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August 12, 1944 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1944-08-12

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raft TICiT1 urtA rrLY rek
Grat Tia Redyfor C ircuit Court Jury after 9-Wee k



22 Defendants
Await Verdict
fin Bribery Case
Kim Sigler Defends
State's Key Witnesses

b't f+ l l " w i r it n

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By The Associated Press
MASON, Aug. 11.-The legislative
graft trial was ready tonight to be
submitted to the circuit court jury
for its verdict, after nine weeks of
bitter controversy between the big
staff of opposing counsel.
Judge John Simpson said he would
give his charge to the jury at 9 a.m.
tomorrow, and that it would take
about two hours to complete reading
of the document, after which the
jurors will retire to determine the
guilt or innocence of the 22 defen-
Spectacular Trial
It has been a spectacular trial, in
which five officials of finance com-
panies are accused of paying bribes
to 17 co-defendants who were mem-
bers of the 1939 legislature, in a cor-
rupt conspiracy to control the shap-
ing of laws affecting the fortunes of
the companies.
Kim Sigler, special prosecutor, had
the last word among the attorneys,
presenting counter-charges to the
jury against defense counsel who
had accused him of faking evidence
to obtain a conviction in what they
called a "flimsy" case against their
Defense Lawyers Rebuked
He told the jurors three of the 12
defense lawyers had sought to use
their arguments in the trial to "vili-
fy" and "smirch" the integrity of
circuit Judge Leland W. Carr's one-
man grand jury investigating char-
ges of graft in state government.
Their reason, he said, was "that
anything derogatory which is said
about me and Judge Carr hurts the
grand jury, and a lot of people would
like to see the grand jury fold up."
Sigler declared he had no apology
to make for state's witnesses who
in their testimony described them-
selves as parts of the alleged con-
spiracy and described. the planning
and paying of bribes to legislators.
Testimony of Witnesses Upheld
"We took them as we found them,"
he said, contending that these wit-
nesses "were good enough for the
defendants to sleep with in 1939, but
now that they have told the truth,
the defense calls them crooks."
The defense contends it is "silly"
to believe the accused would have
written letters used against them as
evidence of conspiracy, if they ac-
tually had engaged in an unlawful
plan, but Sigler told the jurors they
wrote the letters because they be-
lieved they were "safe."

f..IS. Y.A
-: Hollandia . a
yts .*" BR IT AIN
PACIFIC THEATER-The heavy black line indicates the farthest ad-
vance that American troops have made in over two years of war in the
Pacific. Recent speeches by such high ranking officials as President
Roosevelt, Gen. McArthur, and Adm. Nimitz foretell of action to come
in this area.


Liberated Italians Hope for
Future New Life' in America

Associated Press Correspondent
ROME, Aug. 11-In every corner
of liberated Italy today, Italians ask
me the same hopeful question: "Will
we be able to go to the United States
after the war?"
And -it doesn't come from just the
disillusioned, bitter youth who are
unable to see any future in this war
ravaged land. Middle aged men-
professional men-have told me:
"We want to get out of here. We
want to go to America."
So the truth is that countless
Italians are sick of Italy-for poli-
tical as well as economic reasons-
and they pin their hopes on "a
new life" overseas.
Emigration consequently is sure to
be one of the burning issues in post-
war Italy and the Italian press al-
ready has begun to call for a scrap-
ping of the "quota system," whereby
less than 4,000 Italian emigrants
were allowed to enter the United
States each year.
Here are some of the arguments
they give for a revision of this
1. A victorious United States
will be the only country in the
world to which a war torn human-
ity will be able to turn for commo-

dities and supplies for at least 10
years. This will mean a tremen-
dous increase in American produc-
tion and a consequent need for
labor. Italian labor knows no peer.
2. With all the reconstruction that
will be necessary in Italy, the country
will be unable to employ all of its
labor potential. Italy is rich in hu-
man quantity but poor in natural
resources. The surplus labor can be
put to work in America, producing
the materials necessary to reconstruct
3. Before 1914, more than 20,000
Italian workmen went to the Unit-
ed States every year. From those
immigrants came a steady stream
of money which "rejuvenated" the
Italian treasury. The Italian treas-
ury now certainly needs "rejuvena-
4. American organized labor op-
posed mass immigration after world
war 1 on the grounds that the labor
market would be swamped, but the
devastation wrought in Europe by
this war is so great that American
industry would be able to employ
every available workman to produce
the materials for reconstruction.
"There will be work and bread for
Several Injured in
Chemical Explosion
NEW YORK, Aug. 11-(/P)-An un-
determined number of persons were
injured tonight when a chemical
used in paint was ignited and caused
several explosions on two Liberty
ships being loaded from lighters at
pier No. 4 in Hoboken, the navy
public relations office here announc-
The navy report said that cause of
the fire was not determined.
(Continued from Page 2)

