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August 21, 1942 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1942-08-21

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FRIDAY, AUGU.ST 21, 1912

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
The Summer Daily is published every morning except
Monday and Tuesday.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the.
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights
of republication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.00, by mail $5.00.
National Advertising Service, Inc,
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42
Editorial Staff
homer $wander . . . . . Managin Editor
Will Sapp . . . . . . . City Editor
Mike Dann . EI . . Sports Editor
Hale Champion. John Erlewine, Robert Mantho,
Irving Jaffe, Robert Preiskel
Business Staff

Sdward Pertberg
Fred M. Ginsberg
Morton Hunter

Business M anae X
. Associate Business Manager
Publications Manager

IEditorijls published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Local Union Has No
Right To Strike*.*.
AS I WRITE THIS the president of
the UAW-CIO union at a locl war
plant is out fishing. He and the other members
of the union at the Precision Parts Co. are sup-
posed to be turning out important war supplies,
but they have decided to go on strike to "urry
the War Labor Board in making its decision."
Besides, it is a great day for fishing.
Before I am accused of "selling out to the
bosses," let's get a few things straight. In the
first place, every demand the union has made
of the management is justified and should be
granted immediately. The demands are: re-
cognition as the sole bargaining agent; the
closed shop; the check-off system; and a sub-
stantial raise in wages.
T HE FIRST OF THESE the management is
quite willing to grant. At the others, it balks.
It chooses to fall back on the out-dated open-
shop argument about "the right to work." This
argument has little, if any, validity today-es-
pecially at a plant like Precion Parts where
such a large majority of men are me bers of the
CIO. And the check-off, of course, should ac-
company the closed shop.
Although the company claims it cannot af-
ford to grant a raise in wages, indications seem
to point the other way-and it is certain that
one is necessary to bring average wages at the
plant up to industry standards.
The management, then, has been stub-
born and shortsighted. It should have granted
the majority of union demands long ago.
Nevertheless, there is absolutely no excuse for
the men to go out on strike and leave vital
war machines idle. There is absolutely no rea-
son why they should not wait for the decision
of -the War Labor Board, before wheh all
demands of the men have been placed. There
is absolutely no reason why production should
have stopped for one moment at Precision
NOT LONG AGO, in a front page editorial, I
thanked the CIO for comirg into Ann Arbor
and bringing industrial democracy with it. It
is one of the best things that could have
happened to this all-too-open-shop town. But
union members in war plants must realize their
responsibility. In peace time they could go on
strike and I, for one, would be with them every
inch of the way. But in time of war-a war
which we are very far from winning-they must
be willing to accept the rules of arbitration
which have been laid down so that war produc-
tion may go on unhampered.
If they do not, they are as guilty as big
business men who are using this war for pro-
fits; they are as guilty as dollar-a-year men
whe take advantage of their positions; they
are .as guilty as Sotndard Ail when it holds
up ,synthetic rubber production. They do not
deserve the benefits of a democratic union
and UAW-CIO 'eaders should either mae
them return te work or expell them from the
union; for th'eir idleress is murdering Ameri-
can seldiers and sailors.
-Homer Swnder
Diepe Raid Not

