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July 28, 1943 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1943-07-28

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T4i~ MIcflIGAN hAlt?

#EDNESflA, JUL* 28, 190,

Fifty-Third Year

I'd Rather Be RightI

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday and Tues-
:day during the regular University year, and every morn-
ing except Monday and Tuesday during the summer
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
lication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Offic at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43
Editorial Staff
Maion Ford. . Managing Editor
Bud Brinier . . . . . Editorial Director
Leon Gordenker City Editor
-arvey Frank . . . . Sports Editor
Mary Anne Olson . . . . . Women's Editor
Busi ess Staff
Deanne Lovett . . . . . Business Manager
Molly Ann Winokur . Associate Business Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Russian Gospel of Hate
To Destroy Free World
°IOU AND TH GERMANS cannot live on the
same earth ... so kill the erzpans . . .
Kill the German!' is the plea of your old moth-
er; 'Kill the German!' is the plea of the girl you
love! 'Kill the German!' whispers the very grass
of our native land, now so drenched in blood."
Such is the gospel of hate propagated a-
gainst the 'Aryan' by the Pravda,, mouthpiece
of young Russia, according to Maurice JIindus
in 'Mother Russia,' published this year.
Hindus quotes a Russian soldier as saying,
"As a child I often went to the woods with my
grandfather to pick raspberries. My hands used
to get red with raspberry juice. Now I want my
hands to be red with German blood."
This hatred of German blood did not eist
in the beginning of the war, Hindus says. It
started when the Russians discovered the Ger-
mans were not fighting on Soviet soil an
ordinary war of conquest, but a war against
the whole population.
German atrocities were responsible for this
discovery, Hindus believes. The Germans, went
from house to house driving the population out
into the bitterest cold in years, and set their
homes on fire. That is a small part of what they
have done.
SO THE RUSSIANS have adopted the dogma
proclaimed by Stalin May 1, 1942. The
dogma that, "You cannot conquer the enemy
without learning to hate him with all the
power of your soul."
This may account for the Russian morale that
has stumped the rest of the world, including
hitler. It may explain why the Russians fight
as bravely and savagely as they do.
But the Russian gospel of "kill the murderers"
proclaimed by Maurice Hindus is not going to
produce the same 'cooperative, hate-free, men-
ace-free post-war world that we are fighting for.
- Marj Borradaile
NO-Strike Pledge Needs
More Than Lip-Serice
unions to their no-strike pledge continues to
be required in spots.
During the past ten days it might have been
particularly useful in the strike of northern
Atlantic fishermen. Their tie-up, the biggest in
the history of their territory, has kept millions
of pounds of fish from coming -to market, at a
time when the demand is greater than ever.
Questioning how far union officials had ac-

tually gone to get their men back, the New Eng-
land War Labor Board did something that has
been much needed, when defining what the no-
strike pledge should mean to the union leader.
The Board told the fishermen's leaders:
This pledge must be carried out in a osi-
tive, not a negative, manner. This pledge
places on the responsible leaders of all unions
the positive duty of making strenuous, clear
cut, public efforts to end work stoppages en-
gaged in by union members. This board can-
not consider that any union leader who, when
his members fail to report for work, merely
shrugs his shoulders and disclaims power to
cope with the situation, is living up to the
pledge given by labor to the President, -and to

NEW YORK, July 28.-- The smaller the mind,
the greater the sensation which will be produced
upon it by the downfall of Mussolini.
In the peasant huts of Italy and in some bar-
rooms of Manhattan, this may appear to be the
great moment, the big thing, the mighty climax
toward which our war was heading.
(But in Victor Emmanuel's palace in Rome,
sophisticated minds are well aware that, real-
ly, nothing has happened; a nothing which
has been dressed up to look like everything.
Actually, they have thrown Mussolini out in
the hope that thereby nothing would happen
to them, to theirs. They have done it pre-
cisely to keep important things from happen-
ing. So it is not important.)
Come, let us start our school for democrats.
We need training in how to behave during -such
occurrences. A similar event may happen soon
in Germany. Let us repeat: It means little, it
means little, it means little.
In the name of every'small man in the world
who hungers for real change, and not for a
mere rearrangement of place-cards at the
table of power, let us repeat, it means little.
We, who hate fascism, are indifferent to
names. To names and to men. Change them as
you like; we are not impressed.
(But watch for those who do not really hate
fascism. They will show you how to hate a par-
ticular fascist. Oh, how they will stamp on Mus-
solini now, and kick his head, and assert their
blazing hate of him! And try, perhaps, to canal-
ize our hatred of fascism into hatred of one
man. It is like those ex-isolationists of ours,
who say they hate the axis, but invariably end
up by denouncing only Japan. How they hate
Japan! How they steer us toward Japan! Have
you noticed? But we, who hate the whole bus-
iness, are not impressed.)

