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July 23, 1943 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1943-07-23

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VMAT, -"LY 24,1943

- - !.-- p --- - -- 1943

Fifty-Third Year



_ ,






Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
Lf Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday and Tues-
day during the regular University year. and every morn-
ing except Monday and Tuesday during the summer
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
leation 6f all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Offic3 at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43
Editorial Staff

None But the Brave ...
NAVY DEPARTMENT issued a statement
the other day which I believe was under-'
played in most papers.
Secretary Knox said the Navy was expecting
six more years of war in the Pacific. This was
the first concrete estimate of the extent of
America's participation in the war, and coming
from. such an authoritative yet conservative
source as the Navy Department, it should 'be a
ohering influence to most Americans.
I hope we took that announcement from the
mass of daily press releases and gave it special
attention. I hope we mulled it over in our minds
and let the implications sink deep into our con-
sciousness. For it gives a much needed hypo to
our concept, already misty from two, years of
abnormal life, of total war.
This announcement means that we will be
fighting a longer war than any we hate ever
enga;ed in before. It means that we must
keep producing apd sweating, that we'll have
to keep the family car in mothballs, that we'll
have to plan our meals by the ration card for
six long years at least. The Goverpmnent be-
lieves we have to take that long, so the people
might as well stop fooling themselves that
we'll win Tokyo in a year, the European vic-
tory having been long since celebrated.
THE WAVE of false optimism engendered by
certain 'industrial planners who are already
sending out feelers for conversion of parts of
war plants to civilian production is a dangerous
kidney punch to American morale. We may
not feel anything from it now, but when we're
still spreading our one pat -of butter per dinner
thin over our bread two or three years from
now, when we're still getting letters from our'
relatives and friends in the service, who we may
assume are writing from Singapore by then if

Marion Ford
Bud Brimmer
Leon Gordenker
Harvey Frank
Mary Anne Olson
Jeanne Lovett
Molly Winokur


. . Managing Editor
* . . .Editorial Director
. . . . City Editor
S. . . . Sports Editor
. . . . Womens Editor


Business Staff

. Business Manager

Associate Business Manager

Telephone 23-24-1
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
New Coal Contract Will
Destroy Pric? Ceilings
THE CONTRACT granting 35,000 lllinois coal
miners an increase of about $3 per day, al-
though still hinging on approval from the War
Labor Board, might easily be the springboard
for another demand from Lewis to line up other
operators on a regional, piecemeal basis.
The two-year pact with the Illinois Coal Oper-
ators Association necessitates not only approval
of the WLB, but also a boosting of the ceiling
price of coal to compensate for the wage in-
It is against just such actions as these that
the WLB and the OPA have been fighting a
losiig battle. This contract embodies a por-
tal-to-portal pay increase, chief issue in the
recent disputes, in addition to-time-and-a-half
wage for a 35 to 48-hour work week. These
concessions will give the miners $1 per day
more than Lewis asked in his original de-
UNDOUBTEDLY, these demands will not get
through the War Labor Board intact, but if
a liberal concession is made to the Illinois min-
ers, it will precipitate demands from other sec-
tors. It will give the 500,000 miners in the Na-
tion's coal, pits a wedge to pry into the War
Labor Board and into OPA's price ceilings.
It has been emphasized again and again that
inflation must be checked on all fronts, but
lobbying groups, despite their alleged desires to
curb inflation, seem bent on getting what they
can and forcing the administration to take
drastic wage and price measures to control the
economy of a country where everyone thinks
first of himself. - Claire Sherman
President Unjustified
In D ismissing Wallace
"THE PRESIDENT made it clear that he was
still the Commander-in-Chief on the home
front," gurgles a recent comment on Roosevelt's
recent dismissal of Vice-President Wallace from
the Board of Economic Warfare.
He also made it clear that he was not ahve
dismissing a well-qualified man who was doing
his job well when his own popularity was
threatened. Of all New Deal agencies the
Board of Economic Warfare was the most
efficiently run-and run with the least pu-
licity until the unfortunate Jesse Jones-Wal-
lace feuds.
The President was well in the realm of his
power by dismissing the two men-true, but he
hurt the New Deal and New Deal liberl doc-
trines immeasurably by his curt action. Roose-
velt wanted to establish a precedent whereby all
of his agency heads would realize that they were.
in danger of being fired if they dare air their
private fights without first consulting him.
JNSTEAD of investigating the matter the Presi-
dent fired the two administrators thereby
losing Wallace, excellent theorist and ardent
New Dealer. Roosevelt in firing Wallace is also
disposing of a fearless speaker who bore the
brunt of American criticism while acquainting,
the public with Roosevelt theories.
Besides competently filling his position as
head of the Board of Economic Warfare, the,

