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July 01, 1942 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1942-07-01

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German Ob jectives On Russian Front
Pro . Ehrmann j
Lake 0400
Reviews War ... STATUTE MILES4
In Weekly Talk Riv
"The three most significant hap- RAYA
enings were the Roosevelt-Church- UASNA
Russia and the British disaster in R Z E
[ibya," declared Prof. Howard M.AZAN
Ehrmann of the history department
in his weekly University-sponsoreds
'Weekly Review of the War."h
Of the surprise visit of the Brit-
,sh Prime Minister and the subse- r
,ient conferences, Professor Ehr- OREL
nann declared that "it is too early KURSK VORONEZH
o base much on Churchill's visit."
Recalling Churchill's two previousI
visits with Roosevelt, Professor Ehr-
nann pointed out the close collabora- KHARK n KUPYA NSK
ion that resulted. Similarly, a sec-
and front might be expected, but not y® -STALINGRAD
until the Nazi Libyan drive has been /
topped, he said. A
Professor Ehrmann told of the TAGANROG.
Grand strategy employed in the Rus- *ASTRAKHAN
5=n and Libyan drives which were
Ponted toward Iraq and Iran, paint- .yKECH
ng an unoptimistic picture of the
present stage of the war. Germany's offensive in the Kursk area on the Russian front, aimed
at Voronezh (1), on the Moscow-to-Rostov Railway, met stubborn re-
Unlcked Bike S In sistance. The slowed-up German drive in the Kharkov sector had the
I Don River and Stalingrad (2) as a target.

Speech Group
To Hear Talk
By Prof. Owen
League Lfnclicoi Opens
Department Of Spieeh
Summer Activities
The speech department will open
its summer activities today when it
holds its annual luncheon and also
the first of seven weekly depart-
mental assemblies.
Sponsored by the department for
its students and faculty, the lunch-
eon will take place at 12:15 p.m. in
the League ballroom.
Guests who will be honored include
Dr. S. W. Donaldson; Dr. Louis A.
Hopkins, director of the summer ses-
sion; Dr. Edward H. Kraus, dean of
the literary college; Miss Ethel A.
McCormick, social director of the
summer session; Prof. Emeritus
Clarence L. Meader, Dr. Peter Okkle-
berg, assistant dean of the Graduate
School; Prof. Emeritus Henry A.
Sanders; Dr. Leon H. Strong; Clark
Tibbitts, director of the Instituts for
Human Adjustment; Professor Emer-
itus Thomas C. Trueblood, founder
of the 'speech department; Dr. Lloyd
S. Woodburne, assistant dean of the
literary college, and Dr. Clarence
Yoakum, dean of the Graduate
The speaker of the assembly, to be
held at 3 p.m.. will be Prof. David
Owen, who will discuss "Radio Per-
Professor Owen, who .joined the
staff of the department in 1941. was
formerly associated with both the
Columbia Broadcasting System and
National Broadcasting Company as
director of such radio shows as "Fib-
ber McGee and Molly," "First Night-
er," and "Jack Armstrong." He has
the distinction of having started the

( T~rrrn i rr s rf i 't rn #



Ed Emmert, Frank Maltby and Pete
Schenk, formerly at Arcade Barber
Shop, now operating Varsity Shop
on William near State. 1
BOARD OFFERED by Kappa Sigma
fraternity. Good meals at ,$1.00
per day. Inquire at 806 Hill or
phone 4850.
STUDENTS for evening work. Mil-
ler Dairy Store, 533 S Main. 5c
Extension dining table and six
chairs, leather seats. 2910 Geddes.
loom Chinese Rugs; Eliot Address-
ograph; Portable Singer machine;
Electrolux vacuum cleaner; ma-
hogany library table and rocker;
big overstuffed chair; oak bureau
with long mirror; oak combined
typewriter and study desk. Do not
phone. 928 Church. 4c
BLACK KEY CASE containing im-
portant keys in vicinity of Hill and
Forest. Call 2-2491. 2

