i'% .4
Allied Leaders
Nazi Troops
Are Rushed to
Italian Bases
Bern Dispatch Says
Offices Are Being
Switched to Vienna
By The Associated Press
LONDON,Aug. 19-An unconfirm-
ed, roundabout report said today
that "the whole German government
has left Berlin," and that Nazis were
also said to be rushing troops from
their Atlantic wall to defend bases
in northern Italy.
The transfer of the German gov-
ernment from Berlin was reported
in a Bern, Switzerland, dispatch,
quoting Hitler's Voelkischer Beo-
bachter, broadcast by the United Na-
tions at Algiers today.
Report Not Amplified
There was no amplification of the
report. Such a move might be in-
tended to save records and archives
from being bombed or, less likely,
might be a first step toward seeking
"open city" status for Berlin.
Recent neutral reports said some
German governmental offices were
being moved to Vienna, or possibly
Linz or Breslau. Removal of the whole
governmental force would be a stu-
pendous transfer, for it is estimated
that 1,000,000 of Berlin's 4,300,000
people are connected with civil or
military government.
Transfer Began Aug 1.
Bern reports said a substantial part
of the government, including many
sections of the foreign office, high
command, war, navy and home af-
fairs have been transferred to Vienna
since Aug. 1.
A German legation press bulletin
issued in Bern today said Berlin had
no illusions about the bombing fate
in store for the capital.
Berlin is preparing, it said, but "no
metropolis, no front and no govern-
ment in the world, not even the
United States of America, is in a po-
sition to give the civil population as
adequate protection as that given
front soldiers."
Berlin Denies Report
(The Berlin newspaper Nachtaus-
gabe, quoted by the OWI, denied last
Saturday that the government is
leaving Berlin, but admitted that cer-
tain documents and staffs to handle
them have been evacuated.
A well-founded report said the
Germans were moving several divi-
sions of troops into Italy from Ger-
many and France to save northern
bases which the Allies could use as
springboards for pulverizing air at-
tacks upon southeastern Germany.
At the same time there were strong
hints that the Germans were draw-
ing some troops from France and the
Low Countries for service in Russia.
University Graduate
Is Prisoner of Japs
Capt. Edward R. Nell, '37M, has
been reported a prisoner at Camp
Osaka, Japan, according to word
from the War Department received
yesterday by his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Gustave M. Nell, of Detroit.
A Medical Corps physician, Cap-
tain Nell, 34 years of age, graduated
from the University medical college
fourth highest in his class. He was
called to active service in April 1941,
and arrived in the Philippines in
August 1941.
} _
Italy Blasted by Planes,
Allied Heads Meet in Qunebec for War
Warships, and Artillery
Roosevelt Congratulates General Eisenhower
On Successful Finish of Sicilian Campaign
By The Associated Press
States warships freed from coastal duty by the conquest of Sicily have
joined Allied heavy artillery and battle planes in the swelling bombardment
of the Italian mainland, it was disclosed today.
FDR Praises Eisenhower
President Roosevelt congratulated Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower in a
message from Quebec on the successful conclusion of the Sicilian campaign
"in accordance with the timing and planning of the Allies."
New forces were massed at strategic points all along the Allies' 2,000-
mile Mediterranean line.
There is little doubt that the next blow will come soon against the walls
of Hitler's European fortress.
People Warned of Invasion
(The United Nations radio at Algiers told the people of occupied Europe
for the second successive night to pe
U.S. Bombers
Hit Nazi Fields
In Netherlands
34 German Fighter
Planes Are Knocked
Down in Air Assault
LONDON, Aug. 20, Friday.-( P)-
American Flying Fortresses, escorted
by U.S. and Allied fighters, ham-
mered the German-held airfields at
Vlissingen (Flushing) and Gilze-Ri-
jen in Holland late yesterday, shoot-
ing down 34 enemy fighters to boost
the day's bag to 50 German aircraft.
A joint British - American .com-
munique reported "good bombing re-
sults" at the airfields which were
struck after U.S. Marauders and RAF
Mitchells had battered enemy air-
fieldseat Poix and Amiens-Glissy in
Fran ce.
This swelling offensive against the
nests of German air strength in
Western Europe kept American, Brit-
ish, Dominion, and Allied airmen
shuttling across the Dover strait
nearly all day.
