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fficias Quarrel
Flying Fortresses Bomb Italian Port
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, June 29-In a
red hot quarrel, Vice President Wal-
lace accuse Secretary of Commerce
Jones today of obstructing impor-
tant phases of the economic warfare
program. Jones snapped back that
Wallace was guilty of "malice and
misstatements" and called for a Con-
gressional investigation.
The head-on clash, climax to a
long-smouldering feud, was virtually
without precedent in view of the
high places the two men occupy in
the government and the sharpness
of the language they used.
Coming a day after War Food Ad-
ministrator Chester C. Davis resigned
:n disagreement w th Administration
plicy, the incident confronted Presi-
dent Roosevelt with the biggest row
yet to occur within his official family.
Row Takes FDRl by Surprise
Mr. Roosevelt said it took him by
surprise. He had only read the head-
lines five minutes before, he told a
press conference, and consequently
could not comment on Wallace's
charges. Asked if it did not violate
his instructions of last August that
agency heads should come to him
with their differences, rather than.
air them publicly, the President re-
peated he had not read the Wallace
statement, but. he thought his sug-
gestiorf of last August was a good
Jones Called Obstructionist
irst,. Wallace, in a, statement to
a Senate committee, accused Jones
of "obstructionist tactics" of ham-
stringing work of the Board of Eco-
nomic Warfare (BEW) in importing
strategic materials. Wallace, who
heads the BEW, said Jones "failed
dismally," in the period prior to and
immediately after Pearl Harbor, to
carry out instructions from Con-
gress and the War Production Board
to build up reserves of strategic ma-
terials which this country must im-
Since the job of arranging for such
imports was turned over to BEW on
April 13, 1942, he said, Jones has
"done much to harass the adminis-
trative employes of the board in their
single-minded effort to help shorten
this war by securing adequate stocks
of strategic materials."
Domestic Situation
Is Good, FDR Says
President Roosevelt expressed belief
today that things are going along
pretty well on the domestic front,
and asserted that newspaper writers
had stirred up some of the contro-
versies among officials and agencies'
of his Administration.
Asked to name specifically the "in-
terneclie affairs" started by news-
pernen, he told reporters at his
papermn, h odrpresa i
press conference that there were
flocks of them.
Read any columnists, pretty nearly,
and go back to the files, he added.
He went on with some blunt criti-
cism of some newspapers, and con-
tended at one point that reporters
on occasion had to write under or-
ders. In at least one instance, he
said, the war effort was hurt. He
said that was when several newspa-
per owners had published reports
about the morals of the WAACS. The
President said that was a shameful
thing which hurt the war effort and
caused a great many heart burn-
ings. He termed it a deliberate news-
paper job, not necessarily accom-
plished by reporters but on orders
from the top. We all know that, he
said, but it does not make it any
less shameful.
Navy Stages Daring
Hit on Jap Vessels
WASHINGTON, June 20.--P)-A
daring night bombing attack on a
small group of light Japanese naval
By The Associated Press
NORTH AFRICA, June 29.-(P)-
Reaching far into Northern Italy
across the width of the Mediter-
ranean, 100 flying fortresses have
dumped hundreds of tons of bombs
upon the mainland port of Leg-
horn,spreading destruction in the
harbor, railway yards and war
plants and leaving the whole area
covered by smoke so dense as to
be impenetrable five hours after
the attack.
This great raid, thrown in yes-
terday without the loss of a single
fortress, hit an Italian light cruis-
er and four cargo ships and left
one of Italy's refineries ablaze.
"Little opposition was encount-
ered," it was officially stated to'
While the Italian high command
in its broadcast communique was
admitting "very great damage" in
Leghorn, reconnaissance- photo-
graphs showed a hit and two dam-
aging misses on the cruiser, many
hits on the port's oil tanks, rail-
road lines, bridges and storage
The Italians reported that 175
persons were killed and 300 in-
jured in the city.
Leghorn was attacked on May
28 by a fleet of fortresses only
slightly smaller than yesterday's
huge force.
While the port was shuddering
for the second time under great
weights of allied bombs, allied
medium bombers and fighters re-
sumed the almost unending pun-
ishment of Sardinian aidfields. In
the whole of the day's operations
12 enemy planes were destroyed
against two Allied craft lost.
Sicily, too, was again under at-
tack by fighter-bombers based on
Malta. Factories and a railroad at
Licata on the island were hit, as
was the Comiso. airdrome.
The Italian command told also
of new attacks on Reggio, Calabria
and Messina, in the area of the
Messina Strait separating Sicily
and Italy proper.
In Sardinia, Axis air fields in the
Olbia-Venafiorita and Alghero-
Fertilia districts, respectively in
the northeast and northwest, were
hit by mediums, escorted by fight-
ers, bombs falling on barracks and
administrative buildings, hangars
and dispersal areas.
