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July 09, 1943 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1943-07-09

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III akes




Nazi Tanks
Drive Wedge
In Belgorod
Red Army Remains
Firm Elsewhere,
Gains Land in North
MOSCOW, July 9, Friday- (P)-
The fourth day of the powerful Ger-
man offensive closed last night with
the Nazis still struggling on the outer
rim of the Kursk salient, although
the Soviets officially announced still
another tank wedge in the Belgorod
sector below Kursk.
The Russian communique also said
that Soviet counterattacks had im-
proved the Red Army's position in
the Orel-Kursk sectors, and that 304
more German tanks were destroyed
or damaged during the day and 161
planes shot down, bringing the toll
for four days to 1,843 tanks and 810
35,000 Nazi Casualties
Five thousand Germans killed in
one sector alone boosted the enemy's
casualties to at least 35,000 on the
basis of still incomplete reports.
These losses were not as large as
in the first three days of the monster
tank, plane, and infantry battle, but
military experts said this was un-
derstandable because the Germans
could not afford to continue to take
the big losses they did at the reckless
beginning of their big push.
Situation Remains Unchanged
The importan4 news here was in-
dications that the situation remains
virtually unchanged despite the en-
ormity of the Nazi effort.
Russian bombers continued to
pound the enemy's rear lines behind
Orel, Kursk and Belgorod. An offi-
cial announcement said that on
Wednesday night the bombers
"caused heavy losses to the enemy"
in attacks on his troop trains, tanks,
and trucks and, at river crossings
without the loss of a single raider.
Breakthrough Falls
In a single narrow sector of the
Kursk-Orel front the Russians said
the Germans had hurled 90,000 men
against Red Army positions without
achieving a breakthrough. It was in
this fight yesterday that the Ger-
mans lost more than 5,000 men, 120
tanks, 33 guns, 150 machineguns,
and hundreds of trucks in three fu-
tile charges, the communique said.
In the Belgorod sector the Rus-
sians said their troops had allowed
the Axis tanks to get through, cut-
ting off the enemy infantry and "In-
flicting devastating blows onnthem,"
while Russian anti-tank gunners and
tank crews began whittling down the
enemy armor in the wedge.
Center To Hold
Conclave Today
The International Center's fifth
annual summer reception to be held
at 8 p.m. today promises to be a col-
orful affair, according to Robert
Klinger, assistant director of the
The primary purpose of the recep-
tion is*to welcome both old and new
foreign students to the campus and
to provide an. opportunity for inter-
ested Americans to meet them, Mr.
Klinger said.
The visitors will be welcomed by
Dr. Esson M. Gale, the new director
of the Center, and Mrs.nGale, Prof.
Arthur S. Aiton, of the history de-
partment, and Mrs. Aiton, and Mrs.
Aga-Oglu of Turkey.

Chinese and Filipino coeds in na-
tive costume will officiate at the re-
freshment tables.
A special invitation is extended to
service men to become acquainted
with the activities and members of
the Center, which is located in the
south wing of the Union.
Dr. Gale has asked all who are
interested in things international,
whether they are foreign or Ameri-
can, to attend.
Ford Heir Is Given
Desk Job in Detroit
DETROIT, July 8.-(AP)-Second
Lieut. Benson Ford, second son of
the late Edsel Ford, has been de-

Gen. Giaud Welcomed By Lea hly Ot Arrival In Capitol


Nazis Send
Alert on New
Invasion Fear
Menacing Activity by
Allied Mediterranean
Fleet Causes Alarm
By The Associated Press
LONDON, July 8-Fear of Allied
invasion sent a new alert to Axis
outposts tonight along the. gun-
studded rim of Europe as the Ger-
mans reported menacing activity by
Allied warships in the Mediterranean
and inferentially expressed anxiety,
that Britain and the United States
would coordinate their impending
blows with those of the Red Army.
"A synchronization of the Allied
Command with Moscow at the pres-
end moment would be a very danger-
ous experirhent," said a German
Allied Cruisers in Mediterranean
The Nazis, in a broadcast by their
"International Information Bureau,"
a propaganda agency, declared that
American cruisers and aircraft car-
riers had arrived to bolster the Allied
Mediterranean fleet and that several
hundred thousand' tons of Allied
shipping had been concentrated
This report dovetailed with dis-
patches telling of heightened unrest
and defense preparations, in the east-
ern Mediterranean, especially in
Greece and Crete.-
Crete Ready for Zero He
A .Vichy broadcast recorded by the
British news agency Reuters said
that the Axis defenders of Crete "are
always ready for the zero hour" and
that Axis naval forces off Crete were
"ready for the attack at a moment's-
notice." German air fields were re-
ported dispersed all over the island
Dingle M. Foot, parliamnentary sec-
retary to the ministry for economic'
warfare, did nothing to ease Axis
nerves with the statement 1i4 Com-
mons that the ministry had been as-
sessing the resources of various parts
of Europe for use of invading Allied
"For the last 12 months at least
our work in this direction has been
mostly concerned with certain areas
on the continent of Europe," he ob-
Bill Sawyer

