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August 13, 1944 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1944-08-13

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Partly cloudy with scattered








,WesQuad To Be
Open to Civilians
Navy To Give-p llnRunsy
Wely Army Relinquishes Fletcher
Fo h is iesn ehNal V-12 unit o ncampus occupied West ......
Quadrangle July, 1943, ciiinmen students "will be housed in the buildr:::
ingsat the beginning of the fall term, Joseh A useDa fSuet
revealed yesterday.
Al-e-RumseY and Wenley houses will be relinquished by the Navy,
who will retain other accommodations in the, quadrangle, Dean BursleY
said Inadditin Fletcher Hall, housing about 55 students, will also
bused for men students this fall. The dormitory had beeocupid.b
the Army, but recently has been undergoing renovation.
Of the six fraternity houses administered by the University for civil-
instudents, only one will house men during the coming term. The house
is the former Psi Upsilon fraternity, "Cy" Adams, at 1000 Hill. The other
d fve fraternity houses will be utilized



Germans Leave
Florence While
AMG Enters
Allies Cross Arno To
Aid Stricken Italians
By The Associated Press
FRANCE-Invasion of Mediter-
ranean coast possible. Allied thrust
southward indicates it may be im--
minent. Swing around Paris
cloaked in mystery. Aerial warfare
RUSSIA-Second White Russian
Army smashes six miles northeast
of Warsaw. Other Red forces
tighten trap. on Nazis in north.
ITALY - Germans evacuate
Florence. Art treasures spared.
PACIFIC- Severe bombing of
Halmahera Island on road to Phil-
ippines. Davao bombed again.
By The Associated Press
ROME, Aug. 12.-The Germans
have pulled out of Florence, releasing
Italy's most beautiful city from a
vise in which it had been clutched
for a week as contending armies
stood on opposite banks of the Arno
River, which runs through it.
A German withdrawal made under
cover of darkness permitted officers
of the Allied Military Government to
enter the main part of the city north
of the Arno today to assist the
stricken population. There were no
official reports that the Eighth Army
had yet crossed the stream.
Snipers Remain in City
The Germans withdrew north of
the Mugnone canal, which skirts the
northern edge of the city, but some
snipers were left behind.
in the modern suburbs on the
eastern extremity of the city, where
wide streets separate apartment hou-
ses, there was machinegun fire from
German parachute troops stationed
on roofs.
Neither army shelled Florence, and
only its rail yards and installations
in the immediate vicinity were
bombed: There were machinegun du-
els across the Arno, but these caused
little or no damage.
Population Stricken
First reports from officers crossing
the Arno indicated the situation of
the population was even worse than
had been believed.
Food, water and medical supplies
were short, and the entire male pop-
ulation-except for fascist comba-
tants-had beenrconfined to their
homes by the Germans.
Players Will
Give 'Musical'
The final production of the sum-
mer season by the Michigan Reper-
tory Players of the Department of
Speech, "The Chocolate Soldier,"
will be presented at 8:30 p. m. Wed-
nesday through Saturday this week,
at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre,
with a special performance on Mon-.
day, Aug. 21.
In presenting this light operetta,
adapted from George Bernard Shaw's
satire, "Arms and the Man," the
Players will be assisted by the School
of Music and the University Orches-
tra. ,
Dorothy Feldman will play the
leading role of Nadina Popoff and

by women students, Dean Bursley
'U' Residences to House 250
Accomodations provided for men
students by the four residences will
total about 250.W
University accomodations, coupled
with local rooming houses should
prove sufficient for the expected
freshmen men enrollment; Dean
Bursley added.
Freshman admissions to date to-
taled almost 800 with the majority
women. However, figures are about
50 greater than totals for the same
period last year.
Navy Quota Cut
Cutbacks in the Navy quota are
being manifested by their relinquish-
ing two houses of West Quad, Prof.
Marvin L. Niehuss, director of the
Division for Emergency Training,
said. The current V-12 enrollment,
exclusive of medical, dental and ar-
chitectural students, is 1317, he said.
Reduced quotas indicate that the
V-12 enrollment for the coming term
will drop about 300, he added.
Army training cutbacks date from
last April.
Anticipation of an unprecedented
influx of women students has
prompted the University to prepare,
further accomodations for the co-
eds. Dean Bursley estimated that
women would occupy approximately
15 fraternity houses this fall. That
accomodations might still prove in-
sufficient was indicated in a letter
circulated by the Dean of Women's

