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Germans Predict Allied
Invasion To Start Today
U.S. Takes Viru
iarbor In Solornons
By The Associated Pressv
LONDON, July 3 tSaturday) -
German propaganda resumed this
morning its predictions that an Allied
invasion of the continent would be-
gin today, with the Nazi-controlled
Paris radio broadcasting that it was
so sure the blow was going to fall it
had sent reporters to the French
"It is no longer a question of days,"
the Paris station declared early this
morning. "It is a matter of a few
hours and perhaps only a few min-
This was a turnabout from yester-
day. At that time Paris had aban-
doned its "July 3" refrain, saying,
however, that heavy fighting would
come "-while the trees are, still green."
This, the broadcast added, was
far more likely than action merely
"before the leaves of autumn fall,"
as Prime Minister Churchill declared
in his Guildhall speech in midweeks.
"Not only is Germany not afraid
of the offensive against her," said the
Paris commentator, "but she is even
looking forward to it because this will
indIeed be the best means of proving
to. her enemies the futility of their
efforts and of inflicting on them a
setback or series of setbacks which
will discourage them for good."
The Rome radio for its part con-
tinued the effort to harden Italian
morale. In a broadcast recorded by
the Associated Press a Fascist mili-
tary commentator declared that ifr
Italy surrendered "she would havex
to join in the fight against her form-l
er ally. So for war, war again would
be . substituted. No thanks, gentle-c
From a foreign source in Londoni
came the report that the German
Command had moved its Air Force1
Knox Tells Axis
Road to Victory
Is All Mfapped
SAN FRANCISCO, July 2.- (P)-
Secretary of Navy Frank Knox
served notice on theembattled Axis
powers today that the United Na-
tions have mapped the road to vic-
tory, "all the way," and put in an
extra dose of disquieting news forI
the Japanese. .
There is much hard fighting
ahead, he said in an address, but "we
know that, in spite of hell and Hit-,
ler, we shall eventually fight our way e
through to victory."
At a press conference, the Navy
secretary tempered his encouraging
report of the war in the Atlantic and
the Pacific with a warning that the
United States faces a shortage of
crude oil.
He declared it was imperative for
the government to begin to acquire
oil reserves from outside the conti-
nental ;limits because of our own
dwindling supply.
Knox looked up from his prepared
address to a chamber of commerce
luncheon at one point to remark
that the whole program of Axis
"depredation" in the Atlantic was
not meeting the success its planners
expected. He said the Allies expect-
ed serious losses in the north Atlan-
tic area, but after March, something
happened and our losses have gone
down. On the other hand, he said
the rate of Axis sub sinkings has
gone up.I
Knox brought hearty applause
with the statement that "much
more" in ships, planes and subma-
rines "is now on the way to the Pa-
cific" to carry forward new blows
against the Japanese.
"We are exerting a major effort in
the Pacific, and this effort will be
increased and intensified as time
goes on," he said.
78 Billion Was Spent
During Fiscal Year
government spent more than seven-
ty-eight billion dollars during the
fiscal year just ended and about 92
per cent of it was for war.
But even before these historic fin-
al figures became- available today the
Treasury had opened books for a
budget calling for the outlay of one
hundred and nine billion dollars this
Headquarters in Italy from Rome to
Milan. The same informant asserted
that the Nazi fliers were complain-
ing of being forced to use inexperi-
enced and careless Italian ground
personnel with many resultant oper-
ational accidents.
The Nazi paid more attention to
their own bomb troubles than to the
worries of their menaced Italian al-
Propaganda Minister Goebbels, in
an article in Das Reich which was
broadcast by the German Agency
DNB, alleged:
"In these bombed regions every
child knows that the enemy air com-
mands mainly attempts to hit the
centers of cities because there most
victims will be made."
RAF Bombers,
Fighters Strike
Fre T argets
Planes Hit Oil Storage
Tank in Netherlands;
Flames Shoot High
LONDON, July 2-'P)-Royal Air
Force bombers and fighters again
ripped into enemy railway, sup-
ply and communications targets in
France and the low countries today
and observers reported seeing an-
other strong force of British planes,
apparently including bombers, head-
ing across the Channel early tonight.
The Air Ministry news service said
RAF Typhoons 'hit an oil storage
tank near Ijmuiden in Holland and
the pilots saw flames shoot to a
height- of 100 feet.
Boston bombers attacked railway
tracks, engine sheds and rail junc-
tions at Ghent and Courtrai in Bel-
gium and at Lille in France.
U.S. headquarters said the Thun-
derbolt squadrons ran into about 30°
Focke-Wulf 190s south of Rotter-
dam and shot down four, probably
destroyed another and damaged five
with the loss of only one plane.
