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July 15, 1943 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1943-07-15

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Administrator Air Act
Lays Dangers Contin
To Theorists On Mu
Professors Are Blamed Yanks Pepper
For Unworkable Ideas, Shipping, Air
Confusion in Politics Blast Jap Foxi
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, July 14.-Lou By The Associated
R. Maxon, deputy administrator of ALLIED H E A DQ UE
the Office of Price Administration in THE SOUTHWEST R
charge-of information, resigned today 15. (Thursday)-The B
with a declaration that the agency is da appeared to observ
"so bound up in legalistic red tape have settled down tos
that Houdini himself couldn't un-
tangle it' blasting of the Japanese
The red-haired Detroit advertising foxholes, bunkers ands
executive, who had been frequently defending the air ba
mentioned as a possible general man- Georgia.
ager for OPA, said he could not ac- The United States air
cept that job and "cannot continue ued to pound at both
to be associated with OPA in any airdromes which thee
capacity." use in Munda's behalf
"OPA must not fail," Maxon past 24 hours there hast
said in a five-page statement, and reports of ground activ
then, continued: dicated that the jun
against Munda was re
"But if OPA fails, it will be be- into the same slow butu
cause of its own internal weakness- fective procedure whi
confusion, indecision, compromise, campaigns against Gu
miles of legalistic red tape, and the the Solomons and theF
presence of theorists in policy-mak- insula, of New Guinea.
ing positions." Scouting over waters1
"In OPA there is a marked distrust Georgia and Kolomb
of business people," the statement flights of Mitchell med
went on. Heads of many vital depart- which had an escort
ments, he said, are handicapped by fighters, on Wednesday
a lack of practical experience. destroyed two large Jap
"We have a large number of pro- which the enemy favors
fessors and theorists whose un- means of coastal supply.
workable ideas have been conceived They were located in
in the rarified atmosphere of the bordering on, Blackett
classroom," he addedstrait leads into the Ku
lhtwice the Japanese tried






d Press
attle of Mun-
vers today to
a methodical
e out of their
strong points
ase on New
rforce contin-
shipping and
enemy might
but for the
been no fresh
ity. This in-
ngle fighting
solving itself
ultimately ef-
ch won the
adalcanal in
Papuan Pen-
between New
angara, two
ium bombers,
of Warhawk
attacked and
anese barges.
as a stealthy
Hunda Cove
Strait. That
a Gulf where
d to rush aid

Secretary Stimson Greetedn1 Arrival In London

In U
German a
mained st
the Orel-F
Nazi soldi
eral popu
strewn w
2,000 Ger.
Soviet mi
The Ge
the Russi
fense of R
Orel whe
ers broke
the city.
their ori
"Our atta
stopped b
and recor
In theF
said thee
tanks an
data on'
Orel, Ku
brought d
to 158, sat
ed by The
ter in the
dent reco
tank rifle
sent tank
tack, thel
pectedly fi
and tent
about 200
1 71 7 s

ss; Resigns
'l Attack Eighth Army
talled in Bears Down
rsk Area On Port City
[s Lose 2,000 Men Powerful American
Ieds Counterattack Force Strikes Inland
nnamed Regions Toward Caltagirone
y The Associated Press By The Associated Press
}N, July 15, Thursday-The ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN
attack in central Russia re- NORTH AFRICA, July 14.- Brit-
alled for the second day in am's victorious Eighth Army tonight
Kursk area Wednesday and bore down on Catania, port city half-
ers were driven from "sev- way along the eastern Sicilian coast
elated places" on another toward the prize of Messina opposite
sector before a Soviet the toe of Italy, and late dispatches
tack that left the field said Catania's fall was imminent.
ith the corpses of about In the southwest a powerful force
man officers and men, the of Americans, which already has
idnight communique said taken more than 8,000 prisoners,
scored a 15-mile advance on the left
rmans, meanwhile, pictured flank, captured two more key air-
an battle as a German de- dromes, and struck inland toward
lussian counterattacks near Caltagirone, southwestern gateway
re they said Soviet attack- to the Catania plain which it was
through east and north of believed the Eighth Army already
They were pushed back to had reached on the east.
ginal positions later, the More than 12,000 prisoners alto-
said. gether have been captured on Sicily,
er Berlin broadcast said, it was announced tonight and on the
ack has been temporarily fifth day of the campaign Axis de-
y heavy rainstorms." This fenses appeared to be still paralyzed.
was relayed by the BBC In the words of one military observer
ded in New York by NBC.) here: "The Axis is hanging on the
Belgorod area the Russians ropes."
enemy lost more than 100 Paul Kern Lee, Associated Press
d 47 airplanes. Additional correspondent with the British fleet,
Tuesday's fighting in the writing from aboard a British cruiser
rsk and Belgorod areas in Catania Bay, said the German
totals of German planes Hermann Goering Division was de-
down by anti-aircraft fire, fending the Catania plains.
id the communique, record- Allied warships were shelling the
Soviet Monitor. villages of Lentini and Carlentini on
of the fight without quar- the road to Catania, Lee said, report-
Belgorod area was an inci- ing a stubborn core of Axis resis-
)rded by the Soviet com- tance around the villages. Dis-
A detachment of anti- patches from other sources said the
men penetrated behind the British may have already taken Len-
lines and as the Germans tini.
s and infantry into an at- Cleanup of the entire area was ex-
Russians opened fire unex- pected shortly, Lee added.
:rom the rear. Twelve tanks * * *
trucks were destroyed and
) Germans killed before the Invaders Finid
attack broke.
No Resistance

Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson (right) is greeted on arrival in London by plane from the United
States by Lt. Gen. Jacob L. Devers (left), U.S. commander in the European theatre of operations. Lt. Col.
William H. Wright (center) accompanied Stimson.
Incendia~ryBombing of Detroit or
Chicag Predicted within 30 Days


"The professorial mind, in my es-t
timation, is one of the most danger-
ous factors in our government today."G
Maxon said OPA needed a "drasticc
reorganization, a strong, clear direc-
tion, and a liberal transfusion ofI
common horse sense." The job of
controlling prices and rationingl
scarce commodities in a global war
is vast enough, he said, "without the
infusion of any efforts to remake
the American economy at the same
"There is a strong clique in OPA
who believe that the government
should manufacture and distribute
all commodities," Maxon said.
"They are using the war as a,
means of furthering their reform
ideas and will continue to use
honest men in OPA as a front for
their efforts.
"If this group isn't curbed, we are
going to lose a good slice of the very
freedom we are fighting for. I can-
not subscribe to their obvious efforts
to force radical and dangerous con-
cepts on the public under the excuse
of wartime needs."
Price Administrator Prentiss
Brown did not make any comment
immediately on Maxon's charges.
Maxon had cleared out his desk and
departed an hour before the state-
ment was issued to newspapermen
by his secretary.
Maxon assailed OPA policy on
a wide variety of grounds, but
mainly he assailed the presence of
officials whom he described as
"theorists and young lawyers." He
said they would stay until forced
out because "most of them are in
better jobs than they could obtain
In private life."
OPA has developed no realisti4,'
workable overall food program, Max-
on declared, and its work in this field
has been on a "strictly catch as catch
can" basis.
"I cannot subscribe," he observed
also, "to the type of thinking that
created the hosiery order, or that
continues to drive for grade labelling
or permits an agency of the govern-
ment to openly declare that an in-
dependent merchant's store is an
inefficient and costly place to pa-
"Grade labelling, in my sincerest
estimation, presents the greatest
threat to American industry and
our way of life that ever existed,
16 _ .... ISO- -It i 14 hn nyrac.in.

to Munda with swift cruisers and
destroyers only to lose between 13
and 17 warships to the accurate guns
of the United States Navy.
Above Kolombangara, off Vella
Lavella, a Japanese cargo ship also
was destroyed by Mitchells in the
Beagle Channel.
Ask Business I
Nelson, Davis, Jones
Give War Messages
Starting New Drive
WASHINGTON, July 14.- (/")-
Government Administrators of War
Production, Information, Food, and,
Economic Stabilization joined today
in a call for full mobilization of the
voice of American business behind a
campaign to keep the home front
abreast of military offensives.
Speakers on a broadcast inaugur-
ating a drive by the War Advertising
Council for war message advertising
were Donald M. Nelson, Chairman
of the War Production Board'
(WPB), Elmer Davis, Director of the
Office of War Information (OWD,
Marvin Jones, War Food Adminis-
trator; and Fred M. Vinson, Eco-
nomic Stabilization Director.
Nelson reported a half-billion dol-
lar failure to meet war production'
goals in June, which he charged in
part to public complacency. He
warned of a "staggering job ahead"'
if the deficit is to be made up.
Davis, director of the Office of
War Information (OWl), asserted
that the people will "respond mag-
nificently" if they know "what is
expected of them, and why, and be-
lieve that it makes sense."
Jones declared his full faith in the
"judgment and patriotism of Ameri-
cans" and said it was imperative
that they be told "the real facts
about food supplies and food require-
ments". He asked business aid in
advising the public about the "na-
tional sin" of waste which he said
poured 380 pounds of food a year
ner nerson into neacetime garbage

