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August 07, 1943 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1943-08-07

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VOL. LIl, No. 30-S



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Stem Evacuation

of .Berlin

Kharkov Is
Threatened in
Soviet Drive
Russians Outflank Key
German Base, Take
Zolochev in Northwest
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Saturday, Aug. 7-Rus-
siafl armies breaking into the Uk-
raine on a 43-mile front outflanked
the big German base of Kharkov yes-
terday by capturing Zolochev, 25
miles to the northwest, in a continu-
ing summer campaign that already
has cost the Germans 120,000 killed
+ nd 12,418 prisoners.
Gains up to 37 miles were scored
in the smash west of Belgorod which
cut the Kharkov-Bryansk railway at
Zolochev, and the Russians also drove
onward through Orel farther north
in, the surge toward Bryansk, said a
special victory bulletin.
Dneper Offensive Indicated
In the southeast other Russian
units were reported on the move in
the Donets Basin, capturing several
German-held heights southwest of
Voroshilovgrad. This indicated a gen-
eral Soviet offensive aimed at hurling
the Germans far back to the Dnieper
River. -
The Russians killed 2,000 Germans
during the day in the drive that
toppled. Zolochev and straddled the
enemy's communication lines above
Kharkov, the midnight communique
said. This seizure posed a pincer
threat to the great industrial center
because the Germans said another
Russian army was massed for action
near Chuguev, 24 miles southeast of
Kharkov, Bryansk Bombed
Soviet bombers pounded both
Kharkov and Bryansk ahead of the
Red armies that had taken Orel and
Belgorod on Thursday.
The drive carried into the Ukraine
-or r of Kharkov aid ent ereden
to earlier Moscow reports that the
whole German front in Russia was
threatened with collapse and that
the Nazis might be forced back to
the Dneiper, 270 miles west of Belgo-
Bryansk itself to the north was
threatened by Soviet armies rushing
through Orel, those troops gained up
to six miles today beyond fallen Orel,
the bulletin said, and captured 70
more hamlets, including Kromi, 26
miles southwest of Orel.
RFeed Elected
Engine Head
Karl Reed of Erie, Pa., was elected
president of the October graduating
class of the engineering college today.
Secretary. of the class is Howard
J. Howerth of Detroit, while James
Ilitz Gerald of Muskegon is the new
Reed, a mechanical engineer, is
treasurer of the Engineering Council,
chairman of the Engineering Honor
Council, a member of Vulcans and
former president of Trigon frater-
Engine Council President Howerth,
a mechanical engineer, is a member
of Interfraternity Council, Triangles,
Men's Judiciary Committee and of
Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity. Fitz
Gerald is a chemical engineer.

OPA Urges 'U' Students
To Protest Food Prices
Local Official Requests Action on Ceiling
Violations; Week of April 4-10 Is Base Period
Have you paid more for your meals this week than you did during
the week of April through April 10?
If so, the Office of Price Administration urges you to lodge a complaint
against the offending restaurant, Mrs. Anita Branson, price clerk of the
local board, said yesterday.
Offenders Are Not Known
"Students should realize that they are entitled to register a complaint.
We cannot act unless we know who the offenders are.
"The students eating out every day are in a better position to judge
price changes than the general public," she said. "We have on file the

This Is a Giant Task for a Lowly Jeep



Reds Clean Up 'Orel




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\ Lo/ 190

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' "' vrtsvoopsi * '* "
Russian troops were reported
cleaning out the last pockets of
resistance in Orel (arrow) as they
directed their drive in the direc-
tion of Kiev. Black line indicates
battlefront. Shaded area was once

held by the Germans and


Yanks Smash
Fleein Ja ps
At Munda.Base
By The Associated Press
urday, Aug. 7.-The United States
jungle fighters who captured the
Munda air base and crushed all or-
ganized resistance of the Japanese
now have chased fleeing remnants
into nearby mangrove swamps where
they are being annihilated.
The bloody mopping up operations
were related in a communique from
Gen. Douglas MacArthur issued to-
day on the first anniversary of the
American offensive in the Solomons.
The jungle troops pushed north
and northeast of yesterday's bomb
and shell battered scene of victory
to hunt down what few Japanese
have not been slain.
Meager reports from the South
Pacific indicate that the 1,671 enemy
dead mentioned in a special com-
munique recording the fall of Munda,
on New Georgia, may represent only
a partial count of the enemy losses
inflicted as American infantrymen
drove across the airdrome behind the
withering fire of tanks and flame
Rekata Bay is on the coast of
Santa Isabel Island lying 100 miles
northeast of Munda.

