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July 10, 1943 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1943-07-10

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VOL. LI, No. 10-S


FDR Says No Authority.
To Take Over Unions
Bill Provides No Machinery
For Executive Enforcement
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, July 9.- President Roosevelt said today he did not
know how he could enforce the War Labor Board's (WLB) order directing
John L. Lewis and the United Mine Workers to sign a contract with the
coal mine owners.
He said he thought he did not have authority to take over the union as
corporations have been taken over, or threatened with government seizure,
when they defied the WLB.
But when asked at a press conference whether he desired "additional
sanctions" which might be applied to recalcitrant unions, he suggested

* * *

* *

* *

Allied Forces Invade Sicily from Africa
D S00

Arrested in
Oakes Case
Yacht Racer Denies
Charges in Slaying
Of Multi-Millionaire
NASSAU, Bahamas, July 9.-U)-
Alfred De Marigny was booked at
the police station here tonight on
a charge of killing his father-in-law,
the multi-millionaire British Bar-
onet Sir Harry Oakes.
A formal charge of murder was
placed against the bearded De Mar-
igny, who denied any connection with
the slaying.
He was arrested at 6 p.m. by Lieut.-
Col. R. A. Lindop and Maj. Embert
Pemberton of the Nassau constabu-
Police Chief Comes by Air
Capt. E. W. Melchen of the Miami
police department, summoned by air-
plane to aid in the investigation after
Sir Harry's body was found on a
bed which had been set afire Thurs-
day morning, said -the arrest and
charge were based on "hair analysis,
fingerprints and interrogation."
Attorney General Eric Hallinan re-
ported that Sir Harry had been
bludgeoned to < death. There were
four severe head wounds, he said, as
well as burnson the body.
Flames Fanned
Officers "believed an electric fan
had blown out the flames before they
had destroyed the bed.
The charge against De Marigny
came as a sensational climax to the
death of Sir Harry, one of the world's
richest -men with a fortune unoffi-
cially estimated to be as great as
Until the announcement came, de-
tails of the slaying had been with-
held, and the case had become a
mystery which puzzled outsiders.
James 0. Barker, Miami police
captain summoned along with Mel-
chen, reported that De Marigny ve-
hemently denied any implication in
the crime.
Arrested at Oakes Home
The yacht racer and sportsman,
who wears a Van Dyke beard, was ar-
rested at the Oakes home. Barker
said he had been under constant
surveilance since Oakes' body was
The Duke of Windsor, Governor of
the Bahamas, called in Melchen and
Barker to help solve the case. He
took a personal interest in the in-
LONDON, July 10. (Saturday)
-(P-The German overseas radio
announced this morning's Allied
invasion of Sicily at 7:30 a.m. (1:30

without elaboration that reporters
look at the first eight sections of the
new anti-strike law which Congress
enacted over his veto.
This law establishes no machinery
for enforcement of WLB's order, but
does provide criminal penalties for
persons aiding or promoting a strike
in a government-operated war facil-
ity. These penalties could not be
invoked if the mines, now operated
for the government by Secretary of
Interior Ickes, the fuel administra-
tor, were returned to the private
operators and there was a new strike.
FDR Acknowledges Lack of Power
The President's acknowledgement
of lack of power to compel the UMW
to accept the WLB's order pointed
up a compliance problem which has
disturbed board members.
On June 5, the board went to the
White House with a firm request
for enforcement of its order in the
coal case. At that time, the mem-
bers talked with War Mobilization
Director James F. Byrnes and were
reported to have asked that some
punishment be visited on the UMW
if it did not comply with the order.
Lewis Refuses Contract
Lewis, UMW President, not only
has refused to sign the contract or-
dered by the WLB but has de-
nounced it as a "yellow dog" one.
The board ruled against any general
wage increase for the miners al-
though allowing some minor con-
In addition, Lewis and the UMW
policy committee, when ordering the
June coal strike ended, instructed
the miners that they were not to
continue work if the mines were re-
turned to private operation.
Russian Armies
Beat Off Savage
German A ttacks
LONDON, July 10, Saturday-
UP)- The Russian armies of the cen-
ter bloodily beat off savage German
attacks all along the Orel and Kursk
fronts yesterday, held their own in
the Belgorod sector to the south, and
destroyed 193 Nazi tanks and 94
planes in the great battle of attri-
tion, the Soviet command announced
early today.
The German dead, in two battle
areas specifically mentioned, were.
nearly 5,000 for the day, Moscow de-
clared in the regular midnight com-
munique recorded heremby the Soviet
Monitor, thus bringing to about 40,-
000 the total German casualties for
five days of violent action.
German losses in material also
were rising to tremendous propor-
tions: yesterday's destruction raised
to 2,036 the number of enemy tanks
thus far listed as knocked out, and
to 904 the number of Nazi planes
smashed since the beginning of the
In the Orel-Kursk sector, said the
bulletin, the Nazis after four days of
heavy losses had "gained no suc-

