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July 11, 1942 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1942-07-11

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the aithority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
The Summer Daily is published every morning except
Monday and Tuesday.
Member of the Associated Press
TeAssociated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use forrepublication of all news dispatches credited to
it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights
of republication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Antered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.00, by mail $5.00.
National Advertising Service, Inc
1 College Publisbers Representative
42o MADisoN AvE. New Yo1K. N. Y.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42

Editorial Staff
.* Managing Editor
01+"L. ~tIAL..

Romier svander


1i Sapp . . . . City E
ke Dann . . . . . Sports Ed
Hale Champion, John Erlewline, Robert Mantho,
Irving Jaffe, Robert Preiskel



Business Staff
Edward Perlberg . . . . Business Manager
Fred M. Ginsberg . Associate Business Manager
Morton Hunter . . . Publications Manager
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by niembers of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers

Castillo Moves Argentina
Toward Axis . .
W ITH commencement of actual hos-
tilities between the United States
and the Axis, the long-harbored fear of South
America as a potential. inroad for the Nazis in
their plans against this country has been more
or less forgotten.
fut the advent of Ramon S. Castillo to the
presidency of Argentina offers a sudden and un-
pleasant reminder of the danger which lies in
even indirectly friendly gestures toward the
Axis on the part of our southern neighbors.
9 Replacing the incapacitated Ortiz as chief
e cutive of the important South America na-
tion, Castillo has left no doubt as to where his
siypathies lie in this globe-circling conflict.
He has made it clear in speeches that he is not
in sympathy with the United States or other
democracies. More than that, he readily ex-
pressed satisfaction with Germany's explana-
tion of her sinking of an Argentine merchant
ship. And his latest move has been to ban Ar-
gentine merchant ships from the waters of the
United States eastern coast.
As acting head of Argentina before he offi-
cially became president. Castillo took steps to
deny the people of his nation the freedoms
Which they had previously enjoyed. He forbade
them to discuss foreign affairs. He stifled the
press with censorship decrees. And his govern-
ment has been lending its support to the ex-
tremely reactionary and anti-Semitic magazine,
the Clarinada.
ALL OF WHICH spells Fascism just as clearly
as it does in Germany or Italy. It is time
we realized that no matter how successful we
may eventually be on the battlefields and waters
of Europe and Asia, our cause is all but lost if
we find an enemy in our own back yard.
At a time when actual danger is so great-
almost overwhelming at present-we can af-
ftrd to take no chance with potential danger.
We cannot afford to dilly-dally with an Ar-
kentina which is moving ever nearer the Axis
,ny more than we could afford to' do so with
a Vichy government dominated by Hitler's
satellite Pierre Laval. We cannot afford to
appease any of our neighbors who show Fas-
cistic leanings. If we do so, we may find our-
selves fighting the Axis at home as well as
abroad, an eventuality almost too dismal to
IT IS POSSIBLE that Castillo's regime is des-
tined to be a short-lived one. It is possible
that a popular surge toward democracy will un-
se&t the recently enthroned fuehrer.
But we cannot act on possibilities. We are
forced to face the immediate fact that the
Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis is passing danger-
ously near Buenos Aires. We are compelled to
realize that a continuance of our policy of
appeasement may bring disaster upon us. We
can hope there will be a change of govern-
ment in Argentina. but in our present rela-
tions with that nation we can only be suspi-
elous, firm and uncompromising.
- Irving Jaffe
lubbper Producer

