Summer Enrollment Figures
Show Definite Wartime Trend
Summer term enrollment figures 6,113 students are attending, thus
released yesterday by the University exceeding by 342 the highest previ-
War Board reveal a definite realign- ous enrollment of 5,771 in 1938. Of
ment of study courses along war- the summer total, 2,287 students are
time lines, with a substantia.l in- registered for the regular eight-week
crease in engineering students being Summer Session, the number com-
matched by a corresponding falling prising chiefly graduate. students.
off of enrollment in the College of The remaining 3,826 students attend
Literature, Science and the Arts. the 15-week summer term.
Total registration figures for the In the summer term, engineering
summer term and session show that students, who made up only 17 per
cent of the Michigan student body
in 1940, comprise 30 per cent of the
Mason Relates total. Medical enrollment has in-
creased from 3.9 per cent to 8.7 per
Program Of Red cent of the total in the same period.
Cros ScholCNursing has increased from 2.0 per
ross In Sch ls cent to 4.8 per cent. Business Ad-
ministration students, who constitut-
In yesterday's talk in the educa- ed'only 1.1 per cent of the total last
tion school lecture series at Univer- semester, jumped to 2.7 in the ,sum-
sity High School, Eldon Mason, field mer term. The one-year old School
representative for the Junior Red of Public Health, which had only
Cross, related the various programs .9 per cent of Michigan's students a
the Red Cross has for helping teach- year ago, now has 1.5 per cent. .
ers get their schools and their stu- Enrollment in the College of Liter-
dents to contribute to the war effort. ature, Science and the Arts has
So great has been the expansion dropped from 39 per cent two years
of the Junior Red Cross activities in ago to 33 per cent. Law School reg-
this work that since the entrance of istrations have dropped from 5.3 per
the United States into the war, the cent to 3.3 per cent. A drop from
headquarters of the Junior Red Cross 20 per cent to 8.5 per cent in the
in St. Louis has occupied seven more Graduate School is at least partially
floors for loffice space. explained by the fact that the 15-
"The South Looks at Itself" will be week summer term is designed pri-
the topic of Dr. Edgar W. Knight, ma.ly for undergraduate and pro-
professor of education at the Uni- fessional students whereas the eight-
versity of North Carolina, at 4:05 week summer session, which began
p.m. today, in the University High June 29, emphasizes graduate studies.
Auditorium. Majors in the biological and physi-
cal sciences, contrary to the trend in
the College as a whole, now make up
a larger proportion of junior and sen-
ior students than before, offsetting
A N N O U N C E decreased proportions of students in
languages and literature and in the
INFORMATIVE social sciences.
Students of the biological sciences
V T S E;ENTITLED have increased from 10 per cent'to
15 per cent of the total. In the phys-
ical sciences, enrollment has in-
creased from 13 per cent to 22 per
0/ The languages and literature group
has dropped from 24 per cent to 20
per cent while social science stu-
ents, who were '45 per cent of the
total in 1940, are only 41 per cent in
?ft lJ 2700 1, 4 the summer term. A miscellaneous
group, including students in fine
arts, music, several combined courses
and an honors program in liberal arts,
inSist of interesting has slumped from 7.5 per cent to 2.4
isplays Melling you per cent.
id origin, the grow- .
r f hpVnno4-P 117teer Aid
SHA Work-Holiday
To Be Held S t i"r"' ' '"'
Students seeking to express their
ideals in practical social service
can participate in the work-
holiday in the Willow Run area
Saturday, sponsored by S.R.A.
The purpose of this work holi-
day is to help recondition Gilbert
House for use as a recreation
center by families of the crowded
Work holidays offer opportuni-
ty for doing some much-needed
social service. The idea originated
on this campus several years ago
when a few students sought to
carry over the benefits of their
summer work-camp experiences
into the school year.
The group is leaving Lane Hall
at 2 p.m. Saturday. A dinner will
be served at Ypsilanti in the eve-
ning and the group will return
about 9 p.m. Reservations should
be phoned in to Lane Hall by this
evening so that transportatiot by
truck can be arranged.
WPB May Compel Use
Of 'Share-The-Ride' Plan
LANSING, July 8.--(A)-The War
Production Board soon will "put
teeth" into the so-called Pontiac
share-the-ride plan to conserve tires,
Maxwell Halsey, executive director of
the State Safety Commission, pre-
dicted today.
He said companies holding war
production contracts would be strong-
ly urged to require employes to
share-the-ride, or else travel in pub-
lic conveyances.
Race Relations
Group Meets
Boothby Is Club Leader;.
Plans Discussed
The Inter-Racial Association elect-
ed its officers, st up committees and
outlined a program for the summer
at an organizational meeting yes-
William Boothby was elected pres-
ident of the Association and will head
the newly formed executive com-
Elected to the executive commit-
tee were Dr. Louis Grant, Herman
Hudson, Ethel Levine, Ann Fagan,
Sally Knisely, Emory Leverette and
Jim Terrill.
The Association also decided to es-
tablish a reading room with litera-
ture pertinent to race problems as a
move to facilitate understanding be-
tween different groups.
Most direct move taken to combat
facial ;discrimination was the deci-
sion to circulate petitions against
the anti-lynching bill and poll taxes
and one favoring the establishment
of a mixed voluneer regiment.
Girl Dies In Fire
Donna Colby, one and one-half
years of age, was burned to death
yesterday when the Colby home on
McComb Street, Platt, burned to the
ground. The parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Colby, were both at work
when the accident occurred and two
other children were outside the house
playing when the fire started.
