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July 09, 1943 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1943-07-09

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T""ft MIC 1 AN tA!rA'

d' lIPA 9 J 0.LY .9, 1949

_. --

Fifty-Third Year


Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Contrpl
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
lication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43
Editorial Staff
Marion Ford . . . . Managing Editor
Bud Brimmer . . . . Editorial Director
Leon Gordenker . . . . City Editor
Harvey Frank . . . . . . Sports Editor
Business Staff
Jeanne Lovett . . . Business Manager
Moly Winokur . . Associate Business Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by membes of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Martinique Must Come
into Al lies Influence
to Washington this week he was met, not
only by a 17 gun salute, but also by the fervent
public opinion that it was about time that some-
thing was done about Admiral Georges Robert
who has consistently refused to collaborate with
the Allies and has persistently said "God bless
you" to Nazi whims.
The appointment of Hoppenot to succeed
Robert should open activities between the Mar-
tinique, Guadeloupe and the Allies. Besides
giving the United Nations a vital air base the
natives of the islands will again be able to
eat-something they have been doing little of
Lying in Martinique harbors are loaded freigh-
ters burdened with foodstuffs that will alleviate
the food shortages on the island. These boats
are just waiting for Washington's approval be-
fore unloading.
Situated as it is, Martinique is a strategic
plum-and one that the Allies have long sought
to pluck. With Robert's resignation, the
Arench must come out of their Vichy shadow,
stop stalling and give effective aid to the
United Nations. - Margaret Frank
Literary College Should
Accept Business Credits
COURSES in business training at a college
level, and for college women only, are now
offered to University of Michigan women through
a program organized by the War Board. The
schools of forestry, music, business administra-
tion and education accept these as credit courses;
the School of Literature, Science, and the Arts
does not.
During the past few years colleges and uni-
versities have adopted many innovations to
meet wartime req.ireients. The University
of Michigan has been recognized as a leader
in making many of these changes. But appar-
ently authorities in tae literary school must
be reminded that these are dynamic times de-
manding constant revisal and readjustment of
rules and regulations.
Trained workers are now needed to fill an in-
estimable number of positions in every profes-
sional and occupational field. Especially needed
in the business world are women with sufficient
educational background to enable them to work
with initiative and to assume responsibility.
According to Mrs. Irene Place, assistant pro-
fessor in secretarial training i the Univeity,

such a person must have, "college training
plus a knowledge of office practiced and pro-
cedures and a fair degree of skill with the tools
of office work, namely typing and shorthand."
BECAUSE the usual college preparatory .course
does not enable the potential college woman
to equip herself with this fundamental knowledge
and skill, and because she must take credit cour-
ses 'in college, the average college graduate is
unable to step into a desirable position without
further training.
"Every year," says Mrs. Place, "hundreds of
college women are forced to enroll inprivate bus-
iness schools after graduation, and to endure
mediocre teaching simply because they have not
had a previous opportunity to learn office prac-
tices nor to use the tools of business."
rn _ .: s__ .. _ i .. .. .. .. . o.