Yes, the school for democrats needs to hold its
classes immediately.
We do not know what lies instantly ahead, but
we remember how only two years ago Mr. Chur-
chill called Mussolini "this great man," and only
later called him "jackal," and then said that one
man, and one man only, was at fault in Italy.
That is what Victor Emmanuel whispers today
to Marshal Badoglio: "Only one man." And
Badoglio whispers reassuringly back to Victor
Emmanuel: "One man." Only it isn't one man.
To make him the symbol of all the 'iniquity
in Italy is only the other side of what they
were doing a few years ago when they made
him the symbol of all that was great in Italy.
We reject both symbols. We have never be-
lieved in either theory.
Watch out for any movement to build Musso-
lini up, even in his downfall, for the bigger some
can make his downfall look, the less downfall of
fascism need there by.
Once it served special purposes to paint Mus-
solini as the paragon of virtues. Today it may
serve special purposes equally well to paint him
as the one and only monster of villainy.
Great man, jackal, beggarman, thief; it is
like a game with buttons. Let us who have
hated Mussolini most, forget about him the
first. He does not matter now. Let us watch
these who may tell us that Mussolini, and
Mussolini alone, made fascism in Italy. We
also remember hearing that Mjussolini, and
Mussolini alone, made the trains run on time.
In that case, too, the men who were pointing
to Mussolini so emphatically were hoping we
would take our eyes from them.

6 ip
over in a short time, perhaps in a
few weeks. Italy, after having put
up only the most nominal resistance,
is on the verge of complete collapse;
and almost before we can fully com-
prehend our military victory in Sic-
ily, we are faced with the question
of determining the fate of Italy and
its people.
What will our answer be? In
making our decision let us remem-
ber that we are not setting a pre-
cedent for Germany. The Italian
people, unlike the Germans, are
95% free from responsibility for
the crimes committed by the Axis
poers. The Italians troops in
pri on camps, notably unlike the
Germans, have expressed with gus-
to their hatred of the war and
fascism. They have refused to
fight for their Blackshirt leaders,
and are largely responsible for our
s}}ashing victories in Sicily and
Africa. The Italian people by tneir
many acts in captured Sicily have
proved, beyond a shadow of a
doubt, that th1ey are our friends
and not our enemies.
There are, of course, Italians who
are guilty of brutal crimes outside
the scope of military operations.
Those Italians who are guilty of
committing atrocities against our
sovereign ally Ethiopia must be pun-
ished; the brutal castor-oil Italian
Secret Police can be safely left to
the tenderumercies of a free Italian
nation; but the masses of Italian
troops and civilians must be given as
soon as possible a new birth of free-
dom, a freedom that they have
lacked for 22 years. They must be
treated honorably and with respect
for having defied Mussolini, rather
than with scorn for having been
knocked out of the war so quickly.
This does not mean, however,
that we must bargain with the
semi-fascist Badoglio or the King-
Emperor for the unconditional sur-
render of Italy. We must rather_
offer the Italian people, not the
semi-fascists, generous treatment
if they come over to our side. We
must guarantee Italy's continental
territory excluding, of course, Al-
bania and Sardinia, and must
promise to consider her Lybian
holdings in the same light as
French and British holdings in
Africa. We must promise Italy
equality among nations after the
war and entirely different treat-
ment from that which will be ac-
corded Germany and Japan in the
near future. We must also guar-
antee Italy the right to maintain


By Lichty

'Frankly, I'm interested in the money-not whether the job has a
future-besides, I have to go pack to seventh grade in the fall!'

