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August 20, 1943 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1943-08-20

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Fifty-Third Year


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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
lication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier *4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43

NEW YORK. Aug. i.- If there is any one
question on which a democratic decision has
been reached in this country, it is on the need
for getting along with Russia.
Nobody is flatly against getting along with
Russia,, or, at least, nobody stands up in meeting
and says so, in those words.
The open quarrel is over method. Particular
approaches to Russia vary a good deal, of course.
"Some do it with a bitter look, some with'a flat-
tering word."
The Roosevelt school of thought on the
question is in favor of military partnership
with Russia, of supplying her with munitions,
but it also favors letting nature take its course
on the question of political relations, feeling
our way slowly, recognizing no instant obliga-
tion for political agreement with Russia on
such "western" questions as France, Italy and,
perhaps, Germany.
(In a sense the administration is pulling back
from final decisions, and improvising on the
question of our relations with Russia, very much
as it improvises and feels its way, on a day to
day basis, on the question of our relations with
Italy. This is the characteristic Roosevelt meth-
od. Sometimes it leads to moves of great daring,
as when we decided, before we were at war, to
give tiaterial aid to Russia. But sometimes it
makes us look as if we were standing still while
the parade passed by.)
The Willkie, or "One World," school detests
these uncertainties, and desires to leap for-
ward to a mature, settled relationship with
Russia. It is impatient to get on with the bus-
iness of living in the rest of this century. It
knowvs that Russia is going to be here after the
war, either as friend or enemy, and it votes for
friend. While the Willkie school may lack
some of the cautious qualities of the Roosevelt
school. it has something that ma be even bet-
ter and safer and that is purpose.
It knows where it is going, while the Roosevelt
school -sometimes proceeds so slowly it seems to
have lost its rudder and to be going nowhere at

There is yet another school of thought on the
Russian issue, and this one might be called the
"old sea dog" school, a phrase which was born
when Admiral Standley, our ambassador to Mos-
cow, scolded the Russians for being insufficiently
grateful for lend-lease. The "old sea dog"
school, which is a catch-all for varying degrees
of hostility to Russia, thinks we should handle
the Russians firmly, unsentimentally, even
This is the school which tells Russia that
the road to better relations with the United
States is for her to ferget about the second
front, to give up the Balkan states, and to
declare war on Japan tomorrow morning.
Everythbng will then be fine, for this school
feels that the easy and simple way to wipe out
conflict of policies between Russia and the
United States is for Russia not to have policies.
But when Russia begins to be a bit of an old
sea dog herself, as when she sets up her own
Free Germany committee, without asking us,
this school goes into a hopping fury. Of course
this school does not have any plans of its own
for a free Germany, but it doesn't want anybody
else to have them, either. It demands that we
stand up firmly for our own program, but is not
very sure what that program is, or even whether
we ought to have one. It wants us to be loudly
in favor of something quite indefinite.
In this setup, Mr. Roosevelt's extreme slow-
ness in reaching a political accord with Russia
is clearly playing into the hands of the old sea
dog school. The Russian press daily becomes
more bitter. Mr. Ilya Ehrenburg now makes
little jokes. If our slowness leads Russia to
take unilateral action, the old sea dog school
will then demand unilateral counter-action.
Clearly, the time has come for a kind of leap
Mr. Roosevelt has been feeling his way. Some-
times, when the vehicles seem about to pile up
on the road, it is only the man who can put his
foot ,hard on the gas, and make speed, who is
(Copyright, 1943. N.Y. Post Syndicate)

Editorial Staff

Marion Ford . . .
Bud Brimmer . ,
Leon Gordenker
Harvey Frank
Mary Anne Olson .
Ed Podliashuk

. .. . Managing Editor
. . . Editorial Director
S . City Editor
* . . .Sports Editor
. . . Women's Editor