Labor Gives
FDR Support
Roosevelt Lauded
In Ickes' Address
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK, Aug. 11-(P)-Secre-
tary of the Interior Ickes asserted to-
night that in nominating President
Roosevelt for re-election the Ameri-
can Labor Party is backing "The man
to whom all of the nations of the
world, as well as the people of our
own country, look for wisdom, guid-
ance, and vigorous leadership."
Indefinable Position
He describes Gov. Thomas E. Dew-
ey, the Republican nominee, as a
man whose position on major issues
is indefinable and changes with pub-
lic opinion polls.
He credited the President with re-
sponsibility "for our great upturn
toward prosperity, and for greater
economic justice for the worker, the
farmer and the small man than this
nation has even witnessed within the
span of any twelve years."
Led Us Out of Chaos
"He is the man," Ickes went on
in a speech prepared for the Amer-
ican Labor nominating convention,
"who led us out of chaos and into
a new life of order and security. It
is he who foresaw the coming of this
great war and furnished the leader-
ship, despite the persistent opposi-
tion of the eager man who was some-
where else, under which we have con-
verted this nation from a sluggish,
peacetime economy to the greatest
war machine the world has ever
Repeatedly Ickes applied the "eag-
er man who was somewhere else"
description to Dewey.
He said the administration had
been busy with "fights for economic
justice, for the little fellow, for a
stable and more prosperous Ameri-
can economy" and it would have
been good to have the help of "a
vigorous, brilliant young man such
as the person who is described in
Republican literature."
Political God-Father
Ickes called former President Hoo-
ver Dewey's "politicalrgod-father,"
and said someone should tell the
Republican nominee "that the de-
pression that he talks about so loose-
ly was a Republican depression."
Ickes asserted that "the liberals
of the United States, with courageous
Henry Wallace carrying the flag,
"are enthusiastically for the Demo-
cratic ticket of Roosevelt and Sen-
ator Harry S. Truman.
Michigan Cities
Lag in Plans for
Post-War Jobs
LANSING, Aug. 11.-(P)-Michi-
gan municipalities may have to fall
back on "leaf raking" employment
projects if they don't hurry with
post-war planning, it was asserted
today by A. N. Langius, state build-
ing director, whose agency is passing
on municipal applications for shares
in a $5,000,000 state planning fund.
"With the exception of highway
and street projects," Langius said,
"only 166 construction project appli-
cations have been approved to date.
By next January plans and specifica-
tions will be ready for only 47 of
those 166, providing work for only
204 persons for one year."
Langius said city and 'cunty offi-
cials appear to forget that the aver-
age project will require at least nine
months of preparation before work
can actually start.

Asserting only one-tenth of the
8,000 units of local government have
applied for planning funds to date,
Langius said, "we anticipate that a
lot more will be filed, but the prepar-
ations of plans is a time-consuming
matter and at the rate the war is
going, they may be too late. We will
be back to leaf raking if we don't act
Langius said local governments'
shares of the $5,000,000 funds must
be committed by Nov. 1 or the residue
of the fund will revert to the state's
general fund.
USO Dance To
Honor Veterans
Servicemen Stationed
Here Plan Party
Discharged veterans will be honor-
ed by servicemen stationed on cam-
pus at a dance which will be held at
8:30 p. m. today, the first affair of
its kind to be held in Ann Arbor.
Mrs. Elizabeth Burton, USO di-
rector, has announced that the ser-
vicemen are in complete charge of
the evenings entertainment which
will include a wide variety of talent.
"Doc" Fielding will act as master

Representing the Combined
American Press
ISLANDS, Aug. 11-(Delayed)-(P)-
Chief Radioman George Ray Tweed,
42, a native of Portland, Ore., em-
erged today from nearly 1,000 days
of hiding in the jungled mountains
of Guam to relate the heretofore
untold story of the tiny Marine Gar-
rison's valiant defense of that island
against the Japanese.
It was a story rivalling the epic
on the defense of Wake Island. It
was a story of heroic Marines, out-
numbered at least 40 to 1; of Japa-
nese ruthlessness; of personal cour-
age and endurance unexcelled by
anyone in this war.
Tells Amazing Tale
Tweed told us his amazing tale in
the Admiral's cabin of this ship less
than 36 hours after he had been res-
cued from Guam by a United States
His Robinson Crusoe rags had
been exchanged for a natty uni-
form, and he looked fit though
Tweed obviously was elated at
the Admiral's decision to dispatch
him immediately to California for
a reunion with his wife, Mary
Prof. Lange To0
Talk on. Russia
Lecture on Soviets in
World Politics Planned
Professor Oscar R. Lange of the
University of Chicago, will lecture on
"Soviet Russia and2World Politics"
at 4:10 p.m., Aug. 21, in the Rack-
ham Amphitheatre.
He has recently returned from the
U.S.S.R. where he conferred with
Stalin and other high officials on
Polish-Soviet relations.
A native of Poland, Prof. Lange
attended the 'University of Cracow
until 1931. At this time, he received a
Rockefeller fellowship to study in
Great Britain and the United States.
He has taught at Columbia and the
University of California and, at pres-
ent, is a professor of economics at
the University of Chicago.
He has taken an active part in the
Russian Economics Institute and re-
cently has written a treatise on "The
Working Principles of the Soviet
Economy," which was published by
the Research Bureau for Post-War
Economics. A few of his other pub-
lished works are "The Economic
Theory of Socialism" and "Econo-
mic Conditions in Poland."