The Spitfires downed four planes
over northern France. Four British1
planes were lost in this sweep and
an earlier attack by fighter-escorted
Typhoon bombers on an enemy con-
voy off the Dutch coast. Three
merchant ships and four mine sweep-
ers were reported damaged by the
convoy attackers.7
18,031 Axis Planes
Destroyed by Allies'
LONDON, July 2.- UP)- The
United States and British air forces
and Allied anti-aircraft units de-
stroyed a'known total of 18,031 Ger-
man, Italian and Japanese airplanes
from the start of the war to the end
of June, a compilation from official,
communiques disclosed tonight.
Thousands more Axis planes were
destroyed by the Russians, an addi-
tional 985 by the Royal Navy, and
others by United States Navy guns
and planes in the first month of the
Pacific war which were not included
in the total, and by the French air
force before the collapse of France.
Accurate records of these tolls are
not available.
Allied Chief
In Pacific
MacArthur Is Supreme
Head of All Forces
WASHINGTON, July 2.-)-On-
ly preliminary phases of the offens-
ive launched against the Japanese
are yet discernible, but the fact that
American-Australian ground, air and
sea forces involved have been merged
under supreme command of General
Douglas MacArthur testifies that
major strategic objectives are aimed
Those objectives were set at the
recent joint British-American staff
conferences in Washington. The de-
cision to establish a single command,
paralleling that of General Dwight
D. Eisenhower in north and west
This is a general view of Viru Harbor on New Georgia Island
in the Central Solomons which the Navy announced has been cap-
tured by U.S. forces invading this area.
Senators Ask
Early Vote on
Ball Measure
Vandenberg Introduces
Plan Favoring U.S.
Participation in Peace
American cooperation with other na-
tions to prevent future aggression "by
any necessary means" was proposed
by two Senate Republicans today as
three other senators served notice
they would demand a vote by mid-
October on the Ball-Burton-Hill-
Hatch resolution to preserve post-
war peace, by force if necessary.
Senators Vandenberg (Rep.-Mich.)
and White (Rep. Me.), members of
a foreign relations subcommittee
considering several similar proposals,
introduced a resolution that would
put the 78th Congress on record as
favoring :
"The participation by the United
States in post-war cooperation be-
tween sovereign nations to prevent,
by any necessary means, the recur-
rence of military aggression and to
establish permanent peace with jus-
tice in a free world."
The resolution,, proposed present
examination of these aims, so far as
is consistent with the war effort,
"and their ultimate achievement by
due congressional process and with
faithful recognition of American
responsibilities and American In-
Significance was attached to Van-
denberg's co-authorship of the pro-
posal, since he was classed among the
"non-interventionists" of the Senate
who opposed repeal of the arms em-
bargo and fought enactment of lend-
lease before this country was plunged
into war at Pearl Harbor.
Vandenberg told reporters a. great
deal of work had gone into the fram-
ing of the resolution with the obvi-
ous purpose of preparing a proposed
commitment that would leave this
country free to act in the way it
thinks best after the war, would pre-
serve the Senate's constitutional
right to ratify treaties ana would not
be interpreted as inviting the forma-
tion of an international super-gov-
He interpreted the phrase "by any
necessary means" as leaving the way
Allied Forces Make Progress
At Salanaua, New Guinea Front
ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN to 123 enemy planes already repor
AUSTRALIA, July 3 (Saturday)-U) ed shot down in that sector).
-Matching successes already scored Pinning down Japanese planes
in the Central Solomons, the Allies the base which could best serve t
have made progress on the Salamaua, enemy to parry the Allied bows, b
New Guinea, battlefront of the Pa- four-engined bombers struck for tr
cific offensive by a junction of in- third straight day at Rabaul, Ne
land forces with the beachhead Britain.
achieved at Nassau Bay, the high They sent 33 tons of bombs dow
command announced today. on Vunakanau and Rapopo ai
Australian jungle troops which for dromes.
long have been at Mubo. 12 miles Many fires and explosives result
south and inland from Salamaua, and five searchlights were put outc
have fought their way to Nassau Bay action in the night raid.
12 miles down the coast where Amer-
icans landed Wednesday, the noon V 9
comunqu reotd U C esWl
This juncture made a more com- *
pact front against Salamaua whose (Ii , round
capture would afford the Allies a base !
in the Huon Gulf of northeastern;
range of Japanese-held New Britain.
The Japanese, who had been "Michigan coeds interested
caught completely by surprise in the maintaining the appearance of t
New Guinea landing, sent its air campus, and in getting healthful ou
force to bomb the American beach door exercise while earning six
head. cents an hour, are urged to beg
"Elements of our ground forces work today with the 'Michigan La
moving overland from Mubo cap- Army,' of ground crew worker
tured and consolidated the area at Marion Baskette, '44, chairman
the mouth of the south arm of Bioti the project, said.