Is he to serve the same distracting duty
second time, as a political corpse?
(Copyright, 1943, N.Y. Post Syndicate)





a lon-fascist gqvernment in peace
and securiy
To whom, then, can and must we
offer these terms? Not to the King-
Jimperor or his lackey Marshal Ba-
doglio, not to the reactionaries and
semi-fascists, but to a jbint commit-
tee of Italian underground organiza-
tions. Thus we will not only win
the confidence of the masses of Ital-
ians with our generous terms but we
will endear to them the gallant anti-
fascist underground leaders who, in
all of Italy, are the only group which
can lead them to a democratic way
of life. For then the Italian masses
will see clearly that the fascists
brought them only disaster, that the
reactionary semi-fascists were pow-
erless and unwilling to help them,
and that only the democratic under-
ground wyas able to secure, for them,'
peace terms consistent with the hon-
or and national pride of Italy.
Italians remember only too well
how Mussolini for over 20 years
urged them to skimp and sacrifice
for fascism, for Empire, for Italian
honor, and how they saw first
Empire, then honor, and then fas-
cism crumble into the dust. But
they do not yet know whether the
Allies respect and trust the men
who have gladly worked with the
fascists, but who have not been
official members of the party, the

reactionary semi-fascists like Ba-
doglio and King-Emperor. They
are waiting to findoutwhether
italy's salvation lies with the King
or with the revolutionary anti-fas-
cist underground, even now fight-
ing for liberty. Only our com-
plete refusal to deal with the reac-
tionaries and the offer of generous
terms to the Italian underground
can convince the masses of Italians
that their rehabilitation and fu-
ture lies in militant democracy.
Does this policy mean the aban-
donment of the Allied unconditional
surrender pledge? In a sense yes,
but it also means the winning over
to our side of an innocent people
who are only too anxious to join us
in the fight against the Germans,
whom they heartily despise.
For is it the peace-loving Ital-
ians on whom we want to wreak
our vengeance? Or is it the bru-
tal Nazified Hun, drunk with sad.-
istic orgy, and the criminal ber-
serk Jap that we want to destroy
Let us give the Italian people a
chance to share in the bitter defeat
in store for the real criminals of this
war, the Nazi-led German people,
and the semi-feudal barbarians of
Japan. The Italians deserve it, for
by their passive resistance to the war,
they have hastened our victory.







WASHINGTON, July 2&.- Last September
the War Department announced it would con-
vert enough Army posts along the Atlantic sea-
board from oil.to coal to save 15,000,000 gallons
of fuel oil per year.
Real fact, however, is that neither the Army
nor the Navy has stirred itself about convert-
ing to coal. OPA officials estimate that if
the armed forces really wanted to, they could
-save tons of fuel oil along the Atlantic Coast.
This does not include oil used for fuel in naval
vessels. Nor does it include gasoline or oil used
for Army trucks and tanks. It includes only
'fju# oil t heatArmy and Navy establishments
o eralte MEmy and Navy factories..
Both the Army and Navy get a blank check
for oil requirements to be used as they see fit.'
The OPA has no authority to talk to the
armed forces about either conversion or con-
Here are some of the requests made by the
Army for fuel oil within the fiscal year begin-
ning this month: Army Engineers, Atlantic City,
1,080,000 gallons; Army Engineers, Cape May,
1,980,000; Quartermaster Corps, Atlantic City,
938,000; Model City, N.Y., Ordnance Works, 4,-
943,000; Springfield, Mass., Armory, 2,785,000;
Aberdeen Proving Ground, 1,240,000; Watertown,
Mass., Arsenal, 6,675,000-plus an extra 2,000,000
for storage.
The Navy requirements for fuel oil for next
year include: Philadelphia Naval Hospital, 1,-
110,000; Marine {Corps Supply Depot, Philadel-
phia, A960,000; New York Navy Yard, 4,200,000;
Lakehurst Naval Air Station, 1,500,000; Paw-
tuxent River Naval Air Station. a new establish-
men t,1,531,000.
Note: Though located In;an area where oil
is not so scarce as along the Atlantic Seaboard,
the War 'Relocation Authority at Rivers, Ariz.,
a new establishment for Japanese, has just
requested 1,260,000 -gallons of fuel oil for the
1 oming year.
Cox .comrniUtee Clowning
Congressman Cox's investigation of the Fed-
eral Communications tCommission has degener-
ated chiefly'into a name-calling contest in which
Chairman Larry Fly is the main target. Every-
thing that happens, no matter whether it per-
tains tointernational affairs or the salary of a
stenographer, is blamed on Fly.
Only objector to the antics of the Cox Com-
mittee is 'forthright Representative Hart of
New Jrsey.
The other day Cox's committee counsel, Eu-
gene Garey, started to read a message from J.
Edgar Hoover, when Cox of Georgia interrupted
with a eulogy of Mr. Hoover. He told of his
great devotion to the FBI chief, concluding with
the remark:
"At one time we wanted to vote a Congres;
sional Medal to Mr. Hoover."
"And I suppose;" said Congressman Hart of
New Jersey, "that Chairman Fly blocked that
HWollywood Sit-Down
Hollywood moguls have been staging a polite
sit-down strike against the Army's training films

