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August 07, 1943 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1943-08-07

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8ATURDAY, AUG. '7, 1941,


Fifty-Third Year
in i ii Il

Straight from the Shoulder
..By CIIPS..

moo ,

Cetp-t ~ ~ o

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Edited and managed by students of the University. of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publcations.-
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session. -
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
lication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Offica at Ann Arbor, Michigan, a
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by Car-
rier $4.25 by mail $5.25. -
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43
Editorial Staff
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Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Ball, Hatch Find Midwest
Wants Peace Conference
been used for a number of purposes-includ-
ing a bit of mud slinging, and the usual run of
political speeches.
This time, however, the famous Senators
Ball and Hatch put their cross-country tour-
ing to a much better use-that of finding out
just where Mr. Average Citizen stood on the
question of a post-war organization for the
United Nations.
And what they discovered should be enough to
make some of those isolationist Congressmen's
ears turn a bit red.
For, they are firmly convinced that the people
of .the West and Midwest are far ahead of Con-
gress in recognizing the need for a post-war
organization of an international nature.
Senator Joseph Ball, Republican from Minne-
sota, who was one of the authors of the bill, had
this interesting comment to make:
"The importance of setting up a post-war or-
ganization with our allies transcends any politi-
cal issue facing the country."
And not only do Senators Hatch and Ball
realize that, not only do 30,000 to 40,000 people
on the West Coast, and in Minnesota, and the
Dakotas whom the senators spoke to know it,
but more than 84 percent of the students and
servicemen on campus firmly believe thatt
Congress should declare itself in favor of cre-
ating an international organization with
power adequate enough to maintain a lasting
This Post-War Council poll, which was taken
last week, is particularly significant. It was a
fair sampling of both military and civilian opin-
ion, and what is more important, it took in a
cross-section of American youth from every sec-
tion of the country.
On the strength of these and other definite
indications that Americans are no longer
dyed-in-the-wool isolationists, it would seem
that Congressmen would finally get around to
indicating they are real representatives, and
vote for U.S. participation in an international
organiation. - Virginia Rok
Slayer of France Is
Marked for Destruction
THE WAR in which metropolitan France hard-
ly fought at all has cost her two million lives.
In other words, according to estimates made in

London, her population has dropped from 40,-
060,000 in 1939 to 38,000,000 or less now. Even
in 1939 she had a slight excess of deaths over
The excess has enormously increased, for rea-
sons known to Adolf Hitler and his fellow-ene
mies of mankind: because of deficiencies in
food; because of diseases the Nazis cannot or will
not control; and, above all, because the Nazis
have held in captivity since 1940 about a million
and a half young Frenchmen.
This outrage against a conquered nation
was deliberately planned to produce the very
result it has produced. , Out of the depths of
their sense of their own abysmal inferiority
the Nazis are doing What they can to kill
France. They begin with the young, the
strong, the potential fathers, the probable
leaders of the people. They proceed with the
strong and gifted children these men might
mnr fe

