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August 10, 1944 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1944-08-10

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;Firthalt BattF
Fifty-Fourth Year


Is Democracy Attainable?

Edited and managed by students of the University
of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Controi
of Student Publications.

Editoriil Staff

Jane Farrant
Betty Ann Koffman
Stan Wallace
Hank Mantho

Managing Editor
Editorial Director
, . . City Editor
. , . Sports Editor


ONE of the main points about dem-
ocracy is the belief that if enough
people believe in something, that
thing can come to be. That is, if
enough people are against something,
that thing can be destroyed. That
if enough people work together, they
can change the world.
And if, as Americans grow up, go
through school and college and work
and marriage and politics . . . and
discover that even if enough people
believe in something, even if enough
people work for that thing, still
there'll be no changes: then you get
defeatism, belief in nothing, or belief
in a dictator who can make changes.
You get the end of belief in the power
of the people, and the beginning of
belief in supermen.
Often the very men who rule, the
very ones who are defeating the will
of the majority, say that what they
do is for the good of the people. That
the people are incapable of manag-
ing for themselves, that they aren't'
mature enough, adult enough, edu-
cated enough, temperate ertbugh,
worldly-wise enough, to run things.
Whereas they, the few, are "the rich,
the wise and the good," and they
know all the a'nswers. "It's all for
your own good," they tell us.
Even supposing that the immedi-
ate result, in each case, is more
beneficial to the majority than it
would have been had the majority
followed its own wishes-even then
the minority is wrong, because

their actions breed in the majority
the belief that they, the people, are
incapable of running their own
affairs. And this results, in the
long run, in the growth of des-
pots-of which we have seen a
good number in ancient and mod-
ern history, and a rather great
number in our own life times, from
local officials to Huey Longs and
monopoly-cartel kings.
Maybe we should grow up defeat-
ists. Maybe we should learn, from
the moment of our births, that we
can not run our lives as we wish ...
that we have no control over them at
all. That there are a few wise men
who will take care of us, for our own
good. That democracy is an ideal,
but it will never succeed, because you
can't change human nature, which
at present divides mien into the 95%
and the 5%: 95% stupid, in need of
leadership, 5% capable, in need of
Perhaps we should give up the
ideas that the basis of all govern-
ment rests in the people's will, and
that all men are created equal, and
therefore deserve equal opportunity.
BUT if we do. the next choice for
our society is not: should we con-
tinue democracy or should we slide
into fascism. The choice is then only
between various possible dictators.
This is not the kind of future we
relish, nor even one we could toler-
ate. And if Hitler Germany has
taught us nothing else, it should

Business Staff

Lee Amer

Business Manager

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The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein aiso reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mal matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.50, by mail, $515.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44
---- -
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Army Censorship
INTERPRETATION of the Taft amendment to "
the soldiers' voting law, whereby "no member
of the U. S. armed forces shall have his vote
influenced in any way" has gone beyond stupid-
ity and become dangerous.
By the latest decree all British papers are
banned in U. S. army camps in England. This
is the newest addition to a blacklist which in-
cludes such books as Beard's "Republic" and
Catherine Bowen's biography of the late Justice
Holmes and such magazines as Harper's, The
Nation, and The New Republic.
Among those publications presumably free
of "propaganda" and judged healthy for the
consumption of our fighting men are The Sat-
urday Evening Post, Collier's, Time, and The
American. No one can deny that these maga-
zines contain articles and editorials of politi-
cal significance. The main contrast to those
banned is that those permitted are not at
all liberal and are distinctly anti-Administra-
If discrimination is to be based on such a dis-
tinction, it should be condemned by every think-
ing American. It parallels all too closely the
German burning of books in the early part of
the Nazi regime.
Servicemen, judged- capable of participating
in this year's crucial election, should have the
same right as do civilians in forming their opin-
ions. Every available means of learning the
issues and the stands which candidates take
should be placed at their disposal. If they are
to vote, they must be permitted to vote intelli-
-Betty Roth


Reaping the Whirlwind


A PITCH of genuine hilarity was struck now
and then in last night's production of "Fresh
Fields." The Lydia Mendelssohn rang with more
spontaneous laughter than has been elicited
in either of the other two comedies produced
this season-and all that with some reason.
The. chief ingredient of this farce is incon-
gruity. Crudeness and gentility are contrasted
by' mixing in one drawing room (which some-
how fails to produce the necessary palatial
effect) representatives of upper class England
and middle class Australia.
Lady Lilian Bedworthy and Lady Mary Crabbe
are impecunious noblewomen forced to raise
money by plebian methods. Lady Lilian writes
a lovelorn column. Lady Mary, her sister, being
more realistic, rents the second floor of their
home to friends of her deceased husband. Com-
plications ensue. They are neatly handled by
the Michigan Repertory Players. For a first
night the lines were' unusually pointed, the
number of slips negligible.
Blanche Holpar's last appearance for the sum-
mer was her best. She shone brightly, not to
say gaudily, in a role that called for just those
qualities. From Herod to Mrs. Pidgeon in one
week is no easy transition. But, it is a pleasing
Lucy Barton's superb costuming helped, as it
has in every play, to create an indispensakle
sense of reality that might otherwise be lack-
I do not know who is responsible for casting,