WASHINGTON: Although the Navy reluc-
tantly sidetracked construction of big battle-
ships after the spectacular airplane victory in
the battle of Midway, the Admirals still are
slower than molasses in building small boats to
patrol the Atlantic coast against submarines.
Almost every important war strategist, the
President and Winston Churchill down, has em-
phasized the fact that the submarine menace
was all-important, that we could not keep on
losing merchant ships at the present rate. How-
ever, the navy still sticks to old-fashioned meth-
ods in building sub-chasers.
The Navy's chief trouble seems to be the ordi-
narily laudable, but now antiquated, idea that
it is building small boats to last 25 years, when
we are all hoping the war will be over in at
least four years, and when these small craft
may be sunk in four months.
For instance, one firm building sub-chasers
was unable to get bronze screws, and wanted to
use brass screws instead. The Navy objected.
And four precious days were lost while the
brass-hats argued whether the sub-chasers
should be built with brass screws. It is true that
brass screws in the hull of a ship corrode in salt
water and wear off in about five years. But the
war should be over in that time.
In another case, a naval inspector held up a
sub-chaser because the inside cabins were not
finished in the specified shade of grey.
Soda Fountains For Warships'
Details like this also cause delays in building
larger ships. For instance, soda fountains and
movie theatres are all carefully worked out for
cruisers and battleships. In one case there was
delay because the rods supporting bunks on a
cruiser were not made of chromium steel, which
is hard to get. Probably Hitler would use plain
iron with a covering of paint; but the Navy is
building for 25 years hence, and still seeks
praiseworthy but time-consuming perfection in
every detail.
Much more important than this, however, is
lack of coordination in placing contracts for
small anti-submarine boats. For instance, the
Dodge Company before the war was making
speedboats at the rate of 35 a day. But now, de-
spite the urgent need of combating submarines,
it is awarded contracts to build sub-phasers at!
a fraction of that rate per year.
On the other hand, if the Army and Navy
pooled their orders they could have one boat
company make all of one type of vessel, while
another company made another. For instance
the Elco 'company could make motor-torpedo,
boats and nothing else. The Higgins company
in New Orleans could make sub-chasers and
£awclui and!
THIS MORNING when I came home from the
factory at about four o'clock I went for a
,long ride on my bicycle. I went straight down
Packard, out past the new district, and down
around the stadium. On up the other side where
the little, bright bungalows, like newlyweds build
are, and back to the wide, deserted road to De-
Probably there's a lot of you who have never
seen Ann Arbor so early. Some of you are girls
and have to come in. when the deans say, and
I'm sure that the deans don't know about Ann
Arbor at four in the morning. Even most of the
boys are asleep. I can tell when I pass the dorms,
there's hardly ever a light except for a long
column'tat tells where the stairs or the lava-
tories-I don't know which-are. So because
lots of you have never seen it, and because it's
different, different from the day, I thought I'd
tell you about it now.
SOMETIMES people ask me if I'm not fright-
ened, with all the street lights out, but it's
not so quiet as you'd think, there are nearly al-
ways people on the street. There are night nurses
with white uniforms that you can see a block
away, and factory\ workers like myself who have
cars or walk.

Almost everyone you see smokes cigarettes.
Women, even, on the streets. There's no one
much to see, and after ten hours of factory work,
or a shift in the hospital, maybe even Emily Post
would excuse them.
'There are lonesome truck drivers who race
their engines to greet you or pretend to run you
down with three-trailer trucks that shake the
black windows in the stores and rush straight
down State Street like they would never do in
the day.
There are lights, too. In nearly every block
there's a house with its windows lit. Sometimes
the family's gone to bed and left the light on
over the radio, but sometimes too, there's people
awake. There are students still studying or
workers, just gotten in, pulling down the shades.
There's a Hill Billy downtown that's open all
night and has a juke box that you can hear
straight up East William and a bakery across
the street where pies were burned last night
and made a horrible smell-people were scraping
the ovens when I went by.
rVnW rr_,Tm f I ir m h .acf ,hiia .-am fh - n

nothing else. And the Dodge company at New-
port News could make mine-laying tugs and
nothing else.
Instead, the Dodge company got an order for
a certain type of vessel. This came from the
Army. Then when they had machine tools all
ready for making these boats, and making them
fast, their next order came from the Navy for
another type of craft. Then, just to give variety
to life, their next order was not for more of the
second type, but for a third type of boat.
Once the Navy gets these ships built they are
beautiful vessels, beautifully operated. But it
takes priceless, agonizing, inefficient months to
get results with this haphazard building pro-
Little Business Wins
The selection of Lou Holland, two-fisted Kan-
sas City business man, as head of the WPB's
newly-created Smaller War Plants Corporation,
was welcome news to little business men.
Holland is highly regarded by the White
House, but the inside fact is that he was not the
President's number one choice. Roosevelt's orig-
inal candidate was his liberal friend, Robert W.
Johnson, former head of the Johnson and John-
son Pharmaceutical Company, now a colonel in
the Army.
Donald Nelson sounded out Johnson, at the
President's suggestion, but got a refusal.
"I have already offered my services to\Major
General Campbell (chief of Army Ordnance)
for the duration, and I wouldn't feel right leav-
ing him to take something else," Johnson ex-
Nelson then proposed Holland as chief of the
small business division, and the President gave
his O.K.
While the WPB boss was careful to get White
House sanction for all his moves in setting up
the Small War Plants Corporation, he was not
so inclined toward Congress. Inside fact is, Nel-
son turned a deaf ear to the recommendations
of Senator James Murray of Montana and Rep-
resentative Wright Patmon of Texas, co-authors
of the Small Business Act, on other appoint-
ments to the five-man board of little business
\ A


