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August 17, 1944 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1944-08-17

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Partly Cloudy and Slightly'

anadian Detachments Blast into Fal




Ossow Is
Taken by
Russians Stopped
Outside Warsaw
By The Associated Press
FRANCE-Allies in south sector
reported closing in on Toulon.
Western front reports Germans
fleeing trap. Underground waging
widespread warfare against Ger-
AIR-Allied planes hit aircraft
and oil plants in Reich. Heavy
opposition from rocket planes. Ro-
bot bombs over London again.
RUSSIA-Reds give up town
near Warsaw but drive on in other
PACIFICL-Allied planes strike
new blows in Philippines. Also hit
islands between Formosa and
By The Associated Press
LONDON Aug. 16.-The Germans
went all out today to hold Warsaw,
throwing gigantic tank and infantry
forces into counterattacks northeast
of the old Polish capital and forcing
the Russians out of the town of
Ossow, seven miles from Warsaw's
contiguous suburb of Praga.
Loss of Ossow Acknowledged
Loss of Ossow was acknowledged
in the midnight Soviet communique,
the first announced loss of any im-
portance since the vast victory pa-
rade of the Russian summer offen-
sive began June 23.
The Russians never had announced
capture of Ossow, marking their
closest approach to Warsaw since
they began the suburban siege of the
capital July 31 after seizing Wolo-
mmn, ten miles northeast.
This was the second day that the
,ussians had reportd German coun-
terattacks before Warsaw, but they
made clear that the price the Nazis
paid for this fractional success was
Nazis Lose 118 Tanks
The communique reported that on
all fronts Tuesday the Germans lost.
118 tanks, raising the two day total
of German armor losses to 232 and
implying that a great percentage of
these were in front of Warsaw.
The German high command's
communique omitted mention of
Elsewhere on the 1,000-mile active
front the Russians reported continu-
co t n-ing successes.
Reds Sweep Up 70 Towns
On the Estonian front they an-
nounced advances that swept up 70
more towns, and in Lithuania, where
the Russians have been bearing down
toward Memelland, they announced
repulse of German counterattacks.
On the southern Polish front, Sov-
iet troops broke into the city of
Sandomierz and engaged the. Ger-
mans in street fighting. The city
had been by-passed closely for two
weeks by the extended Russian
bridgehead across the Vistula.
Fall of Sandomierz, however, would
greatly strengthen the Russian ad-
vanced spearhead position and pos-
sibly permit Soviet forces there to
strike sharply northward in an out-
flanking movement against Warsaw.
Warsaw Focal Point
Warsaw was the focal point of the
whole front, however, and Moscow
dispatches said the Red Army ap-
peared to be starting its real all-out
bid for the city against the bitterest
sort of German resistance.
The Germans apparently were do-

ing everything in their power to meet
theyWarsaw challenge, but how long
they could continue to endure the
necessary losses was problematical.
Operetta To Be
Given Today
The second performance of "The
Chocolate Soldier" will be presented
jointly by the Michigan Repertory
Players of the Department of Speech
and the University Orchestra at 8:30
p.m. today in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Because of the exceptional demand
for tickets, extra performances will
be given at 2:30 p.m. Saturday and

Neu Offensive

Drives Eight Miles

By The Associated Press
ROME, Aug. 16.--French and
American invasion troops, now
identified as the Seventh Army,
under the veteran U.S. Maj.-Gen.
Alexander M. Patch, were fighting
as much as eight miles into south-
ern France tonight after smashing
German coastal defenses and es-
tablishing themselves firmly on a
70-mile stretch of the Mediter-
ranean coast between Toulon and
Disclosing that the land, sea and
air forces making this latest
breach in Hitler's continental wall
were under an all-American com-
.. .

