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June 24, 1942 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1942-06-24

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Edited and ranaged by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publicatipns.
Tho Summer Dailyis published every morning except
Monda and'Tuesday.
M dember of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or' otherwise credited In thisnewspaper, All rights
of republication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptionsa uring the regular school year by car-
rier $4.00, by mail $s.0.0
National Advertisi6g Service, Inc,
a College Publishers ReP sentative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42
Editorial Staff
Homer Swander . . Managing Editor
Will Sapp* . . . .City FEditor
Mike Dann . . . . . Sports Editor
Hale Champion, John Erlewine. Leon Gordenker,
Irving Jaffe. Robert Preiskel

lusiness Staff

Edward Perlberg
Fredi M. Ginsberg
Morton Hunter

S . . , Business Manager
. . Associate Business Manager
. . .Publications Manager

WASHINGTON-Wendell Willkie is wrestling
with-the toughest decision of his political life.
He must choose between taking off the gloves
and wading bluntly into a powerful Republican
ffice-seeker whose views he detests. or remain
silent and permit himself to be elbowed out of
party leadership.
It is not an'easy decision to make.
The GOP leader whom Willkie would have to
challenge publicly is Thomas E. Dewey, candidate
for governor of New York and aspirant for the
White House in 1944. Dewey has been on all
sides on the foreign policy issue and recently
was quoted as declaring that while he was
against "Ham" Fish it was because of his asso-
ciations and not his isolationist views. It was
not until ten days later, after the quotation ap-
peared in an advertisement, that Dewey con-
tended he had been misquoted.
Willkie is publicly opposing the re-election of
Fish. But. so far he has not publicly thrown
down the gauntlet to Dewey, whom he disap-
proves of privately almost as strongly as he ob-
jects to Fish.
Reason is, Willkie believes that to oppose
Dewey actively would entail becoming a can-
didate himself, as there is no other Republican
who can possibly stop Dewey. And Willkie sin-
cerely does not want to run for governor.
But close friends, chiefly the young, liberal
Republicans who were the backbone of the spec-
tacular campaign which won him the GOP nom-
ination in 1940 over the violent opposition of the
machine bosses, are arguing differently with
Willkie. They say very frankly that it is not
enough for him to be against GOP isolationism;
that if he means what he says he must take up
the cudgels militantly and fight for his views
within the party.
Popular Hero
These advisers have told Willkie that they and
the politicians know he considers Dewey an iso-
lationist, and closely tied up with Herbert Hoo-
ver, Alf Landon, Joe Pew and other Old Guard
and isolationist% party forces. But the great
mass of people do not know this, the advisers
point out, and won't know it unless Willkie as-
serts his leadership and dells them so publicly.
Willkie intimates also have told him that the
sole basis of his strength is popular support; that
the m chine politicos always '+ave been against
him, d that he can never make his influence
fet except by going over their heads as he did
in winning the 1940 nomination.
These advisers are strongly urging Willkie
to disregard the politicos and go direct to the
people. They hold that Willkie can't lose if he
will do that even if Dewey, through control of
the convention machinery, does capture the
gubernatorial nomination.
Willkie's stature and influence with the great
mass of voters, these friends contend, will be
stronger than ever.

