C, I t*
it t r
Clear Today with
Continued Heat
e Conquest of (
Island Freed
After Three
Year Slavery
Japanese on Pati
Point Surrounded
By The Associated Press
FRANCE,-St. Malo, Brttany
port, falls. Yanks within 90 miles
of Paris. Canadians crack Caen
front. Aerial warfare heavy. Shut-
tle bombing continues.
RUSSIA- Germans counterat-
tack strongly, but Reds continue
to advance on East Prussian bor-
ITALY-Florence faces shortage
of water and food. Little change on
fighting front.
PACIFIC-Cleanup on Guam
virtually completed. Thousands of
Japs killed. Stilwell's forces con-
tinue advances in Burma.
PEARL HARBOR, Aug. 9.-Amer-
lcan forces completed their conquest
of Guam Tuesday except for a small
inland area near Pati Point, where
surviving Japanese were surrounded,
Adm. Chester W. Nimitz announced
Pati Point is at the northeast cor-
ner of Guam, the first American in-
sular possession seized by Japan.
The campaign to retake Guam
began with the invasion of the island
on July 20 by the Third and Fourth
Marine divisions and the 77th Infan-
try division.
Troops Land at Two Points
The assault troops landed at two
points on the western, coast, _rapidly,
overran the lower half of the island
and pushed north to virtually com-
plete reconquest of the island on the
20th day of the campaign.
The remaining pocket of enemy
resistance was expected to be blotted
out shortly as the American forces
were exerting heavy pressure on the
remnants of the Japanese garrison.
which had no hope of escape.
Warships Block Jap Flight
Any attempt by the surviving Nip-
ponese to flee by water was blocked
by American warships that kept up
a constant patrol of the island's
Marine Maj.-Gen. Roy S. Geiger
conimanded the ground forces that
conquered Guam, the third island in
the strategic Marianas group to be
captured. The others, Tinian and
Saipan, about 125 miles to the north,
were taken in July.
Important Airfields Captured
There are several important air-
fields on the three islands, all within
Superfortress bombing range of Ja-
pan, the Philippines and the China
coast. Some of them have been used
for some time by fighter planes.
Orote Peninsula is the site of an
excellent airfield, already in use, and
of the Sumay naval base. There is
no major naval base on Guam, nor
in the Marianas, suitable for fleet
1,072 Japanese
Killed at Aitape
Southwest Pacific, Aug. 10, Thurs-
day-(R)- Additional 1,072 Japa-
nese have been killed in the Aitape
sector of British New Guinea, head-
quarters announced today.
This is one of the heaviest battle
tolls yet taken in that area.
Americans have encircled Japa-
nese front lines on the Driniumor
Remnants of the Japanese 18th
Army trapped in the Wewak area
who had attempted to break west-
ward through American lines now
are on the defensive some 20 miles
east of Aitape.
Other Allied bombers raided Hal-
mahera Island between New Guinea
and Mindanao, Yap Island in the
Western Carolines, and Sorong and
Manokwari, weakened Japanese bas-
es in Dutch New Guinea west and
east of the American beachhead at
"- - U' I w.11
Reds Gain
In Spite of
Offensive on East
Front Intensified
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Aug. 10, Thursday-
Slowed but not stopped by desperate
German counterattacks all along the
eastern front, powerful Russian arm-
ies yesterday ground out nine to 12-
mile gains in the battle of Latvia,
renewed the offensive northeast of
Warsaw, and climbed higher into the
Carpathians toward Czechoslovakia.
In telling of the day's furious
fighting and hard-won advances, the
Soviet midnight communique and an
early-morning supplement over and
over again used the phrases "stub-
born resistance" and "repeated coun-
terattacks," but said that in no case
had these Nazi efforts succeeded.
Dig Trenches in East Prussia
Thoroughly alarmed, the Germans
drafted every able-bodied man and
woman from 15 to 65 to dig trenches
against the imminent entry of the
Red Army onto the "holy" soil of
East Prussia.
Up and down the 1,000-mile front
the counterattacking Germans lost
more than 3,800 killed yesterday,
said the Soviet War Bulletin, while
ANKARA, Aug. 9.-(P)-Uncon-
firmed reports, subsequently de-
nied by the Berlin radio, circulated
here today that Bulgaria has asked
'the Allies for peace terms through
the medium of the Turkish gov-
another 120 enemy tanks were de-
stroyed or knocked out. It was the
ninth consecutive day that the Rus-
sians had recorded loss of more than
100 tanks by the Nazis.