mand, Allied headquarters an-
nounced tonight that "all initial
objectives have been taken" and
that casualties of all services had
been "exceptionally light."
At 10:45 o'clock tonight (4:45
p.m., E. W. T.) headquarters an-
nounced that the landing of rein-
forcements was continuing with-
out interruption and that the bulk
of the leading infantry divisions
was already ashore. Nearly 700
prisoners had been counted up to
last midnight, the announcement
The Allies tonight were pouring
ashore by sea and air a steady
stream of new fighters and equip-
.. ..

ment. British and American air-
borne troops, landed on a big scale
behind the lines, were effectively
blocking German attempts to rush
reinforcements to the invasion
The Americans used flame-
throwers to burn Germans out of
stone emplacements.
The highly-trained and expert
airborne forces were landed from
towed gliders which formed a train
fully 50 miles long and several
miles wide, and by parachute from
transports which kept more than
1,000 men swinging in the air at a
Although serious opposition was

encountered at one undisclosed
point, preventing the Allies from
debarking, most of the opening as-
sault "overran intricate beach ob-
stacles strongly protected by Ger-
man coastal guns," headquarters
disclosed tonight.
No powerful or general German
opposition had yet developed, per-
sons arriving from the beachhead
The headquarters of Gen. Sir
Henry Maitland Wilson, Briton
who is Commander-in-Chief of the
Allied Mediterranean forces, dis-
closed tonight that the invasion
was under American command on
land and sea and in the air.
:,. ., .,

Encounter Heavy
German Resistance
Nazi Rear Guard Tries To Hold Open
Narrow Corridor As Escape Route
By The Associated Press
SHAEF, Thursday, Aug. 17-Canadian troops stormed into Falaise
from two sides Wednesday night, battling desperate German resistance in
the center of the town as enemy rear guards attempted to hold open the
ever-narrowing corridor for the flight of remnants of the German
Seventh Army.
An official announcement said 11 under-strength divisions were in
the Normandy trap, and the Germans themselves reported that those
managing to struggle out through the eight-mile wide corridor probably
were heading for another snare shaping up between Paris and the mouth

French Revolt
Sweeps Swiss
Frontier Area
Bitter Uprising Spreads
Through Haute Savoie
By The Associated Press
TIER, Thursday, Aug. 17-French-
men throughout Haute Savoie, sup-
plied with guns and ammunition
dropped by Allied planes during the
past week, fought on bitterly this
morning in a major revolt against
the Nazis they had learned so well
to hate during four years of occupa-
tion now drawing to an end.
Just after midnight big fires could
be seen on Mount Saleve just outside
Geneva. Germans were smoked out
of the school buildings at Ville La
Grande where they had held out all
day Wednesday.
Complete Partisan Control
The region was completely under
Partisan control. Just before mid-
night Allied planes dropped new sup-
plies to feed the battle. It was re-
ported reliably that a series of supply
gliders landed in the French Juras
just after dusk Wednesday.
There was no doubt that a general
uprising, a real revolt, was in pro-
gress. Village after village was lib-
erated during the afternoon. Fight-
ing French appeared at custom posts.
Fighting between German soldiers
and SS units helped to spread chaos
in the Nazi garrisons.
Against Their Own Gestapo
German Army troops at Thonon-
Les-Bains fought a bitter, day-long
battle with machine guns, rifles and
hand to hand against their own Ges-
tapo and SS units, while outside the
town between Avian and Thonon
Partisans carried out a heavy offen-
sive against occupation troops. Big
fires were started in the village of
Amphion and Nazi troops there fled
in disorder.
Four officers surrendered to Par-
tisans at Bellevaux. Czech and Aus-
trian troops laid down their arms.
Regular German soldiers surrendered
in the Douvaing region.
For more news on French Parti-
san activity see page 4.
Misunderstanding About
Union Cards Corrected
In view of an erroneous impres-
sion held by servicemen on this
campus, the Michigan Union re-
leased the following statement to-
day to clarify the situation.
"Servicemen will require Union
cards as well as paying the regular
fees in order to participate in
Upion activities."