GOP Blocks Reconversion Bill

but he reserves a bouquet. Everyone looked his
part from George E. Mills, brawny Tom Lar-
comb, to fragile Jean Westerman's Lady Etrome.
Mardy McKeever had a difficult role as Una
Pidgeon-one which, it seems to me, she handled
with much more polish in the third act than in
the second when a certain unnaturalness could
be detected.
Lady Lilian is an interesting character, and
Mary Jordon's interpretation of her vies for top
acting honors. Maida Ruth Steinberg as Lady
Mary, properly deflates her sister over the
breakfast table, and in cross discussions that are
productive of some laughs. She acts with com-
petence throughout.
The presence of males, even in minor roles, is
welcome. Byron Pershing, who did well iXL
"The Learned Ladies" but, by oversight, was
not mentioned in this column, does well ip
"Fresh Fields" and is hereby mentioned.
Mr. Ivor Novello, who wrote the play, m:tt
be quite a democrat. At least he makes his
aristocrat behave in implausibly democratic
fashion. Thus Tim Crabbe, Dan Mullin, son ,of
Lady Mary Crabbe, marries Una Pidegeon,
daughter of an Australian hotel-keeper. Haughty
prissy Lady Lilian Bedworthy marries rough
and ready Tom Larcomb, "colonial cad" extra-
ordinary. The financial straits of British gen-
try have not broken class barriers to that extent.
Not that "Fresh Fields" is full of sociological
implications. It is not. However, it is good
entertainment. -Bernard Rosenberg
ing on roll calls on a dozen minor points. Dis-
couraged by the staccato of Kilgore's "Ayes,"
South Dakota's Gurney at one point started to
propose an amendment, then shrugged his
shoulders, saying: "Oh, what's the use?"
Clayton's Contribution to FDR
Staunch Democrat Armistead Brooks of Texas
has been busy raising money for the Roose-
velt campaign. Himself in the cotton compres-
sor business, he approached big cotton broker
Will Clayton, also of Texas, now attached to
the White House as chief aide to War Mobilizer
Clayton lists himself as a Democrat, but
contributed $7,500 to the Liberty League to
defeat Roosevelt during the Landon campaign,
also contributed small amounts to the South-
ern Committee to Uphold the Constitution,
which was bitterly anti-Roosevelt.
When approached recently for $10,000 to re-
elect Roosevelt, Clayton told Armistead Brooks
in some detail how broke he was after paying
over a million dollars income tax. After listens
ing for some time, Brooks sympathetically re-
"Goodness, Will, I didn't realize you were
so hard up. I'll tell you what I'll do. I'll
loan you $10,000 and I won't even take your
note. You can pay me back any time."
Whereupon Clayton made his donation-$10,-
000; $5,000 for himself and $5,000 for Mrs. Clay-
(Copyright, 1944, United Features Syndicate)

THURSDAY, AUG. 10, 1944
VOL. LIV No. 27-S
All notices for The Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
Summer session, in typewritten form
by 3:30 p. in. of the day preceding its
publication, except on Saturday when
the notices should be submitted by
11:30 a. m.
There is a very urgent need for
more Dailies for the men in service.
Please send all copies after they have
been read to Mrs. Buchanan in the
University Museum.
Victory Gardeners at the Botani-
cal Garden: Thieves have begun a-
gain to take advantage of the fact
that victory gardeners must trust to
the honesty of their fellow men;
that they must make this war effort
outside their regular working hours
and cannot constantly keep an eye
on their gardens. Produce has been
stolen. The sheriff is now patrolling
our garden area. Will all gardenersI
please aid by investigating promptly
any suspicious occurrence or behav-
ior, by reporting losses to Mr. Roszel,
Mr. Gustafson or Mrs. Blanchard,
and by passing to them any idea
about means oftpreventing further
'plundering? Victory gardeners are
also asked to be on the alert to detect
whoever it is who has recently been
starting fires at the Garden.
F. C. Blanchard
Students, Summer Term, College
of Literature, Science and the Arts:
Courses dropped after Saturday, Aug.
12, by students other than freshmen
will be recorded with the grade of E.
Freshmen (students with less than
24 hours of credit) may drop courses
without penalty through the eighth
week, upon the recommendation- of
their academic counselors.
Exceptions to these regulations
may be made only because of extra-
ordinary circumstances, such as seri-
out illness. E. A. Walter
The Wayne County Board of
Health is looking for a Health edu-
cator, preferably an unmarried man
with experience in venereal disease
control. Work chiefly in suburban
areas, with some evening worlt. See
the Bureau for further details.
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information
Civilian Freshmen in the College
of Literature, Science and the Arts
may obtain their five-week progress
reports in the Academic Counselors'
Office, 108 Mason Hall, from 8:30
to 12 a.m. and 1:30 to 4:30 p.m.
according to the following schedule:
Surnames beginning A through K,
Thursday, Aug. 10.
Surnames beginning L through Z,
Friday, Aug. 11.
Chairman, Academic Counselors
Arthur Van Duren
Chairman, Academic Counselors
Today: Mr. Shih Chia Chu of the

