where in peacetime six
million die annually. Forty-four per cent of
these deaths are due to malaria-again accord-.
ing to Mr. Judd, who also tells us that life expec-
tancy in India is 23.5 years.
The tinder box of the earth is contained in
that central peninsula of southern Asia, south of
the Himalayas, known as India.
Sound Russian Policy..
months ago promised the Romanians that,
when the Red Army crossed their borders, noth-
ing would be done to interfere with local condi-
tions or institutions. An innovation in the tech-
nique of occupation thus was laid before the
world. The pledge has been kept. Correspon-
dent David Nichol, reporting on a three-day
tour of the liberated Romanian area, finds that
the Russians are holding strictly to a hands-off
attitude, except for installing elementary health
and security safeguards.
It is clear from his account that in many
respects a better job is being done than the
AMG and other civil government authorities
have done in the regions liberated by the Brit-
ish and Americans. Seemingly, there is none
of the confusion, red tape or wobbling of policy
that has taken the edge off the eager welcome
which our forces originally received in Sicily,
Italy and elsewhere. Mr. Nichol found in
Romania "not the slightest suggestion of pub-
lic tension or uneasiness."
The Russian military leaders are teaching the
world some lessons in warfare. It appears that
they also have some good lessons to teach in
dealing with civilian populations.
-- St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Pro Dewey,,,
past, but take your coats off to
the future."
These words of Clare Boothe Luce,
spoken at the Republican convention,
signify the immense task facing not
only the Republican Party, but also
the entire nation. The nomination
of Thomas E. Dewey was the first
step of the Republicans in the direc-
tion of the dynamic, difficult future.
It was more than the nomination of
a vote-getting politician and an in-
spiring leader. It was the initiation
of a whole new trend in American
politics--the trend towards youth so
desperately needed today.
The arguments for age and ex-
perience are not to be ignored.
There can be no denying the abil-
ities and knowledge of Mr. Roose-
velt in foreign affairs and domes-
tic problems. But the world of
tomorrow is the world of youth.
True, a lasting and successful
pease must be based on the pillars
of present sagaciousness and wis-
dom. It will require, however, the
vigorous, intense, realistic ener-
gies of youth to complete the struc-
ture around those pillars. In the
words of Mr. Dewey, the organiza-
tion of peace is "no task to be en-
trusted to stubborn men, grown
old and tired and quarrelsome in
We, the youth of America, should
whole-heartedly support the rise of
the new Republican youth move-
ment. It is by our efforts and sup-
port that a physical and idealistic
world peace settlement will be per-
manently secured. We must back
Tom Dewey, not just the represent-
ative of the Republican Party, but
the representative of all that is ener-
getic, forceful, dynamic. "The fu-
ture of America has no limit." Far-
sighted youth can insure that fu-
-Donald C. Shepard
HE MICHIGAN Repertory Players
began the summer season of five
plays under the auspices of the Uni-
versity Department of Speech last
night with something less than a
bang and rather more than a chuc-
The vehicle presented was "The
Damask Cheek" by John Van Dru-
ten and Lloyd Morris. If you take
one part Clarence Day, add Edith
Wharton and "The Age of Inno-
cence," you have the atmosphere
for this drawing room comedy.
The pace, a little slow to begin
with, gathers momentum with each
act. The setting is upper class New
York. the theme unrequited love.
Rhoda Meldrum, sophisticated but
matronly English cousin harbors a
secret passion for Jimmy Randall.
He in turn is about to fall into a
marital misalliance, the object of
his mercurial affection being Calla
Longstreth, an actress. This situa-
tion is righted in the course of three
acts, and true love emerges trium-
The dialogue is clever, but it de-
pends largely on proper inflections
and nuances. The cast, almost with-
out exception proved itself up to the
task of subtle interpretation which
alone could carry off such a play.
lead, played with excellent re-
straint and finesse. Underacting was
required in this role. Mrs. Baird
showed a mastery of it, with an
ironic glance here and a casually
suggestive gesture there that, in sum,
was the fullest characterization of
the evening.