Deeds Goes to Town," and "Meet John Doe."
He has done equally well in producing films for
the Army. Although called training films, his
pictures are much more than that, comprise a
liberal education for any good American.
But Hollywood big-shots, though not actual-
ly refusing to show the Army's films, schedule
them for the tag-end of the show around mid-
night when the theatre is almost empty.
Behind the film sit-down seems to be Holly-
wood's fear of Government encroachment on the
motion picture industry.
Five Flying Senators
There was a lot of cloakroom opposition to the
trip of the Five Flying Senators to inspect the
North African, Australian and Pacific war fronts
this summer.
Senator Bennett Clark of Missouri vigorous-
ly opposed the investigation, describing it as a
"junket trip" to the battlefields, which will be
"no public service." Senator Scott Lucas of
Illinois, who holds the purse-strings on Senate
investigations as chairman of the Audit and
Control Committee, also raised objections.
Lucas demanded to know who was paying for
the trip.
Majority Leader Alben Barkley of Kentucky
replied that the War Department was footing
expenses. To this Lucas retorted:
"I wish to state emphatically that if any
money is to be requested, I will not vote a single
dime for the trip."
In reply to further questions by economy-
minded GOP Senator John A. Danaher of
Connecticut about whether "any value at-
tached to the proposed trip, Barkley stated
that that would depend on "future events."
"Well, the members of the party making the
trip might come back and write a book," sug-
gested Danaher amid laughs.
"It wouldn't be the first time," quipped Bark-
ley. "Another famous American has done the
same thing, with apparently fruitful reward."
FDR and Farmers
FDR's testers of political opinion for some
time have been trying to decide how seriously
the President has lost the farm vote. Some of
them are convinced that it is the big farm lob-
bies who are the real leaders against the Presi-
dent and that the great masses of farmers are
Here is the way one top-,ranking official in
the Agriculture Department, himself a farmer,
sumnarizes the farm lobby battle against FDR:
"All my life," he says, "the farm organiza-
tions have been plugging for parity. That has
been their slogan: Parity for farm products.
Now they have it. Every major product ex-
cept wheat is selling above Parity.
"So the farm organizations are left without
an issue. But they can't survive without an
Issue. They have to have something to battle
for, or farmers would not support them.
"So they take up the cry against subsidies.
Instead of subsidies, they want farm prices to
go higher, 'which means inflation."
It's a curious comment on U.S. politics that,
after ten years of subsidies to farmers from a



