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July 01, 1943 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1943-07-01

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Five Fiscal

Bills Remain
Congress Leaves FDR
Without Funds at Start1
Of New Money YearE
WASHINGTON, June 30.- (')-<
Five major appropriation bills were,
left up in the air tonight on the eve
of the new fiscal year' when bothI
houses of Congress recessed until
omorrow without final agreementI
bn terms of the big money measures.1
Among the measures caught in
the legislative jam was one carrying
$89,000,000 of emergency funds for
the President and its failure to be1
enacted left the President, techni-t
cally at least, without emergencyI
funds for the fiscal year starting at
midnight. .
Each of the other bills, however,
contained a provision validating any
obligations incured after June 30 in
accordance with terms of the indi-
vidual bills.
Just before quitting until noon to-
morrow, the Senate passed by a
voice vote a $2,391,000,000 catch-all
appopriation for 18 war agencies. A
last minute amendment, offered
from the floor, chopped $5,000,000
off the War Relocation Authority
(WRA) Fund, originally $48,170,000.
Numerous Senators had charged
that interned Japanese were being
pampered in WRA camps.
The War Agency Bill, however,
still has to go to a conference with
the House.
Also in conference, with varying
degrees of progress reported, are the
$875,000,000 farm bill, a $1,000,000,-
000 labor department Federal Se-
curity Agency appropriation, the
$127,000,000 Interior department bill
and a $143,000,000 urgent deficiency
Flares Agait
WASHINGTON, June 30-( -
The Capital's hottest controversy
flared again tonight as Secretary of
Commerce Jesse Jones issued a new
statement accusing Vice President
Wallace of making a "dastardly" and
"untrue" charge against the Recon-
struction Finance Corporation, which
is under Jones' jurisdiction.
Vice-President Henry A. Wallace
said tonight he had intended no re-
flection on Secretary of Commerce
Jesse Jones' "patriotism or his inter-
est in the war effort" by accusing the
Reconstruction Finance Corporation,
(RFC) which Jones supervises, or
hampering work of the Board of Eco-
nomic Warfare (BEW)
Vice-President Wallace and Sec-
retary Jones called to the White
House to explain their differences
over imports of strategic materials,
tlked for two hours today with War
Mobilization Director James F.
Byrnes-but they were reported to-
night to be as far apart as ever.
There was no announcement on the
result of the conference, but an u-
usually well-informed source said
that Byrnes gave the contestants no

Yanks Launch Invasion
On Jap-Held Solomons
Amierican TrIopLand on Rendova Island;
Violent Fighting in Prospect,_NavySays

WASHINGTON, June 30. --()-
American forces launching their long
expected campaign to break Japan's
South Pacific defenses have landed
on Rendova Island in the enemy-held
central Solomons, the Navy an-
nounced today, and violent fighting
was in prospect-if it had not al-.
ready begun.
The Japanese air base at Munda,
New Georgia Island, only five miles
from mountainous Rendova, appear-
ed to be the immediate objective of
Admiral William F. Halsey's powerful
aggregation of land, sea and air
fighters, but in the absence of any'
official comment there remained the
possibility that Halsey is after some
more significant prize.
A 22-word Navy communique re-
Victor Va grha
Settles Down, to
Army Routine
200 Medical, IDental
Corps Students Re-tu1rn
Here as Scrvi(+idlenI
Victor Vaughan House was set-
tling down to a new job yesterday-
that of the Army, as more than 200
students returned from processing at
Fort Custer
The medical and dental seniors,
juniors, and sophomores were all
busy getting used to Army routine.
They are privates in the Army Medi-
cal and Dental Corps, many of them
having voluntarily resigned their
commissions so as to be allowed to
complete their education.
Get Army Doubledeckers
The returning men, almost 100
per cent former Michigan students,
found the Army doubledecker beds
waiting to greet them. They also
had to register for Army prescribed
courses which for most of them
meant a day of classes stretching
from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
At Vaughan House the regular
Army discipline has been relaxed.
Though the boys have to get up in
the wee hours of the morning they
are not required to keep hours at
night and have far more freedom of
action than any of the other service
Army Pays All
The students, all of whom have
been accepted by the University
Medical School, no longer have to
worry about tuition, room, and
board. The Army pays for every-
thing in addition to the basic allow-
ance of $50.
Many of the new recruits were
members of the ROTC and ERC.
They said they were disappointed
that the Army did not offer any mil-
itary courses. At present, the medi-
cal students get no drill, P.E.M. or
courses in military science. The
dental student-soldiers by special re-
quest may elect five hours of mili-
tary work a week including two
hours of physical education.
These soldier-students are being
fed in the Vaughan House cafeteria
which is operated by the University.