Other enemy airdromes at Milis
and Decimomannu to the south
were hit.
June Record Sets
New British High
Allied Planes Roared Over Channel
Carrying Sustained Bonmhardment
Associated Press Correspondent
LONDON, June 29.- (- German fleets of British bombers battered
the Rhineland industrial city of Cologne and the U-boat center of Hamburg
last night to hit a new high in the devastation heaped upon Germany's war
machine in a single month although June still has two nights to go.
Observers said the raid on Cologne was comparable with the previous
heaviest attack on the Ruhr in which more than 2,000 tons of bombs were
Other waves of Allied planes roared over the channel late this after-
noon, carrying the war's greatest sustained bombardment of fortified Eur-
ope through its 11th consecutive day.
Then, at 9 p.m. (3 p.m., Eastern War Time) tonight, coastal watchers
reported a formation of heavy bombers which they identified as U.S. Flying
nFortresses heading across the chan-
Enrollhent for
ivilians tops
Milita ry Units'
300 More Register
In Regular Classes;
Teachers Split Sections
The University of Michigan cam-
pus has not gone completely mili-
tary officials and professors discov-
ered as figures compiled late yester-
date revealed surprisingly that the
civilian enrollment for the summer
term and session exceeded the Army
and Navy total by nearly 300.
Surpassing last year's "third
term" total by more than 2,000, the
enrollment for the summer session
and term includes civilians, emer-
gency training nurses, specialized
Army and Navy units and Marine
Corps men.
University professors who thought
their civilian classes could be small
are finding it necessary in many
cases to split their sections into two
divisions. Despite the war, all
schools except pharmacy are repre-
sented by at least 25 students. The
largest enrollment of any single
school is claimed by the college of
Literature, Science and the Arts,
with the Graduate School in second
The Emergency Training units,
which total more than 3,700 stu-
dents, include not only the Army,
Navy and Marine Corps, but also
students in war training, nursing,
engineering, science and manage-
ment courses.
Even the problem of dateless eve-
nings-so often a reality to girls liv-
ing in cities the size of Ann Arbor-
should not prove too serious this
summer since statistics reveal that
the men outnumber University wo-
men by more than four to one.
Late registrations were turned in
all day yesterd'Ay and will continue
for the rest c. the week. It is ex-
pected that the total enrollment will
exceed 8,000 by the time final sta-
tistics are compiled.
Army and Navy units have been
stationed in the men's dorms while
the University has taken over ten
fraternity houses to accommodate
students who would have lived in the
East and West Quadrangles.
'Pacific Women Have
Largest Feet in World'
ST. LOUIS, June 29.-(P)-Yeo-
man Al Ostrow, a post-dispatch re-
porter before he enlisted in the Navy,
returned on leave with this report
about South Pacific Islands native
"The native women have the larg-
est feet in the world. I give you my
word they average about size 12. And
the soles have callouses a couple of
inches thick."
Senate Passes $71 Billion
'Decisive Budget' War Bill
June 29.--(P)-4--
The Senate passed the $171,500,000,-1
000 "decisive budget" war bill today,1
practically clearing that item off the,
Congressional books, but disagree-
ments between the Houses lefa high
hurdles still to be taken on the way
to financing the government for the;
fiscal year beginning tomorrow mid-
Minor adjustments with the House
version remained to be made in the
Army appropriation which the Sen-
ate passed on unanimous voice vote
despite protests of "waste and ex-
16,000 Miners E
Return, to jobs;
Furnaces Close
back-to-work movement gained mo-
mentum in some sections of the na-
tion's coal fields today, but an esti-
mated +139,000 miners continued an
unauthorized "no contract, no work"
stoppage and another blast furnace
-the nation's 18th-was shut down
as coal supplies dwindled in war
A few new walkouts developed in
some areas. Over the nation, how-
ever, the number at work was 16,000
higher today than yesterday.
Pull-scale operations were resumed
today in both Kentucky and Ohio.
The last 9,000 of Kentucky's 60,000
miners returned to the pits as did
the last 2,300 of Ohio's 15,000. Six
Ohio mines had been out of produc-
tion yesterday.
Meanwhile the Republic Steel Cor-
poration closed its No. 1 blast fur-
nace at Gadsden, Ala., after having
banked two others in Birmingham
last week. Fourteen furnaces oper-
ated by the U.S. Steel Corp. in the
Pittsburgh area and one operated
by the Shenango Furnace Cq. at
Sharpsville, Pa., also closed last week.
As Republic announced the new
closing, another 2,000 workers in Ala-
bama captive mines joined the stop-
page, leaving only 3,000 of the state's
24,000 United Mine Workers' mem-
bers on the job.
