Fifty-Fourth Year
Planning Needed For Veterans
Edited and managed by students of the University
of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
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. . Managing Editor
. . Editorial Director
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. . Women's Editor
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College Peblishers Representative
TT DOESN'T take a profound econ-
omist or sociologist to gauge the
reactions of a man when he can't
find a job in our present economic
system. The experience of the great
depression and early thirties is am-,
ple proof of what thoughts go through
men's minds when they are driven by
hunger and the thought of harm to
their loved ones.'
This problem of providing econ-
omic security for the bulk of the
population assumes great proportions
when we consider the mental atti-
tude of the returned war veteran.
The false prosperity of the twenties
with . the resulting heartache and
misery after the crash, it seems ob-
vious can not be repeated again if
that which we call the American way
is to survive the contortions of re-
making the world and adjusting to
peace at home.
This problem has broad implica-
tions but by slanting our vision to the
case of the discharged veteran, we
may be able to catch a glimpse into
its immediate importance. By this
position we are not attempting to
ignore all other aspects of the re-
adjustment of our economic system,
we are only attempting to point the
problem squarely and in simple
A man who fights and offers his
life is moved by an inner desire to
achieve those things of which he
dreams and which America sym-
bolizes. He can have only one
thought while lying in a rehabili-
tation hospital. His whole mental
attitude is geared to one end and
one purpose and transcendent in-
terests will be swept out of the
But then this man with pent-up
emotions comes back to society and
finds doors slammed in face, sees his
family in dire straits, sees his dreams
shattered and he looks for other
than peaceful means to secure what
he wants.
When a boy finds he can't find his
economic security, he will begin to
figure out how he can get it and in
actions motivated by emotional drive,
there is recourse to the basic instincts
of survival which have only recently
been buttressed by the horrible ex-
periences of war.
PERHAPS this picture is a bit over-
drawn in detail but I don't think
the basic tenets can be ignored anyf
longer. We have to make it cleart
to every soldier, sailor, and marinei
now fighting that things will be se-
cure and safe for him when he gets
back. If we don't the consequences
of serious trouble will be the result
of our own inaction.
Sure this is a broad objective, bold
and daring some might say, but how
can we expect bold and daring re-
sults from an idea less strong?
That is why I am forced to look
with concern over the slowness
with which our reconversion pro-
gram is proceding. That is why I
am disturbed about the haggling in
Congress over legal technicalities
involved in administering an un-
employment compensation program
for discharged veterans and dislo-
cated war workers.
What difference does it make who
supplies the money, whether we con-
sider or transcend states rights theo-
ries, what is the validity of arguing
secondary considerations when we
have thus far neglected the primary
Establishing economic security for
the veteran and the great majority
of the population is no easy task and
can not be attempted without plan-
When this word is brought up,
people immediately place it in the
context of dictatorship, find it odi-
ous, and blandly relegate in their
thinking. But we have come to the
state of human development when
we can longer leave the workings
of our economic system to chance
and classical theories which lose
their validity when we encounter
Businessmen set aside funds for
contingencies and plan for the fu-
ture and it behoves government
which has in this nation assumed a
positive nature to plan for the na-
_N ISOLATED cases we have seen
what organized planning can do.
It has brought much needed cheap
electrification to the people of the
Tennessee Valley and the Boulder
Dam area, it enabled us to come out
of the depression (though some ar-
gue in the wrong direction); but
even more important, it is permit-
ting us to prosecute the war with a
minimum of waste.
It was felt as early as 1940 that
American industry needed direction
in preparing for war and the con-
trols became more stringent with
the coming of war. If we admit-
ted at that time that our system in
its present framework could not
meet the problems we faced then
without planning, what hope have
we that it can satisfy the needs of
people after victory?
We say it can't and we are plan-
ning reconversion; we say it can't
and we are planning to expand social
security: we say it can't and why
aren't we planning for jobs for every-
one willing and able to work after
At best our reconversion programs
looks to three years duration and
then relaxation of all controls. Then,
it is argued, industry will be able to
maintain itself at a high level of pro-
But when the discharged soldier
looks for proof he finds none. He
looks to-history and finds no record
where our system set in its classical
context was able to accomplish what
planning has accomplished. He looks
to the attitudes of business and finds
them unwilling to plan for expansion.
Isn't it reasonable to expect, then,
that he will look to his own means
to satisfy his desires?
Planning in itself is no panacea
and shouldn't be counted on as
such, but it should be considered in
our problem of re-arranging our
social order to meet postwar de-
We shall have won a hollow victory
if we find our home set up on the
rocks, for we shall be breeding those
very forces which gave rise to a
Hitler and a Mussolini, and we shall
have fallen short of the goal set for
ourselves-world peace. .... .... ..
