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June 24, 1942 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1942-06-24

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Alow Bridges
To help war Effort ,.,.

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Continued Cool.




VOL. LII. No. 7-S


2:15 A.M. FINAL

English House
Faces Crisis;
Group Attacks
War Direction

County Officials, Ford
Protest 'Bomber City'
Motor King Promises To Use Every Legal Method'
In Fight Against Federal Housing Project

Committee Hits War Department





Important Leaders Draft'
Non-Confidence Motion
After Libyan Disasters
Conservative M.P.
L ads Insurgents
LONDON, June 23. -(IP)- Angry
House of Commons insurgents moved
tonight to challenge Winston Chur-
chill's government with a non-con-
fidence motion condemning the mili-
tary direction of the war, despite the
announcement that substantial land
and air reinforcements now are
reaching the battle-weakened defend-
ers of Egypt.,
An important group of M.P.'s
h aded by Conservative Sir John
Wardlaw-Milne drew up a motion for
submission to the House declaring
they had "no confidence in the cen-
tral direction and strategy of the
war." Among the signers were un-
derstood to be Leslie Hore-Belisha,
David Lloyd George, Earl Winter-
ton anid Arthur Greenwood.
Two-Day Debate
They will lead the opposition in a
two-day debate which awaits the
Prime Minister's return from the
United States. Churchill will 'be
away "no longer than is absolutely
necessary," the House was told.
A preliminary statement on the
Libyan defeat by Clement R. Attlee,
Churchill's deputy, inflamed rather
than pacified the critics of what
Wardlaw-Milne called "one of the
most serious disasters" of the war.
It was evident that the insurgents
intended to launch a full dress attack
on Churchill's direction of the war
-as Minister of Defens6, charging over-
optimism, failure to organize sup-
plies and interference with the judg-
ment of generals in the field.
Thus today's proceedings prepared
the way for what one former cabinet
minister privately called the gravest
cabinet crisis since the fall' of the
Chamberlain Government."
SChurchill's Safety At Stake
Churchill's safety depended upon
his ability to keep members of his
Conservative party from bolting to
join Wardlaw-Milne and other Tory
rebels. There were Indications ut
side Commons that he was losing
many supporters. For one thing, the
Conservative Daily Telegraph and
Morning Post, which spoke out forc-
ibly for the Prime Minister after the
fall of Singapore, have been hostile
for several days. For another, the
London Times called the hapless Brit-
ish decision to try to hold Tobruk
"an error in 'judgment," justified only
if a quick counter-offensive was
Aduch of Attlee's statement con-
sisted of a long telegram from Gen.
Sir Claude J. E. Auchinleck, the Brit-
ish commander in the Middle East,
dealing with military developments
up to Saturday, the day before Tb-
bruk fell before an Axis assault of all
Neither this telegram nor Attlee's
statement mentioned the fight' be-
tween British tanks and anti-tank
guns on June 13, the fight which ex-
perts call the decisive action of this
last, desert campaign.
13 Ships Sunih
By' Axis ~S ubs
In Caribbean
()P)-Axis submarine warfare-ap-
parently driven from the United
States East Coast by the convoy sys-
tem announced yesterday-has con-
centrated the greatest fury of its
campaign against United Nations
shipping in the Caribbean Sea lanes
in recent weeks. A Navy announce-

ment this afternoon reported 13 ships
sunk in the 12-day period June 3-14.
Navy reports disclosed that 770
persons, including 135 passengers,
were aboard the ships torpedoed dur-
ing this -period. Already 635 of. this
group, including 126 passengers res-
cued, have been brought ashore at
this port.
The undaunted crew members of
many ships already have retutned to
sea in new posts aboard other ships.
Meanwhile the streets and shops of
this port are crowded with hundreds
-f a e*rv w Rs.r it. nall ltscl ha-

Opposition to the construction of
a 'bomber city' in Washtenaw
County-subdued for several weeks
-flared into the open over the
weekend as Prosecutor George M'.
Meader left for Washington armed
with county officials' third protest,
and Henry Ford's representatives
pledged his word to fight by "every
legal/ method" the erection of the
Federal housing project.
Meader took with him not only the
protest of the Board of Supervisors,
but a request to the Senate's True
man Committee to investigate the
selection of the Cherry Hills site.
Smith Named
"Golf .President