River, effecting contact with our Workers may sign up in the u
forces at Nassau Bay," the communi- dergraduate offices of the Women
que said. League, or at the sub-station in ba
"Ten enemy planes raided the of Waterman Gymnasium wh
area." work assignments are made.
On the central Solomons front, 22 The required two hours of co
more Japanese planes were report- secutive work may be donefro
ed downed. 8a.m. to noon or from 1 to 6 p.
Presumably these were in addition on Saturdays, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.r
House Fails To Muster
Votes To Override FDR
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, July 23.- A Presidential veto, sustained by the House,
today saved the Administration's food subsidy program from a Congres-
sional death sentence.
Declaring it was "an inflation bill, a high-cost-of-living bill, a food
shortage bill," President Roosevelt sent back to the Capitol with his disap-
proval the measure Congress passed last Wednesday prohibiting use of sub-
sidies to push down retail food prices.
Promptly, the bill died when its advocates in the House failed to muster
the necessary two-thirds to over-ride the veto. The vote was:, 228 in favor
of over-riding, and 154 against.
The original House vote approving the bill was 160 to 32.
Since the subsidy ban was part of legislation extending the life of the
Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) for two years from midnight June 30,
4 that agency technically was out of
Strike Leaders
Given Lay-Off
Officials Say
Is Disciplinary
DETROIT, July 2.- UP)- Ford;
Motor Company officials said after
a meeting with union representatives,
at the company's Lincoln plant this
afternoon that three men alleged to
have instigated a walkout on the af-
ternoon shift yesterday have been
given one-week disciplinary lay-offs.
, The afternoon shift reported for
work as usual, continuing production
which had been unimpeded on other
The walkout occurred after em-
ployes of this shift were directed to
report for work, starting Tuesday
at 4 p.m. instead of 3:30 p.m. United
Automobile Wprkers (CIO) repre-
sentatives said the workers objected
to the change because of transporta-
tion difficulties after midnight.
The company said the change was
ordered to eliminate congestion at
' the shift change.
Europe Hit Again.
By RAF Bombers
LONDON, July 3 (Saturday) -UP)
-British-based planes of the RAF
unloaded 15,000 tons of bombs on
on Sundays, or from 1 to 6 p.m. on
weekdays. Pay checks will be issued
on the first and fifteenth of every
Blue jeans and shirts must be
worn, and girls appearing in slacks
or shorts will not be allowed to work.
Credit will be given by the League
Personnel Administration for hours
of work done by each girl.
"Ground crew members may workt
as much or as little as they desire,
but the services of many workers are
urgently and immediately needed to
do mowing, raking, weeding, and
other similar jobs," Miss Baskette
B;rown Clears
Lou R. Maxon
WASHINGTON, July 2.-(P)--
Price Administrator Prentiss M,.
Brown today cleared his information
deputy, Lou R. Maxon of Detroit, of
charges that he had obtained a large
number of food ration stamps im-
The charges had been made by R.
J. Thomas, pi'esident of the United
Automobile Workers, CIO.
Brown said in a statement to the
press today that "a full investigation"
into rations for a summer lodge
owned by Maxon, Inc., Detroit Ad-
vertising Agency.
"The application for processed
food points was made and was hand-
led in complete good faith, and no
influence or pressure was brought on
open for establishment of an organ-
ization to preserve the peace -
through a world police force, eco-
nomic sanctions, a world court, or
an association of nations-as post-
war circumstances might demand.
Nazis Retreat
From Soviets
Germans Fall Back
Near Dorogobuzh
LONDON,,July 3. (Saturday)--0p)
-The German radio acknowledged
last night that Nazi troops had fallen
back to strongly fortified new posi-
tions near Dorogobuzh, on the Mos-
cow front about 50 miles northeast
of Smolensk-an area where the
German High Command itself ear-
lier had reported repeated Soviet
attacks although claiming that all
had been repelled at that time. The
broadcast was recorded by the Asso-
ciated Press.
This flareup of the fighting on one
of the most critical sectors in Russia
was not specifically mentioned early
this morning in the Russian mid-
night communique recorded here by,
the Soviet monitor.
It told, however, of Soviet infantry
charges which occupied German
trenches in one sector of the "west-
ern front"-the Russian term for the
Moscow front.
Reinforced German troops launch-
ed fierce counterattacks in that sec-
tor but all of these were repulsed
by artillery, mortar, and rifle fire
which killed 600 officers and men,
the bulletin said. The Soviets were
said to have taken some prisoners
and a quantity of materials.
Wants To Meet You.
Ste phan Just
Prisoner at
Milan Now
Convicted Traitor Goes
Into Regular Prison
Routine as Inmate
MILAN, Mich., July 2.-()-Max
Stephan, the traitor whom a Presi-
dential commutation saved from the
gallows, became just another pris-
oner at the Federal Correctional In-
stitution here today.