all has gone well, our outlook will be an unheal-
thily depressing one.
We may by that time be ready to listen to any
crackpot who jabbers that we should forget the
war in the Far East, that the Japanese have
been impressed enough by our defensive might,
that the Orient isn't our burden. The same
hollow sounds that advocate easing up 'on the
European front and go roaring over to the Japs
now, will very likely be the ones who'll be press-
ing for an early withdrawal from the Pacific a
year or two later.
We should have it pounded into us now that
we're in this thing up to our ears. If we back
down in Europe, where the greatest threat lies,
we lose face, not in the diplomatic sense, but
in the realistic sense of belief by millions of
people in our ability to bulwark a democratic
world. If we don't carry the Pacific war through
to a logical conclusion, the complete overthrowal
of Japanese Fascist ambitions, we leave an ulcer
to fester and grow again.
Americans should supercharge themselves
for the long grind. We have been backing the
war effort with an initial zest, but mainly I
believe, on the vague assumption that pretty
soon it will all be over. If we don't want that
zest burned out soon, we have to condition
ourselves to the strain. We have to take a
calm faith in what we expect the results of
victory will be. It's been too easy to fall back
on hand made propositions for the post-war
world, doing little personal thinking as to the
implications, and the force our own opinions
will bear.
THE PERSON or group who beckons us toward
the back door and an easy way out is guilty
of a blundering treachery. The Germans are
afraid right now. Being unable to grasp the
ideal of freedom, they see no solace in an Allied
victory, and they'll fight and starve through till
the bitterest end.
The Japanese are even a tougher nut. Besides
their tremendous conquests through the . blitz
and the strategic position of having to defend
one small island at a time among the thousands
on the road to Japan proper, they have also a
powerful weapon in American superciliousness
toward the Oriental and in American overopti-
mism of victory.
Among the many features of Japan impossible
for the American to conceive are the efficiency
and extent of their industrial output, the absence
of any management or labor problems peculiar
to a fascist state, the tenacity and endurance of
the individual who can live in combat in almost
animal fashion, who can labor at paces killing
to the average American worker, and this with a
diet that would find us starving and emaciated
after a month. The religious aspect of Japanese
politics adds the locoweed of spiritual fanaticism,
and we have an opponent that can only be
knocked out with sheer force.
We have to supply that force. We have to
strengthen the Chinese. In short we have to
mop up totalitarianism. We can't do it by day-
dreaming of the luxurious ease of peace after-
wards, that will-of-the-wisp afterwards which
can drive us into frustration.
We can ease our burden by looking at our-
selves and our fellow men, and honestly ana-
lyzing what puts us into this distorted position,
this world of dog eat dog. Why do we have
internal dissension, such as race riots, similat-
ing the very hallmarks of the enemy we are
fighting? We can ask ourselves if we don't
want something more stable in our afterwards.
We can impress ourselves that we have the
power to make our afterwards sensible and in-
dividually productive one, by concerted action
to prevent and remove the causes which have
made the unrest following World War I the
conflagration of World War II.
Then we have a stimulus to plug out these six
more years, to make them more than just a
spiritless day by day drudgery till it's over,
maybe half finished, but anything to get it over.


