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August 19, 1942 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1942-08-19

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
The Summer Daily is published every morning except
Monday and Tuesday.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
us for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights
of republication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year: by car-
rier $4.00, by rail $5.00.
National Advertising Service, nc.
College Publishers Representative
420 MAOisoN AvE. NEW YORK, N.Y.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-412
Editorial Staff
Homer Swander . . . . Managing Editor
Will Sapp . . . . city Editor
Mike Dann . Sports Editor
Hale Champion, John Erlewine, Robert Mantho,
Irving Jaffe, Robert Prelskel
Business Staff-

WASHINGTON-It was only a stroke of luck,
and tenacity of Admiral Bill Leahy which placed
Vice Admiral Robert L. Ghormley in command
of the U. S. Fleet for the battle of the Solomon
For some years Ghormley has not been in
good health, has only one kidney. And the
Navy Selection Board some time ago planned-
to retire him. However, Admiral Leahy, then
chief of Naval Operations, interposed and made
him chief of the War Plans Division.
As such, Ghormley no less than five years
ago planned and plotted the very same battle
which he s executing today. He figured that
in war with Japan, the United Stataes would
lose the Philippines within a few weeks, that
Japan would advance through the islands of
the South Pacific and that the United States
would make a stand at Australia.
When that stand was made, Admiral Ghorm-
ley figured the Japs would take the Solomon
Islands, to cut the American supply line, and
he calculated that the recapture of these is-
lands would be the first move the United States
would have to make in assuming the offensive.'
So the tactics he's adopting today were worked
out in minute detail approximately five years
When Admiral Leahy retired as chief of Naval
Operations, he told the President,: "You must
keep Ghormley. He's a damn good man despite
lis, health."
Admiral Starl who succeeded Leahy, sent
Ghormley to London, but when war broke, he
was put back in the spot which he had always
said would be vital 'in a Pacific War-com-
mander of the U.S. Fleet around New Zealand.
Rubber From Russia
Some weeks ago, the Office of Petroleum Co-
ordinator was studying the production of rubber
fron alcohol and decided that the nation which
had had the most experience with synthetic
rubber was Russa.
So, Secretary Ickes decided to try to get in-
formatioq from the Soviet. He did not know
that the Russians had offered this information

Edward Perlberg
Fred M. Ginsberg
Morton Hunter

Business Manager
.Associate Business Manager
Publicatioio Manager-

Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

Fored Savings-
Not A 'Sales Tax.


to Jesse Jones' Rubber Reserve in February and
had failed to get the courtesy of a reply.
The Office of Petroleum Coordinator ap-
proached the Russian Embassy, which cabled
Moscow. An immedinate reply said Russia still
would be glad to place all its information at
our disposal.
Secretary Ickes sent a letter to Donald Nelson,
who by then was getting excited about the
synthetic rubber mess. But as of this writing,
the Russian offer still rests on the desk of Arthur
Newhall, WPB expert-unanswered.
Sh 1Don't Speak To Congressmen
It hasn't leaked out yet, but John Lord O'Bri-
an, chief legal mogul of the War Production
Board, was issued a confidential memo forbid-
ding members of the WPB to talk to Congress-
men about legislative or investigational mat-
The order seems aimed particularly at the
Truman Committeee, to prevent WPB members
worried over war production inefficiencies, from
tipping off the committee.
4 It is true that the order pertains only to
legislative and investigative matters. But since
the business of a Congressman is to legislate
and investigate, this bars most conversation.
Under the O'Brian order it will still be pos-
sible for a WPB members to say: "Good evening,
Congressman. Can't you do something to make
it stop raining." Or a WPB official could say:
"Oh, by the way, Congressman, I see you spill-
ed egg on your shirt."
But it might be dangreous to say: "I'm
afraid, Congressman, the excessive rain will
be hard on the wheat," because that might
involve the question of less wheat and thereby
affect the subsidy on wheat, which is a legislative
Also it might be dangerous to say, "Do you
spill eggs on your shirt every morning, Con-
gressman?" because to the fine legislatic mind
of Mr. O'Brian, this might concern the deple-
tion of the shirt market, and thereby involve
such legislative problems as the price of cot-
ton, wages in textile mills, scarcity of eggs.
and the price of feed for chickens.
More Gas Rationing
One of the most frequent subjects of Con-
gressional inquiry at the White House is gas-
oliie rationing. New England Congressmen are
disturbed over the blow to summer tourist traf-
fic. Florida Congressmen are worried over what
gas rationing will do to their state next winter.
One of those who discussed the matter with
the President was Senator Burnet Maybank
of South Carolina. He conferred with Roosevelt
just before he sent his veto message to Con-
gress turning thumbs down on the independent
agency to make rubber from alcohol.
"What do the folks in South Carolina think
of the gasoline situation, Burnet?" the Pres-
ident asked.
"Well, to be frank, Mr. President, a lot
of them are right sore about it," Maybank
replied. "My 'tate and Georgia have a pipe
line running right through their back yard, so
to speak, to North Carolina. And it's hard for
some folks to understand why they can't get
some of that gasoline-especally when they
see the people in Tennessee getting all they
The President explained that on the outcome
of Bernie Baruch's survey of the rubber-gasoline
situation would depend whether Tennessee and
points west would also face rationing.
Note:-Every indication is that gas rationing
will be extended sooner or later to the entire
country-to save rubber.