t> menus of every restaurant in Ann
Arbor for the base period.
Mrs. Branson pointed out that stu-
dents should be sure of their charge,
and in order that they know their,
rights under the price-holding law
she clarified the following points:
If servings are cut, then the price
should also be cut. If during the
base week the particular restaurant
included dessert and soup with their
meal they must continue to serve the
various courses now.
When a restaurant owner strikes
one of his cheaper meals from the
menu he is violating the law and
can be prosecuted. For instance, if
the lowest price meal formerly on
the menu was 65 cents and it now
is 75 cents i guilty of a law viola-
A restaurant owner is entitled to
charge higher prices on Sundays,
providing the prices charged on Sun-
day, April 4, were higher than the
rest of the week.
Sherbets and ice creams should
cost approximately the same; and
the consumer should not be charged
more for'ice cream rather than sher-
bet in a sundae. However, the pro-
prietor has the right of substituting
sherbet for ice cream since the con-
sumption of the latter is cut.
Portion Variations Clarified
A restaurant owner cannot escape
the letter of the law by adding a
word "large" to the menu. For in-
stance,. if .on .April 4 French fried
potatoes sold for 15 cents, the addi-
tion of "large" does not make a 20
cent price legal.
To register a complaint any stu-
dent may call 3545 and speak to the
price clerk Mrs. Branson. "However,
it is preferable to make the com-
plaint in person, being sure that it is
Molly Pitcher
Tag Drive To
Close Today
One hundred representatives of the
women's division of the War Bond
and Stamp Committee will be sta-
tioned on street corners, in building
entrances, and other public places
today in the final day of the Molly
Pitcher tag drive to promote the sale
of war bonds and stamps.
The women, under the direction of
Mrs. Charles Noble, will present to
each purchaser of a war bond or
stamp a red, white, and blue tag in
the shape of a pitcher.
Molly Pitcher, long a symbol of
the heroism of American women, was
chosen as honory figure for the tag
drive' for her action in the Revolu-
tionary War. For her heroism, Gen-
eral George Washington made her
the first woman sergeant in the Army
by brevet.

An American Jeep weighing less than a ton pulls freight cars weighing many tons each as the U.S.
Army handles supplies on a railroad siding in India. This is an official OWI photo.

Yanks Take Cagliano in
Drive on Escape Route
By The Associated Press
Canadian forces were reported tonight to be only several thousand yards
from Adrano, key point in the last enemy defense lines around Mt. Etna and
20 miles northwest of captured Catania.
The U.S. Seventh -rmy was besieging Troina to the northwest where
an American officer said 'both Axis supply roads leading to the town were
under American artiller fire. "They -
will have to give up ur fall backi
soon," he said. O M T ed
PlanesHit Messina
Flying Fortresses-heavy artilleryr
of the air-blasted at Messina toY
disrupt evacuation of German troops, e
indicating that the battle for SicilyAicf t a o
was nearing its climax..
Americans on the north coast, WASHINGTON, Aug. 6.-(AP)-
stronaly sunnrted by sea and air,

bombardments, and British van-
guards on the east both were fight-
ing about 50 miles from Messina.
Other British Eighth Army units
were beating northwest around Mt.
Etna, from Paterno toward Adrano.
Troops Make Progress
Canadians and British in a cen-
tral push are making "steady prog-
ress" toward Adrano astride the Mt.
Etna base road, today's Allied com-
munique announced. Axis resistance
here continued strong.
Troina is a main shield for with-
drawal of Axis forces from the south
and central sectors of the bridgehead
following the fall of Catania.
The Germans have thrown every
type of weapon into defense of Tro-
ina, using mortars abundantly to
carpet surrounding hills and valleys
with shells.
Troina Is Taken
(Field dispatches reaching head-
quarters three days ago said Troina
had been taken, and Prime Minister
Churchill earlier had said the Ameri-
cans had entered the town, but ap-
parently the Germans counterat-
tacked before the entry could be con-
American artillery helped the ad-
vance of doughboys up the steep
rocky slopes to win positions in the
hills near Troina after crack combat
teams had been unable to smash
down the town's defenses.