Russians Gain 280 Towns
In the north, the Russians report-
ed capture of more than 280 towns
in twin drives northwestward within
64 miles of Riga, Latvia, along both
sides of the Daugava River. Best
gains recorded there were 15 kilom-
eters (about nine miles).
In the corridor across Latvia to
the seaha score of miles west of Riga,
which has trapped two German arm-
ies of possibly 250,000 men, the Rus-
sians reported they took 200 towns
in westward advances of about 12
miles. Memel, one of Hitler's early
pieces of bloodless loot, lay but 80
miles to the southwest.
Pressure Grows near Warsaw
East of Warsaw and northwest of
Siedlce the Russians reported that
they had "renewed their offensive
after powerful artillery and air prep-
aration," taking the key road junc-
tions of Wengrow and Sokolow, 20
and 22 miles northwest and north of
Siedlce. These were paving the way
for eventual all-out assault on War-
saw, already besieged for ten days.
More than 130 miles southeast of
Warsaw, they reported continued
widening of their bridgeheads across
the Vistula west of Sandomierz.
Wilson' Banned
By Army Order
WASHINGTON, Aug. 9.-(P)-The
motion picture "Wilson" dramatiz-
ing the career of the first World War
President has been banned by the
Army for distribution to troops, as
has the picture "Heavenly Days,"
starring Fibber McGee and Molly.
The War Department said today
both pictures had been banned by a
board of the morale services division
as containing material which might
be construed as violating provisions
of the soldier voting act.
That act prohibits the distribution
by the armed forces of books, maga-
zines or other material containing
matters calculated to influence the
results of national elections.
Colombian, 75 Years Old,
Is Father of Quadruplets
Troops Are 100
Miles From City
U. S. Forces Sweep Through Le Mans,
Take Brittany's Fortress, St. Maloe
By The Associated Press
SHAEF, Aug. 9-Lt. Gen. Omar N. Bradley's whirlwind wedges rushed
without check on the last 100 miles toward Paris tonight after sweeping
through Le Mans and forcing the die-hard defenders of Brittany's sea
fortress of St. Malo to knuckle under in surrender.
The capture of St. Malo, whose defenders had been ordered to fight
to the last man, was reported in field dispatches. Never before had it
been taken, though it had been the scene of many sieges in the middle
ages. . The historic fishing village and resort on the north coast was
perched on an island connected with the mainland by a defended causeway.
YANKS ENTER MAYENNE ON WAY TO PARIS-American infantry marches through bomb-deva-
stated Mayenne in pursuit of fleeing Germans as th ey drive toward Paris, about 140 miles away to the
northeast. Yanks have travelled to within 100 miles of the French capitol according to most recent
Michigan Opens Center for,
New Venereal Disease Therapy
Michigan's new Rapid Treatment
Center for venereal diseases wil for-
mally open at 2:30 p. m. today with
an open house and assembly for doc-
tors and health officers.
Housed in the old University
Hospital building, the Center is the
only one of its kind in Michigan
Grand ,JuryTo
P robe Cause of
Transit Strike
Judge Doesn't Believe
Race Issue Is Cause
Federal Judge George A. Welsh
charged a Special Grand Jury of 11
men and 9 women today to search out
any political motive that may have
been involved in the calling of Phila-
delphia's wildcat transit strike, de-
claring he could not believe that the
strikers were actuated solely "by the
thought that eight Negroes were go-
ing to be upgraded."
"I hope it (racial prejudice) was
not the real reason," he said.
Serious Disruption Caused
The strike, the judge said, "caused
serious disruption of wartime prep-
arations," "caused chaos and con-
fusion in a community that was do-
ing its best in a crisis in the nation's
history," and "struck a blow at a
sacred cause," for which thousands
of American boys are fighting.
"You are to determine the identity
of the men who engineered such a
strike," he said. "They should have
made a declaration of any grievance.
"It came, however, as a bolt from
the blue. The reason given for it
was one of intolerance and racial
hatred. I hope it was not the real
Leaders May Be Punished
"If race hatred was the real reason,
we cannot take it lying down. We
must punish the men who called
such a strike."
Four of the strike leaders are free
on bonds awaiting hearing next Mon-
The eight Negroes resumed their
training for trolley operating jobs
today under protection of the Army
which took over the strike-bound
transportation company Thursday
night. They were ordered upgrad-
ed by the Fair Employment Practices
operated solely for the intensive
treatment of venereal disease.
Operation and purposes of the
Center will be expiained by Dr.