ported the immensely important op-
eration, which by some standards
shaped up as the first thoroughly
offensive campaign of the war
against Japan. The communique
"On June 30, during the early
morning, combined U.S. forces landed
on ' Rendova Island, New Georgia
group. No details have been received."
The timing indicated that the ac-
tion started about noon, June 29,
Washington time. The Solomons are
in an east longitude time zone, and
run about 15 hours ahead of Eastern
War Time.
Because of scanty official infor-
mation it was not known whether
the enemy had opposed the landings
or engaged American troops as they
drove into the island from the black
sand beaches. But authorities con-
sidered it certain that heavy fighting
would develop since the Japanese
hold many strongly garrisoned posi-
tions in that section, about 170 nau-
tical miles northwest of Guadalcanal
The reaction of the Japanese fleet
and air force was also regarded as a
question of importance. The enemy
used both ships and planes prodigally
in futile attempts to defend Guadal-
canal against American, conquest.
Similarly costly activities on his part
in the defense of the central Solo-
mons would further sharply reduce
his sea and air striking power.
,Robert Asks
For US. Envoy
NEW YORK, June 30.-(P)--Ad-
miral Georges Robert, Vichy French
High Commissionertof Martinique,
has asked the United States govern-
ment to send an envoy "to fix the
terms for a change of French
authority" on the Caribbean Island,
the Martinique radio reported to-
night in a broadcast recorded by the
Federal Communications Commis-
The broadcast declared that Rob-
ert has taken the step "to avoid blood
shed" and had made his request to
the United States "under the double
condition of their renewing the guar-
antee to maintain French sovereign-
ty in these islands, and of the non-
intervention of American forces."
The broadcast, in the French lan-
guage, presented Robert's statement
as a "communique to the popula-
There have been several recent
reports of disorders in Martinique.
Presumably Robert's allusion to a
change of French authority meant
that he was willing to permit the is-
land to divorce itself from Vichy and
associate itself with the French Na-
tional Committee of General Giraud
and General DeGaulle which has
been set us in North Africa.
Diplomatic relations between the
United States and the French island
were severed by Secretary of State
Cordell Hull on April 30 and shortly
I after that Hull announced that U. S.
I Navy was keeping close watch over
the island.