Although 50 German planes were
sent crashing, the enemy's losses
may exceed that figure when re-
connaissance establishes the dam-
age to parked aircraft on the four
bomb-pocked fields.
The bristling guns of the Fortresses
accounted for 16 enemy planes in
the attacks over Holland, and escort-
ing U.S. Thunderbolt and RAF, Do-
minion, and Allied Spitfires knocked
down 18 while protecting the four-
engined bombers and carrying out
their own offensive sweeps.
3 Die in New
Jersey Blast
KEARNY, N.J., Aug. 19.- ()- An
explosion and fire destroyed three
buildings of the huge Congoleum-
Nairn, Inc., plant here tonight, leav-
ing a toll of three known dead and
15 injured, eight critically.
A company spokesman said eight
others were missing. Fire Chief
Charles Burnett of Newark estimated
that the number of missing would
total 49.
Burnett said the destruction ap-
parently resulted from an explosion
of cork and linoleum dust in the No.
12 building which created a blast
"more terrific than dynamite."
rfect their pre-invasion preparations.
and that the time of action might
be near.)
The hammering of Italy and re-
cent heavy air raids on southern
France and Rumania, plus reserves
newly built up apparently are giving
the Nazis and their satellites their
worst moment in nearly four years
of war.
Emulating its tactics of the period
before the invasion of Sicily, the
Berlin radio repeatedly broadcast
that large Allied naval and merchant
forces were concentrating along the
shores of Sicily and North Africa.
Blow in Middle East Possible
An Allied blow launched from the
Middle East or the westernmost
points in French Morocco is equally
British as well as American naval
forces struck at Italian shores, a
British cruiser-destroyer force ex-
changing fire with Italian long range
batteries on Messina Strait.
Allied airmen flew hundreds of
missions over southern Italy.
Civilians emerged from caves and
tunnels in the hills about Messina
where many had lived the greater
part of six months under the Allied
bombing that was to free them from
German domination.
ThV heads of the three Allied governments of the United States, Great Britain and Canada are
shown shortly after they met in Quebec with their military leaders for momentous war conferences. Left
to right: Prime Minister MacKenzie King of Canada; the Earl of Athlone, British governor-general of
Canada; President Roosevelt, Princess Alice, wife of Athlone and Prime Minister Churchill.
i -
Allies Advance
Slowly Toward
Salamaua .base
20; Saturday-('P)-Slow progress was
made Wednesday by American and
Australian troops in ferreting
the tenacious Japanese from moun-
tam ridges barring the way to the
airdrome at Salamaua, New Guinea,
and from jungle isles flanking the
newly-captured Munda airdrome in
the Solomons.
Five miles southwest of Salamaua,
whose airdrome put the Allies within
easy fighter plane range of big Jap-
anese holdings on New Britain, hard-
won right positions were consolidat-
"Our ground troops are now ?in
control of Bobdubi ridge," today's
communique said.
In the Solomons, United States pa-
trols tackled small enemy units hold-
ing out on atolls and islets in the
Wana Wana Lagoon flanking the
west coast of New Georgia. These
liquidation operations followed air
attacks aimed at enemy gun positions
on the Karapahtah Islets just west
of Munda, the airfield which the
Americans captured Aug. 5.
Soviets Check
Nazi Attacks
Near Kharkov
Germans Have Only
One Railway Escape;-
Reds Reach Outskirts
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Aug. 20, Friday-Rus-
sian troops sealing off Kharkov for
annihilation gained from three to
seven miles yesterday on three sides
of the city, killing 2,400 Germans
hurled against them in vain counter-
attacks, Moscow announced early
Fighting In Suburbs
With only one railway escape route
to the southwest reported open to
the enemy garrison, already fighting
Soviet shock troops spilling into the
northeastern suburbs, the Soviet
daily communique declared that'
more than 30 additional villages had
fallen to'the onrushing Red Army on
the west, northwest and southeast
sides of the city.
Another Russian column attacking
frontally from the east last was re-
ported on the edge of the Ukraine
stronghold in the fourth great battle
for the prize railway city.
The bulletin, recorded by the Soviet
monitor, said that more than 20
villages had been seized in the paral-
lel drive imperilling the German bas-
tion of Bryansk farther north, and a
supplement also announced gains
southwest of Spas Demensk on the
centrol front.