Concerned that airplane production
goals may not be met, the Office of
War Mobilization is heading up a
survey by government production and
manpower agencies of the aircraft
industry's difficulty in maintaining
needed working forces.
Bernard Baruch, special adviser
to War Mobilization Director James
F. Byrnes, said today that the survey
has been underway for several weeks.
He emphasiped that "it is entirely a
question of manpo\ver."
Baruch did not go into details of
the problem. Managers of some air-
plane plants, however, have ex-
pressed concern over losses of work-
ers both to other war plants and to
the armed forces.
Robert E. Gross, president of the
Lockheed Aircraft Corporation, told
a house committee this week that the
government must decide "whether
airplanes or soldiers are needed from
aircraft plants." The committee, in-
vestigating the effect of the draft on
war plants, has been holding hearings
on the west Coast.
Will Be Aug. 15
Summer Session graduates will be
honored at a convocation program at
8 p.m. Aug. 15 in Hill Auditorium,
Dr. Louis A. Hopkins, director of the
Summer Session, announced yester -
An address will be given by E.
Blythe Stason, dean of the law
school, and special music will be ar-
ranged by Prof. Palmer Christian of
the music school.
Most of the 550 students who will
go throughgthe convocation cere-
mnony are high school teachers whol
will receive advanced degrees.
This year's ceremony replaces the
Summer Session breakfast which was
held in former years.
Lt. Recknagel, '41,
Is KilledI.in Action
Lt. Arnold H. Recknagel, a former
University student from Detroit, was
reported killed in action in the South
Pacific by the War Department yes-

Hamburg Blitz
Is First Full
Use of Planes
Pattern of Devastation
Will Be Extended to
Other German Cities
Associated Press Correspondent
WASHINGTON, Aug. 6.-()--The
smashing of Hamburg, in the view of
American experts, is the war's first
example of the complete use of air
poweriand the pattern of the devas-
tation to be extended to other Ger-
man cities.
It was not, as has been suggested
in some quarters, a "terror" opera-
tion, nor was it simply a ruthless lab-
oratory test. .
On the contrary, it was an attack
on a prime military target-the next
and center of German submarine
production-and fortuitous circum-
stances made it the first completely
successful strategic bombing opera-
Day, Night Bombing Combined
Here, for the first time, daylight
precision bombing and night area
bombing were teamed to perfection,
with enough planes to keep the oper-
ation moving day after day, and with
weather which allowed the U.S. 8th
Air Force and the Royal Air Force
to carry the attack through to com-
pletion-the absolute smashing of a
city the size of Philadelphia, the
greatest port of continental Europe,
and a key point in the communica-
tions system which is vital to Ger-
many's prosecution of the war.
The Flying Fortresses of the 8th
Air Force picked off the vital cen-
ters, the factories, power houses, key
junctions, while the R.A.F. moved in
at night and leveled the city.
Civilian Bombing Necessary
Ruthless as this destruction of res-
idential quarters of a great city may
seem to the distant observer, it is an
integral part of the nmilitary attack.
Experience has shown that in other
area-bombed cities, the Germans
have been able to repair the factories,
and move the bulk of civilian pop-
ulation out.
This latter, however, was done not
out of humanitarian interest in the
comfort and safety of the civilians,
but merely as the quickest and
cheapest way of providing new hous-
ing for the essential workers in the
war industries.
To prevent that, the wrecking of
all housing facilities became nec-
That the R.A.F. has found it nec-
essary to return time after time to
such cities as Cologne, Essen and
Duesseldorf, the experts explain, is
due to two facts-area bombing of
the ,type done by the R.A.F. is not
sufficient to wreck the production
facilities because there is no guar-
antee of desroying the key points,
and in a large industrial concentra-
tion, precision plus area bombing will
wreck the productive capacity of the
factories only if weather permits con-
tinuing the attack until the target is
shambles beyond hope of repair.
Poll Is Not Tabulated

