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July 28, 1943 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1943-07-28

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FDR Criticizes OWI Remarks Ridiculing Italian King

Badoglio Is
Called Fascist
In Broadcast
King Characterized as
'Moronic'; Terms for
Armistice Still Stand
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, July 27. --Presi-
-dent Roosevelt today sharply criti-
cized an Office of War Information
broadcast in which Vittorio Emanuele
of Italy was characterized as "the
moronic little king" and Marshal
Pietro Badoglio was called a Fascist.
However, the Chief Executive re-
affirmed by implication the Allied
policy of requiring unconditional sur-
render from Italy.
Attack Unauthorized
Mr.eRooseyelt told his press-radio
conference that the short-wave at-
tack on the King and his new Prime
Minister should never have been
made. Neither he nor Secretary of
State Cordell Hull had been consulted
before the broadcast, he said.
The President added that Robert
E. Sherwood, director of OWI's over-
seas "service, was raising cain about
it. The broadcast quoted from a
Sunday night radio speech by Samuel
Grafton, New York Post columnist,
who referred to "the moronic little
QWI Director Says Nothing
.,Milton S. Eisenhower, acting di-
rector of OWI, declined to comment
on the President's criticism of OW.
He explained, however, that the
broadcast was in English and was
beamed to Great Britain.' He author-
ized this statement regarding OWI
Director Defines Policy
"Prior to Sunday we attacked Fas-
cism and all individuals connected
with it. Since Sunday the line in
OIV Ibroadcasts is that any govern-
ment which continues to be aligned
with Hitler is an enemy of the United
States and the United Nations."
The broadcast to Great Britain was
described as a regular daily feature
in which the opinions of American
commentators are quoted- to inform
the British of the views of the Ameri-
can press and commentators.
President Roosevelt said he liked
very much what he had read of
Prime Minister Churchill's speech to
the House of Commons today. Sec-
retary Hull previously had indicated
that the United States and Britain
are in complete accord on the treat-
ment of Italy.
Players Will
Giv e hinese
Drama Tonight
Drama in authentic Oriental tra-
dition will keynote the latest De-
partment of Speech production when
the Michigan Repertory Players pre-
sent "Lady Precious Stream" at 8:30
p.m. today in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Starred in the leading role of Pre-
cious Stream, the young Chinese
maiden who falls in love with her
humble gardener, is Ruth Sobotka.
Other leading players include Gene-
vieve Edwards as Wang; Blanche
Holpar as Madame Wang, Mary Lou
Meeker as Su, Fawn Atkins as Wei,
Janet Stickney as Golden Stream,
Barbara White as Hsieh Ping Kuei,
and MayChosed as Princess of the
Western Regions.
While the background of the dra-

ma will be simplicity in black and
silver, the characters will be elabor-
ately costumed in rich Oriental
gowns, carefully embroidered and
Tickets for the play, which will
run four nights, are on sale from 10
a.m. till 8:30 p.m. today through
Saturday at the Lydia Mendelssohn
box office.

Successors to Mussolini Take over

Marshal Pietro Badoglio (right) who became successor to IL Duce
as Prime Minister is reported by a Swiss dispatch to be conferring with
Allied representatives on possible armistice terms. Newly appointed
- Italian foreign minister, according to Berlin reports, Baron Raffaele
Guariglia (left) was ambassador to Turkey for the last six months.
Baron Guariglia's new job was formerly held by Benito Mussolini.
Ch arch ill, Rooevelt AskJ
Itlan t rren derA gain
Hitler Reported Forced Against Wishes
Into Combined Southern Military Defense
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Jyly 27.- The Allied demand for unconditional surrender
was placed anew before the Italian people earlier in utterances by both
President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill.
Even as the crisis appeared to heighten4Aolf$itler .was reported to
have been forced against his wishes into a combined German-Italian de-
fense of all Italy as the price for her continued participation in his war.
In announcing the Italian disavowal of Fascism, the Rome radio said
Badoglio's "purely professional cabinet can only help in the present transi-
O tion period" and that it did not lean