P'in ted

VOL. LIL ' No. 19-S
All Notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
Summer Session before 3:30 p.m. of the
day preceding its publication except on
Saturday, when the notices should be
submitted before 11:30 a.m.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments has just received notice of a
special meteorology program spon-
sored by the U.S. Army and U.S.
Navy. The next group will start
January 5, 1943. at the Massachu-
setts Institute of Technology and will
lead to a commission in either the
Army or the Navy. The course will
last eight months. Applications
should be submitted as soon as pos-
sible because of the time required for
applications to be acted upon, and
must be in by September 1, 1942. Fur-
ther information may be had from
the notices which are on file at the
Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason
Hall, Office hours 9-12 and 2-4.
Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information
A Standard First Aid Course is be-
ing held on Tuesdays and Thursday
from 7 to 9 p.m. in the Michigan
League. The first meeting of this
class is July 9 at 7 p.m. Any one in-
terested is invited to register.
Tryouts for H.M.S. Pinafore-All
singers on campus are invited to try
out for this operetta to be presented
jointly by the School 'of Music and
the Michigan Repertory Players of
the Department of Speech.
Any selection may be presented
but please bring music. Accompanists
will be present.
Try-outs will be held on Wednes-
day evening, at 7:15, and Thurs-
day afternon from 4:00 to 5:30 in
Suite 2, Michigan League Building.
To Department Heads, Clerks,'
Stenographers, and Any Others Con-
cerned: The University has received
from Mr. Donald M. Nelson, Chair-
man of the sWar Production Board,
a very strong plea to sell to the
United States Government all type-
writers that can possibly be spared
from our own operations. I hereby
reuest any one having information
that will be helpful under these cir-
cumstances to the Government's war
effort to communicate to me the
following data with respect to the
typewriters which it is thought the
University could spare: make, seri-
al number, whether standard or
noiseless, and the carriage width,
determined by the widest sheet of
paper that can be inserted, unfolded,
into the carriage. Also state the
location by University department
and room number.
Also, privately owned machines
which the ®wners are willing to sell
to the Government will be equally
Shirley W. Smith,
Vice-President and Secretary
Squares Dancing. Students attend-
ing the Square Dancing class that
meets at 5 p.m. on Mondays in the
Michigan League, are requested to
bring their dance manuals with
them. Ethel McCormick
A cademic Notices
Teacher's Certificate Candidates
who expect to be recommended by
the Faculty of the School of Educa-
tion at the close of the Summer Ses-
Sion or the Summer Term should
make application at this time at the
office of the Recorder of the School
of Education, 1437 U.E.S.
Margaret S. Whitesell, Recorder

Students, Summer Session, College
of Literature, Science, and the Arts:
No course may be elected for credit
after today. E. A. Walter
The German Department is spon-
soring German language tables in
the alcove of the Women's League
cafeteria beginning June 29 for the1
duration of the Summer Session.
Luncheon and dinner (cafeteria
style) at 12:15 and 6:15 respectively.
All students of German, faculty
members and others interested in ac-
quiring practice in spoken German ,
are cordially invited.
The Summer Session Orchestra of
the University of Michigan meets in
Lane Hall Monday through Thurs-
day each week at 2:30 p.m. All or-
chestral players gre invited._.
Women Students: New sections in
Archery, Body Mechanics, Golf,
Riding, Swimming, Tennis, Tap
Dance will be started July 13. Regis-
ter now at Barbour Gymnasium.
Dept. of Phys. Educ. for Women.
Students, Summer Session College
of Literature, Science and the Arts:
Except under extraordinary circum-
stances courses dropped after the
third week, Saturday, July 08, will be
recorded with a grade of E.
E. A. Walter, Assistant Dean


