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August 14, 1943 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1943-08-14

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Allied Troops Smash

Through Randazzo

At Messina
Falls in Drive
Germans Hasten Retreat
Across Northern Straits
As Defenses Crumble
ByThe Associated Press
NORTH AFRICA, Aug. 13-Hard-
driving Allied troops today stormed
and captured Randazzo pivotal Axis
stronghold in the heart of the north-
est Sicily front, after U. S. soldiers
had smashed through a desperate
German rearguard in violent hand-
to-hand fighting.
The middle of the fast-diminish-
Axis defense lines on the Messina
bridgehead suffered total collapse as
the American Seventh Army lunged
into the highland town from the west
and north, followed by British troops
smashing up from the south.
Grmans Face Capture
Although most of the German de-
fenders tried to struggle eastward to
the coast in the vicinity of Taormina,
ace German grenadiers, in big num-
bers, were believed to be facing cap-
$ure in the area. At the same time,
British troops menaced the Toar-
inina area as they thundered up from
the south along the coast on the
other side of Mount Etna.
All along a 20-mile road from Ran-
dazao to Taormina, the Germans
were in frenzied flight, with Allied
troops at their heels.
The Americans reached the ruined
city's edge by nightfall yesterday.
The German rearguard engaged
them and after a hand-to-hand
fight the Yanks rushed into the
shell-and Bomb-torn town at 9:35
a.m. (3:35 a.m. EWT) today.
Communications Are Smashed
The conquest of Randazzo was lik-
ened to the capture of Tunis in the
African campaign because it smashed
open the few remaining communica-
tion lines available to the Axis forces
and threw the Germans back toward
their final narrow peninsular foot-
hold in Sicily opposite the toe of the,
Italian boot.j
At the same time U.S. and British
troops were pushing hard upon the
German flanks within 30 miles of
Messina at some coastal points.
By squads, platoons and companies
the prisoners straggled in, boosting
to more than 130,000 the total cap-
tured during the five-week-old Sici-
lian campaign.
Allied gains contracted the front to
a length of 30 miles.
U.S. Cracks'
Down on State
Liquor lHouse
LANSING, Aug. 13.- (A)- The
alcohol tax division of the U.S.s
Treasury cracked down today on the1
Michigan Liquor Control Commis-
sion, closing its main warehouse herea
for a period of hours pending com-I
pletion of arrangements for a rec-1
ord-keeping system satisfactory to
the federal government.
Chairman R. Glen Dunn of the
commission said the controversy was
settled after an enforced three-hour1
closure of the warehouse, and that
he expected there would be no fur-
ther trouble.
The tax division acted after

months of negotiation in which it
sought to induce the commission to
maintain records which would enable
federal operatives to trace liquor
shipments to the vendors, it said.
Dunn said a dispute with the divi-
sion concerning settlement of a $15,-'
000 liquor floor tax claim apparently
was not involved in the dispute. The"
liquor control commission has dis-
claimed liability for paying the tax,
contending the liquor was in transit
when the tax became effective in
October, 1942. The vendors to whom

Rome bombed forSecond Time
Following RAF Assault on Berlin

GemnVcix Reds Report
.... . .... . ' :464.4 A dvance on'


Associated Press Correspondent
LONDON, Aug. 14, Saturday.-
Hundreds of U.S. planes bombed
Rome again yesterday after a Brit-
ish night assault on Berlin and the
heaviest RAF attack yet made on
Milan and Turin in northern Italy,
and Swiss dispatches early today
indicated that northern Italy may
be under attack once more by the
A Reuters report from Zurich
this morning said an alert had
been sounded in western Switzer-
land-usually an indication that
northern Italy is being bombed.
Rome Railways Bombed
Yesterday, waves of African-
based Flying Fortresses, Mitchells
and Marauders showered bombs on
the San Lorenzo and Littorio rail-
way yards in Rome, the same tar-
gets which were partially wrecked
July 19 by 500 American planes.
Italians Shout
To Pope for
Peace Terms
LONDON, Aug. 14, Saturday-(P)
-The Vatican radio said today in
a broadcast heard by the Daily
Telegraph that residents of Rome
had the permission of Pope Pius
XII to seek refuge in the Vatican
City during future night air raid
TIER, Aug. 13.-(P)-Thousands of
Italians clustered around Pope Pius
XII today andshouted to him for
peace when the Pontiff visited the
bombed areas of Rome after the sec-
ond American air attack, it was
learned here tonight.
Other reports said that residents
of Milan--the target of an RAF at-
tack early this morning-had dem-
onstrated later against the govern-
ment of Marshal Pietro Badoglio and
its failure to get out of the war. Turin
also was bombed.
Stefani, the Italian News Agency,
said in a Rome dispatch that the
Pope was the object of tumultous
U.S. Chiefs To
Confer on War
Staff Heads Arrive
In Quebec for Parley
QUEBEC, Aug. 13.-UP)--American
chiefs of staff arrived here tonight,
and their presence suggested that
momentous war conferences between
President Roosevelt and Prime Min-
ister Churchill of Britain soon would
Their arrival gave a new spark of
life to Allied war talks which had
been lagging perceptibly since
Churchill left here Wednesday night
and turned up the next morning in
the United States.
The surveys of the war situation
around the world between the Ameri-
cans and their "opposite numbers" of
the British armed services and those
to be conducted by the President and
Prime Minister may bring into exist-
ence the final decisions on tactics
and strategy needed to crack open
Hitler's European stronghold and to
bring the war closer to the islands of
* * *
Reds To Know
Parley Results
WASHINGTON, Aug. 13.-1/2-
There may be no Russians sitting in
on the Roosevelt-Churchill conferen-
ces but Secretary of State Hull indi-