Mystery Cloaks,
Germans Rush Ireinforceents to Caen,
Mortain, Loire Rver Line in Normandy
By The Associated Press
SHAE.F, Sunday, Aug. 13-The Allies, with official mystery cloaking
the American swing around the left flank of the half-encircled German
Seventh Army in northwestern France, pounded forward slowly at five
points in the bulge between Mortain ,and Caen yesterday and American
Armor pushed toward southern France well below the Loire.
One German salient six miles wide and four miles deep was rubbed out
by coordinated British-Canadian drives below Caen.
The Germans, reversing their previous withdrawal tactics, hurled all
available reinforcements into the Normandy bulge which American, Brit-
ish and Canadian troops were battering from three sides.
The vast regions of France below
the broad Loire river already had
been penetrated by American ground oviets D riv
forces which stabbed more than 10So e
miles southward after liberating
But lack of news concerning thatW. r saw
front and on activity beyond Le-
Mans on the Paris road-a place R d i
which thehAmericans had passed Reds Are Six Miles
four days previously-reached the F'omNazi
proportions of a complete blackout. rom NSahents
Dispatches from the front were heav-
ily censored, and at the late night By The Associated Press -
headquarters press conference there LONDON, Sunday, Aug. 12-Gen.
was no word of developments. G. F. Zakharow's Second White Rus-
Allies Continue Secrecy sian Army yesterday smashed six
The speed, extent and objectives miles through strong German forti-
of the American drives so befuddled fications northeast of Warsaw, and
the Germans that the Allies rigidly reached the Biebrza river marshes,
continued the four-day clamp-down last big obstacle separating the Rus-
on word of progress, announcing "The sians from the famous first world
situation must remain obscure purely War battleground of the Masurian
for security reasons." Lakes inside German East Prussia.,
It asked public patience "because In the north three other power-
on secrecy depends the success of the ful Soviet armies tightened their
Allied plan and the lives of Ameri- trap on possible 300,000 German
can, British, Canadian and other Al- troops pinned against the Baltic
lied soldiers." sea, and one of these Red Armies
On the remainder of the active suddenly lashed out westward
front, the British driving four miles toward Liepaja, west Latvian port,
east of Thury-Harcourt, reached and toward Memel, German sea-
Fresney-Le-Vieux and linked up with port at the northern tip of German
Canadians who pushed down from East Prussia.
Bretteville-sur-laize. This gave the
British control of the Caen-Thury West of Bialystok other. units un-
highway. der Zakharov rolled to within 20
Road Junction Captured miles east of Lomza with the cap-
The Canadians took the road junc- ture of Szafranki, and' 24 miles
tion town of Barbery and advanced southeast of that Big German strong-
a mile and a half southward to Bois d ith the seizine of Wnory rail
These drives eliminated the Ger- Berlin broadcasts said the Ger-
man salient between the Laize and man situation west of the Vistula
Orne river. Whether any sizable River, 100 miles south of Warsaw
German forces were trapped in the where the Russians have establish-
area was not disclosed. ed a great bridgehead pointed tow-
Southwest of Thury, the British ard German Silesia 75 miles be-
captured St. Pierre La Vieille and yond "still was grave." Moscow's
pressed on southward within three bulletin did not mention any gains
miles north of Conde-Sur-Noireau, in that vital sector but said So-
and anchor point of German posi- viet troops successfully repulsed
tions west of the Orne. German counterattacks by large

-Photo by John Horeth
VETERANS CONTINUE TO AID WAR EFFORT-Five veterans of World War II are shown at the Red
Cross Blood Bank last Thursday ready to donate their blood for the treatment of the seriously wounded.
They are part of the recently established Veterans Organization at the University. From left to right
they are Alexander LaMako (on the bed), Bob Lynch, Leonard Cavanough, Tom Patton and Alvin