Party Unity
This militant counsel is being countered
strongly by old-line GOP chiefs on two grounds.
One, that if he opens fire on Dewey, there is
grave danger of disrupting "party unity." The
other is that Willkie would play squarely into
the hands of the New Dealers.
These arguments are carrying much weight
with Willkie because of his deep conviction that
in these disturbed days it is vital for democracy
to maintain the two-party system. Willkie is
much concerned about preserving this U.S. sys-
tem. He sincerely believes that its continuance
is endangered, and he harbors very definite sus-
picions regarding Franklin Roosevelt.
However, at the same time, Willkie is equally
disturbed about the powerful isolationist forces
within the Republican party. He considers them
just as menacing to the welfare of the nation
as the Democrats he suspects of having designs
on the two-party system.
How to fight both most effectively is the
problem he is up against, and so far he hasn't
found the answer.
- One of the busiest crusaders for government
economy is Henry Merritt Wriston, socialite
president of Brown University. As chairman of
the Citizens' Emergency Committee on Non-
Defense Expenditures, Dr Wriston has bom-
barded Congress with impassioned demands for
cuts in the budgets of the National Youth Ad-
ministration and other agencies.
Also, he has functioned as a leading backstage
adviser of Senator Harry F. Byrd of Virginia,
anti-New Deal chairman of the Joint Economy
Committee on Non-Defense Spending.
However, like many politicos, Dr. Wriston
doesn't apply his economy dogmas to expendi-
tures in which he has a personal interest.
The educator recently wrote to Senator Theo-
dore F. Green of Rhode Island, vigorously de-
manding that the Senate recede from a 40 per-
cent reduction it voted in the State Depart-
ment's budget for "printing and binding."
"The amount available for printing and bind-
ing has been reduced to such an extent," pro-
tested Dr. Wriston, "that it would prevent the
publication of tfhe records of the Paris Peace
Conference of 1919." a
Suggestion To Uncle Sam
Here is an example which might be followed
very profitably by Uncle Sam:
In Australia every business man appointed to
a jpb with a government war agency must first
go to a special school for one month to learn
how to cut redtape. According to Australians
this system has been extremknely successful in
speeding up governmental administration.
Not only could the idea well be applied to U.S.
business men, but also to a great many govern-
ment officials, particularly Army, Navy and
State Department brasshats.


The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
taff and represent the views of the writers
AUow Bridges To
HIelp War Effort.
the labor-baiting employers of San
Francisco when he led a general strike in 1934
that spread from his realm at the waterfront to
tie up the entire city.
There had been no union in San Francisco or
its southern rival, Los Angeles, since tle IWW
fell to pieces. The employers were afraid-very
much afraid-that the West Coast stronghold
of the open shop would fall.
They had to get something on the dynamic
new leader. .And they did. Harry Bridges had
come from Australia, neglected to take out citi-
zens4ip papers and was still an alien.
THR.EETIMES Bridges Was accused of beingy
affiliated with organizations advocating over-
throw of they government. The House of Repre-
sentatives twice passed bills-fortunately killed
in Senate committees-providing for immediate
depprtation of Bridges.
His first trial at which Dean James Lhndis,
new director of the OCD, presided, ended with a
verdict absolving Bridges of any connection witp
revolutionary organizations. In the second trial
before Judge Charles B. Sears he was found
guilty of belonging to a revolutionary organiza-
tion. This decision was reversed by the Board of
Immigration Appeals.
On May 28 Attorney General Francis Biddle
on his own initiative once more reversed the
decision and ordered Bridges deported.
THE CRUX of the charges against Bridges was
that he was a Communist and later that he
was affiliated with Communists. Biddle said
that Communists were attempting to destroy the
government of the United States.
Evd"ence that Bridges belonged to the Com-
munist Party was scanty and unreliable. Both
Bean Laidis and the Board of Appeals threw
out the only testimony on this subject.
A further consideration is that even if Bridges
were a member of the Communist Party it would
be difficult to prove that the party is after
revolution. The complexion of the Daily Worker
has changed so much sin~ce the war that one
would think it the bulletin of a super-patriotic
Biddle over- eaJously applied a stupid law
wien h ,oderd Bridges' deportation. He
could have waited until the war was over be-
fore Ie applied the law and might have found
excellent reason postponing action.
ARRY JRIDQES has been a great force in
controlling the hot-headed waterfront work-
ers of the West Coast. His followers applied a
speed-rap to themselves to load the important
ships quicker than normally. And they have con-
tinually exposed inefficient management.
Workers on the West Coast docks are impor-
tant to the war effort. The ruge factories of
California, which has a larger share of war con-
tracts than any other state in the nation, need
those ships.
The workers, of the dockcs were uniofed under
Harry Brdges' leadership--now they are re-
sentful of the goernment. Biddle's move may
be the cause of much unrest and disunity.