Francis Tweed, and their two chil-
dren who live at (226 California
St.) Santa Paula, Calif. They have
presumed him dead or a prisoner
since Guam's fall, Dec. 10, 1941.
This is his own eyewitness story of'
the battle for Guam and his escape
into the bush:
"I was home asleep the morning of
December 8, 1941, (Dec. 7, U. S. Time)
when the chief radioman woke me up..
and said, "Pearl Harbor has been
bombed and the Japs are at war
with us." I got up at once and re-
ported for duty.
First Jap Planes;
"Four hours later-about 9 a. m.-
the first Jap planes came over Guam.
They came continuously for two days,
bombing and strafing.
"At sunset of the second day
(Dec. 9) Jap transports showed up on
the horizon. The Japs began land-
ing about midnight.
"We had so few guns, so little
ammunition, there wasn't much we
could do to defend. We had only
about 200 Marines, a few scattered
naval personnel and the island de-
fense company.
"The Marines on Cabras Island, a
narrow strip of land off the harbor,
armed only with machine guns, ac-
tually repulsed the Japs until their
ammunition gave out. A couple of
one-pound guns on ships in the har-
bor fired to the last while a single
machine gun on Agana Height, above
the town, the only 'antiaircraft' bat-
tery we had, exhausted its ammuni-
"The Japs forced a landing and
rolled into the town shooting.
Fight House by House
"The Marines fought them street
by street, house by house. One squad
of Marines at the civilian jail had
two tommy guns. They fought to
the last."
Tweed said the Nipponese slow-
ly battled their way to the town
plaza, arriving before dawn and
set fire to a native house for ill-
umination. Then they brought up
their field pieces and started point-
blank shelling of the governor's
We asked him if the retreating
Marines tried to defend the palace.
Tweed looked surprised.
Marines Hold Their Ground
"The Marines didn't retreat,"
Tweed replied. "I was at the gov-
ernor's palace with a dozen navy men
and about the same number of in-
sular forces as well as the governor
and most of his officers.
"This was about daybreak on the
third day.
"The governor issued an order
to surrender.
"I wondered what to do. I
could surrender or go to the bush.
"I went to the bush."

Tweed said he and another Navy
radioman rounded up canned food,
got Tweed's car and drove ten miles
from town. They hid the car in the
bushes, took to the jungles and soon
met three other Navy enlisted men.
Americans Jailed in Church
"Back in Agana," Tweed continued,
"The Japs put the American pris-
oners in the church and kept them
there for 30 days and then took them
to Japan. During the next 30 days
they did not look for us but warned
any Americans found on the island
after the surrendered Yanks had
been shipped out would be killed.
"A lot of Americans surrendered.
We didn't.
Never Captured
"We ate the food we had and kept
out of sight. I never was captured
but on Sept. 12, 1942, the Japs grab-
bed two of our group and killed
them. They located two more in %.
hiding place the following month and
killed them Oct. 22.
"After that I was entirely on my
Tweed moved frequently, hiding
in ravines, scaling mountains, al-
ways ahead of his pursuers, who nev-
er gave up the search.
Finally he discovered a high cliff
facing the sea. It was such a
barren rock he didn't believe the
Japanese ever would look there and
locate a cave. That became Tweed's
He caught rain water for drink-
ing and washing and made weekly
nocturnal forays for food. From his
vantage point he could see Japanese
planes fly off, and could look east-
ward over the broad Pacific toward
He never gave up hope.
When Japanese bombers began
their northward missions from
Guam Tweed knew the Yanks were
coming. He did not know of Am-
erican successes in the Gilbert and
Marshalls but felt sure the fleed
would come to Saipan. He scan-
ned the sea day and night.
His vigil was rewarded, and his
rescue came exactly two years and
seven months after the Japanese
landings at Guam.
Had Never Seen New Uniform
Rescuers outfitted Tweed with
brand new Navy grays-a uniform
he had not heard of yet-and tonight
the stocky, middle-sized chief was
not distinguishable among others of
his rating.
Handsome, with light brown hair
and gray-blue eyes, Tweed looks five
years less than his actual age despite
his ordeal.
Tweed actually was a radioman
first class at the time of his escape,
and was promoted on the spot upon
his rescue.
Better still-his rescuers put him
back on the navy pay roll.