Business Staff
Jeanne Lovett . . . . . Business Manager
Molly Ann Winokur . Associate Business Manager
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Vandenberg's Charges.
Obscure Real Issues
the Republican Old Guard, Sen. Vandenberg,
has accused the "gloratory of the Common Man"
speeches of Vice-President Wallace as being the
focus of disunity between the Republican and
Democratic parties.
On closer scrutiny, Vandenberg cannot be
oblivious to the social implications of "One
World" which has served as a Republican
crutch to international peace policies. In his
book, Willkie has made frequent innuendoes
to the growing force of popular will and its
needs; many of these are parallels to Wallace
proposals of the post-war world.
Vandenberg completely ignores the fact that
the Republicans are crippling their political pos-
sibilities by their obstinated stand on various
anti-inflationary measures, notably the mortu-
ous program of food subsidies. The seeds of dis-
unity that Vandenberg speaks of have been sown
in the last Congress in the area of national issues
rather than those of an international character.
THE ATTEMPTED issue is even deeper than
this congressional point of friction between
the nation's major political parties. Fundamen-
tal issue could not be disguised when national
chairman, Harrison Spangler, indicted President
Roosevelt for articulating economic security
promises to those in our armed forces. In the
final analysis. the issue that Vandenberg has
hurled at the Vice-President is merely a reflec-
tion of the policy his party has used in the past
three years of "opposition for its own sake."
In other words, the Republican party has not
had a leg to stand on, they have not come forth
with any clear-cut constructive criticism of the
Democratic administration, but have relied on
name calling, and perversion of present Roose-
velt policies as their standard in their "sincere
fight for cooperation in hastening the end of the
war." The fall Congress will be the crucial chal-
lenge for the Republicans to show themselves in
patriotic color; it is their opportunity to perpet-
uate their Republican party by approaching
national issues with intelligent objectivity, rath-
er than pursue a suicidal course of opposing
anti-inflationary bills just because they origi-
nated with a member of the Democratic party.
No, Mr. Vandenberg, the "disunity speeches"
of Wallace is a Republican scapegoat. The
problem of harmony between the parties is
much closer to your nosition; it is a congres-
sional discord on national issues.
--Shirley Field

SINCE GEORGIA has lowered its
age limit for voting to 18 there
has been quite a bit of controversy
pro and con in other states. Those
who would like to see the age limit
lowered seem to base their opinion
on the fact that 18-year-olds can
fight and so should be allowed to
vote. If this were the only basis for
such a move I am certain I would be
against it, as physical maturity and
ability to take orders don't neces-
sarily make for a politically mature
However, there are many other
reasons why 18-year-olds should
vote. These young people have
just finished high school acid few
have further formal education. In
their high schools they have been
"expose" to political questions,
debates and their interest and en-
thusiasm for politics is much high-
er than after leaving school. Fur-
thermore they have learned why
and how parties organize, elections
and primaries work. At present
these young people leave school
and for three years have no voice
in their government. Naturally
often they lose interest. Perhaps
this is a reason for the low voting
proportionwe have. Thus the first
reason for voting at 18 is interest,
enthusiasm and knowledge of poli-
Another reason is the after effects.
Although our secondary schools us-
ually do stimulate interest in gov-
ernment, they need further change
in that direction. If our schools knew
they were sending out voting citizens,
it might stimulate changes to teach
their students to think politically
more than they" do.
Some may say that young people
don't have judgment or the ability
to vote at 18 and many 18-year-
olds feel that way themselves. But
is there any reason why they will
feel any more capable at 21? It
fray take them three to five years
(or more) to become experienced
voters but we might better begin
at 18 and have an experienced1, in-
terested voter at 21 th~an have the
present situation.
I mean these arguments to be for
both women and men, civilian and
soldier, because, unlike George Koe-
ser, I have known too many mature
18-year-old girls as well as boys to
uphold the discrimination he sug-
gests. Surprising enough, Mr. Koeser.
there are many girls whom Frank
Sinatra moves little-musically or
politically. . -Eleanor Hunn
A Lower Voting Age
I HAVE READ with interest opin-
ions in The Daily recently con-r
cerning lowering of the voting age.