A1MIERICAN TROOPS LAND IN SOUTHERN FRANCE-American soldiers wade through the water from an LCI to the beach at a point
east of Toulon as the new invasion of France along the Mediterranean coast opened. Another LCI is at the left. This is the first ground
view of the new thrust against the Germans in southern France.

Allied Bombers
Strike Davao

Bursley Tenders Temporary
Approval to New Veterans Club

l1 Planes Downed in
Raid on Halmahera


Thursday-(AP)- Allied bombers in
new blows at the Philippines and the
Spice Islands raided Davao, on Min-
danao, and destroyed 11 airplanes at
Halmahera, headquarters announced
A patrol plane, probably from a
Dutch New Guinea base, attacked
the wharf area of Davao, principal
city in the southern Philippines, Sun-
day night. The damage to this im-
portant port, from which the Jap-
anese formerly sent a flow of troops
and supplies to Halmahera and New
Guinea, was not disclosed.
Patrol planes have attacked Min-
danao half a dozen times this month.
Prior to the end of July, the Philip-
pines had been beyond effective Al-
lied bomber range since April, 1942.
Heavy and medium bombers join-
ed in attacks upon Lolobata air-
drome on Halmahera Tuesday, in
which 11 Japanese planes on the
ground were destroyed or seriously
Hailmahera, stepping-stone from
New Guinea to the Philippines and
once one of the mightiest Japanese
bases in the southwest Pacific, was
characterized by Gen. Douglas Mac-
Arthur this week as "practically neu-
tralized" by bombing attacks.
Southwest of Halmahera, patrol-
ling Liberators scored two direct hits
on a 3,000-ton freighter-transport
which was left dead in the water.
In mopping-up operations on Biak,
248 additional enemy dead have been
counted and 52 more prisoners tak-
en. Known Japanese casualties onj

Dean of Students Joseph A. Burs-
ley, chairman of the Student Affairs
Committee, yesterday tendered tem-
porary University approval to the
new Veterans Organization and in-
dicated that the entire comrnittee
would formally pass upon the recog-
nition petition in a week or ten days.
This move coupled with the antici-
pation of a large veteran turnout for
this week's meeting of the organiza-
tion prompted the executive commit-
tee to shift the scene of the meeting
to the Rackham Amphitheatre, Lasz-
lo Hetenyi, Grad., president, stated.
Three Ann Arbor men, long leaders
in American Legion work, will dis-
cuss "How the Veteran Can Be
Helped" at this meeting to be held
at 7 p.m. tomorrow.
The various programs of the fed-
eral and state governments and the
American Legion to aid the dis-

charged veteran in readjusting to
civilian life will be discussed by
Henry Barnes, Carl Johnson and
Walter Kindschy. An open question
period will follow.
The Veterans Organization is at-
tempting to enlist the active mem-
bership of the more than 100 dis-
charged servicemen on the campus,
Hetenyi said, and he added that "it
is extremely important that all vet-
erans attend this meeting."
War Bond Redemptions
Are Surprisingly Large
WASHINGTON, Aug. 16.- (P)-
War bond redemptions in the first
14 days of August totaled $129,622,
063, compared with sales of $147,-
This was disclosed in the Treas-
ury's daily statement today.

Allies Advance
Toward Pinbaw
Troops Are 22 Miles
Southwest of Mogaung
HEADQUARTERS, Kandy, Ceylon,
Aug. 16.-(P)-Allied troops in nort;h
Burma, driving south along the Man-
dalay railway, now are about 22
miles southwest of Mogaung, having
reached a point two miles north of
Pinbaw, headquarters announced to-
(The Japanese themselves ac-
knowledged withdrawal into Burma
from India where, the Tokyo radio
admitted, "they are prepared for
battles." The broadcast was record-
ed by the Associated Press).
British troops continued their ad-
vance down the Tiddim Road and in
the Kabaw valley in western Burma.
In the valley, operations were in
progress against enemy rear guard
elements 18 miles from the captured
border stronghold of Tamu.