WASHINGTON, July 23.- The
Army's promiscuousygranting of
"cellpphane" commissions to all sorts
of people during the first year of the
war is now coming home to roost.
There is such a huge surplus of
commissioned officers holding
down desk jobs on the home front,
that hundreds will be sent back to
civilian life. Older officers with
reserve and national guard back-
ground will be relieved first. There
has been no ballyhoo about it, but
a systematic weeding out of such
officers already has begun.
An order has gone out that offi-
cers below the rank of brigadier gen-
eral serving in the United States
::hall be, retired when they reach the
statutory age limit of 60 years. The
statutory age limit for a brigadier
general is 62, and for a major gen-
eral, lieutenant general and full gen-
eral, 64.
The order will lop off an esti-
mated 1,000 officers in the United
States (only) who are about 60.
They are chiefly majors, lieuten-
ant colonels and colonels who were
taken from reserve and national
guard inactive lists and placed on
active duty after Pearl Harbor.
Note:-Officers overseas will not
i be retired even when over age. Gen.
MacArthur, for instance, has passed
the age for retirement, 64, but will
continue on active duty.
Fifth Term ...
Here is the latest "fourth term"
joke going the rounds of the capital.
A friend called on a New Dealer
who had just become the father of
a bouncing boy. He was ushered
into the nursery, where the infant
was engaged with the business end
of a bottle.
"What do you think of him?" in-
quired the proud father.
"He sure is a fine-looking boy,"
replied the visitor. "Yes, sir, sure is.
Have you ever thought that some
day he might grow up to be Presi-
The New Deal father reared back
in rage.
"Say," he exclaimed, "what's the
matter with Roosevelt?"
SVeto Message...
Most talked of incident during the
closing days of Congress was why
the President took his administra-
tion leaders completely by surpriseI

and sent up his veto of the anti-
strike bill without warning them in
They did not know the veto mess-
age was coming until it arrived at
3:05 p.m.
Here is the backstage explana-
tion of that mystery. Actually the
veto message was sent to Ed Hal-
sey, Secretary of the Senate, at a
little before 3 o'clock, with instrue-
tions not to deliver the message
until 4:34 p.m., just a few minutes
before the Senate adjourned.
At 4 o'clock, White House advisers
knew, Senator Tom Connally, co-
author of the Smith-Connally anti-
strike bill, was to take a train to
Canada. So the strategy was to wait
until he had left to catch his train,
then have the veto message delivered

by Senate Secretary Halsey.
Halseywas supposed to keep secret
the fact that he had the message.
However, he made the mistake of
telling Senator Lister Hill of Ala-
bama. Senator Hill was Acting Ma-
jority Leader in the absence of Sen-
ator Barkley and supposed to be
fighting for the President.
When Hill learned about it, he
instructed Halsey to'bring the veto
message out on the Floor right
away. Halsey understood by this
that Hill, the Administration lead-
er, had enough votes to uphold the
But when the President's mes-
sage was ,read, he was amazed to
riote that Senator Hill led the fight
to override his chief in the thite