a 0

T HE Detroit Free Press likes the idea
of a federal sales tax. It prefers the
sales tax to the income tax not because it wants.
the government to nip you every time you buy
a loaf of bread, but because it believes that
spending must be cut down to prevent inflation.
So it comes out against the present income tax
plan of Congress and proposes a sales tax:
"The effect of this maneuver (the income tax),
if it succeeds will be greatly to increase income
taxes of persons already paying such levies,
without cutting deeply enough Into lower in-
come groups materially to check the spending
that threatens to push the cost of living to disas-
trous heights.",
YOU SJE, the Free Press isn't arguing that the
lower income groups should be taxed because
they deserve to be taxed as much higher groups.
No sir, none of that pitting one class, against
another. The Free Press advocates a sales tax
because it will accomplish more.
The only thng wrong with the argument is
that it side-steps a very pertin nt issue. The
argument is narrowed down to two alternatives:
Either we will have effective decreases in con-
sumer spending under the sales tax or we will
lave ineffective clamps on spending under the
progressive income tax.
The fact that the main reason for use of a
progressive income tax in peacetime is that dif-
ferent groups will not be taxed unfairly, is not
taken into consideration. The fact that this
fairness, this equality is destroyed by a sales tax
is also not taken into consideration. The fact
that compulsory savings-war bonds--can ac-
complish what they call for, prevention of in-
flation, is not even mentioned.
NOBODY IS KICKING about having to sacri-
fice goods now for the war effort. But the
point is, that a general sales tax now is like a
general sales tax any time; it hits the people
most who can least afford it. Everyday transac-
tions, food, clothing, transportation, become sub-
ject to taxation. On the other hand so much
of the reserve cash that is being built up in
profits by large income groups and not spent
now will be left untouched.
A heavy progressive incon e tax plus compul-
sory savings will cut down the buying power of
everybody right now. And when the reckoning
cmes after the war, people will have something
to show for their efforts and sacrifice, some-
thing which will be a better substitute for "war
profiteeriri"" --Myron Dann
How To Help
Wi' TheWar.
ERE IS A CHANCE for every motor-
H ist to have his individual drive for
victory :, He may cut down speed and drive more
safely and thus help to lessen the number of
traffic accidents that are causing so many in-
juries and deaths. The suggestion was made re-
cently by Capt. Caesar J. Scavarda, head of the
traffic division of Michigan State Police.
What do civilian accidents have to do with
the Nation's war effort? This is an all-out
war program in which every citizen must
accept responsibility. When workers are killed
or injured, their places must be filled and
there is temporary delay and loss. Any accident
involving injury may require nurses and physi-

Pelley Trial
Democratic Triumph.