YOU LIFT THE TOP off your typewriter case,
plant yourself in the chair, stick the cigarette
in your mouth, your fingers moving above the
keys without touching them.
Half a year away from the machine has made
you leary of it. You're wondering if those thin
steel arms with the lettering on top will still
make words you hope will make sense. You tap
the first key and a letter pops onto the white and
you suddenly feel the inadequacy of the type-
writer. It limits production to one letter at a
time, one word at a time, one phrase at a time,
and you want whole ideas, whole issues to show
up at once.
After a half a year away from writing the
ideas and the issues are flowing, breaking out
ofther watershed in a flood, then being
sgcked and swirled into the funnel of the type-
writer to come out too slowly, one letter at a
time, one word at a time.
You set yourself in the chair again, take a
drag on the cigarette and try to calm down, pick
out one thing first.
IRST there's ah, yeah, there's, let's see what is
first . . . one at a time, boys . . . there's, we'll
say, labor. We can tee off on the lambasting we
think labor is taking from the reactionary ele-
ments. Quite a bit in the six months since last
you had time to write about it.
And then of course. labor has had its pants
kicked by John L. Lewis, and even the A.F.L.
isn't paving the road for the, worker with any-
thing like concrete. Take a look at the deal
they just made with Congress to put the blocks
on the N.L.R.B.. .. Which brings us to another
issue, the way Congress has been acting lately
. . . and how can you stick to one point, even
a broad one, at a time ... but let'strythe Con-
gressional record.
It seemed last fall that the Republicans finally
bad worked up a big enough scare over the Ad-
ministration with the bureaucracy-to-socialism
theme to swing opinion in favor of a GOP blank-
et over both houses, particularly that of the
Representatives. The portent then was for a
series of big monkey wrenches in the Roosevelt
war program, and it must 'be admitted they
haven't let anybody who supported them down.
Their vote, along with that of a willing coterie of
Old Deal Democrats, has been nay on almost
every significant Administration-sponsored bill
since they have been in.
Tessir, the gentleman from Gooch County's
going to stop FDR for his constituepts, (that
is, the ones who mean anything), if it means
adding ten years onto the war ... Shall you go
on down the list of reactionary obstruction of
the war program now ... No, not enough room
in a first column for stuff that would fill a
good-sized volume, and the liberal newspapers,
few that there are, have been able to make it
pretty plain to most people what their point is
AK, THERE, THE PRESS . . . freedom for
which is guaranteed in the Constitution - - -
and just what have they been doing to help us
win the war, you say, with another issue lying in
your lap.. . please, gang, one at a time . .. Some
of them seem to be all for it, make victory on a
reasonable and rational basis their editorial
standard, even going a little further in some
cases with ideas for a decent pattern of life for
more people a vital part of that standard.
But they seem to be too few, those fighting
papers. Where are the rest? . . . Huddling
safely in the middle, for the most part, not
attempting to set out a clear pattern from the
paze of statement thrown at a confused and
jumpy public. Or else they come under the
I - Hate - Roosevelt or Progress - Be - Damned
heading, tittering and sticking their tongues
out from behind the Hearst-Patterson-McCor-
mick blockade at anything that smacks of
Roosevelt or a step upward in social progress.
And social progress, you think, stopping to
wipe the sweat off your hands, what's happening
to that . . and another big thougpt comes pour-
ing out of the funnel . . . well, we've got a ver-
sion of an old theme they've made a lot of use of
in Germany and similar places. It's called the
race riot, and believe me, brother, it's a lulu,
especially in wartime.

YOU SEE, everybody's keyed up then, nobody's
quite sure what's going to happen, thinking's
foggy all over, and what better opportunity to
drag out the old prejudices we've been educated
in of one race group against the other. In the
South it's a natural, Negroes and whites have
been at it since the Civil War. Up north you can
bring in a lot of billies to work in the war plants
where they've got Negroes and you're all set. All
you need is an incident.
A snap. Start booming up a mugging case, a
Southerner being insulted by a Negro who had
the guff to get on the same streetcar or be put
ou the same assembly line, or maybe a fist fight
between 'a Polish'family and some Negroes on
the same picnic ground. Why, in no time at all
you can have the nicest little riot you'd ever want
to see . . .spreads like the flu. Then if you're a
factory owner you can just sit back and chuckle
and say how this is sure going to raise hell with
someone in Washington come next election, or
if you're a cop you can stand by and have enough
sense not to interfere in the fun, and if you're a
bug on race discrimination (sure, that's okay
here . . . one of the four freedoms) you can go
out and crack some Negro's skull with a beer
bottle.and win a cigar, nobody'll stop you.
But if you're an honest, intelligent American
you'll just have to cower in your homes and
credit, but is certainly not an academic study.
Wartime is not time for half-way measures.
V+_1 w11 + h_«n _ a ..n II^D ,, xr_

