I - EMM-
Jury Convicts 20
Lawmakers, Finance
Officials Are Sentenced
Will Serve Three to five Years; Two
Acquitted in Close of Nine-Week Trial.
By The Associated Press
MASON, Aug. 12-A circuit court jury today convicted 20 of the 22
defendants in the legislative graft trials, acquitting two officials of finance
companies who were co-defendants, and Circuit Judge John Simpson imme-
diately sentenced each of them to serve three to five years in prison.
The jury acquitted Mark S. Young, Detroit representative of the
National Discount Corporation, of South Bend, Ind., and Samuel N. Hop-
kins, vice-president of the Union Investment Company of Detroit.
Cl6sing nine hot weeks of trial in the old Ingham county building, the
Jury of nine women and three men returned its verdict to a tense court
room about five hours and 57 minutes after it had received the case from
Judge Simpson, of Jackson, this morning.
Those found guilty of what Special r1
Prosecutor Kim Sigler described as
.a "despicable" crime were: ,
Finance company officials: John E.
Hancock, assistant vice-president and
Detroit branch manager of Associates
Discount Corp., of South Bend, Ind.;
George Omacht, general counsel of
Associates Investment Corp., of South
Bend; and Abraham Cooper, of De-
troit, president of the Union Invest-
ment Company.
Three Senators Named
State Senators: Charles C. Diggs,
and Leo J. Wilkowski, Democrats,
of Detroit, and Jerry T. Logie, Re-
publican, of Bay City.
State Representatives: William G.
Buckley, Earl C. Gallagher, Joseph
J. Kowalski, Martin A. Kronk, Fran-
cis J.. Nowak, Adam W. Sumeracki,
and Edward J. Walsh, Democrats, of
Detroit, and Walter N. Stockfish, of
Hamtramck, are privates in the Army
of the United States.
Former State Senators: D. Ste-
phen Benzie, Democrat, of Norway,
William A. Bradley, and Ernest H.
Nagel, Democrats, of Detroit, and
Henry F. Shea, Democrat, of CalumetE
and Lansing.
Former State Representatives:
Stanley J. Dombrowski, Detroit Dem-
iocrat, now serving a prison term for
perjury before the grand jury and
Joseph L. Kaminski, Democrat, of
Verdict To Be Appealed
Walter M. Nelson, attorney for
Cooper and Hopkins said the verdict
would be appealed, but regardless of
the verdict, "the judge's charge to
the jury was unbalanced and erro-
neous, possibly because the prosecut-
or asked the court to make a de-
tailed statement of facts without re-
questing similarly for the defense."
This contrasted with the statement'
of Sigler that "like everything else
he has done in the trial, Judge Simp-
son's charge to the jury is an exam-
ple of fairness."
The group of anxious defendants
were prevented from hearing their
fate for long minutes after the-jury
knocked on its locked door at 5:15
p. m. because two or their number,
defendants Earl C. Gallagher and
Joseph-J. Kowalski were absent from
the court room when the roll call of
Lhe accused was held.
Await State Prison
Under Michigan law, persons sen-
tenced in this area automatically are
committed to the State Prison of
Southern Michigan, where, after a
period, penal officials assign them to
the institution deemed proper for the
Every one of the convicted group,
with the exception of Dombrowski,
who already is serving a prison sen-
tence on a perjury charge, announc-
ed he would appeal.
C {
Debate WillIie
Held Tomorrow
A demonstration debate sponsored
by the Department of Speech will be
held at 4 p. m. Monday in the West
Conference Room of the Rackham
Building on the national high school
question, "Resolved, That the Legal
Voting Age Should Be Lowered to
18 Years."
Representing the affirmative will be
Mary H. Humphrey, Grad., who dur-
ing the regular year is instructor in
Speech at Marycrest College, Daven-
port, Ia., and Robert Acton, '46, a
former debater at the Springfield,
0. high school, which is a member
of the Ohio State Speech League and
the National Forensic League.
Siegan, Muehl To Speak
On the side of the negative will
be Joyce Siegan. '46, and E. William
Muehl, Grad. Miss Siegan, a mem-
ber of the University debate squad
for two years with three additional
years of debating at Benton Harbor
High School, is direcwor of the Stu-
dent Speakers' Bureau and a winner
of the Eleanor Clay Ford award in
debating for the year 1943-44.
