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July 11, 1943 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1943-07-11

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SUNDAY, jtmx-1i, IM



S1JND~t~. . . . .4;............v

Service Men
Invited To Open
House Today
Inaugurating the first in a series
of open houses for servicemen and
Univrsity students, the Playhouse at
the Women's Athletic Building will
open its doors from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.
and from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. today.
The open house will be informal
and the lone boy who wishes to get
acquainted will find a score of hos-
tesses waiting to greet him, show
him the building's sports facilities
and introduce him to other guests.
Men with dates and coeds who wish
to meet people will also be welcome.
For those who would just like
to relax, the terrace will be scattered
with comfortable chairs. In the
newly decorated lounge, chess,,
checkers, backgammon and cards will
be the feature attraction.
Badminton and shuffleboard sets,
croquet mallets, baseballs and bats,
and volley balls can be rented for a
small fee which will be used to pur-
chase new equipment in the future,
Miss Marie Hartwig, of the physical
education department said yesterday.
Equipment for the games will be on
the playing fields.
The open houses are being spon-
sored by the Department of Physical
Education for Women, and are under
the joint direction of the League
social committee and the Women's
Athletic Association.
Ushers for Plays
Needed at League
University women who are in-
terested in ushering for the summer
series of plays being given by the
Michigan Repertory Players are re-
quested to register in the under-
graduate office of the League.
Miss Ethel McCormick, social di-
rector of the League, said yesterday
that still more coeds can be used as
the plays will continue throughout
the summer. Women ushering must
be at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
at 7:45 p.m. The ushers may wear
afternoon dresses and dress shoes,
Miss McCormick stated, but no
sneakers will be allowed.


"Workin On Railroad"

Qov't Forms
United Cadet

Swander, Former Daily Editor,
Engaged to Laura Ponievozik



The reason was more than "to pass the time away" though, for the
women pictured above cleared brush and refuse from the tracks so
the trains could go through. In the foreground is Lillian Mikula, '45,
while from left to right in the background are Marion Baskette, '44, and
Doris Peterson, '46.
Positions Open To Undergraduate
Women On League Ground Crew

Membership Open to StudentsI
Enrolled After Dec., 1940;
First Subsidy for Nurses1
All students enrolled after Decem-
ber, 1940, in training schools 'with
accelerated courses such as those of-
fered by the University and any per-
son interested in taking a nursing1
course, may become members of the
new United Cadet Nurse Corps, the
first nursing program ever to be
subsidized by the government.
In a telegram from Thomas Par-
ran, Surgeon-General of the United
States Public Health Service, Miss
Rhoda Reddig, Director and Prof. of
the University School of Nursing,
was informed of the provisions of the
Bolton-Bailey bill whose passage in
Congress instituted thevnew $65,000,-
000 training program which will go
into nation-wide effect this fall.
First Government Subsidy
Miss Reddig stated, "This is the
first time that the Federal govern-
ment has ever appropriated money
for a nursing education, and I think
it is tremendously worthwhile for
young women to take advantage of
this educational opportunity. Nurs-
ing is work for the future."
The bill provides that nurses en-
rolled in this training program will,
have their tuition and certain essen-
tials paid by the government and
that they will receive a $15 monthly
allowance for the first nine months
of training, $20 monthly for the next
fifteen to twenty-one months and
$30 monthly for the last six months.
The bill also stated that "'there
shall be no discrimination . . on
account of race, creed, or color."
After graduation, the nurses may go
into military, civilian, or government
Will Alleviate Shortage
Mr. Parran stated in his telegram
that he "hoped for participation of
all eligible schools and immediate
intensive recruitment of large fall
Mrs. Chester Bolton of Cleveland,
member of the House of Representa-
tives, and Senator Bailey, who intro-
duced the bill to Congress, stressed
the need for a nation-wide training
program which would alleviate the
shortage of nursesncaused by the in-
duction of 3,000 nurses per month
into the Army alone.
Miss Reddig said, "As the Univer-
sity Hospital expects to participate
in this nursing program, I would be
glad to hear from anyone interested."
Thirty-Two Girls Attend
Surgical Dressing Unit
The Surgical Dressing Unit at the
League, which opened last week was
attended by 15 people on Wednesday
who contributed a total of 22 1/2
hours, and 17 students on Wednes-
day with 27 hours and 20 minutes
contributed. The Unit will be open
from 1 p.m. till 5 p.m. every Wednes-
day and Thursday during the sum-
mer session.

The engagement of Laura Ponie-
vozik to Midshipman Homer D.
Swander, Jr., USNR, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Homer D. Swander of Kalama-
zoo, was announced recently by her,
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Ponie-
vozik of Dearborn. No date has been
set for the wedding.
Miss Ponievozik is a freshman in
the University. Midshipman Swander
graduated on April 24 and entered
the Navy V-7 training program in
Chicago on April 29.
A former managing editor of the
Daily, Midshipman Swander was also
a student member of the Board in i
Control of Student Publications and
of the University War Board. He
is a member of Sphinx, Michigamua,
and Sigma Delta Chi, honorary jour-
nalistic fraternity.
Coeds To Enroll in
All coeds who, wish to enroll in
one of the Red Cross defense courses
must sign up in the undergraduate
office of the League before Tuesday,
Mona Heath, '44, president of the
Women's War Council, said yester-
The'standard course in home nurs-
ing will be held from 7:30 p.m. to
9:30 p.m. every Thursday in North
Hall. From 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. every
Tuesday or Wednesday, the standard
first aid course will be given. The ad-
vanced first aid course, which is open
only to students who have had the
standard course, will be offered from
7 p.m. to 9 p.m. every Thursday.

