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July 29, 1943 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1943-07-29

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... .as E M T .i aw i v a i N Y 1 .U J ..._...:._ .. . a . T MF1fh

Bengals Drop Two to
Sixth Place Boston


BOSTON, July 28.- (P)-- De-
troit's Tigers, Who seldom have an
easy time with last-division clubs,
were slapped down twice by the
sixth place Boston Red Sox today,
losing the opener of a twin bill, 4 to
1, and then forsaking the nightcap,
6 to 4.
Until the eighth inning of the sec-
ond game the Bengals were counting
on a split. But then the Red Stock-
ings, trailing by 4 to 2, came up with
a four run outburst that made the
day a complete bust for Steve O'Neill
and his men.
Oscar Judd, a southpaw, stilled
Tiger bats in the opener, allowing
only five hits. Detroit got its only
run in the second inning when Rudy
York drew a walk and came home on
singles by Mike Higgins and Don
Ross. Rudy's free ticket, was the
only one issued by Judd during the
Boston. scored a run in the first,
two more in the fourth, and another
in the eighth to defeat Virgil Trucks,
who returned to the mound after
nursing injuries for almost a month.
Trucks chucked a better-than-fair
game himself, before being relieved
in the seventh by Tommy Bridges.
* * *
Phillies Trounce Cards
ST. LOUIS, July 28. -(P)- The
)Philadelphia Phillies, boiling over the
curtness of president Bill Cox's dis-
missal of Bucky Harris as manager,
tore into the St. Louis Cardinals to-
night with a four-run first inning
and coasted home, winning 6 to 4.
The loss, snapping the Cards' win-
ning streak at 11 consecutive tri-
umphs, was inflicted before 17,883
fans at a war benefit game.
* * * t
Pirates Victor Over Giants
PITTSBURGH, July 28. -P)-
Truett (Rip) Sewell won his 14~Th
straight game--and 16th of the sea
son- as he hurled the Pittsburgh
Pirates to an 8 to 3 victory over the
Giants tonight in a war relief game
before a crowd of 29,585. g
* * *
SIndians Beat Yanks, 6-2
NEW YORK, July 28.- VP)- A
four-run blast off Spud Chandler in
the first ining today sent the Cleve-
land Indians on their way to a 6 to 2
victory over the pace setting New
York Yankees before a war relief
crowd estimated at 35,000. Lou Bou-
dreau drove in the other two Indian
runs in the fourth with a homer and
Frankie Crosetti hit his first of the
year for the Yanks in the eighth.
Cleveland ....400 200 000-6 10 0,
New York ... 000 001 010-2 5 1
Harder and Rosar; Chandler, Don-
ald (5) and Sears.

Dodgkes Lose Two.
CHICAGO, July 28.- ()- The
Chicago Cubs trounced the Brook-
lyn Dodgers in both ends of a double-
header, 8 to 7 in 11 innings and 4 to
2 today to drop the bums into third
place in the National League.
First Game
Brooklyn . .001 120 210 00-7 13 0
Chicago . . .000 050 002 01- 16 1
Melton, Webber (5), Ostermueller
(6), Davis (7), Allen., Macon (11)
and Bragan; Passeau, Prim (8), Bur-
rows (9), Hanyzewski (10) and Mc'
Second Game
Brooklyn. ....001 010 000-2 7 0
Chicago.1.....10 0030x--4 8 0
Higbe and Bragan; Wyse and Mc-
Browns Down Aihletics
PHILADELPHIA, July 28. -(p)--
The St. Louis Browns scored five runs
tonight on only six hits, to-defeat the
Philadelphia Athletics 5}) in a Red
Cross war relief game before 9,200
in Shibe Park. Chet Laabs and
George McQuinn homered for the
Browns, each with the bases empty.
Major -League

