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July 11, 1943 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1943-07-11

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Occasional Thundershowers


























Allied Assault Troops Take Off fot Sicily in Second Front Drive

,. Cj
Alghero .
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Sri steno- =
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10 100
Naples ."___ Taranto~g*
Cosenza*:, _
Empedoce s

Troops Land
100 Miles Up
Scilian Cast
Armies Protected by
Strong Aerial Cover;
No Ships Lost in Drive
By The Associated Press


Yank, British and Canadian assault troops carrying the attack to
the Italian island of Sicily march aboard Landing Craft Infantry barges
for the take-off. In this picture, one of the first of the Sicilian invasion
drive, the armies of Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower are shown getting
ready to slash at the Germans and Italians in this first campaign of the
battle of Europe.
Among the first objectives and invasion points mentioned most
prominently unofficially were Sicily's ten major airfields. These in-
cluded Palermo, Trapani, Marsala and Porto Empedocle (shown by
arrows on the map). The Axis, in the meantime, was reported to have
Nazis Break Through
Soviet Belgorod Sector
Russian Counterattacks Inflict Heavy Losses
On Enemy; Repulse Other German Assaults

rushed reinforcements (open arrow) across Messina Strait.
According to a Vichy radio report, Allied troops have landed be-
twee Syracuse and Capania. These two cities, below Messina, are
about 40 miles apart on the Eastern Sicilian Coast. The Axis invasion
jitters of a few days ago were well justified as the Allied blow struckl
late Friday.
Reports from the Associated Press correspondents reveal that Allied
air squadrons with British and American warshils at their flank are
following through in the first campaign of the Battle of Europe. 411 the
work was coordinated, both the British and Americans dividiig the

naval job, with the: former carrying the main burden of transporting
the troops and the latter holding the supply lines.
Germans and Italians, reporting that the Allies had landed both in
Southeastern and Eastern Sicily, indicated that at least three main area
had been attacked.
This attack and invasion of Sicily is the "beginning of the end"
which the Prime Minister Winston Churchill promised last autumn
when North Africa was invaded. President Roosevelt said yesterday
that this action is the "beginning of the end."

Truman Hits
Inspection of
War Planes

EDE Assures Respect
Vatican Neutrality
By The Associated Press w

By The Associated Press Senate Group Charges
LONDON, July 11, Sunday- Large reserves of Nazi mechanized legions, C1,rtiss-wright with
hurled into the violent Belgorod sector of the Russian Central front in anu
attempt to extend earlier breaches, broke through more Soviet defenses 'Gross Negligence'
Saturday but the advances were paralyzed by tremendous losses inflicted in
savage Soviet counterattacks, it was announced in Moscow early today. By The Associated Press
Elsewhere along the 165-mile front extending from Orel southward to WASHINGTON, July 10.-In a re-
Belgorod through the Russians' Kursk salient, repeated enemy tank and port charging delivery of defective
infantry assaults, sometimes nu-- airplane engines. to the Army and

bering as many as ten a day, were
beaten off by Russian defenders who
hurled flaming incendiary bottles at
onrushing giant Tiger tanks, the
Soviet midnight communique, re-
corded here by the Soviet Monitor,
The cost to the Germans in their
bid to flatten the Kursk bulge mean-
time mounted to something over 42,-
000 killed, 2,338 tanks destroyed or
damaged and 1,037 planes lost-with j
yesterday's toll alone 2,000 killed, 272
tanks hit or burned out and 83
planes downed.
The communique announced that
the Nazis were held at a standstill
again in the Kursk-Orel fighting in
the northwestern part of the bulge
despite as many as 10 attacks in ay
single salient in one day. The Ger-
mans lost 1,500 men in the day's
fighting in this sector alone.
In the cone of fire about Belgorod,
some positions changed hands time
and again during the day; field dis-
patches told of Russian withdrawals
followed by savage counterattacks,
of a line that bent and re-formed
again and again.
Bomber Fund Drive
To Opien Tomorrow
Opening a two-week drive for con-
tributions tomorrow the Bomber
Scholarship asks donations from
both campus organizations and in-

E1s r n .rNavy, the Senate's Truman Commit-

Negro Lecture
Will Speak Tomorrow
!l' L) !air L 'lir

tee today called the Curtiss-Wright
corporation "guilty of gross negli-
gence" about inspection practices de-
signed for the safety of airmen.
The company replied in a state-
ment by its president, G. W.

