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July 29, 1943 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1943-07-29

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iolent Figting Rages in o
As Italy Borders on Utri
FDR Says Allies Will Osehersieben " ENMA"" J
eman 'Total Victory' Smashed by LKn
President Promises That Fascist Gangs Brns B
-B.itish ...sL.non
j, Will Be Punished for Their CrimesA"
^ GER A B in





(3 yj~ Moscow



WASHINGTON, July 28. - (/P) -
President Roosevelt declared tonight
that "the first crack in the Axis has
come," and added that the United
Nations will not settle the conflict
for "less than total victory."
°The Chief Executive, in an analysis
of the war broadcast to the American
people, promised that Benito Musso-
lini and "his Fascist gang" will be
"brought to book and punished for
their crimes against humanity." He
said "no criminal will be allowed to
escape by the expedient of 'resigna-
It was a rosy-hued picture of the
Roosevelt Announces That
Coffee Rationing Will End
WASHINGTON, July 28. - (P) _
President Roosevelt announced to-
night the end of coffee rationing
for civilians and a probable increase
in sugar allotments. He attributed
the moves to a vast increase in avail-
able shipping space and greater suc-
cess in the war against U-boats.
"One tangible result of our great
increase in merchant shipping -
which will be good news to civilians
at home-is that tonight we are
able to terminate the rationing of
coffee," he said in his broadcast to
the nation.
"We also expect that within a
short time we shll get greatly in-
creased allowances of sugar."
Class Petitions
Due Monday
Students wishing to run for senior
class officers in the Engineering
School must have their petitions in
Dean A. H. Lovell's office by Monday.
Elections will be ield next Thurs-
day and Friday.
All September graduates and all
NAOTC students who will have com-
pleted eight semesters by the end of
summer term are eligible to run.
Petitions must include name, ad-
dress, phone number, general schol-
astic average and spring term aver-
age. Applicants must give their qual-
ifications and secure the signatures
of 15 students from their class.
13 Die; Scores Hurt
In Southern Storm
HOUSTON, Tex., July 28.-(/P)-{
Thirteen persons were reported dead
tonight, scores were injured and
property damage soared to around
$10,000,000 after the Texas gulf coast
from Houston to Port Arthur was
battered by a raging tropical hurri-
Army engineers at Galveston said
ten bodies had been recovered from
North Jetty after the dredge Galves-
ton sank following a terrific pound-
ing against the rocks.
Nine of the bodies, they said, were
definitely identified as members of
the dredge crew and the tenth might
have been a crew member who signed
on late.
The engineers said 57 men were
known to have been in the crew and
that 48 of them had been rescued.

war which the President drew, de-
picting the "criminal, corrupt Fas-
cist regime in Italy" as "going to
pieces." And he gave a new assurance
that the terms of the Allies to Italy,
as to Germany and Japan, still are
"unconditional surrender."
He spoke of the manner in which
Russia had turned a new German
offensive into a counteroffensive and
of the manner in which the Japanese
were being pressed in the Pacific.
Axis Gangs May Be Hard To Lick
Yet he warned that it would not
be an easy matter "to knock out Hit-
!er and his gang and Tojo and his
gang" even though plans for elim-
inating Mussolini and his gang had
largely succeeded. The length of the
war, he said, will depend upon an un-
interrupted continuance of an "all
out effort on the fighting fronts and
here at home."
Looking ahead toward the post-
war world, the Chief Executive said
the United Nations were substantially
agreed on general objectives but also
were agreed that the time had not
arrived for an international discus-
sion of all the terms of peace and
all the details of the future.
Pressure Must Not Be Relaxed
"We must not relax our pressure
on the enemy," he said, "by taking
time out to define every boundary
and settle every political controversy
in every part of the world. The all-
important thing now is to get on
with the war-and to win it."
Yet he did outline a specific six
point plan for taking care .of mem-
bers of the armed forces after- their
fighting is done and America can
begin conversion to a - peace-time
basis. The President said the least
to which these fighting men are en-
titled is:
"1. Mustering-out pay large enough
Turn to Page 4, Col. 3

