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August 11, 1944 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1944-08-11

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. FRIDAY, AUGUST 11, 1944

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Tr miriugan 3a I{
Fifty-Fourth Year

Is Leisure Worthwhile Today?

Edithed and managed" by students of the University
of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.

Editorijl Stafff

Jane Farrant
Betty Ann Koffman
stan Waliace
Hank Maitil.
Lee Amer


Managing Editor
S , . Editorial Director
City Editor
sports Editor
mfess Staff
Business Manager

Telephohe 23-241
Natonal Adverting Service, In
College Publishers Representative
,. 420 MAION Ave. NEW YORK, N.. Y.
Member of The Assoiated Press
The Associated Press is exclurvely entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
EIitered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
eofld-class mail matter.
Subsriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25.
A'ewiber, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44
Edtorials published in The Michigan Daily
aIe written by members of The Daily staff
ad represent the views of the writers only.
Ilgore Bill Needed
GOV. TOM DEWEY very correctly said in his
Chicago acceptance speech that "we Repub-
licans are agreed that full employment shall be
a first objective of national policy." More re-
cently he has recognized that the setting up of
reconversion plans is essential for full employ-
ment after the war. But when asked to com-
ment on what such plans should include, he has
given his now traditional "no comment" as
reply. Moreover, as Drew Pearson revealed in
his column yesterday; the Republican congress-
iser' in committee voted solidly on a partisan
line against the Kilgore-Murray Reconversion
The Republicans in Congress who are oppos-
ing the Kilgore Bill perhaps feel that they are
rlorfetheless supporting Gov. Dewey's ideas. For
Dewey has also stated that one of the major
problems which the nation must face today is
the determination of the area of responsibility
between the states and the federal government.
The George Bill, Alternative Reconversion Bill
supported by the Repblicans would leave the
problem of unemployment compensation dur-
ing the reconversion period to existing State
employment compensation laws. This would
mean that progressive states such as New
York would provide unemployment insurance
of not more than $18 a week for not more
than MO weeks. It would also mean that the
laws of most states, providing only a $15 a
Week aximnu, some for as little as 14 weeks,
would be in effect.
The Kilgore Bill offers a maximum of $35 a
week payments to deniobilized war workers and
veterans for up to two years. It also includes
provision for planning by industry, labor, agri-
culture and government to speed reconversion,
federally financed vocational training' with $50
to $100 a month subsistence allowance for the
unemployed trainees, continuation of the United
States Employment Service and guaranteed free
transportation for workers who find jobs in
distant sections through the USES.
THE SPECIFIC objectives of the Kilgore Bill,
simply stated, are the provision of adequate
diioney to tide the American people over a period
of unemployment during reconversion, and to
give the greatest possible assurance that there
will be jobs available as soon as possible after-
Stated in broader terms, the Kilgore Bill is
merely one part of the government's plan for
post-war security-it is the provision against
the type of depression which we experienced
in 1920. It will attempt to put the hoped-for
post-war prosperity on a sounder basis than
it was during the '20's. The Kilgore Bill, to-
gether with UNRRA oil accord, the Mone-
tary Stabilization Fund and other government
plans being made in cooperation with indu-
stry and labor here and abroad, are designed
to prevent another tragic depression like
that of the early '30's.
Forward-looking labor and industry realize
that the vastly-increased national income of
these war days must be maintained after the
war if we are to accomplish our ends. An
estimated reconversion period of 18 months to

two years cannot be one of joblessness and
poverty. The purchasing power of the people
must be maintained.
Administration supporters Kilgore and Mur-
ray have presented this program to assure a
better America after the war. Gov. Dewey
has presented no plan of, his own and his

