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July 01, 1943 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1943-07-01

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TH1E.. 11 y.t 1aN 1 \ L L3"'t 1 'T I1AAal

. l l I , 3EFt i , a/' Uli y 1, IN43

Fifty-Third Year

Edited and managed by students of the University -of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning -except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
lication of all other matters "herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year 'by car-
rier $4.25, by mail $5.25. ,
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43

Marion Ford
Bud Brimmer
Leon Gordenker
Harvey Frank
Jeanne Lovett;
Moly Winokur

Editorial Staff
. . . . Managing Editor
. .Editorial Director
. . . . . City :Editor
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* . . . . Business Manager
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Telephone 2324-1r
Editorials pnblished in The Michigan Daily
are writ/en by members of The Daily staff
and represent the viles of the writers only.
Race Riot Casualties
Did Not Die itt Vain
DISGUSTING and disgraceful as the Detroit
race riots were, they accomplished one
worthwhile thing: they brought into sharp focus
the crying need for immediate unprejudiced and
intelligent action on a problem that can no
longer be ignored and shuffled into the back-
Unfortunately, it took an uprising as violent
as the riots to bring the issue the attention 'it
deserves. But, in view of the apathy and shod-
diness that has shrouded the consideration of
the Negro situation since it first boiled over
in the Sojourner Truth disturbance a year ago,
a milder occurence would have been only a
stepping stone to a more bloodthirsty and
ruthless crises.
The first week following the riots produced
many theories as to the cause, many of them
were claims of Communistic meetings among
the Negroes, fifth-column activities by the Japs
and Nazis and and influx of Southern Whites
into Detroit.
BUT TO LAY the responsibility and cause of
the roits on any one group is to avoid square-
ly facing the issue. The root of the problem lies
in prejudice and discrimination.
The Northerners who claim that the South-
erns were responsible for the riots would do
well to note that it is the Southerners who are
going through with a practical and down-to-
earth collaboration with the Negroes in a con-
ference which is to be held next month in At-
The solution of this problem, as this group has
recognized, lies not in prison terms and martial
law, but in searching analysis of the political and
civil rights involved and in broadminded and
intelligent action on the part of both the whites
and the Negroes.
-Claire Sherman
Polls Want Allied Help
In Anti-Soviet Moves
All is quiet on the Russian-Polish diplomatic
front. After the break in diplomatic relations
several months ago, both the Poles and the Sov-
iet Union have decided to play a waiting game.
The reactionary Poles, now in complete con-
trol of the Government-in-Exile hope to employ
the diplomatic and perhaps military aid of
Britain and the U.S. in furthering their ambi-
tions. They see the liberal forces in the two
great political democracies on the wane and the
star of a reaction closely akin to theirs in the
They therefore have decided not to press Rus-
sia now for the restoration of pre-war domina-
tion over Russian territory, since at present the
Allies are in too great a need of the services of
the Red Army. Rather will they wait till Russia,
weakened by her casualties, will be faced by her
erstwhile Allies, controlled by reactionaries and
imperialists, and threatened with military re-
prisals unless it surrenders to the equally reac-
tionary race prejudiced Polish government-in-
exile territories where Soviet peoples are in the
The Soviet Government on the other hand
feels that with the greatest land army among
the Allies and with its close proximity to the
Polish frontiers, it need not fear any Allied in-
tervention such as in the last war.
The outcome of this sit and wait .campaign
will deend largelv on the course of the war and