Daily Sports Editor
WITH MICHIGAN'S GRIDDERS sweating their close-shaven heads off for
the honor of the school, the Army, the Navy, the Marines, in their first
week of summer football practice, the future seems to appear at least semi-
bright for Fritz Crisler's 1943 edition of the "men in blue."
With such stars as Elroy Hirsch, Jack Wink, Fred Negus, and Pat
Boyle of Wisconsin, and Bill Daley of Minnesota added to returning
Wolverine lettermen Paul White, Julie Franks, Merv Pregulman, Bob
Stenberg, Bob Wiese, and Jimn Brieske, Michigan is fairly certain to rate
as one of the Midwest's powerhouses. Therefore we'll let them toil in
Peace and take a quick look around the rest of the Midwest to see how
the Wolverines' opponents are shaping up.
WHEN NOTRE DAME COMES TO TOWN October 9 seeking the Wolver-
ines' hide in revenge for last year's setback, Maize and Blue fans will get
a look at one of the best teams in the country. Thanks to the Navy and
Marine reserves, Coach Frank Leahy won't have any manpower shortage
this fall
In the line the "Fightin' Ir'ish" will have Paul Limont and John
Yonaker at ends, Pat Filley, the captain, at guard, and "Ziggy" Czar-
boski at tackle, all from last year's team, and Mac Wenskunas, who
played center for Illinois last season. In the backfield Leahy will have
Angelo Bertelli, he of the passing arm, Jack Lujack, a star as ai fresh-
man last year, Julie Rajkovich, and one Vic Kulbitski, who played a
little for Minnesota last year.
COACH LYNN WALDORF of Northwestern won't have too much trouble
fielding a strong team this year either. Besides Otto' Graham, Dud
Keane, Don Buffmire, Joe Scriba, Lynn McNutt and Harry Franck, return-
ing backs from his 1942 team, and Bill Garnaas of Minnesota fame.
Ohio State, the only other Michigan opponent liable to be fairly
strong, will depend almost entirely on freshmen and seven members of
its 1942 team deferred for various reasons. Returning linemen are
ends Steinberg and Souders, tackle Ed Willis, Dixon at guard, and
Appleby at center. In the backfield, Coach Paul Brown will have Selby
and Les Horvath, one of the stars of the 1942 Buckeye-Wolverine game,
returning. Horvath and Steinberg are senior Dent students who the
Army might allow to play.
He'll also have eight or nine star freshmen 'tipping the scales around
190 pounds.
MINNESOTA won't be exactly shy of star performers either. Dr. Hauser,
Gopher coach, has two rugged tackles returning, in the persons of Paul
Mitchell and Ed Lechner, but only one backfield man from his 1942 squad.
Hauser also has Chuck Avery, a transfer who was a reserve for Michigan
last season, and two husky freshmen to fill out the rest of his backfield.
The other coaches who will face Michigan can well look upon these
stars with envy, however. At Illinois Coach Racy Elliot had the young-
est, greenest, and lightest squad in Illini history answer his call for
summer practice. Only one player, Ralph Palmer, a reserve guard last
season, hashad varsity experience, and Palmer will only be available
for the first four games. The rest, numbering 26, are mostly 17-year-
The rest of Michigan's opponents, namely Wisconsin, Indiana, and
Michigan State are in the same, if not a worse predicament.
Coach Faces Probable Tackle
Shortage Until Opening Game

Interpretation Chairman Issu
Of China To Be
Panel Sub ject :
"An Interpretation of China by the a
Chinese Themselves" will be the sub-
ject of a panel discussion conducted
by five Chinese at 4:15 p.m. tomor-
row in the Rackham Amphitheatre.
Sponsored jointly by the Office of
Summer Session and the Interna-
tional Center, the panel discussion
will deal with the historical, political,
geographical, and educational fac-
tors in China.
Gerald Tien, member of the staff
of the Oriental department, will be
the chairman and will give an over-
all picture of Chinese war and peace
problems. Uho Tsao, chairman of
the Chinese Student Club here, will
discuss the industrial set-up.
Also participating in the panel will
be C. M. Tsang, a graduate student
who studied in Japan for three years.
He will introduce the subject of Chi-
na's international relations with par-
ticular reference to Japan by tracing
through the course of events which
led to conflict in 1937. r.
P. C. Hu, an instructor in the en-
gineering school, will present the .
special phase of Chinese geography.....
and history. Concluding the panel Jean Whittemore, '44, c
talks will be a discussion of univer4
sity education for women inuChina supplies to Lois Kivi (left)
by Miss C. I. Kao. Miss Kao, a Bar- Whittemore wears the dark1
bour Scholar, is a graduate student while Mrs. Grosiean wears a
in the physics department and for- nia designating an instructo
merly: taught in Lingnan University. dress of the unit worker.
Buildings and rouns gets
KPersonnel Administration

es Supplies to


- 1Courtesy ofin nAurbor News
hairman of the surgical. dressing unit issues
and Mrs. G. M. Grosjean (right). Miss
blue band of a unit head on her headdress,
a headdress with the plain Red Cross insig-
or. Miss Kivi wears the plain white head-