I disagree with Mr. Koeser's com-
ments on Sunday. He admits that
the slogan, "old enough to fight,
old enough to vote," is of dubious
logic. Yet he advances a plan based
on the same idea which is basically
illogical, discriminatory, and un-
democratic. He says that since
soldiers of eighteen are making
sacrifices, they should vote. Other
eighteen-year-olds, he says, should
not vote. He overlooks the sacri-
fices of many young people not in
uniform who have given up their
education voluntarily in order to
do war work. (The majority of
soldiers had to be drafted.)
Be that as it may, the right to vote
is not something that should be given
away as a reward for service. It is
too precious; the future of our coun-
try depends on the voters of today.
The test of who should vote must
not be, "how are they serving?" It
must be "will they exercise good
judgment as voters?" It would be
foolish to say that soldiers are better
voters than civilians. I do not be-


By Lichty


lieve that the average soldier is a
better or more patriotic citizen than
the average civilian. Any attempt
to bestow a privilege on part of a
group while the rest does not receive
it is undemocratic.
Further, it is intolerant to say
that young women have poorer
judgment and would therefore
make poorer voters than men.
There are some in all groups who
are stupid. I think if they were
guaranteed votes, eighteen-year-
old girls would take a healthy
enough interest in politics to
shame many adults.
I would like to see the slogan "old
enough to fight, old enough to vote"
dropped. If the voting age is to be
lowered to eighteen it should be be-
cause we feel that maturity is
reached then and for no other rea-
son. If this action is taken, a corol-
lary should be acceptance of full
rights and responsibilities by eigh-
teen-year-olds. No one eighteen or
over would be a minor.
-Stephen Barker



WASHINGTON, Aug. 18.- The Spanish and
Nazi radio blared forth a message last week-end,
which, if true, sounds very suspicious for sup-
posedly neutral Spain. On the basis of the Axis-
Spanish announcement, it would appear that
Germany had established a secret bomber base
in the Spanish Balearic Islands or somewhere in
What the German radio claimed was that a
squadron of Nazi torpedo planes (on Friday, Aug.
13) sank 70,000 tons of Allied shipping including
two destroyers and four large merchant ships,
just east of Gibraltar, as a big convoy was enter-
ing the Mediterranean.
The interesting thing about the Nazi com-
munique was that the raid was reported made
by torpedo planes. It happens that torpedo
planes have a very limited radius between 300
and 4(0 miles. Because of the tremendous
weight of the torpedo they cannot fly far;
cannot spare much time hovering around in
the air looking for their target. In fact some
of the torpedo planes which went out to get
the Bismarck were purely sacrifice planes
never expected to come back.
Compared to this 300-400 mile radius, it is a
full 800 miles from Gibraltar to the nearest base
in France.
Big mystery, therefore, is where the Nazi tor-
pedo planes came from. Was it the nearby
Balearic Isles, or a hidden point on the coast of
Spain?, This is the first case in a long long time
that Axis torpedo planes have been able to pen-
etrate anywhere near Gibraltar.
The Spanish radio gave further corroborating
details,,told how the Allied convoy was composed
of 70 ships bound for Africa and how German
pilots had been picked up by Spanish ships,
while a German plane made an emergency land-
ing at Aguilas.
But there was nothing to explain how Ger-
man torpedo planes were able to make tlis
record-breaking flight. So, either the Nazis
have developed a new long-range torpedo
plane or else Franco has given the Nazis a
secret base in Spain.
NOTE: Secretary Hull recently told newsmen
that he was entirely satisfied with his foreign

