SATTMftAV T MT 24,. 1943
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Straight from the Shoulder
J OHNL. LEWIS is getting his bushy eyebrows
into the papers again. This time he wants
to join up with the AFL, and Dan Tobin of the
Teamsters thinks there is a good chance he'll
make it.
Green and Lewis will Abe buddies again. The
weakling and the reactionary traitor of the
American labor scene are going to shake hands
and call it quits, and some editorial writers
hail labor unity. A national racketeer who
tiled to hold up the government in time of war,
now says he wants to join up with an organiza-
tion full of small-fry local racketeers and its
called labor unity. Hail Lewis, hail the AFL,
hail labor unity!
I, for one, am not going to celebrate. The
AFL which plugged for the recent amendments
to the Wagner Act so it could continue to rake
in $3;0t10,000 worth of dues from the Kaiser
Shipyards loins up with the man at least indir-
ectly responsible for the passage of the Con-
naly Anti-Strike Act. Good combination.T'ihat's
it, racketeers, let's gang up on New Deal labor
I'd ather
Be Right
NEW YORK, July 24.- Don't look now, but
the Republicans are beginning to develop glam-
When hundreds of Republicans can meet in
New York to denounce isolation, to denounce it
magnificently, with heart-felt invective, they
definitely become interesting.
Up to now, most leading Republicans have
been of interest merely to each other. Vanden-
berg has been fascinated by Taft, and McCor-
mick has been enthralled by Bricker. Hoover
has found Dewey thrilling, and Clarence Bud-
ington Kelland thinks Harrison Spangler is won-
But it has all been the rather special admira-
tion of lodge brothers for each other; not of
much moment outsde, in the general market-
Most orations by members of this group on
behalf of each other as Presidential timber
have had to be interrupted from time to time
while a mirror was held to the prospective.
candidate's lips to see whether he was still
alive. It is hard to work up a smashing peror-
ation while your subject is passing out on you
politically, or, even worse, vanishing during
your grand climax. There was Governor
Brieier, for example, and his amazing trick of
disappearing from-public sight while standing
on a platform in full view of the audience.
But there is a different kind of Republican.
Hundreds of him have just met in New York.
These are live Republicans. You do not have
to hold a mirror to a man's mouth when you hear
him saying (as did Mayo Shattuck, president of
the, Massachusetts Bar Association) that his
party must, "show the people of the United States
that the election of a Republican administration
does not mean another gang of inward-turning,
narrow-minded, isolationist stuffed shirts."
They called themselves the Eastern regional
conference of the Republican Post-War Policy
Association. The McCormicks have tried to
brush the group off by calling it a "Willkie
But the MeCormicks always try to brush big
things off by giving tiny little names. In the
special, private talk of their lodge, the world's
hmger for colletive security is "a New Deal
idea." They are forever studying large issues
through reducing glasses,
When Wkllkie offers to run against McCormick
in the Illinois primaries, to test out the issue of
international collaboration, Col. McCormick de-
clares that this is an effort by W. W. to "get his
name in the papers." He never sees it big if he
can manage to see it little.
Thus the Colonel and his friends, staring
furiously at this blessed, amazing and unex-
pected world through the wrong end of a tele-
scope, discover that plans for improved world
trade are really plans to "force milk on Hot-
The Colonel has turned the same inverted
telescope on the war in the Pacific, and he re-
ports happily that "Roosevelt's in a hell of a
position. If MacArthur wins a great victory, he
will be President. If he doesn't win one, it will
be because Roosevelt has not given him suffi-
cient support."
And at night, in his study, he counts electoral
votes, letting them ripple through his fingers.
A few more in Kansas and New Jersey, and the
whole world can be made to stand still and then
go backward.
But I am. afraid the Colonel and his friends
are.not going to be able to,-this New
York meeting of Republicans. They can, call
it; a meeting of a Wikie outfit if they like. I
think it. was a branch. meeting of the human
race. R
The Republican Party is splitting. Men like
I hear the New York Journal American is cele-.
brating today. Johnny Lewis and Bill Green are
buddies again. That's good for labor, you know.
Really American. A few weeks ago they said
Joe Ryan's union was really American when it
elected red-baiting Joe president for life. But
this Lewis-Green agreement, why that's even
more American. What we need is more Lewises,
Greens and Ryans on the American scene and
less of the ilk of those radical CIO unionists.