By Lichty

G.O.P.'s Foreign Policy
Has Taken New Turn
ONE WAY of measuring the great strides with
which history is marching nowadays is to
note the fact that just two years ago today Pres-
ident Roosevelt sent to Congress his special mes-
sage pleading for an extension of the period of
military service for the young men who had been
called into the Army under the Selective Service
Let us recall briefly the international situation
as it stood that day. France had fallen. Italy
had declared war on Britain. All western Europe
was under Hitler's domination. The German
armies were driving deep into Russia. In the
Pacific, Japanese warships had sailed for Indo-
China, in what proved subsequently to be the
first step in the conquest of Singapore and the
''et so blind were many members of Con-
gress to the fact that the whole world was
aflame with danger to the United States that
the President's request for action which would
keep a sizeable American Army in existence
was approved in the House of Representatives
by the razor-blade margin of a single vote.
On that critical test of the foresight of the
legislative branch of the Government of the
United SMates, five months before Pearl Har-
boy, the House Republicans voted six to one to
dissolve the American Army.
E RECALL THIS FACT-part and parcel of
the blind and fatuous isolationism of the
Congressional Republicans of those days, an
isolationism which led them to oppose Secretary
Hull's trade agreements, to fight amendment of
the Neutrality Act and to resist the adoption of
Lend-Lease-in order better to measure the dis-
tance which the Republican party has subse-
quently come.
By this we mean more than the whole-
hearted support which the Republican party
has given to the war. We mean also the indis-
putable fact that the party has been moving
in the direction of a clearer vision.of the post-
war world and of the responsibilities which
the United States must assume in that world
if we are to avoid the outbreak of another war.
This was shown in the resolution adopted by
the Republican National Committee a year ago.
It has been shown by the party's new support of
the Hull trade program. It has now been shown
again this week by the work of the wholly unof-
ficial, but nevertheless potentially important,
Republican Post-War Policy Association at its
meeting in New York.
WITH THREE HUNDRED delegates in atten-
dance, including several Govenors and a
number of members of Congress, this meeting
adopted a platform, calling for complete. victory
and an unconditional surrender of the. enemy.
It wants the Republican members of Con-
gress, immediately upon the reconvening of
that body, "to sponsor and support Congres-
sional action pledging cooperation by the
United States in world affairs." It insists that
"the United Nations must remain united if
w,e are to secure inernatioal collaboration to
prevent. the recurrence of future. wars." It
would have the American Government and the
American people "plan now for the establish-
ment of an organization of nations to assume
full responsibility in, maintaining world peace."
We agree, with the delegate from Massachu-
setts, president of the Bar Association of that
State, who told the meeting that "our people are
not fools." that they will demand the best pro-

4t l

0"1943, dicapc 'flmes. It'

'... you'd think seniority would count for something!'


FRIDAY, JULY 23, 1943
VOL. LIII, No. 19-S
All notices for The Daily Official Bulle-
tin are to be sent to the Office of the
Summer Session in typewritten form by
3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publi-
cation, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
Chairmen of Student Activities are
reminded that at the beginning of
each term, or summer session every
student shall be conclusively -pre-
sumed to be ineligible for'any public
cincts. But we are neither weak
nor desperate, and so the Vatican
stands. It turns out to be our
strength which protects it. It is
safe because we are powerful.

I'd Rather
Be Right

NEW YORK, July 23.- The bombing of Rome.
was the use of force as only the strong can use
force. It was force under iron control, force
limited and circumscribed.
Consider that the American and British air-
men chose not to protect themselves by bomb-
ing at night; that they chose the clearest day
and the clearest part of the day, in order to be
sure not to hit religious and cultural monu-
ments; that they chose precision bombing, not
area bombing; that they came over Rome in,
waves half an hour apart, permitting smoke
to clear between blasts in order to see with
certainty what they were about. Each of
these decisions increased the danger to our
airmen and Britain's. This was not force as a
weakling uses force when it falls by chance
into his hands.
In comparison with Goering's weak violence
over London, this was strong gentleness.
The bombing was a demonstration of force.
The manner of the bombing was a moral demon-
stration. We have now seen used in the air
something very like that code of honor which
has for centuries been a nart of physical combat

If we were a weaker or more de-
spairing foe, the Vatican would have
much more to fear. If we were
fighting negatively, like cornered an-
imals, its danger would be far great-
er. But we are fighting affirma-
tively. We do exactly what we say,
we shall do, no more, no less. There-
fore we are no longer a vague men-
ace to the Vatican, nor a doubtful
quantity; we are a guarantee, a bet-
ter one than any Mussolini or Hitler
can by this time offer.I
The raid on Rome showed our
mower to protect, as well as to
wound. It must have made those on
the streets below conscious of the
double meaning of our strength.
That is the lesson which could be
read in the skies of Rome this week.
And if we can read it, we may be
sure Italians can read it, too.
It means that our promise to the,
Italian people to hold them safe
against harm, once they have ejected
fascism, is a good promise. It means
that we are strong enough to spare
them, whereas the Germans have
never been strong enough to spare
anything or anyone.
We are. That is what makes. the
raid on Rome a moral demonstration.
There would have been no moral
grandeur in not raiding Rome be-
cause of fear of the risks involved.
To do it, as we did it, doing what.
had to be done, and then wiping
out the special dangers, by accept-
ing additional dangers, is morally