Library of Congress Oriental Section
will present his .last in a series of
lectures on Chinese Civilization. The
title of his lecture will be "China
Today and Tomorrow," 4:10 p.m.,
Rackham Amphitheatre. The public
is cordially invited, admission free.
Thursday, Aug. 10: Professor Nic-
olas Slonimsky of Cornell University
will present a lecture recital with
demonstrations on the piano, on
"Soviet Russian Music" at 8:30 p.m.,
Rackham Lecture Hall. The public
is cordially invited to attend free
of charge.
This week, daily through Friday,
Aug. 11: Professor Charles B. Shaw,
Librarian, Swarthmore College, is
presenting a series of illustrated lec-
tures on contemporary typography,
"Seeing Things in Print." The lec-
tures are held each evening at 8:15
p.m., in the Rackham Amphitheatre.
Everyone is invited to attend.
Friday evening, Aug. 11, at 8 in
1 the Assembly Hall of the Rackham
SBuilding, Mr. Nicolas Slonimsky will
meet students informally to discuss
and illustrate the music of Soviet
Russian composers. Students who
wish to ask questions or engage in
discussion are invited to attend.
Academic Notices
Language Examination for the
M.A. Degree in History: Candidates
who intend to take this examination
on Friday, Aug. 11, at 4 p.m. in Rm.
C, Haven H!all, should sign up in the
History Office.
The Regular Thursday Evening
Record Concert will be held in the
Men's Lounge of the Graduate
School at 7:45 p.m. this evening.
The program will feature the 38th
Symphony of Mozart, Beethoven's
4th Piano Concerto, and the Persian
Dances and Coronation Scene by
Moussorgsky. All graduate students
and servicemen are welcome.
On Sunday evening, Aug. 20, the
University of Michigan Concert
Band, conducted by Professor Wil-
liam D. Revelli, School of Music, will
present an outdoor concert. Time
and place to be announced.
On Tuesday evening, Aug. 22, the
School of Music will present a recital
of string quartet music. Please note
that this date has been substituted
for Monday evening, Aug. 14, as has
been previously stated. The program
will be under the direction of Mr.
Gilbert Ross, a member of the fac-
ulty. The performers are members
of Mr. Ross's String Quartet Class.
The recital will be given in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre at 8:30 pm.
General Library, Main Lobby. In-
Museums Building: "What the Ser-
viceman May See in the Pacific
Area." (Animal Exhibits).
Rackham Galleries: Original water
colors by Soviet children (50 pic-
tures), and Reproduction of Book

have taught us this: that NO ONE
-worker, priest, merchant, peas-
ant, banker, teacher, scientist,
manufacturer, intellectual, thief,
even hangman, and the dictator
himself-NO ONE can live well
under dctatorship, and many can-
not live at all. NO ONE profits, in
the long run, from government
based on rule by a few over the
It is only when the many are in
control that ANY ONE can prosper.
And, strangely enough, when the
many are in control, you needn't
worry about changing human na-
ture. Let men be as full of self-
interest as you will, when the ma-
jority are in control, their actions
will be in the self-interest of the ma-
Citizens develop philosophies, at-
titudes toward what happens. They
learn from books, from friends, from
experiences. They decide quite ear-
ly in their lives whether it is worth
while believing in majority rule,
whether it is better to govern them-
selves or to let others run their lives,
whether it is worth fighting for the
WE students are also citizens. And
we too are learning from books,
from friends, from experiences. And
we are trying to find the right
But we are sometimes assigned
the wrong books: books which say
there is no answer but the 'ivory
tower or the hermitage. And we
sometimes meet the wrong people,
both teachers and students, who
say there is nothing which is worth
getting excited about. And more
than either of these, we are being
shown, in almost every instance
involving basic freedoms (of
speech, and press, and Masembly),
or involving control of situations
by those concerned and not by
those above. We are being shown
that democracy is not a good idea,
"although we really wish It were,
but people are tdo young, they
might be Influenced, they don't
understand the world and Its
If we don't know now, then we
will have to find out. But why must
we wait till we leave Ann Arbor? Four
years is more than enough to change
students from plus to minus attitudes
on social values.
We intend to remain positive, and
we think it is more than time that
the university encourage positive-
ness: in books, in friends, in experi-
ences. The least valuable contribu-
tion a state university can make to
the society which supports it is the
graduation of a single citizen who
says: "It doesn't matter."
Michigan Historical Cllections:
160 Rackham Building. The Growth
f the University of Michigan. In
Events Today
"Fresh Fields," comedy by Novello,
is being presented by the Michigan
Repertory Players of the Department
of Speech tonight through Saturday
evenings, in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre. Tickets on sale in the thea-
tre box office. Box office hours:
Monday and Tuesday, 10 a.m. to 5
p.m., for the balance of the week,
10 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Tonight at the USO: Something
new has been added! Buckus night,
or stunt night, or what have you
night, at the USO. All the crazy
riotous games we could think of
crowded into one night. No place
for academics, but plenty of room
for just plain fun.
Post Card Pictures: Camera artists
club taking pictures of you, for free,
of course, every Thursday evening,
8:30-9:30. On a postal card'for mail-