German Losses Heavy
Moscow dispatches said - the Rus-
sians were grinding down scores of
German tanks and thousands of re-
serve infantrymen thrown into the
the battle for Kharkov. A Reuter
dispatch also said that the Red Army
was rolling ahead with greater mo-
mentum, and had received an order
"to turn the German defeat into a
A British radio report placed the
Russians within nine miles of Khar-
kov on the southeast, and the Soviet
communique said that several vil-
lages had been captured and 800
Germans killed in that sector.
Students Elect
Burgess, Upton
Bud Burgess was elected a student
member of the Board in Control of
Student Publications, and Art Upton
was elected a member of the Board
in Control of Athletics in the cam-
pus poll held yesterday.
Co. A To Give Repeat of
'Nips in the Bud'Revue
If you missed Company A's mu-
sical "Nips in the Bud" when it
played here last spring, you'll be
able to see it again at the end of
next month, only this time the tar-
iff will be bonds, bonds, and more
Pvt. Al Yudkoff, producer-director
of "Nips" announced yesterday that
arrangements had been made with
the University War Bond Drive Com-
mittee to present the show on the
29th or 30th of September.
Committee To Back Revue
The Committee will be considered
the backers of the production, a new
and revised edition of last May's suc-
cessful performance, and. the admis-
Q uezon, FDR
Pledge Freedom
For Philippines
WASHINGTON, Aug. 19.- (I)-
President Manuel Quezon of the
Philippines, 65 years old today, sent
a birthday message to his people say-
ing, "The time of redemption is not
far off."
Exiled and long ill, Quezon took
heart from President Roosevelt's
pledge in a speech last week that the
Philippine republic shall be estab-
lished once Japan's power is de-
stroyed, and declared in a broadcast:
"President Roosevelt makes no
promises lightly. He spoke with the
power and might of the strongest
nation on earth standing behind ev-
ery word he said."
Mr. Roosevelt added to that pledge
today, saying in a birthday message1
to Quezon, "I am certain that in the
not too distant future your country
and people will be freed from our
common enemy."
From Chiang Kai-shek, China's
generalissimo, came "best wishes for
your personal welfare and the pros-
perity of your nation."
In his broadcast to the islands,
Quezon suggested that if anyone
there takes seriously the promise of
Japan to grant independence, he
should examine the Japanese pattern
for "independence" in Korea, Man-
churia and occupied China.
Former 'U' Student Is
sion price will be war bonds, the
amount will be determined soon.
Private Yudkoff said that the
Army show would be put on the
boards at either the Michigan
Theatre or Pattengill Auditorium
in Ann Arbor High School.
There is also a strong possibility of
the show going to Detroit about the
same time, although arrangements
have not been definitely completed,
Private Yudkoff said.
Along with co-authors Pvt. Gordon
Cotler and Pvt. Al Acerno, Pvt. YUd-
koff has been helping in the rewrit-
ing of "Nips" the past few weeks.
The original cast, including several
specialty acts, was =pretty well dis-
banded after the last performance in
spring when part of the Company
was transferred to an advance base.
However, a new group joined the or-
iginal unit in June, bringing with
them a new well of talent which the
producers believe can be tapped to
present an even better show than last
State Tour Impossible
The fame of "Nips in the Bud" was
enough to get the State War Bond
Drive Committee interested in spon-
soring them on a state-wide tour,
but Company A's schedule won't per-
mit such a heavy load to be taken.
Finally the project boiled down to
Turn to Page 4, Col. 1
First Official
Word Hints
At Invasion
Quebec Conference
Will Settle Strategy,
British Minister Says
QUEBEC, Aug. 19.-(P)-A dra-
matic assertion that the Anglo-
American High Command in its se-
cret sessions here is planning ways
to "bomb, burn and ruthlessly de-
stroy" both Germany and Japan
came tonight from the first high
official to make a public statement
on the progress of the historic Que-
bec conference.