activity until his eligibility is af-
firmatively established by obtaining
from the Chairman of the Commit-
tee on Student Affairs a Certificate
of Eligibility. The Chairman shall
file with the Committee on Student
Affairs the names of all those who
have presented certificates of eligi-
bility with a signed statement to ex-
clude all others from participation.
Blanks for the chairmen's lists may
be obtained in the Office of the Dean
of Students.
Michigan Sailing Club: Meeting
Monday, July 28, 7:15 p.m. Room
302, Michigan Union.
To All Dekes on the Michigan
Campus: All. Deke servicemen from
other chapters interested in partici-
pating in DKE meetings and social
events, call Joe Fee or Tom Ulmer
at 2-4482. Omicron Chapter of DKE
is still active and carrying on its
traditions at Michigan.
Academic Notices
Students who wish to enter a com-
bined curriculum at the beginning of
the fall term must make application
on or, before Aug. 1 in Room 1210
Angell Hall. There will be a $5 fee
for late registration.
Makeup Examinations in History
will be given on Friday, July 23 from
4 until 6 o'clock in Room C Haven
Hall. Any student expecting to take
the examination should get his in-
structor's permission in advance so
that an examination may be pre-
The language examination for
candidates for the Master's degree
in History will be given Friday, July
30, from 4 to 5 in Room 216 Haven

Record Concert at Horac 'H.
Rackham Building: Another, of the
weekly concerts will be given Tues-
day evening at 7:45. The program
will consist of the following record-
ings: Haydn's Quarter in D Major,
Brahms' Concerto No. 2, in B Flat
Major, and Rimski-Korsakov's Ca-
priccio Espagnol. Servicemen are
cordially invited to join the' Grad-
uate Students for these concerts.
Rackham Galleries: Exhibition of
Paintings from ten Latin-American
Republics. From the collections of
the Museum of Modern Art, New
York. Open 2 to 5, and 7 to 10 daily,
except Sundays. July 26 to Aug. 14.
Events Today
Chairmen of Carnival Booths:
Meeting at 4:30 at W.A.B. of repre-
sentatives from each house sponsor-
ing a booth. It is important that
everyone be present.
French Tea: There will be a
French Tea today at 4:00 p.m. in the
Cafeteria of the 'Michigan League.
Students, men in uniform, and fac-
ulty people are cordially invited.
Religious services will be held apt
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation this'
evening at 8 o'clock. Rabbi Cohen,
Lewis Singer, Elliot Organick and
Harvey Weisberg will lead the, ser-
A Motion Picture showing the ac-
tivities of the Adjutant-General's
Office in keeping up-to-date records,
in the field will be shown in the
Rackham Amphitheatre, third floor,
this evening at 7:30 p.m. While
of particular interest to Army Ad-
ministrative Personnel, this film is'
open to the public in general. Pre,
ceding the film a short lecture de-
scribing the I. B. M. System of
Punched Card Records will be given
by Mr. Meacham of' the Tabulating
Service Department of the Univer-
Coming Events
"Graduate Outing Club will" meet
at 2:30 p.m. on Sunday, July 25, for
A N.7,n. iror ,Erin 'o+n nn.'.+w. ill

German Departmental
Hours during the Summer'
a.m. to 12 noon, Monday
Friday; 1:30 to 4:30 p.m.
through Thursday.

Term: 8

Preliminary examinations for the
doctorate in English will be given in
series: Aug. 4, 7, 11, 14. Please notify
Prof. N. E. Nelson by Aug. 1 of inten-

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