FRWrso To Future Peace in Pacific

office warning co-eds of

the roomI

Yanks Raid Iwo,
Halmahera Isles
In Jap\Waters
Blistering American air raids along
the sea approaches to Japan and the
Philippines have caused war-jittery
Nippon to speed up her home defense
plans and rush reinforcements into
other threatened areas.
Chinese reports specifically men-
tioned the sending of reinforcements
to the Philippines and Formosa as
American commanders in the central
and southwest Pacific disclosed heavy
aerial strikes against Japanese
strongholds in those war theaters.
Liberators Hit Iwo Islands
In the latest attack on the south-
eastern flank of Japan's home de-
fenses, American Army Liberators un-
loaded 47 tons of explosives on Iwo
island, 750 miles from Tokyo. The
land-based bombers undoubtedly
flew from Saipan, in the Marianas,
where Yank forces have conquered
three strategic islands - Saipan,
Guam and Tinian.
Other American fliers blasted Hal-
mahera, 300 miles south of thedPhil-
ippines ,and . hit Talaud Island, 100
miles closer to Mindanao Island
where the Japanese have a major
base at Davao.
Four Ships Sunk,
Four freighters and other shipping
were sunk. Another freighter was
damaged near Talaud. Forty-one
Japanese planes were destroyed or
damaged in the vicious attack.
Army Overseas Can
Not See 'Wilson'
WASHINGTON, Aug. 12. - (P) -
The Army announced tonight that,
despite its previous statement that

By The, Associated Press
BREMERTON, Wash., Aug. 12.-
President Roosevelt returned to the
United States tonight from an ex-
tended tour of the Pacific to declare
this nation must *be permanently
prepared against future Japanese
aggressions for all time.
He said the peoples of the Philip-
pines, Korea, Indo-China, New Gui-1
nea and the mandated islands have
no wish to be Japanese slaves, and
he declared we are in "the splendid
process" of throwing the Japanese
Uncertain of War's End
"I cannot tell you, if I knew, when
the war will be over either in Europe
or in the Far East or the war against
"It will be over the sooner," he
said, "if the people of this country
will maintain the making of the
necessary supplies and ships and
planes. By so doing we will hasten
the day of peace. By so doing we will
save our own pocketbooks and those
of our children; by so doing we will
run a better chance of substantial
unity among the United Nations."
Hawaii Now a Major Base
The President said the Hawaiian
Islands have been converted from a
mere outpost to a major base for
front line operations in the Pacific.
He brought a cheer from his audi-
ence when he declared "the islands
will make possible future operations
in China-make possible the recap-
ture and independence of the Philip-
Luna Park at
Coney Island
NEW YORK. Aug. 12.--)- A
spectacular five-alarm fire broke out
this afternoon in Luna Park, storied
and pictured amusement center at
Coney Island where some 800,000
persons had gone for relief from one
of the hottest days of the year.
The fire started in the "Dragon's
Gorge," a scenic ride in the center
of the park and spread rapidly. An
official of Steeplechase Park, an
amusement center near Luna, said
the rear and one side of Luna were
ablaze, with some flames shooting as
high as 300 to 400 feet. He said one
of the park's central towers, the
"Dragon's Gorge" and the "Mile

pines, and mnake possible the carry-
ing of war into the home islands of
Japan itself."
Mr. Roosevelt said upon his return
to Washington he intends to set up
a study of Alaska and the Aleutian
Islands as "a place to which many
veterans of this war, especially those
who do not have strong roots in their
own homes, can go to become pio-
(IP)-Highlights of President Roose-
velt's speech at the Puget Sound navy
yard tonight:
"We are utterly opposed to ag-
gression or sneak attacks-but we,
as a people, are insistent that other
nations must not under any circum-
stances through the forseeable fu-
ture commit such attacks against the
United States. Therefore it is es-
sential that we be fully prepared to
prevent them for all time to come."
"The word and honor of Japan
cannot be trusted."
"We have no desire to ask for
any possession of the United Nations,
but I am confident (they will) be
glad to join with us in protection
against aggression and in machinery
to prevent aggression."