Blanche Holpar played her part
to the hilt. As Mrs. Randall she
had an opportunity to display some
histrionic versatility, inasmuch as
she typified, to this- reviewer at
least, the shallowness and hypoc-
risy of that post-Victorian Puri-
tanism found in New York society
not so many generations ago.
Patricia Meikle, the purchasable
fiancee of Jimmy, after registering
Nazis Stall for Time
NEW YORK, July 12.-The Germans are said
to be trading on their "capital of space."
Commentators point out that the Nazis are
swapping land for time. There is a comparison
with the manner in which the Russians yielded
territory over long periods, gaining so many
months per hundred miles.
The comparison is inept. The Germans may
be trading "space for time." But time for what?
Empty time is no advantage; blank time is no
Swapping Space for Time
In the case of the Russians, they 'ielded
almost a thousand miles of territory, at the
point of deepest Nazi penetration, and they
gained a year and a half by doing so But this
was a year and a half in which Allied unity was
developing, a year and a half in which American
war production was going into high gear. These
great developments justified the Russian policy
of selling space for time.
But in the case of the Gernjns, what pro-
cesses are going on during the time they buy
by slowly yielding territory in the east and
west of Europe?
There must be some process of importance
going on during the time which is bought at so
high cost, for this military strategy to have
serious meanifpg. There must, also, be some sort
of secure rear toward which armies can retreat,
if they are to make proper defensive use of their
"capital of space." But the two-front war in-
sures that Germany's retreating armies can
only retreat toward another battlefield. The
Germans are not losing space; they are losing
the war.
Two Shadowy Hopes
Their only hope would be to use the time they
are buying either to organize a new offensive, or
to gain new allies. In both fields, it happens, the
Germans have no real hopes. But they do have
shadow hopes, which are probably insubstantial,
but which account for whatever confidence
remains to them. The rocket bomb is the Ger-
man substitute for an offensive. It kills. That
is all it does; it cannot win territory; it cannot
destroy armies; it is a kind of weird, at once
brutal and weak, substitute for a serious mili-
tary offensive. It is, in military terms, a kind
of pipsqueak parody of the offensive which the
Russians prepared during their long period of
selling territory for time.
We now come to the question of what allies
the Germans may hope to gain during what-
ever time they can buy, at so many hours per
mile. Since the world is now pretty well divid-
ed between our side and theirs, the only area
in which the Germans can hope to find new
allies is among us.
Suddenly it comes clear that the only remain-
ing alliance the Germans can make is with dis-
content and disaffection on our side. A sharp
new light is beamed upon those who make too
big an issue of wartime controls and restrictions;
upon those who make too great display of their
agitation over the national debt; upon those who
seek to make political capital of military casual-
ties. These are precisely the processes which
Germany, at heavy cost, is buying time to ripen.
How To Kill Americans
This does not mean that the few discontented
among us are pro-German. Germany does not
expect anything quite so crazy as that. It means
merely that they are discontented; that more
time may produce more discontent. That hope
is, from the Nazi point of view, worth buying
time for.
This conception puts every American in the
front lines. He can defeat German strategy
right at home, with a good word to his neighbor,
a note to his son, a letter to his newspaper,
Every grumble at home encourages the German
lines to stiffen, so that more American boys can
be killed, to provide time for more grumbles.
We each of us can be, if sufficiently thought-
less, a launcher of rocket bombs. We are in the
war. In the most practical possible sense, an
unworthy political argument, uttered here at
home, can kill American boys.
(Copyright, 1944, New York Post Syndicate)
THE EDITORS of Time Magazine have report-
ed the Republican convention in a manner
that must make the Republican party wish they
had drawn up the program instead of merely
telling about it. In five pages of detailed sum-
mary by Time, Boss Henry R. Luce's wife, Rep-
resentative Clare Boothe Luce, who proved to be
a sadly off-keynote speaker at the convention, is
mentioned not once.