Cross Courses

A course in motor mechanics will
be offered from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. every
Tuesday or Wednesday in Ann Arbor
High School. The course will last for
ten weeks.
Speakers To Meet
All students, whether enrolled in
the summer term or session are in-
vited to attend the mass meeting of
the Summer Speaker's Bureau to be
held at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow at the
League, Mary Lee Grossman, chair-
man, announced. .

Bureau Opens
Putting an end to the necessity of
spending a lonely Friday or Satur-
day evening, the .Bomber Scholarship
acquaintance bureau will oe open to-
morrow and Tuesday at the League.
Coeds may register from 1:30 p.m.
to 3 p.m. and the men may sign up
from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Eliza-
beth Swisher, '44Ed, Jane Graham,
'43A, Carol McCormick, '46, and
Elaine Rithert, '43 will assist Mary
June Hastreiter, '44, chairman of the
Bomber Scholarship Fund in regis-
tering applicants.
A twenty-five cent registration fee
will be charged and the money will
be added to the Bomber 7Scholarship
Fund which was established to pro-
vide scholarships for University stu-
dents returning after the war to
complete their education.
Applicants will be required to reg-
ister certain "vital statistics" which
will be used in arranging an ideal
date on the basis of mutual interests
and requests. Service men, civilian
students, and coeds may sign up.
The bureau will arrange coke dates
between the applicants and from
there on "they are on their own,"
Miss Hastreiter said. "If the man
wants to ask the woman for a date,
it's up to him. If not, he can try
Miss Hastreiter expressed the hope
that the women would not 'be back-
ward about registering because the
bureau will offer an excellent oppor-
tunity for coeds to get acquainted
with the numerous service men who
would like to know some University
women but have not found the "right
approach" yet.


All undergraduate women who
are interested in obtaining positions'
on the central committee of the
Ground Crew should report to the
undergraduate office in the League
between 3 p.m. -and 5 p.m. Tuesday,

Fashion Lady Original


Marian Baskette, '44, chairman said
There are three positions open to
underclassmen, contact, files, and
publicity chairman, and "any one
of them provides an excellent oppor=
tunity for students to work up in
the League," Miss Baskette stated.
Any coed who becomes a mem-!
ber of the central committee this
summer will automatically become a
member of the Buildings and
Grounds committee next fall. "As all
of the returning members will be
seniors, the underclassmen will be
eligible for the position of Personnel
Women interested in working of
the Ground Crew may still sign-up
in the undergraduate offices of the
League or at the sub-station in back
of Waterman Gymnasium where
work assignments aye made.
Coeds may work on the project at'
a wage rate of 60 cents an hour from
1 p.m. to 6 p.m. weekdays, 8 a.m. to
noon and 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. Saturdays,
and 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sundays* Two
hours of consecmutive work is re-

f 1

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STUDENTS are dodging
squads of marching men
these days as the summer
term gets under way with
a predominantly military
outlook . . . Vfore than 200
men of the ASTP have set-
tled down to the cleaning
of fraternity houses in
which they, are quartered
and the attending
of refresher courses until
their regular program be-
gins July 12. . . . Army
men are also living in
Fletcher Hall now.
* * *
the fraternity houses for
the Army to move into
found their task extremely
interesting . . . At one
house the boys must have

the teeth were still there
but no longer in the box
... Someone had scattered
them all over the room ...
One soldier summed up the
situation aptly with the
remark, "Boy, what a party
that must have been!"
Work of cleaning the
houses included mowing
lawns, trimming bushes,
dismantling bars and ex-
cavating beer and whisky
bottles from innumerable
hiding places . . . to the
tune of five carloads of
TURNING OUT in white
sailor uniforms are the
1,300 Navy V-12 trainees
A welcome contrast
from the khaki that domi-
nates the campus, these
men can at least wander

Lion over the Fourth, most
University students left
town for the weekend, re--
turning full of ambition
for their studies.
FINDING OUT the hor-
rors of war are the Univer-
sity professors who lunch
daily in the Union Univer-
sity Club . . . Soup forms
part of every lunch ... but
since the Army has taken
to eating in the Union din-
ing room, no soup spoons
have been on hand for the
desperate professors, who
even tried straws as a last
resort . . . While the Army
had all the soup spoons,
the men had not yet had
soup for lunch, one enter-
prising waitress discovered
. Said one soldier, "Every

Weeks is required to. get
clothes washed. . . and
huge bundles are being
turned away daily . . .
Shortage of labor is re-
sponsible for the situation
...Army laundry is be-
ing washed in Detroit, the
shortage is so acute here
..- If it gets worse, most
Army work will be sent
to Fort Ouster, Captain
Zartman of the Quarter-
master Corps said.
* * *
RESULTS from the Uni-
versity Fresh Air Camp
drive last spring have made
it possible for 120 boys
from nearby areas to at-
tend the camp . . . Visitors
crowded the camp last
-week aspreparation for
the Tag Day which will be
held Thuirsdav.

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