WASHINGTON: Behind the Solomon Islands
battle are some optimistic naval facts, entirely
aside from the announcement of victory. These
facts had to be very carefully considered even
before U.S. naval chiefs started to invade the
One of these naval facts is that the Japs have
suffered very severe losses in cruisers. Although
it has escaped public notice, U.S. forces have
been bumping off this fast, important type of
warship with deadly regularity, so that Jap
cruiser strength is now cut at least in half, per-
haps more. I
Another known naval fact is that the Japs
have lost approximately half of their airplane
carriers. And with air power what it is today,
this is the type of vessel they can least afford to
On the American side of the picture is the
fact that U.S. repairs of ships sunk or damaged
at Pearl Harbor have been miraculously swift.
All this obviously was taken into consideration
before the United States started a major engage-
ment and the offensive in the South Pacific.
For Admiral King had to calculate the risk of
the Jap admirals rushing a large force to the
Solomon Islands.
Simultaneously he also had to figure the risk
of a Jap attack on various other vital points-
Midway, Alaska, Hawaii, even the continental
United States.
Top admirals, these day's, do not take chances.
Not when the fate of a nation depends on them.
Therefore, it requires only a mathematician to
figure that the scale of American strength in
the Pacific has turned. It reached its low ebb
just after Pearl Harbor, when the Navy was
unable to do anything about the Philippines,
Singapore, or Java.
But now the Battle of Midway has shown
that Hawaii and the West Coast can be de-
fended by land-based planes. No Jap ship dares
come near land-based planes without commit-
ting suicide.
This leaves a reinforced fleet to operate in the
Pacific. Top naval men are ,not doing any crowd-
ing yet. But at least the naval picture seems to
counter-balance some of the bad news from
Russia-which is going to get a lot worse.
Labor.Capital Truce
When President Roosevelt received promises
of industrial peace from the heads of the CIO,
the AFL, the National Association of Manufac-
tvrers sand the United States Chamber of Com-
ierce, which for years had staged knock-down
fights between capital and labor, he remarked:
"Looks like the lambs and the lions were lying
down together. Only I don't know which are the
"However," added the President, "in this
drama, I'm going to be Daniel."
Shorta A idst I"enty
About 5,000,000 ounces of silver monthly is
being mined in the United States, which is am-
ple to care for war needs, but not enough for
ordinary commercial needs, especially for the
silver industry of New England.
'he silver industry, which makes knives, forks
and household ware, formerly used alloys and
critical materials-all of which have now been
dispensed with. However, silver is not a critical
persed any thoughts that a diversion offensive
had been commenced. Likewise it was soon evi-
dent that it was not a trumped-up assault to
climax the British-Russian conferences. The
exacting precision with which the raid was en-
acted furnished good evidence that it had been
carefully rehearsed and planned for some time.
It was definitely a commando raid, nothing more,
nothing less.
News releases indicated that the several objec-
tives of the raid-destruction of a 6-inch shore
artillery battery, an ammunition dump, an anti-
aircraft battery, and a radio station-were ac-
complished as planned. The objectives were im-
portant in themselves, but the raid also served
to permit testing of new equipment, especially
transportation facilities and tanks. This attack
as earlier ones also served to acquaint the raiders
with fast-striking landing attempts and beach-
head seizures.
However, the attack may also have had some
results that are not too favorable. It furnished
the Nazis with excellent propaganda material

which they have promptly utilized. The Germans
called the raid an 'invasion catastrophe', a phrase
that may well stick in :the minds of our conquered
allies. Throughout' the day-long assault, the
British radio was busy assuring the French peo-
ple that it was not an invasion attempt, merely
a commando raid, and telling them not to rise
up and strike out against their oppressors. In
the skillful hands of Goebbels this could cer-
tainly be- turned to sound like the old cry of
The Allies showed that they could seize a
beachhead on the French coast, but heavy casu-
alties showed also that it will be expensive. From
now on it may be certain that Nazi vigilance
will be much greater and beachheads more ex-
pensive to obtain.
The Allies have delayed long enough, if not
too long. Commando raids have been a some-
what unsatisfactory substitute for an immediate
attack on the continent and acceptable mainly
because of the experience which they give the

material. There is plenty mined for the war
effort but not enough to supply the 80,000,000
ounces needed annually for the silver industry.
So New England silversmiths now ask that
they be permitted to buy a mere 80.000,000
ounces out of the two and a half billion ounces
which the Treasury has buried. They point out
that the Treasury bought silver to keep it from
being a drug on the market and to help the
Rocky Mountain states. So now they would like
to buy a small part and put it back into use.
However, the Treasury says no-unless there
is an act of Congress.
Meat Rationing
About six months ago Undersecretary of Agri-
culture Paul Appleby urged his chief, Claude
Wickard, to prepare for meat rationing. How-
ever, Secretary Wickard, knowing the United
States had more meat than ever before in a
decade, was skeptical.
But just the other day Wickard called Appleby
in and said:
"Paul, you are a prophet. We're in a tfght
situation regarding meat and it looks as if ra-
tioning would be the only way out."
One remedy for the meat problem which will
be tried first is the reallocation of civilian sup-
plies by areas. Some areas have plenty of meat,
others don't, and the government will distribute
to areas which are short.
Also there will be fixing of prices on livestock,
which means government regulation of profits
for meat packers and processors. This is drastic
medicine and probably will put some small pack-
ers out of business. Wickard's advisers are urging
that these be taken care of by government sub-
sidy, but so far there has been no decision. All
this will precede meat rationing, which, how-
ever, is considered inevitable.
Washington's Ta' Mahal
If the Nazis bomb Washington you will not,
of course, see Chief Justice Stone standing in
black robes in front of the Supreme Court
Building beckoning the Nazis to come his way.
Naturally he hopes Washington will not be
bombed. But if it is, he tells friends, he hopes
the Supreme Court building will not be spared.
In his opinion, it is too garish, too gaudy and
too much of a mecca for tourists. He liked the
quiet peace and intimacy of the old Supreme
Court chamber in the Capitol.