-St. Louis Post-Dispatch
VOL. LIV No. 7-S
All notices for The Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
Summer Session, in typewritten form
by 3:30 p. m. of the day preceding its
publication, except on Saturday when
the notices should be submitted by
11:30 a. m.
French Club: Bastille Day will be
celebrated today, Thursday, July 13,
at 8 p. m. in the Michigan League
with an appropriate program. Pro-
fessor Rene Talamon, of the Ro-
mance Language Department, will
speak. Group singing and social
hour. All students of the Summer
Session and the Summer Term as
well as all servicemen are cordially
invited to the weekly meetings of the
French Club which are free of
Charles E. Koella
Students, Summer Session: College
of Literature, Science, and the Arts:
Courses may not be elected for
credit after the end of the second
week. Saturday, July 15, is there-
fore the last day on which new
elections may be approved. The
willingness of an instructor to admit
a student later will not affect the
operation of this rule.
E. A. Walter
To all Male Students in the College
of Literature, Science and the Arts:
By action of the Board of Regents,
all male students in residence in this
College must elect Physical Educa-
tion for Men. This action has been
effective since June, 1943, and will
continue for the duration of the war.
Students may be excused from
taking the course by (1) The Uni-
versity Health Service, (2) The Dean
of the College or by his representa-
tive, (3) The Director of Physical
Education and Athletics.
Petitions for exemption by stu-
dents in this College should be ad-
dressed by freshmen to Professor
Arthur Van Duren, Chairman ,of the
Academic Counselors (108 Mason
Hall); by all other students to Assis-
tant Dean E. A. Walter (1220 Angell
Except under very extraordinary
circumstances no petitions will be
considered after the end of the third
week of the Summer Term.
The Administrative Board of
the College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts.
Registration for the Hospital Vol-
unteer Service will be in the Michi-
gan League Lobby, Wednesday
through Saturday, 2 to 5 p. m.
Notice to Summer Term Students:
Students registered for the Summer
Term (16 week period), who have
not already had their pictures taken,
should do so at once. Pictures will
be taken at Room 2, University
Hall, between 3:30 and 4:30 every
afternoon this week (July 11 to 14)
and other hours by appointment.
Open House for Servicemen, Wives,
Families: The USO is open at all
times to the servicemen and their
wives and families and especially
on Sundays. There is plenty of
room to visit, write letters, read,
play cards or just relax. If you like
classical music, there is a very com-
plete Classical Music Library and a
quiet music room with a radio-vic
combination where you may enjoy
good music.
The Federal Civil Service Commis-
sion are recruiting for various Fed-
eral agencies in the State of Michi-
gan in Administrative and Profes-
sional Fields, Engineering and Allied
Fields, Clerical and Skilled Trades.
Salary ranging from $1,560 to $7,128.
For further details stop in at 201
Mason Hall. Bureau of Appoint-
Fraternity and Sorority Presidents
are requested to pick up membership
report forms for the Summer Term
in the Office of the Dean of Students.
Student Organizations are request-
ed to submit a list of officers to the
Office of the Dean of Students. No
group will be considered active for
the Summer Term unless this is done.
Prof. S. C. Chu will speak July 13
on "The Impact of Other Races upon
the Course of Chinese History". The
lecture will be at 4 p. m. in the
Rackham Amphitheater.
Academic Notices
Make-up Final Examination for
Geology 12 will be held Friday, July
14, 9:00 a. i., in Room 2051 Natural
Science Bldg.
The Qualifying Examination for
the M. A. in English will be given
Friday, July 14, 4-6 in 3223 A. H.
for those who did not take it at the
prescribed time and who have been
given make-up privileges.
