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July 11, 1943 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1943-07-11

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Allied Bombing of Ruhr Area
Would Demolish Ann Arbor

The Fleet's In And Swinging Out

"The equivalent amount of bombst
which Allied planes have dropped
regularly on the large industrial
cities in the Ruhr area would de-
molish only one third of Detroit but
would leave Ann Arbor in a heap of
smoking rubbish," Col. Henry W.
Miller, Army Ordnance officer and
head of the Department of Mechan-
ism and Engineering Drawing in the
College of Engineering said yester-
"More than 2,000 tons of bombs
have been dropped on these cities
which have a population of two to
three hundred thousand people. Ann
Arbor, with a population of 28,000,
would be completely extinguished by
such a bombardment. It might be
possible to distinguish where the
streets had been, but exerything else
would be wiped out completely."
Cities Average Three Raids
"Most of these manufacturing
cities get at least three bombard-
ments, as the cities are built rough-
ly into three sections. The center, or
business section gets the first blast,
which is preceded by incendiaries.
The business area will then burn
for days, so that the way is open
to the bombing of the outer ring
which usually comprises the manu-
facturing area. Unfortunately, the1




residential section is between the
center and the outer area, and so
often suffers too, although the aim
of the bombers is, of course, the
manufacturing area."
"Thus these cities are bombed to
the point of saturation by the time
the three raids are over," Col. Miller
Allied Bombings Surpass German
Prof. Arnold M. Kuethe of the
Department . of Aeronautical Engi-
neering offered the suggestion that
the Allied bombings of Europe were
more effective than the German
bombardments of England, as the
Germans bombed without a definite
plan. "They have been just destruc-
tive in general," he said.
"A good deal of bombing is needed
to reduce even a limited area into
rubble." Prof. Kuethe added. "The
bombing of Pantelleria demonstrated
that fact."
London Hails
Sicily Attack
As Beginning
(Continued from Page 1)
None was willing to predict whe-
ther the campaign to subdue Sicily
would require weeks or months.
With operational reports still
scanty late today, these seemed to
emerge as significant facts:
Gen. Eisenhower has struck with
what probably is the best trained,
best equipped and one of the largest
amphibious assault forces ever sent
into action.
His American, British and Cana-
dian troops are hitting an island
strongly defended by a mixed Ital-
ian-German force which may total
as high as 400,000 men, backed by
an unknown number of planes-
probably at least several hundred.
It may well be a day or two before
the course of battle becomes clearly
enough defined to say accurately
how it is going.
The vaunted British Eighth Army,
though well rested, apparently is not
in these operations, but is standing
by along with the bulk of the Ameri-
can First Army in Algeria and the
British Ninth and Tenth Armies in
Iran and Iraq.
Thus it is assumed that the Allied
forces not participating in the at-
tack on Sicily'greatly outnumber the
present striking force. They remain
as major menaces to other Mediter-
ranean points.
Should Hitler and Mussolini de-
cide to make an all-out fight for
Sicily and bring in reinforcements
from southern Italy or southern
France, they would expose those
areas to blows from other powerful
Allied contingents waiting for the,
signal to, hit.
Similarly, any Axis planes flown'
in to oppose the assault on Sicily
would have to be withdrawn from
bomb-scarred western Europe or the'
. Russian front.
Brinkman, Hackett
Will Give Recitals
Joseph Brinkman, pianist, and Ar-
thur Hackett, tenor, both members
of the faculty of the School of Music,
will present a varied program of
such composers as Mozart, Handel,'
Haydn, and Brahms, to the public'
8:30 p.m., Tuesday in Hill Auditor-
Mr. Brinkman will play Mozart's
Sonata in C major, three Brahms
Intermezzos and also his Rhapsodie
in E-flat major. Some of Mr. Hack-
ett's selections will be Chausson's
Poeme de L'Amour de la mer, Han-
del's Silent worship, and Haydn's

Dr. Shepherd
Will Lecture on
Post-War China
Generalissimo's Aide
To Be Brought Here
By Student War Group
Dr. George W. Shepherd, mission-
ary and relief administrator in China
for twenty years, will be brought to
Ann Arbor by the Post-War Coun-
cil to lecture on "Which Way China
in the Post-War World" on Thurs-
day, July 22 in the Rackham Ampi-
Closely associated with Generalis-
simo Chiang Kai-Shek, Dr. Shepherd
has acquired an insight into many of
the little known phases of the Far

Eastern situation. In 1933 he was ap-
pointed one of the first co-directors
of rural reconstruction unit in dev-
astated Kiangsi area, and in 1934 he
was made a member of the Board of
Directors of the New Life Movement.
Formerly a Congregational minis-
ter, Dr. Shepherd believes that the
only sure and lasting foundation of
a new and better world is to be found TRICIA MIEKLE
in building a spiritual understanding curtain goes up at 8:30 p.m. Wednes-
between races. day at the Lydia Mendelssohn Thea-
Dr. Shepherd left China in 1941. tre.

It's an all-Navy dance but definitely not a hornpipe as Seaman Rod
Jordan of Atlantic City, N.J., and WAVE Alice V. Johnson, N.Y., "cut a
rug" at a USO dinner sponsored by Portsmouth, Va., businessmen.

