ii' "'
4t rint,
Wea dher
Continued Hot and Humid
Taken in Dash Acr
oss Peninsula
To Return to Work
* *
* * *
* * *
* * *
Philadelphia Strikers Annul Decision
Red Army Shatters
Vistula River Line
Russians Flank Burning Warsaw In
Mighty Drive Toward German Silesia
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Friday, Aug. 4-Red Army troops shattered the Axis Vistula
Diver line in Poland yesterday, smashing 15 miles beyond that last natural
defense barrier short of the "Holy Soil" of Germany in a broad flow of
men and ° tanks that flanked burning Warsaw and sped toward German
Silesia, only 100 miles away.
The Vistula, which a desperate enemy had attempted to hold with
reinforcements sent from 'central German reservoirs, was crossed 110 miles
south of besieged Warsaw on a front nearly 19 miles wide between
Koprzywnicaand Polaniec.
Polish Patriots Fight
German broadcasts also said that
another strong bridgehead was estab-
lished on the west bank near Warka,
only 30 miles southeast of Warsaw,
where Polish patriots were fighting
the Germans in the streets, but Mos-
cow did not confirm that enemy an-
The west bank towns of Koprzyw-
nica and Polaniec fell to the Rus-
sians, a Moscow communique said,.
along with Staszow, 15 miles west of
the swift-flowing Vistula. By seizing
Polaniec the Russians were only 60
miles northeast of Krakow, Poland's
fifth largest city. With the capture
of Staszow they were only 30 miles
southeast of the German stronghold
of Kielce.
Reds Near Reich §oil
Russian troops were reported even
nearer ancient German soil in west-
ern Lithuania, attacking toward East
Prussia on a broad front. Moscow
dispatches said these units were only
three miles from East Prussia, fight-
ing near Virbalis and Wizainy and
preparing to leap the border after an
intensive shelling of Nazi concentra-
tions across the border. The Soviet
Dewey Accuses
FDR of Courting
Nation's Disaster
By The Associated Press
ST. LOUIS. Aug. 3.-The country's
26 Republican governors, hammering
together the second half of a policy
declaration on public affairs, were
described today byaGov. Burke B.
Hickenlooper of Iowa as engaged in
the "most magnificent political meet-
ing that's been held in generations."
Under the leadership of their pres-
idential nominee, Thomas E. Dewey
of New York, they started winding
up their two-day conference by get-
ting together with National Repub-
lican Chairman Herbert Brownell, Jr.
in a three-hour discussion of politics
nothing else.
Hickenlooper told an informal news
conference afterward that the state
chiefs achieved "complete under-
standing of thought and complete
determination on the part of the 24
governors to support the other two
in the national election."
While ordinarily he just keeps in
touch with the political situation in
his own state, Hickenlooper said he
had gathered since he came to St.
Louis that the chances were "very
very bright" that Missouri also would
enter- the Republican column this
The governors produced a cam-
paign dossier today charging the
New Deal with courting "national
disaster" in reconversion of war-
time industry.
In an acidly worded indictment.
they also accused the present federal
government of "threatening seriously
the very existence of many of our
states," by the acquisition of public
and private lands.
Ree Rally T oBe
Held Saturday
The out-of-doors entertainment
theme will be carried through by the
Women's Athletic Association in its
summer Rec Rally, which will be held
from 7:30 to 9 p. m. tomorrow on Pal-
mer Field.
Mixed tennis, softball, badminton,
bulletin said 200 more localities had
been taken by the Russians west and
northwest of Kaunas, fallen former
Lithuanian capital.
A total of nearly 500 towns and
villages were captured by the Rus-
sians on all fronts during the day,
Moscow said.
Yanks Advance
In Guam Attack,
Nimitz States
Navy Planes Support
Troops in 2 Mile Gain
By The Associated Press
PEARL HARBOR, Aug. 3.-A two-
mile advance Wednesday by Ameri-
can troops on Guam, made against
increasing Japanese resistance and
over rough, wooded terrain, was re-
ported today by Adm. Chester W.
This placed the reconquerors of
Guam well into the upper third of
the island, southernmost of the Mar-
ianas group. It gave them control of
an important road junction, north of
a ridge that extended nearly across
the island.
The hard-dtiving Yanks were ad-
vancing with the continuing support
of carrier - based aircraft. Those
planes yesterday flew low over enemy
fortifications and storage areas in the
northern end of Guam to shatter
targets with bombs and rocket fire.
