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July 13, 1944 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1944-07-13

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'' iii







Cherry Pickers
Urgently Needed
Students Fail To Register in Adequate
Numbers To Help Harvest Crop Today






Within Fifty

lles of East Prussia;

Less than half the number needed,7
12 University students answered an
emergency call for cherry pickers in
this vicinity and left this morning for,
work in the orchards.
"The response to our plea was, to
say the least, disappointing," the
recruiting committee representing1
the Women's War Council and theI
Daily said yesterday.
Special Registration Today
Special registration will be held
from 2 to 5 p. m. today in the Under-'
Americans Lose
2X9 Men in
Saipan Conquest
11,481 Yanks Hurt
In rapture of Island
By the Associated Press
12.-Conquest of strategic Saipan
Island in the western Pacific cost
15,053 American casualties- 2,359
killed, 11,481 wounded and 1,213,
missing-Navy Secretary Forrestal
announced today in Washington.
This total, the highest of any
single ground action in the Pacific,
was far exceeded by the losses inflic-
ted on the Japanese garrison, 11,948
of whom already had been buried.
Island Used as Base
Forrestal said "probably 95 per
cent" of the defending force, esti-
mated at more than 20,000, died in.
the futile defense of Saipan. That
island is within bombing range of
Tokyo and already is being used by
American fighter planes.
Forrestl's report followed quickly
an announcement by Admiral Ches-
ter W. Nimitz that Japanese prison-
ers of war on Saipan already exceed-
ed 1,000. That also was a record for
any single campaign in the Pacific.
New carrier task force strikes Mon-
day at Guam and Rota, in the Mari-
anas south of Saipan, were reported
by Nimitz. These attacks rounded
out nearly a week of sustained action,-
suggestive of pre-invasion softening
up, against those islands.
Japanese civilians, who had been
caught at the northern tip of the
island with the remnants of the gar-
rison, continued to stream back. More
than 9,000 already had been in-
terned, Nimitz said.
The latest, carrier plane strike at
Guam, the sixth in as many days,
concentrated on military objectives
at the towns of Agana, Umatac and
Agat on the western shore. Buildings
near Orote point, at about the center
of the western coastline, also were
The Seventh Army Air Force con-
tinued its neutralizing raids in the
Caroline Islands Monday, Nimitz re-
45,000 Japs
Still Entrapped
TERS, New Guinea, July 13, Thurs-
day-()-Forty-five thousand by-
passed Japanese have launched a
desperate attempt to break out of a
British New Guinea pocket in which
they have been entrapped since last
April, headquarters announced today.
The Japanese, remnants of the
Wewak - trapped eighteenth army
commanded by General Hatazo Ada-
chi, opened their skirmishes against
American veterans of the Buna and
Saidor campaigns Monday night a-
long the Driniumon River 21 miles
east of American-occupied Aitape
The first attacks were repulsed, but
the enemy assaults were resumed
Tuesday morning. Americans dug in

deeply to neet the attackers, de-
scribed as a "heavy" force.
Chu Begins Series of
Lectures on China
Shih Chia Chu, a staff member of
the oriental section of the Library
of Congress, will open a series of six
talks on China at 4:10 p.m. today in
the Rackham amphitheatre with his
subject being "The Impact of Other