THAT'S what the Hearst press thinks. But,
that is not what every available fact
proves. Scores of AFL unions do not hold
annual conventions. Scores of unions do not
have any vigorous discussion of policy at their
conventions. Some AFL unions don't even
have a chance to vote out their officers be-
cause there is only one slate running. Does"
Lewis fit into that picture? What do you
think? Lewis who has crushed any opposition
by use of thugs and usurped power, who has
run "unopposed" in the large majority of his
twenty campaigns for the union presidency?
Would such a man fit in?
The majority of AFL leaders, however, aren't
worried by the dictatorship existing in Lewis's
union, nor are they worried about his direct
sabotage of the war effort. They are worrying
only about how they and Lewis will divide the
money and power in the AFL. They are worried
lest Lewis, in joining, will take away from them
some of their fat salaries or some of their dues-
collecting territory.
But some of these leaders are so much afraid
of the growing power of the CIO that they are
willing to give, and give plenty to Lewis, i he
will join them in a full-fledged fight against the
CIO and perhaps also the Administration.
There is undoubtedly more, however, to this
whole issue than labor politics. The 1944
election campaign is directly affected by the
Lewis move. For with the help of Lewis, the
Republican Hutchins-Woll block -in the, AFL
will be able to pledge the AFL to the Republi-
can party with the Secretaryship of Labor as
the price, and with it will be able to crush the
CIO in a government-employer-union pincers.
THE COMING UNION between two semi-total-
itarian and decrepit organizations will mean
a step backward for the American labor move-
ment. It will mean an endorsement by the dem-
ocratic unions of the AFL of the policies of John
L. Lewis. It will mean that good patriotic Amer-
icans will, with their dues, help "save face" for
a man who hAs lost 20,000,000 tons of coal to the
war effort.
Can these patriotic trade unionists permit
this to happen? Ulfortunately that is no
longer the question. The point is can they stop
it now that it has gone this far? I think that
they can.
If Lewis is deprived of the support of both of
America's great labor organizations, tormented
as he is by rebellion in his own union, his power
will wither and die and the labor movement will
be able effectively to destroy the other traitors
and racketeers within their ranks. If, on the
other hand. Lewis is saved now, given more
power, allowed to hide behind the AFL's cloak of
respectability, and permitted to use the dues of
AFL members for his nefarious schemes, then it
will be the duty of all progressive Americans to
crush the AFL along with Lewis.
A development of this sort can and must be
stopped now. It can be Stopped by patriotic
AFL members who under the leadership of sin-
cere and responsible leaders like Dubinsky of
the ILGWU can voice their determination to
have nothing to do with Lewis. It must be
stopped if the AFL is to continue to retain the
respect of the overwhelming majority of the
American people to whom Lewis is America's
Benedict Arnold of World War II.
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AS - -
''0MUCH cannot be said against the idea
WASHINGTON, July 24.- Those
who have peeked at Vice-President
Wallace's address to be delivered in
Detroit Sunday, say that it is the
fightingest, toughest speech of his
career. That is saying a lot, since
he has delivered a couple of others
which made Republicans indulge in
name-calling and which were read
with avid interest all over the world.
Inside fact is that Wallace was
planning a fighting speech even
before his public row with Jesse
Jones and his rebuff from, the
President. The VP plans his
speeches a long time in advance,
sometimes spends weeks preparing
them, writes them almost exclus-
ively himself.
So, any acid statements in the
Detroit speech will not be the result
of the Jones row. Basically they will
result from the fact that the Vice-
President has decided to take up the
old liberal mantle where Roosevelt
dropped it with the war.
The President has given complete
approval to Wallace picking up the
mantle. He read every word of the
Detroit speech and even put in some
punch lines.
However, whether the President
approved or not, the bets of those
who know Wallace are 100 to 1
that he will continue the liberal
fight. Basically shy, not given to
easy expression, Wallace doesn't
rouse easily. But when he does
get started he doesn't stop. lie
now feels that the old economic-
social issues which Roosevelt faced
during the bank holiday period of
1933 are back again, and that
someone has to carry the ball.