The American line continued an-
chored on Tumon Bay on the west
Americans Repulse
Jap Counter-attacks
4-0P)-Four more suicidal Japanese
counter-attacks against the left flank
of American lines in British New
Guinea have been repulsed, head-
quarters announced today.
A total of 602 Japanese dead was
counted during fierce fighting Wed-
nesday in the Afua sector of the
Driniumor river battle front, east of
Aitape in British New Guinea.
Planes Smash
Robot Bases
LONDON, Aug. 4, Friday-(P)-
Powerful Allied air fleets totaling
around 5,500 bombers and fighters
smashed at flying bomb bases in
northern France and aircraft plants
and communications targets in Ger-
many Thursday as the August air
offensive mounted in fury with wide-
spread operations from both Britain
and Italy.
RAF heavy bombers, ordinarily
used chiefly at night, made two
strikes during the day at robot supply
bases in the biggest British daylight
bombing attack of the war.
American Flying Fortresses and
Liberators also slashed across the
channel twice during the afternoon
and late evening, hammering at
transport and military targets in
their first operation and later hitting
robot launching platforms and other
objectives in northern France and
the Paris and Brussels areas.
Dental Ball Will Be
Race Issue
Barrier to
By The Associated Press
day)-Several thousand Philadelphia
Transportation Company employes
voted tonight to return to their jobs
on the government-seized transport
lines but later revoked their decision
in a renewal of the racial issue that
precipitated the walkout.
James McMenamin, head of the
workers' "General Emergency Com-
mittee," told the men jubilantly at
one mass meeting that "we have won.
There are no Negro operators."
Second Meeting Held
He told a second meeting a few
hours later, however, that the em-
ployes had been "misinformed" and
said the men would stay out "until
such time as we get a written guaran-
tee that there will be no further hir-
ing of colored operators and no fur-
ther instruction of colored operat-
ors now in training."
His speech drew cheers from the
Negro Boy Shot
Meanwhile, in the first disorders in
the city's Negro sections since Wed-
nesday midnight, a 13-year old Negro
boy, identified as Franklin Howard,
was hit in the chest by a bullet fired
from an automobile which police said
contained two white men.
At the PTC employes' first meet-
ing cheers greeted soldiers who post-
ed a notice of the seizure and the
workers saluted as the flag of the
United States was raised over the
premises. .
Gain Power of Attorney
Later, but before the second meet-
ing, he asked all the employes to
committee authority to represent
them "on this issue (employment of
Negro operators) only."
The eight Negroes, who had been
employed by the company in other
capacities, were about to begin train-
ing as motormen when the work
stoppage began.
* * *
Story of Strike
In Philadelphia
Special to The Daily
Editor's Note: Miss Borradaile, former
Associate Editor of The Daily, is now
working in Philadelphia.
scenes remiscent of Detroit and New
York, racial hatred has turned the
"City of Brotherly Love" into a
swelling den of hatred, with mass
disorder and halted transportation
culminating in the calling in of the
Army Third Service Command.
Strike leaders of the Transport
Workers Union (CIO), whose 6,000
drivers walked out in protest
against the upgrading of eight
Negro trainmen to operator's posi-
tions, yesterday disclaimed union
sponsorship of the walk-out.
"This demonstration is not a labor
movement. It is not sponsored by
any union or any other organization,"
union leaders said last night in a
statement issued at their car barn
"We are trying to keep the public
transportation system from being
under the domination of the National
Association for the Advancement of
Colored People," they added.
Entire city blocks were littered with
glass and merchandise from broken
store windows, as street fighting,
wholesale looting and rioting by both
whites and Negroes broke out after
the walk-out, which was originally
blamed on "illness" by the strikers.
Allbars and saloons were closed
in an attempt to keep the rioting
from spreading. More than 300
arrests and 13 hospital cases have
already resulted from this mass
uprising of racial hatred. Most of
those arrested were armed with
"heavy steel weapons," according
to police. One group of 17 and 18
Miles in 24 Hours
a stretcher bearing a robot bomb victim from wreckage of a building
in a London area hit by German robot bomb.
Chinese Must Be Understood;
Yung.Chin T SpeakTonight
By The Associated Press
FRANCE-Fall of all Brittany
by end of week probable. Ameri-
can advance pushes Germans back
on road to Paris. Robot bomb at-
tacks continue in Britain. Aerial
warfare hits new high.
RUSSIA-Vistula crossing con-
firmed by Moscow. Reds gain on
Baltic and other fronts.
ITALY--Climax of battle for
Florence near.
PACIFIC -- Two-mile, advance
made by American troops on Guam.