watch the troops guard your streets and won-
der what's it all coming to and think how may-
be a little education with a reasonable moral
basis might have stopped it all.
DUCATION . . . there's an important point.
(we stayed on that last subject fairly long.. .
I must feel about that one) .. . what's happening
to that . . Army and Navy's taking it over, so a
lot of people, educators particularly, hold their
heads and wail that they'll murder it. Well,
they're right in the sense that the leeway in sub-
jects and opportunities to forge ahead in indi-
vidual research are necessarily limited, but, pro-
fessor, it is a means of preserving education and
helping win a war at the same time. When
Johnny comes marching home, it will be much'
easier to pick up his normal pattern of educa-
tion from where the Services leave off than from
zero. And you'd be surprised how mugh the
average class-cutting lackadaisical student is
made to learn in an Army school, professor,
really. They don't fall asleep on you in lecture
so much, either.
But I can't honestly favor ach issue with so
much space, not with, the rest ganging up for
expression. Big ideas fighting with little ideas,
and you don't like t exclude the little ones
because they mean a lot.
Then there are some things you want to say
but it looks like toes will be stepped on and you
have to stop and think is that very wise because
diplomacy isn't dead yet, and while you're debat-
ing another idea is backwashing into your brain
.. Maybe you shouldn't have started this in the
first place because ycu're the kind of a person
who's liable to get pretty nasty at things that
seem too unfair or too stupid . . . and yet you
don't want to appear opinionated. You'll get
criticism, too, yes even on a small town college
paper you get criticism, quite exacting and quite,
violent very often. Write your opinion about
literature and someone in the English deart-
ment will lift a scornful head and smoothly ex-
plode it in your face. Get technical and you'll
have the scientists and the engineers on your
head for a misquote of some kind. Everyone is
an expert in his own field, and you've got to pick
your way around it very carefully, it seems to
You sit back, light another cigarette, and
wonder why you're borrowing trouble, But
then you look back up the page, back over the
row you've furrowed, and you find there's
something there that wasn't before. The press
of ,the keys is still tingling on your fingers.
The typewriter's your friend again. We'll get
all those things off our chest one at a time, eh,
Okay, critics, you're on. Maybe I can make
friends in the bargain.
Idnsih baRathe
BeU Right
NEW YORK, July 9.- I think it would be
more useful if the European underground could
speak to us every day, than if we could speak
daily to the underground. It has far more to
teach us than we have to teach it.
The underground might tell us a few things
- about our so-called food problem. One can
imagine the titter which would sweep the best
cellars in Europe at the suggestion that one of
the burning issues in the world today is to head
off food subsidies.
Sometimes we are so unreal it is a wonder day-
'light does not pass through us. I think now of
the argument that no major attempt must be
made to divide and divert Hitler's armies until
it is safe to do so. How can a man who speaks
such words cast a shadow? He is a wraith; he
would cast no shadow in Europe, where many
men have decided not to wait until it is safe.
Those Europeans who have decided to wait until
it is safe are the Europeans we hold in contempt.
(I am afraid to take up in my short, stubby

fingers the delicate question of how European
revolutionaries must feel about non-Europeans
vvho want to wait until it is safe.)
The European underground, unfortunately,
lacks an Office of War Information to propa-
ga-dize among us. How we could, use an un-
derground Elmer Davis! The whole thing is
wrong. They are the ones who ought to be
telling us the facts of life. My imagination
dqes not enable me to audialize a broadcast
from a basement in Clichy, informing us that
without Giraud nothing can be done against
Nor can I hear the voice of the Illegal Broad-
casting Corp. advising us that what we need,
friends. to win the war, is a little more price in-
flation, as a number of American Senators have
been informing us. Higher prices in America
will kill Hitler, all right. Get beef to a dollar a
pound, and make Der Fuehrer surrender! It
will slay him.
No, I don't hear it. But I can hear some com-
nentator for the underground telling us, with
death as his sponsor, that if another whole year
passes without a major change in Europe, a
large part of Europe may cease to believe in
change. I see him as a thin, tense little man,
who does not sleep of nights because of the
thought that if only action had been possible