Our thinking must be re-oriented,
must be bold, daring and imaginat-
ive so that we may come to 'an
understanding of our problem before
we can act to solve it. Our heritage
and the dignity of every fighting
man and woman demands that we
do no less.
-Stan Wallace
Member of The Associated Press
. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
gecond-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year ny car-
rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
The Last Time He Saw Paris
Gen. Giles .Irks ongrss en
e,/i.eteri to the- &--~ilor
jASHINGTON - Congressmen who have
heard the inside story of General, Benny
Giles- kow-towing to the British in Egypt are all
burnt up, some talk of probing the whole Near
Eastern picture.
One thing which especially burns them up is
General Giles' instruction to Americans in
Cairo last month that there should be no cele-
bration of the 4th of July. The General sent
out word that celebration of American Indepen-
dence from Great Britain might offend our Brit-
ish allies and there should be no dinners or par-
ties among those under his command.
As a result, Cairo was so quiet on July 4
that one Britisher approached an American
friend next day and said: "Very inhospitable
of you fellows, not to invite us to any of your
4th of July parties. We've always been in-
vited before."
NOTE-Many Britishers do not agree with
Clurchill's Empire policy of throttling the Greek
liberation movement; also have no great respect
for General Giles' subservient attitude toward
Churchill policy.
Washington Cold Air
An engineer at the Navy Department build-
ing got a call the other day to come to a room
on the second floor, raise the temperature in an
overchilled, air-conditioned suite. Arriving at
the room, the engineer was surprised to learn
the man who had complained was Polar explorer
Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd.
NOTE-Washington doctors say their summer
business has never been better since air-condi-
tioning hit the capital. Donald Nelson recently
got midsummer pneumonia. Lt. Earle Mayfield,
son of Texas' ex-Senator, came to Washington's
air-cooled hotels from Houston, was taken to the
hospital on a pneumonia stretcher.
Sen. Overton's Isolationist Record
MOST significant election development of the
year has been the increasing casualty list
of isloationist or obstructionist members of Con-
gress, including Bennett Clark of Missouri,
Worth Clark of Idaho, "Cotton Ed" Smith of
South Carolina, Lambertson of Kansas, Starnes
of Alabama, and Dies of Texas.
Now it looks as if the trend were continuing
in Louisiana, where Senator John Overton faces
the fight of his life. Last time Overton ran for
renomination, in 1938, he was unopposed; had
only 250 votes cast against him in the final
election. This time, however, he faces two
hard-hitting opponents.
Difference is that, between 1938 and today,
Overton made the mistake of leading a vigor-
ous crusade against Roosevelt's attempt to
revise the Neutrality Act in order to send arms
to England. Overton led this fight even after
war had started in 1939. Again, in 1940 he
told Senate colleagues:
"I am not one of those who expect that Hitler
wil be 'over here tomorrow or possibly next year."
While this happened before Pearl Harbor, the
people of Louisiana have long memories. Also,
Overton has been shown up on occasion by
opposing important war legislation in the secrecy
of the Appropriations Committee, of which he is
are influenced by studying the life of Marl-
Lord Halifax, for instance, will never have to
leave his post as British Ambassador to Wash-
ington as long as Churchill is Prime Minister,
for Halifax's ancestor once saved the Duke of
Marlborough from jail.
Likewise, Churchill's friendship for Six Alex-
ander Cadogan and the latter's appointment as
British peace-machinery negotiator date back
to the fact that Cadogan's ancestor was chief of
staff to the Duke of Marlborough when Marl-
borough invaded Ireland in 1690.
Six Alexander is now chief British delegate to
the Dumbarton Oaks conference to lay the cor-
nerstone for future world peace.
Churchill best tells the story himself in his
book on Marlborough.
"William Cadogan (later Earl of Cadogan),
a Dublin lawyer, had won Marlborough's con-
fidence at the taking of Cork and Kinsdale,"
Churchill wrote. "Throughout the ten cam-
paigns, he was not only quartermaster gen-
eral, but what we should call chief of staff and
director of intelligence. It was Marlborough's
practice to send with the reconnoitering cav-
alry an officer of high rank who knew the
commander-in-chief's mind and his plans and
could observe the enemy through his eyes.
Cadogan repeatedly played this part.
"He shared Marlborough's fall, refusing td
separate himself 'from the great man to
whom I am under such infinite obligations. I
would be a monster if I did otherwise.' "
Ties With Halifax
CHURCHILL'S ties to Lord Halifax, Ambassa-
dor in Washington, are even deeper.