Allied Forces
Take Pacific
Island Group
Trobriand, Woodlark
Landings Unopposed,
Communique Says
AUSTRALIA, Thursday, July 1.-
(/P)- Allied land, naval and air for-
ces under the personal direction of
Gen. Douglas MacArthur have occu-
pied the Tobriand 'and Woodlark Is-
land groups between New Guinea
and Solomon Islands and are attack-
ing the neighboring New Georgia is-
lands and are engaging Japanese
land forces near Salamaua on New
Guinea, it was announced today.
The occupation'. of the Tobriand
and Woodlark groups was accom-
plished without opposition, appar-
ently unknown to the enemy, a com-
munique said. In the New Georgia
group American formces have suc-
cessfully landed on both New Geor-
gia and Rendova Islands and are en-
gaging the enemy's defense, it added.
"All elements of ground, naval and
air forces are being employed in the
closest synchronization," the com-
munique said.
Fighting was in progress at Nas-
sau Bay, a few miles from Salamaua,
where American forces affected a
landing shortly after midnight on
the heels of concentrated bombing
by attack planes and medium bomb-
The planes also carried out "straf-
ing raids against enemy positions on
the bay shore and. along the Bitoi
River," the communique said.
Timed with the action was a heavy
raid by Allied Fortresses and Libera-
tors on Rabaul, New Britain, ap-
proximately 500 miles northwest of
Rendova and 300 miles above Tobri-
The Japanese tried another raid
on Darwin, resulting in aerial dog-
fights in which six of their bombers
and two of their fighters were lost
as against six intercepting Spitfires.
The raid was made at midday by
27 Japanese bombers escorted by 21
The communique admitted some
damage to g'ound installations and
slight casualties.
League Offers
Meal Tickets
350 Men in Greek
Houses Get Board Rate
Special arrangements have been
made by the Michigan League to pro-
vide meals for the 350 men who will
live in the ten fraternity houses re-
cently taken over by the University.
Meal tickets will be sold by the
League for $7 a week which can be
used for lunch and dinner during the
week and for breakfast and dinner on
Sundays: Although the arrangeme? t
was made especially for those stu-
dents living in the fraternity houses,
any student may take advantage of
the offer.
Students buying such tickets will
get their meals in the League cafe-
teria until July 6. After this time
meals will be.served to such students
in the League ball room.

Areas Of Continued Allied Pt ndings
0 100 Trieste ,Zagreb
STATUTE MILES Venice " ' Fiume
~~N<~ Bologna g'GSAI
4~Genoa F a
d x ~~Pesaro .
Leghorn Florence Ancona l
An r -n
j .a s:7a _ Adriatic '
C- AE- Sea
CORSICA rCiv tavecchia
Porto T Y ROME Barleta
4 ~ano
A/he Naples ==Taat
ยข~Decimomannu Sea
N alasetta
Palermo Messina
Marsala 'Ctai
zerte asaaCatania
Tunis. ' ' m
While Swiss newspapers reported increasing uneasiness in Italy,
Allied bombers of the Northwest African Command hammered Leghorn,
Italian shipping center. Other planes struck at San Giovanni and at
Sardinian airfields. Arrows indicate the raids.
* * * *. * *
Volley Spurs xis ear
Bombers Smash Ferry



FDR Gets
New Legal
Face Slap
Lawmakers 4irder
Meat, Butter 'H oil
Back' Dead August 1


Nerve Front Wracks
Bomb-Buffeted Europe
LONDON, June 30.- U1)- Inva-
sion jitters spurred to even greater
intensity by a new and heavy British
volley on the nerve war front
wracked the bomb-buffeted peoples
of Europe tonight.
While Axis propaganda outlets
beat a steady refrain on the time
and place of the expected onslaught,
Prime Minister Churchill assured the
world that there would be heavy
fighting in the Mediterranean and
elsewhere before autumn. He cou-
pled this intentionally vague fore-
cast with the observation that the
Italians were feverishly anxious to
know how and when the blow would
fall, and said, "It is no part of our
interest to relieve that anxiety."
And in the House of Commons!
Foreign Minister Anthony Eden, dis-
cussing the possible bombing of
Rome, declared pointedly that it
would be to the interest of humanity
"if Mussolini was to release that the
best thing he can do for his country
is to accept the unconditional sur-
render terms offered him."
The Axis propagandists, already
proven wrong on their June 2 inva-
sion forecast, stuck stubbornly to
their newest prediction that Satur-
day would see the beginning of the
Allied attack, according to the Paris
Ste phan Faces
Milan Gallowsv
Friday at Dawn
DETROIT, June 30.-(/P)---Unless
President Roosevelt intervenes with
eleventh hour commutation, 52 -year -
old Max Stephan, convicted of trea-
son for aiding the flight of a German
flying officer from a Canadian pris-
on camp, will die on the gallows be-
fore dawn Friday at the Milan
(Mich.) Federal Correctional Institu-
Twice granted stays of execution
by the United States Supreme court
in order that he might utilize all
avenues of appeal, the German-born
former Detroit restaurant owner has
lived nearly eight months beyorf. the
Nov. 13 date first set for the hang-
Three times the Supreme Court
!has refused to review the case, ap-
pealed from. Federal District Court,
but Stephan's attorney, Nicholas Sal-
, wich. expressed belief yet today

