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July 30, 1943 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1943-07-30

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Allies Make
Advances on
Munda Base
MacArthur Announces
Progress in Central
Solomons Campaign
By The Associated Press
day- General Douglas MacArthur
announced today that American
troops have made further advances
on the Japanese air base at Munda
New Georgia, and declared the cam-
paign against the strategic position
in the Central Solomons was pro-
gressing satisfactorily 'and according
to plan.
Supply Base Cut
The enemy's supply has been cut
to the very bone by ceaseless pound-
ing from the air and sea, said the
commanding general of all Allied
forces in the South and Southwest
A spokesman at Gen. MacArthur's
headquarters said the new advance
had carried the Americans to within
1,900 yards .of the airdrome-a gain
of 200 yards since Tuesday. It was a
substantial advance, inasmuch as the
Japanese are defending stubbornly
every inch against the attacking sol-
diers and marines.
Second Destroyer Sunk
Meanwhile, further details of an
attack on Japanese shipping off Cape
dloucester, New Britain, Wednesday
and Thursday, disclosed that a sec-
ond enemy destroyer had been sunk
by Allied medium bombers. Another
destroyer and a transport, which
previously had been reported burn-
ing fiercely after being attacked by
bombers, were beached.
Salamaua the large Japanese base
on Huon Gulf, New Guinea, was sub-
jected to a concentrated attack by
Allied mediun and heavy bombers
which placed 94 tons of fragmenta-
tion and demolition bombs on enemy
installations in 17 minutes.
"The building areas were extens-
ively damaged and defensive posi-
tions hit," the communique said.
"Numerous explosions and fires vis-
ible for forty miles resulted."
Sharp ground fighting broke out
at Bobdubi, five miles southwest of
Salamaua, and in the area northwest
of Tambu Bay.
Plane Crash
Takes 20 Lives
Air Transport Plows
Into Kentucky Field
BOWLING GREEN, Ky., July 29.-
()--Charred bodies of 20 victims of
an American Airlines transport plane
which plowed-into a field near Tram-
mel, Ky., and burned last night were
removed from the wreckage late to-
day and brought here and to Nash-
ville, Tenn., while the two lone sur-
vivors remained in a hospital here.
The crash, which took the lives of
several military officers, important
industrial leaders and a young moth-
er and her baby, was being investi-
gated by Civil Aeronautics Board of-
ficials and representatives of the air-
S. K. Hoffman, of Williamsport,
Pa., chief engineer of the Lycoming
division of American Aviation, Inc.,
and First Lieut. Glenn Fellows, of
Love Field, Tex., escaped through
a kick-off window of the plane. Both
were in the Bowling Green hospital

Lt. Fellows is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. L. M. Fellows of Muskegon,
Mich. His wife and three small chil-
dren live in Michigan Center, a'sub-
urb of Jackson.
Fellows, who was given plasma
treatment, was not in condition to
talk. Miss Katie Blake, hospital floor
supervisor, said the extent of his in-
juries had not yet been determined.
Lightning Strikes;
Men Don Helmets
A terrific bolt of lightning in yes-
terday afternoon's electric storm il-
luminated the East Quad like a
Christmas tree when it struck down
and set ablaze the telegraph wires
outside the barracks on Church

Air View of Naples Records Result of 500 Plane Raid


Manpower Mobilization
Corps Work Is Finished

This is the result of the 500 plane raid by the RAF Wellingtons and U.S. Army planes on Naples, re-
corded by an air force camera. , Shown are: (1) Ro yal Arsenal, all buildings damaged. (2) Torpedo
works, all buildings damaged. (3) Railroad tracks tw isted and torn, roadbed filled with craters. (4)
Freight and nassenger trains burning and destroy ed. (5) Engine round houses, repair sheds, heavily
damaged; countless hits on tracks and coal dumps. (6) Oil tanks destroyed, some still burning. (7) Fac-
tory destroyed. (8) Tracks severed and large build ing destroyed at north exit of yards. (9) Oleificio
Ligouri oil refinery knocked out. (10) Heavy dama ge to all buildings of an engineering and aircraft
factory. (AP, photo from Army.)