U.S. Troops
Advance on
Soldiers, Marines Slug
To Within 2,100 Yards
Of Strategic Airdronme
By The Associated Press
28, Wednesday-Green-clad Ameri-
can soldiers and Marines, slugging
steadily forward through the jungles
of New Georgia, have scored new ad-
vances whih have carried them to
within less than a mile and one-fifth
of the strategic Japanese airbase at
The jungle veterans drove through
strong Japanese defenses to the east
of the airdrome yesterday in the
second consecutive day of advance.
A spokesman at General MacArthur's
headquarters said the new thrust
took the Americans to within 2100
yards of the'airdrome.
Yanks Pass Tetere
Driving forward in what the
spokesman called "a considerable ad-
vance" all along the battle line, the
Americans passed the coastal village
of Tetere.
General MacArthur's communique
said they "continued their pressure
against the enemy centers of resist-
ance." These centers probably are
dugouts placed so that machinegun
fire can cover advances against each
Bombers Hit Salamua
Allied bombers again attacked the
Salamua area in New Guinea, drop-
ping,121 tons.of. gh explosives.on
enemy installations. It was the sec-
ond consecutive day of concentrated
bombing of that area. The day before
137 tons of bombs were dropped in
the heaviest single day's assault on
Liberators and Mitchells in the
largest number ever used against
Saluamaua made yesterday's attack,
which lasted only about 35 minutes.
Groups of the bombers went in,
one after another, and delivered a
sustained pounding. Scarcely four
minuates elapsed between the time
one flight of bombers left until the
next one was over the target.
Allied Bombers
Hit Germany
Planes Make Fourth
Successive Night Raid
LONDON, July 28, Wednesday-
W)- The RAF struck at Germany
for the fourth successive night last
night to maintain the terrific tempo
of a clock-around Allied aerial of-
fensive that has spread destruction
in the great seaport of Hamburg, the
industrial center of Essen and other
target areas. %
As usual, the preliminary British
announcement did not specify the
objective of the overnight raid, which
followed heavy daylight assaults on
industrial centers and airfields in
northern France, Holland and Bel-
American bombers and fighters
played a leading role in the daylight

Allied Troops Advance in North Sicily
Trrhenian SeaMi
Cefalu Sa Stfan
Di Camastra.-Acqudoa~
MT. E NA ....
8 o nt~e ~
- ~ Nicosia
' palb~uto
I;Catenanuova crel
'Enna ,4
tt inO R. er bini
'--Ionian Sea
S IC I L \Y A u g ust a ..... .....
® 2Q '' PalazzoloS
American infantry and tanks (arrows, flag symbol) are sweeping
along north coast of Sicily as British troops (arrow, flag symbol) ad-
vance within 3 miles of Catania, and Canadian forces were in vicinity
of Regalbuto. Germans hold the eastern part of the $5-mile Axis line
while Italians are stationed on the northwest sector. The new American
advance may turn the 'Messina bridgehead into a second' Cap Bon.
RAF S-mashesGermain.
By The Associated Press
RAF Spitfires have shattered another desperate German att empt to rein-
force their troops in Sicily, knocking down 21 giant transports over- Messina
as the Nazis took to the airways to stave off the fall of Sicily a little longer.
Counterattacks Hurled Back
Aground, U.S. and Canadian troops hurled back Nazi counterattacks
and then drove deeper into the bitterly-defended but slowly dwindling
northeastern corner of the island, Allied headquarters announced today.
.The 21 Junkers-52 transports were blasted from the skies Sunday along
with eight Axis fighters, and RAF Beaufighters in another action downed
two great German Merseburgs. The nO

