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July 04, 1942 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1942-07-04

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CE 4r- Alr4tgau, Daily




Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
The- Summer Daily is published every morning except
Monday and Tuesday.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights
of- republication of all other matters herein also reserved.
.Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter. -
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
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National Advertising Service, Inc.
,,College Publishers ReresenUatiM
429 MAQisoN AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42
Editorial Staff
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will sap . . . . . . . City Editor



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Edward Periberg
Fred M. Ginsberg
Mdrton Hunter

Business. Staff
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. . Associate -Business Manager
. . Publications Manager

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Congress Not Weak,
Just Incompetent . . .
IN AN EDITORIAL appearing in The
Daily yesterday, the writer appeared
much distressed with the recent and copious
criticism which has been leveled at our Con-
It was argued that since the present Congress
is weak we not only should refrain from com-
plaining but rejoice in its weakness which allows
a few competent persons to direct our war
effort with centralized athority.
Not content to stop here, the writer scored
the complacency of a people who were merely
"buying bonds, working in defense industries, -
or serving in the Army."
Somehow, I could not reconcile myself to
this attitude concerning the purpose of our
national legislature. When the people of the
48 states elect their representatives to Con-
gress, it is expected that they will have the
major say regarding the governing of our
country. They are not elected to sit back and
allow a "highly centralized bureaucracy, only
indirectly responsible to the people" take
over the reins of control.
B UT THIS hardly seems to describe the actions
of our present Congress. Certainly they
are not just sitting idly by while others direct
our war effort unhindered. On the contrary,
our congressmen are making themselves felt in
every phase of our war effort.
Felt in su h a way that brings "editorial writ
er, columnis't and reporter" howling at their
'eels. Petty political rifts, peevish sniping at
Administration backs, and above, all incompe-
tence, characterize the present Congress.
In whatever light one may look at tit, Con-
gress is not allowing these "competent people"
to carry on the war unmolested, even if such a
group exists, which is very doubtful. But even
if such a situation did exist, it would be a
strange way to preserve "democratic principles"
by building up an oligarchy disguised by a
powerless Congress.
Our national legislature has been entrusted
with some of the greatest powers of the Con-
stitution. Under its control are the purse
strings of the nation, all appropriations must
be made by it and all provisions made for
raising more money. These and mary other
important poWers, so indispensable to our war
effort have been entrusted to Congress. That
is the reason why the press howls at the in-
competent performance of these duties not to
speak of the unwarranted interference in the
affairs of other departments.
REGARDING the complacency which is said
to characterize the American people, and
that "smug defense worker" who is devoting 10
per cent of his wages to buying bonds, the writer
seems to have a contemptuous attitude. The
people are to be congratulated that they are
doing those tasks so necessary to winning the
war, not to be suspected of performing them
merely because they will be forced to sooner
or later.
The writer was correct in saying that "the
public obviously cannot manage a war." That is
the very reAson why the men whom the public
selects to represent it in the Congress should be
of the highest quality. The public must depend
upon its leaders and its leaders must be men
mK^' non a Ananlnn A