graduate Office of the League in an
attempt to fill the quota of 30 stud-
ent emergency workers for tomorrow.
Trucks will leave from the side en-
trance of the League at 8:30 a. m.
tomorrow for the orchards and will
bring the students back to Ann Ar-
bor before the dinner hour.
The plea for immediate student aid
to help save cherry crops in this dis-
trict came as a result of an urgent
call from the County Agent's office.
The picking must be completed
Thursday and Friday, the County
agent's office indicated. If the crop
is not in by the weekend, it will be
a complete loss, it was pointed out.
Largest Cherry Crop Expected
The local campaign is part of a
state-wide drive to combat the man-
power shortage and harvest Michi-
gan's largest cherry crop. More than
88 tons of cherries are expected in
Michigan this year.
Kenneth Russel, supervisor of re-
cruiting in Washtenaw County for
the county agent's office, emphasized
the emergency nature of the pro-
ject and asked for citizen coopera-
In the state campaign, Washtenaw
County has been assigned a 300 per-
son quota and last figures indicated
that only 130 local citizens had vol-
unteered their services.
Allies Within
Eight Miles of
Livorno Port
ROME, July 12 - (AP) - Allied
troops were fighting tonight within
eight miles of Livorno, big Italian
west coast port, and from the same
distance were hurling shells into the
shipping center of Ancona on the
Adriatic sea, at the opposite end of
the 150-mile battle line.
Yanks Capture Castiglioneello
American light armored units]
blasted forward two miles against
strong German resistance and cap-
tured the enemy stronghold of Cas-
tiglioncello, eight airline miles down
the coast from Livorno, while Polish
troops who distinguished themselves
in the bloody Cassino fighting closed
in to accurate artillery range of An-
cona's fortifications.
Possession of the two ports would
enormously assist the Allied armies
in their impending assault upon the
Nazis "Gothic Line" defenses--sup-
posedly the last strong naura oar-
rier left to the enemy short of the
Po River line near the top of the
Italian boot.
Swiss Dispatch
(A dispatch from Zurich, Switzer-
land, Wednesday quoted a diplomatic
source as saying that "everything in-
dicates" that the Germans "envis-
age an early and total retreat from
American troops driving up the
Era River valley, about 21 miles in-
land from the west coast, in an at-
tempted flanking thrust against Li-
vorno were reported meeting furious
opposition above the enemy-held
town of Lajatico, which had been
German counterattacks were de-
scribed as both frequent and fierce.

U. S. Fortes
Drive Close
To Nazi Flank
Germans Fail To
Halt Allied Attack
By the Associated Press
July 13, Thursday-U.S. storm troops
attacking under one of the deadliest
artillery barrages of the war cap-
tured points within one mile and a
half of the mid-Normandy citadel
of St. Lo yesterday and also ham-
mered a spearhead to within two and
a quarter miles of Lessay, west coas-
tal anchor of the collapsing German
Nazi Parachutists Fail
Charging through hedgerows and
across fields littered with Elite Ger-
man parachutists who had been
hurled into the lines in an unsuccess-
ful effort to halt them, the American
infantrymen were aided by a con-
suming artillery fire which smashed
German rear-line concentrations.
Many German prisoners were stu-
pefied by the barrage from hundreds
of big guns as the Americans steadily
folded back the German western
lines while British and Canadians
blunted repeated German counter-
thrusts in the Caen sector.
200 Germans Wiped Out
Some 200 trapped Germans were
wiped out north of St. Lo.
(German broadcasts of reports
from front line Nazi correspondents
termed the Allied barrage the heavi-
est ever encountered, and said the
grinding down of German rear con-
centrations and communications by
both artillery and Allied air power
presented "a strategy utterly new in
the history of warfare."
Allied airmen raked German trans-
ports, supply facilities and troops all
the way from Brussels in Belgium to
Bordeaux in southern France
Yanks Attack
Vital Rail Hub
LONDON, July 12-(AP)-The vi-
cinity of Munich, vital rail hub serv-
ing both the Italian and Russian
fronts, was attacked by American
heavy bombers for the second
straight day today as a fleet of more
than 1,200 Britain-based Flying
Fortresses and Liberators unloaded
at least 3,600 tons of bombs on com-
munications links and various other
targets important to the enemy.
The Swiss radio said early today
that Toulon, hard hit by American
bombers, had been completely evacu-

Ca pture

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Troops Capture 19000
Places in 22 Mile Push
By The Associated Press
LONDON, July 12.-Red Army troops have opened a new 90-mile front
north of the erupting battle in Poland and Lithuania, Premier Stalin
announced tonight, advancing 22 miles and capturing more than 1,000
places in the first two days of a drive to knock the Germans from one of
their last remaining footholds on pre-war Soviet soil.
The vanguard of this mighty offensive was reported already within 50
miles of East Prussia and the German communique today placed "the
n advancing Soviets" west of Alytus in

WHERE ALLIES GAIN IN FRANCE-Arrows locate principal Allied
advances in Normandy including an American drive almost to the gates
of St Lo. Other U.S. forces captured La Roserie near Lessay. Canadian
and British troops occupied the west bank of the Orne River along a
four mile stretch southward from Caen.