I, "I
SOME PEOPLE try to tell you that highly edu-
cated persons (like all of us at Michigan) do
not make good soldiers and sailors, but a con-
versation which took place recently at .the De-
troit induction center proves that such an idea
is entirely-well, almost entirely-false.
A Ph.D. from the University was being ques-
tioned by the officer in charge:
"Would you be willing to take orders from
someone who was intellectually your inferior?"
"Why not?" the ,,Ph.p. answered laconically,
"I've been doing it all my life."
And that ended that.
Milton Mayer, well-known free lance writer,
is still wondering about Michigan coeds.
He received a lot of fan mail-both pro and,
con-after his last article in the Saturday Eve-
ning Post, which was entitled "The Case
Against the Jew." But the most interesting
and strongest letter came from two University
of Michigan girls. It was written in a beauti-
ful, delicate hand-on toilet paper.
Mayer did not say what sentiments ap-
peared on this high quality stationery, but he
is just wondering about Michigan coeds-and
are they all like that?
DON'T BLOW UP when you read about the
new OPA ruling which allows -candidates for
political office additional gasoline for use in
their campaigns.
At first glance it seems like a complete waste
and, as such, a detriment to the war effort. But
when you remember that the incumbent mem-
bers of Congress are the proud possessors of "X"
cards and combine that with the general incom-
petency of such members, you begin to be thank-
ful for anything which will help new-and we
hope better-men take over the legislative jobs
of the country. There aren't many things which
would be of more help to the war effort.
THINGS that depend on your point of view ...
Prof. Edgar W. Knight from the University
of North Carolina, speaking here Thursday, de-
"Educationally and culturally the South is
one of the high hopes of the United States.
The educational conservatism of the South, so
often viewed by outsiders as a sign of back-
wardness, is in reality one of the most vital
and valid qualities of American civilization."
Gov. Eugene Talmadge of Georgia (which I
believe is usually classed as a Southern state),
told an audience a few days ago that:
"Before God, friends, the Negroes will never
rn to schnl with thn whites while I'm ( ove.-

"Oh, I don't mind not having a vacation this summer-having a
foreman show you how to operate a drill press is as much fun
as having a lifeguard teach you to swim!"

Doctoral Examination for Robert
Goyer Walker; field: English Lan-
guage and Literature; thesis: "Cen-
sure of Majority Rule as a Theme
in American Literature: 1787-1853,"
will be held on Monday, July 13, in
West Council, Rackham Bldg., at
3:30 p.m. Chairman, M. L. Williams,
By action of the Executive Board
the Chairman may invite members
of the faculties and advanced doc-
toral candidates to attend the ex-
apination and he may grant per-
mission to those who for sufficient
reason might wish to be present.
' C. S. Yoakum
Preliminary Examinations for the
Ph.D. degree in English will be given
according to the following schedule
from 9-12 a.m. in 3217 Angell Hall:
American Literature With Conti-
nental Backgrounds, July 22.
English Literature 1700-1900, July
English Literature 1550-1700, July
English Literature, Beginnings to
'1550, Aug. 1.
All those intending to take the ex-
aminations should notify Professor
N. E. Nelson, 3223 Angell Hall, by
July 15.
Psychology 31. A make-up' final
examination will be given Monday,
July 13, from 7 to 9 in room 1121
N.S. B. D. Thuma
High Lights in the History of the
University-a lecture by Dr. Calvin
0. Davis, Professor Emeritus of Edu-
cation in the University High School
Auditorium, Monday, July 13th at
4:05 p.m.
Tuesday. July 14th at 4:05 Wm.-a
lecture, "Michigan's Study of Its
Youth Problem" by James D. Mac-
Connell, Field Representative of the
American Youth Commission (Uni-
versity High School Auditorium.)
Weekly Review of the War-a lec-
ture by Professor Howard M. Ehr-
mann, Professor in the Department
of History. 4:15 p.m. Tuesday, July
14th in the Amphitheatre of the
Rackham Building. This is a regu-
lar weekly feature. The public is
Why People Do Not Get Jobs: The
second of a series of lectures on
Guidance and Placement will be giv-
en bon Tuesday. July 14 at 7:15 in
the Rackham Lecture Hall. "Why
People Do Not Get Jobs" will be an
illustrated lecture with demonstra-
tions by employers and applicants of
the right and wrong ways to go
about getting jobs.
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information
Events Today
The Rivals," initial production of
of the Fourteenth Season of the
Michigan Repertory Players, of the
Department of Speech, will be pre-
sented for the last performance to-
ight at 8:30. Season tickets for
the summer series of six plays, as well
as single tickets for all individual
performances, are on sale daily in
the Box Office of the Mendelssohn
Graduate Mixer for Faculty mem-
bers, Graduate students and their
friends. Dancing, games, bingo,
bridge, entertainment and refresh-
ments. Admission charge. Third
floor of Rackham Building. Satur-
day, July 11, 9 p.m.,