Along with I. A. Capizzi, Ford at-
torney, he testified before that body
Ford-through his personal repre-
sentative Harry Bennett-yesterday
informed Col. F. Charles Starr, Fed-
eral Public Housing representative,
that he had refused federal surveyors
the right to enter his property in
preparation for the projected 6,0000
house unit, a bomber city for em -
ployes of his world-famous plantat
Willow Run.
The letter to Starr declared that
"Mr. Ford's position has been suf-
ficiently stated in previous corre-
spondence and he is still of the opin-
ion that the erection of 'permanent'
homes on the site you have located is
not only a mistake, but an unneces-
sary, wasteful, and extravagant use
of government funds and vital war
He further is of the opinion that
the Federal Public Housing Author-
ity, which is acting through you in
this matter, is exceeding the author-
ity vested in it by Congress by pro-
moting a project of this kind, and
he, therefore, proposes to resist by
every legal method at his disposal
not only -the acquisition of his prop-
erty but your continuation 'of this
In the previous outburst-in which
the city councils of Ann Arbor and
Ypsilanti joined-the principal pro-
tests concerned the sanitary aspects
of the city. The attack has since
shifted to the possibility of expand-
ing already existing housing capa-
House Passes
Largest Army
Swiftly Endorse Measure
To Create Tremendous
Mechanized Power
WASHINGTON, June 23. -(AP)-
History's largest legislative check for
war expenditures-an appropriation
of $42,820,003,606 - was endorsed
swiftly today by a House determined
to give Uncle Sam's goldiers a mech-
anized striking strength surpassing
that of the Axis.
After five hours of discussion, the
House passed the colossal measure
352 to 0 and sent it to the Senate.
Military chiefs informed Congress it
woud pay, outfit and equip an armed
forc'e expanding to '4.500,000 men by
July 1, 1943.
The action came after both Demo-
cratic and Republican spokesmen de-
clared the United Nations were de-
termined to defeat the Axis-re-
gardless of financial cost. ,
The words of Representative Dirk-
sen of Illinois, a midwestern Repub-
lican, reflected the spirit of the
House as he stood in the well and,
referring to the fall of Tobruk and
the attack on Sqvastopol, cried:
"This, bill comes to us in a dark
hour . . . There will be other dark
days ahead. , But out of this bill
springs faith and hope as to what
the ultimate outcome of this show is
going to be.",
"This is a measure of America's
determination to win the war," de-
clared Representative Case (Rep.-
"When we were thrust in the back
on Dec. 7, we realized-one and all
-that everything we hold dear was
at stake," said Representative Ma-
hon (Dem.-Tex.).

I.S. Pilots Blast Axis Libyan Base

Army Airmen Join RAF
In Bombing Of Bengasi;
Smash Piers, Sidings
Rommel's Trucks
Approach Egypt
CAIRO, June 23. --()-United
States Army airmen in big Consoli-
dated bombers have dealt heavy
damage to Bengasi, the chief Axis
supply base in Libya, it was dis-
closed today while the German-
Italian army consolidated its gains
and massed its strength for a proj-
ected invasion of Egypt.
The bombing attack, in which the
United States fliers and the RAF
teamed up Sunday night, left nu-
merous fires in Bengasi, 300 air miles
west of Egypt, and caused damage
to railway sidings and ship piers,
the RAF announced.
Liberators In Action
A formation of the four-motored
Consolidateds, which the Americans
call B-24's and the British call Lib-
erators, only last week set fire to
two battleship§ and other vessels of
the Italian Navy.
Air scouts reported Axis trucks
moving up about 12 miles west of
the border, but the main strength of
Rommel's army was said to be still
about 50 miles distant.
' Roving patrols of both sides
prowled the desert southwest of Fort
Capuzzo, but a British communique
reported no great amount of action.
Axis reports asserted armored
forces already had reached the fron-
tier, and dispatches from the desert
confirmed that they had seized Sidi
Azeiz airdrome, only 12 miles west.
Sidi Aziez'alsd was the railhead
on the line from Matruh, Egypt. The
British recently had been extending
the line on toward Tobruk.
Equipment Losses
A serious aspect of the situation
was the extent of Britishequipment
losses in the past four weeks of fight-
ing, plus the possibility that Rommel
would get reinforcements across the
Mediterranean soon. It is to prevent
the latter that the Allied - airmen
bombed -as far away as Greece and
Crete in addition to steadily bomb-
ing and strafing Libyan ports, air-
dromes and troops on the move.
The RAF was joined in these sor-
ties by South Africans operating
the American-made Douglas Boston
Chinese Check Jap
Drive On Railroad
CHUNGKING, June 23.-(VP)-The
Japanese drive to open an all-rail
route from Shanghai to Singapore
and thus obtain communications im-
mune to sea attack, has been stalled
at least temporarily on two of the
vital fronts and the Chinese are
counterattacking successfully at some
places, government sources announced
But the invaders have reinforced
their armies in the Chekiang-Kiang-
si theatre, where they are trying to
forge one part of the link, and, for
effective counter blows, the Chinese
need more weapons from their Allies,
a spokesman said.