Jap resistance increasing. Jap
attacks in New Guinea repulsed.
* * *
By The Associated Press
SHAEF, Aug. 3-A mighty tide of
U. S. troops and armor swept up
Brittany's capital and main rail city
of Rennes today and rolled on un-
checked toward the prize ports of
Brest and St. Nazaire along roads
littered with the wreckage of enemy
tanks and vehicles.
The powerful force that brushed
past resistance at Rennes pounded
on south toward St. Nazaire, the
Nazi U-boat base less than 60 miles
away, after traveling 40 miles in 24
hours in the invasion's swiftest dash.
Approach Brest
Another great force of triumphant
Yanks headed straight west across
the Breton peninsula toward Brest,
and probably already was well past
Dinan after breaking across the
Range River, 110 miles east of the
second port of France where their
fathers landed to fight the first world
Behind them, other forces method-
ically widened the corridor through
which these forces were pouring into
Brittany from Normandy, pushing 20
miles east of Avranches to Mortain
on the road to Paris.
Following up swiftly, in a seven-
mile advance from the southwest,
American forces pushed to within a
mile of St. Sever-Calvados, midway
between Vire and Villedieu-Les-
The announcement of Rennes' fall
came from Secretary of War Stim-
'China's Hopes and
Aims' Is Sub ject
Yang Yung-Ching, President of
Soochow University and visiting pro-
fessor at Bowdoin College, will speak
on "China's Hopes and Aims" at
8:30 p. m. today in Rackham Lecture
Hall as a part of the four day con-
ference on China which will con-
clude tomorrow.
To Discuss "China at War"
A panel on "China at War" directed
by Philip B. Sullivan, supervisor of
the East Asia Area and Language
of the ASPT program at the Univer-
sity, will be held from 2 to 4 p. m.
in the Rackham Amphitheater. In-
cluded on the panel will be Hald-
ore Hansen, of the cultural rela-
tions division of the Department of
State, and Sah Pen-Tung, President
of the National University of Amoy,
who will both speak on "China Dis-
covers Its Western Provinces."
In addition "Chinese Economic and
Social Problems" will kbe considered
by Helmut G. Callis, director of the
area program of East Asia Area and
Lauguage connected with the ASTP
at the University, and Lin Hua, an
engineering student from Fukien Pro-
Blakeman To Lead Discussion
"Missions in China," subject of the
roundtable to be held today from 10
to 12 a. m., will have as its chair-
man, Edward W. Blakeman, counsel-
or in religious education at the Uni-
versity. Those taking part in
the discussion concerning "Plans for
the Future" will be Mr. Yung-Ching,
Alexander Paul, representative of the
UnitedChristian Missionary Society;
George W. Shepard, missionary in
China and personal advisor to Chiang
Kai-Shek; Alma Cook, Lintsing Hos-
pital, Shantung, China; Clara Sargent
Shepard, former medical missionary
in China, and now physician for
Lansing public schools; and William
C. Booth, Yih Wen Commercial Col-,
lege, Chef oo.
Col. Starling DiegS
WASHINGTON, Aug. 3-(i)-Col-
onel Edmund W. Starling, retired
chief of the White House Secret Ser-
vice Detail, died in St. Luke's Hospi-
tal, New York City, today, the Treas-
ury announced.
Travel 40
Hummel Stresses
Need for Mutuality
The great need for a correct inter-
pretation of the customs and
thoughts of the Chinese people in or-
der to understand them was stressed
by Dr. Arthur Hummel, former teach-
er and lecturer in the Orient, who ad-
dressed the second session of the pres-
ent China conference last night.
Until recently such an understand-
ing was regarded as unnecessary, for
it was generally conceded that the
Oriental would become like us if we
waited long enough, Dr. Hummel
pointed out, saying that Americans
have always prided themselves as
being the givers, but, in the case of
China, failed to make the giving re-
"We must realize that our civiliza-
tion is only a contribution to human
development and not the law of hu-
man development," he said, and that
ancient Chinese backgrounds also in-
corporated the respect for a dignified
personality, a knowledge of the im-
portance of reason, and an apprecia-
tion of the power of skepticism.
Before, he warned, the West
can interpret the East, three errors
must be corrected: belief in the uni-
formity of the Oriental, his inscruti-
bility, and his inferiority.
Not since the Renaissance has there
been such an opportunity as the
East affords us now, concluded Dr.
Hummel, for, although all the know-
ledge which they possess can neer be
encompassed in a, single lifetime,
there can be a needed contribution of
new thoughts for the old so that
we'll understand ourselves better and
appreciate our own traditions more."