Political Obstruction

Report m-upSplitsWL

WASHINGTON, Aug. 10-Inside story of the
resignation of two War Production Board Statis-
ticians, Irving Kaplan and V. Lewis Bassie, is
one of the most'important affecting future U. S.
economy. Certain Army brass hats are seething
over the situation. The War Production Board
is split into two separate camps.
The WPB statistical division, under 'Charles
E. Wilson, last week circulated a monthly pro-
gress report. Then, no sooner was it in the
hands of top WPB executives, than the report
was mysteriously called back. Urgent demands
were made 13y Wilson's office that it be returned
immediately. All but perhaps two copies were
That report, while pointing to deficiencies
in certain key war materials, otherwise painted
a very rosy picture of war production. It
showed that there was nine months supply
of ordnance on hand, plus one month supply
being assembled, plus five months supply in
scheduled production. The report stated that
the war could run for one year and three
months on the ordnance now stored up or
coming off the assembly lines, without order-
ing anything else.
The report also showed that the total supply
of small arms would last for five whole years
of war.
The supply of tractors, trucks and trailers,
plus those being assembled and in actual pro-
duction, was enough to last one year, accord-
ing to the WPB report.
Guns and fire control weapons were listed as
sufficient in storage to last eight full months
without turning another wheel, plus four months
supply being assembled and repaired, plus two
months supply in scheduled production.
Ammunition for big guns (exploding small
arms) was listed as enough stored to last one
whole year. Including amounts in scheduled
production, big gun ammunition was listed as,
sufficient to last twenty-three months.
"This analysis," WPB reported, "does not take
into account supplies already issued and in
the hands of troops in the United States."
Release of Labor *.
Summarizing the whole picture, the WPB
statistical division concluded:
"Available supplies insure the War Production
Board's ability to flow adequate equipment and
ammunition- in adequate volume to our troops
overseas and to sustain the large scale opera-
tions planned. Increased production of cer-
tain types of ammunition is nevertheless essen-
tial in order to insure adequate supplies of speci-
fic items."
The report went on to cite the increasing pro-
duction of steel and copper and to point to-sur-
pluses on hand. It also contained this signifi-
cant statement:
"The decisive factor in the decline in labor
requirements in the munitions industries has
been the continued rapid increase in output per
worker. This trend will continue accelerating
the release of labor as munitions production

This statement was made just at a time
when War Mobilier Byrnes was bowing to the
Army and taking the unusual step of super-
seding Donald Nelson by announcing that,
because of manpower shortages, no civilian
conversion could be started without the okay
of manpower chief Paul McNutt.
The WPB report also took issue with Byrnes
regarding manpower shortages by stating:
"The turning point of direct war requirements
for manpower has been passed. With the armed
forces now at peak strenith, the further large
releases from the munitions industries which are
in prospect will be available for civilian produc-
(Copyright, 1944, United Features Syndicate)
c,t".1 lo the 6 top
Student Realizes Need . .
IT IS rather sophomoric to say, as does Mr.
Rosenberg in his recent article on secondary
education, that our high school system needs
revisions and alterations. All people engaged
in educational work realize this, and the prob-
lems are not as easily soluble as Mr. Rosenberg
seems to suggest. Nor are our high schools "the
slipshod breeding grounds for callousness and
Smaterialism"-though such a phrase is, indeed,
very well sounding.
It seems to me that our secondary education is
quite a few steps behind the technological and
cultural advancement of our country. Any kind
of solution along lines of discontinuing the
marking system or extending the number of
parent-teacher associations is short viewed and
narrow. Improvement of our secondary educa-
tional system is a many sided affair in which
revision of the curriculum is its core
The student, as the final product of our high
school, is always being blamed for one thing or
another. He, supposedly, doesn't emerge to
be an intellectual giant. Too often do we
forget that given our present educational set-
up, the student has come through pretty well,
I am for the student. The average high
school student does know what he is aiming
at. He also knows that such "materialism"
as physics, electronics, radio, architecture and
design will play a leading part in our post-
war world. The extension of the exact sciences
in the curriculum is essential. And along
with it-in no way -less important-a closer
unification of such subject matter which will
bring the student closer to the understanding
of the world of ideas (and of our democratic
society), as well as of the esthetic realm of
art and personal expression.
Our secondary education, just to assure Mr.
Rosenberg, is not being neglected. Rather-
it is being reawakened, and we hope broadened,
so as to be able to meet the constantly new and
changing problems in our democratic America.
-Irving Panush