" 0

VOL. LII No. 46-S
All Notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
Summer Session before 3:30 p.m. of the
day preceding its publication except on
Saturday. when the notices should be
submitted before 11:3 a.m.
Opportunities for men and women
in the Bureau of Ships, Navy Depart-
ment. A request ha been received
for names and addresses of men and
women with one or more years of
college work in engineering or
science, and for women interested
in clerical work. The positions about
to be opened are in the United States
Bureau of Ships and are civilian in
character. Anyone interested is in-
vited to seek further informaton at
the War Information Center, 1009
Angel] Hall.
Commissions as Instructors in the
Navy Department. The Navy De-
partment has requested a list of men
between the ages of, twenty-five and
forty years who are qualified to teach
physics or chemical, Diesel, electrical,
mechanical, or radio engineering.
Commissions are available for those
who meet physical and other qualifi-
cations. The minimum vision re-
quirement is 12/20, each eye, cor-
rected to 20/20 with glasses. Anyone
interested should leave his name with
the Chairman of the Department of
Physics or with the Chairman of any
of the engineering departments men-
tioned. Prompt action is essential.
War Information Center.
If you have purchased improved
property on a land contract and owe
a balance of approximately 60 per-
cent of the value of the property,
the Investment Office, 100 South
Wing of University Hall, would be
glad to discuss the possibilities of
refinancing your contract through
the medium of a mortgage. Such re-
financing may effect a savings in
The Storehouse Building will act
as a receiving center for scrap rub-
ber and also metals. Any depart-
ment on the Campus having metals
or rubber to dispose of for defense
purposes, please call Ext. 337 or 317
and the materials will be picked up
by the trucks which make regular
janitors is available to collect the
campus deliveries. Service of the
materi'als from the various rooms in
the buildings to be delivered to the
receiving location.
E. C. Pardon
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments has received notice of the fol-
lowing State of Michigan Civil Serv-
ice Examinations:
School Principal I; September 2,
1942; $155 to $195 per month.
Insurance Executive IV; Sept. 2,
1942; $325 to $385 per month.
Journalist I; Sept. 2, 1942; $15 to
$195 per month.
Right of Way Assistant I; Sept. 2,
1942; $155 to $195 per month.
Right of Way Assistant II; Sept.
2, 1942; $200 to $240 per month.
AttendingInstitution Dentist II;
Sept. 2, 1942; $200 to $240 per month.
Resident Institution Dentist II;
Sept. 2, 1942; $200 to $240 per month.
Public Health Dentist IV; Sept. 2,
1942; $325 to $385 per month.
Public Health Dentist V; Sept. 2,
1942; $400 to $500 per month.
Hospital Physician V; Sept. 12,
1942; $400 to $500 per month.
Hospital Physician VI; Sept. 12,
1942; $525 to $625 per month.
Further information may be had
from the notices which are on file
in the office of the Bureau of Ap-

pointments, 201 Mason Hall, office
hlours 9-12 and 2-4.
Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information
Academic Notices
Faculty of College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts; College of
Architecture and Design; School of
Education; School of Forestry and
Conservation; School of Music, and
School of ?ublic Health:
Class lists for use in reporting
Summer Session grades of under-
graduate students enrolled in these
units, and also graduate students in
the Schools of Forestry and Conser-
vation, Music, and Public Health,
were mailed Monday, August 17.
Anyone failing to receive theirs
should notify the Registrar's Office,
{Miss Day, phone 582, and duplicates
will be prepared for them.
Teaching Departments wishing to
recommend tentative Summer Ses-
sion graduates from the College of
Literature, Science, and the Arts
and the School of Education for De-
partmental Honors should send such
names to the Registrar's Office,
Room 4, University Hall, before Au-
gust 21, 1942. Recommendations for
Summer Term graduates should be
filed not later than the 25th of Sep-
tember. -