- -----

policy, considered Franco with the United States.
Yes, We Have No Bananas
Who gets Mexico's bananas? While President
Roosevelt is in Quebec, he might say a word to
Prime Minister Mackenzie King about the ques-
tion, for Canada is now getting most of the
bananas tiaat would normally come to the United
States from Mexico and Guatemala.
This is because U.S. price ceilings have made
this market less attractive.
U.S. fruit merchants, done out of a good
product, amnealed to the Office of Defense
Transportation which appealed to the Inter-
state Commerce Commission, which issued a
ban on use of U.S. cars to carry freight from
one foreign country to another.
This was aimed at banana cars sent from
Mexico across the U.S.A. to Canada. It stopped
the shipments. but not for long. Promptly, the
Mexican Embassy in Washington protested to
the State Department, asking relief from the
ban, and Mr. Hull protested to ODT.
Solution probably will be an agreement to
limit banana shipments to Canada, cutting off
the big shipments, and making more bananas
available to the U.S.A.
Jimmy Byrnes' 'Whiskers'
Ex-Justice Jimmy Byrnes went out to din-
ner the other night at the home of his old
friend Walter Brown, taking with him the
Byrnes' family pet. "Whiskers," a scottie
which recently has been featured pictorially
in Washington newspapers.
"Whiskers" was tied in the rear garden of the
Brown home while the guests went in to dinner.
But he protested loudly and vociferously.
"I guess we'll have to do something about
'Whiskers'," Justice Byrnes finally remarked.
"He's been taking himself seriously lately. It
all comes from getting his picture in the news-
Capital Chaff
People who have talked to the duPonts lately
find that they are very much opposed to Wendell
Willkie. consider him too progressive, but are
very strong for Gov. Dewey . . . Sen. Styles
Bridges of New Hampshire, who has not been so
keen about Willkie lately, took a trip through
New England this summer and was amazed at
Willkie's popularity. In that part of the coun-
try, according to Bridges. there is no question
whom the Republicans want as their 1944 nom-
inee . . . The AFL and CIO got together in Illi-
nois recently and decided that Democratic Sen.
Scott Lucas's labor record was too reactionary
for them. On the other hand his probable Re-
publican opponent for re-election, Richard Ly-
ons, was even worse. So labor groups are now
looking around for an independent candidate to
run for Senator in Illinois . . . Gen. Allen Gullion,
efficient Provost Marshal, gets credit for the
smooth operation of German-Italian prison
camps in the U.S.A.
ell-Behaved Soldiers
Capt. George Vournas has given friends in the
White House one of the finest tributes which
could be paid the American Army. Writing from

"I think Otis will be more temperate after he gets used to the novelty
of having all the black coffee he wants in the morning!"


FRIDAY, AUG. 20, 1943
VOL. LIII, No. 39-S
All notices for The Daily Official Bulle-
tin are to be sent to the Office of the
Summer Session in typewritten form by
3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publi-
cation, except on Saturday when the no-j
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
Student Admissions to Football
Games: Full-time civilian students
enrolled in the regular sixteen weeks
Summer Term will be given student
admission to the Michigan State Col-
lege football game on Sept. 25 and to
the Notre Dame football game on
Oct. 9. Students must call for their
admission coupons at the Athletic
Office, Ferry Field, between 8:00 a.m.
and 5:00 p.m. on the following days:
Seniors and Graduate Students,
Tuesday, Sept. 7; Juniors, Wednes-
day, Sept. 8; Sophomores, Thursday,
Sept. 9; Freshmen, Friday, Sept. 10.
Students who do not call for their
admissions on the dates scheduled
above, will forfeit their class prefer-
ence for seat location.
Students desiring to sit together
should apply for their tickets at the
same time.
Your University Treasurer's re-
ceipt must be presented at the time
you apply for your football admission,
coupons. Admission of students in
service uniforms will be handled
through the Commanding Officers of
the Service Units, and manner of
these admissions will be announced
later. -H. 0. Crisler, DirectorI
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Informa-
tion; All students who are registered
with the University Bureau of Ap-
pointments in either the Business or
Teaching Division should come in to
leave their change of address when
they leave school, and also notify the
Bureau when they have taken a posi-
tion. This is very important at this
time as positions to be filled at this
time of the year are quite urgent.
-University Bureau of Appointments