VOL. LII No. 48-S
All Notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
Summer Session before 3:30 p.m. of the
day preceding Its publication except on
Saturday, when the ntices should be
submitted before 11:30 a.m.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments has received notice of the fol-
lowing State of Michigan Civil Serv-
ice Examinations:
School Principal I; September 2,
1942; $155 to $195 per month.
Insurance Executive IV; Sept. 2,
1942: $325 to $385 per month.
Journalist I; Sept. 2, 1942; $155 to
$195 per month.
Right of Way Assistant I; Sept. 2,
1942; $155 to $195 per month.
Right of Way Assistant II; Sept.
2, 1942; $200 to $240 per month.
Attending Institution Dentist II;
Sept. 2, 1942; $200 to $240 per month.
Resident Institution Dentist II;
Sept. 2, 1942; $200 to $240 per month.
Public Health Dentist IV; Sept. 2,
1942; $325 to $385 per month.
Public Health Dentist V; Sept. 2,
1942; $400 to $500 per month.
Hospital Physician V; Sept. 12,
1942; $400 to $500 per month.
Hospital Physician VI; Sept. 12,
1942; $525 to $625 per month.
Further information may be had
The Battle Of The Skies
The current demand for a second
front calls for a new front in think-
ing. The human mind seems inher-
ently reluctant to accept or even con-
sider daring new attacks on old prob-
lems, but a radical strategy may be
necessary for radical results. This is
total war-war against timidity as
well as brutality, against the nega-
tively right as well as positively
wrong. We cannot entrench ourselves
in defensive positions of thought.
Such daringly air-minded thinkers
as Major de Seversky have long con-
tended that the only possible new
front against the Axis is the air-
ocean. A recent book by William B.
Tiff entitled "The Coming Battle
of Germany" underlines this thesis,
urging with considerable brilliance
he case for a vastly increased air-
transport fleet and the sort of ag-
gressive long-distance air fleet capa-
ble of striking a series of knockout
blows at the heart of enemy produc-
tion and communications. The com-
ing Battle of Germany, according to
this, will be a Battle of the Skies.
Difficulties Enormous
The testimony of experts before
the Truman Committee has shown
that the difficulties in the way of
the building program which would
be required by any such plan are
enormous. But they are not neces-
sarily insuperable. Mr. Zf's attack
on the problem calls to mind the
criticism leveled by Major de Sever-
sky at what he conceives to be the
present Allied plan in the Pacific:
The plan apparently is to re-
trieve lost ground in the Pacific,
mile by mile-to reconquer every
island and every base that may
have been seized by the enemy. .
.. I submit that it makes no sense.
The sooner we supplement this
strategy by preparing for direct
aerial assault on the heart of the
enemy the better.
Statement By Emerson
It is interesting to compare this
statement with one made by Emer-
son over a century ago:
At present man applies to na-
ture but half his force . . . His rela-
lation to nature, his power over it,

is through the understanding (by
which he means the human intel-
lect) as by manure; the economic
use of fire, wind, water, and the
mariner's needle; steam, coal,
chemical agriculture; the repairs
of the human body by the dentist
and the surgeon. This is such a
resumption of power as if a ban-
ished king should buy his territories
inch by inch, instead of vaulting
at once into his throne.
Of course, the spiritual implica-
tions of Emerson's statement go far
beyond any material "victory through
air power"; they point to a method
of warfare which is essentially that
of the Master Christian. But eman-
cipation of the human mind in any
dlegree from that acceptance of limi-
tations which keeps it crawling for-
ward inch by inch, mile by mile, can
be expected to bring radically en-
couraging results.
-Christian Science Monitor
Democrcy In Action
By The Associated Press
Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt said
yesterday in her syndicated column
"My Day'' that she nad received aI
"stern letter" froni the Censorship
Board for commenting on the weath-
"The censor has written me aj