of the Seine River.
Canadians Storm Town
The Canadians,. storming into the
center of the town where William the
Conqueror was born, were supported
by tanks of an armored regiment as
they slugged their way across the
tiny Ante River running through the
northwestern part of Falaise. But
they met stiff resistance from Ger-
mans entrenched in the town's main
On the other claw of the huge trap,
American forces from the south have
captured Putanges, front dispatches
said. The town is ten miles west of
Argentan and its capture seals off
the only road through the bottleneck
wide enough for two trucks to pass.
Allied planes showered explosives
on the trapped Germans and at the
same time dropped 2,000,000 "surren-
der" leaflets, showing pictures of
German defeats at Cherbourg and in
Russia. It appeared that except for
the struggle at Falaise and Argentan,
upper and lower jaws of the pincers,
resistance was crumbling fast.
Retreat Likened to Dunkerque
One Allied officer likened it to a
"land Dunkerque," as American and
British forces, breaking inside the
Road to Berlin
By The Associated Press
RUSSIAN FRONT: 322 miles
(measured from eastern suburbs of
ITALIAN FRONT: 603 miles
(measured from Florence).
(measured from Soignolles).
(measured from Cannes).
pocket, found a chaos of-flight. The
pocket now is shrunk to eight miles
wide at the gap and 15 miles wide at
the base and little over 20 miles long.
It was a defeat of an army, one
officer said, but not an annihilation,
and it remained to be seen, in view
of the new threat to the Germans in
the Paris direction, how many actu-
ally would escape.
L.t. Gen.,Omar N. Bradley's forces
have hemmed in enemy troops suffi-
cient in number, along with those al-
ready dead or captured, to make an-
other Stalingrad in Normandy, As-
sociated Press correspondent William
Smith White wrote from the front.
A few hours after American tanks
captured Putanges in a sharp thrust,
cutting down the escape corridor, an
official announcement said the trap-
ped divisions-all probably far below
normal strength-included the 271st,
977th, 326th, 276th, 277th, 89th,
85th and 272nd infantry, the 21st
Panzer - and the 9th and 12th SS
divisions. At full strength, these di-
visions would aggregate 165,000 men,
but their number probably does not
approach that now. How far they
have been reduced cannot be esti-
Many Nazis Escape
it seemed clear by now that the
Germans had managed to get much
of the crippled Seventh Army out of
its trap-to what fate remained to be
Associated Press Correspondent
Hal Boyle reported from Third . S.
Army headquarters in France that
the remaining Germans were break-
ing up into roving Guerrilla bands
and seemed to have been so decimat-
ed that the Seventh Army could not
reassemble its remnants for a break-
through to join other disorganized
units beyond Paris.
Class Representatives of
Engine Council Chosen

Campus Veteran Tells of Four Years in Pacific

Behind the discharge button of
one of the returned veterans on cam-
pus lies a story of four years of
fighting in this war which have car-
ried him through the Battles of the
Coral Sea, Midway, the fighting on
Guadalcanal, and in the Aleutians.
As a pilot, bombardier, and navi-
gator, in the Army Air Forces at-
tached to the famed 19th Bombard-
ment Group in the South Pacific he
snw and narticinated in what he calls

Midway, but that was what we
were supposed to do."
It was something like that which

We'll call him GI Joe and take up
his story,
"We saw those Marines on
Guadalcanal take a hell of a lot
but they sure did give out plenty
more. Those first few days on the
island when we were their air um-
brella, the stream of Japs seemed
endless but our boys kept piling up
the dead and the island was se-
"When I talked to those boys on

GI Joe enlisted in the Air Forces
when he was still a kid. He was
sixteen in 1940 when he felt the urge
to put his weight behind the forces
"fighting for democracy." He fought,
and saw men dying in a good part of
the battle area, Pearl Harbor streng-
thened his resolve, and after four
years of meeting and conquering
danger, he crashed in a Curtis War-
hawk on a routine flight in the

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