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July 09, 1942 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1942-07-09

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Nine Captures
Second Shutout
In Two Days
Saxton, Smith Allow Only
One Hit As Team Beats
American Legion, 6-0
Bob Saxton and Don Smith pitched
one-hit ball as the summer Wolverine
,nine shut out an American Legion
outfit last night for its second
straight victory, 6-0. Saxton fanned
11 of the Legionnaires in five innings
with a blistering fast ball and Smith
fanned two with his "slider."
Michigan has thus played 18 in-
nings without being scored upon this
Michigan started its scoring in
the second on a base on balls to Don
Lund-later caught off third---and
singles by Bob Chappius and Bob
The Wolverines were unable to
score again until the fifth, when four
'errors and three walks gave them
five runs. Rollie Brandeau was on
first on an error by the third base-
man. He stole second and scored
when the catcher's throw to the sec-
ond baseman rolled into center field.
Strat Brown reached first safely as
the first baseman failed to touch the
bag. Muzzall, batting for Saxton, fol-
lowed with a single to right center.
When Tommy Higgins and John Mi-
kulich were walked to fill the bases,
Brown was forced in. Howie Wikel
then batted in two runs with a long'
single to center. Lund was out on
an infield fly. Chappius walked and
Vernier hit a long fly ball to deep
left which Hershy Barth caught run-
Fiing away, scoring Mikulich. Bran-
deau ended the inning by grounding
to the shortstop.
The Maize and Blue were flawless
afield. Wikel made a beautiful catch
of Jim Streiter's popup behind sec-
ond in the first. It was the Wolver-
ine right fielder, Bill Stewart, who
made the fielding plays of the game.
He made two running catches in the
seventh and last inning of the game,
one running away from the plate
and the other right off his shoe-
i A

Lid Lifter' Opens Union Season; Hillel To Move WaMetSale
ofAn informa
ea ue H o ds "Headliner's HI T o New House 'Puzzles Fans
4 to 6 p.m. to

An informal swingout entitled the
"Lid Lifter," tuned to the rhythms
of Clark McClellan and his 13 piece
orchestra, will open the Michigan
Union's summer social season at 9
p.m. tomorrow.
"Solid" will be the shibboleth at
the "Lid Lifter" when Clark McClel-
lan, individualist in the field of mu-
sic, features some of his latest And
hottest arrangements. Performing
on is vibraharp, McClellan will lead
the orchestra as it goes through its
repertoire of colorful sweet and swing
Favorite summer number of the
band is a hot arrangement of Jingle
Bells. Taking part in this slightly
out of season number the entire band
sings in unison and all the dancers
are welcome to join in the festivities.
Song stylist Sherlie Sherie will fur-
nish the vocals.
(Continued from Page 2)
rent series on the Charles Baird Car-
illon in Burton Memorial Tower at
7:15 p.m. today. His concert will
include Gavotta by Willem De Fesch,
two movements from the Suite in G
by Bach, Liebestraum by Liszt, two
selections from Verdi's Rigoletto and
five Scots airs.
Printed programs of the entire
series of carillon concerts are ob-
tainable at the Union and League
desks. in the lobby of Burton Me-
motial Tower and in the office of the
School of Music.
Varsity Glee Club: Meets Thurs-
day at 7:30 p.m. in the Glee Club
Rooms, Michigan Union. Informal
singing together. Bring eligibility
James A. O. Cro~ie, Manager.
Cerele Francais: Please note that
the weekly meeting on Thursday will
begin at 7:30 at the Michigan
League. Talk by Dr. George Kiss.
"L'Europe et ilAvenir." All Sum-
mer Term and Summer Session stu-
dents as well as members of the
Faculty who are interested are cord-
ially invited. A. J. Jobin.
Professor Brunun and William
Muehl will hold a panel discussion
on "Revolution, Evolution, and
Peace," at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday
evening in the Grand Rapids Room
of the Michigan League. Everyone
is invited.
Patricia McGraw,
Post War Council
Coming Events
Smith League House Reception:
The members of the Smith League
House, located at 1102 E. Ann Street
will give a reception for students at-
tending the University on Friday eve-
ning, July the 10th from 8-12 p.m.
The affair will be limited to stu-
dents in attendance at the Univer-
Delta Kappa Gamma Luncheon
Friday, July 10, in the Michigan
League Russian Tea Room for mem-
bers from out-of-town and local
The 1942 High Schol Clinic Band
will present its first concert at 4:15
p.m. Sunday, July 12, in Hill Audi-
torium, under the direction of Wil-
liam I7,. Revelli. Guest conductors
will be Mr. Mac E. Carr and Mr.
Cleo G. Fox in a program compli-
mentary to the general public.
The Graduate Outing Club will
take a canoe trip to Barton Pond
on Sunday, July 12. There will be a
charge of $1.10 which will include
canoe rental and supper at Barton
Pond. All interested please leave
their names and a deposit of 25 cents

at the Rackham Building Check
Room before Friday noon.

