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June 30, 1943 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1943-06-30

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Union To Clos
Dining Room
To Civilians



Two 'UGeolcogists Search for,
New Michigan Oil Resources

Germans Harness Dogs On Front


Laboratory, Designi Course
Gives Engineers Experience

Bal Room Has Been
Converted into Mess
Hall for Servicemen

Possible places in which one coul
get a meal in Ann Arbor were de
creased by another rear casualt
when the Union closes its main din
ing room for the duration nex
Hungry civilians will indulge them
selves for the last time on Unio
prepared and served food when cook
and waiters go to work serving 20
additional soldiers instead of hungr
students, visiting parents, and loca
More than 900 soldiers will be eat
ing at the Union which will com
pletely absorb the output of th
single kitchen. Discrimination wi
continue in the cafeteria, however, a
it continues to cater only to th
whims of a fortunate masculine pub
Union Manager Franklin C. Kuen
zel said yesterday that the Unio
could no longer handle the man:
customershbegging for food. Beside
cl~ing the dining room the Unio
will cut down on the serving of pri
vate parties.
No longer the scene of campu
dances, the ballroom has becomea
high-ceilinged, lavish mess hall fo
Army and Navy men on campus.
Last night the civilian restauran
problem remained little improved
and students ate at odd hours t
avoid the rush or waitedpatientl
in long lines for a bit to eat and a
place to eat it.
First Lecture
Reviews Events on
Home, War Fronts
In the first of his weekly summer
lectures in the Rackham ampitheatre
Prof., Preston Slosson discussing the
recent developments in current
events said yesterday that he con-
sidered a second front this summer
"highly probable."
Prof. Slosson divided his speech
into two parts, one on foreign affairs
and one on domestic affairs. In con-
sidering the possibility of a second
front this summer he discussed the
balance of advantages of the Italian
route, the Balkan route, or an attack
in northern Europe.
. Under the last head he discussed
the revolt of Congress agairist the
authority of the President. Instances
under this were the dispute over
price administration, the passing of
the anti-strike bill over the Presi-
dent's veto, and the attack on the of-
fice of war information.
"On the strike matter Congress
and the President had the same end
in view-the suppression of strikes-
differing only as to the means. The
Congressional vote was aimed even
more as a rebuke to labor than as a
rebuke to the President," Prof. Slos-
son said.
"With regard to price administra-
tion the most important thing is to
prevent inflation because if the cost
of living goes up wages will have to
go up too and it would be impossible
to hold workers to their contracts."
- "Elmer Davis of the Office of War
Information who holds the same po-
sition as George Creel did in the first
World War runs into similar diffi-
culty and. unpopularity with the
press, but is really doing as good a
job as could reasonably be expected."
Oil Ban Is Nation-Wide
WASHINGTON, June. 29.-(,P)--
Secretary Ickes, as petroleum ad-
ministrator, tonight made nation-
wide the ban of delivery of fuel oil
to householders or industrial users
for consumption in new oil-burning
No exceptions will be granted any-
one after next July 22, Ickes warned.

Two University of Michigan geolo-
gists are studying rock formations in
the Mackinaw Cit St. Ignace area
searching for ne' oil resources in
Michigan for the State Department
d f Conservation.
d -Prof. Kenneth K. Landes, chair-
y man of the University's department
- of geology, and Prof. George M. Eh-
t lers will spend three montns in ex-
amining the field and the remainder
of the year compiling a report on
n their findings.
s Rocks Will Be Mapped
's The purpose of the study is 'to map
y the oil-bearing rock formations of
northern Michigan which, while they
- League Surgical
i Dressing Unit
Q To Open Soon
Bandage Rolling Unit
y Will Be Open During
s Eight Week Session
The Red Cross Surgical Dressing
Unit which has operated during the
s past year at the League will open
a for business again from 1 p.m. to 5
r p.m. just a week from today, Jean
Whittemore, '44, chairman of the
t unit, announced.
, Emphasizing that the work of roll-
o ing bandages is of great importance,
the chairman' added, all women
y on campus, undergraduate and grad-
uate, summer session and summer
term students, are asked to take
"Since the unit is open only for
eight weeks, we want the summer
term students to realize that and
plan to fit the work into their first
eight weeks," she said.
Two consecutive hours of work are
asked of the students, and the unit
will be open every Wednesday and
Thursday afternoon beginning next
Freshman girls who wish to con-
tribute two hours of their time may
do so since eligibility cards are not
Instructors of the unit who have
returned for the summer include
Betty Carpenter, '45, Nancy Pottin-
ger, '45, Kay Brennan, '43, Betty
Jones, '45, and Jean Caldwell, '44.
WAAC League
Booth Closed
The WAAC information booth ir
the League closed last night for "ard
indefinite period" Lt. Barbara Anrc
Bethell, recruiting officer,' said yes-
Ruth Riemenschneider, CDVO sec-
retary, announced yesterday that thet
WAAC recruiting office in the Arm-E
ory would be closed until July 131
After July 13 the office will be re-
opened from 9 to 5 o'clock Tuesdays.k
Wednesdays and Thursdays.a
Until the time when the Armor
office opens potential WAACs will bee
referred to Sgt. Eva Matlock at Lan-r
sing where officers are conducting s
city wide canvas for new candidates
13 Latin Americans
Will Study Health
Public health experts from fiv
Latin American republics will arrice
at the University Monday for a pre
paratory course in English to precede
the investigation of public health
The thirteen experts are from
Paraguay, El Salvador, Ecuador,
Brazil and Bolivia, and they will do
extensive research as well as field