ments, 201 Mason Iall, office hours
9-12 and 2-4.
--Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments has received notice of the fol-
lowing Civil Service Examinations.
The United States: Senior Horti-
culturists with the Coordinator of
Inter-American Affairs, place of
duty- various Central American
countries. The salaries are $4,600
per year plus overtime (approxi-
mately $5,000).
Further information may be had
from the notice which is on file in
the office of the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, 201 Mason Hall, office hours
9-12 and 2-4.
--Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information
Labor Day, Sept. 6, will be ob-
served as a University holiday. .
Students who have competed in
the Hopwood contests this summer
may obtain their manuscripts at the
Hopwood Room this Friday after-
noon. --R. W. Cowden
Academic Notices
The Angell Hall Observatory will
be open to the public from 9:30 to
11:00, Friday evening, Aug. 20, if it
is a clear evening. Double stars and
star clusters will be shown through
the telescopes. In case of a cloudy
a or nearly cloudy evening, the ob-
servatory will not be open. Children
must be accompanied by adults.
Faculty College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts: Midsemester re-
ports are due not later than Wednes-
day, Aug. 25.
Report cards are being distributed
to all departmental offices. Green
cards are being provided for fresh-
man reports; they should be returned
to the office of the Academic Coun-
selors, 108 Mason Hall. White cards,
for reporting sophomores, juniors,
and seniors should h returned to

108 Mason Hall or at 1220 Angell
Hall. -E. A. Walter
Freshmen, Summer Term, College
of Literature, Science, and the Arts:
Freshmen may not drop courses
without E grade after Saturday, Aug.
21. In administering this rule, stu-
dents with less than 24 hours of
credit are considered freshmen. Ex-
ceptions may be made in extraordin-
ary circumstances, such as severe or
long-continued illness.
-E. A. Walter
Seniors: August and October 1943:
College of L. S. and A., Schools of
Education, Music, and Public-Health,
Tentative lists of August and Octo-
ber 1943 graduates have been posted
in Rm. 4, U. Hall. Please check the
list and notifythe counter clerk of
any discrepancies.
--Robert L. Williams
Assistant Registrar
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts, and Architecture; Schools
of Education, Forestry, Music, and
Public Health: Summer Session stu-
dents wishing a transcript of this
summer's work only should file a re-
quest in Room 4, U.H., several days
before leaving Ann Arbor. Failure
to file this request before the end of
the session will result in a needless
delay of several days.
--Robert H. Williams
Assistant Registrar
Students, College of Engineering:
The final day for DROPPING
be Saturday, Aug. 21. A cdursea may
be dropped only with the permission
of the classifier, after conference
with the instructor.
Students, College of Engineering:
The final day for REMOVAL OF IN-
COMPLETES will be Saturday, Aug.
21. Petitions for extension of time
must be on file in the Secretary's
Office before that date.
- A 11 Y -1

.300 University Hospital VolunrteersContribute
10,000 Work Hours in War on Home Front

UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL 'bluejackets' have
disproved the idea that coeds do not realize
the signficance of a nation at war.
The 'bluejackets' are better known as the
University Women Volunteers. Under the
leadership of women of the sophomore class
over three hundred volunteers have contrib-
uted thousands of work hours to relieve the
shortage of regular staff members at the hos-

taking messages from wards to clinics, operating
the Galen's Store, and preparing bandages and
SUMMER MONTHS have not discouraged 'vol-
unteers who realize that soldiers in North
Africa do not stop fighting because it is hot.
Over sixty women contributed six hundred hours
during the month of July.
Volunteers have adopted the idea that hos-
pital work is a privilege and a responsibility and

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