Russians Retreat At Kharkov;
Situation Grave At Sevastopol

Ben Smith, No. 1 man on the
University golf team and captain-
elect for next season, yesterday
was elected president of the Inter-
collegiate Golf, Association of
America. Smith has been the
mainstay of Michigan's Big Ten
champions and qualified yester-
day for match play in the Na-
tional Intercollegiate tournament
with a 76-75-151. (See story on
page 3)
Navy Reports
Casualty List
Direct Action With Enemy
Claims Major Share
WASHINGTON, June 23. --UP)-
The Navy's total of dead, wounded
and missing announced in the war to
date rose to more than 10,000 today
with the release of casualty list num-
ber 5.
Declaring that the "preponderant
share" of the casualties resulted
from direct action with the enemy
while the rest occurred in the line of
duty in the sea or in the air, the '
Navy announced the number of dead
in the new list as 98, with 8 wounded
and 2,101 missing. The casualties in-
cluded personnel of the Navy, Mar-
ine Corps and Coast Guard.
The list covered casualties re-
ported to next of kin during the
period May 11-June 6.
"The large percentage of names
under the 'missing' classification is
due to the fact that many of them
were serving in the Manila Bay area
when it capitulated to the enemy
and likely are prisoners of war," the
Navy said.
"The Bureau of Naval Personnel in
notifying next of kin has pointed out
that it will likely be several months
before definite information can be
obtained on such cases; also that
next of kin will be notified when
definite word is received."
War I Draft Dodger
L. T Q C V l.., Dn fi l

MOSCOW, Wednesday, June 24.-
(M-A powerful new German offen-
sive on the Kharkov front has,
forced Marshal Timoshenko's forces1
to fall back to new positions while
Sevastopol's defenders continue to
hold off numerically superior Nazi
forces after closing breaches torn in
their fortifications by the enemy, the
Russians announced early today.
"On the Kharkov Front our troops
conducted operations against ad-
vancing German troops," said the
midnight communique. "Our troopsi
were pressed back to new positions."i
Violent new fighting erupted in
this area of the southern sector+
Monday after a period of quiet in
the struggle for this vital industrial
center and one of the keys to the
Caucasus. Detailed information was
lacking but it was possible that Hit-
ler might be starting one phase of
a grand assault in an effort to reach
the oil of the Caucasus even before+
a decision is reached at Sevastopol.
Kharkov Fighting Renewed-
Presumably the renewed fighting
was in the Izyum-Barvenkova sector
below Kharkov where the Russians
stand athwart the rail line running
south to Rostov, the main gateway
to the Caucasus. It was here that
the Russians got the jump on the
Nazis and bent ther lines back in
their surprise spring offensive which
broke up Hitler's own preparations
for a massive drive upon Rostov.
(The Germans apparently playing
the fox on their operations and in..
tentions, Tuesday reported only
"mopping up" activities on the
Kharkov front and made no men-.
tion of fighting on a scale as large(
as the Russians indicated-)'I
In raids up and down the front
Price Ceilings
Put On Service
To Consumers
WASHINGTON, June 23. -()-
Consumer services, a $5,000,000,000
industry carried on in 1,000,000 estab-
lishments throughout the country,1
were placed under a 4artime price1
ceiling tonight with top prices pegged
at the highest levels of March. The
ceiling takes effect July 1.
The order covers laundries, un-
dertakers, garages and all sorts of
repair shops. As a general rule, it'
covers all retail services performed
on things, such as shoe-shinixg and
piano-tuning; and it exempts serv-
ices performed on or for people, such
as those of barbers, doctors and law-
Household repairs done by the job
come under the order. As an ex-
ample, the ceiling would cover a con-
tract for reroofing a house if the con-
tractor named a price for the whole
job. If the householder bought the
shingles and hired a man to lay
them, however, the repair would not
come under the ceiling.
For seasonable services, the order
provides an adjustable price formula
based on rises in the cost of living
since last year. The renter of boats
at a summer resort, for instance, may
charge the highest price he charged
in the corresponding season of 1941,
plus the percentage of increase in
the cost of living between then and
March, 1942. The Office of Price
Administration supplied a table giv-
ing these figures. Dry cleaners also
might use the seasonable formula.
The order completes the over-all
ceiling program begun by Price Ad-
ministrator Leon Henderson April 28
with the issuance of the universal
price order covering all commodities
used, worn and eaten.
Bullitt Appointed
Knox's Assistant
WASHINGTON, June 23. -(P)-