M WESTBROOK PEGLER is going in for
comedy nowadays, and what's more it's
really funny. Says Mr. Pegler in yesterday's
column: "I have simply got to be more skeptical
about unions."
Yes. oor Mr. Pegler is so naive, folks, that
he has actually believed that there were some
lar r unions in this country which weren't
run b tacketeers, communists and terrorists.
But no longer! He has seen the light! No
longer will he, for example, believe "that fal-
lacy of the selfless altruism of that pious old
nepotist and money-grabber, Daniel Tobin,
the president of the Teamsters Union." No
longer Will he doubt that Dubinsky, president
of the international Ladies Garment Workers
Ui~ton is a swindler and Axis agent.
It seemis that Dubinsky's union has donated
$85,000 for the promotion of underground activi-
ties in Italy and Germany, and is not accounting
for the spending of every cent of that money.
Says the "newly enlightened" Mr. Pegler, "How
do we know who gets this $85,000 and how do we
know it isn't being used by the enemy himself?
Mr. Pegler wants names and addresses of
these "mysterious underground persons" who are
supposedly receiving this money? After all, you
know how union leaders are tempted to steal
from their members; at least you ought to. if
you read Pegler's column.
Yes. the poor misguided Mr. Pegler who al-
ways believed that only 99% of the unions were
criminal, Communist and generally rotten, now
discovers that he was wrong-it is a full 100%.
At last Pegler has arrived. He is now a "full-
fledged sophisticate."
Mr. Pegler is not alone in having arrived.
A veritable host of "sophisticates" is forming,
each snecialiing in his own field. There is
Max Eistman who has at last discovered that
everything is wrong with the Russians except
that they happen to be fighting on' our side,
and even that has its disadvantages because
we may get too friendly with the Russians and
WASHINGTON, Aug. 7.- It hasn't had the
public fireworks of the Jones-Wallace row, but
one of the most intense and disastrous paper
battles of the war is now raging back-stage be-
tween the Maritime Commission and the Navy
over Liberty ships.
The battle has become so hot that it has been
refered to Justice Byrnes and Bernie Baruch
for arbitration. Delays caused by the dispute
probably will cost the nation exactly half a mil-
lion tons of merchant shipping this year.
The Controversy has become so bitter that
the War Production Board, which sides with
the Navy, actually sent out telegrams to man-
facturers of ship turbines instructing them not
to allocate any more materials for Maritime
Commission turbines. Whereupon peppery
Admiral "Jerry" Land, Maritime Commission
chairman, telegraphed the turbine manufac-
tuiers to. ignore the WPB order. However,
manufacture of turbines was stopped, hence
the delay in ship construction.
Seeds of the dispute go back to the fact that
slow-moving naval admirals are jealous of quick,
up-and-coming Maritime Commission experts;
plus possible British worry about U.S. shipping
competition after the war.
Slow or Fast Ships?
Chief issue involved is whether the Maritime
Commission shall build only slow-poke Liberty
ships which are easier targets for submarines,
or also build speedier C-1, C-2, C-3 and Victory
ships which can operate without convoys.
Digging back even further behind the dis-
pute, the row is over the question of turbines.
In brief, far-sighted Admiral Howard L. Vick-
ery of the Maritime Commission two years ago
began building turbines for merchant ships.
Now hind-sighted Navy Admirals want those
turbines for fighting shins.
One thing that gripes naval brass-hats is that
back in 1933 they "passed over" Vickery for pro-

motion and he was eased out of the Navy. Since
then Roosevelt picked him us, and put him in
the Maritime Commission where he has been
sailing circles around his old friends in the Navy
ever since.
Two years ago, he foresaw that turbines
would be one of the big bttlenecks of ship-
building, and pioneered for their construction
on a Mass production basis. Prior to that tur-
bines were tailor-made, each patterned to the
needs of a narticular ship, so that one plant
might be building a turbine of 12,000 horse-
power, with another of only 1,200 horsepower
being built alongside it.
Vickery cut out these variegated, tailor-made
sizes, set up factories which are now making a
standardized turbine on a mass production basis.
So now the Navy, which failed to plan ahead for
its turbines, wants to take them away from Vick-
ery and the Maritime Commission.
Capital Chaff
A certain amount of Wall Street even money
has been offered that the war would be over this
year . . . Kenneth Galbraith, the former Rhodes
scholar, whose hard-hitting insistence on OPA
price control caused civil war with Lou Maxon'
is now with the Lend-Lease Administration. He
will handle South African purchases . . . Rupert
Enierson, who didn't get along well with Ickes as
Director of Territories, is also with Lend-Lease.
(Copyright. 1943, United Features syndicate)