Fascist, Italiani
Forces _L asn
XS'-iuiun ]lian
Ou (l'etk o 1,418 stiingv
BERN. July 27.-Fighting between
die-hard Fascist elements and Ital-
ian troops was reported in Milan to-
night as Swiss telegraphic agency
dispatches rom the Italian frontier
declared--without offieial confirma-
ion--that the new Italian regime
was "discussing the conditions of an
armistice" with the Allies in Rome.
Some reports described the out-
break of fighting in Milan as minia-
ture civil war, although so far as
could be learned the outbreak of fas-
cist militia resistance there was
merely an isolated instance.,
Allies Contacted Through Vatican
The Swiss agency said that it was
"generally believed" that Marshal
Pietro Badoglio and his aides had
established contact with the Allies
in Rome through the British and
American representatives to the Vat-
The Swiss agency report was the
latest of a growing series of rumors
and reports filtering across the bor-
der in the past 24 hours, and it
lacked confirmation from any offi-
cial sources.
Anti-Fascists Released
Italian newspapers reaching Swit-
zerland said 74 anti-Fascist political
prisoners had been released during
rioting around the jail in Milan by
In outbreaks Monday nine Fas-
ists, among them a miltiaman, were
shot or stabbed to death and 40 ser-
iously wounded while more than 100
were injured to a lesser degree in
- .The-newspapar Co'riere Della Sera
editorialized that:
"Soon every Italian will be called
on for the dangerous honor of decid-
ing if he wants to be a free citizen of
free Italy."
Morning Edition Seized
Travelers from Italy said the Cor-
riere Della Sera's morning edition
had been seized three hours after its
appearance and suppressed "because
it contained an article considered
Fascists equipped with rifles, ma-
chineguns, and bombs barricaded
themselves in b uildings on Plinio
Street in Milan tonight Lnd were
continuing "sporadic and hopeless"
resistance, the travelers told Swiss
The Italian Army has completely
taken over in Milan and is in posses-
sion of almost all Fascist headquar-
ters throughout the city although
some members had entrenched them-
selves and exchanged shots with the
Similar short-lived insurrections
occurred in Turin, Bologna, Genoa
and other cities in northern Italy.
Ali-Cam p-s
Prom W11l1ile
Held Anu, 14
Continuing the tradition started
last summer, an all-campus Summer
Prom will be held from 3:30 p.m.
to midnight Aug. 14 in Waterman
Gym. Chuck Dotterrer, '44. general
chairman of the dance, announced
"This is the first big all-school
dance to be held on the campus in
many years," Dotterrer stated. "The
orchestra has not yet been chosen,

but will be annouwed laer."
On the central commit tee for the
dance are Carol McCormick and Roy
Boucher who will head the floor
committee; and Rupert Straub who
is in charge of ticket sales. Publicity
will be handled by Arwin Larsen and
Dean Monson while Elizabeth Swish-
er will invite the patrons.
Last summer the dance was held
in the Intramural Building and fea-
tured Hal McIntyre nrd his orches-
tra. 'Last year's dance was such
a success. that we decided to con-
tinue the policy this sunmmer," Dot-
terrer stated.
Open to civilians and servicemen
stationed here alike. the dance will
highlight the summer season as the
only big dance to be held here, Dot-

U.S. Bomber s
Hit Jap-Held
Wale Island
Navy Reports Evidence
That Japan Is Alarmed
Over Safety of Bases
WASHINGTON, July 27. - (P)-
Evidence that Japan is becoming
alarmed over the security of its cen-
tral Pacific chain of island defenses
was revealed today in a Navy war
bulletin reporting the raid by Army
Liberator bombers on enemy held
Wake Island.
The communique reported that the
bombers had to fight their way
through two groups of Zero fighters
totalling more than 30 planes in
order to reach their objetive. Despite
the fighters and heavy anti-aircraft
fire, the Liberators scored many hits
on enemy positions, causing a large
explosion on the runway and re-
turned to their base with only one
plane missing.
The Japanese on the other hand
lost nine Zeros definitely destroyed,
four probably destroyed and five
others damaged.
The Wake Island raid was made
Saturday. On Sunday in the north
Pacific Army Warhawk fighter planes
ferried bombs over Japanese held
Kiska Island in ten raids to raise
the total of attacks in two days to
20. The Sunday bombings were fol-
lowed up shortly after midnight
Monday morning by an unusual one
plane raid on the Gertrude Cove area
of Kiska. This apparently was in-
tended to keep the Japs from getting
any relief or rest from attack.
Soviets Move In on
Orel, Hit Germans
LONDON, Wednesday, July 28-(P)
-Soviet troops stormed heights "of
great tactical importance," pushing
the Germans back with trip-hammer
blows from position after position
and brushed back repeated German
counterattacks Tuesday as they