New Y
St. Lou

ork ............53 4
.............44 43
nd .............44 43
o ................44 43
gton ..........46 46
As ............42 44
......... .43 46
1 phia ..........37 5


Wednesday's Results
Boston 4-6, Detroit 1-4.
Cleveland 6, New York 2.-
Chicago 12, Washington 7.
St. Louis 5, Philadelphia 1.
St. Louis ............59 29
Pittsburgh............50 39
Brooklyn .............52 42
Cincinnati ............45 44
Chicago.............43 47
Philadelphia...........40 53
Boston ...............36 48
New York ............34 57
Wednesday's Results
Chicago 8-4, Brooklyn 7-2.
Philadelphia 6, St. Louis 4.
New York 3, Pittsburgh 8.


One of the biggest problems facing
the football coaching staff is the
shortage of tackles.
Coach Fritz Crisler stated the ob-
vious fact that it is much too early
to say anything definite about this
year's eleven, but that the right men
may not be found by the end of this

Boston at Cincinnati postponed.







four-week session of drills and per-
haps not until the opener with Camp
Grant on Sept. 18.
The only tackle with experience
returning from last year's squad is
Johnny Greene, reserve better known
for his efforts as heavyweight on the
wrestling team. The Navy-Marine
contingent has not brought too much
tackle talent. So, the only answer
is to do some fancy reshuffling of
players from overstocked positions.
One of these is at the ends. Here
Bob Hanzlik, Wisconsin letter-win-
ner may shift one down the line, as
may Fred Bryan, a reserve flanker
on the 1942 Wolverine squad. Too,
George Kraeger might shift from the
guard spot that won him the plaudits
of the coaches of last year's fresh-
Another possibility is that Crisler
and line coach Clarence Munn may
move either senior Merv Pregulman
or the Badger's great 1942 soph cen-
ter, Fred Negus, from the pivot post,
since both are good enough for start-
ing positions.
Yesterday saw the first appear-
ance of 'M' men Julie Franks, All-
American guard, and Jim Brieske,
center and place-kicking wizard. The
practice consisted largely in putting
plays together-in workink out block-
ing assignments and timing, with
emphasis placed on pivot plays and
reverses. Fred Negus seemed to have
lost most of a leg soreness that slowed
him up considerably in Tuesday's

New members of the Personnel Ad-
ministration central committee have
been chosen and the committee has.
been revised, Marion Baskette, chair-
man of the committee, announced
The positions of head of the In-
door Ground Crew and head of the.
Outdoor Ground Crew have been
combined as personnel administra-
tor. Helen Mae Kressback, '44, form-
erly head of the indoor crew, resigned
and Miss Baskette now holds the
combined position.
Rosemary Klein, '46, was appoint-
ed contact chairman of the central
committee. She has been on the
Sophomore Project central -commit-
tee and the 'Ensian business staff.
Records and files chairman will be
Joan Schuchosky, '45. She has been
active on the League social and merit
Women's Tennis
Courts Open Daily
The University tennis courts, lo-
cated on Palmer Field, will be open
from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. every day
and from 9 a.m. on Saturday and
Sunday. There will be no charge for
University women.
Men may use the courts as guests
of coeds, or alone if the court is not
in use. University students must
present their identification cards and
servicemen must have some sort of
identification. All men using the
courts will be required to pay a fee
of twenty-five cents an hour.
The University Riding Club will
meet at 8 a.m. every Saturday dur-
ing the summer. Those interested in
attending call Kit K a m m e r a a d,
24561, or Pat McGinnis, 24471.
!ii~Kii dull

committees, Sophomore Project and
the Newman club.
Marcheta Frye, '45, will be public-
ity chairman. She was a member of
the social and merit committees and
on the Red Cross membership drive
committee. Jeanne Paty, '44, will be
in charge of the Indoor Ground Crew.
She is now in charge of July Jambo-
ree and worked on Freshman and
Sophomore Project and candy booth.

Unit Invites Women
To Roll Bandages
The houses which are particularly
invited to attend the surgical dressing
unit from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. today are
Betsy Barbour House, Alpha Xi Delta,
Alpha Gamma Delta, Lester Coopera-
tive and the Benschoten, Augspurger,
and Lansey league houses, it was
announced by Jean Whittemore,
"We would like evey coed to give at
least two hours a week to making
dressings," Miss Whittemore stated.
Born in the Philippine Islands,
Mrs. Grosjean came to the United
States in 1928 and has lived in Cali-
fornia until recently.





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