ROTC Rifles
Arrive Too Late
Pres. Alexander G. Ruthven in-
formed the state administrative
board today that the University fin-
ally in possession of-500 mock rifles
manufactured by the state. prison
industries no longer needs them.
The sudden change in demand for
the rifles was explained by Pres.
Ruthven as due to the fact that
there aren't any students around to
use them, at least not the ROTC
students for whom they were pur-
It is believed that Governor Kelly
will turn over the unused rifles to
TLRny Pearsnn Commanrer of the
travagance" that formed a prelude
to announcement that the joint
economy committee headed by Sena-
tor Byrd (Dem.-Va.) will investigate
Army and Nacy expenditures.
Flat disagreement of the Senate to
a conference report restricting Presi-
dent Roosevelt's use of his emergency
funds and calling for dismissal Nov.
15 of three government employees ac-
cused of membership in subversive
organizations, promised one of the
heaviest engagements between the
two houses in the next 24 hours.
Conferees put the restrictions
back in a $143,000,000 urgent, defici-
ency bill late in the day, but the Sen-
ate voted them out again, 35 to 32,
shortly afterward.
The three employes immediately
affected were Dr. Robert Morss Lov-
ett, secretary of the Vergin Islands
government, and Goodwin Watson
and W. E. Dodd, Jr., employes of the
Federal Communications Commis-
sion. A House committee had made
the accusations against them.
The House-approved restrictions
would deny the President the right
to use emergency funds for any
agency for which Congress appropri-
ates, except the War and Navy de-
partments, and three other agencies.
Russian Airmen
Attack Junction*
Bombers Blast Orel,
Ammunition Dump
LONDON, June 30 (Wednesday)-
P - Russian airmen, continuing
their steady pounding of German
rail centers and supply depots in the
pivotal sector around Orel, attacked
that important junction Monday
night for the third time in a week,
Moscow announced early today.
A special Soviet announcement,
broadcast by the Moscow radio ahead
of the regular midnight communique,
said Red Army mombers caused at
least 15 big fires and explosions in
Orel and went on to blast enemy am-
munition dumps at Karachev, 40
miles to the west.
Other Russian planes were said to
have attacked the Caucasion port of
Taman on the southern shore of the
sea of Azov for the second consecu-
tive night.
Soviet ground forces also joined in
the offensive against enemy installa-
tions in the Orel sector, where the
Germans are believed to have
amassed some of their heaviest con-
centrations of troops and material of
the entire Russian front.
The midnight communique, re-
corded here by the Soviet monitor,
said Russian gunners shelled a train
in the area of Sevsk, about 90 miles
below'Orel, wrecking several cars. A'
scouting party also penetrated Ger-
man communication lines and killed
a number of enemy troops, it was
Jones Takes
Over Role of r
New Food Boss
House, Senate Agree
To Stop Funds for
Rollback Compensationi
WASHINGTON, June 29. -()-i
Lawmakers striving to iron out dif-
ferences in Senate and House anti-1
subsidy bills .agreed tonight on legis-t
lation prohibiting further expendi-i
ture of government funds to compen-
sate for a rollback in retail food
The restriction, designed to, stop i
the Administration's subsidy program
in its tracks, was written into a bill1
extending the life of the Commodity
Credit Corporation (CCC) two more1
years and adding $750,000,0000 to its
present lending authority of $2,650,-
This action came as Judge Marvin
Jones, subsidy advocate, took over
the job of managing the nation's
food production and the War Labor
Board spoke out strongly in support.
of the subsidy program to keep down
the cost of living.
The CCC extension measure, which
will be tested first in the House to-
morrow, would permit government
payments up to $150,000,000 to re-
tain the present program of subsidiz-
ing increased transportation costs
and production of critical metals and
stimulating necessary output of war
essential food products.
After nearly seven consecutive
hours in welding the two measures
together, the House and Senate con-'
ference committee declared the bill
would erase the subsidy rollback on
retail prices of meats and butter,
which the Office of Price Administra-
tion already has inaugurated.
It would permit payment, however,
of commitments made by the Admin-
istration up to June 15 and allow
government agencies until Aug. 1 to
liquidate the accrued payments.
Blood Bank Needs
150 University Men
One hundred fifty men are needed
to register for the Red Cross blood
bank which is open from noon till
4 p.m. daily, Roy D. Boucher, chair-
man of the drive, said yesterday.
All men who are willing to'donate
their blood should sign up at the
main desk in the Union before July
15, the date for the next blood bank.
Only those students 18 years or more
may register. .
Women interested in donating
their blood should see Miss Ethel Mc-
Codmick at the League.