N. E. Nelson
Mr. Frederick Marriott, Organist
and Carillonneur of the University of
every kind of facial disgust half the
evening, and engaging in some fisti-
cuffs to top it off, leaves one quite
convinced of her character, a a fe-
male happy to return to her old
Redolent of the 1909 we have
read about, the setting and cos-
tumes, for which we are indebted
to Herbert Philippi and Lucy Bar-
ton, respectively, help to create the
proper background for this play.
The technical direction is good,
and I can think of no minor player
who was other than competent.
Special mention should be made of
Byron Mitchell, who injects some
real life into his role as a juvenile
dim-wit, and Barbara Greenberg
for her poised acting.
"The Damask Cheek" (the title
derived from a line in "Twelfth
Night") has flaws, but they are those
of the playwright and that they are
over-ridden is to the credit of all
those involved. For example, Rhoda,
having had her adventure with dash-
ing Neil Harding, prepares to embark
for England, alone but happy in the
glow of self-sacrifice. I should have
preferred "finis" at this point. The
final clutch seemed to me as syn-
thetic as the Hollywoodian counter-
Mr. Van Druten has one hit on
Broadway, and very nearly another
in Ann Arbor. Try the Lydia Men-
delssohn this week-end. If you are
bored it will not be the fault of the
-Bernard Rosenberg
of Music, will present the first in a
series of three Thursday evening
programs at 8:30, this evening in
the Assembly Hall of the Rackham
The programs will be devoted to
the music of Mozart and Beethoven,
and will be open to the public with-
out charge.
Events Today
The Damask Cheek presented by
the Michigan Repertory Players of
the Department of Speech will be
given tonight at 8:30 in the Lydia
Men. .elssohn Theatre. It will also b
given Friday and Saturday eveings
and tickets are on sale daily at the
Theatre box office from 10:00 a. m.
to 8:30 p. m.
French Tea today at 4 p.m. at the
International Center,
Charles E. Koella
Exhibitions, College of Architee-
ture and Design:
"Look at your Neighborhood";
circulated by Museum of Modern
Art; consisting of drawings, photo-
graphs, and plans illustrating hap-
hazard building and need for good
planning. South end of downstairs
corridor, Architecture Building.
Student work continued on dis-
play. Ground floor cases, Architec-
ture Building.
Open daily, 9 to 5, through July
30, except on Sunday. The public
is invited.
Clements Library: Association
Rackham Galleries: Photographic
Exhibit: Labor and Industry in the
Rackham Galleries: Photographic
Exhibit: Collective Farms in the
U.S.S.R. Open daily except Sunday,
2-5 and 7-10 p.m.
Michigan Historical Collections, 160
Rackham Building. The Growth of
the University of Michigan in Pic-
Legal Research Library: Fine buil-
dings by William C. Hollands. Lower
corridor cases.
Museums Building: Celluloid rep-
roductions of Michigan fish. Loaned
through the courtesy of the Institute
of Fisheries Research, Michigan De-
partment of Conservation.
'Coming Events
USO Bulletin of Coming Events:
Friday, July 14, Dancing Class-We
know you want to learn to dance so
here is your chance. A new begin-
ners class will start Friday, July
14th. And may we say that at the
end of six lessons (not from Madam
LaZonga) you will really be able to
give Fred Astaire some competition.
Classes are held in the USO Ball-
room from 7:00 to 8:00 p. m.
Friday Night Dance: The Friday
night dance will be held as usual
in the Ballroom from 8:00 to mid-
night. You all know what fun these
dances are so need we say more!
Saturday, July 15, Saturday night
dance: The USO will have its Sat-
urday night dance as usual from
8:00 to midnight.
Attention! Wives of Servicemen:
Again let us say the USO Club ° is
open to you at all times. You are
( But, Davy, told Barnaby
his Fairv Godfather was I T, -1
Of course, Y
I have no I 1 mustBe aoina. . . Time to feed
By Crockett Johnson
Let your Fairy Godfather COHN50ff
I see those coins. m'bov. I'm