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July 08, 1942 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1942-07-08

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League Brings
Fortune Teller
From Ethiopia
Doc Spracklin To Front Band
In Absence Of Gordon Hardy
Now On Duty In U.S. Navy
You'd be surprised what the stars
can tell you especially when medi-
ated by a- person inherently gifted
with the technique of star interpre-
tation. All this and more will be
told when dancers go "Star Gazing"
and dancing in the League Ballroom
Friday night.
The seventh in a series of dances
especially planned for summer in
Ann Arbor by the Summer Session
Social Committee, League members
and cohorts will bring Madame Esahc
Nossols-Irtatled, mystic and spirit-
ualist from deep East Africa, for her
first and only visit to the Michigan
Comes From Africa
Madame Nossols-Irtatled, erratic
bushwoman from Addis Abbaba, has
at last condescended to come to
America on the request of bewildered
New York psychiatrists who have
long puzzled over her uncanny power
of dealing with the transcendent,
spiritual world. She will arrive by
airplane early this evening.
The ballroom will be decorated
during the star-lit hours from 9
p.m. to midnight with heavy mid-
night blue draperies studded with
sparkling stars. In the concourse
outside of the ballroom entrance,
Madame Nossols-Ittatled will hold
individual seances with each and
everyone desiring an uncensored
glimpse into the future at absolute-
ly no charge.
New Front For Band
On the bandstand providing music
for "star gazin' and dancin'" will be
the members of Gordon Hardy's or-
chestra, but minus their leader-
Hardy was called to duty in the Navy
Sunday. ,
Doc Spracklin has taken up the
baton fri his absence and wfll con-
tinue to bring League dancers mpsic
in Hardy's own inimitable style by
the Hardy band. Special arrange-
ments and a medley of "star" songs
will be featured by the band.
Louie Hurd, formerly pianist with
Bill Sawyer's orchestra, will replace
Hardy on the ivories and Tommy

Lovett Returns
To Lead League
Square Dances
The first in a series of square
dances was held Monday night in
the League under the direction of
Benfamin B. Lovett, instructor in
square and country dancing at Edi-
son Institute in Dearborn, accom-
panied by the Ford Square Dance
This summer marks the fourth
season that Mr. Lovett has come to
to campus to officiate at the dances.
Takes Part In Revival
Sixteen years ago at the Wayside
Inn 00 Sudbury, Mass., Henry Ford
persuaded Mr. Lovett to take a lead-
ing role in his crusade for the revival
of square and round dancing in the
country. From there Mr. Lovett was
invited to go to Dearborn, where Ie
has taught ever since; helping to run
the old-fashioned dances at which
Mr. Ford is host on alternate Fridays.
Lovett Hall, where the classes are
held, was named in the master's hon-
or. Here Mr. Lovett circulates among
the guests, coaching them in those
old-model pastimes, the Varsovienne,
Five-Step and the Galop.
But Not Adagio Please
Since he has found young people
to be the most enthusiastic pupils,
Mr. Lovett derives great pleasure in
teaching at the University. The
scope of Mr. Lovett's work is broad.
"I guess I teach every branch of
dancing but adagio," he asserts.
Lessons in calling the dances are
given without charge to Summer
School students from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m.
each Monday in the League Ball-
room. The square dances themselves
are held from 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Snyder will occupy the first alto' sax
place. Arrangements will be done
by Bill Rhodes. Charlie Goodell, Dean
Howard and Bob Roberts. Besides
fronting the band and playing third
trumpet, Doc Spracklin will do the
Twenty hostesses for the evening
will wear stars in their hair as means
of identification and men coming
stag to the dance are requested to
cut in on only the women thus des-
ignated. All students and towns-
people are urged to attend either
alone or in couples.

Union To Open
Social Season
With Informal
Clark McClellan And Orchestra.
Will Provide Music For Dance;
Bob Shott Is Social Chairman
The Michigan Union is opening its
summer social season Friday, July'
10, with an informal dance bearing
the provocative title "The Lid Lifter."
Furnishing the music will be Mae-
stro Clark McClellan and his Rhythm
Club Orchestra, whose melodies are
well remembered by those who at-
tended last year's summer session.
McClellan To Play
McClellan, famous for his fine ar-
rangements and unique style, swings
out on the vibra-harp when not
wielding the baton. Featured also,
with the band is lovely song stylist
Shirlie Sherie. She's small, but-
oh, my!
Sponsored by the Student Offices,
the dance is guaranteed to be dif-
ferent from dances seen thus far on
campus this summer in that no stags
will be allowed. Social Chairman
Bob Shott, '43E, promises that fel-
lows who don't appreciate having
their dates bothered by delegations
of .wolves lining the edge of the dance
floor will have no cause for com-
plaint on that account.
Lifts Lid On Fun
"The Lid Lifter" is literally lifting
the lid off the Union social activities
for the summer, and promises to be
a bang up affair, Shott said.
Everyone is urged to attend so that
they may sharpen up their feet,
dulled from inactivity on the dance
floor, so that by the time the sched-
uled formal rolls around in August
no time will need be wasted then in
Old And New Alike
To come is to swing to revel in the
magic melodies of McClellan, who
promises new and different arrange-
ments of new and different tunes,
and old favorites dressed up in war-
time style. There will be songs for
those that like 'em hot, and there will
be songs for them that like 'em sweet.
For those from the Mason-Dixon
Dixon to the 54-40, not mentioning
those for students from foreign