O NE OF Thoreau's epigrams which
carries more import than the
casual reader might suspect is to the
effect that man should work by the
sweat of his brow one day a week
and rest six.
Reversal of the Biblical injunc-
tion-well, why not? We may soon
reach the push-button stage in world
civilization. Physical labor can be
cut down some day almost to the
vanishing point.
But, the closer we come to that
condition of relative leisure, the
weightier are the problems that
attend it. It is scarcely an over-
statement to assert that the most
important over-all issue confront-
ing mankind is the utilization of
leisure. Until men are educated
into an awareness of the joys
accruing from the acquisition of
knowledge or the contemplation
of beauty, time will hang heavy
and forboding on their hands
For Thoreau, as for Goethe, Spi-
noza and Emerson, beauty and na-
ture were identical. He occupied
himself by studying nature and re-
cording its wonders, by reading the
classics, and pondering over their
Needless to say, such an attitude
has rarely been possible. During the
early stages of industrialization, as in
feudal times most men were engaged
in manual labor. This left them in
so enervated a condition that they
were fit for little else. The drudgery
of a system that makes robots of
men instead of allowing them to de-
velop their latent Godliness was what
FRIDAY, AUG. 11, 1944
VOL. LIV No. 28-S
Allnotices for The Daily Official Iu-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
summer session, in typewritten form
by 3:301 P. m. 01'the day preceding its
publication, except on Saturday when
the notices should be submitted by
11:30 a in.
Students, Summer Term, College
of Literature, Science and the Arts:
Courses dropped after Saturday, Aug.
12, by students other than freshmen
will be recorded with the grade of E.
Freshmen (students with less than
24 hours of credit) may drop courses
without penalty through the eighth
week, upon the recommendation of
their academic counselors.
Exceptions to these regulations
may be made only because of extra-
ordinary circumstances, such as seri-
ous illness. E. A. Walter
The Wayne County Bard of
Health is looking for a Health edu-
cator, preferably an unmarried man
with experience in venereal disease
control. Work chiefly in suburban
areas, with some evening work. See
the Bureau for further details.
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information
The United States Civil Service
Commission gives notice that the
closing date for acceptance of appli-
cations for Junior Engineer, Salary
$2,433 a year, will be Sept. 6, 1944.
The closing date for Assistant Mater-
ials Inspector, Salary $3,163, Radio
Monitoring Officer, $3,163 and $3,828
a year, Radio Intercept Officer,
$2,433 and $3,163 a year, and Radio
Operator, $2,188 a year, will be Aug.
21, 1944. Applications must be filed
with the United States Civil Service
Commission, Washington, 25, D.C.
not later than those dates.
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information

United States Civil Service An-j
nouncements for Substitute Railway
Postal Clerks have been received in
our office. Salary $2,464 a year. For
further details stop in at 201 Mason
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information
Civilian Freshmen in the College
of Literature, Science and the Arts
may obtain their five-week progress
reports in the Academic Counselors'
Office, 108 Mason Hall, from 8:30
to 12 a.m. and 1:30 to 4:30 p.m.
according to the following schedule:
Surnames beginning A through K,
Thursday, Aug. 10.
Surnames beginning L through Z,
Friday, Aug. 11.
Chairman, Academic Counselors
Arthur Van Duren
Chairman, Academic Counselors
City of Detroit Civil Service An-
nouncements for Auto Painter and

Striper, Body Upholsterer, Body Up-
holsterer Helper and Printing Plant
Bindery Helper, have been received
in our office. For further details stop
in at 201 Mason Hall.
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information
Seniors: College of Literature Sci-
ence and the Arts, Schools of Educa-
tion, Music and Pulblic Health: Ten-
tative lists of seniors for September
and October graduation including
candidates for the Certificate in
Public Health Nursing have been
posted on the bulletin board in Rm. 4,
University Hall. If your name does
not appear, or, if included there, it is
not correctly spelled, please notify
the counter clerk.
Robert L. Williams
Assistant Registrair
' .Lectures
This Evening at 8 in the Assembly
Hall of the Rackham Building, Mr.
Nicolas Slonimsky will meet students
informally to discuss and illustrate
the music of Soviet Russian com-
posers. Students who wish to ask
questions or engage in discussion are
invited to attend.
This Evening, Professor Charles B3.
Shaw, Librarian, Swarthmore Col-
lege, will present the last in a series
of illustrated lectures on contemporL
ary typography, entitled "Seeing
Things in Print." Rackham Amphi-
theatre, 8:15 p.m. Everyone is in-
vited to attend.
Aug. 15: Professor Preston Vt.
Slosson. "Interpreting the News."
4:10 p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre.
On Wednesday, Aug. 16, Dr. En-
rique Testa of Chile will speak on
"How Chile Strengthens the Inter'-
American Front" at 8 p.m., Kellogg
Auditorium. The public is cordially
On Monday, Aug. 21, Professor
Oscar Lange, University of Chicago,
will speak on "The Soviet Union in
World Politics" at 4:10 p.m., in the
Rackham Amphitheatre. The lecture
is open to the public free of charge.
Academic Notices
Language Examination for the
M.A. Degree in History: Candidates
who intend to take this examination
on Friday, Aug. 11, at 4 p.m. in Rm.
C, Haven Hall, should sign up in the
History Office.
Carillon Recital: Percival Price
will devote his Sunday afternoon
carillon recital to the music of Bach
and Mozart. The program will be
given on Aug. 13 at 3 p.m.
Band Concert: On Sunday eve-
ning, Aug. 20, at 7:30, the University
Band, under the direction of William
Revelli, will present an outdoor con-
cert on the steps of the Rackham
Building. In case of rain, the concert
will be given in Hill Auditorium. The
public is cordially invited.