work. Brought to this country by the
Institute of Inter-American affairs
the group will work in medical
schools, hospitals and clinics with

lie thousands of feet below the sur-
face in the present oil fields, rise
gradually to the north until they
crop out on the earth's surface on
both sides of the Straits of Mackinac
and on the adjacent islands.
By identifying and mapping these
outcroppings near the Straits and
making similar studies of the onder-
ground formiations farther south in
present oil-producing areas, the sci-
entists expect to be able to map the
sub-surface rock strata for the vast
areas lying in between.
Mapping May Lead'to oil .
Several oil-bearing rock structures
in the central Michigan basin are
known to "pinch out" to the north
as they rise with the general contour
of the State's rock formations, Pro-
fessor Landes points out. The pres-
ent mapping program, he explains,
may lead to the discoery of new
areas of oil production since it is
known that formations which thin
out and disappear in this manner
afford ideal "traps" for the accumu-
lation of oil.
Oil field exploration in Michigan
is greatly complicated, Professor
Landes points out, by the fact that
the original oil-bearing structures of
the State are covered by heavy lay-
ers of more recent rock and soil and
by other layers of glacial deposits.
In some areas,.he says, the latter is
several hundred feet deep.
The new survey, however, Prof es-
sor Landes declares, should be help-
ful in guiding future oil' searches in
Michigan. By observing the out-
croppings of the oil bearing strata in
the Straits area and plo.tting the
same strata as they appear farther
south, by means of cuttings from
wells already drilled, it will be pos-
sible to make fairly accurate maps
of these structures for the areas in
X-Ray Exams
Are Given by
The University Health Service
completed yesterday the first X-ray
examinations ever given to summer
Due to a shortage of film, the ex-
ams were given only t those stu-
dents who displayed symptoms of
tuberculosis. This brings to the
10,000 mark the number of X-ray
exams which the Health Service has
given since June 1942.
During the same period the Health
Service handled 118,331 dispensary
galls, filled 13,978 prescriptions and
treated 7,394 colds.
Dr. Forsythe, director of the ser-
vice, commenting on the program
scheduled for the summer said: "Of
course we have our regular duties,
taking care of the health of the stu-
dents. Then we have also contract-
ed to take care of the medical needs
of the Army personnel on campus."
Dr. Forsythe stressed the fact that
though the University enrollment of
8,000 (including service men) is no
larger than the regular peacetime
enrollment, the Health Service will
be in serious difficulties because of
a shortage of doctors and nurses.
The Health Service situation how-
ever is no more serious than that of
most university services.

By JANE FARRANT flooring with the two sectional floors
Learning the operations and use in between.
of various standard engineering ma- One of the best evaporator labor-
chine equipment by practical experi- atories for experimental work in the
ence, students taking a general lab- countrypermitsathe student to evap-
orate ltrlyayhn rm"just
cratory and design course in the East plain water" to sludge from a slaugh-
Engineering* Building gain technical terhouse which contains "just about
knowledge of the sort they will need verything," according to York.
after graduation. Students Learn All Jobs
Under the direction of J. L. York, Students learn both the "vorkings
of the machines and calculate its
instructor in Chemical and Metal- efficiency during their experiments.
lurgical Engineering, engineering Work on the evaporating equipment
students learn how to set up and in the past has been started ona
operate a wide variety of machines Friday noon and carried through to
in the four-floor lab which contains a conclusion Sunday noon, with one
equipment ranging from a compara- set of students working in shifts con-
tively small stone crushing machine tinuously.