William C. Bullitt, a former ambas-
sador to Russia and France and more
recently a personal representative of
the President, was sworn in today as

Monday the Russians listed 20 Ger-
man tanks, 10 troop-laden motor
vehicles and two Nazi infantry bat-
talions smashed.
In the battle for Sevastopol the
Russian defenses about the Crimean
base stiffened after Red forces threw
the Germans out of their newly-
pierced fortifications but despite this
the peril to the Russians there re-
mained of the utmost gravity.
Continue To Fight
While the haggard garrison con-
tinued to repulse violent assaults,
the Soviet Black Sea fleet rendered
invaluable assistance by shelling the
enemy lines and bringing in supplies
through a cascade of steel and fire,
military dispatches said.
The Russians claimed that the
Germans and Rumanians, who drove
wedges into the north and south de-
fense lines, had been stopped, and
that the foe never reached the depth
of the fortifications despite a vast
superiority in men and materiel.
Loss Of Ship
Provokes Ire
Of Argentina
Nazi Sub Sinks Freighter;
Foreign Minister Gache
Hints AtTaking Steps
BUENOS AIRES, June 23. --(P)--,
Argentina is taking a "serious view"
of the sinking by a German sub-
,marine of the freighter Rio Tercero,
with the loss of five lives, and will
announce, probably tomorrow, what
steps will be taken to obtain satis-
faction from Germany, Undersecre-
tary for Foreign Affairs Roberto
Gache announced tonight.
"It has been clearly proved that
the Rio Tercero was sunk by a Ger-
man U-boat," Gache said. "We know
this because the captairi went aboard
the submarine after the torpedoing."
He declined to give additional de-
tails of Capt. Luis P. Stalese's visit
aboard the submarine which claimed
the first loss of Argentine lives in
three sinkings since the war started.
(Captain Scalese, disclosed for the
first time in a CBS broadcast to Latin
America tonight that United States
airmen and patrol s'eamen were re-
sponsible for the rescue of the sur-
vivors. He expressed the thanks of
the crew to the Air Force and the
Navy for their aid in spotting and
picking up the men.) -
The Ministry of Marine in a special
announcement had already identified
the submarine as the Innsbruck.
I As Gache spoke, strong police re-
inforcements were thrown about the
German Embassy and patrolmen were
assigned to guard German business
houses in Buenos Aires.
Three Socialist members of Con-
gress moved for a quick investiga-
tion of/the torpedoing. A party cau-
cus authorized deputy Nicolas Re-
petto to present a resolution Friday
calling for an explanation of the
Government's position, from Foreign
Minister Enrique Ruiz Guinazu.
Winston Churchill,
President Roosevelt
Are Eighth Cousins
NEW YORK, June 23.-(IP)-Presi-
dent Franklin D. Roosevelt and Prime
Minister Winston Churchill of Great
Britain are eighth cousins once re-
moved, but you have to g back to
the Mayflower to prove it.
Announcement of the discovery, of
blood relationship between two of
the 'world's leaders was made today
at the office of the New York Genea-
logical and Biographical Society by
Conklin Mann, editor of the "bible"

of genealogy, the New York Genea-
logical and Biographical Record.
The relationship comes through
the line of Mr. Churchill's mother,
Lady Randolph Churchill, who was
Jennie Jerome of Brooklyn, Mann