adopt communism. So, says sophisticate
number two, Mr. Eastman, let's treat the Rus-
sians like bloody criminals, they like it that
ON THE HOME FRONT. there is of course
Malcolm Bingay, our own boy from Detroit,
who though he must yield to Pegler in his analy-
sis of unions (he's still at Pegler's old 99% the-
ory) is certainly the most "sophisticated" anal-
yst of the New Deal. It's 100% dictatorial, bur-
eaucratic, incompetent, and inefficient accord-
ing to "our boy Mal," and he ought to know;
he's been criticizing it long enough.
Pegler. Eastman, and Bingay are just three
of the big shots in the new "Order of Full-
Fledged Sophisticates." There are plenty of
others that probably disgust you more than
those three. There are for instance those un-
known, unheralded, and unsung editorial writ-
ers of the Hearst press, the Chicago Tribune,
and the Scrips-Howard press that helo fill
out our national life by taking occasional
cracks at Great Britain, China, the President,
Henry Wallace, and nrogressives in general.
They too deserve a membership in the new
Yes, a lot of our newspapermen and colum-
nists are no longer naive. They know what the
world's about now. They know whom it is safe
to damn, and whom it isn't. They know which
side their bread is buttered on.
They're the hundred percent boys now,
especially the three musketeers of the "new
order of sophisticates"-100 percent anti-
union Pegler, 100 nercent anti-Soviet East-
man, 100 percent anti-New Deal Bingay. It's
too bad Charlie Lindberg is out of the running.
He would have made a good fourth musketeer.
The only thing the other three musketeers
aren't adept at yet, is 100 percent praise of
fascism. But that's life, you've got to be real-
istic. You can't have everything.
19d Rather
Be Right;.
NEW YORK. Aug. 7- Generals de Gaulle and
Giraud have accepted each other, and now it is
up to democrats everywhere to accept both of
If we do not, a unified France may soon begin
to urge that America get itself unified on this
I do not know how well we would take it, if we
began to hear French speeches on the need for
more harmony in America on this great, basic
issue of the day.
It is we who are now beginning to seem a
little at loggerheads internally on the French
problem; the French themselves are doing
very well on it. We have reached the stage
where the Giraud vs. de Gaulle thing still
bothers us, but no longer bothers either Giraud
or de Gaulle. Unification of French view-
points is no longer an issue in North Africa
It s is an issue only in Washington.
Under the new arrangement, de Gaulle has
turned over to Giraud supreme command of all
French fighting forces. including those which
de Gaulle himself raised so painfully during his
long exile in London. This ends the "stubborn-
ness" of the man who has been so widely adver-
tised as stubborn.
So de Gaulle's stubbornness is no longer an
issue; and our stubbornness becomes one. If
we hold out against recognition of the new
French Committee of National Liberation as
at least a temporary governing council we
shall be the only agency in the entire situation
still- insisting on having is own way. We
shall be behaving in wat we would once have
described as a de Gaullish fashion.
I can't believe we will do that; it will be just
too mysterious and strange. It will be what we
have thought of French politics as being; hard
to understand, whimsical and capricious. Surely
we are none of these things, and so I write these
lines, not as one urging recognition but as one
fully expecting it.
Actually, unity is marching apace among the

French. Both the French right and the French
left are rediscovering France. For a long time
each had eyes only for the other. The Italian
crisis seems to have made both wings look out-
France has a special interest in Italy. After
all, it was France which suffered the famous
stab in the back, and it is France which has a
special claim to be indignant about that stab,
and an interest in establishing the kind of Italy
which doesn't stab.
Fear lest there be some other kind of Italy
seems to have brought the French together.
It has led to the intricate arrangement where-
by de Gaulle becomes civil affairs chief, and
also a kind of defense commissioner, above
Giraud, while Girand takes operational lead-
ershin of the armies, above de Gaulle, and also
presides over military sessions of the main
committee. Each is above and also below the
other, depending on the moment and the
situation. But both are together in asking
In other words, a really big problem has suc-
ceeded in forcing unity on the French. We are
the problem. The French have come together
because they are French, and because they do
not want us to have exclusive rights to decide
about Italy.
It becomes simply too complicated to be en-
dured if we, now, refuse to recognize the French
committee in order to preserve our exclusive
ralfn + prnpnizpa nIthalianconmmittee which

Prof. Slosson and Chips concern-
ing the foreign policy of Russia
looked so interesting that I won-
dered whether I could get into it for
a few moments to add some facts.
Chips' column contained so many
erroneous statements that I found
myself with the outline of a 3,000
word thesis in trying to analyze
them; I'd therefore like to confine
my attention to the remarks he made
concerning Finland.
Russian policy, said Chips, sup-
ported the "preservation of small
democratic states." Accepting
Chips' characterization of the Bal-
tic states as fascist, which were
these states that Russia was inter-
ested in preserving? One only,
Czechoslovakia, and is it a coinci-
dence that this country was the
only one in Europe, outside of
France, in which there was a
strong Communist .Party?
The only other "small democraticl
state" in Eastern Europe had the
misfortune to be bounded by Russia
on the east-Finland. Up until the
invasion (which was headlined by the
- All contributors to this depart-
ment must sign or identify their