Allied forces stormed the rocky shores of Sicily, at
the boot of the Italian Peninsula, in their first large
push of the second front. Arrows from Africa show
general directions of the drive. Circle shows the Ital-
ian area to which concentrated attacks will later move.
Arrows on the European fronts show the directions
Prof. Ramsdell U.S. 1
Receives Army Arm
Will Supervise Military To Prov
Governient School
Starting Hlere Aug. 1 WASHINGTON,
Gen. Henri Giraud
Prof. Willett F. Ramsdell of the that the United St
forestry department has been com-
missioned a Major in the Army and French North Africa
has gone to the School of Military 000 men-and he pi
Government at Charlottesville, Va., that France will figh
for three months' training. as well as German
Upon completion of his training,
Maj. Ramsdell will return to the beaten,
University on inactive duty to super- FrenahsFr L
vise the military government school French Forces of L
for officers here. press conference
Maj. Ramsdell spent 22 months Roosevelt had promir
so that the number
overseas during the first World War, could be increased
rising from the ranks to the position 300,000, including
of first lieutenant in the Corps of Gen Charles De
Engineering. After the war he held
the rank of captain in the Engineer- Mr. Rooseveit, ar
ing Officers Reserve Corps. conference a bit ea
A program for civil affairs special- ed that long as t
ists in military government will be United States cann
established at the University about French Committee
Aug. 1. eration nor any oth
the government pow
RAF Bombers Before he appe
BlastCologne; SUMMER TA(
Nazis Retaliate 80 Fr
LONDON, July 10, Saturday-
(P)- For the second successive With the hope of
night, Royal Air Force bombers from students, Ann
roared out over Germany last ple and service m
night, it was announced today. from the University
will be on hand at c
LONDON, July 9.- (P)- The RAF town posts selling
cascaded more than 1,000 tons of day. s
bombs on battered Cologne last A twenty-three y
night, ending the temporary relief tradition, Tag Day
which storms had given Germany ously supported in

of a coordinated drive. Arrow from England shows
the direction of an attack promised in a broadcast
early today. Arrow from Russia shows how the Soviet
armies may close into finish battle for Italy and en-
circle Germany from the south.
o Equip French
in North Africa
Discloses Presidential Promise
vide Modern Arms for 300,000