Speech Clinics Instituted For
War Veteran Rehabilitation

Professor Herbert Koepp-Baker,
director of the Pennsylvania State
College Speech Clinic and coordina-
tor- of rehabilitation for the Ameri-
can Speech Correction Association,
discussed speech rehabilitation for
American war veterans at an assem-
bly of students and faculty members
of the Department of Speech yester-
day in the Kellogg auditorium.
Prof. Koepp-Baker stressed that
both the Army and Navy were slow
Wolverine Star
Lost In Acion
Lt. Burt Stodden, 1941, University
graduate and Wolverine hockey play-
er, has been reported missing over
Austria since June 26.
An Ann Arbor boy, Lt. Stodden
entered the Army Air Force in Jan-
uary, 1943, and received his commis-
sion last October. While taking his
training in this country, he was cho-
sen cadet squadron commander at
Maxwell Field, Ala., and at both
Cochran Field, in Macon, Ga., and
Ludwig Field, Fla., he was selected
as cadet captain.
Graduating from the University
with a B. S. degree, Lt. Stodden at-
tended medical school for one year.
While a student on the campus he
was a member of Nu Sigma Nu, a
medical fraternity, a member of
Sphinx, and held an important posi-
tion on the varsity hockey team.

in realizing the need for instituting
speech correction clinics. "But now,"
he continued, "the Army treatment
of hearing injuries related to speech
defects is one of the most important
developments of the war." The Navy,
he said, is just beginning its speech
correction program.
Trio of Hospitals Ready
At the present time, said Prof.
Koepp-Baker, the Army has three
hospitals devoted to speech rehabili-
tation; one in Pennsylvania, another
in Oklahoma and the third in Cali-
fornia. Most training, however, is
done on the community level with
both state and federal government
financial aid.
Discharged veterans with speech
defects, asserted the speaker, who
take advantage of this help by speech
experts, are extremely serious about
the training and try to bring them-
selves in a position to compete for
jobs with unhandicapped workers.
Pacific Injuries Named
In speaking of the casualties al-
ready receiving treatment, Prof.,
Koepp-Baker said that because of
the foxhole type of fighting in the
Pacific theatre, more head and jaw
injuries occurred in that area than in
the North African campaign, where
injuries to other parts of the body
were proportionally greater than
head wounds. The Army casualties
needing speech rehabilitation are
now increasing, he stated, but not at
the high rate previously anticipated.
In concluding his address, Prof.
Koepp-Baker urged speech students
to continue their college training as
speech rehabilitation work for veter-
ans has just begun and the demand
for skilled instructors in that field is
not too pressing at the moment.
First GOP Salvo
Is Fired at FDR
ALBANY, N. Y., July 12-(AP)-
Republicans fired their first cam-
paign salvo at President Roosevelt
today, more than a week in advance
of his expected nomination for a
fourth term, with an assertion he
was using his title of commander-
in-chief to "perpetuate himself" in
National Republican Chairman
Herbert Brownell, Jr., put that in-
terpretation upon the President's
statement that, if renominated by
the national Democratic convention
at Chicago next week, he would ac-
cept as a "good soldier."'
Brownell, who met reporters after
conferences with Gov. Thomas E.
Dewey, Republican presidential nom-

Michener Winsa
Nommation For1
Second District5
Rae Takes Close Race t
For Prosecutor's Job t
With tabulation virtually complete,
unofficial returns indicated yester-f
day that Earl C. Michener, Republi-t
can representative from the second1
Congressional district, easily wonf
GOP nomination in Tuesday's state-t
wide primary.F
Michener, dean of the House, led1
in the four counties of his constitu-
ency carrying Washtenaw County
with a 3,000 lead over his opponent,t
Galen Starr Ross. Michener will be1
opposed in the November election by
Redmond Burr, Democratic nominee.
Rae Wins Hottest Race
In the county election, John W.
Rae, assistant prosecutor, won the
hottest local race, defeating Albert
J. Rapp for GOP nomination as pros-
ecutor. Rae carried every one of Ann
Arbor's ten precincts while the two
garnered identical out-county totals.
Lewis G. Christman won the Re-
publican nomination for state repre-
sentative from the first district,
which includes Ann Arbor.
Labor Vote Fails
Expected labor vote at the polls
failed to materialize and ballotting
in labor precincts paralleled the light
vote throughout the county.
Washtenaw County, predominant-
ly Republican, showed strong GOP
preference. On the strength of the
primary the Democrats may win only
one office this November-county
coroner. Two men are to be chosen
for the office from a field of three
contestants with only one a Repub-
Fry, Brown Win
In Primaries
DETROIT, July 12.-(A)-Belated
returns from Tuesday's primary elec-
tion served tonight only to emphasize
more sharply the victories of Edward
J. Fry, former state racing commis-
sioner, for the Democratic nomina-
tion for governor, and of Auditor
General Vernon J. Brown for the
Republican nomination for lieuten-
Final tabulation of unofficial re-
turns ,from Tuesday's Michigan pri-
mary showed the following results:
For Democratic nomination for
governor: 3,492 out of 3,843 precincts
gave Edward J. Fry 6,000; William
J. Cody 60,095; Earnest C. Brooks,
For Republican nomination for
lieutenant-governor: 3,548 out of
3,843 precincts gave Vernon J. Brown
164,120; Eugene C. Keyes 121,587.
Complete Wayne County returns
(1,386 precincts) gave: Fry 46,914;
Cody 52,043; Brooks 14,662. Brown
45,503; Keyes 35,955.
Brown, endorsed by Governor Kel-
ly, defeated the anti-administration
incumbent, Dr. Eugene C. Keyes, in
Daily Tryouts To
Meet Tomorrow
An important tryout meeting for
all persons interested in working on
the editorial, sports, or women's