Attack Is Attempt To
Rent Communicatiolns
NORTH AFRICA, June 30.-{IP)-
Striking from bases many hundreds
of miles apart at targets separated by
only six miles of water, British
bombers from the North African and
Middle East Commands have smash-
ed heavily at the ferry connecting
Sicily with the Italian mainland in
an effort to destroy the island's com-
munications and so substantially to
isolate it in the event of invasion.
Announcements today from this
headquarters and from Cairo told of
great damage worked in these twin
raids, delivered Monday night at a
cost of two Allied planes.
This continued hammering of the
Messina Strait was accompanied
by a statement, jointly issued by the
U. S. and British air forces, that the
Allies had now thrown "a complete
air umprella" over the Strait of
Sicily and that the whole stretch of
the Mediterranean from Gibraltar to
Suez thus was being opened'to Allied
Alexandria, it was added, had now
been biought "within little more then
3,000 miles of England by compari-
son with the 12.000-mile route
around the cape by which our Middle
East forces had formerly to be sup-
lied-animmense saving of time,
and shipping tonnage."
In Monday night's two-sided at-
tack on the Messina Strait, Welling-
ton bombers from the northwest Af-
rica force poured a heavy weight of,
bombs on the ferry terminus and the
railway at Messina itself while heavy
bombers from the Middle East blast-
ed at similar rail and ferry installa-
tions at Reggio Calabria six miles
across the Italian shore.
No Free Dailys
To Be Offered
Coin plimentary Coies
Will Not Be listrl)ute d
To correct the prevalent opinion
of students and faculty members
Daily editors said yesterday that
there will be no complimentary sub-
scriptions of The Daily for the sum-
mer term to either students or facul-
f ty.
It.has been the policy of the Uni-
versity in previous summers to sub-
sidize The Daily and distribute copies
to the campus, This year, however,
'the circulation of the paper will de-
pend on subscriptions only.
Students will be on campus today
and the rest of this week selling sub-
scriptions. A special effort will be
Y M HP rivpr, nr in; a, . ll Rpmr-