Inquiry Reveals 'Reckless
Spending,' Bureaucracy
Misuse Of 'Cost Plus'
Commend Jones
For Rubber Work
WASHINGTON, June 23. -(M)-
Hitting at "reckless spending,"
mounting bureaucracy and cost-plus
army contracts, the House Military
Committee today issued a strongly-
worded report asserting that "nearly
every conceivable type of extrava-
gant waste" had been reflected in
its investigation of War Department
business dealings.
"There has been evidence of wide-
spread and inexcusable waste of
public funds ;mounting to millions
of dollars," declared the report pre-
pared by Chairman May (Dem.-
Ky.), who said the year-old inquiry
would continue.
The Committee split sharply on
the findings, with three Democrats
reported to have joined nine Re-
publicans to approve the report, 12
to 9.
Air Corps Criticized
The report criticized virtually every
.branch of the War Department, in-
cluding the Air Corps, and likewise
voiced displeasure with the Maritime
Commission. Secretary of Commerce
Jones, however, was commended for
"pushing the synthetic rubber pro-
The committee urged that an im-
mediate curb be placed on contracts
awarded on a cost-plus-a-fixed-fee
basis, asserting:
"This type of contract . . . per-
mitted excessive personnel, exorbi-
tant salaries and led to the refusal
on the part of contractors to sublet
specialty contracts . . . when they
were totally unprepared either to
plan or execute them. . . . Evidence
of reckless expenditures . . . under
fixed-fee contracts, particularly in
the Air Corpis branch, continues to
increase in committee files."
Too Many New Boards
Of bureaucracy, the -Committee
said there was a tendency on the
part of the Administration to create
new boards, bureaus and commis-
sions, "whenever a new or varied
problem is presented ....
"Citizens of this country," the re-
port warned, "cannot be expected to
be faced interminably with indif-
ference in spending on the part of
the officials of their government af-
ter the period of initial necessity has
passed, and continue buying bonds
with enthusiasm, overlooking the ex-
tension of bureaucratic'domination
and suffering depriations with a
complacent attitude."
RAF Smashes
German Port
Cologne Treatment Given
Emden U-Boat Base
LONDON. June 23.-('P)-The Nazi
submarine base and shipbuilding port
of Emden was pounded with a tre-
mendops weight of explosive and fire
bombs by the RAF last night in its
offensive to obliterate German ports
and industrial cities one by one.
Emden, a major base for U-boats
participating in the vital battle of the
Atlantic, was pictured by one in-
formed source as devastated after
several hundred bombers in their
third raid in four nights dropped
hundreds of tons of explosives and
thousands of incendiaries. The Air
Ministry said that the raid lasted
less than ah hour and that only six
bombers failed to make the home-
ward leg of the 500-mile round trip.
The Naval base "probably looks
very much like Cologne, Rostock and

Luebeck now," the source said.
British fighters continued their of-
fensive in daylight with a mid-day
sweep 'over German occupied terri-
The docks at Dunkerque were at-
tacked by Boston bombers and their
fighter escorts.
- NOTICES ----
All second semester juniors and


Treaties To Regulate Economic
Deeisions, R. H. Tawney Says

International treaties will regulate
anti-social national economic deci-
sions affecting other nations, Prof.
R. H. Tawney of the London School
of Economics predicted last night as
he rejected the world federation and
league ideas as impractical.
Continuation of the present treaty
arrangements between the Allies
could form the nucleus of a satis-
factory economic bloc, Professor
Tawney said in a speech under the
joint auspices of the UAW-CIO and
the economics department.
"It is clear that a great part of the

nership in the war effort.
"A democratic war must be fought
by a democratic method," he stated.
That democratic method in England
involves sacrifice by all, gain by none
and full war participation.
Shortage of labor in wartime, a
matter striking home to the UAW
delegates in attendance, was partial-
ly solved in England by employment
only on essential jobs and by using
available labor most efficiently
through training, job freezing and
similar techniques. "The limiting
point with us is the absolute short-
age of workers," he declared.
Economic disturbances caused by

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