Jcad and Use The Michigan Daily ClassifiedIs
July YA wl aw bkm.
Spring and Summer DRESSES, COATS, SUITS ... drasti-
cally reduced. Bargain Hunters- Stop and shop today!
Summer suits, rayon, linen, shoi k-
skin, duco dots, crepe, shantung,
pastel, dark colors . . . at
Values to $22 95
COOL SUMMER PRINTS and PASTELS in jersey, mesh,
and sheers. Also dark crepes and sheers and prints.
NER DRESSES of crepes, nets, chiffons, and cottons.
100 1'95 1695
Values from $12.95 to $29.95.
Closeout group of Prints, Crepes and Sheers . .... $7.00.
Values to $14.95 ,
Many Cottons and Spun Rayons to $10.95 included.
Sizes 9-17, 10-44,
$14.95 $19.95 $29.95
Original Prices $22.95 to $45.00
Navy, black, blues, natural, tweeds, shetlands and twills.
Sizes 9-17, 10-46, 16 V-26 .'Boxy and fitted styles. Most
of these coats are 100% wool and we will nod be able to
replace them even at their original prices for the duration.
BUY . . BUY .m..BUY, Today and Every Day,
6/nzad t/rieron S-A
)round the Corner oan State
From Camp Filibert Roth:
Correspondent Tells Of Work
And Various Camp Experiences
AskedBy State
EAST LANSING, July 8. -{)-
Michigan's Civilian Defense leaders
stressed the need of spurring activi-
ties of local civilian defense volun-
teer offices at a "workshop" meeting
today of approximately 100 county
and municipal volunteer directors.
Col. Owen J. Cleary, state chief air
raid warden, told the group that
although minimum requirements are
being met in the state's protective
services, enrollment of volunteers
should continue in the air raid war-
den and auxiliary firemen and police
.9n/Dana/ ance
C/tartf l tan
special to The Daily
The novelty of the first few days
at camp is beginning to wear away.
It would be incorrect to say that we
are falling into a routine grind, how-
ever, as practically every day brings
something new-even in the weather.
Plenty of wholesome food, fresh air
and outdoor exercise makes one phys-,
ically fit and ready to tackle what-
ever the new day may bring.
In the line of work it has been the
order of the day during the past
week to become familiar with timber
estimating and the fundamentals of
mapping with traverse board, hand
compass and pacing. Appreciation of
the significance of contours has been
gained through experience with the
Abney Level and trailer tape in topo-
graphic surveying. Some of the fel-
lows still maintain, however, that
Golden Lake flows uphill from camp
-others insist the water level fluc-
tuates every few hours. There is time
Ifor activities other than work, as was
mentioned in a previous article.
Many Use Cameras
Camera enthusiasts have been
warned to be ever on the alert-op-
portunities to photograph wild game
during their stay at camp occur fre-
quently, but very unexpectedly. The
same situation is rarely repeated.
Such an instance came a few days
ago. Parties of students were strung
out along the Forest Highway when
one man suddenly spied a black bear
crossing the road just ahead. After
her followed in single file three small
cubs-teddy bear size. They looked
curiously up and down the road and
then the four disappeared into the
underbrush flanking the sides. A
group of us gathered at the point of
exit and followed the spoor they had
left behind-turned up leaves, twigs
out of place and branches freshly
disturbed. We caught a brief glimpse
of the mother fading into the dark
background some 30 yards ahead. We
broke into two parties and my part-
ner and I were fortunate enough to
come upon two of the cubs once
again. We were standing on a rotted
moss-covored log peering into the
thick brush and the two cubs came
within 10 feet of us, stopping short
when they saw us, gazing curiously
for a moment or. two before rolling
silently down the adjacent log and
disappearing from view. It was too
shady to get aepicture of them and
they were not seen again that day.
Bears bear Camp
The following evening a mother
bear and three cubs were reported
seen near camp by Dr. O'Roke. Sev-
eral fellows immediately grabbed
their cameras and went as silently as
haste would permit down the trail
from camp to a large hemlock along
the lake shore where the mother had
shooed the cubs to safety and placed
herself on guard at the base of the
tree.bShe evidently believed we were
not bent on molesting her cubs and
several pictures were taken of her
on guard duty. Ken Nelson, our camp
barber, had dragged me off the bar
German Language Table
Held In League Cafeteria
Conceived as a substitute for the
ber stool in the midst of the long-
i'eeded haircut to snap pictures of
the bear. We made a few noises to
attract the animal's attention while
Ken crept to a tree which offered
protection and a better position for
a good picture.. She was not disturbed
by the - click of the camera and as-
sumed several poses for his benefit-
looking full at the camera, and again
placing her paws around the base of
the tree and looking up toward her
cubs in the branches above.
This was the most interesting ex-
perience the men at camp have
'shared to date and it is hoped that
the bear will remain friendly enough
to repeat the visit with the cubs. It
is certain that photography has tak-
en a new rise in popularity and we
are waiting for the most successful
takes of our interesting foursomer.
Yes, the haircut was completed
before the day was done.
of C.ampus Sales of the
WHO do you know on campus?
WHERE are your friends living?
WHAT are their home addresses?
You Just can't afford to be without a Direc-tory!1
Everything about Everyone
I l II . IIX/I I( N I(I-- LI:1 111 I 1 111____1_1U
I I .dlo.