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July 15, 1943 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1943-07-15

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TI IMS DA*, JULY 15, 1943


as a~sw A . JUL V 1. Th il A1Z47


Fifty-Third Year


t^ -a n a i rs- r -W =axJ --
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except. Monday and Tues-
day during the regular University year, and every; morn-
ing except Monday and Tuesday during the summer
Member of The Associated Press
-The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to 'the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
lication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Offic- at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43
Editorial Staff
Marion Ford . . . . Managing Editor
Bud Brimmer . . . . . Editorial Director
Leon Gordenker . . . . . , City Editor
Harvey Frank . . . . Sports Editor
Ed "Podliashuk . . . . . Columnist
Mary Anne Olson . . . . . Women's Editor
Business Staff
Jeanne Lovett . . . . . Business Manager
Moily Winokur . . Associate Business Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Tag Day Drive Today
Wir Send Boys to Camp
TAG DAY has become a real tradition on the
Michigan .campus--and not without reason.
Established twenty-three years ago, the annual
Tag Day drive is held for the purpose of securing
contributions from students and townspeople to
send "city kids" to the Fresh Air Camp.
This University camp is different from the
ordinary vacationing spots; of course, the kids
who go there have fun. They still go swim-
ming, and boating; they still get acqualned
with other kids; they learn how to get along
with each' other.
Buteven more important than those things
those boys from Detroit, Pontiac, and nearby
metropolitan areas receive expert advice and
counseling from trained psychiatrists, sociolo-
gists, and psychologists.
Many of these boys have special problems
which cannot be solved or corrected by the
social agencies who have sent them to the
camp. Many of them have come from tene-
ment districts vhere they find it more than
easy to get in trouble. Many of them have
never known what a real vacation is. One
young boy, when asked why he wanted to go
to camp, replied, "I want to laugh."
Today ninety-six of those boys who have been
at the camp for nearly a month will be in Ann
Arbor selling little white tags for the Tag Day
drive. In the past, students, faculty mmbers
and townspeople have contributed generously to
the drive.
This time the goal has been st at $1,200.
Won't you help them? - Virginia Rock
Cattlemen's Association
Continues Meat Strike
I JNHAMPERED by a no-strike pledge the cat-
tle-raisers of the nation are deliberately
withholding their cattle from the mlarket, hoping
to break through the price control wall by forcing
up prices.
At present, according to C. M. Elkington, OPA
food price executive, the ranges of the Southwest
are crowded with more stock than has ever been
available, while slaughter houses are receiving
less than half the normal rate of head per week.
Last week for example only 95,000 cattle were'

slaughtered as compared with 176,000 slaugh-
tered for the same period last year.
The most seriously hurt by the cattlemen's
action have been the armed forces. The Army
now gets 45 percent of all steers and heifers
slaughtered. As a result, Army tbeef supplies
last week were cut to almost half the require-
ments, and supplies shipped to our fighting.
Allies have been curtailed.
The action of the cattlemen, who have been
encouraged by the- recent Senate refusal to sup-
port subsidies, is the same sort of sabotage as.
the John L. Lewis coal mine strike. However, it
should be noted that the nation's press has
hardly been aroused by this dastardly act.
MANYNEWSPAPERS have even defended the
action by saying that "farmers are just like
any other businessmen with something to sell.
If they think they are going to get higher prices
by waiting, they wait." Of course, the shortage