"Detroit or Chicago will proba-
bly be bombed within the next
thirty days," Chief Harry K. Rog-
ers, director of the University Fire
College said yesterday.
"There is a possibility that
bombing waves are coming in the
near future. Defeat of the Africa
Corps and invasion of Sicily has
had a devastating effect on Ger-
man morale and probably one of
the most dramatic things that Hit-
ler could do would be to order
bombing here in the States," he
"This area is 300 air miles
nearer to some Axis bases than
either of the coast areas. We
don't anticipate sustained bomb-
ing raids, but only nuisance
raids directed. towards strategic
targets, probably Detroit or Chi-
cago areas.
"Both of these cities are located
in the Sixth Service Area, and the
Sixth Service Area has more war
industries than any other area in
the United States. The Axis being
fully aware of this, it is quite like-
ly that this area will be selected as
a target.
"Military authorities with
whom I have talked are quite
sure that such ansattack will
occur," Chief Rogers said.
"The raids will primarily be of
an incendiary nature in all proba-
bility because of the type of con-
A cqu ain Lance
Bureau Nets
$21 for Fund
Starts Of f Two Week
Campaign of Gifts to
Bomber Scholarshiip
The new League Acquaintance
Bureau has already netted $21 which
it turned over to the Bomber Schol-
arship drive yesterday, making the
initial contribution since the cam-
paign started Monday.
The two-week drive to gain funds
for the purchase of war bonds which
will be converted into scholarships
after the war, asks for contributions
from individuals and campus organi-
"I wish the Bomber Scholarship all
the luck in the world in its new
drive," Cpl. C. L. DePriester, former
Bomber chairman, now stationed at
Camp McCoy, Wis., said in a recent
letter to Mary June Hastreiter, '44,
summer chairman of the Fund. "We

struction in this country which is
quite different from European cit-
ies. American cities are built to
burn. We still have no assur-
ance, however; that the Axis will
not use high explosives in consid-
erable numbers.
"The incendiary bomb menace
is very definite,;but the results of
those raids can be almost negligi-
ble if every man, woman and child
in this country would accept their
individual responsibility and learn
what to do and how to d~o it in
case of a bombing. It is entirely
possible to extinguish these bombs
and the fires they may start with-
out a great deal of difficulty.
"My guess is that if we do get
a raid this summer, we will get
it in the next thirty days. Fly-
ing conditions are perfect for it
"Ann Arbor itself is not a stra-
tegic target, but not all attacking
planes reach their objectives which
in this case might be the bomber
plant. We may rest assured that

any Axis planes not reaching their
objective would drop their load on
any built up community. There-
fore, there is a grave danger here
in Ann Arbor.
"The fact that the OCD has
allocated fire fighting equipment
to this area is quite conclusive
evidence that Ann Arbor might
be the recipient from the air
"American people are still be-
lieving that it can't happen here.
That is exactly what people of
Rotterdam, Helsinki and a lot of
other destroyed cities thought.
"We must have squads with
equipment organized in every
block to handle incendiary bombs,"
he said.
The men in the fire college are
all being taught methods of fire
control. The fire departments are
what is termed passive defense. It
has been proved conclusively in
England that if it hadn't been for
the British fire department, there
wouldn't be any England today.