Marine Relates Defense of Guam

E v u c~ v A-.. I

- --- 7111l

** * **-

Have You Provided
For Your Family?


THESE DAYS when you are earning more money and
have had to cut down on many luxuries, are you
putting your surplus into sound investments for the
future? Next to Government bonds, you can do
nothing more certain for the future safety of your
family than to invest against disasters which may
A COLLEGE EDUCATION for your children, assurance
for sickness and accidents, or for other unexpected
financial obligations-all these are necessary and
important in taking the best possible measures of

safety for your family.

Make a savings account a

definite part of your financial program. A few
dollars a week saved now will save a great deal of
grief and worry later on.
We invite you to open your

First Church of Christ, Scientist,
409 S. Division St. Wednesday eve-
ning service at 8 p.m. Sunday morn-
ing service at 10:30 a.m. Subject,
"Soul." Sunday school at 11:45 a.m.
The Roger Williams Guild meets
Sunday at 5 p.m. in the Guild House.
A discussion of "Freedom of Speech
and Religion" will be led by Profes-
sor William, Frankena ofdthe Univer-
sity philosophy department.
First Congregational Church, State
and Williams Streets, Dr. Leonard A.
Parr, Minister. Morning worship,
10:45. Rev. H. L. Pickerill will speak
on the subject "Growing Religious-
ly." The Congregational-Disciples
Student Guild for students and ser-
vicemen, will meet at the Guild
House, 438 Maynard St., at 4 o'clock
Sunday afternoon, for a trip to Riv-
erside Park. There will be games, a
picnic supper and vesper service. The
group will return to the campus by
7 p.m. In case of unfavorable weath-
er the meeting will be held inside.
Memorial Christian Church, Hill
and Tappan Streets. At the morning
service of worship, 11 a.m., the Rev.
Parker A. Rossman will speak on the
suhiet "The Thin T Wnuld Nnt"

306 North Division St.
The Rev. Henry Lewis, D.D., Rector
The Rev. A. Shrady Hill, Curate.
Maxine J. Westphal, Counsellor for
Women Students
Philip Malpas, Organist and Choirmaster
8:00 A. M. Holy Communion
11:00 A. M. Morning Prayer and Sermon by
Dr. Lewis.
11:00 A. M. Kindergarten, Tatlock Hall.
5:00 P. M. The Canterbury Club (students and
servicemen). Meet at 1530 Hill Street. Mentor
Williams will be the speaker.
During the week:
Tuesday, 10:00 A. M. Holy Communion, War
Wednesday 7:15 A. M. Holy Communion, High
Sponsored jointly by the Zion and Trinity
Lutheran Churches
Zion Lutheran Church
E. Washington at S. Fifth Ave.
10:30 A.M. Worship Service.
Trinity Lutheran Church
E. William St. at S. Fifth Ave.
10:30 A.M. Worship Service: Sermon by the
Rev. Henry O. Yoder.
Lutheran Student Association
Zion Parish Hall, 309 E. Washington
4:30 P.M.: Meet at the Parish Hall. Speaker:
Miss Ching-Wen Hu.
120 South State Street
Associate Minister: Ralph G. Dunlop.
Msi.-Hadn an Dersn. director

1511 Washtenaw Ave. (Missouri' Synod)
Rev. Alfred Scheips, Pastor
Sunday at 10:15: Student discussion group.
Sunday at 11:00: Morning Service, with sermon
by the pastor, "Taking Farewell."
Sunday at 3:30: Gamma Delta, Lutheran Stu-
dent Club, meets at the Student Center for
planned outdoor recreation, followed by sup-
per meeting at 5:30.
409 S. Division St.
10:30 A. M. Sunday.lesson sermon: "Soul."
11:45 A. M. Sunday School.
8:00 P. M. Wednesday evening testimonial
This church maintains a free Reading Room
at 106 6E Washington St., which is open
daily except Sundays and holidays from
11:30 A .M. to 5:00 P. M. Saturdays until
9:00 P. M. Here the Bible and Christian
Science literature including all of Mrs. Mary
Baker Eddy's works may be read, borrowed or
1432 Washtenaw Ave.
W. P. Lemon, D. D., James Van Pernis,
Frieda Op't Holt Vogan, Director of Music.
E. Gertrude Campbell, Director of Religious
9:30 A. M. Church Adult Class.
10:45 A. M. Nursery, Beginner and Primary
Departments. The Junior Church.
10:45 A. M. Morning Worship, Sermon: "Adven-
turous Religion" by James Van Pernis.

Savings Account at our Bank


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