VOL. LIL No. 7-S
All Notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of {he
Summer Session before 3:30 p.m. of the
day preceding its publication except on
Saturday. when the notices should be
submitted before 11:30 a.m,
Women Students: The informal
picnic for women students, which
was scheduled to be held on Wed-
nesday., June 24 at the fireplace near
the Women's Athletic Building, has
been postponed indefinitely.
Dept. of Physical Education
for Women.
Student Organizations which are
active during the Summer Term
should file a list of officers with the
Dean of Students at once. That of-
fice now has mail for certain groups
which cannot be delivered for lack
of this information.
Certificate of Eligibility: At the
beginning of each semester and sum-
mer session every student shall be
conclusively presumed to be ineligi-
ble for any public activity until his
eligibility is affirmatively established
by obtaining from thetChairmanof
the Committee on Student Affairs,
in the Office of the Dean of Stu-
dents, a Certificate of Eligibility.
Participation before the opening of
the first semester must be approved
as at any other time. *
Chairmen and Managers of Public
Activities: Before permitting any
students to participate in a public
activity, the chairman or manager of
such activity shall (a) require each
applicant to present a certificate of
eligibility, (b) sign his initials on the
back of such certificate and (c) file
with the'Chairman of the Committee
on Student Affairs the names of all
those who have presented certifi-
cates of eligibility and a signed
statement to exclude all others from
larticipation. Banks for the chair-
men's lists may be obtained in the
Office of the Dean of Students.
Electrical Engineering 23N. Ele-
mentary Radio will be offered dur-
ing the Summer Session if there is
sufficient enrollment. This course
has no prerequisite and gives 4 hours
of credit. Students interested in
electing the course should call Miss
Loffi, Telephone 443.
The Government has requested
this University to help standardize a
psychological test for one' of the!
branches of the armed forces. We are
requesting undergraduate men stu-
dents to volunteer to take the test. It
will be given from seven to ten p.m.
today, Wednesday, in Natural Science
Auditorium. B. D. Thuma
Faculty, College of Literature, Sci-
ence. and the Arts: Attendance re-
port cards are being distributed
through the departmentaloffices.
Instructors are requested to report
absences of freshmen on green cards,
directly to the Office of the Aca-
demic Counselors, 108 Mson Hall.
Buff cards should be used in report-
ing sophomores, juniors, and seniors
to 1220 Angeli Hall.
Please note especially the regula-
tions concerning three-week ab-
sences, and the time limits for drop-
ping courses. The rules relating to
absences are printed on the attend-
ance cards. They may also be found
on page 52 of the 1941-42 Announce-
ment of our College.
E. A. Walter, Assistant Dean
The Storehouse Building will act
as a receiving center for scrap rub
ber and also- metals. Any depart-

ment on the Campus having metals
or rubber to dispose of for defense
purposes. please call Ext. 337 or 317
and the materials will be picked up
by the trucks which make regular
campus deliveries. Service of the
janitors is available to collect the
materials from the various rooms in
the buildings to be delivered to the
receiving location.
E. C. Pardon
Exhibition, College of Architecture
and Design: English war posters il-
lustrating present life in England.
Third floor exhibition room, Archi-
tecture Building. Open daily 9 to 5,
except Sunday until July 1. The pub-
lic is invited.
Episcopal Students: Tea will be
served for Episcopal students and
their friends at Harris Hall this
afternoon, 4:00 to 5:15. Evening
Prayer will be held at 5:15 in Bishop
Williams Chapel.
Episcopal Students: There will be
a celebration of the Holy Communion
at 7:10 Thursday morning in Bishop
Williams Chapel, Harris Hall. Break-
fast will be served after the service.
Apparatus Exchange: The Regents
authorize the sale of scientific ap-
paratus by one department to an-
other, the proceeds of the sale to be
credited to the budget account of the
department from which the apparatus
is transferred, under followiig condi-

An Axe To Grind

So I tell Mamie that she wouldn't do no better than 4-F
in the draft herself.

BEFORE SATURDAY, we had never been to a
wedding. Imagine if you will a grown person
so cut off from the ordinary realm of
polite society. But Saturday, the guy went
and did it, and we got an invitation,
and mighty lucky at that. So came the
day, and there we were, in our best and only tie,
walking up the noble cracked stone steps of the
East Jefferson Presbyterian Church (Detroit),
walking up..the steps armed with a female com-
The first thing you do is worry about losing
the invitation, but they don't even ask for it.
Instead, a rather smooth looking gent sidles up
to us and friend, grabs the babe from off my
arm, and escorts her down the aisle. We fol-.
lowed rather sheep-doggishly, but belligerent in
our desire to make sure the guy wasn't leading,
her into a back room, and stumbling several
UAW-CIO Conference
IMnplmetLs Denmoc racy.
for more democracy and a more
enlightened leadership in workers' organizations,
inay well look at the UAW-CIO educational con-
ference being held here this week for the answer
to their fondest wishes, or for the biggest hob-
goblin that ever haunted their reactionary
The more than 200 hundred delegates attend-
ing the conference. one in a series being con-
ducted at universities all over the country, are
being instructed in fair labor practices, effective
organisation, rationing, taxes, housing and other
problems of importance to workers, and will pass
on their newly acquired information to all CIO
HE classes and conferences are part of the
CIO educational program intended to com-
plement democracy. to develop an organization
capable of choosing its leaders and having its
leaders express the desires of its members. They
are .part of a plan to develop a union with truly