Halifax's ancestor, according to Churchill's
own account in his book, "conducted a rudi-
mentary form of life insurance. At 24, Marl-
borough purchased from Lord Halifax for 4,500
pounds (given him by the Duchess of Cleveland)
an annuity of 500 pounds for life. It was a
profitable investment. He enjoyed its fruits
for .nearly fifty years. It was the foundation
of his immense fortune."
However, the earlier Lord Halifax performed
an even greater service for Marlborough,
which Winston Churchill has not forgotten.
Marlborough was suspected of treason for
communicating with the exiled King James
and was thrown into the London Tower by
King William of Orange. Churchill tells in
his book how, after Marlborough had been in
prison six weeks, Lord Halifax "did not fail
him" and secured his release after putting up
bail of 6,000 pounds.
Today, Churchill will never fail the present
Lord Halifax.
NOTE-The Duke of Marlborough, who fought
the Battle of Blenheim against the French, is
considered one of England's greatest soldiers.
Somewhat like Winston Churchill, he is de-
scribed as having "held together for years an
army drawn from every nation in Christendom."
(Copyright, 1944, United Features Syndicate)
Defense of Scienee . .
R. ROSENBERG, in his last
tion in our high schools,1
article on educa-
brings forth the
very basic question of democratic ethic in our
educational system. This, then, involves the
objectives and function of education. Permit
me to state my views, and with it, to .end m)
part of the discussion.
Our educational objectives in the last analy-
sis depend on our democratic values. What are
they? Briefly: those of 1) a government by the
people in which the consent and participation
of the governed is involved in the arriving at
decisions on all major social issues; 2) the preva-
lence and insistance on justice, and the guard-
ing of our civil liberties; 3) the promotion of
the general welfare so as to allow its citizenry
to pursue its desired course of happiness. It is
the function of education not to allow these
major values to come in contradiction with the
economic life and social situation of our country.
And further: our educational system has
obligations not only to the individual involved
but also to society. In order to be effective,
it must look ahead and prepare its youth to a
changing economy. We need not fear the
standardization of our democracy so long as
our social objectives are not neglected and
what is taught is related to human activities.
If such be the integration of the curriculum,
mass production of minds is inconceivable.
Even the teaching of science is not without
its ethic. The question always remains-science
for what? If we have it serve our social order,
both our democracy and our science can succeed
together. The so-called battle between the
sciences and the liberal arts is grossly exag-
gerated. Our democratic education does not
allow for that disunity which some people think
exists. The coordination of the two seemingly
diverse fields of knowledge is the goal of all
progressive educators.
It is important to note that the Red Army is
able to disintegrate the whole eastern Ger-
man front. The same is true of the Yanks
and our allies on the west. Can anyone doubt
the importance of the moral fibre in the
gallantry of the Russians, or the Yanks, or
the English? Mere cold and uniform auto-
matans do not win wars. Given efficient and
superior arms and in plenty of quantity, the
determining factor is still the moral basis for
the struggle. This, I believe is, proven daily
on the various battlefronts.
Granted, there is need for study, improvement
and the elimination of obvious shortcomings.
But-our education, if it is to be effective in the
attainment of a better social order, must serve
the democratic ideal. It can not allow itself
to be buried in the ivory tower known as "the
classics." I do not mean to underestimate the
value and the great source of knowledge to be
derived from various classic origins. But to
give it prerogative educational rights is to get
lost in the shadows of the past. I believe that
our democracy is essentially humanitarian and
not intellectual. -Irving Panush
WEDNESDAY, AUG. 23, 1944
VOL. LIV No. 36-S
All notices for The Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
Summer Session, in typewritten form
by 3:30 p. m. of the day preceding its
publication, except on Saturday when
the notices should be submitted by
11:30 a. m.
Students, Summer Term, College
of Literature, Science and the Arts:
Courses elected in the second half of
the Summer Term may not be drop-
ped without penalty after Saturday,
Sept. 16. E. A. Walter
Labor Day: Monday, Sept. 4, Labor
Day, will be a University holiday,
except for Army instructional units
in which special orders are issued.
F. E. Robbins
Faculty of College of Literature,
Science and the Arts: College of
Architecture and Design: School of
Education: School of Forestry and
Conservation: School of Music: and
School of Public Health: Class lists
for use in reporting SUMMER SES-
SION GRADES of undergraduate
students enrolled in these units, and
also graduate students in the Schools
of Forestry and Conservation, Music
and Public Health, were mailed Mon-
day, Aug. 21. Anyone failing to re-
ceive their lists should notify the
Registrar's Office, Miss Cuthbert,
'phone 582, and duplicates will be
prepared for them.