WASHINGTON, July 9.- The
other day a young Texan named
Creetmore Fath nearly fell off his
chair in the Board of Economic War-
fare when he got a call from the
White House:
"General Watson calling. The
President would like to see you at
Creetmore Fath is a relatively
obscure official in the Board of
Economic Warfare whom very few
people have heard about. But ie
is also one of the fightingest young
men in the BEW, especially when
it comes to a certain subject in'
which the President has shown
considerable in te rest- namely,
whether we shall follow Germany
and inspire cartels in Latin Amer-
The issue long has been debated
backstage in regard to American Cy-
anamid, to which the State Depart-
ment proposes granting a monopoly
of all the former Nazi drugs and
chemical companies in Mexico. Cre-
ation of this monopoly is extremely
important because' it would set 'a
pattern for other Latin American
Leo Crowley, forthright alien prop-
erty custodian, has opposed the
American Cyanamid deal; also At-
torney General Biddle. They had
argued that Cyanamid, once closely
linked with the Nazi I. G. Farbenin-
dustrie, would create another giant
chemical trust in Mexico which
might get into German hands after
the war., Also' they' have favored the
American principle of free competi-
tion in Mexico.
Picture l1istorLed
The President agreed with them,
sent a written memo to Cr'owley, and
a decision supposedly was made to
inform the Mexican government to
this effect. Then the State Depart-
ment, in drafting a note to Mexico,
distorted the picture, so actually it'
appeared that the United States had
no objection to the American Cyana-
mid deal.
Hearing about this, the President
called in the man who knows most


By Lu hby

w --
e -
-)' ' j er
-4 Chica ol'nInc.,
I never dreamed I'd. see the day when making_ up my bed seemed more
important than making up, my face!'

about the whole thing, young Creet-
more Fath.'
When Fath got to the White
House, the President sat back and
listened. He hardly said a word.
After Fath' had' finished telling
him how 'the State Department
had twisted the previous decision
of Crowley, Biddle and the' Presi-
dent himself, 'FDR made this re-
' "Any time you want to come and
see me again, just call up and tell
Watson that another Cyana-
mid is being pulled'off."
Immediately thereafter, the Presi-
dent sent 'for Assistant Secretary of
State Dean Acheson, Vice-President
Wallace, Attorney General Biddle
and Leo Crowley. Then he proceed-
ed to bawl out the State Department,
said that his instr'uctions 'had not
been carried out, and that from now
on he would handle his own dealings
with Mexico on American Cyanamid.
Free and Fair
After that the President did a
most unusual thing. He wrote a

personal letter to his friend, Presi-
dent Avila Camacho of Mexico, tell-
ing him in no uncertain terms that
the United States was for free and
fair competition, not for an Ameri-
can cartel along Nazi lines in Mexico.
(Note: The calling in of Creetmore
Fath, the man who new most about
American Cyanamid, is similar to
what the President used to do in the
old days when he kept an eagle eye
on domestic problems and was not
giving most of his time to admirals
and generals.
This incident, plus the firing of
Chester Davis, the two vetoes on the
anti-strike bill and subsidies, and the
withdrawal of George Henry Payne
from the FCC, has convinced White
House friends that. FDR is now de-
termined to get back to the battle of
the domestic front. Commissioner
Payne had sided with the Dies Com-
mittee in voting to oust FCC employ-
ees Dodd and Watson.)



FRIDAY, JULY 9, 1943
VOL. LIII, No. 9-S
All notices for The Daily Official Bulle-
tin are to be sent to the Office of the
Summer Session in typewritten form by
3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publi-
cation, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
Foundry Molding Tools wanted by
students now taking Metal Process-
ing Courses 3 and 9. It will be great-
ly appreciated 'if anyone' having
trowels and slicks will make these
tools available.
-John Grennan
Change of Address: Any student
J who has changed his address since
registering is urged to report the new
address to the Dean of Students,
Room 2, University Hall,
Student Organizations: All ap-
proved student organizations that
are active on the campus during the
summer are urged to report to the
office of the Dean of Students a list
of active officers. The privilege of
using the D.O.B. will not be granted
unless this is done.
Zoology Concentrates: Students
planning to offer credits in Military.
Science as part of the total of 90
casm. By all means, keep the sar-
casm in. Humor is always so nice.
The chipper words would sound
like Chinese, I think, coming out of
the speaker where the underground
had gathered to listen. And glances
would be exchanged. What is with
this man? they would ask each oth-
er. What is he talking about? Does-
n't he know the only question is
When? When? I think that word
would be heard often on the pro-
grams of the Illegal Broadcasting
I do not believe they would tell
us about how little they have to
eat. Vacuum tubes are precious.
There are so many more impor-
tant stories to tell, about friends
who were killed yesterday, and
others who may die tonight. They
might say: Do not rejoice because
Hitler has not started a new Rus-
sian offensive. He still holds Eur-
ope. Every year which passes gives
him another leg toward permanent
possession. These would be good,
steadying broa4casts, by men who
ha .vpP nnh.ad te itata