Aircraftt Plant Assault
Follows Heaviest Raid
In History on Hamburg
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Thursday. J'lv 29.-
Swarms of Flying Fortresses stabbed
farther into Germany yester-
day than ever before and smashed
an aircraft plant at Ocherslegen, just
80 miles southwest of Berlin, after
British' night raiders had showered
the mightiest load of bombs in his-
tory on the battered, shuddering sub-
marine center of Hamburg in the
sixth such Allied operation in three
(And late last night there appeared
to be no sign of a let-up in the aerial
assault on Hitler's Europe as great
waves of heavy bombers thundered
from the southeast coast over the
English Channel. (The Federal Com-
munications Commission reported
the Nazi-run Calais and Paris radios
in France had gone off the air.)
Alert In London
Meanwhile, a brief alert was
sounded in London early today.
The great American bombers also
battered a German plane factory at
Kassel and destroyed more than 60
Nazi fighters in furious battles in
which 23 heavy bombers and one Al-
lied Fighter were lost.
United States medium bombers at-
tacked industrial targets in Belgium,
and British fighters seared German
air bases in Northern France and
Belgium as the sustained day-and-
night aerial offensive rose to a new
pitch of shattering intensity.
Hamburg Is Blazing
The Air Ministry said "just over"
2,300 long tons (2,576 U.S. tons) of
bombs were loosed upon blazing
Hamburg last night, shattering the
violent world record set by the RAF
on Saturday night, and that more
than 5,000 tons had fallen in the
current bombing cycle on Continen-
tal Europe's greatest port and Ger-
many's leading submarine center.
The first central German target
of the Flying Fortresses was an air-
craft assembly plant at Oschersleben
pear Magdeburg which lies 460 miles
east of the nearest bit of English
coastline. The Fortresses flew at
least 335 miles over Hitler's vaunted
"European Fortress" to deliver their
precision attack and probably span-
ned more than 1,000 miles on the
Liquor Distributors
Must Suspend Sales
LANSING, July 28.- ()- The
Michigan State Liquor Control Com-
mission tonight ordered all specially
designated distributors of liquor in
the state to suspend sales as of 6 p.m.
The order, the commission said,
was made to permit setting up of the
new liquor rationing program. SDD's
were notified of the order by tele-
grams, which gave no hint as to
when sales would be resumed.
"No sale of items on the liquor
price list are to be made until you
receive specific instructions from the
liquor control commission," the tele-
grams said.

Parss - KAYv
Casblaca ~.;~S!IG A Y
front.e- ULARA
.... . ..... ... .... ......... ........ ....... .. ............ a e rm o G R EEC E
Axi)Pisnes rw i$i ..Us t.o ii$rlflci
Casablanca gesSICILY ::....
MOR OCCO 14A L'T A ::::
IfMussolini's ouster is a prelude to Italian surrender, this well might be the way the Europe"n war
would go. Elimination of the Italian armies would e ase the way f or" Allied invasions (black arrows) of
southern France, Italy itself and the Balkans. Algie rs reports said that Italians divisions (ripen arrows)
already have been ordered home from France and th e Balkans. Allied air bases in northern Italy would
place in easier reach (circles) eastern Germany and the Nazi lines of communication to the Russian
front. -
AxisPrisoners CoTwd Si cilian Road to I nternmen1