Cox Tops 'Em All
Congressman Eugene Coi of Geor-
gia has now set the all-time high for
helping himself and family at the
expense of American taxpa ers. Oth-
er Congressmen from time to time
have put their relatives on the gov-
ernment payroll, but none has ever
come anywhere near Cox's record
for getting so many feet in the feed-
At present he has six relatives
on the payroll, for an annual total
of $30,120, including his own Con-
gressional salary.
In addition he has now secured
from Congress a handout of the tax-I
payers' money to the tune of $60,000
to investigate the Federal Communi-
cations Commission after that Com-
missionunearthed a check for $2,500
allegedly received by Cox for lobby-
It is a criminal offense for a
Congressman to lobby with a gov-
ernment bureau, so the FCC re-
ferred the matter to the Justice
Department. Whereupon Cox per-
suaded his brethren on Capital
Hill to investigate his FCC accus-
ers and make him "impartial"
chairman of the probe.
Here is the detailed breakdown of
Cox's nepotism:
Rosa Robinson, Cox's secretary, is
his sister-$3,380 a year.
J. Chaney Robinson, her husband
and Cox's brother-in-law, is assis-
tant House bill clerk-$3,120 a year.
Grace Cox, wife of the Congress-
man, is a clerk in his office-$3,120.
Robin Cox, Sr., a brother, post-
master at Donalsonville-$2,400.
Mrs. Jim Cox Hoggard, a sister,
postmistress at Camilla (Cox's home
Charles M. Cox, a nephew, senior
administrative officer of the Agri-
cultural Ad justment Administra-
tion's special program division, who
says he got his job without Cox's
aid-$5,600 a year.
Congressman Cox's yearly salary-
I eI-4
By Lichty
It's really very hard to. decide who I like best, Mother-they're both
making such good money this summer!
VOL. LIII, No. 20-S
All notices for The Daily Official Bulle-
tin are to be sent to the Office of the
Summer Session in typewritten form by
3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publi-
cation, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
Notice of Withholding Tax Deduc-
tions: All persons upon the Univer-
sity Payrolls for services rendered
after June 30, 1943, are notified that
under the federal "Current Tax Pay-
ment Act of 1943" there will be de-
ducted from each salary payment
made an amount equivalent to 20 per
cent of such payment above legal
elected, under Federal authority, to
base this deduction, after legal ex-
emptions, upon 20 per cent of the
salary payment to each individual
calculated to the nearest dollar. Ev-
ery employee of the University, in
whatever capacity, should secure,-at
the Business Office, or at other of-
fices at which they will be available,
a copy of the Government withhold-
ing exemption certificate, Form W-4,
and should promptly fill out and
mail or file this exemption certifi-
cate at the Business Office at which
the certificate was obtained. The
burden of filling out and filing this
form is under the law exclusively
upon the employee and if it is not
filed in time the deduction of 20 per
cent must be taken upon the basis of
the employee's entire earnings with-
out benefit of the exemption to
which the employee would be en-
titled if he or she filed the certifi-
-Shirley W. Smith
Vice-President and Secretary
Michigan Sailing Club: Meeting
Monday, July 28, 7:15 p.m. Room
302. Michigan Union.
To All Dekes on the Michigan
Campus: All Deke servicemen from
other chapters interested in partici-
pating in DKE meetings and social
events, call Joe Fee or Tom Ulmer
at 2-4482. Omicron Chapter of DKE
is still active and carrying. on its
traditions at Michigan.
BRinner- Class in Social Dancing:
sity of Michigan Men's Glee Club to
a Get-Together Smoker and Sing at
the Michigan Union, Room 305,
Monday, July 26, 7 to 8 p.m. Michi-
gan Song Books will be provided.
Mail is being held at the Business
Office of the University, Room 1, U.
Hall, for the following people: Marie
Agieka, James Ball, Jeanette E.
Beard, Benson M. Boutte, Dr. Maur-
ice Brooks, Dr. Caperier, Mrs. Leroy
Carr, Jack Chard, Shirlee Cochrane,
Harriet Dunn, P. R. Dusenbury, Wal-
ter Eiseman, Theodore Erickson, Dr.
S. E. Gould, Dr. Howard Goodwin,
Robert Hampton, Mrs. John C. Har-
dy, Reece Hatchitt, Thomas E.