I'd Rather
Be Right
NEW YORK, July 1.- One of the theme songs
of the Opposition is that we mustnot change
anything on. the home front while the boys are
away. A series of ads tells us that the soldier
boys will be furious if anybody even so much as
lays a hand on the corner drug store.
=Who's bothering the corner drug store? It is
the Farm Security Administration that the Con-
gress tried to wrap up and throw away, though
that meant a serious change on the home front.
There might event be a soldier boy or two
serving in the fond belief that there is an
Office of War Information functioning back
home, and he might be distressed to find that
all that had been changed while he was away.
One wonders whether Brother, in the services,
is concerned about Sister's ability to buy ice
cream down at the corner drug store nearly so
much as he is concerned about Mother's ability
to buy anything at all, what with rising 'food
But there is Senator George, and also Mr.
Herbert Hoover, and also Senator Taft, all argu-
ing,in various guise, against food price control,
and their voices really join, and the burden of
fheir song is that food prices must rise. Won't
a food price rise be a serious change on the home
front? Doesn't it conflict with the Opposition
promise not to change anything on the home
front while the boys are away? The sentimental-
izing about dear old Main Street, how it musn't
be changed by the bureaucrats, is a kind of ob-
scurantist cover for a legislative blitz which aims
at much more serious changes.
We are shipping the boys out right along
now,and most of them are leaving under the
impression that this country intends to con-
trol-the cost of'living. Is all that going to stop
while they are half-way overseas?
I like those ads, about the Army flier flying
along, his face to the moon, dreaming about the
folks back home. I imagine he sees the folks
back home, in these visions, sitting at table.
Possibly, even, dining. I wonder if it would add
to the accuracy of his flying, to catch a vagrom
radio news bulletin telling him that Senator
George has succeeded in having food prices
The first step was to kill subsidies, which
might have cut food prices back. But Con-
gress can't stop there. What's the good of
killing subsidies, if food prices remain where
they were afterward? The second step is now
under way. Senator George wants a "read-
justment of ceilings" whiih will "equalize"
prices, meaning raise them. Aren't higher
prices a change on the home front?
No, those you can change. That doesn't count,
so long as you keep your hands off'n that old
drug store o' mine.
These sentimentalisms about not changing
anything on the home front while the boys are
away are merely a kind of camouflage. Con-
gressional commandos wear. those phrases on
their hats, like branches, as they move in for
the kill, intending to bring about the most ser-
ious of changes.
If the boys abroad do not want anything
changed, it is pretty clear whom they ought to
be sending their V-mail to.
The .Administration is, almost pathetically,
trying to hold on, to keep things from chan-
ging, While the would-be changers move in to
alter everything, under the slogan that they
are against change. They are against change,
and, bang! there goes another agency, maybe
the one which financed the purchase of ;the
farm of the father of a soldier boy's aunt.
It would seem like fairer ball to pause until
the soldier boys come back before making these
changes. It is grotesquely unfair to do all this
while pretending merely to be waiting for a trol-
ley car on dear old unchanged Main Street.
(Copyright, 1943, NY. Post Syndicate)

Oficials'Quarrel Over
U.S. Economic Program
IN A NEW clash between major administrative
figures, Vice-President Wallace accused Secre-
tary of Commerce Jones of "obstructionist tac-
tics" and of harassing the Board of Economic
Warfare (-BEW) in its "single-minded effort to
help shorten this war by securing adequate
stocks of strategic materials."
Wallace hauled this long standing row into
the open Tuesday with an obvious intention to
force President Roosevelt to fire somebody. In
a statement prepared for the Senate appropria-
tions committee, Wallace, chairman of BEW,
also stated that Jones, who heads the Recon-
struction Finance Corp., which supplies funds
for BEW buying of strategic materials, has cre-
ated a "false impression" in testimony before the
congressional economy committee headed by
Senator Byrd.
The President on April 13, 1942, transferred
full control over the programming of imported
strategic materials from the Reconstruction
Finance Corp., to the Board of Economic Wel-
fare, which ,operates under broad directives
received from:.the War Production Board. Mr.
Jones has never accepted that authority.
AS EARLY AS December. 1941. BEW opened
its attack upon Jones, alleging that he had
been dilatory in building up reserves of. rubber,