VOL. LIII, No. 22-S
All notices for The Daily Official ulile-
Ain are to be sent to the Office of the
Summer Session in typewritten form by
3:20 p.m. of the day preceding its publi-
cation, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
Notice of Withholding Tax Deduc-
tions: All persons upon the Univer-,
sity Payrolls for services rendered
after June 30, 1943, are notified that
under the federal "Current Tax Pay-
ment Act of 1943" there will be de-
ducted from each salary payment
made an amount equivalent to 20 per
cent of such payment above legal
elected, under Federal authority, to
base this deduction, after legal ex-
emptions, upon 20 per cent of the
salary payment to each individual
calculated to the nearest dollar. Ev-
ery employee of the University, in
whatever capacity, should secure, at
the Business Office, or at other of-
fices at which they will be available,
a copy of the Government withhold-
ing exemption certificate, Form W-4,
and should promptly fill out and
mail or file this exemption certifi-
cate at the Business Office at which
the certificate was obtained. The
burden of filling out and filing this
form is under the law exclusively
upon the employee and if it is not
filed in time the deduction of 20 per
cent must be taken upon the basis of
the employee's entire earnings with-
out benefit of the exemption to
which the employee would be en-
titled if he or she filed the certifi-
-Shirley W. Smith
Vice-President and Secretary
Anyone interested in joining a
Red Cross lif saving class Wednes-
days from 7:3d to 9:30 p.m. call Kay
Vedder, 4018 Stockwell Hall,
Faculty of the College of -Litera-
ture, Science, and the Arts: The five-
week freshman reports will be due
Saturday, July 31, in the Academic
rnmnnior' Office . 1 0Mason Hall.

year 1943-1944 salaries for those on'
the academic or university year basis
will be paid as follows:
Summer Session
Summer session staff will be paid
in two equal installments on July 31
and Aug. 31, 1943.
Summer Term
(a) Those teaching the first half
only will be paid in two equal install-
ments on July 31 and Aug. 31, 1943.
(b) Those teaching the second
half only will be paid in two equal
installments on Sept. 30 and Oct. 31,
(c) Those teaching the entire
term will be paid in four equal ip-
stallments on July 31, Aug. 31, Sept.
30, and Oct. 31, 1943.
Fall and Spring Terms 1943-1944:
Salaries will be paid in eight ,equal
installments on Nov. 30, 1943 and on
the last day of each succeeding
month through June 30, 1944.
Annuity and Insurance and Group
Surgery and Hospitalization Deduc-
tions: For those teaching through
the fall and spring terms, whether
during the summer or not, one-
eighth of total annual requirements
for annuity and insurance premiums
will be deducted from each of the
eight checks received during the per-
iod from November through June.
For group surgery and hospitaliza-
tion, two monthly premiums will be
deducted in November, one will be
deducted from each payment from
December through May, and four
monthly premiums will be deducted
from the June payment to cover the
summer months.
The above arrangements are for
the year 1943-1944 only and are oc-
casioned by the change in the aca-
demic calendar due to the war emer-'
gency and the various features of the
Federal Withholding Tax.
Graduate Outing Club: All mem-
bers of the Graduate Outing Club
who will attend the party in the
Rackham Building from 8 to 11:45
p.m. Friday, Aug. 6, please leave
your names at the Rackham Build-
ing desk before noon Saturday, July

series: Aug. 4, '7, 11, 14. Please notify
Prof. N. E. Nelson by Aug. 1 of inten-
tion to take them.
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts, Schools of Education, For-
estry, Music, and Public Health:
Students who received marks of I or
X at the close of their last term or
summer session of attendance will
receive a grade of E in the course or
courses unless this work is made up
by July 28. Students wishing an ex-
tension of time beyond this date in
order to make up this work should
file a petition addressed to the ap-
propriate official in their school with
Room 4 U.H., where it will be trans-
--Robert L. Williams
Assistant Registrar
Engineering Seniors: graduating in
October, and all NROTC men in
eighth term: The Senior Class Offi-
cer elections have been postponed,
and petitions may be handed in until
Aug. 2 at the Office of the Dean of
the College of Engineering. Elec-
tions will be held Aug. 5 and 6.
Recital: Members of the String
Quartet Class under the direction of
Oliver Edel, cellist with the Roth
String Quartet, will present a recital
at .8:30 p.m. Thursday, July 29, in
the Assembly Hall of the Rackham
Building. The program will consist
of compositions by Beethoven, Dvor-
ak, Mozart and Haydn, and will be
open to the public.
In the Series on Current Problems
and Policies Prof. J. F. Hostie will
speak on Wednesday afternoon at
'4:15 o'clock in the Rackham Amphi-
theatre on "Europe and the-Aims of
the. United Nations."
Round Table Discussion: "China
After the War as Forecast by the
Chinese Themselves," under the
leadership of Prof. Hsing-Chih Tien,
4:15 p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre.
Ausnice of theSummer esn

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