cated today that they would be told
of what goes on.
Replying to reporters who sought
confirmation of the Tass (official
Soviet) News Agency report that no
Russian representative had been in-

Again the fliers struck just be-
fore noon after minute instruc-
tions to avoid religious or cultural
targets in the city which is the
seat of the Roman Catholic church.
More than 500 Tons Dropped
Some of the lighter bombers
skimmed in at low levels, low
enough to pour tracers into the
smoking rail establishments which
form strategic bottlenecks for. war
supplies to German and Italian
troops in Sicily and southern Italy.
The weight of explosives was said
at Allied headquarters in North
Africa to exceed 500 tons. There
were no American losses.
The Rome radio said Pope Pius
XII, who also is bishop of Rome,
visited the bombed areas after the
raiders left..
A suggestion that the Allied aer-
ial offensive had extended into vir-
gin territory came late today from


the Berlin radio. This report said
'enemy planes' flew over southwest
Hungary. No bombs were reported
to have fallen.
Italy Will Be Seared
The new attack, coupled with
the unprecedented smashes at tur-
bulent Milan and Turin in the
north, was interpreted as an Allied
demonstration to the Badoglio gov-
ernment that Italy indeed would
be ."seared, scarred and blackened
from end to end" as Prime Minister
Churchill promised, if she did not
surrender and oust the Germans.
The Air Ministry said that more
than 1,120 tons of bombs were
dropped on Milan alone last night
and that the attack in the north
was "in greater strength than ever
before." Seven bombers which
soared across the Alps from Britain
were lost of the mighty armada
of probably 1,000 raiding planes.

-Associated Press Photo
American infantrymen, who made an amphibious landing behind
the German lines on the north coast of Sicily, examine a German jeep.
Shot while trying to escape, the dead German driver lies on the road.

OPA Slashes Gasoline Coupon
Values in Midwest,_Southwest

WASHINGTON, Aug. 13.- (P)-
The Office of Price Administration
tonight slashed the value of gasoline
coupons in the midwest and south-
west from 4 to 3 gallons, expressed a
"hope" that the northeastern pleas-
ure driving ban can be lifted Sept. 1,
and a "further hope" that the east
coast's meager gas rations may be
increased "later in September."
The ration reduction in thecmid-
west and southwest will become
effective at 12:01 a.m. Monday, it
was announced by Chester Bowles,
acting price administrator.
Concerning the ban on pleasure
driving in 12 northeastern states,
Bowles said it may be lifted Sept. 1
if the restrictions on such driving
are observed the balance of this
The announcements were issued
hurriedly by OPA because of infor-
mation "leaks" in the midwest. Prev-
iously it had been planned to make
the disclosures over the week-end.
The cut in the midwest and south-
west, Bowles said, was made "to re-
duce gasoline consumption" in those
Affected by the reduction are the
states lying between the 17 Atlantic
coast states and the Rocky Moun-
The petroleum for war made no,
curtailment in gasoline in the Rocky
Mountain and Pacific coast states,
where coupon values remained un-
Secretary Ickes, the petroleum ad-
ministrator, said that under the new
allocations of gasoline assigned to
the midwest and southwest, "No
course was possible but to cut the A,
B and C coupons as we have done."
Under OPA's new order the maxi-
mum allotment of gasoline for in-
Japs Will Beg for
Mercy, General Says
CHUNGKING, Aug. 14, Saturday-
(P)-No longer can "cowardly Japa-
nese airmen" fly at will over China,
and "soon Japanese everywhere will
beg for mercy which they have never
shown our airmen," declared Maj.-
Gen. Claire L. Chennault today in a
message to the Chinese Air Force on
the occupation of that group's anni-
The commander of the 14th U.S.
Air Force in China recalled that six
years ago today the Chinese air force
"severely defeated an attacking force
of Jap raiders over Nanking and
Hanchow," and said the force "has
certainly inspired fear" in the Japa-
nese pilots and people.
Lt. Henry Ford II Is
Released from Navy
DETROIT, Aug. 13. -(A)- Lt.
(j.g.) Henry Ford II, eldest son of