hours required by the Medical School
should see me at once.
--F. H. Test
Dept. of Zoology
Phone Ext. 2134
Civilian Engineers: The need for
plasma by our armed forces is in-
creasing daily. 150 donors (other
than those in the service) are re-
quired to supply the July quota for
the Michigan Blood Bank, July 15-
16. Register before this afternoon at
the Main Desk of the Union, or in
the Engineering Arch.
--A. H. Lovell,
Assistant Dean
Registration for all those wishing
positions, to be held in the Bureau of
Appointments and Occupational In-
formation, 201 Mason Hall, from 9-
12 and 2-4. This is the only regis-
tration to be held this summer,' and
applies to students in both the Sum-
mer Session and the Summer Term.
Enrollment is for the students who
wish employment in teaching and in
business or industrial jobs. Every-
one interested in a new position or
in a change of position, is urged to
Academic Notices
Engineering Mechanics 12: Fun-
damentals of Vibration. The course
will be given Tuesdays and Thurs-
days at 11 in Room 406 West Engin-
eering Building. Classes will begin
Tueday, July 13. -H. N. Hansen
Mathematics Seminar: 3 o'clock
today, 30 A.H. Proposed subject:
Topological properties of group man-
ifolds. -G. Y. Rainich
English 31: Section 4 (the new
section) will meet MWF at 2 in 1035
A.H. instead of 3209 A.H.
-F. W. Peterson
English 32: Section 2 will meet
MWF at 2 in 301 U.H. -K. T. Rowe
Physical Education-Women Stu-
dents: Four-week sport classes' will
begin the week of July 12 in Body
Conditioning, Dancing, Golf, Ele-
mentary Swimming, Riding and
Badminton. Students interested
should register in Office 15, Barbour
Gymnasium, 8 to 12 and 1:30 to 4:30
daily except Saturday; Saturday 8
to 12.
The July meeting of the .Faculty
of the College of Literature, Science,
-- + - A-4- - 11_ . 1, IA - 1d e.r _ .

fore the last day on which new elec-
tions may be approved. The willing-
ness of an instructor to admit a stu-
dent later will not affect the opera-
tion of' this rule. -E. A. Walter
Events Today
Jewish Religious Services will be
conducted at the B'nai B'rith Hillel
Foundation each Friday evening at
8 o'clock. Services are led by Rabbi
Jehudah M. Cohen, assisted by Louis
Singer and Elliott Organick. Stu-
dents,rservice men and faculty mem-
bers are invited.
International Center: A reception
for foreign students, faculty mem-
bers, interested American students,
and .friends will be held at the Inter-
national Center this evening at 8
p.m. Dr. and Mrs. Esson M. Gale
and specially invited guests will re-
ceive the visitors. Opportunity for
getting acquainted will be provided
newcomers, and refreshments will be
Coming Events
Engineering Council Meeting,
Wedriesday, July 14, 7:30 p.m. in
Room 244 West Engineering Build-
ig. Any member who is unable to
attend should call me at 7248.
-D. B. Wehmeyer, Secretary
Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student
Club, will have an outing -Saturday.
Meet on the steps of the Rackham
Building at 7:30 p.m.
Wesley Foundation: Baseball and
weiner roast for all Methodist stu-
dents and service men and their
friends on Saturday night. The
group will leave Wesley Lounge of
the Methodist Church at 7:30 p.m.
Please call 6881 before Saturday
noon for reservation.
The Angell Hall Observatory will
be open to the public from 9:30 to 11
Saturday evening, July 10. The moon
will be shown through the telescopes.
Children must be accompanied by
The Graduate Outing Club: will
meet Sunday, July 11, at 2:30 p.m.
in the club quarters for a swim-
ming trip to Whitmore Lake. Mem-
bers may either bring food or secure
it at the lake. Those driving should
stop at the club for extra passengers.
nfarc will+t a i hts Afn.-

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