PRESBYTERIANS and their friends
-Scavenger Hunt Friday at 8.
Prizes - Dancing - Refreshments
-On the House. 6c
WANTED-Several copies of THE
day, March 11, and Sunday, April
5. Must have these copies for im-
portant record files. WILL PAY.
Call Mrs. Wallace, 2-3241.
WANTED PLEASE-Some nice lady
to throw my shirts in a no-starch
wash with her husband's or son's
and do them like mom does. Will
pay laundry rates, drop off and
pick them up. Will Sapp, 23-24-1.
LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. 2c
Each bundle done separatey,
by hand
No Markings
Silks, Wools and Coeds' Laundry
Our Specialty
Shirts -16c
All our work is guaranteed
Cash and Carry

VOL. LU. No. 12-S
All Notices for the Daily Official Bl
letin are to be sent to the office of the
Summer Session before 3:30 p.m. of the
day preceding its publication except on
Saturday, when the notices should be
submitted before 11:30 a.m.
There will be an assembly of un-
dergraduate and graduate students
interested in education (University
High School Auditorium) on Wednes-
day afternoon at 4:15.
Men's Education Club: 7:15 Wed-,
nesday, July 1, in the Michigan Un-
ion. An organization meeting. And
Dr. Dwight L. Dumond will speak on
the War Outlook.
The Inter-Racial Association an-
nounces its first meeting Wednesday
night, July 1st, 8:00 p.m. at the
Michigan Union. Prof. Leslie White,
Chairman of the Anthropolgy Depart-
ment, will present the scientific view-
point on race and race relations.
Australia, a Base for Strategy will
be the subject of an illustrated lecture
given by Professor Stanley Dodge
of the Geography Department on
Thursday afternoon at 4:15 in the
Amphitheatre of the Rackham Build-
ing. The public is invited. This is
the first of a series of Thursday lec-
tures at this time.
Varsity Glee Club: All former mem-
bers of the Varsity Glee Club inter-
ested in singing together this sum-
mer meet in the Glee Club Room,
third floor, Michigan Union, at 7:30,
p.m. Thursday, July 2. Bring eli-
gibility cards.
James A. 0. Crowe, Manager
There will be a meeting of the In-
stitute of Aeronautical Science,
Thursday night at 7:30, Michigan
Union. Room 318-320. Motion pic-
tures of Skull Characteristics of the
Lockheed 14 will be shown. All En-
gineers are invited.
Pi Lambda Thetas hold social hour
and meetings Thursday night at 8:00
o'clock in the Rackham Conference
Room. All Pi Lambda Thetas in-
vited and urged to attend.
Guy Criss Simpson, a graduate stu-
dent on the School of Music, will
present an organ recital at 8:30
Monday evening, July 6, in Hill Audi-
torium. The program is given in
partial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the degree of Master of
Music and will include works of
Bach, Mozart, Franck and Vierne.
The public is cordially invited.
Seminar in Physical Chemistry will
meet Wednesday, July 1, in Room 122
Chemistry Building at 1:30 p.m. Dr.
R. N. Keller will speak on "Coordina-
tion compounds of olefines with me-

tallie salts."

All interested are in-
V. Fajans

Elementary Radio: The second
meeting of E. E. 23N will be held
Wednesday morning, July 1st, at
eight o'clock. All those interested
please be there. Robert W. Ehrlick
Psychology 42. Abnormal Psychol-
ogy make-up examination will be
given Thursday afternoon, July 2,
Room 2125 Natural Science Building.
History Exams: Make-up examina-
tions in History will be held on Fri-
day, July 3, from two to four in Room
C, Haven Hall. Students wishing to
take make-up examinations must re-
port to the office of the History De-
partment, 119 Haven Hall, before
July 3, and must bring the written
permission of their instructors in
History to the examinations.
A. E. R. Boak
Gradua.te School: The preliminary
examinations in French and Ger-
man for the doctorate will be given
on Monday, July 6th, in the Amphi-
theatre of the Rackham building, at
four o'clock. Dictionaries may be
Musie Education: -C211 Special
Problems in Elementary and Junior
High Music changed to Room 506
Chorus and A capella Choir, 2nd
floor Lane Hall.
C201, Proseminar, hour changed to
8 a.m. David Mattern
Women Students: The Women's
Department of Physical Education
offers class instruction as well as in-
formal play in Archery, Badminton,
Golf, Tennis, Swimming. Dancing,
Outing, Riding, Recreational Leader-
ship, Life Saving and Body Condi-
tioning. Uegister in Room 15, Bar-
bour Gymnasium.
Dept. of Physical Education
for Women.
The German Department is spon-
soring German language tables in
the alcove of the Women's League
cafeteria beginning June 29 for the
duration of the Summer Session.
Luncheon and dinner (cafeteria
style) at 12:15 and 6:15 respectively.
(Continued on Page 4)
Total Navy Losses Since
Pearl Harbor Related
(By The Associated Press)
Western Atlantic ship losses by the
United and neutral nations since
Pearl Harbor amounted to 327 in the
unofficial Associated Press tabula-
tion with the announcement by the
Navy Department yesterday that
three more merchantmen had been
sunk with a presumed loss of 67 lives.
All three ships were torpedoed,
rescued crewmen related.