course-of-work driving (except for
"C" books) in the middle west and
southwest will be reduced from 720
miles a month to 480 miles a month.
"This," the OPA announcement said,
"will reduce substantially the occu-
pational driving of persons-such as
salesmen-who use their cars in con-
nection with their work. However,
it does not affect the home-to-work
mileage of drivers who may continue
to get up to 720 miles a month to
drive to work, if they need it."
Convocations To
Grant Degrees
550 To Be Honored;
Choral Groups To Sing
The choral groups, the newly
formed Navy-Marine Chorus and the
First Methodist Choir will furnish
special music when 550 summer ses-
sion graduates receive their advanced
degrees at the Honor Convocation
program to be held at 8 p.m. tomor-
row in Hill Auditorium.
Lt. (j.g.) Murray A. Johnson, chap-
lain at the Dearborn Naval Base, will
give the invocation, and Dean E.
Blythe Stason of the law school will
address the degree candidates on
"Technology and Education."
The 80 voice Navy-Marine Chorus
will sing the Navy hymn, "Eter-
nal Father, Strong to Save," by John
Dykes and William Whiting.,
Composed of 71 sailors and 8 Ma-
rines, the chorus has been rehearsing
for three weeks under the direction
of Prof. Hardin Van Duersen, Caleb
Warner, '44E, and Ed Neithercut, '44.
The First Methodist Choir of 40
voices, also directed by Prof. Van
Duerson, will sing a special musical
composition called an antiphone. In
this type of music, often used for
liturgical services, Chaplain Johnston
will read a portion of the Scripture
and the Choir in the balcony will sing
the antiphone. Called "O Thou Eter-
nal One," the selection was composed
by Eric DeLamarter, guest professor
of music at the University and form-
er associate conductor of the Chi-
cago Symphony Orchestra. Prof.
Palmer Christian will provide a back-
ground for the reading on the organ.
A second selection by the Choir will
be "The Choral Blessing" by Peter
Lutkin, former Dean of the School of,
Music at Northwestern University.
Most of the summer session gradu-
ates are high school teachers who
will receive master's degrees tomor-
Kelly, Vandenberg Meet

Summer Prom
Features Musac
By Shep Fields
Informal, All-Campus
Dance To Be Given at
Waterman Gym Today
Forgetting their coming bluebooks
for an evening of relaxation, stu-
dents and servicemen will dance to
the music of Shep Fields and his or-
chestra from 8:30 p.m. to midnight
today in Waterman Gym.
"This is the first big all-campus
dance to actually be held on campus
for many years," Chuck Dotterrer,
'44, general chairman stated. In
keeping with wartime restrictions,
the dance will be informal.
One of the top-ranking bands of
the nation, Shep Fields and his or-
chestra has recently played for the
Navy and has been featured on en-
gagements from coast to coast. Solo-
ist with the "New Music" band will
be the popular Meredith Blake.
The Summer Prom, the only big
dance to be held this summer, was
scheduled for today to allow stu-
dents enrolled in the summer ses-
sion to attend. Rupert Straub, ticket
chairman, announced that a limited
number of tickets are still available
at the Union.
Members of the central committee
and their guests include Igeneral
chairman Chuck Dotterrer who will
escort Nancy Bustard of Cleveland;
floor committee, Roy Boucher will
bring Jean Abrogast, and John
Clippert will be seen with Martha
Other committee chairmen are
publicity, Erwin Larsen who will es-
cort Doris Palmer of Detroit: music,
Carol McCormick will be accompan-
ied by Russ Fisher, and Cecil Sink
will take Betty Morton of Dearborn;
patrons, Libby Swisher will be es-
corted by Ralph Amstutz; and tick-
ets, Rupert Straub will be seen with
Jane Shute.
The patrons for the dance were
announced yesterday by Libby Swish-
Turn to Page 3, Col. 7
McNutt Asks for
New Security Plan
WASHINGTON, Aug. 13. - (P) _
Federal Security Administrator Paul
V. McNutt called for a broadening
of the social insurance program to-
day in a statement recalling that
tomorrow would mark the eighth
anniversary of the Social Security
"On the basis of eight years' ex-
perience," he said, "we should now
prepare for postwar readjustments as
well as for the permanent economic
security of all the American people."

