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August 05, 1943 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1943-08-05

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l 500 Naval
Men Receive
PEM Program Puts
'Future"Officers in
Shape for Sea Action
At the end of the semester ther
will be 1,500 sailors and marines i
fighting condition as a result of th(
Navy V-12 PEM program on campus
The directors of this V-12 physical
training program are doing their bes
to get these "future" officers of the
Navy in shape when the time comes
for them to go to sea.
Exercises Start Early
At three minutes after six in the
morning the exercises start. These
calisthenics last until six-thirty and
include all of the killers of a physical
fitness program, such as pushups,
squat jumps, four-forty, and the
body-bending exercises.
Getting up in the morning is only
one half of the program, as the sail-
ors and marines attend another of
these sessions in the afternoon. The
second half is divided into three
shifts, the first meeting from 10 a.m.
to 12 noon. the second from 3 p.m. to
5 p.m. and the last from 4 p.m. to
6 p.m.
Second Session Is Really Tough
In the second session the V-12's
really get a going over. The first 10
or 15 minutes are devoted to a warm-
ing-up period in which the morning
exercises are repeated with much
more forcefulness. Then all proceed
from Ferry Field to their respective
individualized training groups.
These groups, composed of about
35 to 50 men, engage in different
athletics for the five meetings a
week. During the week the sailors
and marines spend one session in the
swimming pool, track, gymnastics,
tumbling, grass drill (the same one
that is given to the football team
during their training season) push-
ball, and the famous "obstacle
Men Hammered into Shape
From these exercises the V-12's
are rapidly being hammered into
shape. At the beginning of the pres-
ent term a series of tests were given
to detefmine physical fitness of the
men and at the end of the coming
eight weeks these same tests will be
Those drawing the lower 30 per-
cent in this test compared to the last
one, will repeat these same exercises.
Those in the upper seventy percent
will be allowed to compete in varsity
sports or any of the special courses
that will be offered by the instructors
during the rest of the term. These
special sports include boxing and
Concert Is Tonight
The second in a .series of three
chamber music concerts will be given
at 8:30 p.m. today in Pattengill Audi-
torium, Ann Arbor High School, with
Oliver Edel, guest member of the
music school faculty, presenting De-
Lamarter's "Sonata in E-flat major"
and Brahms "Trio in C minor.'

NotIre Dame's

Youthful Backfield






Angelo (Bombsight) Bertelli (left), the passing wizard, is the only regular in this Notre Dame sum-
mer football backfield combination. Bertelli is sho wn passing the ball to Bob Kelly, Chicago, first year
right halfback, at the summer practice at South Bend, Ind. Running interference are Jules Rykovich
(third from left), fullback of Gary, Ind., freshman a t the University of Illinois last year, and John
Lujack, left halfback of Connellsville, Pa.
Football Prospects Contmiwe . Wu hout Trouble
To Work Out Despite Deep MId In Net Naols
Despite a Tuesday evening rain


..I-- - -..,.v. 11- , ... nvA fl - vor - - - - - --.

that filled Ann Arbor puddles up,
Wednesday afternoon of the second
week of football practice found the
grid prospects all assembled and
ready to carry on in the mud.
During the first three practice
sessions of the week, much stress has
been laid on tackling and blocking
Mich*gan State
e ae
f Grid Practice
With the numbers, if not the talent,
to turn out four full teams, football
practice at Michigan State College
opened today under inauspicious
Coach Charley Bachman expressed
pleasure at finding 46 lads awaiting
him when he blew the first assembly
call this afternoon. He had only 28
on the field for practice last spring.
while 55 had reported an interest in
playing last week.
Admitting his collection was in the
nature of a grab bag because few
men in civilian clothes are left at
Michigan State, Bachman reported
that eight or ten of the aspirants
were big enough to measure up to
pre-war standards..
"We are going to be short of line-
men," he declared, "but some of the
others may make good backs. A
number of them have had some high
school experience."
The major note of cheer in an
afternoon devoted to passing, kick-
ing and running simple signals was
the passing performance of Robert
Krestel, of Pittsburgh. Bachman
said the lad had high school train-
ing and appeared to be something of
a passer.
Practice will go on daily from 4 to
6 p.m. with the coaches planning to
stress fundamentals of football for
the green but willing squad.
I- -