Truman Resigns As
Committee Head
WASHINGTON, Aug. 3-(R)-Sen-
ator Harry S. Truman gave up today
the chairmanship of the Senate War
Investigating Committee in order to
free himself for a vigorous campaign
as President Roosevelt's fourth term
running mate.
Senator James M. Mead (D-NY) is
expected to be elected his successor
son in Washington and was in ad-
vance of information available to
correspondents at Supreme Head-
Allied air forces in rising force
resumed their bridge blasting cam-
paign to keep the sprawling Loire-
Seine triangle sealed off and pre-
vent the Germans from bringing up
forces for a counterattack against
the line of armor swiftly sealing off
the peninsula.
On the British front, where the
tommies seized Vire and drove on
east, enemy resistance was stiffen-
ing, but he was under intense rocket
fire from powerful British typhoons.
Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower made
his tenth visit to the Allied battle-
front, conferred with Generals Mont-
gomery and Bradley and returned to
Veterans !i ll
Attend Speceil
Meeting Today1
Organization Subnits
Recognition Petition
An urgent call for all discharge4
veterans now on campus to attend
a special meeting at 7 p. m. today,
Room 304, in the Union was issued
yesterday by the new veteran's or-
Laszlo Heteny, Grad, chairman of
the organization and veteran of 10
months army service strongly urged
every veteran who has returned to
school to attend the meeting and
stated "All of us must help ourselves
to meet present problems but we can
only be successful if everybody co-
Group One Month Old
At today's meeting, the organiza-
tion, barely a month old, will draft
its petition for recognition to be
presented to the Student Affairs com-
mittee and details of the forthcom-
ing program will be worked out, Hen-
tenyi said.
A nucleus of ten discharged veter-
ans, averaging more than ten months
each of active military service, con-
ceived the idea when beset with
mounting problem of housing, eating
and social adjustment.
Bureau Guides Veterans
The Veterans' Service Bureau un-
der the direction of Clark Tibbits,
War Board secretary, has been guid-
ing veterans academically as they
have come back to school.
When officially constituted, this
veteran's organization will be the
fourth known to be in operation on
a major university campus for the
benefit of discharged servicemen.
Myitkyina Falls
In Aled Drive
Captured by Stilwell
Northern Burma City
4-(AP)-Myitkyina, largest town in
northern Burma, has fallen to the
forces of Gen. Joseph W. Stilwell as
the climax of a siege which began
last May 17, an Allied announcement
said today.
The siege of Myitkyina began when
Brig.-Gen. Frank MVerrill's Maraud-
ers swept out of the hills and cap-
tured Pamati Airfield after a 20-day
forced march over 112 miles of peri-
lous terrain,
The city, terminus of the trunk
railway from Rangoon, capital of
Burma, had been occupied by the
Japanese for two years. Allied forces
have held the main airport there for
week, but the Japanese garrison clung
stubbornly to sections of the town.
Myitkyina has been the heart of
Japanese activity in northern Burma.
British Now
Three Miles
From Florence
ROME, Aug. 3.- (?)- German
troops are pulling back behind the
Greve River preparatory to a with-
drawal from Florence and advance
units of the British Eighth Army
already have stabbed within three
miles of the historic city, field dis-
patches said tonight.
Loosening up of German defenses
became apparent overnight and it
was believed the enemy would pull
into a pocket behind the Greve where
it flows below the southwestern edge
of the city, in an attempt to hold
until Nazi troops can be moved
through Florence, Associated Press
Correspondent Lynn Heinz e r lin g
wrote from the front.
On the other end of the Italian
front the enemy showed determina-
tion to make a desperate stand along
the Arno River and on both sides of
the besieged city of Pisa strong Ger-
man patrols of up to 200 men slashed
into American positions on the south,
bank of the river, other field dis-
patches said.
Advances up to three miles were
made on the extreme right of the
Eighth Army front and South Afri-
can troops were moving forward al-
most even with the New Zealanders.
Germans Renew Flying Bomb Attacks
LONDON, Aug. 3.-{P)-The Nazis
renewed their flying bomb salvos
against London and southern Eng-
lad s toa t ar a lte aternoon
ericans, were busy from midnight on
and got many robots on the wing,
but many got through. Just how
-- - - I " nc a +.nrl y fa fa-
air raid casualties from the beginning
of the war through the first half of
1944, Morrison revealed that the ro-
hnf hnmc n n m p klln m mnrR