(Major Robert S. Allen on Active nDuty)
WASHINGTON.-Probably at the instance of
the State Department, the efficient Office of
Censorship has been leaning over to untold'
lengths to censor newsmen from carrying even
one scintilla of information regarding the
Churchill-Roosevelt conversations other than
the meager official communique saying that the
two men had had a profitable visit.
Any additional information they contend,
would be a "premature disclosure of diplomatic
Admiral.King Warns Libya
Here is an excerpt from the Washington
Merry-Go-Round of Nov. 4, 1941, one month be-
fore Pearl Harbor, at which time we were al-
ready sending supplies to Libya:
"British demands for greater censorship of the
American press are not new to executives of the
U.S. Army and Navy . . . There is a group
inside the Army and Navy which demands more
facts for themselves regarding the British mili-
tary position. They believe the British have
been too optimistic, that American military stra-
tegists should have all the British facts, dis-
agreeable as they may be, in order to cope with
"One very vigorous members of this school is
Admiral Ernest J. King, commander of the At-
lantic Fleet.
"When Admiral King heard of Admiral Stand-
ley's glowing report on the Russian and Brit-
ish situations he wept to the White House and
registered an emphatic protest against the 'Pol-
lyanna stuff.' He told the President he did not
trust Admiral Standley's report and wanted to
send his own observer to the Mediterranean to
look over the British situation.
"Admiral King can be a tough talker, and he
did not mince words with Roosevelt. He inti-
mated that the President might remove him if
he wished, but that he (King) had to know what
the- U.S. Fleet faced in the Atlantic. So the
President gave him permission to send one of his
own Atlantic Fleet officers to look over the
British situation.
"Loyalties can be no deeper or stronger than
the experiences through which they are ferged,"
reads a sentence in the 1941 statement of the
Educational Policies Commission (p. 55). In
America during the period of current liberalism,
vicarious liv'ing and vicarious teaching are said
to have weakened. We have watched many
values previously achieved by struggle gro' pale,
seen juvenile delinquency increase and indif-
ference grow apace. Among the vanishing values
are siinplicit, reverence, "His word as good as
his bond," marital fidelity, worship of God, vir-
tue for its own sake and a sense of obligation
are a few of such values.
Why has the art of giving and getting vicar-
iously the experience of definite values failed?
Teachers of our children know more facts, have
had richer experiences and understand more
completely the art of teaching than did the
teachers of our parents. Why do we have a
diminishing carry-over of value alongside of our
increasing richness of the teachers? Three
answers are current. (1) Schools are created to
train pupils in factual data, not attitudes, values,
personal character loyalties and religion. (2)
Parents and ministers are the custodians of
value judgments, attitudes, standards and ideals;
hence, the failure is in homes and churches not
in schools and states. (3) It is scientific to rest
the entire case of our future, our institutions
. and of our culture upon a grasp of isolated facts,
but is unscientific to include interpretation,
synthesis and a coordination of facts with value.
And, of course it is more important to be "scien-
tific," analytical, commercial and realistic than
socially efficient, ethically powerful, spiritually
sensitive or contagiously good.
Religion, both Theistic and Humanistic, in
common with philosophy, art and literature
move ;with the common man in holding that to
cause such values as integrity, forgiveness, mag-

nanimity, good-will, sensitivity to the needs of
others, to endure and grow from generation
to generation, is of the essence. A value educa-
tion will cause such traits to become first a
central-conscious sentiment, then a habitual be-
havior and finally to sink into the disposition.
That is, if we are going to carry forward the
humanity for whose behavior we accept account-
ability when we become either parents, or teach-
ers, or ministers, or governors, then we must so
inspire the learner and so emotionalize the facts
which we handle, that the events we present,
the data we survey, the phenomena we observe,
the biographical material we use, the projects we
supervise, the situations we chaperon and even
the school systems or homes we develop will
convey systems as a crucible conveys liquid.
Good teaching guarantees that the values
which are superior, the ideals which are highest,
the standards most alluring, the steps most cer-
tain to spell progress and the goals most ade-
quate for- the human soul will live in the stu-
dent, endure in the learner with a fertility, a
momentum and an eternal quality superior to