Vast Grants Approved,
Subsidy Fight Dropped
By The AssociatedPress
WASHINGTON, J'1y 8.-With a swift burst of activity, Congress
wiped its c.alendar clean of major pending legislation and recessed tonight
until Sept. 14--the first lengthy vacation it has taken since the war's out-
The legislators, in clearing the way to go home, swiftly approved
$4.302,234 in appropriations and dropped a half dozen controversies in-
cluding the qvarrel with the Administration over whether subsidies should
be paid to "roll back" ? etail food prices.
At 5:49 p.m. (Eastern War Time) the Senate approved the resolution to
recess and at 6:22 p.m. The House followed suit, voting amid cheers and
whistles. There were only a few scattered "noes." The resolution actually

Cane in hand, Gen. Henri Honore Giraud, Com mander of French forces in North Africa and Co-
chairman of the French Committee for National Lib eration, marches down the steps leading from the
plane which brought him to Washington. He is followed by his staff to be welcomed by Adm. William
D. Leahy and many ranking officers.

Nelson Claims
Coming Battles
Will Use Arms
Allies Are Receiving
Neeled Supplies, WPB
Chief Tells Canadians
TORONTO, July 8.-U)--"Gigan-
tic battles in which unheard-of quan-
tities of war .material will be con-
sumed" are coming soon, Chairman
Donald Nelson of the U. S. War Pro-
duction Board (WPB) told Canadi-
ans today, but the Allies are getting
the material, he added.
"This one continent," he said in
an address at the Canadian Club,
is producing the materials of war
at a rate enormously higher than
anything that the Axis could show
at the peak of its strength.
"This year, in this continent
alone, we will produce almost twice
as much in combat munitions as the
He admonished that "this -is no
time to speak of easing up in our
efforts" while giving these figures
an accomplishment by the United
Stats and Canada alone:
Since the outbreak of the war,
almost 115,000 planes have been pro-
duced and "before the end of this
year we will be producing a com-t
pleted plane every 4 2/3 minutes."
More than 175,000 larger caliber
guns for ground armies alone have
been finished and more than 1,500,-
000 machine guns and 6,000,000 rifles
and submarine guins have been man-
AP Asks open
AntiTrust Trial
Government Charges
Monopolistic Practice
NEW YORK, July 8.- (/)- The
Associated Press argued today for an
open trial of the government's anti-
trust suit against it, declaring that
to open its membership "to any
newspaper wishing its service would
destroy the foundation upon which
the cooperative enterprise has been
Attorneys for the Department of
Justice presented arguments to a
three-judge federal district court
that there were no uncontroverted
facts and on that basis the issues
shouw- be decided in a summary
judgment-verdict without trial-on
documents alone. The court reserved
decision. after listening tai the day of
The Associated Press countered
that there were at least seven major
facts it had challenged and the case
was one for trial at which testimony
nnlrl hp nnfnar

General G ird,
FDR Discuss
French Arm y
Ousting of lolbert Nay
Bring Martinique into
War on Allied Side
WASHINGTON, July 8. -P)-
General Henri Honore Giraud talked1
today with President Roosevelt and
high military officers who are as
eager as he is to see his French fight-
ing men armed and equipped to take
a full share in driving the Germans+
from France.-
The French commander, who1
shares the leadership of the French
Committee of National Liberation in
Algiers with General Charles de+
Gaulle, lunched at the White House
with President Roosevelt, General
George C. Marhall, Army Chief of
Staff, and Admiral William D. Leahy,
the President's chief of staffwho
formerly was ambassador to Vichy
France. During the afternoon he
called on Lord Halifax, the British
The bringing of Martinique into
the war effort against the Axis, by
displacing Admiral Georges Robert,
Vichy French high commissioner in
the Caribbean, was described in naval
quarters meanwhile as well on the
way toward accomplishment.
Several days at least are expected
to elapse before Henri Etienne Hop-
penot, delegate of the French Com-
mittee of National Liberation at Al-
giers, will be able to go to Marti-
nique for negotiations with Admiral
Robert, perhaps after General Giraud
completes his visit here.
United States agreement with the
steps of the Algiers committee to
negotiate the change of authority at
Martinique was indicated in French
CIO Branutch
AccsesLew i~s
Of Sedition
NEW YORK, July 8.-- ()-. The
National Maritime Union (CIO) at
its fourth constitutional convention
adopted a resolution today which
called upon the attorney general to
invoke the sedition laws against
John L. Lewis, described in the reso-
lution as "an enemy promoting a
program designed to destroy the
American way of life."
In another resolution adopted re-
lating to Lewis, president of the
United Mine Workers, the union
convention urged the miners to
"weed out of their ranks those ele-
ments who, under the leadership of
John L. Lewis, are aligned with the