times in the Stygian darkness. When we were
at about the center of the church, Mr. Smoothie,
whom I had by now grown to know and hate
like a termite, asks, "Bride ,or groom?' My
friend answers, "Groom." So we get seated on
the right side of the center, and I learn that
they always divide people up according to wheth-
er they are friends of the bride or groom. The
idea is to make everything cozy, and it kills time
before the ceremony starts; each team sitting
there glaring at the other, and making wry
comments about hats, and the inadequacy of
one or the other betrothed.
Suddenly we became conscious of an all-
pervading mystical sound from overhead, and
looking up we see the organist seated in a golden
chariot, playing the sweet and slushingly ro-
mantic melodies of Carrie Jacobs Bond, unwisely
and unwell.
MEANTIME at spasmodic intervals a candid
camera boy would run down the aisle, flash-
ing his bulbs, and scaring the cravens on the
bride's side no end. (We groomers, comrades
all by this time, merely sneered clannishly and
turned our heads.)
The next thing we knew, there was a slithering
swishing sound, and the center aisle carpet van-
ished beneath our terror-stricken eyes. It seems
that the canvas carpet on which the guests come
in gets dirty, so the attendants slide it back, and
the bride has a fresh clean carpet to walk on.
ElN the organist plays "Here Comes the
Bride," and first the two bridesmaids come
in, painfully self-conscious, and then the maid-
of-honor (we thought at first that she was the
bride, and were about to start applauding. save
for a tactful punch in the stomach by our es-
cortee). Next came the bride proper, and stun-
ning she looked in a wedding gown which looked
like wedding gowns are supposed to look. Highly-
justified "Oohs" and "Ahs echoed lustily from
the vaulted ceiling.
The service itself lasted about twenty minutes,
and it was exactly like in the movies, except that
the preacher didn't ask "If anyone knows any
reason why these two shall not be joined in holy
matrimony, let him speak now, or forever hold

sold within a reasonable time, it will
be returned to the department from
which it was received. The object of
this arrangement is to promote econ-
omy by reducing the amount of un-
used apparatus. It is hoped that de-
partments having such apparatus will
realize the ad antage to themselves
and to the University in availing
themselves of this opportunity.
Shirley W. Smith'
Wesley Foundatipo: Tea and open
house this afternoon, 4:OQ to 5:30.
All 'students invited. Friday night
there will be a weinie roast at the
Island. Remember to make your
reservation by Thursday night. Call
6881 or sign up at the student office.
Commgnications to the Regents:
Those who wish to present communi-
catiops 'for consideration by the Re-
gents are requested1 to present them
at least eight days before the next
ensuing meeting at the Office of Miss
Edith J. Smith, Budget Assistant to
the President, 1006 AngeU H all. Fif-
teen copies of ea ch communication
should be 'prepared and 1eft with
Miss Smih. (Please note that one
more copy is requested than in pre-
vious yeafs.) A uniforml type of
paper is used for communicat4 s to
the $oard oq Regnts, a supply of
which may be procured at the Office
of the Vice-President and\ ecretary.
"The Atlantic Charter" will be dis-
cussed by Professor Ehrmann Thurs-
day at 7:15 in the Grand Rapids
Room of the Michigan League. The
public is invited.
P atriciaMcGraw, Chairman,
Post-War Council
On Thursday, June 25, there will
be a banquet in honor of the tniver-
sity of Michigan General Hospital
No. 298 at 7:00 p.m. in the University
of Michigan Union Ballroom. All
members of the Medical faculty and
their wives and other friends of the
personnel of the unit areecordially
invited "to attend. Banquet tickets
are available at the Galen news
stand and at the office of Dr. A. C.
Kerlikowske, University Hospital, and
at the office of Dean A. C. Fursten-
berg, We'st Medical Building.
Army Air Force Aviation Cadet
Program Deferred Plan. Students
interested in this programare ap-
prised of the following change in reg-
"The applicant's status as a stu-
dent must be certified by the proper
official of his college, and he must
at all times maintain a satisfactory
scholastic standing. In his second
year he will be required to take the
qualifying examination given to all
members of the Army Enlisted Re-
serve, of which the Air Corps Enlisted
Reserve Corps is a part. Failure in
this examination will end the de-
ferred status and ,make the student
subject to immediate call to duty.
Students on temporary leave of ab-
sence may be certified"
R-1. Thuma
Non-Credit Course in Civilian Pro-
tection: Course to qualify any experi-
enced teacher as an air raid warden
instructor in his community. Begins
June 30. Tuesday and Thursday
evenings 7:30 to 10:00 for six weeks.
Room 246 Architecture Building. In-
struction given. by Prof. G. M. Mc-
Conkey and others.
Students, Summer Term, College
of Literature, Science, and the Arts:
Election cards filed after the end of
the first week of the semester may
be accepted by the Registrar's Office
only if. they are approved by Assis-
tant Dean Walter. Students who fail