Sand the linesmen have sweated and
strained taking turns blocking the
Likewise, after a strenuous session
on the tackling dummies all the lines-
men have run through a relay de-
signed to test speed only. Lanky Jim;
Brieskc had difficulty keeping up
with his own long legs in this setup.
while Farnham Johnson. ex-Wiscon-
sin end, showed excellent speed dur-
ing the maneuver.
Hefty Fred Negus, former Badger
center, who was jinxed by injuries
last week, has been able to play and
seems not. to have been permanently
affected by the slight injuries to his
leg and arm that he sustained in
early sessions last week.
Of necessity punting practice is
held after the regular drills, because
of the fact that the Navy gnd Marine
men have to reach mess by 6:00
p.m., and since practice lasts only
until 5:30 p.m., all the time must
be devoted to regular practice.
However, during these ,extra-drill
punting sessions the tough toe of
Bill Daley, late of Minnesota, consis-
tently gets off long, rangy punts, and
even when bucking a head wind, he
manages to achieve distance. Elroy
Hirsch, an ex-Badger has been boot-
ing long ones as have Howie Wikel
and Paul White, both top notch
players on Coach Ray Fisher's var-
sity nine last spring.
jac kKarwales joins
All-Star Squad

KALAMAZOO, Aug. 4.-(A)-Little
Herbie Flam, who isn't much bigger
than a tennis racquet, led the ad-
vneof favorites today into the
fourth round of singles play in the
National Junior and Boys Cham-
pionship by gaining another straight
set triumph.
Flam, 14-year-old Beverly Hills,
Calif., boy who didn't lose a set last
week while capturing the Western
Championship, scored a third-round
victory today over Charles Schaaf of
Highland Park, Ill., 6-0, 6-1. He now
has won six sets with the loss of
only four games.
The top-seeded junior player like-
wise was successful as Bob Falken-
burg of Hollywood, Calif., brushed
aside Lee Wood of Washington, 6-2,
6-2. Second seeded James Brink of
Seattle moved ahead by eliminating
hard hitting John Shea of Los An-
geles, 6-3, 6-3.
In the same division fourth seeded
Eugene Garrett of San Diego, Calif.,
defeated Bernard Bartzen of San
Angelo, Tex., 6-1, 6-1.
TjdW seeded Jack Tuero of New
Orl who won the Western Jun-
ior here last week, rallied to
defeat Robert David of Chicago, 4-6,
6-1, 6-2. Fifth ranking Ed Ray of
Taft, Tex., defeated Jack Sunderland
of Indianapolis, 6-3, 6-3, and sixth
seeded Howe Atwater of Chicago had
a fight on his hands before eliminat-
ing Henri Salaun, French refugee
from Boston, 5-7, 6-3, 6-3.
(Continued from Page 2)