"What King and other Army-Navy command-
ers are chiefly worried about is the British posi-
tion in the Near East. Here morale is reported
at low ebb; troops are still poorly equipped. All
of which may be highly exaggerated. But U.S.
Army and Navy strategists want to know-with-
out any British censorship."
Note: Again after the Churchill-Roosevelt
conversations last December, American news-
papers told how Admiral King was skeptical
about Churchill's plan to make Libya a second
front, wanted to concentrate on the Dutch East
Indies and Australia instead. This time, how-
ever, the American press, thanks to new and
more rigorous censorship, can carry no details
of the Churchill-Roosevelt conversations-except
for what Churchill himself announces in the
House of Commons.
Labor Shortage
War chiefs apprehensively expect the real
pinch in labor shortage to develop this fall-un-
less the Man Power Board takes forceful meas-
ures to avert such crisis.,
So far, MPB has done-little concrete. It has
pow-wowed frequently and lengthily, issued
some generalized pronouncements. But it has
yet to institute any specific measures to pro-
vide the additional millions of workers who will
be needed as the stupendous war production pro-
gram moves into peak stride.
Experts estimate that more than 5,000,000
additional workers will be needed in this new in-
dustrial army. That is, 5,000,000 more than now
are employed in war plants.
With epiployment already at an all-time
record, new sources of labor supply must be
tapped. These sources, according to the ex-
perts, are (1) women; (2) workers employed in
non-war (consumer goods) industries; (3)
youths under draft age.
- Still another major labor pool listed by the
experts is, longer working hours. This is a very
hot potato and will have to be handled gingerly.
But sooner or later it will have to be faced-
botlef by the government and by the unions.
Shifting labor from consumer goods plants to
war work also is a touchy problem. In many
cases it will mean moving large numbers of
workers from one town or one section to another
-which, won't be easy, especially fo remployes
of long-established plants.
Sawdail and
I've heard a lot of talk lately about conscien-
tious objectors. You know how it is, you go to
places Where people are sitting around and talk-
ing and there's nearly always a fat business
man in a pin-striped suit who buys war bonds
and says that C. O's should be sent to Germany
or a faded housewife with a new permanent who
calls C.O.'s "shirkers" and "cowardly good-for-
nothings." They're the people who say that war
was inevitable-"if we weren't fighting the Japs
would be bombing New York," you know how
it goes.
In wartime, I suppose that the "spirited patri-
otism" that inspires such narrow mindedness is
a necessary buffer against complete national
hysteria. Sometimes though, when I hear them
talking, when I hear someone question the
patriotism of conscientious objectors, I think
about my great, great grandfather. That's why
I'm going to tell you about him now, because all
of this makes me think about him and because
I'm a little proud of him on the side.
You see my great, great grandfather was a
Quaker and at the beginning of the last century
he led a little band of persecuted followers out
from North Carolina or so the story goes, to a
place near what is now Richmond, Ind. There,
in the wilderness with what has become proverb-
ial Quaker resourcefulness and frugality they
set up a small, neat village, much like other
small, neat villages that had been set up by
groups of hunters and explorers in the vicinity.
In fact there was no difference between his vil-

lage and the others except that his had no wall
and that the Indians were invited toeettle near
its outskirts and to trade with the townsfolk.
The village, according to the legend, pros-
pered, and other bands of Quakers came out
from the East to join the original "brethren.'"
In all of the first several years there had been
no trouble with the Indians although surround-
ing towns were burned and rebuilt innumerable
times and there was still no wall around my'
grandfather's town or a gun in any house.
At the end of the third year my Grandfather
received word that a tribe of Indians,, new in
the territory, was coming directly toward his
village and that they had burned every town in
their path. Grandfather reported the news to
the town council but recommended that since
the town had been set up as a Quaker one, no
change of policy, no provisions for protection
should be made. The council, however, refused
to accept his advice and the town was hurried-
ly surrounded by an earthen wall, houses were
locked for the first time and guns were bought
from hunters in the vicinity.

VOL. LI, No. 15-S
All Notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
Summer Session before 3:30 p.m. of the
day preceding its publication except on
Saturday, when the notices should be
submitted before 11:30 a.m.
First Vespers of the Summer Sea-
son will be held in the Rackham Lec-
ture Hall on Sunday night at 8:00
o'clock. Dr. Louis A. Hopkins, Di-
rector of the Summer Session will
speak on the subject "The University
in War Time." Students, Faculty
and townspeople are cordially in-
Practical Christianity: Miss E. J.
Wheeler, Ass't. Professor of Litera-
ture at Wheaton College discusses,
"Practical Christianity" at the Mich-
igan Christian Fellowship meeting
this Sunday afternoon, June 5th at
4:30 p.m. in Lane Hall.
Campus Worship: Mid-day Wor-
ship at the Congregational Edifice,
State and William Streets, each
Tuesday and Thursday at 12:10 p.m.
Open to all. Adjourn at- 12:30. Led
by the various Ann Arbor Clergymen.
Henry O. Yoder, Chairman.
Daily Mass at St. Mary's Chapel,
Williams and Thompson Streets, at
7:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m., Father Frank
J. McPhillips officiating. Open to
Dr. Edward W. Blakeman,
Counselor in Religious Education
First Presbyterian Church. Sunday
Morning Worship, 10:45 a.m. "The
Religion We Need," subject of the
sermon by Dr. John\Wirt Dunning,
recent president of Alma College,
Alma, Michigan.
Westminster Student Guild joins
the Interguild at 8:00 p.m. at the
Rackham Building.
Memorial Christian Church (Dis-
ciples): 10:48 a.m. Morning worship.
Rev. Frederick Cowin, Minister.
There will be no Disciples Guild Sun-
day Evening Hour. All students are
urged to attend thehcam us-wide
vesper service at the Rackharn
Building at 8:00 p.m.
Unitarian Church: 11:00 a.m.
Church Service. Topic: "Interde-
pendence" an Independence Day ser-
mon with recordings of national an-
thems ad reading of poetry.
6:30: Meet at church for outing to
Helm Residence on Geddes Rd., dis-
cussion of "Unitarians and New
World Order."
The Lutheran Student Association
will meet at the Parish Hall Sunday,
July 5, at 5:30 to go to Rev. and
Mrs. Stelhorn's home at 120 Pack-
ard for an evening meeting.
Trinity Lutheran Church: Worship
services will be held Sunday at 10:30
with Rev. H. O. Yoder speaking on
the subject "vito True Abundance."
Zion Lutheran Church: Sunday
morning service will be held at 10:30,
Rev. Stelhorn using as his text,
"Taken Captive By Jesus."
First Baptist Church, 512 East Hu-
ron, C. H. Loucks, Minister. Sunday,
July 5, 1942. 10:00 a.m. Children's
Departments of the Church School.
10:15 a.m. Adult, Classes of the
Church School. The Student Class,
led by Mr. Loucks, will study "Con-
fucianism" in a series of discussions
on "The World's Living Religions."
11:00 a.m. The Church at Worship.
Monthly Observance of the Lord's
Supper. Sermon, "Walking Togeth-