"You, Joe, take care of this, Army order for home-like barracks
for soldiers, and Truffle will handle this order for barrack-like
homes for civilian workers!"

eLetterJ to f/~e &ditor
Answer To Rosenberg ...
To the Editor:
Mr. Rosenberg's editorial yesterday struck me
as being a gross misuse of the editorial columns
of The Daily. He seems to glory in his use of
glib phrases which are often not only technically
poor, but also misleading to the average unsus-
pecting reader. For example he says, "Historians
would have to- dig deeply into their ancient ar-
chives to match . . . the political prostitution
that has characterized modern left-wing Brit-
ishers . . . "
Mr. Rosenberg's conception here of English
history is wrong. The whole spirit of law-making
is compromise. The structure of the government
itself is a compromise. Therefore to say that
British liberals are now prostituting their politi-
cal principles and careers is incorrect. They are
simply following the traditional trend of com-
promise, of sacrificing the immediate gains of
political victory for the sake of securing Eng-
lish freedom.
His knowledge of British government and the
part that political parties play in the govern-
ment is also poor. The liberal party of today is
much too insignificant to form a cabinet. It has
been split and resplit by uncompromising factors,
with Mr. Belisha's group of Liberal Nationalists
holding a mere thirty-three seats in the Com-
mons. He also has no conception of the power
and far-reaching effects of the political truce
that exists today. A political truce technically
means no contesting of seats in by-elections. But
actually it implies that all parties will refrain.
from politically profiting by the war, that all
parties will-work for one aim, that of winning
the war. Thus Bevan and the Laborites have not
gone into oblivion, but are strictly maintaining
their side of the bargain and are working whole-
heartedly in the prosecution of the war. If Brit-
ain were to follow Rosenberg's suggestion that
Belisha be made Prime Minister, party lines and
party principles would have to be laid aside,
much more than they are at present, and Mr.
Bevan's oblivion would be greater, not less.
Then again I dim not sure that Hore-Belisha
is the man for the job. In the past he has proven
incapable of working harmoniously with his co-
horts, and now if he were to head a coalition
government, the demands for tact and leader-
ship would be much greater than his record indi-
cates. Belisha appears to be an opportunist, an
obstructionist, constantly seeking the headlines-
as in his recent test of Churchill's power in Com-
mons. At that time he came forward with no
positive program-proof that he not only could-
n't take the job, but wouldn't know what to do
with it if offered it anyway.