in Rackhialm Buiding
gD Vaughan, that it never sold or de-
The first in a series of eight lec- livered "to the government, or any-
tures showing the importance of the one else, products known to the com-
Negro as a part of American life will pany to have contained defective or
sub-standard given by Robert Hayden, Spec., at parts." He called any
such charge "false and unwarrant-
8 p.m. tomorrow in the East Lecture ed."
Room of the Rackham Building. The committee said the defective
In an attempt to prove that Negro engines came from the Lockland,
culture is not African but typically Ohio, plant of the Wright Aeronauti-
American, Hayden will present ex- cal corporation.
amples of Negro poetry, short stories, "It is unfortunate that the
novels, and graphic art, as well as the Truman committee has misinterpret-
historical background of the Ameri- ed standards and recognized manu-
can Negro. facturing and inspection procedures
His lecture tomorrow will trace the which have led them to conclude that
history of the Negro from the Dark the engines turned out by our Lock-
Continent to the United States, ex- land plant are not up to the high
plaining their original African cul- standards we have always main-
ture and how they have lost it by tained."
becoming Americans. Curtiss-Wright the report set
Hayden hopes to promote a better out, has'received more war contracts
understanding of Negro problems and ($4,717,500,000) from June 1, 1940
culture by these lectures. "Work by through March 1, 1943 than any
Negroes is not a contribution to other firm except General Motors.
American life,sbut a part of Ameri-
can life," he said.
Author of two books of poetry, COrporatlon Sued
Hayden says "there is no such thingGovernment
as Negro poetry, there is American Biy poery witt n by Negr es.
poetry written by Negroes."
"The Black Spear," Hayden's lat- The Federal Government, charging
est volume of poetry, will be pub- the Wright Aeronautical Corporatior
lished shortly by Doubleday Doran with selling to the government air
.Company. The book deals with Ne- plane motor materials which alleg-


WASHINGTON, July 10. - Presi-
dent Roosevelt told the world today
;hat the invasion of Sicily means the
war against Italy and Germany has
entered its final phase with the com-
plete destruction of, Nazism and Fas-
cism as the objectives directly ahead.
"I think you can almost say," he
declared, "that this action is the be-
ginning of the end."
Suggests Lowlands Attack
The Chief Executive's comments
on the historic military development
suggested that German forces in
Francewill be attacked both across
the channel from Britain and north-
ward from the Mediterranean area.
There was a strong hint, too, of
an invasion of Italy although there
were no definite commitments in the
President's remarks.
Mr. Roosevelt's views on the mili-
tary situation in Europe, as a result
of the latest Allied progress, were
given out in two ways. First, his press
secretary, Stephen Early, released ex-
cerpts from an impromptu talk which
the President made last night at a
White House dinner honoring the
French General Henri Honore Gi-
Will Respect Vatican Neutrality
A little later, the White House is-
sued the text of a message to Pope
Pius XII in which the President as-
sured the leader of the Roman Cath-
olic Church that "throughout the pe-
riod of operationsthe neutral status
of Vatican City as well as of the
Papal domains throughout Italy will
be respected."
Yanks Sweep On
In Solomons Attack
11. (Sunday)-W -()-America's of fen-
sive against the Japanese in the cen-
tral Solomons swept onward today
after shattering bombings and bom-
b bardments designed to soften the en-
emy defenses before an attack by

The Chief Executive advised the
Pope that in the fighting to come
churches and religious institutions
would be spared the destructions of
war to the extent "that it is within
our power."
The recital of events at last night's
dinner proved it to be one of the
most dramatic state functions held
at the executive residence in many
a month. Mr. Roosevelt and his
guests, French and American mili-
tary, naval and civilian officials, sat
down to dinner about 8:15 p.m.,
(EWT) and the affair went routinely
until about 9 o'clock. Then Mr.
Roosevelt received word that land-
ings actually had been made on
With his sense of the dramatic,
Turn to Page 2, Col. 2
London Hails,
Sicily Attack
Military Observers
Foresee Final Blows
Associated Press Correspondent
LONDON, July 10.- The Allies
solid smash into the underbelly of
the Axis on Sicily was hailed in Lon-
don today as the first in a rain of
invasion blows designed to batter
the enemy to his knees.
Military observers believed that
the Allies now are strong enough to
drive heavy blows home in swift suc-
"General Eisenhower landed 4 sol-
id left on Sicily," one military man
said, "but his forces there comprise
only one of the Allied fists in the
Mediterranean. Our right menaces
the Balkans and we have other fists
in the west, so that the enemy can-
not throw everything into countering
this punch."
(Meanwhile, dispatches from Tur-
key said there was a strong possibil-
- f .+-- ;., +I,- F.1..~ro,.. 4..4