Four Generals
To Attend Class
JAG Graduation.
80 Enlisted Men Will
Receive Commissions
As Second Lieutenants
Four generals will attend the grad-
uation ceremonies of the 1st Officer
Candidate Class at the Judge Advo-
cate General's School Aug. 27 and 28,
Col. Edward H. Young, School com-
mandant announced yesterday.
Approximately 80 enlisted men will
receive commissions as second lieu-
tenants in the Judge Advocate Gen-
eral's Department of the' United
States Army at the graduation exer-
Major General Myron C. Cramer.
The Judge Advocate General of the
Army and Brigadier General Thomas
H. Green, The Assistant Judge Advo-
cate General, who have been present
at the last few graduations, will
again participate. In addition, Major
General Blanton Winship, member
of the Inter-American Defense
Board, and Brigadier General Lawr-
ence H. Hendrick, Air Jude Advocate,
will be visiting the school for the
first time.
General Winship, former Govern-
or-General of Porto Rico, and form-
erly The Judge Advocate General,
will be the principal speaker at the
exercises. A veteran officer with ser-
vice in the infantry and field artil-
lery,, General Winship is the holder
of the Distinguished Service Cross,
Distinguished Service Medal and the
Silver Star. The Board of which he
is at present a member is in charge
of coordinating the defense measures
of Canada and the United States.
General Hedrick recently returned
from the European theatre of opera-
Turn to Page 3, Col. 6
State Withholds
U War Funds
Defense Board Wants
More Information
LANSING, Aug. 13.- (P)- The
Defense-Finance Committee of the
State Administrative Board today
demanded more information before
releasing $800,000 requested by the
University of Michigan and $234,000
requested by Michigan State College
from their earmarked shares of the
State War Fund.
State Treasurer D. Hale Brake.
chairman, said the committee ap-
proved the college's request for $275,-
590 to finance war research projects
and its accelerated summer study
program, but was doubtful 'of the
propriety of drawing on the war
fund to meet the rest of its request
and that of the University.
- - ----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ ~ ~ ~

Soviets Expect General
Retreat by Germans
To Dnieper River Line
Associated Press Correspondent
LONDON, Aug. 14, Saturday.-
While Soviet forces stormed to with-
in a mile of tottering Kharkov and
closed in on the middle key base of
Bryansk, other Russian troops
smashed through a 31-mile section
of the central front yesterday to
open an important new offensive
against Smolensk with gains up to
13 miles.
Capture of these three German
strongpoints on a 500-mile front
would crack the entire Axis defense
in Russia and probably force a gen-
eral retreat to the Dnieper River
The new offensive-the third ma-
jor Russian drive opened this sum-
mer-was a two-armed push from
north and south of Spas Demensk,
85 miles southeast of Smolensk on
an important rail line. In three
days' fighting the unchecked Soviet
legions shattered the German lines
in two great gaps of 22 and nine
miles each and swarmed through to
capture Spas Demensk and Pavlino
another town, only 73 miles from
More than 100 towns and villag'es
were captured in the breakthrough,
and in the toppling of Spas Demensic
alone more than 2,000 Germans were
Other Russian troops are 60 miles
from Smolensk on the north in the
Velikie Lukie area. They reached
that point last winter.
Soviet artillery massed before the
strong German defenses softened
Nazi resistance, said the Moscow
midnight communique recorded by
the Soviet monitor. The Russian
air force also supplied an airblanket
for the charging troops, knocking
down 42 German planes. Quantities
of war material were seized by the
advancing infantrymen.
In the south, Kharkov was a
doomed city as plunging Russian
columns wiped out last-ditch Ger-
man defenders and captured Bol-
shaya-Danilovka, a mile to the
northeast and the first suburb out of
the great Ukraine industrial center
on the Kharkov River.
Yanks Destroy
Jap Air base
A t Sala mana
14, Saturday. --(IP)- Japan's men-
aced air base at Salamaua, New
Guinea, has been laid in ruins and
its key portion built out on an
isthmus "has virtually ceased to ex-
ist" as the result of a 177-ton bom-
bardmnent by heavy and medium
Allied planes, Gen. Douglas MacAr-
thur announced today.
The shattering air blow was the
latest in a series which have dealt
more than 1,000 tons of explosive
and incendiary bombs on that north-
eastern New Guinea base of the
Announcement of the destructive
aerial thrustnwascoupled with an-
other of 'a new advance of a mile
at the other end of the 750-mile
battle arc in the Pacific against the
last foothold of the Japanese on
New Georgia Island at Bairoko Har-
This advance occurred near Zieta
village which is roughly four miles
from Bairoko harbor and about half
way between the harbor's encircled
enemy garrison and the Munda air
Wse which the Americans captured
on Aug. $.

Resuming a Solomons aerial of-
fensive after a brief lull caused by
bad weather, fighter-escorted heavy
bombers destroyed or severely dam-

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