Hauch, Kenneth Hawkins, Mrs. W.
W. Hoisington, James Masuda, Rob-
ert Moran, Dorothy Neff, Dr. T. K.
Neel, Stella Ogren, Alfred W. Owens,
David T. Portius, Kenneth Rise, Oli-
ver Sievert, Dr. Allen S. Smith, Edna
A. Steyr,. Dr. Margaret Sumwalt,
Robert Swain, Clinton Texter, Dr.
W. H. Toulson, Dr. Otto Trietel, Mrs.
Frank Turner, Prof. Harold E. Wal-
lace, Edith White, Mary F. Wilcoxon.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
is sponsoring the second meeting in
its summer series. The subject for
discussion will be FUTURE TRENDS
The meeting will be held on Tues-
day, July 27, at 7:30 p.m. in the
Racham Lecture Hall. The speaker,
will be Mr. Montague A. Clark, Mich-
igan State Director, War Manpowex
Commission, Detroit.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments has received notice of the fol-
lowing Civil Service Examinations
for the State of Michigan: Cook,
$100 to $115 per month; Fingerprint
Clerk, $105 to $125 per month; Fish
Culture Aide, $100 to $115 per month;
Food Service Helper, $100 to $115
per month; Key' Drive Calculator
Clerk, $115 to $135 per month; Man-i
ual Worker, $110 to $125 per month.
Further information may be had
from the notices which are on file
in the office of the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 201 Mason Hall, office
hours 9-12 and 2-4.1
-Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information
- - -1
will talk on "Interpreting the News."
In the Series on Current Problems
and Policies Prof. J. F. Hostie will
speak on Wednesday afternoon at
4:15 o'clock in the Rackham Amphi-
theatre on "Europe and the Aims of
the United'Nations."
Academic Notices
Institute of the Aeronautical Sci-
ences: A meeting will be held on
Tuesday night, July 27, at 7:30.p.m,
in Room 1213 East Engineering Buil-
ding (Lecture Room, North Wing).
A sound motion picture entitled
"Aerodynamics-Air Forces on an
Airfoil" will be shown. Institute
members and any others who are
interested are invited to attend.
The language examination for
candidates for the Master's 'degree
in History will be given Friday, July
30, from 4 to 5 in Room 216 Haven
German Departmental Library
Hours during the Summer Term: 8
a.m. to 12 noon, Monday through
Friday; 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. Monday
through Thursday.
Preliminary examinations for the
doctorate in English will be given in
series: Aug. 4, 7, 11, 14. Please notify
Prof. N. E. Nelson by Aug. 1 of inten-
tion to take them.
All former members of the School
of Education Workshops are asked
to attend a meeting Wednesday eve-
ning at 7 o'clock in the Music Room,
Women's Lounge, Rackham Build-
Sehool of Education Faculty: A
special meeting of the faculty will be
held on Monday, Aug. 2 at 4:1 p.m.
in the University Elementary School
Doctoral Examination for Rolland
Frederick Feldkamp, Pharmaceutical
Chemistry; thesis,' "Antispasmodics:
Basic-Alkyl Esters of alpha-Naph-
thylacetic Acid and Substituted al-
pha-Naphthylacetic Acids," Monday,
July 26, 309 Chemistry, 4:00 p.m.
Chairman, F. F. Blicke.
By action of the Executive Board
the Chairman may invite members
that punishment and reprisals solve pr
lems. They only create more hatred wh
makes the situation worse. Cooperation amo
all nations is essential to winning the peace.
The Germans may "hate us for winning the
war" but deliberately killing 5,600,000 of them
would do nothing but sabotage any effort to set
up a- workable government in Gertnany. The
people would never put up with any cooperation
with the United Nations.
Which would you rather do: pave the way
for another Nazi party or try to get along with
them? Of course you could make Germany so
weak that she would be no problem. Why stop
at killing 5,000,000? You might as well kill off
a few million more; then you would have
fewer to bother with. You cannot draw a hard
and fast line between the guilty and the inno-
cent when it comes to war guilt-especially
not when you try to draw it as high as 5,000,-
The occupied countries in Europe have suf-
fered perhaps beyond our power to comprehend,'
but I doubt if they are savage enough to believe