from the notices which are on file
in the office of the Bureau of Ap-i
pointments,201 Mason Hall, officet
hours 9-12 and 2-4.
Bureau of Appointments andI
Occupational Information c
Opportunities for men and women
in the Bureau of Ships, Navy Depart-
ment. A request has been received
for names and addresses of men and
women with one or more years of
college work in engineering or
science, and for women interested1
in clerical work. The positions about
to be opened are in the United Statesi
Bureau of Ships and are civilian in
character. Anyone interested is in-a
vited to seek further informaton ati
the War Information Center, 1000
Angell Hall.
Commissions as Instructors in the
Navy Department. The Navy De-
partment has requested a list of men
bsetween the ages of twenty-five and
forty years who are qualified to teach
physics or chemical, Diesel, electrical,
mechanical, or radio engineering.
Commissions are available for those
who meet physical and other qualifi-
cations. The minimum vision re-
quirement is 12/20, each eye, cor-
rected to 20/20 with glasses. Anyone
interested should leave his name with
the Chairman of the Department of
Physics or with the Chairman of any
of the engineering departments men-
tioned. pPrompt action is essential.
War Information Center.
Academic Noces
Fall Term Registration Material
Music, Education, Pubihlic health, Ar-
chitecture, Literary. Students should
!call for materials on September.d10.
This will allow t~,me for seeing ad-
visers and securing needed advice.
Architects should wait until the ad-
viser announced a time for consulta-
Automobile Regulation: The Uni-
vergity Automobile Regulation will be
lifted at 12 noon, Friday, August 21st,
for students enrolled in the 8 week
Summer Session which terminates on
August 21st. There will be no modi-
fication or suspension of the Ruling
for students in the Summer Term
which closes September 26.
,Office f the Dean of Students
All Wonen Interested in ,Living in
the Women's Student Cooperatives
this fall are requested to fill out ap-
plication blanks at the Dean of Wo-.
men's office before noon on Monday,
August 24th. An interviewing meet-
ing will be held at 7:30 that evening
at 909 East University which you
are expected to attend.
Notice to Men Students: All men
students living in approved rooming
houses, who expect to move from
their present quarters, must give no-I
tice of intention to move in writing to
the Office of the Dean of Students
on or before noon on Saturday, Sep-
tember 26, and rent shall be com-
puted to include Friday, September
25. Forms for the above purpose may
be secured at Room 2 University Hall.
Teaching Departments wishing to
recommend tentative Summer Ses-
sion graduates from the College of
Literature, Science, and the Ars
and the School of Education for De-
partmental Honors should send such
names to' the Registrar's Office,
Room 4, University Hall, before Au-
gust 21, 1942. Recommendations for
Summer Term graduates should be
filed not later than the 25th of Sep-
College of Literature, Science, and

i_ l o 4--
' x


By Lichty

Notice of Positions: Notification
received by the Bureau regarding
Government or industrl positions
which are usually published in the
D.O.B. will be posted until the end
of the semester on the North bulletin
board in University Hall. Please
watch this space for announcements.
University Bureau of Appointments
And Occupational Information
Registrants-Notice: All students
in the summer session who are regis-
tered with the Bureau are reminded
that they should give us a change
of address and telephone before leav-
ing the campus. Also, anyone who
has accepted a position should notify
the Bureau immediately. Anyone
having blanks out, please return
them immediately either filled out
or in blank form.
Students who will finish in Sep-
tember should also keep the Bureau
posted on current address and tele-
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information
The Storehouse Building will act
as a receiving center for scrap rub-
ber and also metals. Any depart-
ment on the Campus having metals
or rubber to dispose of for defense
purposes, please call Ext. 337 or 317
and the materials will be picked up
by the trucks which make regular
janitors is available to collect the
campus deliveries. Service of the
materials from the various rooms in
the buildings to be delivered to the
receiving location.
E. C. Pardon
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments has received notice of thefol-
lowing City of Detroit Civil Service
Examinations. Last filing date is list-
ed in each case.
Sr. Building Operating Engineer
(Male)-August 27, 1942-$2,970 per
Jr. Building Operating Engineer
(Male)-August 27, 1942-$2,706 per
Auto Repairman (Male) - Until
further notice-$.95 to $1.00 per
Transportation Equipment Repair
Helper (Male) - August 21, 1942-
$.90 per hour.
Auto Repair Helper (Male) - Au-
gust 25, 1942-$.85 per hour.
Further information may be had
from the notices which are on file
in the office of the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 201 Mason Hall, office
hours, 9-12 and 2-4.
Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information
Faculty and Students - Summer
Term-College of Literature, Science,
and the Arts. Final Examinations for
all classes meeting Monday at eight
o'clock will be held Saturday, Sep-
tember 19, from two to four o'clock
instead of Saturday, September 26,
as noted in the Final Examination
f Schedule. This change has been ap-
proved so that students may attend
the football game which will be play-
ed with the Great Lakes Naval
Training Station. Saturday after-
noon, September 26.
E. A. Walter, Assistant Dean
Wesley Foundation. Informal par-
ty tonight from 8- 2 at the Metho-
dist Church. All Methodist students
and their friends are cordially in-
Corning Events
Graduate Outing Club: The eight-
week period is drawing to a close but
not so the activities of the Graduate
Outing Club. New friends and old
who enjoy outdoor recreatin ar' in-

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