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Radio Students Can Produce
Sound Effects at Morris Hall
By VIRGINIA ROCK kind, the library contains everything
ether it's a gunshot, a raging from suggestions by news commen-
fire or a team of horses trot- tators to techniques in directing
down a cobblestone road that radio drama.
awt to hear, radio students and This summer students from broad-
.instructors can produce the
or. you at Morris Hall-the casting classes are putting on pro-
ofo at Urris Hal-sthe grams for three stations, WJR, De-
- troit WKAR, Lansing, and WCAR,
Pontiac. "It Happened Before, a type
ange contrivances of wooden of educational drama, is composed
a rusty hinge, plumbers' plung- and produced by students in script
nd empty cocoanut shells were writing and radio classes.
nstrated to curious visitors by Other programs include "Tell Me
y members when the Depart- Professor," songs by the Co. A. All-
of Speech held open house at Soldier Chorus, Palmer Christian at
tudio yesterday. the organ, and talks by Prof. William
ds Are on Display Clark Trow of the educational.
display were numerous records
equipment used for producing
1 sounds. Two roller skateC
s, for example, attached to a erence on
of wood are used to simulate a
cart, two boards with handles Spectroscopy
anged together to make a gun I
an empty cigar box cut away -TTl1BeToda
e end gives the effect of a llBe Toda
ed conversation behind a wall
the radio actor talks into it. Industrial, Chemical
empty cocoanut shells are used
wooden table top to produce the Infra-Red To Be Topic
of horses plodding along a Of Two-Day Meeting
ston street7 011g
~rs Are at Open Hoise Cof
ors re a ope Noie IA Conference on Industrial and
ge transcription records, or Chemical Infra - Red Spectroscopy
ers" as they are called in radio will be held today and tomorrow at
were at the open house. Used Randall Laboratory.
any small stations for special Papers on the subject by the con-
inute broadcasts, these discs ference members will be read at 11
at the rate of only 33%V revolu-
ate t hm rate ,o sf only 33a 1/ re o luh e a.m . an d 2 p.m . to d ay an d 10 a.m .
per minute, as contrasted to the tomorrow in the Rakham Amphi-
r commercial record with the mere.
f 78 per minute.(
on display at the open house Analysis To Be Presented
the personal library of Prof. "Quantitative Analysis of Multi-
Abbot, director of the Univer- Component Mixtures by Means of
Broadcasting Services. One of Infra-Red Spectroscopy" will be pre-
most complete collections of sented by R. R. Brattain, R. S. Ras-
and pamphlets on radio of its mussen and A. M. Cravath of the
-.Shell Development Co.
J. R. Nielsen, who has done re-
SI' aboree search work in raman spectre and
Y W DonSmith, both of the University
of Oklahoma, will discuss "Infra-
IS 00 ottnRed Analysis of Multi-Component
Liquid Mixtures of Nitro-Paraffin,"
ir Bond Sale and J. R. Downing, du Pont & Co.,
Wilmington, Del., will present a pa-
per on "A Simple Grating Spectro-
ht hundred dollars worth of graph of High Resolution for the 3b
onds and six hundred and one Region."
s and forty-two cents worth of "A High Speed Automatic Infra-
stamps were sold at the JGP Red Spectrophotometer" will be pre-
Jamboree, Miss Ethel McCor- sented by E. B. Baker of the Detroit
social director of the League, Edison Co., and "A Double Dispersion
inced yesterday. Double Monochromator for the In-
e could have sold much more if fra-Red" will be discussed by E. K.
d had more ticket sellers," she Coles, of the Westinghouse Elec. &
i "Everyone seemed to enjoy Mfg. Co.
Nips in the Bud" demonstra- Papers Will Complete Program
and the dancing and the com- Completing the program will be
,y sing were both crowded." papers on. "Constant and Variable
Beta Phi took first prize for Thickness Cells for Infra-Red Ab-
booth which was a penny pitch. sorption" by Smith and Elmer Millei',
took in a total of twenty-one of the University of Oklahoma and
s. Alpha Phi took second prize "Aberrations in Ellipsoidal Mirrors
heir Victograph, which charged Used in Infra-Red Spectroscopy" by
ns for admission. J. R. Hilton, Shell Development Co.
sey Brown, '45Arch., won the Spectroscopy deals with the radia-
ond which was raffled off tion from molecules rather than from
g the eening. Miss McCor- atoms, Dr. Ernest Barker of the
stated that the carnival com- physics department said yesterday,
particularly wanted to thank and this makes it possible to find
oy Scouts who ran the coke and out certain molecules present rather
furter booths, and the local than atoms.
tants who donated the prizes These men have worked.-with or-
eir cooperation. The names of ganic compounds, Dr. Barker said,
erchants who contributed were in connection with war research for
on a five foot display board on improving processes and development
_eld. of synthetics.