Interventionist Republicans
,Meanwhile the non-isolationist peace bloc in-
side the Republican Party is growing. They be-
lieve that the United States cannot possibly pull
in its horns from world affairs after the war, and
that it would be political suicide for the Repub-
lican Party to take the lead in so doing.
Typical of this new, more liberal wing is Mon-
tana's GOP National Committeeman Dan Whet-
stone, a member of the GOP advisory Commit-
tee which will meet soon to formulate future
foreign policy.
Whetstone's peace proposals, briefly summar-
ized are:
"A world police force, under law, disarming
of the Axis nations, punishment of the tyran-
nical Nazi and Fascist leaders of Germany,
anrd Italy and the arrogant war lords of Japan.
"We must help the nations that have lost
their sovereignty and have been reduced to
slavery but should permit them to establish
She form of government that to them seems
best, encouraging the aspiration of democracy
but not. insisting that any particular system of
political or social life be adhered to; broadly
we desire to realize human freedom, making'
sure that at all times it is not of such pattern
as to breed dictatorship and set up a mena-
cing military 'achine to threaten the future
j eae (f the world"
0c) Survey
Office of Civilian Defense has made a house-
to-house survey of U.S. cities, gathering -info-
mation on individual families and their readi-
ness to meet an emergency. Block leaders in
some of the poorer sections have done an ab-
breviated, unique job of reporting. Samples:
"Man hit by automobile-speaks broken Eng-
"This woman isill. The gas has been turned
"Sophie is married to a sailor, and her where-
abouts are unknown.
"Woman and house neat but bare."
"Couple breaking up home; friends helping."
"Milk needed for the baby, and father unable
to supply it."
"Woman is willing to struggle if given an op-
"Applicant and wife are illegally separated."
"These people are extremely cultured. Some-
thing should be done about their condition."
"Until a year ago, this applicant delivered ice,
and was a man of affairs."
Navy Notes on Knox
Secretary of Navy Knox now saves time by
lunching in his office instead of going out. A
special kitchen has been rigged up next to his
office, and the mess boys serve Knox in a pri-
vate anteroom . . . He always invites other offi-
cials to lunch, talks business . . . He eats no des-
sert, takes no siesta . . . Knox's day begins with
a 9:30 meeting with Admiral King and other
Admirals, discussing war developments of the
previous 24 hours. Admiral Train, Chief of Nav-
al Intelligence, gives 'them the latest news
For a conference with Secretary of War Stim-
son, Knox generally goes to Stimson's office
across the river, since Stimson outranks him ...
But if several Admirals are to be involved in the
conference, Knox telephones to Stimson and
says, "Harry, can you come over to see us?" .. .
Knox goes to church every Sunday-when his
wife is in town . . . One of his best friends in
Washington is John Sullivan, Assistant Secre-
tary of Treasury. Both men come from the
same home town-Manchester, N.H.... Though
a Republican in a Democratic cabinet, Knox is
credited with playing no politics.
Ch urchill the Prophet
Students of air power have dug uu an old
statement of Winston Churchill's, written in
1917, which reveals an amazing foresight in the
possibilities and limitations of aerial bombing.
As everybody knows, the Nazi blitz against
England, intended to terrorize the pe'ople, failed

in its objective. On the other hand, the more
scientific bombing of the continent by the RAF
and AAF-strategic bombing---is now expected
to bring Hitler to his knees.
Churchill seemed to foresee both of these
developments when he said in a paper on Air
Power, written in 1917, that nothing we know
about warfare can lead us to believe that
bombing for terror alone can cause such a
morale collapse as to force a major nation to
sue for peace.
Churchill emphasized that air power must
single out and attack transportation, factories,
and other enemy installations, upon which the
enemy war-making ability depends.
England's survival of the blitz gives dramatic
support to the first part of that statement, and
Allied air power is now proving the second part.
(Copyright, 1943, United Features Syndicate)
and in the planting of cryptostegia for natural
rubber in the Caribbean." Again he related at
great length how Jones has delayed planting in
Costa Rica of Chicona seed, for the production
of quinine.
When Jesse put Will Clayton in to act for
him on foreign matters in the RFC, he knew he
had a man who shared his antiquated eco-
nomic ideals. The Rubber Reserve Corpora-
tion has shown practically no understanding
of the rubber-supply problem, and after long
months of delay the BEW and the State De-
partment demanded that a buying staff be
set up to purchase Latin American wild rub-
ber and arrange to get it out of the jungles.

WHEN THE HOUSE refused to ap-
propriate funds for the Domestic
Branch of the Office of War Infor-
mation much more was involved
than a personal attack on Elmer
Davis. He is widely liked, and all ex-
cept a few congressional disciples of
The Chicago Tribune admit that he
has acted with notable tact and mod-
eration. It is ridiculous to compare
him with Dr. Goebbels or Virginia
Gayda; he hasn't even, attempted to
do what the Creel Committee did
successfully in the last war. Any
other man in the same position,
whatever his ability, his character or
his political record, would be subject
to the same congressional abuse.
It cannot be saidthat the attack
was really directed at the policies
of the OWl. No matter what poli--
cies it followed-no matter wheth-
er it issued :propaganda 'for home
consumption or the unadorned
facts, or nothing but news bulle-
tinsfor the' daily press; no matter
whether it favored labor or man-
agement, or neither; farmers or
city consumers, or neither: Russia
or Poland, or neither; no matter
whether it called for a tough war
or tried to make the public believe
that this could still be an easy
war; no matter whether its top of-
ficials were New Dealers or conser-
vative Democrats or Republicans-
it would still 'be slandered and
The truth is that its policies have
been cautious and reasonable to a
fault. It has never tried to lead the
public by the nose, or to make news-
papers echo the views of the Admin-
istration, or to whip up anger against
the Axis by inventing atrocities. It
has gone so far in the opposite direc-
tion that the real atrocities of the
Germans in this war have been ap-
proached with diffidence, as if they
were horrors that couldn't be dis-
cussed in polite society.
In general, and except for a brief
periods when advertising mentried
to get control of the agency, it has
made its appeal to the common
sense and patriotism of the public.
It has issued no fervid exhorta-
tions,furnished no four-minute
speakers and organized no patri-
otic rallies. It has never attempted
to influence the public.,on the emo-
tional level that leads directly to
F ANYBODY thought that the
function of the OWI was to im-
prove morale and unify the country
in the face of danger, he would be
forced to conclude that its record is
one of failure. It hasn't convinced
the miners that they ought to dig
coal that is necessary for war pro-
duction instead of following John L.
Lewis in his political adventures It
hasn't created public feeling against
those industrialists who, as shown
in several confidential reports, are
trying to provoke their own men into
striking; they think that strikes at
this time would weaken the labor
unions. Undersecretary Patterson
says that the production of supplies
for the Army ground forces has
declined since April. He thinks that
part of the decline was caused by
complacency and overconfidence on