French Club: The sixth meeting of
the Club will take place today,
Thursday, Aug. 10, at 8 p.m. in the
Michigan League. Mme. Sarah May-
cock, Grad., will talk on "Souvenirs
pittoresques d'une etudiante ameri-
caine en France." Group singing
and social hour. All students of the
Summer Session and the Summer
Term as well as all servicemen are
cordially invited to the weekly meet-
ings of the French Club which are
free of charge.
A Tea-Dance will be held at the
International Center today from 4 to
5:30 p.m., in place of the regular
Thursday afternoon tea. Although
there will not be special tables for
the various language groups-Socie-
dad Hispanica, French group and
Russian group-all members of these
groups are invited to attend the tea-
dance. All other students, faculty
and townspeople are also cordially
Pi Lambda Theta members will
have a supper meeting on Thursday,
Aug. 10, in the Russian Tea Room
at the Michigan League. The time
is 5:30 p.m. and Dr. Marguerite Hall

WASHINGTON, Aug. 9-While Governor
Dewey has been so effectively harping on
delays in reconversion plans, his Republican col-
leagues, in the secrecy of the Senate Military
Affairs Committee, were conducting a behind-
the-scenes filibuster against certain phases of
reconversion. They were gunning for the Kil-
gore-Murray bill, which provides high unem-
ployment compensation for labor.
Leader of the opposition was Vermont's astute,
capable Senator Warren Austin, who, with sup-
port from GOP colleagues Chan Gurney of South
Dakota and Chapman Revercomb of West Vir-
ginia, went over the bill with a fine-tooth comb.
Austin's chief strategy was to try to sepa-
rate the reconversion bill into two parts, one
dealing with labor compensation, the other
with disposal of surplus property. Most of his
colleagues thought, he meant merely to divide
the bill for purposes of discussion inside the
committee. However, Senator Harley Kilgore
of West Virginia saw the move as a means of
splitting the bill, so that the part dealing with
surplus property, which business wants, could
be passed with Republican support, leaving
labor compensation, which business doesn't
want, to be stalled without Republican sup-
port. Kilgore, accordingly, spiked the move.
Austin also opposed plans for the production-
employment-public board, created by the bill,
to get information from Federal agencies. It is

wrote that the War Department opposed giving
information to such a board.
Proxies Work Both Ways
Republican members then picked on a $12,000
salary allotted to a deputy administrator created
by the bill and reduced it to $10,000. They
thought that Senator Kilgore had his West
Virginia friend, former Assistant Secretary of
War Louis Johnson, in mind for the job.
After about two days of examining details
of the bill, Senator Austin finally called for a
roll call, apparently confident that the Repub-
licans could defeat the bill in committee. On
the surface, it looked as if he was right. Only
five Democrats were present-Reynolds of
North Carolina, Hill of Alabama, Johnson of
Colorado, Kilgore and Murray. Against them
were three Republicans, plus four Republican
proxies which Austin held in his pocket.
The Vermont Senator smiled confidently as
the roll was called. But he nearly popped out
of his chair when Senator Kilgore produced
proxies for five absent Democrats.
"How do you like your proxies?" quipped Kil-
gore. "Sitting or on the wing?"
The vote was 10-7 in favor of the bill. How-
ever, Austin dragged out the afternoon, insist-

"Appendicitis and Asthma. Take
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By Crockett Johnson

But they started getting-
out these almanacs and-

f haven't a thing to say any
longer! Ocean currents must

Of course, ! only bother with
the ones with tags on them.

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