The Graduate Outing Club will
meet behind the Rackham Building
at 2:30 p.m., Sunday for the canoe
trip to Barton Pond.
The regular Tuesday Evening Re-
corded Program in the Men's Lounge
of the Rackham Building at 8 p.m. "
is as follows:
Brahms: Symphony No. 1 in C
Hayden: Quartet in D Major, Roth
String Quartet.
Mozart: Symphony No. 38 in D
Major (Prague).
Debussy: Suite Bergamasque, Wal-
ter Gieseking.
Mathematics Club will meet on
Tuesday evening, July 14, at 8 o'clock
in 3011 Angell Hall. Professor Cope-
land will speak on "Capddeecronhsi"
(codes and ciphers), and Professor
Rainich will speak on "Mathematics
and Meteorology." All those interest-
ed are cordially invited to attend.
Faculty Concert: Miss Julia Rebeil,
pianist, will appear in a facility con-
cert in Hill Auditorium at 8:30 Tues-
day evening, July 14. Miss Rebell is
head of'the piano department of the
University of Arizona, and comes to
Ann Arbor as a guest artist. Her
program will include Brahms' Sonata
in F. minor, Perpetual Motion by
Weber-Ganz and Masques by De-
bussy. Admission is pomplimentary.
' All students interested in Educa-
tion are invited to attend the School
of Education Frolic to be held at
The Women's Athletic Building, July
15th, from 8-11 p.m. Come and
bring your friends.
Commercial Education Students.
There will be a "Get Acquainted"
meeting of all students in Commer-
cial Education on the Campus Tues-
day evening, July 14, at 7:30 p.m. in
the East Conference room, Rackham
Building. Alan D. Meacham will dis-
cuss and demonstrate the Interna-
tional Business Machines.
J. M. Trytten
Churches ,
Memorial Chriftian Church (DiB-
ciples). 10:45 a.m. Morning Worship,
Rev. Frederick Cowin, Minister.
5:00 p.m. The Disciples Guild will
meet at the Guild House, 438 May-
nard St. Transportation will be pro-
vided to a picnic ground for games,
a picnic supper and vesper service.
In case of unfavorable weather the
supper and program will be held at
the Guild House at the same hour.
Small charge.
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church:
8:00 a.m. Holy Communion; 11:00
a.m. Kindergarten., Harris Hall; 11:00
a.m. Summer Church School; 11:00
a.m. Morning Prayer and Sermon by
the Reverend John G. Dahl; 5:00
p.m. Episcopal Student Guild Pic-
nic at the home of Dr. Inez Wisdom,
2301 Packard Rd. The Rev. James
G. Widdifield, Rector of St. Paul's
Memorial Church, Detroit, will show
colored slides on the life of St. Fran-
cis, All Episcopal students and their
friends are cordially invited. Cars will
leave Harris Hall promptly at 5
First Presbyterian Church: Sun-
day Morning Worship, 10:45 a.m.
"'identification," subject of sermon by
Rev. Willard V. Lampe, minister.
Service of Holy Communion and re-
ception of new members.
Westminster Student Guild. 7:15
p.m. "Building a New"World" will be
the topic for a new discussion series.,
Lew Hoskins, a member of the Soci-







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