Allied Bombers
Unopposed by
Italian Forces
Sicily, Sardnia Left
Un protected During
Heavy Squadron Raids
NORTH AFRICA, July 8. - (IP) -
The Allied commanders sent heavy
aerial squadrons acros. the length
and breadth of Sicily and Sardinia
yesterday, throwing in 19 assaults
on the Sicilian airdrome network of
Gerbini alone and meeting no fighter
opposition over that scarred and
blasted area.
Bomb attacks were reaching the
scope of a unending storm-above
Gerbini itself there had hardly been
a moment in the past 24 hours when
the sky was clear of Allied raiders-
and as this storm came closer to the
Italian mainland there were increas-
ing indications that Mussolini was
having difficultyhin maintaining
Italian unity.
Monitors of the Tunis radio dis-
closed that a clandestine Italian sta-
tion calling itself "Radio Italo Balbo"
had been for three successive nights
appealing to the people to overthrow
the Duce.
"The perverted Italians of the
present Fascist Party are doomed to
die in disgrace," said one of these
Yesterday's air attacks over a great
area, against airdromes and enemy
communications, cost a total of five
Allied planes lost, and 10 enemy
planes were destroyed.
Reed Names
His Candidates
Taft or Vandenberg
Should Be Nominated
WASHINGTON, July 8.-(0)-Sen-
ator Reed (Rep.-Kan.) thinks the
Republicans ought to give the Presi-
dential nod either to Senator Taft
(Rep.-O.) or Senator Vandenberg
"I think," he said during debate
on the food subsidy program, "the
Republican Party is wasting a great
deal of time trying to find a candi-
date, looking at Willkie, Governor
Dewey and Governor Bricker, when
there are two men in the Senate,
either of whom would make a better
candidate than any other of the
men I have named.
"The two men to whom I refer are
so nearly balanced in my esteem
that on Mondays, Wednesdays and
Fridays I think the Senator from
Michigan would be the best candi-
date of the Republican' Party for
President, and on Tuesdays, Thurs-
days and Saturdays I lean toward
the Senator from Ohio."

U.S. Repulsex
Jap Patrols
Near Mtrnda
Enemy Landing Force1
Driven Of f Rendova 1
Island by Americans'
By The Associated Press,
AUSTRALIA, July 9, Friday-Amer-
ican and Japanese patrols have
clashed near the Munda air base of
the enemy on New Georgia Island.-
The Japanese were repulsed, the Al-
lied High Command announced to-
Below Munda on Renclova Island,1
a Japanese patrol attempted a land-
ing there and was repulsed.i
Rendova was seized by the Ameri-
cans on June 30 at the outbreak of
the New Pacific offensive.
The clash of patrols near Munda,
the immediate objective of the
Americans in the current operations'
in the central Solomons, involved
segments of United States forces
which had established two landings
both above and to the East of the
air base to pave the way for a pin-
cers movement.
Allied bombers struck at the sour-
ces of supply for Munda by dropping
21 tons of bombs on Vila, on Kolom-
bangara Island, and 23 tons on the
Buin-Aisi sector of the northern Sol-
At the other end of the 700-mile
arc of the battle front Allied land
and air units struck heavily at Jap-
anese barring the way in the Mubo
area of New Guinea to the air base
of Salamaua 12 miles above it.
(The Tokyo newspaper Asahi was
quoted in Berlin as conceding that
the Allies are pushing forward in the
Solomons and also are exerting hea-
vy pressure in New Guinea.)
* * *
Ten, Jap Transports
Sunk, Navy Reports
WASHINGTON, July 8.-('P)-De-
struction of 10 Japanese transport
and supply ships, important to the
enemy's sprawling Pacific empire,
Was announced today by the Navy.
The ships were sunk by American
submarines which also damaged four
medium sized cargo vessels. The
latest undersea blows to be reported
against the enemy's merchant fleet
raised to 283 the total number of
enemy vessels which have been re-
ported sunk or damaged by United
States undersea craft in the Pacific
since the war started.
This total consists of 200 ships
sunk, 29 probably sunk and 54 dam-