to any specific political idea.
President Roosevelt reaffirmed in
effect at a White House press con-
ference the Allied policy of exacting
unconditional surrender. Secretary
Knox said developments in Italy in-
dicated some attempts to take that
country out of the war in the reason-
ably near future.
Prime Minister Churchill declared
in an address before the House of
Commons that Allied commanders
had been ordered to exert the "ut-
most rigor of war" against Italy until
she yielded.
Count Giacoma Suardo, Fascist
president of the Italian Senate and
an aide of Mussolini, resigned today
and King Vittorio Emmanuele ap-
pointed Don Paolo De Velle to suc-
ceed him, the Rome radio an-
nounced. The king received the new
cabinet in audience.
* * *
Guariglia, Turkish
Minister Confer
ISTANBUL, July 27.-- ()-Italy's
new foreign minister, Rafaele Guar-
iglia, conferred with Turkish for-
eign minister Numan Menemencio-
glu today in what was believed to be
an attempt to lay the basis for Turk-
ish mediation between the Allies and
The two foreign ministers con-
ferred on the Italian embassy launch
in the sea of Marmara.

latter can carry more than 100 men
apiece, but it was not reported whe-
ther they were filled with troops.
Division F .at From Italy
Determined to win as much time
as possible in Sicily, the Germans
attempted the aerial reinforcement
after -sending the 29th motorized
division to the island from Italy. Now
Allied planes are ranging the coasts,
blasting at shipping and harbor in-
stallations to cut off sea communi-
The Germans gambled extrava-
gantly with their giant transports,
for the Allies have captured or neu-
tralized all of Sicily's main airports,
and the great aircraft presumably
started for improvised or badly dam-
aged fields, risking crash landings.
One Spitfire Lost
Only one Spitfire was lost in the
battle over Messina. The RAF feat
duplicated that of American Light-
nings last week in knocking down 21
transports near Sardinia in a few
Canadian troops bore the brunt, of
ground operations as the noose tight-
ened on the Axis holdings, making
"further limited progress after heavy
fighting," today's Allied communique

Spa ngler Says
Wallace Playing
Into Nazi Hands
WASHINGTON, July 27.- ()-
Harrison E. Spangler, Chairman of
the Republican National Committee,
declared today that Vice-President
Wallace "is playing right into Hit-
ler's hands" by branding those op-
posing the administration as fascists.
"If there is Fascism in this coun-
try, it stems from the 'palace guard'
of the New Deal," Spangler said.
Wallace in a speech Sunday in
Detroit attacked "powerful groups"
who he said were taking advantage
of President Roosevelt's concentra-
tion on the war in an effort to de-
stroy all he had accomplished on the
domestic front in the last two years.
The Vice-President said some people
called these groups isolationists, oth-
ers defined them as reactionaries,
while "still others, seeing them fol-
lowing in European footsteps, call
them 'American Fascists.'"
The President said at his press
conference today that he had heard
the Wallace speech broadcast from
Detroit and liked it very much.
"Adolf Hitler," Spangler said today
in a formal statement, "has predict-
ed that he would defeat the United
Nations by dividing them, and the
course upon which Mr. Wallace has
set his feet, is playing right into Hit-
ler's hands."
Allies May Ask
Italiani Bases
Knox Hints at Possible
Heavy Peace Price
WASHINGTON, July 27.- (P)-
Navy Secretary Knox hinted today
that the onrushing Allies might de-
mand strategic bases on the Italian

Beer Shortage in Ann Arbor Is Acute

"Let's go down for a beer," may be-
come as impossible as buying a new
tire if mournful predictions of thet
local distributors and manufacturers
of beer are correct.
Shortage Is Accute
"The shortage is extremely acute,"t
moaned one distributor, "so acute
that on Monday morning we hadn't a
bottle of beer in the whole ware-
house. I have two trucks in Detroit,
but I'm not very optimistic about
their getting anything."

"Local dealers made the mistake of
cleaning off their shelves during the
Detroit rush, and now we cannot fill
the orders," said a local distributor.
Beer Scarce All Over
Beer has been extremely scarce
all over the United States because of
the corn, malt and sugar shortages.
Farmers refuse to sell their corn at
prevailing ceiling prices, and the
government is releasing only a cer-
tain amount of corn for liquor pro-
"It all started a year ago last

of the kegs are now made of metal,
and they suffer high casulties be-
cause of unexperienced bar tenders.
Dealers Meet in Lansing
Local dealers met in Lansing Fri-
day to discuss the local shortage, but
no definite decision as to rationing
was arrived at. "We'd rather have the
public ration themselves," was the
general opinion of the conference.
Because of the increased popula-
tion in Ann Arbor retailers are doing
a bigger business than ever before,
and wholesaler's stocks are cut from

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