Lithuania, 33 miles south of Kaunas
and within 27 miles of the strate-
gically vital railway linking East
Prussia and Riga, capital of Latvia.
Hand Fighting in Streets
Hand-to-hand fighting in the
streets of Wilno continued for the
fifth day as the Russians sought to
annihilate the Germans trapped
there. Berlin said the Nazi garrison
in Wilno was being supplied from
the air.
Fitting in with the Russian plan
for the quickest possible victory in
the drive for East Prussia and the
Baltics, Yeremenko's fresh assault
foreshadowed ever-widening opera-
tions that soon may bring into action
all of the Soviet forces northward to
Pskov and thence to Narva, aimed
at wiping out all remaining German
occupation of pre-war Soviet terri-
Battle Line Extended East
The southern flank of Yeremenko's
forces linked with the right wing of
Gen. Ivan C. Bagramian's first Baltic
army northeast of Polotsk and ex-
tended the active battle front on the
east to approximately 500 miles.
In less than three weeks of the
mighty Soviet summer offensive Red
troops already had smashed the.Ger-
mans back beyond the pre-war Rus-
sian frontier all the way from the
Pripet marshes north to the vicinity
of the Latvian border, and the new
assault extended this campaign into \
the stretch of land to which the
Nazis have clung north and south
of Pskov.
Fourth Term
Supporteds By
CIO Sentiment
By the Associated Press
GRAND RAPIDS, July 12-(P)--
Virtual disappearance of rank and
file sentiment favoring rescinding the
no-strike pledge and endorsement of
President Roosevelt for a fourth term
today highlighted opening sessions
of the Michigan CIO convention.
a In opening meetings that attrac-
ted 1,600 delegates from Michigan
unions, mutterings that: "Manage-
ment is taking advantages of the
surrender of strike privileges in war-
time" gave way to rising cheers that
followed a speech on the issue by
August Scholle, regional director of
the national body's political action
A resolution was adopted pledging
"uninterrupted production" and was
regarded by leading CIO officials' as
disposing of sentiment against the
no-strike pledge.
Approval of a fourth term for Pres-
ident Roosevelt was met with an
equal demonstration of rising cheers
Vice-President Wallace was also en-
"The reactionaries," Scholle said,
"have only one fear, that you are
going to wake up and vote."
Strikers Return
To Milk Wagons
DETROIT, July 12.-P)-Russell
L. Ballard, president of Local 83,
United Dairy Workers (CIO), said
i',100 striking milk wagon drivers and
helpers voted tonight to return to
their jobs.
Earlier, however, 600 drivers and
helpers, members of Local 155, Team-


Play To Be Presented Again Today

The second performance of "The]
Damask Cheek", written by John
VanDruten, the brilliant playwright
and Lloyd Morris, critic and peda-
gogue, will be presented by the Mi-
chigan Repertory Players of the De-
partment of Speech at 8:30 p. m.,
today in the Lydia 'Mendelssohn
Mrs. Claribel Baird, guest director
with the repertory players will por-
tray the leading role of Rhoda.
Blance Holpar is cast as the domi-
neering Mrs. Randall, Patricia Meikle
as the errant actress and Donald
Hargis as the cousin about whom the
play revolves.
Other members of the cast include
Barbara Greenberg as Miss Pinner,
Jean Loree as Nora, Miriam Ruge as
Daphne, Byron Mitchell as Michael
and Charles Benjamin as Neil.
r ... [71r yFi Tin Ur Af' 11PrA of



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