took effect at 6:33 p.m., when the
House knocked off work, the Senate
having done so some minutes earlier.
Members Can Be Recalled
It was agreed that the members
could be called back to Washington
at any time by President Roosevelt,
Congressional officers, or the Demo-
cratic and Republican legislative
The Senate had to yield point af-
ter point to the House in order to get
the vacation which already had been
delayed a week by disagreements be-
tween the two chambers.
Senate Drops Subsidy Ban.
First of all, the Senate abandoned
by a vote 'of 34 to 33 its demand for
inclusion qf a ban on food subsidy
payments in a resolution continuing
the Commodity Credit Corporation
until Jan. 1. The House had refused
to accept this Senate amendment
and leaders had warned it would
bring a veto from President Roose-
velt. The resolution was then speed-
ily sent to the White House.
Next the Senate bowed to House
wishes and dropped its insistence on
continuing government crop insur-
ance. This permitted final 'passage
of a $253,256;000 "catch-all" defici-
ency appropriation. This carried
money for over-time payments ,to
Federal workers, emergency funds for
President Roosevelt's use in conduct-
ing the war and $15,000,000 for
loans to rehabilitate farm lands dam-
aged by this yet's floods.
Iouse Pigeonholes Corn Bill
Meantime, the House Agriculture
Committee gbt rid of another con-
troversy by simply pigeon-holing a
Senate-approved bill to raise the
ceiling price on corn from $1.07 to
$1.40 a bushel, Chicago, basis. Here
again, an expectation that the Presi-
dent would veto such a bill figured in
the decision, reached on a 9 to 6
Finally, the Senate dropped its de-
mand that it be allowed to pass on
the qualifications of any employes of
war agencies who are paid $4,500 a
year or more. Sponsored by Senator
McKellar (Dem.-Tenn.). this would
have required nomination, and Sens
ate confirmation of such employes.
Turn to Page 4, Col. 4
Professor opposed
By Auditor General
LANSING, July 8. -P)--Vernon J.
Brown, auditor general, still refuses
to authorize payment of $2,500 for
a survey of Michigan's social welfare
system by Dr. Robert W. Kelso, Uni-
versity of Michigan sociologist.
The fee was recommended by the
reorganized state'social welfare com-
mission. Brown asserted that he con-
sidered Kelso was on a year-around
salary from the University and that
since the University was a state in-
stitution, the state was entitled to
his services without additional com-

Opens League,
Dances Tonight
Bill Sawyer and his orchestra will
open the summer social season today,
when coeds and service men gather
for dancing from 9 p.m. to midnight
in the League Ballroom.
Miss Ethel McCormick, social dir-
ector of the League, stated that Saw-
yer would continue to play every
Friday and Saturday at the League
for as long as the dances are sup-
ported by the students and service
Sawyer's band has played for
week-end dances at the Union for
the past five years and is "well-
known" to the students. At the
request of the League social com-
mittee, Sawyer gave up a tour of the
country this summer to return to

.. . ..... . ..


Boys Vacation at Fresh Air Camp

Yesterday, the University of Mich-
igan Fresh Air Camp was crowded
with visitors as part of the prepara-
tion for the Tag Day drive, which
will be held in Ann Arbor next
The camp is located 23 miles from
Ann Arbor on beautiful green hil-
locks. It consists of 18 cabins, a
women's dormitory cabin, a small
hospital, a recreation building, and
a kitchen and large dining room
building. The camp covers 180 acres
and is right on Lake Patterson, an
attractive, large body of water.
Boys Come from Cities
But above all the camp is the kids

friendly spirit. One fat little boy
had a book with him called, "The
Fighting Eleven." We asked him
if he liked it. "Sure, but-we don't
like that psychology stuff." One
little fellow of eleven when asked
why he wanted to go to camp said,
"I want to laugh."
Nick Shreiber, the resident director
of the camp, explained the attitude
of the-large majority of the boys at
the camp, their almost incomprehen-
sible, indescribable desire for love,
kindness, or even a show of friendly
sympathy and understanding.
"These boys are usually mal-
adjusted either at home, at school,

The visitors saw the boys at work
and play. The boys do all their own
work around the camp including the
repair of roads leading into the
grounds. They said they loved the
The visitors were shown a library
of about 250. books, the work shop,
and the large recreation hall. They
saw the cosy little bunks in which
the boys sleep, about 9 to a cabin.
They saw the swimming pool, and
the rowboats. They ate with kids, a
meal of chow nein, plenty of rice,
bread, and milk, and ice-cream for
Girls Act as Counselors
11 M n.v offhp ha WvC .hsive wirl Pnim_

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