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, June 30. -- Con-
ress, handing the Roosevelt Admin-
stration another legislative setback,
oday forbade use of subsidies to push
own retail food prices and ordered
he meat-butter price "roll back"
nded by August 1.
The action was taken in the face
>f repeated declarations from high
overnment officials, from President
Roosevelt down, that without subsid-
es it would be extremely difficult if
not impossible to hold the line
against inflation.
CCC Ban Expected
Consequently, some legislators an-
ticipated that the President may veto
the ban which was incorporated in
legislation extending the life of the
Commodity. Credit Corporation for
two more years from midnight to-
night and adding $750,000,000 to
its present $2,650,000,000 lending
However, the measure was ap-
proved in both Senate and House by
far more than the two-thirds major-
ity which would be necessary to over-
ride a veto. The House vote was
160 to 32, and the Senate vote, 62
to 13.
Some Anticipate Reluctance
Other legislators suggested that
Mr. Roosevelt might be reluctant to
disapprove the measure since this
would halt the agency's lending pr-
grams to farmers and, for the time
being at least, put it out of business.
As finally sent to the White House,
the prohibition against use of sub-
sidies to lower food prices represented
a compromise between differing bills
approved previously by the -House
and the Senate.
Use of Subsidies Permitted
Less restrictive than the original
House measure, it permits continued
use of subsidies-up to $150.000,000
-to meet increased transportation
costs due to the war (now being
paid on movement of oil to the East
Coast and on coffee imports), and
to promote production of critical
metals and was essential foods. It
also allows incentive payments on
canning and specialty crops, price
support for domestic vegetable oils
and fats, and payments for sale of
wheat for feeding purposes.
Before final passage, a provision
prohibiting government agencies
from deducting farm benefit pay-
menits in calculating agricultu al
price ceilings was striken out.
Ickes Tells
Miners War
Comes First
Secretary Ickes tonight told the Na-
tions coal miners-particuarly that
group which has riot yet returned to
work-that America stands "on the
eve of the greatest military campaign
in history" and that "the complaints
of no man or group of men can be
placed above our military goal"
He urged a full return to the pits
telling the miners theirs was only
one of numerous group grievances
presented in Washington--"many of
them justified"-and that "each of
these special groups tends to overlook
the major issue--the winning of the
war--to the immediate interest of
the particular, group."
"It may be no comfort to the min-
ers to know 'that others, too, are serv-
ing their country under economic
disabilities, but this is the fact," the
custodian of the government-seized
mines said, "All of us must continue
to serve until the need passes, dis-
ability or no disability economically."
Cpl. Tiplady Is Wounded
Cpl. James L. Tiplady, son of Mrs.
Mame Tiplady of 601 Miller of this
city, was reported today by the War
Department to have been one of 86
Michigan soldiers wounded in the
North African area.


Churchill Forecasts

Greater Axis Destruction

LONDON, June 30. --(P)- In a
buoyant and cheering speech, Prime
Minister Churchill today forecast
thrusts this summer in the Mediter-
ranean "and elsewhere," triumph-
antly reported a toll of 30-odd U-
boats in May alone, and warned the
Germans of an air offensive of ever
greater wrath and destruction.
"Very probably there will be heavy
fighting in the Mediterranean and
elsewhere before the leaves of au-
tumn fall," Britain's war leader and
roaster phrase-maker told a victory-
minded assembly in London's blitz-
blackened Guidhall.
Churchill Reviews War
Churchill delivered a confident war
review there after receiving the an-
cient capital's highest token of ac-
claim--the freedom of the city-and
after a tour through streets of cheer-

His war analysis repeated the Al-
lied demand for "unconditional sur-
r :i fr.r I i ref

Pacific" will be sent

there to fight

"as many years as are needed to
make the Japanese in their turn sub-
mit or bite the dust."
Of invasion, he stated directly only
the prediction of probable heavy
U-Boat Attack Defeated
Of the submarine war, he declared
that in May the Nazis made a deter-
mined effort to halt the Allied con-
voy bridge from the United States
to Britain, but that this vital battle
"ended in the total defeat of the
U-boat attack."
"More than 30 U-boats were cer-
tainly destroyed in May," and since
mid-May "carecly a single merchant
ship has been sunk in the whole of
the North Atlantic," Churchill an-
'June Is Best Month'

fare is held out to the Germans as
their last great hope-these suc-
cesses are bringing the Nazis "a
somewhat raw and bleak outlook."
As to the air, Churchill disclosed
that the RAF alone has dropped 52,-
500 tons of bombs upon Germany in
the first half of 1943, or 35 times
the weight dropped by the Nazis
upon Britain in the same period.
German War Industry Attacked
"During the summer our main at-
tack has been upon the mainspring
of German war industry-in the
Ruhr-but as the nights become
longer' and as the United States Air
Forces becomes more numerous our
strong arms will lengthen both by
night and by day and there is no
industrial or military target in Ger-
- - - -1 .1 - 11 - - rn ni -Q .%17

May Change Addresses
The Student Directory staff will

,;; ,


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