Mr. Muehl, instructor in speech
at Yale University Divinity School,
was a varsity debater for three years,
Michigan's representative in the
Northern Oratorical League contest
in 1940, and holds a degree from the
Law School.
Mills Will Be Chairman
Prof. George E. Mills, Grad., who
will act as chairman, is from the
speech department of Western Mich-
igan College of Education in Kala-
mazoo,, and critic teacher in the
State High School, where he was
coach of the state championkhp
high school debate team in 1943-44.
Bromage Given New
Overseas Promotion
Maj. Arthur W. Bromage, in Eng-
land on leave of absence from the
political science department, has
been promoted to the rank of lieu-
tenant-colonel, it was announced
Lt.-Col. Bromage is in the Train-
ing Division Headquarters of the
Army European Civil Affairs Divi-
sion. In connection with his special-
ization in the field of municipal and
local government, he is on the fac-
ulty of the Army's Civil Affairs
School in England.
Col. Bromage received training
and was commissioned a major at
the school at Charlottesville, Va. He
was on the faculty of the Civil
Affairs school at Fort Custer prior
to going overseas.
Church Groups
To Have Two
Talks Today
Frankena,, Williams
To Address Guilds
Among the speakers at ie Sun-
day guild , programs will be Prof.
Williams Frankena of the philosophy
department who will address mem-
bers of the Roger Williams Guild at
5 p. m. at the Baptist Church.
He will be the concluding speaker
in a series of discussions on the
topic, "The Six Pillars of Peace."
his subject will be "Freedom of
Speech and Religion."
Williams Will Speak
Canterbury Club at St. Andrew's
Episcopal Church will have Prof.
Mentor Williams of the Department
of English speak at 5 p. m. The
group will meet at 1530 Hill Street.
Miss Ching-Wen Hu, graduate stu-
dent from Shanghai, China, will talk
to the Lutheran Student Association
,t 4:30 ' in Zion -Parish Hall.
Supper will be held at 6 p m.
I Orrmma Delta To Meet
Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student
Club will meet at 3:30 p. m. at the
Center on Washtenaw Avenue for
outdoor recreation with supper fol-
lowing at 5 p. m.
T h e Congregational - Disciples
Guild for students and servicemen
will leave the Guild House at 4 p. in.
today for the picnic at Riverside
Park. Games, supper and vesper
_service will be held.
j Continuing their discussions on
the church, the Wesleyan Guild will
meet at 5 p. in. today in the Lounge
(of the First Methodist Church. Sup-
per andfellowship hour will be feld
at 6 p..
At the State ... At the Michigan . .
Starring Deanna Durbin in her Inspired by Alice Duer Miller's
first straight dramatic role, "Christ- poem of traditional England, "The
mas Holiday" the film version of White Cliffs of Dover," starring Irene
Somerset Maugham's best selling Dunne, opens at the Michigan today.
novel, comes to the State today. A England, in all her past and present
love story, "Christmas Holiday" fea- glory, is seen through the eyes of an
tures Miss Durbin in only two songs American girl, who turns a two week
and these are sung in a low, throaty vacation in a lifelong stay. She mar-
tone, in contrast with the star's usual ries an English nobleman during
style. The process of growing up in World War I in time to see him
the movies has been a gradual one march away and sees her son grow
for Deanna as this is the first picture up to fight the present war. Included
in which she plays a fully adult role. in the supporting cast are Alan Mar-
In the supporting cast of the film
are Gene Kelly, Richard Whorf. shal, Roddy McDowall, Frank Mor-
Dean Harens, Gladys George, Gale gan, Van Johnson and C. Aubrey
Sondergaard and David Bruce. Smith.
Student Gives First Carillon Recital Today
Jay rto Mut (u Camp Selections from Bach and Mozart,
including "Turkish March," "Sonata
A promise made a year ago to Dr. No. 18 for Violin" and an aria from
Joseph E. Maddy, director of the "Marriage of Figaro" will be heard
National Music Camp at Interlochen, at the carillon recital at 3 p.m. today
was unexpectedly fulfilled this week, from the Burton Memorial Tower
A former student at the camp, Er- with Prof. Percival Price playing.
nestine Delcamp, promised that the ri r playing.
first money she earned playing with
a symphonic group would go to In- The Marine, Soldier, Sailor
terlochen because the Camp had value a neat appearance. We
meant So much to her. This sum- feel proud to serve . . . in our
mer she is playing horn with the fan-cooled shop.