Michigan Dames Will Welcome
T New Wives Of Students Tod
The Michigan Dames, an all-cam-
pus social organization of the wives McCormick, social director o
and mothers of University students League; Mrs. Larry Towsley
and internes will hold its first func- Mrs. C. V. Weller, both represe
tion of the summer, in the form of the Medical College and Mrs.
a tea from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. today in White, Engineering College.
the League Ballroom for the purpose Those who have been invit
of welcoming all new wives and pour are: Dean Byrl Bacher, M
mothers of summer students to Ani W. Cowden, Mrs. Dana Mrs. R
Arbor. Hussey and Mrs. White.
This initial tea is a prelude to fur-
ther summer activities which the
Dames intend to sponsor. Weekly Events At The ag"ite
bridge games are the first of the Today: intermediate dan
series of sumner plans,, which will class, 7:30, ballroom. instrui
begin next week. Miss Ethel McCormick, secon
Several faculty wives will be pres- series of six.
ent at the tea. ;They are Mrs. W. W. Tomorrow: bridge lessons, "
Bishop, whose husband is a retired Grand Rapids, second in serif
professor in the library of science six, open to public, 25c.
department; Mrs. deorge E. Car- Friday: "Star Gazing," 9 p.n
rothers, representing the education midnight, ballroom, open to1
department; Mrs. R. W. Cowden, Eng- lic, featuring Madame Nos:
lish department; Mrs. S. T. Dana, Irtatled, fortune teller, and
forestry department; Mrs. C. S. Grifr Sprachlin fronting the Hi
fiths, psychology department, and band.
Mrs. R. \C. Hussey, geology depart- Saturday: dance, 9 p.m. toi
ment. night, pallroom.
Also present will be Miss Ethel

f the
A. E.
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Enjoy it all year....
and all your life!

Solid Gold
Blue Spinel
$25.00 .
pins Federal and
State taxes


Now Ready at

Phone 8887
Summer Hours:

Ruth Ann Oakes, Mgr.
'10:00-5:00 Daily, 10:00-1 :00 Saturday



r , i




(Continued from Page 2)
League: Beginners class in social
dancing meets Tuesday nights, 7:30
in the Michigan League ballroom.
Students intending to take this
course should register not later than
The Intermediate class in social
dancing meets Wednesday nights at
7:30 in the Michigan League. Stu-
dents intending to take this course
should register not later than Wed-
Square dancing. A special class for
instruction in square dancing meets
at 5:00 p.m. on Mondays in Michigan
League Ballroom. This class begins
July 6. No charge.
Square Dancing. First meeting of
this group is on Monday at 7:30 p.m.
in the Michigan League Ballroom.
No charge.
All students interested in First
Aid courses must register by 2:00
p.m. on July 6. Please call Social
Director's Office, Michigan League.
Inter-Guild Luncheon will be held
this week on Thursday at 12:35 in
the Fireplace Room of Lane Hall, fol-
lowing the Campus Worship Service
at First Congregational Church. All
those interested in the campus guilds
are cordially invited to attend.
Tom Johnson, President

Interviewing for those interested
in" becoming hostesses, Thursday,
1-5 p.m. Undergraduate Office in
the League.
Kay Buszek, League Publicity
Mathematics Graduate Tea. An in-
formal tea will be given by the staff
of the Department of Mathematics
and their wives for the graduate stu-
dents in the Department (and their
wives or husbands) in the Garden of
the Michigan League on Thursday,
July 9, from 4 to 6 p.m.
T. H. Hildebrandtj
Varsity Glee Club: Meets Thurs-
day at 7:30 p.m. in the Glee Club
Rooms, Michigan Union. Informal
singing together. Bring eligibility
James A. 0. Crowe, Manager.
4:15 p.m. Thursday, Amphitheatre
of Rackham Building: Lecture by,
Professor James K. Pollock of the
Department of Political Science. His
subject will be, "On Understanding
Russia." The public is invited.
Cercle Francais: Please note that
the weekly meeting on Thursday will
begin at 7:30 at the Michigan
League. Talk by Dr. George Kiss.
"L'Europe et l'Avenir." All Sum-
mer Term and Summer Session stu-
dents as well as members of the

Faculty who are interested are cord-
ially invited. A. J. Jobin.
Smith League House Reception:
The members of the Smith League
House, located at 1102 . Ann Street
will give a reception for students at-
tending the University on Friday eve-
ning, July the 10th from 8-12 p.m.
The affair will be limited to stu-
dents in attendance at the Univer-
Professor Brumm and William
Muehl will hold a panel discussion
on "Revolution, Evolution, and
Peace," at 1:30 p.m. on Thursday
evening in the Grand Rapids Room
of the Michigan League. Everyone
is invited.
Patricia McGraw,
Post War Council
Make-up final examinations: Phy-
sics' 25, 26, 71, 72: in West Lecture
Room, July 9th at 2:00 o'clock.
Need For Hostesses
All women interested in acting as
hostesses for Friday and Saturday
night informal dances at the League
will be interviewed from 1 p.m. to 5
p.m. today in the Undergraduate Of-
fice in the League, Deanna Stover,
'43, chairman of social committee,
announced yesterday.




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