FD1 Assures
Vatican Respeet
(Continued from Page 1)
Mr. Roosevelt kept his information
to himself until the concluding stage
of the dinner about 10 p.m. At that
time he rose to propose a toast and
thrilled his assembled guests with
these words:
"I have just had word of the first
attack against the soft underbelly of
Describes Invasion
At that point the President moved
into a very brief description of the
invasion of Sicily after pledging his
hearers to keep secret all he told
them until midnight. This pledge'
was necessary because simultaneous
release times had been fixed for
Washington, London and North Af-
The operation against Europe's
"soft underbelly" has a great many
objectives, Mr. Roosevelt declared,
although "of course the major ob-
jective is the elimination of Ger-
'Beginning of the End'
"Last autumn, (when North Africa
was invaded)," he went on, "the
Prime Minister of England called it
'the end of the beginning.' I think
you can almost say that this action
tonight is the beginning of the end."
The President then began speaking
almost directly to Giraud assuring
him that "France is one of the direc-
tions" in which Allied forces will
strike to destroy Hitler's hold on
Europe. Not only will the people in
southern France be liberated, he said,
but also "the people in northern
It was this statement which led
to speculation that the President
envisions invasion thrusts into Eur-
ope from both the Mediterranean
and the British Isles.
Dr. Lemon To Talk
On Far East Today
"Now That the Far East Is No
More" will be the subject of the af-
ternoon forum to be held at 4 p.m.
today at the First Presbyterian
Church on Washtenaw.
Dr, William P. Lemon, minister of
the church, will give the main ad-
dress. Resource leaders for the dis-
cussion include Mrs. Roy S. Lauten-
schlager, Mr. and Mrs. William
Booth, and the Rev. and Mrs. W. A.
March,-all of whom have been mis-
sionaries or educational workers in
Following the discussion, refresh-
ments will be served. All students
and servicemen are invited to attend.
There will be no work on the
Ground Crew today.

New Saidt
Ste. Marie
Lock Opeimtj~
PMacArIiiir iokhIs
Bujili in 1 3 Months,
Detail Are Secret
8AULT STE. MARIE, July 10.-(I)
--The United States Army Engineers
will place in operation tomorrow af-
ternoon a gigantic new lock at the
Sault canal, named for Gen. Douglas
MacArthur and designed to facilitate
the flow of iron ore to the mills
which supply the nation's arsenals.
Completed in 13 months .compared
to an original estimate of 20 months,
the MacArthur Lock will be used
to supplement the work of the three
existing modern locks of the vital
waterway through which the big ore
and grain ships move from Lake Su-
perior into the St. Mary's River and
thence to Lake Huron and the re-
ceiving ports of the Great Lakes.
Exact Dimensions Secret
Exact dimensions of the MacAr-
thur Lock and details of the present
flow of shipping through this most
important of the world's fresh water
canals are Army secrets.
The U.S. Engineers, which directed
the work of the private contractors,
revealed, however, that 201,000 cubic
yards of concrete were poured into
the side walls, approach piers and
floor area covering more than 60,-
000,000 square feet.
Much of the concrete was poured
during winter months at tempera-
tures as low as 30 degrees below
zero. Plywood houses built around
each section of the lock. and heated
with electric blowers enabled the
work to go forward.
Opens Lake to Ocean Traffic
MacArthur Lock, opening Lake Su-
perior to ocean traffic, is regarded
as insurance against military action
or sabotage aimed at the canal. Other
projects were considered, including
the bringing of iron ore by rail from
the Minnesota and Upper Michigan
mines to Escanaba, on Lake Michi-
gan, and huge docks have been
brought to near-completion for emer-
gency use in event anything hap-
pened to the locks.
De Marigny To Be
V I ed
NASSAU, Bahamas, July 10.-/P--
Handsome Alfred De Marigny will
be arraigned Monday on a charge
that he is the bludgeon murderer of
his father-in-law, Multi-Millionaire
Sir Harry Oakes.
He will be arraigned at a prelim-
inary hearing Monday, and Tuesday
a coroner's jury will finish hearing
evidence about the death of the 68-
year-old British baronet.
No bond was permitted, and De-
Marigny was lodged in prison to
await developments.

Shows Start

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Men in Uniform

'Ahce-Si1- y4Iire Will Be
New Repertory Plroduction

"Alice-Sit-by-the-Fire," a nostal-
ic, pertinent satire by Sir James M.
Barrie, will be the second offering of
The Michigan Repertory Players of,
the Department of Speech when thej


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Alice, one of the leading roles in
the production, will be portrayed by
Patricia Meikle. The complications
that arise between her and her
daughter Amy Gray, played by Mar-
cia Nelson, provide humor through-
out the drama. The story ends. in
typical comedy fashion with Amy
becoming engaged to her mother's
"ycung man" and with the mother
resolving henceforth to sit tranquilly'
by the fire.
Others in the cast include John
Babbington as Colonel Gray and
George Hale as Stephen Rollo. Sup-
porting them are Clara Behringer,
John Hathaway, Lillian Moeller,
Opal Motter and Blanche Holpar.
DUiectors of the drama are Valen-
tine Windt and Claribel Baird, with
setting s by Herbert Philippi and cos-
tumes by Aline Felton. Donald Hor-
ton is technical director.
?gmanchard Wins Award
Bruce Blanchard, regular third
bas-Iman on last spring's University
of Michigan baseball team, is now
conquering new fields. Playing for
the 'Paris team in the Detroit Ama-
teur Baseball Federation's Class A,
Blanchard has just won his. third
Detroit Free Press Sandlotter of the
month award.

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