ler. Rather, they claimed something
equally preposterous- that Great
Britain and the United States had
been preparing to use Finland as a
base for an attack on Germany-via
Russia! Fantastic?-Yes, but read
the Daily Worker's files.
What then made the change in
Finnish politics from pro-British to
pro-Nazi? The Russian invasion,
which discredited the group advocat-
ing rapprochement with Russial
brought to the fore the pro-Nazi ele-
ments who were in a position to say,
"I told you so." The alliance with
Hitler, while shameful, is compre-
hensible. Finland's "friends" Great'
Britain and the United States had
been unable to help her. When Hit-
ler forced Stalin to become an ally
of the British by attacking Russia,
the Finns were naive enough to be-
lieve that they could get into the war
just long enough to regain what Rus-
sia had grabbed, and then get out.
How can Chips find honor and
reason in the insulting suggestion
of the Russians?-"the Russians

offered Finland twice as much
non-strategic territory for the few
bases they asked for." Imagine
Great Britain demanding of us the
cession to Canada of the port of
Boston and a few off-shore islands,
in return for tracts of land ten
times as great contiguous to Alaska
in Yukon and the Northwestern
Territories along the Arctic ocean.
-Does it not occur to Chips that
the Finns might prefer to hold on
to strategic territory-and have a
right to do so!--and that they may
prefer not to be ruled by Stalin
and the OGPU?
Limitations of space prevent my
pointing out equally the grave errors
in Chips' statements and thinking
concerning those other victims of
Russian aggression, the Baltic coun-
tries, Poland, and Rumania. That
the inhabitants of these countries
were being denied their liberties by
their rulers does not require us to
condone the further denial of their
rights by Stalin.
-Pfc. Stanley Bigman


By Lichty

N.Y. Communist paper "Daily Work-
er" thus: "Heroic Russian Troops
Hurl Back Invading Finnish Forces")
-until this invasion and with it
bombing of helpless civilians in Hel-
sinki helping to set the pattern for
the war, Finland's government was
democratic. For this fact we must
turn to the Daily Worker of about
one year before.
At that time there was an elec-
tion in Finland. The Nazi party
there suffered a decisive defeat at
the hands of liberal and demo-
cratic and social-democratic par-
ties. This'event was hailed by the
Russian and American Commu-
nist press, as well as by such repu-
table papers as the New York
Times, as a victory for the pro-
gressive forces in Finland. The
social democrats in particular fav-
ored closer relations with Russia.
- VEN AT THE TIME of the Rus-
sian attack on Finland, the Com-
munist press didn't claim, as they
(and Chips) do now, "that the con-
trolling influence in Finnish foreign
policy was pro-Nazi Baron Manner-
heim." They couldn't make such an
absurd charge, because Stalin him-
self was at the time allied with Hit-

..., Q1943, hic oTimes. Inc 'W'^'9
never saw anyone who likes to quarrel as much as you do, Roscop-
the government could use a man like you in Washington!"




SATURDAY, AUG. 7, 1943
VOL. LIII, No. 30-S .
Al] notices for The Daily Official Bulle-
tin are to be sent to the Office of the
Summer Session in typewritten form by
3:30 p.m. of the daypreceding its publi-
cation, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 am.
The Angell Hall Observatory will
be open to the public from 9:30 to
11:00, Saturday evening, Aug. 7. The
moon will be shown through the
telescopes. If it is a cloudy evening,
or nearly so, the observatory will not
be open. Children must be accom-
panied by adults.
Matinee Today: "Papa Is All," re-
cent Broadway comedy hit will be
presented by the Michigan Repertory
Players of the Department of Speech
at 2:30 today in the Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre. Tickets are on sale at
the theatre box office, phone 6300.
Hopwood manuscripts for the sum-
mer contests must be handed in at
the Hopwood Room not later than
4:30 on Friday, Aug. 13.
Students entering the contests
should make themselves familiar with
the rules, copies of which may be
obtained at the Hopwood Room.
-R. W. CowdenI
Record Concert at Horace H.
Rackham School-Another of the
weekly concerts will be given Tues-
day evening at 7:45 p.m. The pro-
gram will consist of the following
recordings: Corelli's Concerto in C
Major; Mozart's Symphony in D Ma-
jor, Haffner; Sibelius' Concerto in D
Minor, and Chopin's Waltz No. 7 in
C Sharp Minor and No. 8 in A Flat
Major. Servicemen are cordially in-
vited to join the Graduate Students
at these concerts.
'xh ib itions'
Rackham Galleries: Exhibition df
Paintings from ten Latin-American
Republics. From the collections of
the Museum of Modern Art, New
York. Open 2 to 5, and 7 to 10 daily,