portion of the Natural Science Build-,
ing is directed to the fact that park-
ing or standing of cars in the drive-
way between these two buildings is
prohibited because it is at all tlme,
inconvenient to other drivers and to
pedestrians on the diagonal and other
walks. If members of your family
call for you, especially at noon when
traffic both on wheels and on'foot is
heavy, it is especially urged that the
car wait for you in the parking space
adjacent to the north door of Uni-
versity Hall. Waiting in the drivewy
blocks traffic and involves confu-
sion, inconvenience and danger just
as much when a person is sitting in
a car as when the car is parked
University Senate
Committee on Parkng
Registration for Sele'ctve Service:
1. pate of RegistratIon. June 3, on
day only.
2. Who Shall Register.: 411l le
students born (1) on or after Janu-
ary 1, 1922 and (2) on or before June
30, 1924. Anyone who fails to regis-
ter, must bear individually the full
responsibility for this failure. Those
who' have registered for selt e
serviceaat earlier registration date
should not register again.
Foreign students must register and
give the country of citizenship. Those
who have Alien Registration Cards
must give the number of this card
as part of the registration procedure.
Those who have taken out first citi-A
zenship papers only, are not citizens
of the United States.
Members of the federally recog-
nized, active National Guard Officer
Reserve Corp; Regular Army se-
serve; enlisted Reserve Corp; +and
members of the advanced Corps, den-
ior Division, R.O.T.C., are exempt
from registration.
3. Place of Registratiop. All Uni-
versity students and employees in the
age limit should register in the Arim
ory Building, 223 . Ann Street. Stu-
dents living in nearby communities,
who travel back and forth each dy
are requested to register in the
home community,
4. Time of Registration. The regis-
tration office in the Armory will be
open at 7 a.m. and will not close
9 p.m. Since registration is beng
handled by voluntary workers .h
receive no pay, students are request-
ed to register between the hourp of
8 a.m. and 5 p.m., in order that a
minimum staff may take care of
registration at other hours. 'P ease
register at the earliest possible mo-
5. sRegistrtion certificate. Each
registrant w l be given a registration
certificate which he should carry at
all times, "as h nay be required to
show it from time to time."
6. Change of Ad&ress after Regis-
tration. Each student who changes
his address at arny 'time after regs-
tration should address a commuuni"-
tion to the Selective Service BoardItn
hlis home city, indicating his new a-
dress. This is the individual st ud.ent's
responsibility and cannot be 'drn r
shared by anyone.
Rober L. Williams
EpiscQpal St dents: There will le
a tea for students today from 4 to
5:30 in Harris Haf.
Tom Johnson, Vice-President
Eiiscopal Students: There will be
la Service of Evening Prayer at 5: f6
today in Bishop Williams Memorial
Chapel at Harris Hall. Jim Terrell
will conduct the service.
Tom Johnson, Vice-Presidnt
Student Religious Association: Edu-
cation For What? Vocational or


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