William DeKleine, state health com-
missioner, at the assembly. From
100 to 125 patients can be accommo-
dated in the Center, which does not
take out patients. The syphilis
treatment requires two weeks, and
the method in use for gonorrhea
treatment takes from seven to ten
The Center is state owned and will
operate in cooperation with the Unit-
ed States Public Health Service. Only
indigent patients, referred by physi-
cians or health departments, will be
In charge of the work are Dr. Nel-
son Ryan, medical officer, F. D. Bea-
dle, superintendent; and Col. Udo
J. Wile, consultant. Dr. Wile, on
leave from the University, is in
charge of all venereal disease work
for the United States Public Health
Federal, Union
Officials Move
To End Strikes
DETROIT, Aug. 9.--VP)-Federal
conciliation agencies and union of-
ficials moved tonight ' to end two
major strikes which have made more
than 10,000 war workers idle in the
Detroit area.
The national War Labor Board
summoned high officials of the Unit-
ed Automobile Workers (CIO) to a
hearing in Washington tomorrow to
explain why a strike of 7,000 em-
ployes in five Chevrolet gear and axle
division plants of General Motors
Corp. was continuing despite a back-
to-work order of the regional WLB.
On the heels of the new Chevrolet
walkout, came a dispute today in the
Briggs Manufacturing Co.'s outer
drive plant, which manufactures ball
turrets for Army aircraft.
A spokesman for the UAW-CIO
local with which the Briggs employes
are affiliated said the walkout re-
sulted when cutter grinders were
asked to perform precision grinding,
an operation he said demanded a
wage differential of 20 cents an hour,
and refused to do the work without
an increase in pay.
Jess Ferrazza, president of the
local, said union officers were doing
all in their power to persuade the
strikers to return to work.
Allies Drive 54
Miles South of
Imphal in India
Last of Jap Forces
Near Burma Border
LON, Aug. 9-(P)-The Allied drive
to push the last Japanese invaders
out of northeast India penetrated to-
day to a point 54 miles south of Im-
phal, where Japanese rear guards
were encountered.
It appeared likely that the last of
the beaten 33rd Japanese Division
would be chased over the Burma
frontier toward Tiddim within an-
other week.
Strike in Mogaung Valley
In the Mogaung Valley campaign
in northern Burma Allied troops
striking down upon the Mogaung-
Mandalay railway in the Taungni
area encountered heavy opposition
at Tigyaingu, five miles northeast of
Taungni and about 10 miles south-
west of Mogaung, air line.
In Burma's Kabaw Valley east of
Tamu Allied forces found evidence
of Japanese panic in the abandon-
ment of 200 motor vehicles on one
five-mile stretch of road, along with
guns of all calibers and thousands of
rounds of ammunition.
Headquarters permitted today the
disclosure that the Allies are using
a canine corps to advantage in Bur-
ma. One dog killed a Japanese un-
assisted. Another spotted a straggler
who was killed by the dog's master.
The Japanese also are using dogs to
help locate jungle positions.
Report From China
From Chungking, China, came
word that die-hard Chinese forces
headed by five generals apparently
were making good today their vow
to fight to the death in battered
Hengyang, opposing a Japanese as-
sault to the last.
The Chinese high command said
broken radio contact made the situa-
tion obscure inside the city, where
street fighting last was reported.
Youth for Democratic
Action To Hold Meeting
Michigan Youth for Democratic
Action, campus youth organization
will hold its first meeting of the
Summer Term at 8 p.m. today in the
Mort Rosenthal, president, urged
that all old and new members attend
to help set up activities for the rest
of the summer. The program will
center around the idea of backing
the boys on the front lines.
87 Miles From Paris
The official announcement of the
complete occupation of the auto
manufacturing city 85 miles east of
Rennes made it clear that American
tanks were well beyond the city, and
German news agencies reported the
fast spearheads were only 87 miles
from the French capital.
There was no Allied confirmation
that Bradley's juggernaut had scor-
ed this further advance of 23 miles
from Le Mans-but it might be pos-
sible as the Americans had not yet
run into anything like solid resist-
Open Assault on Brest
There still was no indication where,
short of Paris, the Germans might be
able to check the storm of American
steel which in a little more than two
weeks had swept over an arc of 200
miles from St. Lo, through Avran-
ches, Rennes, Laval and Le Mans.
Behind the streams of machines
plunging eastward, the American bat-
tering ram opened an assault on
Brest at the western tip of Brittany,
beginning a rear door attack on the
outer defenses when the garrison of
the French naval base rejected an
offer by the American commander to
accept its surrender.
Canadians Advance
Seventy miles north of Le Mans the
Canadian First Army in a great dual
thrust steadily pried open a second
doorway barely 100 miles from Paris,
breaking cleanly through the Ger-
mans' first and second lines of de-
fense and advancing to a point 16
miles below Caen.