Vacationing Children To Sell,
White Tags for Annual Drive

Ninety-six vacationing "kids" from
the University Fresh Air Camp will
be on hand from 9 a.m. till 3:30 p.m.
today selling little white tags for the
benefit of the annual Tag Day drive.
With a goal of $1,200, the Tag Day
committee hopes to contact every
student, serviceman, and Ann Arbor
resident for a contribution.
Tag Day is a twenty-three year
old tradition on the University cam-'
pus and is the main support of the
camp. Located on Patterson Lake
near Pinckney, the camp provides
everything in the way of outdoor
recreation. Swimming, canoeing,
dikes, overnight camping trips and
camp craft work are all included in
the day's program.
The camp itself may be called an
Pacfist Szymranski
Is Agyain Arraigned
Confirmed pacifist Thaddeus A.
Szymanski, '41E, after serving a 15
month sentence for refusal to fill
out a Selective Service questionnaire,
refused again and was yesterday ar-
raigned before Federal Judge Arthur
M. Tuttle of Detroit.
Probably the first second offender
arraigned under the Selective Service
Ao. 7.m anm i; i MIi Pf-ral Ji .T n

"experiment in human relation-
ships". Serving as special counsel-
ors are outstanding psychologists,
sociologists, and psychiatrists. Many
of the boys who are from metropoli-
tan areas have been sent to the camp
by social agencies for special study.
Headquarters for the drive will be
located in the basement of the First
Methodist Church.
The boys who are selling the tags
will have lunch at the Church, and
will attend a show later in the after-
Director of the drive is Prof. F. N.
Renner Speaks
At Fire College
"The decrease from 262 lives lost in
1941 in Michigan to 179 lost in 1942
may be attributed largely to the fire
prevention campaign and is a direct
result of education," Arnold C. Ren-
ner, Chief Fire Marshall Division,
Michigan State Police, East Lansing,
said yesterday in an address before
the fifteenth annual Michigan Fire
"The fire loss in Michigan is on
the increase in 1943 over 1942 due
tn increased production and not

Allied Planes
Attack ,Paris,
Suburb Airport
Bombing Raids Darken
French Skies above
German Installations
LONDON, July 14.-(')--Flying
Fortresses and swarms of lesser
American and British planes darken-
ed the French skies today with bomb-
ing attacks on an aircraft factory and
park at the great LeBourget airport
in the Paris suburbs and four other
German installations.
They shot down 51 German planes
45 of which fell to the deadly for-
tress guns over LeBourget and Villa-
coublay, where aircraft repair and
assembly plants were pounded.
A joint communique by the U. S.
Eighth Air Force and the British
Air Ministry set Allied losses at eight
bombers and four fighters but did
not further specify the casualties.
Other targets in the widespread
daylight attacks which followed a
heavy RAF raid on the strategic rail-
way center of Aachen in southwest
Germany last night, were airfields at
Amiens-Glisy, Abbeville and Tri-
(The Berlin radio suddenly ceased
broadcasting near midnight, indicat-
ing perhaps another RAF assault on
the continent).
The day's operations by both the
RAF and the Americans added up to
probably the most powerful offensive
yet delivered on the German air
force in western Europe.
Boston and Typhoon bombers hit
Abbeville and Tricoueville, and the
fortress attacked the other three
"Bombing results were good at all
three targets," the communique said
of the Fortress raid on Le Bourget,

NOTO, Sicily, July 12.-(Delayed)
-(/P)-The invasion of the south-
eastern tip of Sicily has become a
pursuit pf an almost non-resisting
. In three days the assault force has
gone twice as far and twice ;as fast
as it planned.
The armored spearhead by midday
was at Palazzolo, 30 miles from the
landing beach and was expected to
be miles further northwest by the
end of the afternoon.
When shock forces swarmed ashore
early Saturday they brought with
them scarcely enough transport for
the progress expected.
That transport was still inadequate
as the invaders assumed the role of
pursuers of the world's fleetest re-
Today I saw men slogging along
under the blaze of they noonday sun,
slightly weary. Each step kicked up
a little cloud of dust which with
whirling clouds created by passing
trucks slowly and steadily gave the
men a grey crust from head to toe.
They were evidently beginning to
feel the heat and their muscles were
just starting to tire as they plodded
on but their spirit and morale was
as good as ever.
Italian non-resistance reached a
new peak when they abandoned 24
field guns following the start of an
infantry attack on their positions.
Although well-placed along a line
commanding heights, they fired a
few token rounds and then some
gunners fled, some gave themselves
up and the guns were captured by
the attacking infantry without a
single casualty.
The action was over remarkably
An impression of the capture was
given by Capt. James Pennie, wlo
said that "one minute the men were
fighting forward, five minutes later
they were giving cigarettes to pris-
oners and five minutes after that
they were pacifying nearby women
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