Gen. Eisenhower Offers
Italians Peace Terms
Rome Radio Declares Allied Demand for
Unconditional Surrender Is Too Drastic
By The Associated Press
LONDON, July 29.- An offer of peace terms by Gen. Dwight D. Eisen-
hower dangled before Premier Marshal Pietro Badoglio and the Italian peo-
ple tonight as the new government, casting loose the last ties with repudi-
ated Fascism, dissolved the Mussolini-formed Italian legislature.
Italian broadcasts, meanwhile, asserted that "unconditional surrender"
was too bitter a pill to swallow. Rome Radio, in a significant broadcast
which might be an attempt to sway ---

Allied opinion, said Allied terms were
too drastic-that Italy could not ex-
cept a peace which would wipe out1
the country.
Masses Expect Peace
There was evidence that Italian
masses expected peace and were wor-
ried at the truculent tone of their
new government. Five anti-fascist
parties, demanding that the war be
ended, said, "We are going from one
dictatorship to another."
Both German .and Italian troops
were dispatched to Fiume and Tri-
este to combat separatist demonstra-
tions among the 600,000 Croats and
Slovenes of Istria, Swiss dispatches
Allies Capture 248,000 Men
The Allies captured 248,000 or
more Axis soldiers in Tunisia and
have seized 75,000 thus far in the
Sicilian campaign, the bulk of them
Italians in each case.
The fall of the Chamber of Fasci
and Corporations was announced by
the Rome radio, which said King
Vittorio Emmanuele III approved.
Ford Asserts
N Veed T o Bukild
'Good Society'
DETROIT, July 29. --UP)- Henry
Ford, who will observe his 80th birth-
day anniversary tomorow in excel-
lefit health and as optimistic as ever,
asserted today that business and in-
dustry "must build the physical basis
of the good society."
And, he added, business and in-
dustrial effort must be developed
around the philosophy that the only
real benfit is the general benefit.
"There must be more and more
industry," Ford said. "It is essen-
tial to political and economic free-
dom, and anything that hinders in-
dustry is harmful to the American
Ford comes to his 80th birthday

Night Bombers
Cross Channel
To North Italy
LONDON, Friday, July 30.-(P)-
British-based bombers swept east-
ward across the English Channel late
last night and Reuters reported that
alerts had sounded earlier in the
Lugano area in Switzerland, suggest-
ing the possibility that targets in
northern Italy were under attack.
Heavy German troop movements
recently have been reported in north-
ern Italy.
The night thrust followed heavy
daylight attacks on the U-boat slips
at Kiel and the Heinkel factory at
Warnemuende by strong formations
of American Flying Fortresses, which
fought their way through swarms of
Nazi fighters, more than 30 of which
were reported shot down.
"Good bombing results were ob-
served on both targets,"~a U. S. Army
headquarters communique said.
Panel on China
Will Be Today
Students, Instructors
o Conduct IDiscussion
Three graduate students and two
instructors from China will conduct
a panel on "An Interpretation of
China by the Chinese Themselves"
at 4:15 p.m. today in the Rackham
The forum, which will deal with
historical, political, geographical and
educational problems in China, is
sponsored jointly by the Summer
Session office and the International
Chairman for the discussion will
be Gerald Tien, a staff member of
the Oriental department.
Uho Tsao, chairman of the Chinese
Student Club- here, will present an

FDR Accused *
Of Bidding for
Service Votes
Distribution of GOP
Statements Demanded
By Chairman Spangler
WASHINGTON, July 29.-01)-
Harrison E. Spangler, chairman of
the Republican National Committee,
declared today that President Roose-
velt's speech last night was the be-
ginning of "his campaign for a
fourth and perhaps continuing term
a bold bid for the vote of our
soldiers and sailors who are risking
their lives for freedom."
Spangler made a formal demand
on the Office of War Information
OWI) and the War and Navy De-
partments that statements by Re-
publican Congress member and oth-
ers, commenting on "the political im-
plications" of the speech, be distrib-
uted to the armed, forces through
Army newspapers, ships' bulletins
and other channels.
Sounds Like Fourth Term
On Capitol Hill, several Congress
members said Mr. Roosevelt sounded
like a fourth term candidate, while
backers of the President denied that
any political considerations were in-
volved in the speech.
Senator Smith (Dem.-S. C.) and
Taft (Rep.-Ohio) told reporters that
Mr. Roosevelt's outline of a series
of government benefits proposed for
members of the armed forces after
the war appeared to be a bid for
soldier votes. Rep. Ditter of Pennsyl-
vania, chairman of the Republican
National Congressional Committee,
said the speech "degenerated into the
official opening of the fourth term
Guffey Says Not Politics
Senator Guffey (Dem-Pa.), a New
Dealer, replied quickly that there
were "no political aspects" to the
Smith, a critic of Administration
policies, said he read into the speech
"a bid for the soldiers' vote for a
four term." In addition, he said the
President's announcement that cof-
fee rationing hadgbeen abandoned
and that more, sugar is on the way
to housewives' tables looked like an
effort to reduce complaints against
wartime regulations.
Schmidt Condemns
Roosevelt's Speech
By The Associated Pr ass.
Dr. Paul Schmidt, head of the press
iepartment in the German Foreign