Operations Start
U.S., British, Canadian Men
Comprise Invasion Forces
RICA, July 10. (Saturday)-AP-Allied forces
stormed the rocky shores of Sicily today to open
the second European front.
The lightning-quick invasion was launched in
good weather by a light moon as troop ships es-
corted by warships defied minefields and strongly
placed enemy guns to reach the objective.
Italians, bulwarked by elite German troops, were expected to offer
bitter resistance despite widespread discontent among the Italian popu-
lation on the island with the course of the war. 4
The Italians already had engaged in a scorched earth program,
destroying harbor installations at Trapani, which is the closest impor-
tant Sicilian prt to Africa.
The official announcement of the landings said American, Can-
adian and British forces were engaged in the attack but did not disclose
who were the field commanders.
There was no immediate official report of the scale of the Allied
Allied warplanes bombarded Sicily's coastal defenses preceding the
landing of General Eisenhower's Allied troops and warships pounded
the enemy from off-shore as the first landing craft sped up to the
island's beaches.
A special communique from advance Allied headquarters announced
in terse terms that forces under General Eisenhower's seasoned com-
mand began a landing operation on Sicily early this morning, adding:
"The landings were preceded by an air attack. Naval forces escorted
the assault forces and bombarded the coast defenses during the assault."
The action came on the heels of six days of almost constant, slam-
ming by Allied air might over the island which rocked under the power-
ful blows by djay and by night.
(The Algiers radio in a broadcast to North America, recorded by
U. S. government monitors, said the Allied forces had landed on the
rock-studded western tip of Sicily, 260 miles from Rome.)
The invasion, launched across the 90-mile wide Sicilian Strait, came
just eight months after the Allied forces first landed in North Africa and
two months after they had crushed resistance by a quarter of a million Axis
troops in Tunisia.
By published enemy accounts observers estimated that possibly two
German divisions with tanks and at least that many Italian divisions were
garrisoned on Sicily, with its 500-mile coastline.
The triangular-shaped island offered few accessible beaches, to the
invaders, except along the 180-mile southwest side. The approaches were
grounded by minefields, lurking submarines and strong coastal batteries,
and the nearness of enemy bomber bases on the mainland are among the
greatest hazards confronting Eisenhower's smashing amphibious offensive.
Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, the American commander-in-chief of
this first major land blow to crush enemy Europe, informed the peoples
of the occupied and enemy countries of the attack in a statement read
from the Algiers Radio.
The announcer followed up the statement with these dramatic
words: "The Battle of Africa is over; the Battle of Europe has begun."

July 9. -(/)-
disclosed today
ates will equip a
an Army of 300,-
romised solemnly
it on until Japan,
y and Italy, are
ommander of the
Liberation told a
that President
ised modern arms
of French troops
from 75,000 to
the followers of
t his press-radio
lier, had indicat-
he French people
domination, the
ot recognize the
of National Lib-
er organization as
rer of France.
pared at noon, the

200 correspondents who filled Sec-
retary Stimson's conference room at
the War Department were advised
that only questions of military mat-
ters would be permitted.
But Giraud did declare that
Frenchmen "away from the enemy's
yoke must show their unity to their
fellow countrymen." He also added
that he and DeGaulle "have estab-
lished as our sole aim the defeat of
the Axis forces, the liberation of
France, the return to a political
structure in conformity with the na-
tural aspirations of our country."
President Roosevelt was asked at
his conference to comment on press
criticism that the United States is
"unduly interfering with French po-
litical affairs" in its attitude toward
the two generals. He replied that he
supposed 95 per cent of France was
under the heel of the Germans, that
there was no France except for the
five per cent outside the European

esh Air Campers Will
Their Posts Thursday





f collecting $1,200
Arbor townspeo-
en, eighty "kids"
y Fresh Air Camp
ampus and down-
tags next Thurs-
ear old University
has been gener-
the past by stu-

to come to camp, said, "I want to
Besides being given a real month's
vacation with all the "trimmings" of
swimming, boating, fishing, camp
craft, overnight hikes, and some real
work, the boys are also studied by
trained psychiatrists and sociolo-
This year thirty-five counselors
and professors of universities from

WASHINGTON, July 10. (Saturday)-AP-
Allied forces leaped across the Mediterranean from
African bases today and climaxed weeks of aerial
pounding with a major invasion of Italian soil, the
island of Sicily off the Italian boot.
Powerful air forces, aided by naval bombard-
ments, preceded the landing of soldiers on the big
island which had been softened up by precision and
area bombings mounting in intensity over weeks.

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