Attack Pounds
South, France
American Leaders
Join Churchill in Rome.
ROME, Aug. 12.-Allied air might
was thrown against the southern ap-
proaches to Hitler's crumbling Euro-
pean fortress today for the second
time within 24 hours,,rwith 750 U. S.
heavy bombers scourging . German
military defenses along the southern
coast of France.
There was a feeling among the
public that momentous developments
in the Mediterranean were impend-
ing as high American military figures
arrived to join Prime Minister
Churchill, who already is in Rome.
The arrival of Churchill alone was
4terpreted by Popolo, organ of the
Christian Democrat Party, as a sign
of the importance the Italian theater
of war "may assume in the near fu-
It was announced that Robert P.
Patterson, undersecretary of war,F
and Lt. Gen Brehon S. Somervell,
corhmander f U. S. Armry Service
Forces, had arrived to inspect mili-
tary installations in the Mediterran-
ean theater.
Allied concentration on such en-
emy coastal targets as pill boxes,
radio stations and gun emplacements
along the French coast and the Ital-
ian Rivieria coincided with a plaster-
ing of the southern French transpor-
tation nerve center of Toulouse by
U. S. bombers shuttling from Russian
bases via Italy on the way home to


Hottest Summer Of
Decade Reported
By The Associated Press
Michigan residents today experi-
enced their 24th day of 90 degree
weather this year, for the hottest
summer on record for a decade, ac-'
cording to reports of the Detroit
Weather Bureau.
Relief from the record heat wave
was promised by the weather bu-
reau which predicted that Sunday
temperatures would not go above 90

ifantry and tank; forces.
The Germans, threatened with a
splitting of their front between War-
saw and Kharkov in southern Poland,
were putting up 'a'furious fight on
the sun-baked plais, realizing that
a, Soviet breakthrough here would
find the Russians soon spilling into
Germany itself. The intensity of the
fighting on all fronts was indicated
by Moscow's announcement that 71
German tanks had been wrecked dur-
ing Friday.
Need Increases
For Explosies
Request Doubles Tons
Dropped This Year
WASHINTON, Aug. 12-(IP)-Unit
ed States Army bombers will need

Radio Producer Shayon To Lead Panel
On BroadcastingProduction, Direction

Producer - Director - Writer Robert
Lewis Shayon of the Columbia
Broadcasting System, will lead a dis-
cussion on radio direction and pro-
duction at 4 p. m. Tuesday in the
West Conference Room of the Rack-
ham Bulding and will deliver an ad-
dress before the Department of
Speech Assembly at 3 p. m., Wednes-
day, in Rackham Amphitheater.
In addition to taking part in these
two Department of Speech programs,
which are open to the public, Shayon
will visit classes in radio, there lead-
ing discussions and answering ques-
tions students may have on practical
application of their subject.
Produced War Bond Programs
All the programs for the WABC

"The Rising Generation" are former
CBS productions of Shayon, who al-
-io produced and directed Maxwell
Anderson's radio play, "The Greeks
Remember Marathon", in observance
of Greek Independence Day.
The first English adaptation of
Franz Lehar's "Paginnini" ever to be
done in the United States and the
complete translation of the opera.
"Pagliacci", were done by him.
Wrote, Produced For Theatre
"Twenty Years Ago," sponsored
over MBS, was the first radio series
Shayon wrote and directed. Before
this time he had written, produced
and directed in the theatre and was
associate editor of a Broadway thea-
trical magazine.
'F i7winn,,ing "OnP UTnrnn 2 Tm

more than 700,000 tons of high ex-
plosives during the rest of this year,
beside the 472,054 tons dropped on
German and Japanese targets since
last January 1.
Announcing this today, the War
Department said the Army Air For-
ces dropped twice as many bombs
during the first half of this year as
in the entire period from Dec. 7,
1941, day of the Japanese Pearl
Harbor attack to December 31, 1943.
From the time this country entered
the war until last July 1, the high
explosive bomb tonnage totaled 677,-
In the European Theater alone,
there was a 500-per cent increase in
the bomb tonnage between January

. .

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