ThedManpower Mobilization Corps
is dead.
It died of malnutrition and a gen-
eral lack of students after nine
months' existence as a source of la-
bor for surrounding defense factor-
ies, farms and other essential indus-
tries, Torn Bliska, former publicity
director, revealed yesterday.
Corps Was Labor Supply
The Corps was created to answer
the urgent need for a labor supply
source for this community. Last
October it came into being after a
Daily editorial cited the need for
such an organization.
The editorial demanded some org-
anization that would supply student
help, and some central organization
that would coordinate all the men's
var activities. The Student War
Board appointed Mary Borman to
head and to organize the Corps.
Salvage Drive First Project
Within the week a campus-wide
census was taken, the available man-
Nazis Pushed
Back Six Miles
In Orel Sector
Axis Reinforcements
Rushed from France;
40 Villages Captured
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Friday, July 30.-Ger-
man units from as far as France and
Germany rushed into the threatened
Orel sector of the Russian front to-
day as the formidable Red artillery
pounded the drenched countryside
and Russian cavalry charged through
the mud to batter the weary Gernan
defenders, who were pushed back six
miles and pried from 40 village.
Nazis Draw
The Soviet midnight communique
giving these new details said the
Germans were snatching reinforce-
ments from every available front in
their determination to prevent a
major debacle at Orel, a keystone in
the entire German defenses.
The communique described them
as "march battalions," a German ex-
pression meaning troops hurriedly
organized and sent to the front be-
fore completing their full training.
More than 3,300 Germans were
killed in the Orel fighting yesterday
as the battle burned brightly despite
the rain and muck that sent tropps
floundering and splashing in attack
and counterattack.
American Subs
Sink Ten Ships
WASHINGTON, July 29.-(AP)--
American submarines have sunk ten
more Japanese merchant ships and
damaged four in their war of attri-
tion against enemy sea power, th
Navy reported today.
The vessels destroyed included two
large transports. The 14 successful
attacks raised to 297 the number of
Japanese war and merchant ships
which have been reported successful-
ly attacked since the war started.
Included in the total are 210 ships
sunk, 29 probably sunk and 58 dam-

power was registered and work be-
gan. A salvaging drive was the first
project of the Corps, and a fratern-
ity-sorority competition was used to
give momentum to the drive.
Every loose piece of metal around
Ann Arbor was seen as a prospective
piece of scrap for the drive. Crews
of men worked with the Building and
Grounds men collecting scrap.
Supplies Hospital
Manpower head Borman issued
daily pleas for workers for factories,
dormitories and for the hospital. A
mass immigration of more than 200
students left campus for the Thumb
district to harvest sugar beets. An-
ther contingent went to Milan and
another to Mount Clemens to aid
Major project last spring was the
musical "Singtime, a Symphony in
Song," which was produced to secure
funds for the Bomber Scholarship.
The University gave the Corps an
office in Angell Hall and local em-
ployers arranged for their workers.
Office at Uniona
During the spring the Corps con-
centrated on getting students to
work for the understaffed hospital
and health service. Their office at
this time was moved to the Union,
and they made an appeal to high
school students to register.
During the June vacation the
Manpower Corps was able to get 50
men to go to Willow Run and work
with a construction company. Many
of: these men were engineering stu-
dents from South America.
'Too Few People'
But now-"We had just too many
jobs and too few people to fill them,"
Bliska said. The three remaininga
administrative officers met with the
Student War Board and Dean of
Students Joseph Bursley and decided
to suspend the organization.
Nothing remains of the once vital
organization except the work done,
the fats, scrap collected, and sent to
the war effort.
Jeffries Asks
For Riot Inquiry
Jury Investigation May
End Public Speculation
DETROIT, July 29. -OP)- Mayor
Jeffries today advocated a grand jury
investigation of the Detroit race riot
as a "psychological reaction" to end
public speculation about what is
and isn't being done to determine the
riot's cause.
Jeffries' stand places him in op-
position to Prosecuting Attorney
Dowling who stated this week that
a grand jury .investigation was un-
The Mayor said however that he
did not think a grand jury would ac-
complish any more than law enforce-
ment officers are doing now. "The
grand jury itself could do no harm,"
he explained, "but there is harm de-
veloping if a great many people are
screaming to high heaven that we
are not doing everything we could."
He added that in his opinion a grand
jury would quiet growing discontent
over what some critics say is not
being done in the current investiga-
Should a grand jury be called, Jef-
fries said he would "insist that it be
a secret one" and it "should not be
used as a sounding board for propa-