ItaIiaIs Block
iNazi IDefeiise
In il: Area
Gernman Troops Betray
Pledge to Bagoglio;
Armnistice Is Rumored
By The Associated Press
LONDON, July 28.--Violent fight-
ing has broken out between Italian
and German troops in northern Italy
according to reports seeping out of
the war weary land of fallen Fascism,
where grave disorders bordering on
outright revolution were said to be
sweeping Milan.
Accounts reaching Madrid said ac-
tive Italian military resistance in
the north at Milan and Turin was
blocking a German attempt to pour
ten divisions into a line along the Po
River, where the Germans were be-
lieved to have established a defense
system in betrayal of a pledge to
Marshal Badoglio to help hold all
Peace Negotiations Reported
Ankara heard reports that Italy
will now negotiate peace.
A Rome spokesman in a closely-
censored telephone conversation with
Bern, Switzerland, declined to con-
firm or deny that Italy had already
asked for an armistice.
Reports which were not confirmed
but which were received in Switzer-
land from the Italian border said
that all workers in Milan had left
their jobs and that there was gunfire
when the people apparently became
uneasy at the delay of the new gov-
ernment of Marshal Pietro Badoglio
in making peace,
Allies Await Italian Decision
The Allies still watched for defi-
nite indication whether Italy is stay-
ing in or getting out of the war.
The disturbances were said to have
been in spite of a state of siege de-
clared by military authorities.
Later, a Swiss radio broadcast,
heard here by the Associated Press,
said the Milan situation had become
worse and "armed forces have inter-
"Despite interference b1 the armed
Turn to Page 4, Col. 2
*A *~ *
'In3 Itaian Cities
BERN, Switzerland, July 28.--()
---Gun battles with Fascist rem-
nants holding women and children
as hostages, rising peace calls, blood-
shed, and strikes bordering on civil
war were reported tonight sweeping
Milan and other Italian cities.
Dispatches reaching Switzerland
gave this picture:
The hard-pressed Badoglio gov-
ernment strove without success to
calm the peace-hungry masses grow-
ing dangerous because 'of the new
regime's failure to declared immedi-
ately that it is seeking an armistice
with the Allies.
In Milan workers rushed from fac-
tories to join women and children in
mobs crying, "We want peace." Some
shots were fired but most of the
troops refused official orders from
Rome to use such means to break up
the surging crowds.
Regular army troops moving a-
gainst nests of Fascist resistance in
Milan now are using tanks.
Vito Mussolini, nephew of the ous-
ted Il Duce and director of the de-
funct fascist newspaper Popolo D'-
Italia, was reported among 70 fas-
cists whobarricaded themselves at
Il Covo.
Route Declares Italy

Mwt Co ninue fight
By The Associated Press
The Rome radio in its first de-
tailed exposition of Italy's position
following the fall of Benito Mussolini
declared tonight that, with Fascism
"abolished," there remains "but one
thing for Italy to do-continue to
fight-fight for liberty and for hon-
The Italian people, the announcer
said in an English language broad-
cast recorded by the Associated
Prss ee at ar. ad e, reman

SReds Driving
Toward Orel


German Attempts
Stop Drive Fail

LONDON, Thursday, July 19.---(P)
-More than 2,500 Germans fell be-
fore the slugging Russian Army ad-
vancing toward Orel today despite
frantic German attempts to plug the
crescent-shaped front with tired re-
serves and hastily shifted armored
The Russians announced gains of
two-and-a-half to four miles and the
capture of over 30 populated places-
including the railway station of
Stanovoy Kolodets, 11 miles south-
east of Orel, the nerve center of Ger-
man resistance.
The Soviet midnight communique
recorded by the Soviet Monitor in-
dicated new signs of German weak-
ening under the 17th day of steady
Russian attack. Reserves were pushed
directly into the fighting north of
Orel the moment they arrived at the
front but the Nazis were dislodged
from a number of populated places
in this area. The Russians were last
reported at Optukha, nine miles
from Orel.

Axis prisoners, captured in the Allied invasion of Sicily, move along a road on the Italian island, en
route to internment camps, while the Allied drive dee per into Sicilian defenses and shatter German at-
tempts to reinforce troops by air. This is an official British photo.