Good Morning, Mr. B.
TODAY we watch the journalistic antics of the
Detroit Free Press' Mr. Malcolm Bingay.
Mr. Bingay's column has become as standard
at thousands of Detroiter's breakfast tables as
bacon and eggs and good coffee ... or bad coffee,
depending on your taste. Mr. Bingay writes, he
hopes, in a style as sunny and soothing as his
column head, "Good Morning", and I must admit
T've found myself more than once attracted to
his quaint descriptions of leisurely rambles
through Greenfield Village or his thumbnail
sketches of Detroit's development.
Sunday Mr. Bingay's column was missing,
because Mr. Bingay decided he had some clever
editorializing to do, whichrequired' all the
space usually given to the Free Press editor-
ials. Mr. Bingay's'contribution of the day
was a long chummy open letter to Winsto
Churchill reassuring the Prime Minister that
our cabinet quarrels and such were Just little
surface brawls and the English didn't have to
worry about them, because that's the way we
do it over here, everybody wrangling over the
common cause but somehow or other we al-
ways manage to come out okay in the final
That sentiment seemed okay to us, bt after
we got through we realized that Mr. Bingay's
point attempted to cover a multitude of mgtters
which frequently disturb his docile attitude.
WINNIE, he says (and he feels it's all right for
him to call Churchill that because ... heh,
heh .. .so does Roosevelt when they talk things
over man to man), you don't have to worry
about that Jones-Wallace feud. That's just an-
other example of New Deal misplanning, throw-
ing two opposing elements in the same pot and
expecting harmony.
In fact, Winnie, he goes on, the whole New
Deal setup was a big farce and despite all the
harebrains in it, we're doing pretty well thanks
to a Congress that hasn't shirked when it came
to dishing out money for the war effort, our own
tremendous natural reserves and the spirit of
the American people. This war won't bust us,
Winnie, he says. And after it's over, we can
settle down to some nice sensible living, with
young new leaders and no empty party catch
phrases to cloud the way to a happier, stronger
Mr. Bingay throws a little shovel of dirt in
the respective faces of Walter Winchell, Mrs.
Roosevelt, Clifton Fadiman, Henry Wallace,
Elmer Davis, and Harold Laski. All this type,
representing the idealistic and impractical, are
talking through their hats Winnie, and under-
neath it all, we're going to go right on and win
this war in our own quiet way. Sit back andl
have a cigar, Winnie, you and the English
WELL, NOW, MAL, (you won't mind me calling
-you Mal will you), I'm mighty surprised the
Free Press lets you, knock Roosevelt that way,
because after all they're supposed to be support-
ing him generally, although lately they don't
seem to be much supporting anybody except the
various little opinions of their readers. However,
that's their business.
What I'd like to know, Mal, just what is. your
ideal of a rational and prosperous post-war
America? You give Roosevelt the business for
all his idealistic economic planning. Planning is
a bad thing, Mal? I'm afraid there are quite a
few million, servicemen who won't agree with
you, who are doing a little unobtrusive planning
for their lives after the war.
I also have a hunch that they'd like to have
a society to return to which will have provi-
sions, for their personal plans to take shape.
Idealistic planning, you say, Mal, with a pish
posh? Well, I have to admit that is somewhat
idealistic, making provisions for a stable post-
war economic structure, seeing ahead to the fate
(A 65,000,000 war workers and 10,000,000 return-
ing fighters. Kind of a high type of idealism,
don't you think.
When you lift your nose at the term you
malign it unduly; my friend. What planing
no matter how practical, with a lofty purpose,
ean't be called idealistic?
But I'm getting too abstract for such an earthy
fellow as yourself. You baseyour denunciation

of the Administration's idealism on this easily
spoken statement.
"These planners have been drawing plans
for ten years now and very few of them have
ever worked."
COME, COME, MAL. From what lofty peak are
you looking that you can't see the waters
flowing under your feet. What happened to the
depression and the despair that followed it, right
about the time Roosevelt came in. If I'm not
mistaken, there were a lot of people out of work
about then. There weren't a comparatively great
amount of Americans not constructively em-
ployed before the war broke out. Wages were
pretty high before Pearl Harbor too, particularly
for labor; for the first time in labor history. Or
don't you believe in the worker getting good
In fact American spirit was high: enough= by
that time to enable us to leap to the war effort
with amazing vitality.
Something must have helped boost us out of
adorned editorial. pages in connection with the
UnitedCoal Miners of America.
Fortunately for the-country, porksupplies have
increased and have at least partially solved the,
serious meat situation, temporarily; Also, the
meat producers are approaching, the dry spell