We have to'take back most of what we said last
week about the trial of Williav Dudley Pelley
for sedition. The defense didn't succeed in bring-
ing forward witnesses to testify that the United
States was a bankrupt nation or that the whole
Pacific fleet was sunk in Pearl Harbor. The pro-
secution didn't float a battleship into court
to prove that its paint wasn't chipped. In fact,
Special Prosecutor Oscar R. Ewing presented
such a convincing case that the jury of Indi-
ana farmers found the prisoner guilty on each of
eleven counts.
Pelley is the fourths American to be convicted
of sedition (his two associates being the fifth and
sixth). The three who preceded him were George
Christians, Ellis Noble and Robert Jones, all of
whom had made plainly seditious statements. It
seems that the Department of Justice is start-
ing cautiously with the fanatics and crackpots
who are easy to convict, in hope of establih-
ing precedents that will lead to the conviction
of more powerful seditionists. The danger is
that the Department of Justice may be moving
too slowly; the war won't wait. But Mr. Biddle
and his staff deserve great credit for effectively
fighting sedition under our peacetime laws, with-
out insisting that Congress should limit our civil
rights by passing new ones.
-The New Republic



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By Lichty


"How about you?-Would YOU care to accept a job as a;


Doctoral Examination for John4
Emil Tilford, Jr.; field: English Lan-I
guage & Literature; thesis: "George
Borrow as a Literary Artist," will be
held on Wednesday, August 19, in
3223 Angell Hall, at 3:30 p.m. Chair-
man, W. G. Rice.
By action of the ExecuLive Board
the Chairman may invite .members
of the faculties and advanced doc-
toral candidates to attend the exam-
ination and he may grant permis-
sion to those who for sufficient rea-
son might wish to be present.
Exchange Fellowships and Profes-
sorships Leaflets and other informa-
tion pertaining to th Exchange
fellowships and professorships in
Latin-America provided by the gov-
ernment of the United States under
the convention for the promotion' of
inter-American cultural relations can
be obtained in the office of the In-
ternational Center by anyone inter-
College of Literature, Science, and
The Arts, and Architecture; Schools
of Education, Forestry, Music and
Public Health: Summer Session stu-
dents wishing a transcript of this
summer's work only should file a re-
quest in Room 4 U. H. several days
before leaving Ann Arbor. Failure
to file this request before the end
of the session will result in a need-
less delay of several days.
Students and Faculty, Summer
Session; College -of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts: The attention of
students and faculty is called to the
following regulation of the College:
It should be noted that a report of
X (absent from examination) does,
not guarantee a make-up examina-
tion. An instructor must, in fairness
to those who take the final exami-
nation at the time announced for it,
give make-up examinations only to
students who have a legitimate rea-
son for-'absehce.
Faculty, Summer Session, College
of Literature, Science and the Arts:
It is requested by the Administrative
Board that all instructors who make
reports of Incomplete or Absent from
Examination on grade-report-sheets
giveralso information showing the
character of the part of the work
which has been completed. This may
be done by use of the symbols, I(A),
X(D), etc.
1. Students enrolled in the eight
weeks summer session and having in
their possession books drawn from
the University, are notified that such
books are due Wednesday, August 19.
2. The names of all students en-
rolled in the eight weeks summer ses-
sion who have not cleared their rec-
ords at the Library by Friday, August
21, will be sent to the Recorder's Of-
fice where their semester's credits
will be held up until such time as said
records are cleared, in compliance
with the regulations of the Regents,
Those who have won prizes in the
Summer Hopwood Contests should
receive their notices before six o'clock
this Wednesday, August 19.
Students who have competed in
the summer Hopwood contests should
call for their manuscripts at the
Hopwood Room Friday afternoon or
Saturday morning.
Doctoral Examination for Samuel
James Eldersveld; field: Political
Science; thesis: "A Study of Urban
Electoral Trends in Michigan, 1920-
1940," will be held on Thursday, Au-
gust 20, in East Council Room,
Rackham, at 2:00 p.m. Chairman,
J. K. Pollock.