Yanks Broaden
lap ttack Line
In Air Assaults
WASHINGTON, July 28.-()-
A punishing series of 19 air raids
against Kiska, and a new aerial blow
at Wake Island indicated today that
the American high command is
broadening the offensive against
Japan to throw pressure on the whole
of her 3,000-mile island defense line.
Delivering the 19 attacks against
Kiska in the Aleutians on Monday
and Tuesday, the American fliers
scored hits on the Japanese airfield
and submarine base, and started fires
elsewhere, a Navy communique re-
vealed. Far away -in the Central Pa-
cific, American bombers scored hits
on Wake Island targets. Intercepted
by 25 Zero fighters, the bombers de-
stroyed seven, probably destroyed
five and damaged three.
These raids were obviously coordi-
nated with the campaign being
waged at the southern end of the
Japanese defense line by the com-
bined forces of General Douglas Mac-
Arthur and Admiral William F. Hal-
sey in the Solomon Islands and New
Guinea areas.
Fraternity Rushing Will
Continue Friday. Monday

425 Workers t University
Hlospital Prove Invaluawble


Eee To Work in Radar Field

"Indispensable" is the new appre-
ciative term for 425 members of the
Volunteer Service of the University
Contributing to the success of the
vital war woi$ being carried on by
this organization are professors'
wives, University students, and
townspeople of Ann Arbor.
The Volunteer Service was or-
ganized two and a half years ago
as a supplement to the trained
personnel of the hospital. At first
the organization was insignificant
with but 13 members, and the pub-
lic was skeptical of its value. When
war came, however, and the man-
power shortage became more acute,
the usefulness of the service was
recognized. Last March the total
number of volunteers reached a
high of 425.
Contributing much to this organi-'
zation have been such women as
Miss Kathryn Walsh, supervisor of
the Volunteer Service; Mrs. Louis.
Eich, wife of the associate professor
of speech; Mrs. W. J. Emmons, wife
of the associate professors of high-
way engineering; Mrs. Herbert Goul-
ding, wife of the associate professor
emeritus of mechanism and engi-
neering drawing; Mrs.- Chester
Schoepfle, wife of the chairman of

The University students are organ-
ized in the Hospital Aid Service and
assist in the non-physical care of
patients, such as passing ice water,
running errands, directing new pa-
tients through the hospital, and tak-
ing care of the fresh linen. Their
work, though seemingly small, adds
up to so many hours saved in which
nurses may be employed at their
professional work that the volunteers
have been termed "indispensable" by
Miss Walsh.
Many of the townspeople work in
the registration department where
they greet new patients, register
them, and try to put them at ease
as much as possible.
A minimum of four hours is spent
at the hospital per week by each
volunteer, and th-ey are "volunteers"
for no compensation is received. Ac-
cording to Miss Walsh, they are peo-
ple who recognized that there is a
task to be done, and each in his
quiet way is doing it.

Without publicity, and submerged'
under cover of the more obvious war
activities here, is the engineering col-
lege sequence of courses preparing
electrical engineering graduates for
work in the vital new field of radar.
Under the direction of Prof. Lewis
N. Holland, engineering students be-
gin in their junior year a sequence of
courses which deal extensively with
radio engineering, ending up their
senior year with training in ultra-
high frequency techniques.

Originally under the direction of the
Engineering Science and Manage-
ment War Training program the
work in this field here has now been
largely turned back to the Depart-
ment of Electiical Engineering.
At present, because of the decrease
in male enrollment at the University,
the course contains only about ten
students in the last semester se-
quence dealing with ultra-high fre-
quency techniques. Approximately 50
are enrolled in the whole series.
Eventually, according to Prof. Hol-

Institute of Technology, Cambridge,
Mass., in Nov. 1941. This conference
was arranged for the purpose of set-
ting 'up a training program in ultra-
high frequency techniques and elec-
tronics to relieve an anticipated
shortage in this field.
Although this first conference was
arranged before Pearl Harbor, the
necessity of men trained for work in
radar was already apparent to the
War Department, according to the
original letter calling for the confer-
ence that was sent out from the U.S.

Fresh Fruit Price
Unworkable, Figy


LANSING. July 28, -(P- Price

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