the hole, Mal. Who do you think did it? You
didn't quite make that clear in reducing Admin-
istration idealists for Winnie.
Henry Wallace is a dreamer in your sharp
eyes, Mal, therefore he gets a chuckle. But
Jesse Jones is a conservative old banker who
thinks before he spends the people's dollar.
Not, however, before he neglects the materiel
reserve behind the military forces, composed,,
incidentally, of the people's sons. What do
you imagine the people think more of, Mal,
their dollars or their sons?
Shucks, Mal, as I go along here, I'm beginning
to think you aren't so earthy after all.
Congress has shelled billions out to fight the
war, without a squawk. Darn nice of them; but
how else could they have made it possible for us
to fight at top efficiency.
When it came to backing up' proposals to
strengthen the home front though, like the Ad-
ministration anti-inflation bills, what happened
to the old cooperative spirit. They . admittedly
didn't have anything to offer in place, but it
seems they don't like certain people in the Ad-
ministration, just like you don't, so that's what
counted most. They were ready to negate us
into inflation and anything else that might crip-
ple a necessarily unnatural economic setup.
SORRY if I appear a little persnickety, Mal, old
shoe, but you give me the impression that,
except for the crackpot meddling which you
don't exactly define very clearly, this country is
just running about as smoothly as a new car.
Regular old Peaceful Valley. Only I don't know
quite what to make of these race riots and re-
ports that conditions in mining areas amount to
economic slavery and the news that our biggest
airplane plant, turns out defective engines. How
about that, Mal?
If the planning you condemn means to cor-
rect that sort of conditions and any others like
them which will have even more opportunity
to expand when we don't have a war to occupy
us, then It can't be as evil as you make it
sound. That to me seems like common sense
under the banner of which you purport to
write and think.
From what your friends, the big industrialists
say, I gather they have some big plans for after
the shooting themselves. New worlds of science
and mechanics, a plane in every family garage.
Fine, but what a corresponding set of blueprints
for social progress, which automatically includes
economic planning.
I don't know how Winnie would take your
letter if he ever read it, Mal. But out here it
sounds a bit like a self-satisfied after dinner
belch. - F.M.
I1d Racther
NEW YORK, July 15.- President Roosevelt
has never been less convincing than in his cur-
rent tete a tete with General Giraud. It doesn't
sell. General Giraud is not at the White House
because he is important; he is important because
he is at the White House.
As a general, Giraud is a solid man, of flesh
and bone compact. But as a politician he has
been in one continuous fainting spell for six
months. It was necessary, for months, to keep
ce Gaulle out of Africa in order to give him air.
Now he is receiving the oxygen-tank treatment
of a White House visit.
It does not help. The minute the Giraud
movement is left alone, it keels over. We are
forever finding it on the floor and picking it
up. Giraud, the man, is a stpt soldier and
can march all day. Giraud, te movement,
has rubber legs.
We are trying to puff life into a shadow on the
wall. It is an incredible enterprise for a free
democracy to engage in, in connection with an-
other country which we hope will someday soon
be a free democracy again. It is embarrassing.
We have selected this man, and we have thrown

our hats into the air-over him, and shouted loud-
ly, hoping to stir an ovation. Now we look, at
the< French people sidelong, out of the corners
of our eyes; and we find that we are shouting all
alone; they are watching us, wondering why we
are making all that noise.
The Giraud movement seemed to exist so
long, as de Gaulle was kept out of Africa. We
fooled ourselves into thinking it did exist. So,
finally, we admitted de Gaulle to Africa. We
were so sure, there was a Giraud movement.
that we insisted. de Gaulle make unity with it,
on a new French committee. But the moment
de Gaulle arrived, the Giraud movement dis-
appeared. The new French committee became
a de , Gaulle committee, to the surprise of
everybody except the people of France.
Our reporters were so puzzled that they ac-
cused the de Gaulle movement of "outmaneuver-
ing" the Giraud movement, of having crowded it,
brutally and ruthlessly, of having been arrogant
and naughty with it. It wasn't that at all. There
never was a Giraud movement. The de Gaulle,
movement obligingly made unity with an empty
room, as requested, and found itself alone in it.
One plus nothing equals one.
So, we do not like the French Committee for
National Liberation any more. We made it.

The Michigan Repertory Players
have turned from the mayhem of
Ladies in Retirement to the mara-
schino of Alice Sit-by-the-Fire, which
they ;resented last night at the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre (and ob-
viously intend doing 'the rest of this I
week), as though it were the most
normal thing in the world. The J.
M. Barrie opus is no g'reat shakes as
a play and is as remote from this
world, or any world, as a Vassar daisy
chain; but it makes tolerably pleas-'
ant listening in the production which
the Players have given it.
Valentine Windt and Claribel Baird
have directed the play with becoming
disrespect.' An opening night attack
of ambiguous and superfluous move-
ment will, undoubtedly, disappear,
leaving a crisp, impertinent and rap-
idly paced play to entertain you.
Some of the corn, which nearly pop-
ped in the Mendelssohn's torrid at-
mosphere, will undoubtedly be scrap-
ed from the ear. And a slight inde-
cision in the attack upon the play
. noticeable especially in the third
act . . . should evaporate before to-
night's performance.
The acting, while uniformly ade-
quate, is by no means uniformly suc-
cessful. The nicest performance ,was
that of Patricia Meikle as Alice. From
the neck up, Miss Meikle looked as
pretty as those candy box pictures
Mother used to enjoy. Be that as it
' may, her performance as a whole
was a agreeable, believable, pleasant
and a small bushel full of other ac-
ceptable adjectives. She moved with
assurance and charni and her voice
was a delightfully flexible one.
(There is an un-sat-by fire which
would enjoy having Miss Meikle for
John Hathaway as Cosmo Grey ...
a rather insufferable 1905 brat .-.
managed to deliver some outrag-
eously prissy lines and still get off-
stage without being murdered. He
has a talent worthy of careful work-
ing. John Babbington, as the Colo-
nel. was amusing and enjoyable, al-
though he evidently had no shred
of characterization upon which to
build his satire. Blanche Holpar, un-
believably badly costumed, managed
somehow to surmount the difficul-
ties thrust upon her and pontributed
a performance chock full of fun
and disrespect. Marcia Nelson, while
sprightly, played a trifle too hard
and, regrettably, tended to throw
the entire acting unit out of focus.
The costumes . . . "costumes" . .
were neither imaginative nor taste-
ful, failing to integrate with Mr.
Philippi's respectable and unobtru-
sive sets, both of which were so
badly lighted that the play seemed
visually ugly. The lack of crispness
and verve which kept the opening
night performance from realizing all
its potentialities may be directly
traceable to a limp and foggy techni-
cal production.
On the whole, however, the play
was pleasantly amusing, even .verg-
ing on the uproarious at times, and
you should have a fine time at the
Mendelssohn this week. Last night's
audience laughed itself fairly silly.
-Richard McKelvey