dollars for failing to submit requests
to initiate, and two fraternities were
fined twenty dollars each for failing
to call for the requests after they
had been checked.
This action is to serve as a warn-
ing that ignorance of the correct
procedure will no longer be toler-
A special concert by the University
of Michigan Summer Session Choir
has been arranged for ;his evening
at 8:30 in Hill Auditorium, to which
the public is invited.
Maynard Klein,' director, has.
planned an interesting program to
include works by Palestrina, Thomas
Morley, Brahms, Delius, R. Vaughan
Williams and Randall Thompson.
The A Cappella Choir and Madrigal
'Singers will participate in the con-
cert and a composition by Blair ec-
Closky, guest instructor of voice at
the School of Music, will b' pre-
Student Recital: The Summer
Session Chamber Music Class under
the direction of professor Hans Pick
will present a program at 4:15 p.m.
today in the Rackham Assembly Hall,
Works by Bach, Mozart, Beethoven,
Schubert, Bruckner, Schelling and
Milhaud will be included in the re-
cital, which is open to the public.
Secondary School Theatre: "Time
for Romance", a three-act comedy by
Alice Gerstenberg, will be presented
by the Secondary School Theatre of
the Department of Speech at 8:30
p. m. Wednesday in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre. Admission will be
free. As only a limited nunber of
seats will be available, patrons in-
terested in this production are urged
to come early. The doors will be
closed as soon as the theatre is full.
Doors open at 8 p. m.
Maintaining Morale, a lecture, by
William Clark Trow, professor of ed-
ucational psychology, Wednesday,
August 19, 4:05 p.m., University High
Episcopal Students: Tea will be
served for Episcopal students sand
their friends this afternoon at Har-
ris Hall, 4:00 to 5:15. Evening Prayer
will be said at 5:15 in Bishop Wil-
liams Chapel.
Wesley Foundation: Student Tea
and Open House today from 4:00-
5:30 p.m. in the Student Lounge at
the Methodist Church.
The Angell Hall Observatory will
be open for visitors on Thursday,
August 20, from 9 to 11 p.m. for ob-
servation of THE MOON. The Otb-
lie is invited. Children must be ac-
companied by adults.
The Midwest. Avukah Camp will be
held at Chelsea, Mich., from the 28th
of August to Labor Day. The U. of
M. chapter' will attend on the week-
ends. Discussions, lectures, sports,
and social activities will comprise
the program. Further information
may be obtained from William Schu-
mer at 7945.
Graduate Outing Club: The eight-
week period is drawing to a close but
not so the activities of the Graduate
Outing Club. New friends and .old
who enjoy outdoor recreatioi are in-
vited to meet at the north door'of
the Rackham Building on Sunday,
August 23, at 2:30 p.m. Plans will
be made for the remaining few weeks
of the summer term followed by a
hike to some nearby spot and a pic-
nic 'supper.

An Axe To Grin71d

A FRIEND OF MINE just told me about what
happened to him when he was in high school.
He was a nice simple =guy with nice tastes, just
went his own sweet harmless way. Everybpdy
hated him; he got good marks on exams.
Finally the fellow got a sick headache, and
a "D" on a Physics test; two weeks later he was
elected president of his senior class (he was a
Now none of that is true, but it might very
well be. And that is why I write, mainly to show
how you can get the most out of your college
You've seen it happen time and again, some
nice guy, who really seems like a regular fellow,
one of the gang, and what does he do, study,
study, and more study. There's something wrong
there, and it's about time we got to theroot of
THERE BRE ALL SORTS of guys here like
that and all of them are bad. Take the guy
who likes to study, he just doesn't have any
fun at all. Why if0 he really knew what the
score was he could take some of his time, and
go out and meet some real people, not burrow
around in books. That's the kind of fellow that

our rooms, and Charlie (sure you remember
Charlie, he went with that Wallace girl, she
ywas a Phi Psi at State) suggested a game of
bridge. Well, would you believe it, one of the
boys said he had to go study, something about a
good book, not even a bluebook the next day 01.
anything. And we didn't even have a fourth.
And if you're one of that sort, you needn't try
and get out of it either. There are too many
around here as deceitful about how much work
they've put in. You know the kind of scab who
comes out of a bluebook-"No, I flunked it
cold, I mean, I didn't get a chance to study, just
went through the notes once." The last time a
guy pulled that he had circles under his eyes
that looked like an all-night session. Well, sir,
we don't put up with that around here. Health
Service released him a week later.
IT ALL DEPENDS what you're here for-if you
want to waste your time with your nose in a
book, -learning a lot of damnfool theories that
never did any good at all, and that a good hard
year in business will knock ,clean out of your
head, well, o. k., that's your business, and worse
luck to you. But if you really want to get the
most out of this place, well, get out there and


Episcopal Students: There will be

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