Federal Reserve
Asked The Question
LOUISVILLE, Ky., June 29.-(P)-
The War Information Center of the
public library here recently got a
telephone inquiry as to how much
money one could take out of the
Dean Puts BanT
On Sportsweart
Any Army or Navy trainee who
may have come here expecting to
find well-formed coeds ambling
across the summer campus in flashy
shorts, might as well know now he is
going to get no cooperation in thatt
matter from the University.j
Dean of Women Alice C. Lloyd hast
requested all women not to wearj
shorts, or slacks, on the campus or{
in the classrooms, "in the interests
of good taste."'
Theer is one exception. The for-
bidden garments may be worn by
those enrolled "in a defense course
in which such attire is required."
The Dean also declared, "Neither
slacks nor shorts may be worn in the
dining roombfor dinner; and shorts
may never be worn in the dining
room nor in the living rooms norc
There was no mention in the
Dean's request, however, of abstain-
ing from~ shorts for tennis dates or
slacks for picnics.
Rioters Should
Be I mprisoned,
Thomas Says
DETROIT, Pune 29-(M-There
will be a recurrence of the recent De-
troit race riots unless some of the
ringleaders of the disorders get long
prison terms, R. J, Thomas, president
of the Automobile Workers-CIO, told
the state CIO convention today.
"The important question now is
not what caused the riots, but what
are we going to do about it," Thomas
said. "This is exactly what happened
in Germany, only there the Jews
were used as the whipping boys to
start Nazism.
"If that rioting had continued
much longed, it would have turned
into an attack on the Jews, then on
organized labor. I am sure of that."
Thomas declared the Detrot police
'force was not effective, though "when
we had picket lines they were very
effective." He said Mayor Edward J.
Jef fries should have seen to it that
the police did a better job.
Turning to other problems, Thom-
as urged the delegates to remember
at all times that winning the war
must come first.
"For the benefit of manufacturers
who refuse to work out their collec-
tive-bargaining problems," he said,
"I'll tell them that if they don't
change their tactics when this war is
over, they are going to have more
headaches than ever before."
U.S. Leaflets
Cause Riots
NEW YORK, June 29.-()-Riots
of serious proportions were reported
tonight to have occurred in Athens
and three other Greek cities as a
result of week-end American bomb-
ings during which leaflets were drop-
ped signed by President Roosevelt
and expressin the hope that the
nel toward France.
Fighters Renew Attacks
RAF fighters also renewed their
"train-busting" operations over nor-
thern France by daylight and the
air ministry said one Canadian pilot
riddled six locomdtives. while two
fliers shot up five more between
Watchers on the southeastcoast
of England, who reported the return
of the daylight attackers after 45
minutes, said that they believed the
force included heavy bombers but
that accurate identification was im-
possible because of the height at
which they flew.
Cologne Bears Brunt of Attack
Cologne, target of the first 1,000-
bomber raid that pulverized 600 ac-
res in May, 1942, bore thetbrunt of
the double-barreled night assault,
which cost the RAF 25 four-engined
It was the RAF's 13th heavy
bombing operation of the month and
was believed to have boosted the
June bomb load well over the record
of 12,000 tons dumped on Europe
during May.
Ruhr Has Nine Heavy Assaults
Each heavy assault is estimated to
deliver around 1,500 tons. Nine such
raids have been made on Ruhr tar-
gets alone this month, for a total of
13,500 tons. The RAF has lost 269
bombers in the record attacks this
month.2 Weather kept the heavy-
weights on the ground until June 11.
The RAF also laid mines in enemy
waters last night in the delayed-
action warfare that, according to an
official announcement, already has
sunk at least 400 Axis vessels.
Huge fires were spread throughout
Cologne and, although clouds pre-
vented an accurate assessment of
the damage, the tone of German
complaints about a "terror" attack
indicated that it was equally as de-
structive as other RAF saturation
Cologne Harbors Chemical Works
Cologne, third largest city in Ger
many, harbors a large assortment of
war plants including chemical and
dye works. Their importance is in-
dicated by the fact that the city now
has been raided 117 times.
Germany reported, without Allied
confirmation, that the Cologne ca-
thedral, which lifts its spires out of
a cluster of railway, industrial and
business targets, was hit by high ex-
"Heavy bombs smashed through
the roof of the cathedral and ex-
ploded inside the church, causing
heavy devastation," said a Berlin
broadcast heard in London.
Stephan Hopes
For Clemency
Traitor's Lawyer
Offers Last Goodby *
DETROIT, June 29.-(P)-Nichoas
Salowich, counsel for Max Stephan,
convicted traitor, disclosed today he
has said his last goodbye to his client,
who is scheduled to be hanged some-
time before dawn Friday, but insisted
he still believes his client's life will
be spared.
"I still think the President will
commute the death sentence," SaLo-
wich said.
"I told Stephan that when I saw
him last. But if the sentence is not