WASHINGTON, July 15.- A new I
phrase has developed among War'
Department strategists in mapping
out operations in Sicily and the Med-
iterranean. It is "classical war-
The Army Air Forces have
coined the phrase in their desire
to throw cold water on the "classi-
cal" foot-soldier methods of the
older services of the Army, and to"
push ahead with all-out air at-
tacks. Classical warfare, they say,
is like studying Greek and Latin
in a day when we need Spanish,
Russian and .French,-
This debate began before the land-f
ing in Sicily, and continues now re-
garding future possible operations in
Sardinia, Corsica and Italy itself.
Want To Move Fast,
The method used in invading Sicily
was a compromise among land, air
and naval elements, resulting in the
"peculiar amphibious operations"
Churchill talked about. But the Air
Forces believe they can rove even
faster and more effectively in con-
quering other parts of Italy if they
don't have to be tied down by classi-
cal warfare.
For instance, with bases in
Sicily, Army airmen think they
can so pulverize the industrial
plants of northern Italy that they
can bomb that country out of the
war without waiting for huge
landing operations to come up and
help them.
Then with air bases in northern
Italy, they are within range of the
hidden synthetic gasoline and rub-
ber factories which Hitler has
moved into Austria and Czecho-
slavakia. Thus, step by step, the
air forces believe they can knock
out the enemy without resorting to
classical warfare.
Axis Planes Knocked Out
Here is one significant thing Army
airmen point to. During the ten
days just before we: invaded Sicily
the Nazis had been sending a lot of
new planes into Sicily and southern
But after one day of fresh Axis
air strength, which was heavily dam-
aged by U.S. planes, there followed
a -day or two of weak resistance. In
other words, Axis planes were
knocked out and had to wait for
reinforcements. These reinforce-
ments kept coming up until about
two days before the invasion, after.
which Axis air resistance was light.
Cox the Fox
The Cox Committee investigating
the Federal Communications Com-
mission, having set one record for
violating the American spirit of fair
play, now is out to beat its own rec-
First, its chairman, Representative
Eugene Cox of Georgia, having been

Mr. Chips . ..
confuses me-and probably a lot
of other people too. Is he serious
when he asks that 5,000,000 people
be killed-in cold blood? It seems
like we're supposed to be fighting to
do away 'with mass murder, preju-
dice and ignorance-three mudholes
that Mr. Chips bathes so gruesomely
If he expects me to be a part of
that wonderful firing squad, he'll
first have to beat me on the head
a few thousand times.
The German soldier has been
doing a job-perhaps it's a nasty
one and millfons of victims don't
care much for them. But in the
name of what kind of justice and
what kind of humanity are we to
right the wrongs done to all peo-
ple by the war? And can the
wrongs be righted by murdering
5,000;000 Germans?
If hatred and vengeance are to be
bridgeheads through which we ap-
proach the post-war world, we'll
wind up with another war in short
As one interested in a peaceful
post-war world in which all peoples
will live with the four freedoms un-
der their pillows, I suggest that we
concentrate on education, recon-
structiori and learning how to live
with others-rather than closing our
eyes and murdering an arbitrary
5,000,000 human beings.
Goodbye, Mr. Chips!
-P.F.C. Harold Belikoff