Hopes Raised
For Sicilian
Seizure of Towns
Threatens Collapse
Of Both Axis Flanks
By The Associated Press
NORTH AFRICA, July 29.- Amri-
can and Canadian troops have
cracked the mountainous core of the
Messina bridgehead to raise hopes
tonight of a quick conquest of north-
eastern Sicily.
In a swift 12-mile overnight ad-
vance the Americans captured the
inland road junction of Nicosia at
the base of the Axis triangle, and the
Canadians overran the village of
Agira, seven miles to the southeast
in a race for the western side of
Mount Etna.
The seizure of the two towns
threatened to collapse both Axis
flanks, the northern one based at
Stefano Di Camastro on the Tyr-
rhenian Sea, and the eastern anchor
at Catania on the Ionian Sea.
(In Washington Undersecretary of
War Patternson said the final con-
quest of Sicily was "a matter of
The two seizures were described as
the most important strategical de-
velopment of the past week for they
cut direct communications between
the two Axis flanks, and threatened
to cause a general German with-
drawal from the Catania area where
the British Eighth Army long has
been tied down in trench warfare...
Fifty miles ahead of the Americans
under Lt. Gen. George S. Patton, Jr.,
is Taromina, eastern coast city mid-
way between Catania and Messina,
The Seventh Army column is beyod
Nicosia tonight, striking for tle un-
mediate points of Troina and Ran-
dazzo above Mount Etna.
It is estimated that 40,000. Ger-
mans are spread between Catani
and the north coast along theMout
Etna foothills.~ The capture of N-
cosia and Agira, however, deprived
them of means to rush reinforce-
ments intomthe central area except
for circuitous coastal roads running
through Messina at the northeastern
tip of their bridgehead.
The break - through came just
when reinforced German divisions
had been digging in for a siege, uti-
lizing the natural mountainous de-
All Italy Discusses.
Allied Peace Terms
BERN, Switzerland, Friday, July
30.-(P)-Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhow-
er's peace terms, officially banned
from publication in1 Italy quickly
appeared today on the streets of the
principal cities in mimeographed
Nothing else was discussed on
streetcars, in cafes and among friends
by the Italians, who were in the
throes of a virtual social revolution.
Strikes continued in a nuniber of
important northern factories and
fighting broke out in sectors north
of Rome.
Success of Rome Raid
Announced by Allies
NORTH AFRICA, 'July, 29.-(AP)-
More than 1,100 tons of bombs were
dropped on military objectives in the
raid on Rome ten days ago, which
was "one of the most successful op-
erations of the war," Allied Head-
quarters announced today.

Club Helps Japanese in U' Relocation

With the creation of a "Nisei Plus"
Club, American-born Japanese who
were brought to Ann Arbor more
than a month ago from Western re-
location centers are gradually be-
coming acclimated to University life.
Called "Nisei Plus" because the
organization includes both Ameri-
can-Japanese and their Caucasian
friends, the club already has a mem-
bership of more than 60.
Six Churches Cooperate
Six separate religious denomina-
tions have been cooperating in plan-

and therefore we hope the club will
be temporary. That is one reason
for calling it 'Nisei Plus' since we
hope to have these American-Jap-
anese become acquainted with and
absorbed into the local environ-
ment," he added,
Mayor Young Speaks
The organization, which will be
entertained during the summer by
local church groups, has already had
several meetings. Last Tuesday May-
or Leigh Young spoke to the club.

group, said, "We are recommending
a personnel committee to study the
problems of each person, his employ-
ment, his leisure time and his self-
Plans for future programs include
speakers and social evenings. Next
Tuesday Mr. George D. Westerman
of the University Hospital will ad-
dress the group on "Highlights in the
State of Michigan," at 8 p.m. in Lan6
Methodists To Hold Social

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