Robert L. Williams
Assistant Registrar
Colleges of Literature, Science and
the Arts, and Architecture and De-
sign; Schools of Education, Forestry,
Music and Public Health: Summer
Session students wishing a transcript
of this summer's work only should
file a request in Rm. 4, U.H., several
days before leaving Ann Arbor. Fail-
ure to file this request before the end
of the session will result in a need-
less delay of several days.
Robert L. Williams
Assistant Registrar
The General Library and all be-
partmental and Collegiate Libraries
will be closed Monday, Sept.
bor Day).
4 (La-I
Freshmen, Summer Term, College
of Literature, Science and the Arts:
Freshmen may not drop courses
without "E" grade after Saturday,
Aug. 26. Only students with less than
24 hours' credit are affected by this
regulation. They must be recom-
mended by their Academic Counsel-
ors for this extraordinary privilege..
E. A. Walter
To All Students Having Library
Books: 1. Students enrolled in the
.eight weeks summer session who
have in their possession books drawn
from the .University are notified that
such books are due Wednesday, Aug.
2. The names of all students en-
rolled in the eight weeks summer
session who have not cleared their
records at the Library by Friday,
Aug. 25, will be sent to the Recorder's
Office. The credits of these students
will be held up until such time as
their records are cleared, in com-
pliance with the regulations of the
Warner G. Rice, Director
State of Michigan Civil Service
Announcements for General Typist
and Stenographer Clerks in State
Hospitals, Sanatoriums and Michi-
gan Soldiers' Home, have been re-
ceived in our office. Salary range
$115 to $132 per month. For further
details, stop in at 201 Mason Hall.
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information
State of Michigan Civil Service
Examination Announcements for
for Multilith Machine Operator B,
Salary $125 to $144 per month, and
Multilith Machine Operator A, Sal-
ary $150 to $170 per month have
been received in our office. For fur-
ther details, stop in at 201 Mason
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information
The Photostat Department of the
General Library will be closed for the
week beginning Sept. 4 while repairs
are in progress.
Tickets, Michigan-Purdue Football
Game, Oct. 28, 1944: Students who
intend to enroll for the 1944 term
may procure their admission tickets
to the Purdue football game to be
played in the Michigan Stadium on
Oct. 28 at the offices in the Admin-
istration Building, Ferry Field, be-
ginning Oct. 16, and also at the ticket
-ffnnof[-an .iiharNip nt+h
redeemed for the full amount after
the University tuition fee has been
paid for the fall term provided the
tuition fee includes admission to ath-
letic events.
Refunds will be made at the Ticket
Office in the Administration Build-
ing on Ferry Field from 8:30 a.m. to
5 p.m. daily until.Dec. 1. All deposit
receipts become void that date.
Board in Control of Intercollegiate
Athletics, University of Michigan
Student football tickets to the
Iowa Sea-Hawks, Indiana and North-
western football games: Civilian stu-
dents enrolled in the 1944 Summer
Term who are entitled to student
admission to 'the first three Univer-
sity of Michigan home football
games, should exchange their Physi-
cal Education coupon (ticket No, 7)
for their football tickets at the Ath-
letic Office, Ferry Field, between 8
a.m. and 5 p.m. on the following
Senior and Graduate Students-
Monday, Aug. 28. Junior Students-
Tuesday, Aug. 29. Sophomore Stu-
dents-Wednesday, Aug. 30. Fresh-
man Students-Thursday, Aug. 31.
Class preference will be obtainable
only on the date indicated.
Students desiring their tickets in
one block should present their Physi-
cal Education coupons together. One
student may present all of the cou-
pons for such a block of student
tickets. Where students of different
classes desire adjacent seats, the
preference of the lowest class will
prevail. H. O. Crisler, Director
Academic Notices
Thursday, Aug. 24 and Friday, Aug.
25, Examination Schedule: The ex-
amination schedule for the schools
and colleges on the eight-week basis
is as follows:
Hour of Recitation, 8-Time of Ex-
amination, Thursday, 8-10; Recita-
tation 9-Examination Fri., 8-10;
Rec., 10-Exam., Thurs., 2-4; Rec.
11-Exam., Fri., 2-4; Rec. 1-Exam.,
Thurs., 4-6; Rec., 2-Exam., Thurs.,
10-12;. Rec., 3-Exam., Fri., 10-12;
Rec. (All other hours)-Fri.,, 4-6.
Any deviation from the above
schedule may be made only by mu-
tual agreement between student and
instructor, and with the approval of
the Examination Schedule Commit-
Physical Education-Women Stu-
dents: During the last half of the
Summer Term, the Women's Physi-
cal Education Department will offer
classes in dancing, archery, badmin-
ton. golf, tennis_ swimming and life-
By Crockett Johnson
I treasr c ruisve...That leaves me with
o_ r ny importance, (O'Malley.
most responisible jab or all!...