I effder6

accused of illegally taking a $2,500
lobbying fee, is now placed in the
unique position of sitting in judg-
ment on his accusers-the FCC.
The Georgia Congressman at
one time had so many relatives on
the government payroll that the
total take- of himself and family
was $56,500. This is nearly four
times greater than the salary of
the Vice-President, nearly three
times the salary of Chief Justice
Stone.eNevertheless, when the
FCC sent the matter of Cox's al-
leged lobbying fee to the Justice
Department for 'criminal prosecu-
tion, Cox flew into a tantrum and
started a Congressional probe of
his accusers.
Now, his committee has gone one
step further and has devised a sys-
tem of trying to shut up any rebut-
tal from the Federal Communica-
tions Commission, so that only one
side can be heard. (It might be a
good idea for the public to remember
this in reading news about the FCC
Author of the strategy of letting-
only one side of the news picture get
to the reading public is Robert Hum-
phreys of International News Ser-
vice, acting as adviser to the Cox
Committee. Humphreys wrote the
memo for the committee, which was
circulated to every member by its
counsel Eugene L. Garey.


VOL. LIII, No. 13-S
All notices for The Daily Official Bulle-
tin are to be sent to the Office of the
Summer Session in typewritten form by
3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publi-
cation, except on Saturday when'the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
Registration for students in both
the Summer Session and the Sum'-
mer Term continues in the Bureau
of Appointments and Occupational
Information, 201 Mason Hall, from
9-12 and 2-4. Those interested in
enrolling for employment in teach-
ing and in business or industrial jobs
may pick up the registration mater-
ial at this time. Those who already
mistaken is the absurd. The last
stage of the absurd is the angry.
What could have seemed more
practical to practical men than to
select a dim sort of French Hoover,
with a military background, a man
whose greatest political virtue is his
inertia, and to set .him up as-leader?
He doesn't want any new kind of
France, he doesn't want any big up-
sets; he doesn't want to punish re-
spectable people merely because they
were traitors for a couple of years;
he doesn't think we were wrong to
deal with Vichy; his very existence
reassures the State Department that
nothing very importanst has hap-
pened in the world, and that it was
really right for the last ten years,
but happened to be unlucky.
It must give these practical men
of ours a fright to find that it all

have checked out the material are
reminded to return it within a week
of the date it was checked out.
Campus Mail: To expedite deliv-
ery should be addressed to the indi-
vidual, his department, and the buil
ding. Room numbers not necessary.
Lecture-Demonstration on how to
lead community singing, by Augustus
Zanzig of the United States Treasury
Department, will be given at 9-11
aim. today in the Lane Hall Audi-
torium. Open to all.
Academic Notices
Students, Summer Term, College
of Literature, Science and the Arts:
No course may be elected for credit
after the end of the third week. July
17 is therefore the last date on which
new elections maybe approved. The
willingness of an individual instruc-
tor to admit a student later does not
affect the operation of this rule.
E. A. Walter
School of Education Students:
Courses dropped after Saturday; July
17, will be recorded with the grade
of E except under extraordinary cir-
cumstances. No course is considered
officially dropped unless it has been
reported in the Office of the Regis-
trar, Room 4, University Hall.
School of Education, Changes of
Elections in' the Suer Ternm: No
course may be elected for credit after
Saturday, July 17. Students must
report all changes of elections at the'
Registrar's Office; Room 4, Univer-

intending to take these examinations
should notify my office at once.
-Clifford Woody, Chairman of
Committee on Graduate Study
in Education.
Events Today
American Society of Mechanical
Engineers: The opening meeting of
the Summer semester- will be held
this evening at 7:30 o'clock in Room
318 of the Union. Pictures of the
Michigan-Notre Dame 1942 football
game will be shown. All engineering
students (Marines, Bluejackets, Sol-
diers, and civilians) are invited to
A.I.Ch.E.: All Chemical Engineers
are invited to attend the first meet-
ing: of the semester. Professor J. A.
Van den Broe will talk on "What Is
Strength?" The meeting will be
held at 7:30 o'clock this evening' in
room 302 of the Michigan Union.
French Club: The French National
Holiday will be celebrated by the'
French Club this evening at 8 o'clock
in the Michigan League. Mr. Pierre
de St. Clair will give a talk. There
will be group, singing and a friendly
social hour. All students and men
in uniform are cordially invited, as
well as faculty people interested.
French Tea: There will be a
French Tea at 4 p.m. today at the
International Center. Students, men
in uniform and" faculty people areA
cordially invited.
Xi, Chapter of- Pi Lambda Theta:
National Honor Association of Wo-

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