The German caption accompanying this picture arriving in the
United States from a neutral country by way of London, describes it as
showing German shepherd dogs harnessed to a small wagon used by a
German unit on the Eastern front. The wagon is used to carry mail,
food, ammunition and medicine to front line positions.

to a vast evaporator two stories in
Lab Has Removable Floor
Two floors of woven metal work
set on a steel framework permit sec-
tions of the flooring to be removed
or replaced in order to allow suffi-
cient room for equipment more than
one floor in height. The ground story
and the top story of the vast labora-
tory are ordinary non-removable

A rotary drier gives the student
experience in the important work of
processing soy beans. The beans are
left wet by the extraction of the oil
for use as a vitamin concentrate.
"By learning the uses and opera-
tion of these machines, as well as
by calculating their efficiency, stu-
dents receive practical experience
as well as classroom knowledge,"
York .said.

Initial Meeting
Scheduled for
Hospital Help
100 More Workers
Needed To Fill Posts

Dr. Hoste of
Belgian Foreign
Office To Speak
Dr. Jan Hostie, well-known au-
hor ity on international affairs, will
bring to Ann Arbor a discussion on
I "Educa Europe" when ha - V A.k

Last Times Today!

The required orientation meeting before the Men's Education Clu
for all new volunteer hospital work- 7:15 p.m. today in the Mic'
ers will be held at 7:45 p.m. Thurs- Union.
day in the volunteer cffices of the Dr. Hostie, member of the Be
University hospital, the central com- Foreign office and formerly a r
sentative for the Belgian gov
mittee of the project announced yes- ment at the Paris Peace Confer
terday. has also served as Secretary-Ge
All interested University women, of the International Commission
whether or not they have already the navigation of the Rhine.
volunteered for hospital work, are Members of the School of Ed
urged to attend this meeting. The tion staff will provide musical e
central committee, composed of ni- tainment, and Dean James B.
versity sophomore women, has the monson will preside at the ele
names of approximately 100 volun- of officers.
teers. Fifty-three of this number are--
residents of Stockwell Hall. The i
number needed to adequately fill all!Stasone ct
posts is 200.
The hospital volunteer corps was ' / fL P i tion
first organized two years ago by the W LD OS JI

ea s
ub at
n for

undergraduate offices of the Michi-
gan League. This will be the first
year the work has been carried on
during the summer term. Final re-
ports of the committee for 1942-43
revealed a total number of some 300
volunteers and over 10,000 hours of
Two consecutive hours a week is
the minimum time each volunteer
may contribute. Red and blue vol-
unteer jackets are furnished by the
hospital; white, navy blue, or blackI
skirts and white blouses must be
furnished by the volunteers.
Miss Kathryn S. Walsh, supervisor
of all volunteers in the UniversityI
Hospital feels that women volunteersI
have contributed much toward main-
taining the high standards of the
hospital during the critical wartime
shortage of regular staff members.
Information concerning the hos-
pital volunteers may be obtained by
calling Mavis Kennedy, acting chair-
man of the committee, room 2526,1
Stockwell Hall.

Need for his services here prevent-
ed Prof. E. Blythe Stason, Dean of
the Law School and University Pro-
vost, from accepting an appoint-
ment yesterday as one of the new
WLB panel members for the Detroit
"My duties here at the University
will keep me from leaving town,"
Stason said.
His appointment was announced
yesterday by WLB Regional Director
Edwin E. Witte.
OMAHA, June 29.-(AP)-Perhaps
you've met Leo the cook, in the din-
ing car of Union Pacific's Denver-
Omaha train.
While making out a transfer of po-
sitions, clerks in the road's home of-
fice here found that "Leo" is just a
shortened version of the cook's real
name--Lleieusszuieusszesszes Willi-
himinizzissteizzii Hurrizzissteizzii.
He's a native of Siam.

Last Times Today



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