Thoreau decried with all the vigor of compelling problem of mass unem-
his imperishable prose. ployment in peace times. Bertrand
In "Life Without Principle" Thor- Russell, amongst others, has suggest-
eau exclaims, "This world is a place ed a four hour work day. That may
of business. What an infinite bustle. seem fantastic. But, the CIO has al-
I am awakened almost every night ready spoken out in favor of a thirty
by the panting of the locomotive. It hour week to help solve unemploy-
interrupts my dreams. There is no ment in the post war era. That pro-
sabbath. It is nothing but work, posal sounds uncommonly progres-
work, work." Further on he writes, sive. It is logical to distribute the
"I think there is nothing, not even, work day among more laborers than
crime, more opposed to poetry, to to have some men work and leave
philosophy, ay to life itself, than the others jobless.
this incessant business." Yet, if hatreds and antagonisms
10W appalled Thoreau would have are so prevalent today, what would
been to observe the spectacle of a they be when millions more have
society that has laid itself at the still less and less to do besides ac(-
feet of materialism. Free time has ing as social irritants upon one
never been more wantonly abused. another? Race riots are often be-
For, with the arrival of a true ma- gun by marauders with nothing
chine age, spare hours are more and better to do than inflame their fel-
more the case rather than the excep- low workers against some minority
tion. group.
Cool-headed thinkers can see that Western democracy has for too
the necessity for activity-outlets, such long been dominated by the utilitar-
as William Janes' "moral equivalent ian political philosophies of Jeremy
for war" is as irresistible as the pro- Bentham and John Stuart Mill. The
gress of science itself. Whether these greatest good for the greatest num-
outlets are beneficial or not is less ber no longer means providing people
relevant than the fact that the two with as many external comforts as
progress apace, that for every free possible. This is a necessary first
moment science gives us, some new step. From the utilitarian point of
contrivance must be developed to fill view it is everything.
the gap. Thoreau, for one, could have This problem of unemployment
instructed our misguided pleasure gives us pause. We must reckon with
seekers by pointing out the magnifi- new factors which are largely psy-
cence of a sun set or the gratification chological and ethical. The best we
to be derived from the perusal of can hope for. in our species is an
great literature eventual appreciation of cultural
All of that is very fine in a de- values. Without that appreciation,
tached philosophical way. But we even if we are all millionaires, we are
are plagued with the immediate and lost.

General Library, Main Lobby. Mod
ern fine printing.
Museums Building: "What the Ser-
viceman May See in the Pacific
Area." (Animal Exhibits).
Rackham Galleries: Original water
colors by Soviet children (50 pic-
tures), and Reproduction of Book
Illustrations by Soviet Artists. Cir-
culated by the National Council of
American - Soviet Friendship, New
York. Open daily except Sunday, 2-5,
and 7-10 p.m.
Clements Library: "Army News and
Views in Seven Wars." American
military publications, particularly of
the present war.
Arehitecture Building, First-floor
cases. Exhibitions of student work.
Michigan Historical Collections:
160 Rackham Building. The Growth
of the University of Michigan in
Events Today
"Fresh Fields," comedy by Novello,
is being presented by the Michigan
Repertory Players of the Department
of Speech tonight through Saturday
evenings, in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre. Tickets on sale in the thea-
tre box office. Box office hours:
Monday and Tuesday, 10 a.m. to 5
p.m., for the balance of the week,
10 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Latin-Greek Coffee Hour. will be
held in the Museum of Art and Ar-
chaeology this afternoon at 4. All
are invited who are interested in the
Russian Film: "Childood of Max-
im Gorky" tonight and tomorrow
night, 8:15 p.m., Rackham Lecture
Hall. Admission free.
Phi Delta Kappa dinner tonight at
6:30 in the Michigan Union Cafeteria
reserved room. Initiation of new
members at 8 o'clock. All members
are urged to attend.
Conservative Religious Services Will
be held at the B'nai Brith Hillel
Foundation, at the corner of Hill ad
Haven, starting pronptly at 7:45
p.m. this evening. Dr. Edward W.
Blakeman will deliver a short sermon
on "A High Religion and a Low."
Mrs. Osias Zwerdling and Mrs. Her-
bert Schlager, Senior Hostesses, will
provide special refreshments during
the following social hour.
Students of Terpsichore or in plain
talk, you fellows who want to learn
to dance find just your program at
your USO on Friday night. Dancing
lessons first, and then plenty of time
and music for the rest of the eve-
ning. And like Wednesday night's
dance, open to all and fun for all.
Coming Events
All Alpha Kappa Alpha Women
are invited to attend a tea in the
East Conference Room of the Horace
Rackham Building on Saturday,
Aug. 12, from 3 p.m. until 5 p.m.


Davy, we've come to I
invite you to dine I sounds very nce indeed...

No sirloin?.... Oh, well, in some respects
porterhouse is even better, isn't it?.. .

By Crockett Johnson
FISH? But that's what we're-Y

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