Detroit Federation of Musicians Band THE DASCOLA BARB ERS
at Belle Isle and sent her first check Between State and Mich. Theaters
off to the Camp.
PRESIDENT EATS WITH GI'S IN ALASKA-President Roosevelt grins
broadly as he takes chow with two enlisted men and army and navy
officers of a' naval, base in the Aleutian Islands, Alaska, early in August
on his Pacific tour. At the President's right is Marine Pvt. William
Goff, Batesville, Ark., and at his left, Pfc. Ferdinand itutsher, Irving-
ton, N. J. Others are unidentified officers.
Small Factory Manufacturers
" B Aided Uhv ' Meen '
A series of eight meetings starting
in Detroit on Tuesday, Aug. 22, de-
signed to help small factory manu-
facturers with post-war contract
problems, will be sponsored by the
University School of Business Ad-
ministration, it was announced yes-
The meetings, planned particular-
ly for. manufacturers in the Detroit
City Finishes 71
Deathless Days
With only two traffic fatalities
recorded, this year, Ann Arbor today
entered its 72nd day without a death
as a result of an automobile accident,
Police Chief Sherman H. Mortenson
The last fatality to mar Ann Ar-
bor's traffic safety record occurred
May 31 at the intersection of Pack-
ard and Stadium Boulevard. Curi-
ously the only other fatality of the
year also occurred at Stadium and
Packard when A. A. "Jimmy" James,
member of the University's physical
education staff, was killed in April.
Ann Arbor's total population, esti-
mated by the chamber of commerce,
is approximately 35,000. This indi-
cates that Ann Arbor has had 2,485,-
000 man-days without a fatal acci-
Man Escapes From
City Police Station
Police officials yesterday held two
men and were searching for a third
who escaped after being picked up
on suspicion when officers noted one
of the trio changing clothes beside
an automobile.
The man, believed to be William
Roberts, 33, of St. Louis, Mo., escaped
from the police station while officers
were questioning his two companions.
The men gave their names as Steve
Baker, 20, New Port, Ky., and Ra-
mond Strain, 28, Ypsilanti. Baker
admitted he has been AWOL from a
Topeka, Kans., Army camp since
area employing 500 men or less, will
be held at the University Extension
Center in Detroit.
The program, one of. the first of
its kind in the United States, was
planned by Robert L. Dixon of the
school's faculty and had been pre-
pared one month after the Contract
Settlement Law of 1944 became ef-
fective, July 21.
Manufacturers attending the meet-'
ings will study this law as well as
to facilitate understanding of re-
conversion negotiations. By means
of this preparation the University
hopes to help more than 2,000 small-
er employers retain their businesses,
thus providing continued employ-
ment for the 250,000 workers on their
No tuition or other charges are
made for any of the eight meetings.
LOST-Black Eversharp pencil, gold
band, near campus. Name Thomas
Imse inscribed. Reward. Call 705$.
LOST: Beige raincoat on campus,
military style. Chicago label. Re-
ward. Luaine Berman, 5029 -Stock-
well Hall.
TWO STUDENTS to wait table for
room and board. Call Myron Zeis,
TWO DOUBLE ROOMS, one single
room for last eight weeks, 1503
Washtenaw. 23159 or 24808.
J'Sim""er Ban(
TO Appear Aug. 0
An invitation for pre-final relaxa-
tion was given yesterday by Prof.
William D. Revelli, conductor of the
University bands, to attend the Sum-
mer Session band concert at 7:30
p.m. Sunday, Aug. 20, on the steps
of the Rackham Building.
Featured on the program will be
symphonic band literature, modern
American music and stirring march-
es. The public is cordially invited to
In case of rain, the concert will be
given in Hill Auditorium at the same
The Chocolate Soldier"
Mtonday, Angust 21, i. :39
Other Performances August 16-19 - 8:30
Prices: $1.20 - 1.02 - 78c (inc. Federal tax)
in conjunction with the School of Music
Box Office Phone 6300
_________________________________________________ ____________________________________ I
rctio z. Modern Goolhi
FOR SALE-Reserved seat ticket on
"El Capitan" train, Chicago foi
Los Angeles, leaving August 19.
Frances Hinas, 23225.
. . , ...
.111 ® ~aAEu1o F- .,.. I