7:00 p.m. The Roger Williams
Guild meets in the Guild House, 502
East Huron.
Dr. Charles Brashares, pastor of
the 1st Methodist Church will con-
tinue the discussion of "Week Day
Religious Instruction in the Public
Schools." His subject will be "The
Cooperation ofs the Church and
Wesley Foundation: Regular Sun-
day evening program for all Uni-
versity students and friends. Profes-
sor Maurer will speak on "The Social
Function of the Church." Follow-
ing his talk, three summer series dis-
cussion groups will meet. Supper
and fellowship hour- at.6:00 p.m.
Program at 6:40.
Children's Play Group: No further
registrations will be taken' in this
group as the enrollment is closed.
Department of Physical
Education for Women
All ROTC Cadets marching in the
4th of July Parade: The ROTC sec-
tion of the parade will form at the
ROTC Headquarters at 2:30 p.m.
Saturday, July 4, 1942.
Arthur G. Volz, Jr.
Cdt. 2d Lt. U.S.R.O.T.C.
School of Education Lectures. N.B.
The lecture scheduled for Wednes-
day, "China in American Schools,"
1 n tArp 4



by Mr. Bangnee A. Liu of the China
Institute will be given on Tuesday
afternoon at 4:05 in the University
High School Auditorium, and Mr. El-
don Mason, Field Representative for
the Junior Red Cross of St. Louis
will speak at this time on Wednes-
day afternoon.
Political Science 182s, Political
Theory, will meet in room 2203 A.H.
at 7:30 Monday evening, July 6.
L. Preuss
An informal reception for faculty
and students in the Departments of
Greek and Latin will be held Mon-
day, July 6, at 8:00 p.m. in the
Michigan League.
Speech Students: Mr. Howard Bay
will be the speaker at the second
departmental assembly Wednesday
at 3:00 p.m. in the Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre. His topic will be "The
Designer's Contribution toProduc-
tion." All Speech students should
The regular Tuesday lecture on
the "Weekly Review of the War" by
Professor Howard M. Ehrmann, De-
partment of History is scheduled for
4:15 in the Amphitheatre of the
RackhamtBuilding.These lectures
will continue through the Summer
Session and are open to the public.
GraduateSchool: The preliminary
examinations in French and Ger-
man fbr the doctorate will be given
on Monday, July 6th, in the Amphi-
theatre of the Rackham building, at
four o'clock. Dictionaries may be
The Graduate Outing Club will
meet Sunday afternoon at 2:30 at
the northwest door of Rackham Hall
for a hike through the arboretum
and surrounding territory. A picnic
supper will be served for a small
charge en route. Committees to ex-
ecute recreational events for the re-
mainder of the summer will be ap-
pointed Sunday afternoon, and all
interested members are urged to at-
r Robert W. Stevens,
Acting President
Stud'ents of the College of Litera-
ture, Science, and the Arts: No
courses may be elected for credit
after the end of the second week.
Saturday, July 11, is 'therefore the
last day on which new elections may
be approved. The willingness of an
instructor to admit a student later
will not affect - the operation of this
rule. E. A. Walter, Assistant Dean
The regular Tuesday evening pro-
gram of recorded music in the Men's
Lounge of thebRackham Building at
8:00 p.m. will be as follows:
Beethoven: Concerto in D Major,
Heifetz with Toscanini and the NBC
Bach: Toccatas and 1Fugues for
Organ, Carl Weinrich on the "Prae-
torius" Organ at Westminster Choir
Ravel: Quartet in F, Budapest
String Quartet.
Schubert: Ave Maria, Marian An-
derson accompanied by Kosti Veha-
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
will hold the first of its series of
four meetings Wednesday, July 8 at
the Rackham Lecture Hall, at 7:00
p.m. All those interested in regis-
t ring for positions of any type are
ahked to be present. There will be
speakers at this meeting who will
discuss the opportunities in Govern-.
ment services, defense jobs, and oth-
ers that are immediately available.