first daytime and
on the air.

children's shows

SCHAEFFER Junior Fountain Pen
lost somewhere on campus Thurs-
day night. Call 4329. 3



Lets All D Our Part.. .
Buy War Stamps and Bonds
Today! 4 .
Phone 3542 ... North End of Diagonal ... 715 N. University
Authorized RCA VICTOR Dealers

Schools' Help
In War Urged
By Lecturers
Yale Professor Reveals
Failure of Educeationt
To Assist Ini IDeense
Problems that the Civilian Defense
Organizations have faced and the
place of the schools in aiding the
work were discussed by Prof. S. M.
Brownwell of Yale University yester-
day at the University High School
in the second of a series of lectures
sponsored by the School of Educa-
tion. The first of these talks was
given Monday by Dean J. B. Edmon-
son on the question "What is Ahead
in Education?"
"Three Ihundred years ago the sett-
lers who came to this country had to
rely on their own ingenuity in order
to. survive and today we are in the
same position, where each household
has to be set up to take care of its
own defense and also participate in
the defense of the community."
Civilian Defense In Schools
The voluntary cooperation of each
individual with existing groups and
the guiding role of the schools as
teachers for local defense units was
the basis of Professor Brownwell's
speech, "Civilian Defense and the
Civilian Defense organization calls
for the coordination not only of local
agencies but also of social agencies,
private utilities and other independ-
ent groups, and Dr. Brownwell stated
that the schools seem to have ig-
nored their highly important func-
tion of the training of volunteers to
assist the governmental units.
In considering what Civilian De-
fense has demonstrated of signifi-
cance to the schools, he emphasized
the tremendous untapped resources
for adult education which have previ-
ously gone unnoticed, the fact that
people generally want to participate
in their local government without
pay, the schools are well located to
carry out their task, adults are anxi-
ous to learn and more things can be
accomplished by volunteer leadership
than is realized.
In his speech Monday, Dean J B.
Edmonson of the University of Michi-
gan predicted that the schools will
have to expand their pograms great-
ly in order to assume greater respon-
sibility for their pupils at least up
to the age of 19. This would serve to
reduce juvenile delinquency.
Dr. Dumond To Speak
The Men's Education Club will
meet at 7:15 p.m. in the Union and
Dean James B. Edmonson of the
education school will attend to help
organize the group, which has Dr.
Claude Eggertsen as faculty sponsor.
A talk on the war situation will be
given by Dr. Dwight L. Dumond of
the history department.
This afternoon there is to be an
assembly at the University High
School. The lecture scheduled for
Thursday afternoon has been can-

(l Tl1



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Enjoy Your Meals at the


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Matinees 25c incl. tax


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The one and only time-tested
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Produced and used in the
heart of the South. Be com-;
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SUITS 14.50
COATS 10.50



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We must help by Buying War Savings Bonds and
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As one of the 1,900,000 retailers in the United States, the
"Commandos of Main Street," we are participating in the
plan of all retailers to jointly sell at least ONE BILLION
We have made it convenient for you to purchase WAR
take part of your change in War Stamps. We repeat War
Stamps are the best value this store has ever been privi-
leaed to offer.


\.r N








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