War on Elmer Davis

the part of both labor and manage-
'ment. The OWI has failed to change
that state of mind.
It has tried" hard to improve
racialrelations, but it didn't suoe
-ceed in preventing the riots in Los
Angeles and Beaumont and Mobile,
or the Klan-instigated strike in.
Detroit against the hiring of Ne-
groes as skilled workers. Any war
is .likely to generate ll feeling on
the home front. People are aver-
worked and overwrought; they
have have to stand in line; they
can't go where they want 'to go'
'or buy what they want to buy: and
these frustrations' produce a feel-
ing of anger that ought to be di-
rected against the enemy.
Too.often in this war it has been
directed against other Americans-
against Jews, Negroes, Mexicans,
union.labor, Congress or the Admin-
istration. The country is full of in-
ternal animosities that an Office of
War Information might have helped
to prevent, if it had been given
authority to act.
AND THERE are other examples of
its failure in the field of public
morale. There is, for example, the
growth of the black markets, which
might be prevented by public feeling
against them-but the public is not
helping much to stamp them out.
There is the effort of farm organiza-
tions to destroy price ceilings, even
at the cost of inflation. Everywhere
is the feeling that, as we have heard
several people say, "I'm going toget
mine while the getting is good."
There are indications that this feel-
ing is also widespread in the Army.
One soldier wrote us from a Southern
camp land we have seen other let-
ters in the same vein): "Everybody
seems busy getting his own little pro-
motion and feathering his own little
nest, oh, so damned carefully, be-
cause nobody has been able to absorb
a nobler philosophy. If there is one
around, the old OWI story, it hasn't
been put very convincingly-maybe
it can't be, with Congress the way it
Congress -has clearly indicated
that it wants no efforts to improve
the national morale. Accordingly
the Domestic 'Branch of the OWI
has confined itself to more modest
but still'indispensable tasks. It has
brought order and system into gov-
'ernment:publicity and 'has reduced
the -number of government bulle-
tins. It has.persuaded the Depart-
ments of War and the Navy to be
more communicative in their com-
muniques. It has given sound ad-
vice to magazine editors, book pub-
lishers, radio announcers and mo-
tion-picture producers who wanted
to advance the national interests
in wartime but didn't know how
to go about it. In Washington, it
has prevented many squabbles
among government officials by
reading their speeches and state-
ments in advance. It has explained
government policies and helped the
public to understand what the gov-
ernment agencies were doing.
ESSENTIALLY it is because of
these modest achievements that
the OWI was attacked on the floor
of the House. A bi-partisan majority
in Congress hopes that the New Deal