stances, courses dropped after today
will be recorded with a grade of E.
-E. A. Walter
Students in the College of Engin-
eering: Your cooperation is needed in
making a survey of courses to be
taken for the Fall Term of 1943.
Slips, being handed out in classes
Monday and Tuesday, are to be re-
turned promptly to the instructor
who hands them out. In case you
are missed, see Prof. Kessler, Room
241 West Engineering Bldg.
If you are in doubt concerning
courses to be taken, consult your
Classifier. A schedule of consulta-
tion time is posted on the Bulletin
Board of your Department. Classi-
fiers will be available in the West
Quad on Monday and Tuesday eve-
nings, Aug. 9 and 10, to aid students
in the Navy and Marine Corps.
-C. F. Kessler, Chairman
Classification Committee
Seniors in Mechanical and Aero-
nautical Engineering: Chrysler En-
gineering Company representative
will interview Senior Engineers Tues-
day, Aug. 10, 1943, in Room 218 West
Engineering Building.
Sign the interview schedule at
Room 221 West Engineering Build-
-R. S. Hawley, Chairman
Dept. of Mech. Eng.
Events Today
ThewUniversity Women's Riding
Club will meet at 8 o'clock this morn-
ing in front of the Womens' Athletic
The Michigan Christian Fellow-
ship will picnic at the Island today.
Meet at Lane Hall at 6 p.m. or at
Island Bridge at 6:20. Bring your
own sandwiches. All students and
servicemen welcome.
Gamma Delta, Student Club foi
Lutherans, will have a Scavenger
Hunt this evening. Meet at the
Rackham Building steps at 7:45. At
10 all will go to 1337 Wilmot for re-
freshments. Lutheran servicemen
are cordially invited.
Coming Events
'Hispanic Club: As part of its Sum-
mer Session program, the Hispanic


The general activity will in-
swimming, and everybody is to
along his own picnic dinner.

Graduate Outing Club will meet at
the Rackham Building at 2:30 on
Sunday, Aug. 8 for a hike to Eber
White Woods. Bring a picnic lunch.
Demonstration Debate: At 4 p.m.
Monday in the West Conference
Room of the Rackham Building, the
Department of Speech will sponsor a
demonstration debate on the nation-
al high school question, "Resolved,
that the United States should join
in reconstituting the League of Na-
tions." Anyone interested is invited
to attend.
ANEW economic analyst hired to
help tAe Office of Economic War-
fare carry on our international trade
to help win the war turned out to be
one of those eurythmic dancers-a
sort of he Isadora Duncan. Where-
upon we have a new hue and cry
about the idiosyncrasies of the bur-
eaucracy, comparable to the uproar
over the prominence of dancing
teachers in the Office of Civilian De-
fense when "Butch" La Guardia was
running that outfit, and the guy is
Pictures of the ex-economist, John
Bovingdon, suggest, however, that
judgment might have been suspend-
ed. Mr. Bovingdon may be a real
economist, even if he is charged with
toe-dancing. An economist who can
prance and dance without a shirt
may be the very kind of economist
needed by a nation losing its shirt to
the tax collector. Certainly Mr. Bov-
ingdon is not wholly theoretical, for
he has demonstrated in a practigal
manner how to do without things.
Mr. Bovingdon's predecessor is-
said to have been a nudist, and that
also raises some interesting ques-
tions. Perhaps these two gentlemen
have been miscast. Perhaps they
should be assigned to the Internal
Revenue Bureau to prepare instruc-
tions to taxpayers who must fill out
those new returns Sept. 15, 1943, and
March 15, 1944. We think they are
eminently qualified to do that job,
because the first thing the taxpayer
must learn is how to strip himself.
-Chicago Daily News

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