Spokesman Is Bracken
The spokesman was Brend an
Bracken, British Minister of Infor-
mation, and a frequent visitor, since
he arrived here late yesterday, at the
Citadel where President Roosevelt,
Prime Minister MacKenzie King of
Canada and Prime Minister Church-
ill of Great Britain carry on their
While Bracken refrained from giv-
ing any details of the strategy, say-
i g those would, be revealed only
by "admirals, generals and air mar-
shals" in.. action, he made this gen-
eral statement when asked about the
plans in progress:
"These plans are to bomb and
burn and ruthlessly destroy in every
way available to us the people re-
sponsible for creating this war."
It's All 'One War'
At another point he said that to
him the war in Europe and the war
against Japan were all "one war;"
and he reiterated' the pledge made
y Prime Minister Churchill.in
Washington last May that when the
European phase of the conflict is won
'the whole. might' of the British Em-
pire will be given over to theAsk
Rf crushing the Japanese who are
i savage, ruthless people."
Bracken, quick and sometimes bit-
i ng in his speech, used the word
ruthless" frequently. At one point
he spoke of the President and the
Prime Ministers as "respectable but
ruthless gentlemen."
The Briton's comments empha-
sized the finality of much of the
present strategy planning. Even as
he spoke signs multiplied that the
time for the invasion of continental
Europe is at hand.
The general situation suggested
that the Allied High Command had
Definitely decided against trying to
:mock Germany, out of the war by
strategical bombing and had given
1 "go ahead" order to the massive
amphibious forces poised to strike
at Germany's flanks.
Invasion Plans Hinted
As President Roosevelt, Prime Mim-
ster Churchill, and Prime Minister
W. L. MacKenzie King of Canada
vorked through their second full day
>f war conferences, dispatches from
abroad laid heavy emphasis on in-
vasion prospects, and the President
hiimself, in a message to Gen. Dwight
D. Eisenhower, stressed what can
be accomplished by teamwork and
planning among the allies.
Prospects of an assault on Europe
entail political as well as military
problems for the Allied planners.
Ten Students Capture $425
In Hopwood Contest Prizes
Rushton ToInvestigate Bribe Rumors
By The Associated Press
LANSING, Aug. 19.- Attorney
General Herbert J. Rushton declared
today he would petition for a grand
jury investigation of rumors that
bribes were paid and offered to mem-
bers of the 1939,'1941 and 1943 legis-
latures, and that he might take com-
mand of the prosecution personally
if he was unable to muster a strong
..Of +~ rnnrcn~+ hi
connection with legislative action on
certain bills, but that he was going
into court to seek the answer to
whether lobbyists and others "have
been corrupting or attempting to cor-
rupt members of the legislature."
Rushton said the petition would
be drawn so broadly he could inquire
into any phase of legislative en-
deavor, and set the wheels of justice
in motion against both the givers
Rep. William C. Stenson, Greenland
Republican, he referred to the Upper
Peninsula legislator's public state-
ments that he was offered a $1,000
bribe as a compelling factor in his
decision to seek the inquiry.
Stenson Found Bribe Note
Stenson said he found the $1,000
in a pocket of his topcoat with a note
telling him to vote against anti-
rain. anrinllr,4r~ 1 im 4.1 -n. An m..
Ten University students captured
$425 in prizes in the annual Summer
Hopwood Contest, Prof. Roy W. Cow-
den, director of the Hopwood awards,
announced yesterday.
Nineteen contestants submitted 24
manuscripts in the fields of drama,
essay, fiction and poetry.
$50 Award Won
Winner of a $50 award in the
drama was Miss Marion S. Scanlon
of Detroit who wrote "Among Us
The judges in this field were Rich-
ard C. Boys, John F. Weimer, and
Bennett Weaver of the English de-
Four students were recipients of
$25. nriz in the noetrv divisinn.
Judges for this contest were Morris
Greenhut, Norman E. 'Nelson, and
James H. Warner, of the English de-
In the field of essay three awards
were granted. Sister Mary Alice Col-
lins of Adrian, won $75 for her entry,
"Essays and Sketches." Mrs. Mari-
anne S. Finton of Ann Arbor to a
$50 prize with "The Big Show," and
Faith Johnston of Rosebush, was the
winner of $25 for her manuscript
called "Two Essays."
Those who judged the essay con-
test were Frank Fletcher, Edwin A.
Engel, and Edward T. Calver, of the
English department.
Fiction Winners Listed
Tn the divisinn nf fintin twn ci