will be defeated in 1944. Some mem-
bers of Congress are more interested
in fighting Roosevelt than they are
in fighting Hitler.
These men reason bluntly that
the vmore squabbles there are
among government officials, and
the less public understanding there
is of government measures, the
better chance their side will have
of winning the next election. The
policies they were condemning were
not those of the OW, but those
of the administration. Their at-
tack on -Elmer Davis was directed
against =the President.
As we point out elsewhere, it is
still uncertain what the Senate will
do. It has shown a much greater
sense of wartime responsibility than
the House, but this time the Sena-
tors will have to act quickly, and
there is a chance that the Domestic
Branch of the OWI will be sacrificed
to its enemies in thefrush to pass
appropriation bills before July 1.
Even if its funds are restored, the
struggle against the OWI will con-
We suggest to Mr. Roosevelt that
it is time for hm to go before the
public-rot once, but preferably in
a whole series of speeches-and
defend his wartime aencies. For
the last year, he has been devoting
'mostof his efforts to thetstruggle
abroad, but the main outlines of
military strategy have now been
fixed. Meanwhile it is possible that
we might 'lose the war as the result
of developments on the home front.
That is the scene of the crucial
struggle at this moment. It is time
to stop the people who have borrowed
Lenin's slogan and applied it to in-
ternational cartelism instead of in-
ternational communism. It is time
to keep them from turning the for-
eign war into a civil war.
-New Republic
The meek male worm, who for
generations has gone about all sum-
mer clad in wool like a fuzzy cater-
pillar, seems about to turn. The
"Brotherhood of Sensible Men" has
been organized in Washington.
Doubtless, the comparatively few
males that remain in the Nation's
capital have been impressed by the
diaphanous comfort of th women-
folk with which the town i overrun.
There has been some hot weather
along the Potomac, you know-and
doubtless will be more. Anyone who
saw the rooftop sequence in the pic-
ture called "The More the Merrier"
probably understands.
Anyhow, the Brotherhood has de-
cided to go without coats and stiff
collars in the thousands of Wash-
ington offices this summer, despite
tradition or stiff-backed rules. That
takes courage. But what is more,
they have determined to discard
Casting off coats is a sensible
move, and even the abandonment of
neckties can be forgiven, provided
shirt collars are not thrown open to
expose hairy chests-if any .are left
in Washington.
-Chicago Daily News


All notices for The 'Daily Official Bulle-
tin are to be sent to the Office of the
Summer Session in typewritten form by
3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publi-
cation, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
Literature, Science, and the Arts
Juniors now eligible for Concentra-
tion should get Admission to Con-
centration blanks in Room 4, Uni-
versity Hall, immediately. These
blanks must be properly signed by
the adviser and the original slip re-
turne dto Room 4, University Hall,
at once.
Post-War Council: Any student
interested in working on the Post-
War Council is invited to attend the
organization meeting at 7:15 pim.
today in the Michigan Union.
Season Tickets for the series of
five plays to be presented by the
Michigan Repertory Players of the
Department of Speech are on sale
daily at the box office, Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre. Tickets for single
performances will-go on sale Monday
at 10 a.m. Plays to be given this,
summer include "Ladies in Retire-
ment", "Alice-Sit-by-the-Fire", "La-
dvu =PreciousStream", "Patneia ThsAll"

Academic Notices
Anthropology 159s, Primitive Soci-
ety will meet in Room 4025 Angell
Hall. - -Leslie A. White
Mathematics 327, Seminar in -Sta-
tistics. Preliminary meeting to ar-
range hours today at noon, 3020 An-
gell Hall. -C. C. Craig
Attendance report cards are being
distributed through the departmen-
tal offices. Instructors are request-
ed to report absences of freshmen on
green cards, directly to the Office of
the Academic Counselors, 108 Mason
Hall. Buff cards should be used in
reporting sophomores, juniors, and
seniors to 1220 Angell Hall.
Please note especially the regula-
tions concerning three-week absen-
ces, and 'the:'time limits for dropping
courses. The rules relating to ab-
senees are printed on the attendance
cards. They may also be ,found on
page 52 of-the 1941-42 ANNOUNCE-
MENT of our College.
--E. A. Walter
Students, College of Literature,
Science and the Arts: Election cards
filed after the end of the first week
of the semester may be accepted by
the Registrar's Office only if they
are approved by Assistant Dean
Walter. Students who fail to file

.Biochemistry Lecture: Dr. John S.
Buchanan of Harvard University
will lecture on the use of the iso-
topes of carbon in the study of inter-
mediary carbohydrate metabolism at
2 p.m. today in the East Lecture
Room of the Rackham Building. All
interested are invited.
Coming Events
Pi TLanbda Theta: There will be
an organization meeting in the West
Conference Room of the Rackha'
Building this evening at 8 o'clock.
Miss Elinor Lincicome Dean, pian-
ist, will present a recital in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for
the degree of Master of Music at
8:30 o'clock this evening in the As-
sembly Hall of the Rackham Build-
ing. Mrs. Dean is a pupil of Pro-
fessor Joseph rBrinkman. The pub-
lic is cordially invited.
Spanish Tea: Spanish Tea will be
held at 3 this afternoon in the
cafeteria of the Michigan League. If
interested see Professor del Toro
from 1:30 to 3 in Room 301 R.L.
French Club: The first meeting of
the Club will be held today at 8
o'clock in the Michigan League. Pro-
gram: Election of officers. "L'Europe
apres la guerre", an informal talk by


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