Decker Speaks
On U.S. Aims
in Japan, China
Must Be Formed for
Future World Peace
With British prestige rapidly
shrinking and - French prestige al-
ready gone in the Fai East, a new
role is opening up 'to the J'nited
States in which we must carry a
tremendous resoAiibiity for what
happens to China, Prof'. John Deck-
er, expert on Fa Eastern affairs, said
yesterd y In a Iectre"on' "Asia and
the Aims of the United Nations."
No Clear Program la de
"So far there has been no clear
program formulated for the Far
East," Prof. Decker pointed out. "As
far as peace plans are concerned
there have been many noble and
brave words spoken, but then, noble
and brave words have been used
We would gain a military advan-
tage of the first magnitude if we
could get a program formulated that
was understood and approved by the
native of the lFar East, Prof. Decker
declared. And while many Of the
ideals and plans suggested by our
government officials, including the
President, Hull, Welles, and Wallace,
are vague, even these have not been
supported abroad, he "aid.
"What would I consider a sound
program for China?" Prof. Decker
asked. "Well, I cannot possibly see
how peace will be maintained in the
Far East without a strong, stable,
independent, self-respecting China.
That means that all her lost terri-
tory from Japan must' be restored,
that means that all the special ad-
vantages which China's allies now
enjoy must be relinquished."
War Does Nt Pay
"As for Japan," Prof. Decker con-
tinued, "she must 'be crushingly de-
feated at home until the people real-
ize that war does not pay, that it is
a nasty business."
In other conflicts Japan fought on
foreign soil, Prof. Decker pointed
out; this time we must take the war
to her, we must bomb her cities until
they are in ruins. We must force
Japan to give up all her conquests
sifice 1894 which includes Manchur-
ia, Korea, the mandated islands, and
southern Cina .
* Without these bases, no matter
how quickly Japan recovers, she will
be in noapoitio f to aggress. The
fiture peace of the Far East is great-
ly dependent upon what happens to
these territories'," Prof. 'ecker con-
Surgical Dressing
Unit Is Open Today
The surgical dressing unit will be
open from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. today, it
was announced yesterday by Jean
Whittemore, '44, chairman of the
Stockwell Hall, Kappa Alpha The-
ta, Theta Phi. Alpha and Lewis,
Shauman, Cook, .Zimmer and Wood
league houses have been issued spe-
cial invitations.
The unit will only be open for two
more weeks; Miss Whittemore stated,
"and we need all' of the help we can
get in order to meet our quota.

is .

er ectLzon n Modern Gooi
'THeE YEAR!. 7,
hescreen has never ;seen
excitemernt to equalJ it£'
ldAmazing inside sh.,-ffl.
Trick andthriftls }Te
and Ilaughs!

Jack Karwales, University grid
star, has joined the ranks of the All-
Star football squad that will oppose
the Washington Redskins Aug. 25.
The roster of the squad was in-
creased to 64 as Jimmy Dewar of In-
diana and Dick Good of Illinois,J
backs; Karwales and Mel Kutner ofI
Texas, ends; and Bob Zimny of In-
diana, tackle, signed up.





home front heroest
70 minutes of laughs!t
- /

Coming Events
The University Women's Riding
Club will meet at 8 o'clock Saturday
morning in front of the W.A.B.
Graduate Outing Club will meet at
the Rackham Building at 2:30 on
Sunday, Aug. 8 for a hike to: Eber
White Woods. Bring a picnic lunch.
The Michigan Christian Fellowship
will picnic at the Island Saturday,
Aug. 7. Meet at Lane Hall at 6
o'clock or the Island Bridge at 6:20.
Bring your own sandwiches. All
students and servicemen welcome.
There will be a meeting of the
Beta Theta Pi fraternity on Friday
at 8:00 p.m. in the Union. All mem-
bers from other schools are cordially
invited to attend.
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