Warden Cecil J. Shuttleworth said
Stephan, for the first time, had been
assigned to labor tasks the same as
other prisoners, and has "the usual
prison privileges." There was no
word concerning the attitude of fel-
low inmates toward a man convicted
of treachery to his country, and
Shuttleworth said there would be
none; that federal prisoners may not
be photographed, interviewed or
others allowed to talk freely about
Until today, an individual guard
had been assigned to him, keeping
him in view every minute of the day,
awake or asleep.
At the Wayne county jail before
Stephan was transferred to the pris-
on here to be hanged, other prison-
ers refused to talk to him or associ-
ate with him. Murderers, thieves,
drunks snubbed him.
Scheduled to be hanged at 1:30
a.m. today, Stephan was saved when
President Roosevelt commuted his
sentence yesterday afternoon to one
of life imprisonment. Stephan had
been informed of the execution hour
shortly before the commutation order
Vice Admiral
Hoover Will
Meet Robert
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico, July 2.-
(RP)- Vice-Admiral John H. Hoover
of the United States Navy an-
nounced today that he would confer
,tomorrow with Admiral Georges Ro-
bert, French high commissioner of
Martinique, who has asked for an
emissary to arrange a change in the
island's government.
"I expect to confer with Admiral
Robert tomorrow," said Admiral
Hoover who will fly to Fort De
France, accompanied by an aide.
The rip may result in the adher-
ence o the French Caribbean pos-
sessions to the United Nations'
Martinique's peculiar status began
afterthe fall of France in June, 1940.
Hoover visited Robert and fixed the
terms of an agreement whereby the
islands would receive economic as-
sistance in return for the demilitari-
zation of ships and planes. Robert
also agreed not to allow the Axis to
use the island as a submarine base.
Last May the United States abro-
gated this agreement in a move gen-
erally interpreted as a means of ex-
erting pressure on Admiral Robert
to drop completely his ties with Vi-
Michigan Will Get
Fair Share of Liquor
LANSING, July 2.- UP)- Michi-
gan and other monopoly states will
receive a fair share of the nation's
dwindling stocks from leading dis-
tillers, R. Glenn Dunn, chairman of
Administration leaders in Con-
gress set the machinery in motion,
however, to rush through a simple
resolution continuing the life of CCC.
Mr. Roosevelt had asked that this be
done pending later consideration of
more permanent legislation.
This resolution, drafted by the
House banking committee, extended
the CCC to Jan. 1, 1944, and author-
ized a $350,000,000 increase in its
borrowing powers. It was passed by
the House on a voice vote and sent
on to the Senate for probable action
The veto message minced no words
in declaring the anti-subsidy bill was
a long step forward on the high road
to inflation.
In vigorous language, Mr. Roose-
velt told the legislators that the
measure would shackle his hands
and "make it impossible for us to
stop the rising cost of living."
He, warned them, too, that he
could not accept responsibility for
holding the line against wage infla-
tion if the legislation was approved
over his veto, and made his plea for
acceptance of his leadership:
"In this task of saving our free
economy, Congress and the executive
must work together, as a team."
Even before the veto, there had
(Continued on Page 3)
Higher Ration Point
Values Announced
WASHINGTON, July l.-(P)-Ra-
tioning news was nearly all bad to-
day. Higher point values were an-
nounced for beef, some cuts of veal,
lamb and mutton, canned fish, cat-
sup, chilesauce, four vegetables and
five fruits.
The few reductions that were made
included canned green beans, toma-
to paste, small sizes of juices, mar-
garine and cream cheese.
The changes are effective Sunday.
Increases of 1 to 2 points were
ordered for all beef cuts including
hamburger, veal and lamb chops and
veal and lamb legs.
Beef is the scarest since rationing
began, the Office of Price Adminis-
tration said in announcing the new
point values. While it is hoped that
the supply will improve sometime this
month, it added, rationing has been
based on the present low supply sit-
uation which is almost nine per cent
below that available last month.
While changes in ration values are
usually announced at the end of the
month, a spectacular increase in the
meat supply might permit lowered
points before August, OPA men said.
WAAC's Put
In U. S. Army
President Signs Bill
To Change Designation
WASHINGTON, July 2.-(P)-The
Army of the United States acquired
some 65,000 ready made members
today, all of them women, when
President Roosevelt signed a measure
transforming the WAACs from an
auxiliary unit into the WACs, or
Women's Army corps.
Signing of Army enlistment pap-
ers is all that remains to make each
former WAAC a member of the real
Because WAAC members volun-
teered for auxiliary service, the bill
provides that they are free to refuse
enlistment in the Army and could
have automatic dischare