British Bomb
Ruhr, EnemyW
Fighter BasesĀ°
Air Opposition Slight I
As Allied Planes Hit '
At German Targets
By The Associated Press
LONDON, July 10.- Resources of a
the Axis war machine, straining top
break through the Russian armiese
and to stand off Allied invasion inn
the Mediterranean, were whittled
down today by fresh bombing of fac-
tories in the Ruhr and air fields ina
Big British bombers executed ae
"very heavy attack" on the centralv
Ruhr valley of Germany last night,
Among the targets was Gelsen-Kir-
chen, oft-battered oil refinery, iron
and steel center.
Both United States Flying Fort-
resses and RAF light bombers
pressed the offensive today, attack-
ing enemy fighter bases at Caen and
Abbeville, in western France, where
direct hits were observed.-
Ten British bombers were lost dur-
ing the night raid, and three Flying1
Fortresses from the daylight opera-
tions. The comparatively small toll
was seen here as a possible indica-
tion of weakening of enemy fighter
forces under the strain of three-
front aerial warfare.
The strength of the British attack
on the Ruhr, and the American
sweeps over France, indicated the
Allied air offensive on western Eur-,
ope would not be diminished by the
southern assault on Sicily.
U.S. Ship Shells
Kiska Batteries
WASHINGTON, July 10. - (AP) -
Blasting shells from an American
warship, pounding onto Kiska for
several hours, have forced the Japa-

TORTH AFRICA, July 10.- The Al-
led forces invading Sicily landed
long 100 miles of the big island's
rnutheast coast, overcame enemy re-
stance in three hours, and 90 min-
tes later began advancing inland
nder a powerful aerial cover, Gen.
isenhower's headquarters an-
ounced triumphantly tonight.
An Allied communique officially
ronounced the opening blow at Eur-
pe a success.
Hitting the precipitous southeast-
rn coast, the Allied troops appeared
o be aiming northward, along the
oast to isolate the major ferry ter-
ninals linking Sicily with. the Italian
A dispatch from Noland Norgaard,
ssociated Press correspondent at ae
flied command post, said the initial
endings were made without the loss
f any ships. Neither submarine nor
erial attacks were encountered in
he push across the sea to Sicily.
The direction of the Allied land at-
ack, and the quick landing of motor
,ehicles and artillery, suggested this
A northward movement along the
astern coast of Sicily toward the big
orts of Syracuse, Catania and fin-
lly Messina. The latter is only a
ew miles fron the Italian mainland
cross the Messina strait.
(A Vichy radio broadcastsaid the
lles had landed between Syracuse
nd Catania. These two cities, below
4'essina, are about 40 miles apart on
;he eastern Sicilian coast)
This triumphant news came at the
ed of a day of official silence whichE
iad. shrouded the outcome of this
eost delicate part of an operation
which opens the Battle of Europe.
Other offensives may be in the
Under cover of the big gunsof
the British and American Navies,
which :laid down a terrific bom-
bardment, the shock troops of
three nations swarmed ashore to
pave the way for thousands of
their comrades crouched in landirig
barges out to sea.
Tonight's communique said of the
area of the assault:
"The many beaches and landing
laces used for these first assaults
extended over a distance of 100
This approximated about two-
thirds of the southern Sicilian coast,
but there was no official word ' on.
all the precise areas invaded, Axis
broadcasts said that the southeast-
ern and western coasts had been in-
Royal Indian, Dutch, Polish and
Greek naval units aided the 90-
mile strike "across the Mediter-
ranean, herding the invasion
barges into shore and shattering
the enemy's first line of defenses
with a concentrated fire.
Hundreds of Allied planes patrolled
over the beachheads, and attacked
"the few airdromes still being used
by the enemy." Roads and communi-
cations throughout Sicily also were
battered by the American and British
It was stated officially that both
infantry and aerial operations were
"proceeding according to plan."
The Allied airmen met only
negligible opposition, it was said
This meant that Axis fighters and
bombers - among the most feared
weapons in an operation of this type
-had been kept away effectively
from the landing points where heavy
equipment was being unloaded.
No mention was made in the of
fical bulletin of the degree of re-
sistance met by the invading Allies.
Large Italian forces are known to be
on the island, including supply serv-
ice and headquarters troops.
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