amburg Fate
Snaps Frayed
Nerves of City
Terrified Population
Flees from Expected
RAF Bombing Attacks
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Aug. 7, Satu'rday Ger-
man authorities were reported today
frantically trying "to control a mass
stampede" from panic-stricken Ber-
lin where bomb-shocked Hamburg
refugees have spread horror stories
snapping the already frayed nerves
of Berliners expecting imminent RAF
mass air attacks.
Spanish correspondents hinted
that non-military developments of
unusual import were going on in
Berlin, and Nazi propaganda Minis-
ter Goebbels acknowledged a "partial
evacuation" of the capital because of
fears of attacks on the devastating
Hamburg scale.
Strikes Are Reported
Strikes and other troubles also
were reported brewing in Germany
at a time of sagging morale caused
by German reverses in the air and
Reuters, British News Agency,
quoted arrivals in Zurich from Berlin
as reporting that thousands of refu-
gees from bomb-smashed Hamburg
were spreading tales in Berlin of
fantastic casualties in the Allied
raids, and that these persons have
been arrested in feverish efforts to
slow the growing panic.
Reuters also said reports were cir-
culating "in German circles at Istan-
bul, Turkey," that the Germans were
preparing to proclaim Berlin an open
city and evacuate the ministries and
other services to Dresden, Leipzig,
Munich and Prague.
Leaflets Warn Berlin of Bombing
Swedish dispatches at the same
time related that the RAF yesterday
had showered leaflets over the Reich
capital, warning the people that Ber-
lin would serve as a sequel to the fite
of Hamburg, which has become the
world's most-bombed city recently.
In the recent week-long series of
air attacks on Hamburg, 200,000 cas-,
ualties were suffered, it has been
(A CBS correspondent at Bern,
Switzerland, quoted the Nazi news-
paper in Bern, Das Volker, as report-
ing a wave of strikes in German war
plants where "the workers refused to
return to their benches even after
they were offered additional food ra-
tions . . . the benches now had been
occupied by troops of the Gestapo.")
Correspondents Report Censorship
During the past week Spanish cor-
respondents in Berlin have all ended
their dispatches with mysterious ref-
erences to news they could report if
Nazi censorship permitted. For ex-
ample, a dispatch to Informaciones
in Madrid today ended: "Obliged by
circumstances to limit ourselves to
military events, we must leave for
another day subjects by no means
less interesting."
Even Goebbels acknowledged that
Berlin's population was thinning out,
but he said it was not a mass exacua-
tion as yet.
Railroad Heads
F ail T'o Reach
Wage Decisions
WASHINGTON, Aug. 6.- ()-
Chiefs of 15 non-operating railroad
unions and railroad management of-
ficials held two inconclusive meet-
ings today on the union's wage pro-

posals and agreed to reconvene'again
Neither side would discuss devel-
opments, but the unions were re-
ported to have asked for a contract
increasing wages 8 cents an hour as
recommended by an emergency
board. Stabilization director Fred
M. Vinson set aside the board's rec-
ommendation on the grounds it vio-
lated the government's anti-inflation
policy. The union representatives,
however, are confident they can get
government approval if management
goes along.
Italy's Minister
Meets Ribbentrop
BERN, Switzerland, Aug. 7, Satur-
day-- ()- The new Italian foreign


Allies Eye Dardanelles as Supply Route

Associated Press Correspondent
ANKARA, Turkey.-The Darda-
nelles, famed as the scene of ro-
mantic swims as well as the stra-
tegically important gateway be-
tween the Black Sea and the Med-
iterranean, once again are the
cynosure of covetor 3eyes as a pos-
sible prize of war.
The western half of the Turkish
stfaits, swum by the love-stricken
Leander of the Hellenistic love-
storyland by the poet Byron 133
years ago, could become an impor-
tant supply route for the embat-
tied Russian Army.
Attempted in War I
Twenty-eight years ago, during

The vital waterway would mean
to Russia roughly what the strait
of Gibraltar and the Panama
Canal mean to the Allies. However,
it cannot become an alternative to
the overland supply route through
Iraq until Russia has won back the
Crimea and the Allies conquer the
southern end of the Balkan penin-
sula and the Aegean Sea.
Agreement Signed in '36
On paper, the straits cannot be
used by commercial vessels assist-
ing at war. This was decreed by a
treaty signed in 1936 by Turkey
on one hand and Great Britain,
France, Russia, Japan, Rumania,
Yugoslavia, Bulgaria and Greece

supply ship - even with full
Turkish cooperation-mostly a
matter of luck.
The recapture of Crete and a
landing in Greece would not free.
Allied shipping on the Aegean side
of the Dardanelles. The German-
held key to the straits is the oddly-
shaped little island of Lemnos. Its
capture can hardly be expected
before Salonika is taken, which in
turn implies a well advanced Bal-
kan campaign.
Axis Controls Western Sea
Once through the Bosphorus,
Russia-bound Allied shipping now
would have to run the gauntlet
of A vic ur nr c,. alc .r'inh a lfb.h l .

mouthed Russians give out little
information on its strength and
The Germans, in their land cam-
paign which captured the impor-
tant Russian naval bases of Se-
bastopol and Novorossisk, never
claimed to have stifled Russia's
Black Sea fleet, now based mainly
at Batum at the easternmost tip of
the sea.
When the Russians begin push-
ing the Germans from their soil
they might with success launch a
sea offensive to sweep Axis raider
craft from the Black Sea.
That the Allies may almost any
momdent begin swarming up the

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