o'clock, in 3001 A.H. G. Y. Rainich
Phi Delta Kappa luncheon, Tues-
day at 12:10 at the Michigan Union,
The speaker will be Mr. Bangnee A.
Liu of the China Institute.
Mathematics Graduate Tea. An in-
formal tea will be given by the staff
of the Department of Mathematics
and their wives for the graduate stu-
dents in the Department (and their
wives or husbands) in the Garden of
the Michigan League on Thursday,
July 9, from 4 to t p.m.
T. H. Hildebrandt
The German Department is spon-
soring German language tables in
the alcove of the Women's League
cafeteria beginning June 29 for the
duration of the Summer Session.
Luncheon and dinner (cafeteria
style) at 12:15 and 6:15 respectively
All students of German, faculty
members and othels interested in ac-
quiring practice in spoken German
are cordially invited.
Preliminary Examinations for the
Ph.D. degree in English will be given
according to the following schedule
from 9-12 a.m. in 3217 Angell Hall:
American Literature with Conti-
nental Backgrounds, July 22.
English Literature 1700-1900, July
English Literature 1550-1700, July
English Literature, Beginnings to
1550, Aug. 1.
All those intending to take the ex-
aminations should notify Professor
N. E. Nelson, 3223 Angell Hall, by
July 15.
Social Functions at the Michigan
League: Beginners class in social
dancing meets Tuesday nights, 7:30
in the Michigan League ballroom.
Students intending to take this
course should register not later than
The Intermediate class in social
dancing meets Wednesday nights at
7:30 in the Michigan League. Stu-
dents intending to take this course
should register not later than Wed-
Square dancing. A special class for -
instruction in square dancing meets
at 5:00 p.m. on Mondays in Michigan
League Ballroom. This class begins
July 6. No charge.:
Square Dancing. First meeting of
this group is on Monday at 7:30 p.m.
in the Michigan League Ballroom.
No charge.
All students interested in First
Aid courses must register by 2:00
p.m. on July 6. Please call Social
Director's Office, Michigan beague.
Guy Criss Simpson, a graduate stu-
dent in the SchoolofiMusic, will
present an organ recital at 8:30
Monday evening, July 6, in Hill Audi-
torium. The program is given in
partial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the degree of Master of
Music and will include works of
Bach, Mozart, Franck and Vierne.
The public is cordially invited.
Aeronautical Engineering Seniors:
There will be available in the De-
partment of Aeronautical Engineer-
ing, for the fall and spring terms of
1942-1943, two Frank P. Sheehan
Scholarships. The selection of can-
didates for these scholarships is
made very largely on the basis of
scholastic standing. Applications
will be received up to August 1, 1942.
Students wishing to makt applica-
tion should address them to Dr. A.
M. Kuethe, B-47 East Engineering
Building, and should give a brief
statement of their qualifications aid-
experience in regard to both their
scholastic work and any outside ex-

"But mother, it isn't Tommy's fault that he ran out of gas-all per-
fectly nice young men are running out of gas now adays!"

By Lichty



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