Headlining the July 10 page of the
social calendar will be the "Headlin-
er's Hop," to be held from 9 p.m. to
midnight Saturday in the League
Ballroom and to feature via public
address system the campus' best
known personalities.
Two vocal dynamos, borrowed from
behind the mike at Morris Hall, will
be wandering around the lobby out-
side the ballroom with a microphone
in one hand and free cigarettes in
the other. In their polished Parke-
Johnson way, they will ask questions,
simple and easy, of anyone that hap-
pens to cross their path on the way
in to dance. Cigarettes will award
correct answers as well as incorrect
ones. The man-on-the-street idea
will be repeated during intermission.
Decorations along newspaper lines
will relay what goes on behind the
news. Doc Spracklin, now fronting
the Hardy band, will provide music
in keeping with the theme. Hostesses
--20 of them-will be on hand to
greet and dance w h the headliners
and will be wearing ribbons made
from The Daily's front page.
The dance is open to the public
which is invited to come alone or in

Maj. Gen. Carl Spaatz (above),
51,,of Boyertown, Pa., has been ap-
pointed commander-in-chief of the
United States Army Air Forces in
the European theatre of war, it was
announced in London. In 1929,
Major General Spaatz made avia-
tion history as commander of the
Army endurance plane, "Question
Mark," which he piloted to its then
record continuous flight of 150
hours, 40 minutes and 15 seconds,
over Los Angeles.

!k 4


The Crac ker Barrel
By Mike Dann
Daily Sports Edutor
0 All-Star Games And Home Runs ...
WITH the cream of Major League pitching facing each other in the All-
Star games, it's only natural that the scores are generally low and the
hits well scattered. But for some Strange reason the American Leaguers
usually manage to collect a homer or two against the National's air-tight
hurling and take the famous classic.
This peculiar little American League habit started right off with
the All-Star game back in 1933 when the Big Bambino himself, Babe
Ruth, poled a long one out of the park. Babe was 38 at the time, his
legs were weak, he was overweight, his batting average below .200. All
of this made little difference because when the newspaper extras came
out that July day nine years ago it was the great Yankee right fielder
who received the praise.
Several years later, long-driving Jimmy Foxx gave the Americans a
well-earned 4-1 victory by socking a home run with Lou Gehrig on base.
Gehrig came back in 1938 to slap a circuit clout off the colorful Dizzy
Dean and help the newer league take their fourth win in five All-Star games.
It looked last year as if the National League would break this home run
jinx with the score 5-4 in their favor and two out in the ninth. But the
dangerous Ted Williams came up with two on base and promptly hit far
into the upper right-field stands for a titahic homer. He pranced happily
around the bases after Joe Gordon and Joe DiMaggio.
Monday it was the same old story in the 10th annual clash of the tWo
leagues. Lou Boudreau, hustling Cleveland manager, opened the contest
by knocking Mort Cooper's second pitch out of the ball park. In that same
inning with two out and Tommy Henrich on second Big Chief Rudy York
drove a wide pitch into the lower right-field deck for two more runs to
give the American League its margin of victory.
All in all, the game was a very light-hitting affair, with the pitching
for both sides commendable. The only difference was that the Ameri-
can League sneaked in their usual share of homers while the Nationals
went hungry.
CRACKER CRUMB: Only one shutout has been recorded in the ten
All-Star games. In the eighth contest, played on July 9, 1940, in Sportsman's
Park, St. Louis, the Nationals blanked the Americans, 4-0. The senior
league pitchers were Paul Derringer, Bucky Walters, Whitlow Wyatt, Larry
French and King Carl Hubbell. Derringer, who started, was credited with
the victory.


'MALE or FEMALE for soda fountain.
Evenings. Gratton Drug, State at
Packard. Phone 4344. 11c
WOMEN to take charge of small
apartment and 2 children for em-
ployed parent. Call 2-3998 after
':30 p.m. 9
'egistered Nurses Attention: Your
services are very much needed for
full time and part time duty. Come
in and talk it over with us. Com-
munity Nursing Bureau. Beatrice
A. Hoban, Registrar. 401 Thomp-
son, 6515. 9c
HOARD OFFERED by Kappa Sigma
fraternity. Good meals at $1.00
per day. Inquire at '806 Hill or
phone 4850. 7
ENGLISH Boys' Bike, 3 speeds, neWv
tires, hand brakes. Excellent con-
dition. Marussa's Service Station;
S. Univ. 8
LAUNDRY-2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. 2c
LADIES, have you had your feather
permanent as yet? They are so
cool, lovely and easy to manage.
Open Thursday and Friday eve-
nings for your convenience. Blue-
bird Hair Shoppe, 5 Nickels Ar-





New VICTOR 'Releases
As adapted from the Alexander Korda Production
"Kipling's Jungle Book." Narrated by Sabu with
,the Victor Symphony Orchestra. DM 905 $3.78

cade. 9616.



Shows Daily at
1-3-5-7-9 P.M.


Feature Starts at
1:35 - 3:36 - 5:37 - 7:41 - 9:45 P.M.


THE... .r. BLOW!


On Themes from Showboat. Janssen Symphony
Orchestra. Warner Janssen Conductor.
DM 906 $3.78
Song of Love - Morning Papers - You and You-
Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra. Clemens Krauss
Conducting. DM 907 $3.78
Performed by Arturo Toscanini and the NBC
Symphony Orchestra. DM 908 $3.78
By Freddy Martin and His Orchestra. P-124 $2.70
Favorite Excerpts by the Victor Light Opera Orches-
tra and Chorus. Conducted by Emile Cote.

H arry BbitsIs aibble *" Sully Mason





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