Veterans To le
Given Dance at
Local USO Club
Afm Arbor servicemen will play
host to 200 discharged veterans at a
dance to be held at 8:30 p.m. Satur-
day, at the USO Club on East Huron.
Entertainment will be supplied by
the servicemen and will feature
"Doc" Fielding as master of cere-
monies. Several numbers from the
Company D show, "Rumor Has It"
will be presented.
Numbers from the show will in-.
clude songs by the quartet consisting
of Pfc. Paul Brazda, Harry Clarke,
Philip Brancucci and Jerry McCros-
key. Staff Sergeant Henry Schnei-
dewind, who played the male lead in
the show, will also sing.
Pfc. Dick Thomas of Company A,
a featured pianist at several New
York night clubs, will be at the piano.
Arty Fischer of Company D will dir-
ect the entertainment.
Mrs. Robert Burton, director of the
USO, said that one of the functions
of the dance will be to introduce the
ex-servicemen to the USO.
"The idea was offered by a ser-
vicemen," she said, "and all the men
have taken the lead in arranging
this affair. There is much in com-
mon between both servicemen and
ex - servicemen," and she added
"they can benefit from association
*ith each other."
Junior hostesses from Company Z
will be on hand to help the men
enjoy themselves at dancing and
Yank Bombs
Blast Europe
Factories, V-Pens
Hit By Big Raiders
By The Associated Press '
LONDQN, Aug. 9.- More than
2,000dAmerican heavy bombers thun-
dered from British and Italian bases
against Hitler's battered war plants
and oil facilities in Germany, Hun-
gary and Yugoslavia today, while
RAF Lancasters packing 12,000-
pound bombs smashed at submarine
pens in'the U-boat base of La Pallice
on the west French coast.
While tactical forces streamed
over enemy lines in France in a
bridge-busting campaign, jamming
Nazi communications, up to 750
British-based U.S. Eighth Air Force
Liberators and Fortresses, with equal
fighter escort, ploughed through
murky weather against Stuttgart,
"the Detroit of Germany," and other
targets in southern Germany. A rail
yard was among these.
U.S. Shoots Down 33
The escorting Lightnings, Thun-
derbolts and Mustangs reported 33
enemy planes shot down in aerial
combat. Eighteen bombers andrtwo
fighters were missing from the Brit-
ish-based attacks on Germany. A
communique said none of the Ger-
man interceptors was able to pene-
trate the fighter screen around the
Fighter escorts of both heavy
bomber fleets said German air oppo-
sition was not intense and contra-
dicted German radio reports of fierce
battles in the air.
France, Hungary Hit
The weather over the French front
was favorable for the aerial blows
at the Germans' communication sys-
More than 500 heavies of the 15th
Air Force struck from Italy at Nazi
aircraft and oil resources, ipcluding
the Almas Fuzito refinery on the
Danube 30 miles west of Budapest,
a Messerschmitt assembly plant at
Gyor and airdromes at Veches and
Tokol in Hungary as well as rail
yards at Brod in Yugoslavia.
Florence Faces
Serious Water,
Food Shortage
ROME, Aug. 9-0P)-The City of
Florence, tightly locked in a deadly
vise formed by the British and Ger-
man armies, was reported facing a
series of food and water shortages
and beset by looting and outbursts of
',ivil strife today.
While military operations in and
around Florence were limited to pa-
trol forays, machinegun positions lin-
ed both banks of the Arno River
along its course through the city.
The battle lines had cut the city
off from food supply from the sur-
rounding countryside, one of Italy's
richest agricultural regions, and no
food had been distributed on the
German side of the city since last
German destruction of the power
plant had deprived the city of light
and caused an alarming water sup-
ply situation, with black marketeers
demanding 20 lire (20 cents) for a
bottle of water.
Looting in some sections, both by
German soldiers and Italian hood-
, lums, also was reported, causing the
Experts on Soviet Replace Collaborationists in Cabinet
(EDITOR'S NOTE: John Colburn, who
analyzes the significance of the latest
Finnish cabinet reorganization, returned
recently from an assignment in Stock-
hom, during which he spent some time
in Helsinki making a close study of
through Swedish intermediaries. Sev-
enty-seven year old Marshal Carl
Gustav Mannerheim, who took over
the presidency a week ago and reor-
ganized the cabinet, was understood
for the first time since Finland en-
tered the war alongside Germany
in 1941 definite evidence that Fin-
land was anxious to make peace.
Previously, there had been peace
complicated by an inherent dislike
for Russia, a desire for revenge
after the Russian victory in the
winter war of 1930-40 and the pres-